The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 14, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Tuesday, 'June 14, ' 1927.'
Klamath Pelicans r
Win from Medford
Thi. Klamalh J'uIIcubs flew homn
from Medford Hundsy nlulit with
hratla hM hlih. ' and ' another d
clalve baseball victory In th brake
wliU h arV ranldly filling with hon
or gleaned In the. Routhurn Oro
1t loaine.
lly a 14 to J urore. Ills Klamath
team the brat tlml linn ever car
ried Hi colore of this city onto
. diamond took Knottier step for
ward In ll unb.'vikcn alrldn Inward
I'liamiilnnHlilt luiinla In I ho leatue
till axawin.
Thn lix-al linyii lied up thit sumo
In Ha early sluttes Holiday. With
four run In thn firm Innlnic. one
In tin, aerond and (our again In lh
third, thn I'ell.una quickly put thlr
opponent on lh defenalr i tanit
whlih they failed in auriiaa during
thn remainder or the gam.
llox Hcor:
lYIItan 1
All K II
llMlh. rf 5 I I
Kuller. rf 5 1 I
I'owell. . 4 1 1
llnhark, Sh I 0
I'radle. II) S I 1
Kom, If 6 t
llron, Jb & 2 I
I'eteraon S t 0
llvnlnti S 0 1
Ilaynrm I 0 0
' To Han VrniH'hro M la l.ll
Coin li lofl fur Ran Krant'laro,
whore h will vlalt for a week.
Mln . Faya (Irliilo la luklng lir
place nl th. Woulworlh store.
',''' i
To now rVallvnl Mr, and Mm.
George (Irlul have left fur Port
land, where lhtV will attend both
the rose festival "and thn grand
Masonic lodge convention. They
plan to re mil In a week.
' Irfave for Mouth -illll Hnillh, well !
loft for Hun Kroiiilsru, where h
will undergo a major operation.
Willi him were Mr. J, W, Nnlaon,
lil aunt, and Mrs. Oernldlue New
ell, both 'of 8(i n Pram-leeo. Rtnllh
will t gone about three weeks.
' From Itotehurii Kloyd flower
ntid Jotinlo Hunt, both of Roselmrg.
spent thn week-end here visiting.
Ilunl has Ix'on attending O. A. C.
and I woll known hero.
: n u :
All It II
II. Dunn, ft U 1
llanlry, II 4 0 1
Conlln, rf 4 n 0
Marklr, rf 4 0 1
llerlie. If 1 0
Odi'Shane, 3b ... 1 2
Adnlph. lb J I 1
lllll.c 4 0 0
lloaton, p 4 I) 0
II 1 I
Pitnimnry: Home funa. Adoli.h;
three-base hit. Vtnu: two-base hit.
Fobb; alrurk out: Hy Hellion. II;
bane on ball, Motion. 2: loft on
l.a; Medford. C; Klamath Fall.
6: wild pltrheK, Huston, I; dun
Vle play, llanloy to Adnlph, Hu
berk. to I'owell In llrown; paaaed
bull. I'eteraon. I.
Engineer Killed
, Crossing Tracks
ClllCA'cO. June 1.1. ;P Frank
llutchlnaon. 85. locomotive ' engl
iimt In the rmploy of lh Chi
cago Milwaukee and Ht. Taul rail
road forty-four yara without an
rcldnnt. dxldpit to lake a vaca
tion "wy from all railroad."
Hut "gottlng away" from rall
rnada w Dot an ray fur the "iwfc
engineer," , aa llutrhlnaon wa
known. At Curlpli Ont., he had
to drlre Ma automobile arroae rail
load trark. There waa a craah .
The bndlf of llutrhlnaon and hi
wife weral brought hvro for burial
Real Estate Man
Commtis Suicide
PORTLAND. Ore., June IS, (P)
E. Montgomery llrown. real e
tle man. i ended hi .life early to
day with plntol "hot In the hratl
at hi homo. 1181 Commercial
atreet. Dexpnndcnry due to 111
health waa glren aa the cauae.
