The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 15, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    l-'.'IVP'ICITV OP tlllK
" r-Ti:i:vp crtPn
The Klamath
Dally vrg distribution for the
mouth auUlDC March II, HIT
The Khsssth Nzz
Official Paper
of Klamath Falls
Mf"br Audit Tiurean ol
Vol. 4, No. 184 Price Five Cent
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Row Now
In Court
Pine Grove Rancher
Filet Suit Demanding
$9980 for Taxpayers;
Alleges Illegalities
Fight over Klamath county
timber cruising wa drawn
into the court Tuesday when
S. E. Iccnbice, farmer in the
Pino tirovo district, filed suit I
against the Portland firm of
Edgar & CulliKon, timber!
cruisers, mid K. II. HuniicllJ
ex-county judire, and Ilurrel
Short, county commissioner,
asking that $9980 paid the J
cruiser be returned to the tax
payer. Th rancher, whose ault la gen
erally accepted aa an expression of
III timber owner In Klamath
county wbo have been fighting the
Kilitar A Culllaon rrulao, churge
Ilia parlies named In Ilia ault with
conspiracy ami fraud In ronniH tlo.i
with Ihn limber rrulliac contracts
awarded In 151.'..
Ircnhlcv'a complaint la that thu
defendants, Iliinnrll anil Short,
awarded a Miiiiplenirnlal contract to
Edgar t'nlllann In 1!S. In ad
dition to a ISO. uiii) rrulaltig con
tract already given, tho aum -of
the latter being for !.
Ili bIo allegoa In hla ault that
In order to mart tho coat nf the
upplrnienlal ronlrnrt, the defend
ania "wrongfully noil utiln wfitlly
attempted anil pretended to m'ke
an additional budget Item ot 110,
Ouo and thereafter paid the defend
ante Kdglir Culllaon Iho aum
of lOSMO.f
The hand of . the timber ownera
la aeen behind the latest move In
the rrnlae row, through the fart
tlml Iho rancher la represented by
Kuykendnll 'Knykendnll, I Ml
law firm; McCamnnl Thnmpaon.
nf Portland and Venalo Y Veaile
of Porllnnd.
Government Owns
Much Timber Here
The Wllann Abstract company
yesterday Yecelved a ahlpment o(
huge mapa ot Klamath county
meaaurlnit by I feel. Horns of the
ninpa were rnlored for the purpose
of aliowlnn th ownerahlp of lim
ber In the ronnly.
In looking orer the vsrlous acre
ages the fart moat striking la tho
amount of timber and other landa
atlll under government ownership
In thla rnnnty.
The Indian reservation alone
takea up about a fourth of the
county, the United State foreat
reaerve. ton. cornea In for a lame
allre of tho timber lands In the
nnrlh and went pnrtlona and the
remainder of the timber according;
to the cnlora on the mnp cornea
under the prlvnte ownerahlp ot the
Kreemont l.and company, Shevlln
lllxon Lumber company. Weyer-
hauaer Timber company. II. K. 011
rhrlat. W. A. (Illrhriat, 8. O. John-
ann, Vawkey Lumber company, Long
Hell Lumber company, J. I'. Hoper
Prank limit In. Alumna Lumber com-
pony, Oaknah Land and Timber
cotnpnny, It. II. and Cheater Ilovey.
1'ellcan liny Lumber rompnny, wll
Ham Klttrtdg. Itoe-llurgns Lund
rntnpnny, J. 1). Lnrny and company,
Kwnuna Hnx company, Charles P.
lliny, and Western Pacific Land
Torture of Insane
Revealed by Probe
on virion oi torturing mm iiruinuy
treating Inanno patlenia nt tho Men
docino atnlo hoapltal, Mr. Mar
garet Hnnslnw, an nttondnnt, nt tho
Inatltutlnn, linn been dlainlaaed from
, Btjlo aervlre.
At a civil aervlre trial Mr. Sana
low wna found guilty of gouging
koya Into the nerka and foot of wo
men patient until they acrenmed In
aitony. of drngglng th women by
their hnlr, and of knocking thorn
down and Jumping on them.
Mr. Hanslow's nrtlnna became
known after wnunda, cnuard by hor
assaults, had become Infected.
