The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 12, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    exirKnHfTY or ore i
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1 lrrTTTT
Dally raa distribution fur (hi
numb euiilug March 11, 1111
. -
14 Pages ;
Mcnbar Audit liureaa ot
Audit Hill
Vol. 4, No. 182 Price Five 'Cents
(Every Morning Except Honi-?)
TsV T. j. -
in at ions
Idol Gets
Crowds Cheer Madly as
Lindbergh, World'.
Hero, Delivers Met
' sage from Europeans
(AP) Idol of h nation and
hero to all the world, Churlen
A. Lindbergh returned today
to hi 'native America to re
ceive the welcome of a home
coming conqueror. ,
Hla entry into the national
capital over a roadway that
lias known the tread of vic
torious armies and the pann
ing of king And of pretddenU
wan one of aublimo triumph.
Hundred of. thousands,
straining impatiently agaimtt
police barriers, tumultuoUHly
acclaimed tho blonde young
viking who conquered tho air
over the Atlantic in a daring
flight alone in the cockpit of
a monoplano.
At tho end or the winding rout,
b was cheered bjr the president of
tho I'dlltad state from whom hand
ho received tho highest award for
valor th air service mar bestow,
Hi distinguished flying cross.
Her the slender youth who wroto
lb great! epic an airman had
rompoard faced a ee of uncounted
thousand aa h bent hla six feel
two Inches of sinewy body -to bring
hla antlllng fata In trout ot (be
microphones whlrh carried hla role
(OoallatM-d oa pag. roar)
Part of Highway
To Take Traffic
Tho Dalloa-Callfornia highway,
which haa been subjected to a naw
coat of oil between Bend and thla
ritr. will present a tow Irs doteurs
lo molorlala today aa lh result ot
action by tho atate highway deprnl
niunt In throning open a Ijnt
stretch ot the ncwlz-ollrd Dad to
in .nnru.....H.,.., ... ...
Ti ' i??, '''"'"
of v. C. Uoeley. realdent highway en.
glneer hero Saturday. Indkaiiid that
motorlau'toilay will be driving c-rer
new aurtace from Credent to L
Pine. ,
it waa expected Saturday that an
other long anrtlon of the highway
extending from a point auven mllua
uorWi ot Heaver Marah to Creaceal
-would be opened to Central Ore-
gon truffle aome lime lute today.
. . WHh thla word It waa mated that
a detour la aoon to be etfocted ,
don thla aid of Uuud Creek moiin-
laln lo permit oiling operation. lo.CMOai , poc.
x m u man
PolFce Quell Mob
Chinese Radicals
NEW VOllK, June 11.' Ml The
police were called thla afternoon to
quull a demonstration b radicals
In front of (he Urltlah conaulate in
Whitehall etreet. .
A crowd of yr0 men and women
appeared before the conaulate build
ing 13 protest ,it,i Inst Kngiand'a pol
icy In China. Disorder aoon grew
to auch an extent that a hurry call
waa aont for the police. '
The crowd, which Included nuiner
vroua Chinese and negroes, paraded
around the block bounded by. White
hall, Stato and Pearl atreots, on
which the consulate la altnated.
The procession was orderlr apart
from a few hisses and catcall from
homcbiun, office 'Workers until
Julia fl. Pnynla, writer and lectur
. er on labor problems, began . lo
harnnguo her aupporters,
While nwtintcj police cleared a
lane ahe was brought by a patrol
mail to tho nearby -quarter ot the
marine police. , ghe explained the
purpose of tier prcsonoe, waa re
leased, and agnln heian to exhort
ilior followers fr.-.m the step of a
building In which la located t;fle
Cuban consulate. )ha continued
her address under the proloctlon
ot an American flag which waa held
bertde her. N
STOCKTON, Julia 11. A lira
beetle wild a coaling ot gold on boll)
Idi'a of Ita body la tp latest curl
oalty being displayed In Bonora, The
Iwatlo tut discovered by an old
Honori prospector, Hubert Hhaw, and
waa turned over to It. II. Shnrard of
Ilia couutV horticultural commission
er'a office. Honorana may name
lhair new pet Weepeh.
Just now !hoy are punted aa lo
how to keep the beetle allre and It
Ilia Inaect doean't "lrt eating tho
Tarlouk klnda of food that have been
placed before It aoon, entomological
advice la going lo be needed to out
line a diet. , .
Wool Clip in Lake .
County to Total
1,500,000 Pounds
, vi "
Fortner Say Agricultural Out
look for Farmer Exception
ally Good Nolo Acreage
Increase. -s
"l-akc county's wmil clip this
year will "protiably sa regale
boat a ra 1 1 1 1 o H anil a half
poumla," waa lite announcement
here Saturday of I. T. Port iter,
ruuiil) agricultural age"' (rum
I munty, who alatrd that the
iMkv wool rnp la only about one
third harvratrd at wnwal.
Uht of Hie amount already clip
ped, about 175.000 fleece hare al
ready been Hold, bringing from IV
to 10 rent a' pound, the eountr
agent muted. Nothing haa hronghl
over 30 cent ao far.
It la predicted by Former that
the Lake county clip will be finished
about June IS.