For Better Or
'To lelforjl Mr. and Mr. Art
Kluip-r motored to Medford Run
d.iy, where they enjoyed the hull
llark from Kugene John llaw
klna haa returned from I-'. of O., and
pinna to remain for the eomim-r
llntnaker llark Kenton llamaker
haa returned from N. of O., where
he haa been attending arhonl for the
ipnat winter mnntha. Itumaker war.
! president of the Klamath county
high mhool atiidrnt body tnat year.
graduating In 'SC. He plana to re
main the aummer montha here,
l'l.lilng nl Hprlng (Vei-k' Among
the loral rqaldctita enjoying flahlng
at Spring creek Hundny were: Mr.
and Mra. Charlea Ilonart, Mr. and
Mr. Hoy Call and family, and 2.
R. Veairh and aon, nobble.
' '
VUllIng Willi )H hllootc Utile
Mia Valerie McCauley left for Aah
lund Kunday lo vlalt n forlnlght
with Mra. K. M. Chllcote, and daugh
ter rtuthmay..
Here for MWk-Knil Mr. E. M.
Chllcote apent tho week-end here
from Aahland.
Kmin llrnnilll Mr. NoU Kck
w In (he city from nrymlll on
bualnea over the week-end. '
, IxH-nllug Here Mr. and Mr. I,.
E. Taylor, formerly of Klamath
Falla, are again locating her from
Oakland. Calif. . , .
IIh AblMjr llrturna Ml Helen
Abbey, who ha been attending
achool at I', of O., rutiarned Sunday,
to apend the aummer here. Mi
Abbey I the daughlor of Mr. and
Mr. F. W. Abbey.
Allcn.l llnll (innie Mr. and Mr.
E. 0. Chllder motored to Medford
Sunday to . attend the Medford-
Klomolh Fall bnaeball game
Hlirphrril Ileturn Mr. and Mr.
Karl Shepherd have returned from
Medford and Aahland, where they
apent the greuter part of laal week
To Cherry Creek Lealte Peyton
apent Sunday, at Cherry creek on
buaineaa. Peyton owna the land in
that district, which la being made
Into a new reaort, JTherry Creek
l Uhlng Trip Mr. and Mra. N. R.
Drew and family apent the week
end on a flahlng trip on William
aon river.
Home from School Bryant Wil
liam haa returned from O. A. C.
nnd will work here during the aum
mer for tho Klamath Falla Cream-
- a a a
To Attend Funeral Mra. Dorothy
McCormlck. accompanied hy her
hiiahand, arrived In Klamath Fulls
from Inglewood, Calif., to arrange
for and attend the funeral of her
father, Sidney' Henry Voltaire, who
paaned away laat Friday morning.
a a
To Hoae- Festival Mr. and Mra.
J. I.. Hockley and Miaa Kvelyn Hock
ley are leaving today for Portland
to attend the rnae feativnl. They
will return Iho laat of the week,
a a a
From Yreka I. S. Dnvla and J. D.
Falrrhlld, both of Yreka, were In
the city yeaterday on bualnea.' Falr-
For worse' Wfllum Cattlgnn,
who once led the Bed Sox to the
height ii directing .the team J
again and here, lie i on the
coachlni line,' trying to figure
out the next move In lit elimina
tion "tourney , to weed out the
. .oiuff.. .- .-r..-1-r -
child la a well know attorney In the
mi I hern city.
a a
lliixlneaa and I'rofeaalnnal Women
Meet A bualnea meeting of the
Hualueaa and , I'rofuaalnnal Women
waa held laat night. A amlal hour
of brldga wait enjoyed Inter In the
evening. ,
a a a
Tn Hull flame Mr. and Mra. Kd
Knight, Mr. and Mra. John Meal and
Mia l.alla Walter, enjoyed tho
ball game at Medford Sunday. The
trip waa mnde hy motor.