IMlOVINrKTlfU'V, .Mum., Juiio
1 ,,V Tlio liiut town eryvr
Iiiui rMltiit. A nitMtcfii not Ire In
tin IWnI wiH'kly U'lU flic? dloryl
'NoliVe Wither T. Hnii.h,
town (-i)' I""- 27 yrjun, lin r
Urn! fnmt llio l)H'Hrr'lii( IiuhU
III (Ml MtYlltinf Of IllM iMMirilOMH.
Nihil h In nnw 7H )inni olil."
tl In (Iip flml ttmrt In I lie iitrin
ory nf ilu oMoMt InhiiMlnnt llwit
rrmtitpftowii Iimh Imth wllhout
lln vryvr tout IiIh rliinKliiK Im'IL
4,000 Banqueters
Fly to Paris With
Colonel Lindbergh
Hero of Nation Outline Hi
Famou Non-Stop Journey
Across Atlantic for Benefit
of Guests.
NBW VOItK. June 14. P P.
Colonel ctinrlee I.lndberah. acrom
p i li lid by 4.0U0 gueala of tho city
of New York, ut a humiuot In tho
ballroom of the Coinmodnr hotel
lonlaht. reflew hla hlatnrlc non
alop flight from New York to Pnrla.
A mlnnture airplane repaentlng
th "Hpirlt of Hi. Loula," waa
thrown acroaa the ballroom from
a aettlng reprearnllng th akylln
of New York on on aide, to a
irplira of the Kiffol lower ou the
Aa th plane progreeaed arro
the dimly lighted ballroom. (Jrover
Whalen. nf I he mayor's reception
committee, read the log of the fa
tnoiitt lliaht na carried hv the t'nltcd
Preaa from the time ("tie Utile mono
plane left the flying field on Long
Island to Mt) hour later It lauded
l li lloumet, near Parla.
"Now that rn'ople have
f'.own to Pnrla with you. you ar.i
no longer," Mnyhr Jlmmle
Walker sold aa the llttln plane
completed Its courao acroaa the open
aea of parked humanity.
Club Members of
County Broadcast
Pour of the Klnmnth county,
delegation of (IK rluh member and
leader who Journeyed to Oregon
Agricultural college Sunday whero
hoy and girla from all parta of the
elate are atudylng In the two, week'
summer courao ther In club work.
apoke over radio atnllon KOAC
Mondny night. It wa announced
her Tuesday by wire from Frank
Sexton, county club leader.
T h o a o brnadraatlng were Mr.
Whltlntch. of Merrill. Miss Thins
Anderson, club leader. Pay Jennette
and Vern Whltlatrh, Sexton slated
In hla communication to th New.
"O. M. Plummer and Paul V.
Marls, expert In club work, ad
dressed the ontlre group of 600
delegalea from all parts of Oregon,
at the aasembly Tuesday," Sex
Inn' wire' atnted.
The group attended rlnascs Tuea
day after registration Monday, he
aald, following an enjoyable trip.
0. C. & E. Crew to
Be Enlarged Soon
The crew nnw working on the
extension of the O. C. E, from
Hprague River to Lakevlew, under
John Morgan, contractor, la anon
to be Increased, It was learned
Tuesday night.
N. II. Ilngue, chief engineer for
the Oregon California A Knatorn,
confirmed the report that additional
equipment and men are to lio
thrown Into the field to speed up
work on the St r a horn extension,
but refused to slate what day th
present force will be supplemented.
lie intimated that more men
would be placed on the project
aomethno this week.
The work under Morgan ha pro
greaaed favorably, with chief ac
tivity centered on eitablishlng grado
for the proposed extension. So f ir
nothing ha been don toward be
ginning other proposed extension
of the O. C. ft K. In the gprngue
Hlvcr country, Mogno said.
PAHA, Drnall, June 14. U.P.
After hope for their rescue prnc
tically had been abandoned, Mnjpr
Pnrmcnlo Bolre, Portugese flyor
and hi crew, missing since they
took off for tho United Stntca In
tho senplnno Argn ono woek ago,
were found by fishermen 30 miles
north of Parn.
Tho flyer were broimht hero
aboard a special train Tuesday
night. Major llelrc said thai hi
plane was wrecked and sank Tues
day, Just when they hnd begun
their Journey northward towards
Oeorgfown, British Qulane.
Of Youth
Is Cause
Of Arrest
Woman Kill. Boy Who
Trespassed on Prop
erty; Says She Shot
Defending Husband
(UP) The complaint charjr
inj? the murder of 14-year-old
itenaldo Frazzini, was iwtued
againHt Mr. Louise Cable, 45,
prominent Ix Angeles phy
nicinn, by the district attor
ney' office late Tuesday.
The action followed the ver
dict of a coroner's jury who
found the ".hooting of the
youth last Sunday waa not jus
tifiable. Young Fraiilul died a few min
utes after he was wounded by Mrs.
Cable In an altercation over tres
passing on the Cable property. At
the Inquest Tuesday, Domlnlnl
Prnislnl, father ot the dead boy.
aald he. with hi two aons, were
hunting rabbit when Cuhlo order
ed them off tho premise.
lie asserted they were Just ready
to drive away when Mr. Cable ran
from tho Catile house, look deliber
ate aim, and fired at th youth.
Ill teatlmony wa corroborated by
Albino, the brother.
Yoiunn Weep
Mr. Cable wept a ah told how
her huaband had been attacked by
(he Pratilnl when be remonstra
ted with them for trespassing. She
aald ah picked up th gun and
came running to Cable's aid.
The revolver, she claims, was dis
charged when she slipped on a
spot of soft earth. Cable substan
tiated his wife's testimony, but said
ho had not seen the shot fired,
sinco his 'hack waa turned.
llnjrjroil No Giuno ,
The elder Pratslnl denied that
he or hla two aons had seen any
"no hunting" signs on the Cable
properly, and also said that they
(Continued on Pnfte Two)
Coolidge to Talk
En Route to Camp
14. At Approval was given by
President Coolidge today a he sped
wcatwurd acroaa the farm belt for
a summer In th Dlark billa ot
South Dakota, for a full fledged
reception arranged tor him when
the train reaches Pierre, capital of
South Dakota, tomorrow noon.
At th request of Coventor Bu
low and Senator TCorbeck of that
state, the president has con
sented to leave the train at Pierre.
It Is also likely that he will par
ticipate In a parade about the city,
which la planned by the state of
ficials as part of th official wel
enmo to the president.
Away from hla office for the
first time in months. Mr. Coolidge
waa up early and ready to greot
the crowd which gathered at op
erating stops made by the sperlnl
train as It crossed Ohio and nor
thern Indiana today.
At Hammond, Ind.e be will leave
the train to dedlrate Wicker Mem
orial park this afternoon. At Wll
Inrd. Ohio, the first stop msde
after breakfast, tho president hid
to turn over the Job of speaking to
Rob Roy and Prudence Prim, the
white house collies, who barked a
noisy hello from the rear platform.
"That I tho best kind ot plat
form speech," the president smil
ingly remarked between barks, and
tho crowd roared.
Those were his only word dur
ing the ten-minute wait while en
gines wore changed, except for an
expression that tho sky appeared to
bo clearing after night of rain.
PORTLAND, June 14. An an
cient tragedy, perhaps murder,
wa being Investigated by Portland
police tonight, following the find
ing ot human bones In local els.
The hones wore found when Tay
lor Brothers, local contractors, start
ed excavating on a lot In a resi
dential section bordering the busi
ness qlstrlct.
lUM-HKHTKR, N. Y., June 14.
OP) Koreet fMim, a wvrnty-flvc-Mrre
rountrjr t.tule at North
t'lilll, today wa given by tho
owner, Mia Mnry Warner Hnupp,
to the Itorbratflr Dog- Protective
aNsurbuhm for iuae as a linven
for hotnWe anitnal. Chubby, a
hlg white homo tlmt for twenty
six rr ct-ved the Rochester
flro department, will ho among;
tlie first to 'find a home on lb"
farm A kennel bousing at least
too dogs will he built, anil a
wooded section of the farm will
las devoted! to use aa a bird sanc
tuary. Insanity Plea May
Fiirure in Grayson
Murder Trial Here
Defense Counsel Feel Out
Prospective) Juror On At
titude Toward Insanity Ex
oneration. ;
Tliat tlw di'frne counael, W. A
Wind and Kay Morris, may at
tempt in clear Jans- II. tint) son.
aged Modor coaiity rancher, of
flrni degrro auuMrr charge on
ground of Insanity, wa Indicated
Tuesday In clmtM court when at
the opening of the trlnl the two
attorney beg questioning pros
pective Juror a to their opposi
tion of insanity defense.