Motor tn Valley Kd Dunham and
ann Don, mntored to Medfnrd Hun
day, whero tjiey enjoyed Ihe bnli
Vlalt' In North Heml Nell Rtew
art vlalted In North ilend over the
week-end. ,
a a a
Morion HiTe V. I.. Marlnn. west
ern repreaentatlve of the Silver Fox
company, apent the week-end In
Ihe rlly on buaineaa.
a a a
D. A. It. to Meet Kulnlan chap
ter of the D. A. ft. are to meet to
night at 7:45 at the Klka temple
to attend the Flug day reremonlea
there at eight o'rlock. There will
he a reaerved aection for the D. A.
It., and they will give Ihe flag
aalutc, led by Mra. Allen Sloan.
All member are urged to be pres
ent. a a ' a-
Marriage Announcement Deceive!
Word ha been received hero of
the marriage of MIk, F-IbI Olaen
and W. J. llrown. both of Medford.
on Juno 7. The bride la veil known
here, and la the (later of'Mlaa
ttdltti Amberg of the California pre
gnn Power compuny. The .young
couple will mako their home In
Medford. . , . ,
lnomlar KHurnlnc Mr. and
Mr. Charlea Ioomla. and aon Cor
don and John, are expected to re
turn today from Newport, whero
they havo been vialtlng for the pa at
a a a
ljorallno; In ' Kugene Mr. and
Mr. Kran Wlmer and daughter.
Mia Mahon, left yeaterday for lloae
burg, whero they will remain for
tow day vialtlng before aetlling In
Kugene. Wlmer la a Southern Pa
cific engineer. , , ,
a a
To Rocky Point Mlaa Jean Perry.
Mlaa Anita Shaffer. Howard Met
calf, and Wllmot Sandum enjoyed
a picnic at Hocky Point Sunday
a ' a a .
KHiIng Trip Charlea I. Itobert
and family, and Mr. and Mr. O.
W. White (pent Sunday at Rocky
Point flahlng.
a ' ' a a
Chriallan Church Circle to Meet
The circle of the First Christian
church are to meet thl afternoon
In the basement of the church at
2:30, A large attendance Is desired,
a a a
Ilia; Tonrlat Season A a proof
that the tourist season la In full
blast, over fifty ear registered at
the chamber of commerce Saturday
and Monday. Practically all plan
to stay at least one month, while a
great many are planning to remain
the full anniroer. .
Ktrr lycavr Mr. and Mr. Tt.
S. Setter and children have left for
Yuha City. Calif., where they will
locate. Mlaa Anna Setter, who la a
local high school graduate of '27,
plan to attend the Marysvllle jun
ior college for two years, and' then
enter Stanford university. ,
a a a
t'nderwood Away C, H. Under
wood left last night for Port
land, where he will remain on
business until Thursday.
llark from School Charles John-
son ha returned from Seattle,
whore for the past whiter months
he has been attending the Univer
sity of Washington. John return
ed, with hi alatay, Mlaa Anna Mae
Johnson, uwho visited for a abort
time In lha northern city.
. a
Ilnby Horn Mr. and Mra. .John
M. Long are the proud parents
of a alx pound boy, born at the
Klamath Valley Hospital Sunday.
June 12. The rhlld ha been named
(laorgo Martin.
Mra. On mice Here Mrs. Waive
(lunde relumed yeaterday from her
homo . In Dunamulr after visiting
over th week-end here. Mra. flan
dee In the daughter of Mrs. Walter
Jamea and the grunddaughter of
Mra. Mary McDonald. ,
. a
To Crewrnt City Mr. and Mra.
T. A. Hohertsnn and Delbert Hob
irtsnii are spending the next few
day Vialtlng in Crescent City.