Countering Uie attacks of the
defense lawyers, the state, repres
ented by William Duncan, district
attorney, and bjs deputy, U. 8. Hal
lentyno. Is expected to attempt to
how thnt allegations concerning
threat the aged farmer had prev
iously threatened both Mrs. Myrtle
(irnyson and Jaca Sullivan, over j
whom the quarrel which ended In
Mrs. tlrayson's death. Is alleged to
have started.
Grayson, aged 70. Is charged with
the fatal shooting of his daughter-lu-law.
Mrs. C.rayson. on the street
of Malln, on Saturday night. March
Circuit Judge Av L. Leavltt w
forced to call for a venire of IS
additional Jurymen before noon
Tuesday when the Jury panel was
exhausted. Eleven Jurora were then
in (he box. acceptable to the state,
with the defense having used six of
Its peremptory challenges.
Orayaon showed no signs of nerv
ousness as the . trial progressed
through It preliminary stages Tues
day, and his entire manner bespoke
utter confidence.
"All I ask is that the truth be
told," he declared. "If only facts
are related, I have nothing to
Eclipse of Moon
Four Days Early
Something went wrong with the
calculations of the wiseacres, or
elso a planet got out of Its course
Tuesday night, as residents of this
city stopped on the streets to gate
at an almost total eclipse .of tho
moon a phenomenon occuring Just
tour evenings too soon, according
to astronomical advices.
The eclipse was scheduled for
June 18, with no stipulations from
the experts relative to a possible
earlier occurrence. No evidence if
panic among those who may hnve
taken the unexpected eclipse aa a
forewarning of dire calamity, was
seen in this city.
The eclipse in Juno Is one of
two that will, according to scient
ial, occur this month. Another
eclipse of the moon is due to take
place lata this month, but It will
be dlscernable only in regions ot
northern Europe.
Frenchmen Crash
In Trip Attempt
June 14.-U.P.-A French attempt
to regain the non-stop distance roc
ord recently taken by the American
plane Columbia, ended Tuesday tn
disaster which nearly cost tho lives
of two of the country's most prom
inent aviators.
('apt. Pelletler D'Olsy, and Lieut.
Onnln narrowly escaped death when
the piano in which they hope to
fly to India burst Into flamea and
crashed to the ground here. Both
flyers were slighting burned on
their hands and faces In the ex
plosion and tire.
Overloading caused the accident.
The craft had risen about 150 feet
when the crash came. It was
found thnt tho motor overheated,
setting fire to the gasoline tank,
which waa directly behind It. The
plane was destroyed.
Oregon and Washington: Cloudy
on roast; rain tomorrow; southorn
sections fair end warmer.
In Probe
On Booze
Peace Officers, Gang
sters and Rum Run
ners May . be Indicted
for Liquor Cargo
(Ur) Kum runner, gang-
sters, deputy sheriffs and even
a welfare worker, were sub.
pocnaed Tuesday night to ap
pear before a federal grand
jury Wednesday to tell what
'they know of the asserted
j "running" Of $2,000,000 Worth
of liquor through Orange
county under the "protection"
of deputy sheriffs and state
motorcycle officers.
While the Hat of intended wit-i"
n esses waa closelr rnarded. it was
learned that Mrs. Ann Philnott. I
mother of Madge Bellamy, motion I
picture actress, had been summoned. I
poena as concerned her, U. S.
operatives declared.
Her testimony is expected to deal
with conditions in the Orange coun
ty Jail as she precelved them dur-
vlalts In prison welfare work.
Twenty Indictment
Some 20 Indirtments are expected
to be returned Wednesday. The gov
ernment will attempt to prove the;
rum combine landed several ship
loads of liquor at Laguna and Seal
beaches and paid Orange county of
ficials so much per ae- to see that
It wa not bothered enroute to Lost
Angeles. - ; '
Thone alleged to have given "pro
tection" to the rum runners are
principally deputy sheriffs, although
It is believed that one or two pol
icemen may be involved in the boote
scsndal before the probe is complet
ed. .
With virtually all deputies reput
ed to have "been In on the graft."
their hush money cost them no ef
fort other than that of turning
their backs on the rum runners.
Byrd Awaits Good
Weather for Hop
NEW YORK. . June 14. (VP)
Commenting on a report that he
planned to hop oft for France to
morrow night or early Thursday
morning. Commander Richard E.
Byrd said this afternoon thai he
would not leave nntil the weather
was propitious. He declined to com
ment on the report that his pro
jected flight would be a round
trip with only a brief stop in Paris.
At the Byrd hangar at Roose
velt field, mechanics professed Ig
norance about the plans for a
round trip flight, but there seemed
to be a feeling of excitement and
secrecy about the hangar which sug
gested that something unusual was
In the air.
The trl-motored Fokker America,
which will be manned by Byrd and
Pert Acosta. who with Chamber
lln holds the world record for en
durance flying, was said to be in
readiness for a hop off whenever
It should be decided to leave.
James Kimball, of the weather
bureau at New York, questioned by
telephone concerning atmospheric
cnndltlous, said that as he had
) been given to understand that
Byrd would not leave betore the
en(, of ,h( he had ,aken
steps to compile weather cherts,
lie had no data, he said, concern
ing probnble conditions for the
other side ot the ocean, but on this
side there was stormy . weather,
which would not be favorable for
How the Imagination nf youth has
been gripped by the glamor of
trans-Atlantic flying Is reflected tn
applications for service with tl a
army air corps.
During the past few weeks, con
ditions for flying honors have more
than doubled the .usual quota at
recruiting stations, and inquiries
about the servlco have swamped In
formation officers at the war department.
HTtM'KTOV, June 14. HI
first wife wa married once. Hi
second! wife was married twice.
Ill third wife wo married thrice.
Ill fourth wife wa to be mar
ried! for the fourth time today.
Till wa the story told Deputy
County Clerk It. K. (irahaiu to
day by Harry Motrin Morton, 01,
Harramrnto, when he applied for
a marriage license In company
with hi bride to be, Virginia
It u I tun, rOt also of Hocramento.
Explosion Causes
$15,000 Blaze on
Campus of 0. A. C.
Student Working With Chemi
cal in Laboratory Forced
to Exit By Way of Fire
CORVALL1S. June 14. (U.P)
An explosion In the chemical en
gineering laboratory of the Oregon
' Agricultural college today started
J a flee which resulted In damages
'estimated at
Tb laboratory Is on the fourth
"T ot utry ouiiamg, na
;D. e. Laur. Portland, who wa.
' no rlinsntln In tlia AAm wa tn r
. " ' ' i
led to us the fire escape, as the
flames had cut him off from
inr vas experimenting with
cedar oils and turpentine when
,, . . ,u
explosion occurred in the other end
of the room.
The Corvallls fire department re
sponded to the alarm call and quick
ly extinguished the flames. A
major portion of the damage Is
from water, which soaked down
through lower floors of the build
ing. ,
Twins May be Held
In Multnomah Jail
June 14. JP Ray and Roy De
Autremont, 'held In Ohio for al
leged complicity with their brother
Hugh, now on trial for murder,
growing out ot the same crime, will
In all probability, be held in the
Multnomah county Jail at Portland,
according to Special Prosecutor
George M. Roberts and District At
torney Newton C. Chaney. ' The
twins are expected to start for Ore
gon the latter part of this week
from Columbus, Ohio, in custody of
Sheriff Ralph Jennings.
The reason given for the deten
tion of the pair in Multnomah
county is inadequate facilities at
No date has been set for the ar
raignment for the DeAntremont
twins, and the tentative date for
the trial has been fixed tor some
time In August.
No arrangements as yet have
been made by their parents for
providing counsel for them.
Plans for Year to
n f .aa j rp 1 Tor a transcontinental railroad Into
ISC UUllineQ lOflayiKlamath Falls, was received by the'.,
1 : . i. n.. .
An Interesting program hss been
outlined for the chamber of com
merce luncheon this noon, accord
ing to Lynn P. Sabln. executive
secretary. Members of the chamber
will be the speakers, giving the
plans for the work which Is hoped
to be accomplished by the chamber
ot commerce for the' coming year.
The program of the chamber ot
commerce for the coming year wilt
be specifically outlined by It. F.
Durbln. director of the program of
work committee.