'rrln , Homo Hugh Currln la
home from Salem, where be haa
been attending achool at the Wil
lamette univeralty. Itaymoud Yarnea,
who haa been attending
sums , achool und returned
Currln, la atnying nt the Currln
homo during the aummer while em
ployed with the Klamath Ice
Storage company. ,
For SR year, millions have rub
bed eoolbing, iwnotretlng St, Jacob
oil right on the ten
der apot, and by the
time they say Jack
Rohlnson out comes
the rheumatls pain
and distress. St. Jac
obs Oil Is harmless
rheumatism and pain
liniment which never
disappoints and does
n't hum lha skin. It
tnkee ipain, soreness
and -stiffness from
fchlng Joint, muscles
and bones; (top sci
atica, lumbago, hack
anhe and neuralgia.
.15 cent bntlln. Ourauleed by all
, druggists. Adv.
C. returned to Klamath Falls ye4-terda;.-
Yarnea, whoa boma la In
Salem, la vialtlng here" at tha Ooet
ler Dome for time."
a a a
From O. A. C Hugh Kerwln Is
bark for th summer from O. A. C.
where ha Is a member of th Sigma
Nl fraternity.
a a a
lb-turn Homo Mra. Jea Parker,
and daughter, Mr. Bertha Bell, and j
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bell, who
havo been vialtlng at the bom of.
Mr. Parker' daughter, Mrs, Jamea'
II. Drlacoll, returned to their borne
yeaterday at Illy. '
. i J lug In Valtry-rMra. . Harr i
Coellnr and ItdriHren ,left yesterday
f..r a week at .the home Of Mrs.
fo ra week at tie.'home of Mra.
fjoellor 'a mot-ier, t
To nrlllnKhnm Iltoy Erdman.
teacher at tha Fremont school, la
leaving aoon for Belllngham, Waah.
Hers ha plans to spend most of bis
inr! i vacaiion, ana laier Kin return CO
With) ' w,erf ne win viail wnn
m ib uruiiif.r ann 111111117, 1
MU Gordon . Hack Mis Fay
Gordon ba returned from Corvallla.
where ahe ho been attending achool
at O. A- C Mia Oordon plana to
spend the summer here. ,
Wlmer Roar Miss Elvira
treim. Merle Rimer. Miss Anita
Schaffer,. and Wllmot Sandum mo
tored to the Klamath river, near
Kuno Friday evening and enjoyed
To Kugene Mr. and Mr. Cenrg.;
C. I'lrlih left Sunday morning for
Kuaeno'. where they will attend the
graduation exorcise of their daugh
ter. Mlaa Katherlne. who has com
pleted her fopr years at the uni
versity. IV fore coming home Mr.
and Mra. t'lrlrh will drive on to
Portland for a few daya business a wlenr roaat.
and pleasure trip. I ' '. i
I Jteturn from Portland tMrs. R.
Motor South Mr. and Mrs. tins M. Smith and aon. (lord on. hfve
C. Johnson and children left yea- i returned front. Portland with Mrs.
terday by motor for southern Call- Smlth'a mother, Mrs. McCloud, who
fornla. . Mra. Johnson and children
will spend the summer visiting rel
atives and friends and Johnson
will .return hois to look after his
building business.
' a a a
Hauaer Here Kenneth Hauser,
aon of Eric Hauser, well known
hotel man of Portland, la here for
a few daya on buslneaa'. registering
at the Wlllard. Jfauser Is one of
the Hauser Construction company
In the northern city.
a a ' a
From KoullM-ru California The
Misses Helen sad Norlna ' McCready
are tier to- spend the aummer with
their parent. Both have been
teaching .In lonteroy, Calif.
. a .. a a
From IV of O. Ted Oillenwaters
Is In the city after graduating from
It. of O. C.lllen waters" plans to go
into law here. .
a a 'a '
Kxperted Today Mr. ' Cor
Cloud Is expected today from Grants
Pass, to vlalt with her sons. Bill
Cloud and Mr. aad Mra. Linn Cloud.
.--.. a
; Warren Hack 4Vott Warren has
returned from the U. of O. t spend
the aummer month here. Warren
1 a member of tie Phi Delta Tbeta ,
'house. 'i
I . . j
From Corvnlll Louis Stewart;
.has returned for the summer monins
from O. A. C.
a a a
Homo From .fMiool Raymond .