J. J. Miller, a member ot the ex
cursion to San Francisco comm't-teo-
wilt tell about the big time
coming July 12, 13, 14, In the ex
cursion to ( Sacramento and San
The Fourth ot July celebration
plana will be outlined by Fred
Glover, and he will tell what his
committee has In store for the en
joyment, of the community at that
Installation of
Nineteen Planned
Public Installation ot officers of
Jnb'a Daughters will be held on
Thursday evening at eight o'clock,
at Masonic hall.
An Invitation to parents ot tho
young women, members of tho
Eastern Star, DcMnlay and Masons
has been extended to attend the
Installation. '
At this time 19 young women
will be Installed. Annual election
of the officers took place two
week ago.
Here To
See Modoc
Builder of Natron Cut-'
Off and Assistant En- '
gineer for S. P. Will
Spend Week on Project
Further proof of the sincer
ity of the Southern Pacific in
starting construction of the
Modoc Northern and the plan
of that company to ultimately
connect Klamath Falls and At
turas for a new adjunct to a
transcontinental line, was giv
en Tuesday with the arrival"
here of Major O. E. McKen-
! net, the engineer who built '
i the Natron Cut-off, and Ru.
ex-1, chase, wisint engineer
for the Southern Pacific, for
j several days' supervision of ,
the newly begun project, , !
The two engineers spent amt of
the day Tuesday along the surveyed .
route of the Modoc Northern, Bear ',
Merrill, and. will probably remai
here the balance of tho weak to
get the rail Job lined ont for later
apeedier construction. .
MrKennrtt May Be la Charge
Whether McKennett will bet ae-'
tlvely In charge of all construction
ot the Modoc Northern could not
be learned last ' night, although
Cbaxe stated the two men will be
here several daya in eonnerrlou '
with the Klamath Falls- Aitaras.
Vn0' . . ' '
'"I cannot say how soon "thaVoVa;".
will be speeded up." Chas told
The News, "for I do not know all,
the company's plans for the new
line. More explicit announcement
may be forthcoming in a few days,' '
he admitted. - V
Several men with teams were at
work three miles- north of Merrill
Tuesday, carrying on the work '
started Monday on the Modoc Nor
thern. With scrapers they are '
throwing np a roadbed for the pro- 4;
posed railroad and expect to con.-
tinue Indefinitely.
More Crews
A number ot additional tools aad'-J
equipment, taken to the scene ot
the Modoc Northern construction'
Tuesday, Indicated that the pre- .'
ent force will be augmented today.
It Is rumored tn Merrill that. two'
more crews will be started to work
south ot Merrill before the end ot '
the week. " :
Confirmation of the report In
The Klamath News Tuesday mona i
Ing relative to Southern . Pacific,,
plans to begin broad-gauging the
N. C. ft O. railroad between Wea-
del. Talif and Tjikevlew On t .
once, as another step to provide.'
i li .... u rina uciq iuwj uui.
. Confirm Report , t V
The United Press report from .
San Francisco stated: "The Bar- -row
gauge 150-mlle Una between,
Wcndel and Lakevlew, via Alturas.
Will be converted Into a standard
Idth railroad at once, the South
ern Pacific has announced. '
"The reconstructed road may ban.
come a part of the line which th
Southern Pacific has proposed to
use as a transcontinental railroad.
According to previous estimates, the'1
cost of the reconstruction" ot thia .
line will be 1,77,000." ' '
May Fly Zeppelin ;
In Next Air Feat,
June 14. A Zeppelin flight around
the world Is the next great IpretSuV
Ised aerial venture. , , ',
Dr. Hugo Eckner, director ot the
Zeppelin company, announced today ..
thnt the LZ-137, 'now under con
structlon here, will cross th At
lantic between Germany and , the
United States "several times" and"
will tnen some time in lvzg, .at
tempt the circumnavigation ot the
globe. . .".." V i
The great Journey, he estimates,
will require three hundred hours.
It will necessitate the erection" of'
two anchor masts, one In Asiatic
Russia near the Pacific coast, -find i
the other tn the western United,''
States or Canada, to he used I adS
dltlon to the Lakehurst, N, J., an-'
rhorage. Permission to . una th
facilities at Lakehurst, Dr. Etkeiicf .
said, bad already been obtained, ,