Yarnes, trom me . w niaineiiw vjut
verwnnr. nna Fred Ooeller of O. A
will spend the aummer. here.
From Known Teacher 1
Dorothy. Bake
School of Dancing
Ball Room aad -Stage
Lessons Any lima By
1112 Main St. '
rhone MS-W
for rcooD, sSyiciiBLE'
. jil .f . i.
i SB ii !. v- u m rw - a ir .
i. r
i 'ft'. .r ' .v -
Priced Right See
1330 Main Street
' ' tin t! VTliT-
. .j..- . ...
i .-. :.- t'.tL . & hv-t; . ;.tKrr.'' i.'iu. U.ii
EAT plenty of fresh vegetables ; Drink plenty
, of water and pure wbotedqgetr ,
six to eight glasses a day and escape spring fever.
Enjoy . the, bracing freshness of the season.
To keep vegetable ,ia primec eonditiov4o
serve salads cold and crisp-t-to .whet your appe
tite these daysyou cannot g-t along without
ice in- the refrigerator, .. . .,rj, ---
. Ytjur iavorite soft tirinksrven plain 'water
will tempt you if well chilled with crystal pure
ice.. Clever hosts and hostesses of todav serve
swtfkling iced drinks, the year Jround.
. h yam ic' card' " ' ' f Q Q
. " wmaowi, , ,v ya,
- . I . A.i-
... ...-.-., I - .-.'f -W; :
Klamath Ice and Storage'Coi ;
661 Spring . ' ''Pkoiii'ES
Jivi, 0 trtliVtt Of till XlaiJUiitJ firyr f,
"It's tho Mualo
, . ' i i
., Th . i
From Han Franrlaro
.1 J
o r-w. l
the big comedy-drama I
I - ,.. I
.C-nnrv Hvrtocrile Wi I
1 . , Sil ; I
I T?TTVI" ana nonen '11 I
"WINNERS 4 Sinner.' ,1
rT7 TUP . 11, til I
II iuvjjm.uAi .
Directed by ' ill Change, et- -program -every II , I
.W.S.VANDXKE other nlaht . I I
C " , - . .
Keguiar rires .. f ;...'. .V ,," .',-..,. Tl
'"" -T ' '
' " " ' ' .'t r " ':- i '
Ifc, Ti
1 K U ' I
t ' im -e!. r. ' I
' ! Has vour business outgrown your present II ' I
i M Nation? w I ' , r rsr:
a I ..: .... ... . i a i ' i I - ... ca.
i.rsai 1BII 'I
ill Let us airange for the construction of a new .11 h
ii.iii. nuiinintr. suimoie ro vour reauiiemenis. ij i i
I 115 So. 7th St. 1 '.' r .Phone 688 , I : 1
ret electricity pd(ik
sWeeL chilledtatrl ':
The hot days are herecjight- - !
fl healthful days so long as
you can keep fit!.. :
1 But for perfect health, be care- ,
ful of your, foods! ' r "
Tiy i8:..
. Place a bottle of milk in a neighbor's
.elcctrit refrigerator, ,or4 let, your .dealer ,
maHe this test; .for, you. Leave it there a .... t
week : or ten days. -Then examine it . '
it's still tweet . .: ,
Clean, Jiygienic, sanitary electric re- . ' '
: frigwat ion , will soon be in every modern J
hpme. jYour, dealer will, show you -m :
easy and economical way to have t mop .
on attractive installment payments , if ,
you prefer., : .,.
,' ' i ' '
. . 1 i ' - .
tv . , ; ;
V s"t mniui. nshrstmsail
rowIACOMPANX i Offices:
Mcofiardf Orcgoo . .
ftiTat rung, C)icgoT
Grants P, Oresoa .
Kkmath Falls, Oregon
Yreka, California
Dunirnuir, CsUUbtniA
UUIk(VSIONk5 r l c S tr .,'-.