"Tho agricultural outlook general
ly In Lake county U exceptionally
good thla year," Former aald, "and
holda promise of a prosperous year
for Lake county farmer and llve
tock men. An abundance of water
both on the reagra and In Irriga
tion reservoirs aaaurea farmera of
ample moisture,- so .-that eran the
lato aeaaon haa not daunted Ibelr
optimism." - ". . . t
Ilnd wralncr held "up the wool
clipping somewhat, but ' retarded
farming only lightly, he atated.
Ah acreage Increaaa In potatoea.
small gralna and alfalfa la apparent
In all aectlona, of the county.
One of the experiment being
carried on by Lake couuty rancher
thla year, la that of railing augar
beeta. It haa been found that thla
crop can be aucceasfully grown In
that eectlon. Former atated. and
(CoDllnactl oa Page Mi)
Pat Winfrey Wins
Big Pistol Trophy
I. " iwirox. popular ruammu
''II" policeman, I. the
Pal Winfrey.
"cap" In t!i Pacific Northwest to
day, for ha received notice Satur
day that 'be haa won a MOO trophy
for catabtlahlng himself a the beat
platol shot (criminal! take note) lu
the weal. . .
Pat - cot hla deajlr proficiency
with -3S Police Special revolver
through front line attendance at
' , ,k. ...j u" ' .
yttn p(,r,.nce ,a wartime
... . 1.1. j,. ..i
fighting to hla credit. -In addition
he served aeven yearn In Havana.
The, recent marksmanship tour
ney Included policemen from every
part of th Pacific NorMiwat, and
waa conducted by mall,' each con
testant shooting In the prolan.- of
two awjrm wltnessea who confirm
ed the respective scores ot the com
peting policemen.' '
Winfrey's score ml 1(0 out of a
passible 200 score.. Hla nearest
competitor War Portland police
man, who ahot ITS out ot 300.. The
trophy, which Pat will rerolve In tho
near future, I . a handsome cup
which' will be ,ln hla possession per
manently. ,
Indian Runners to
' Start oh Marathon
. . t
HAW KRAM'lHCO, June 11. IV
P. (Twelve American Indiana
gathered today lo' start Monday on
a- 480-mtle endurance run from this
city to Oranta Pass, Oregoni over
the Heel wood hlghwky.
Officials of the Kedwood Emplr"
association tinder whose auspice
the unique rare Is to be rum aald
they have been unable to find any
record of a rare as long' aa thla one.
The red aklns will be started on
the long , trek trom San Francises
at ten a. m. Monday by a gun In
the hand of' Al Jennings, former
notorious bandit of Texaa and Okla
homa who I now mayor of Crescent
City on the northern coast of Cali
fornia on the rout ot th Redwood
Won't Be
On, Trial
With Hugh
Ray and Roy D' Autre
mont to be Held in
Portland Until Present
Trial Ends; Here Soon
MEDFORD, Ore., June 11,
(AP) Ray and Roy d'Autre
mont, - twinn, indicted with
their brother, Hugh, now on!
trial here for the Siakiyou
tunnel train holdup and siay
Inga, will be held In the Mult
nomah county jail , at Port
land, Ore., according to pres
ent plans qf officials, when
they return to this state in cus
tody of Sheriff Ralph Jeii
ninifs. The sheriff is now en
route to Columbus, Ohio, to
bring the pair back to answer
murder charges.
It la not likely that Ray aad Jtoy
will be brought here until after the
conclusion of the preaent re-trial of
their brother. The authorltie do
not want tho, accused trio In the
mail ill . at Jacksonville, where
communication between them, In
aplle of all precautions, would he
i ' Hash Won't Talk -
,' Hugh, alnce the capture of hla
fugitive kin, baa . refused to make
any comment
Arrangements for the trial of the
twins will be made aoon after their
arrival here, Jackson county author
itlea wishing to try their case Jt
once. .
COLl'MBl'S. Ohio. June 11. )
Their Journey lo Oregon to go oa
trial for murder, temporarily in
terrupted, th DeAutramont Ray
ad Koy. twlna. aat In their jail
cella today and waited.
Captain C. W. B. Long. San Fran
cisco postal Inspector, enroute here
to quia the brothers, probably will
not arrive before Monday, W. R.
Bartela, assistant district attorney,
The DeAutreatoat are wanted to
land trial for th murder of four
men during the dynamiting and rob
bery of a Southern Pacific paaaenger
train near Siskiyou, Ore., In 1913.
(CanUaacd on Pas Kour)
Anglers Must Hike
Into Diamond Lake
Anglera eager to wet lines In the
teeming waters ot Diamond lake,
ever popular fishing resort ot the
Klamath country, are warned br
Marlon J. Rarnes. deputy gamn
warden,' to aeek other trout pools
for at least another, week, unless
they want to hike some aeven or
eight miles for their creel stock
Rarnes. who was back In thla city
Saturday following trip Into the
Diamond lake tountry with Matt
Klrkman, state .superintendent of
hatcheries, atated that the road la
open only within one mile ot the
summit and that the rest ot the trip
about aeven miles must be hiked.
"The road may be open the lat
ter part - of next week," Itarnea
aald. "aa a crew connected with the
concession elands at the lake, aro
working on the road from the other
aide." . ' . '
"In many places the snow banks
are six feet deep even yet,' Barnes
said, "and It's not melting any too
rapidly, either." .-''
' Vp to Friday, 17,000.000 Iron',
egga had been taken at the station
at Diamond lake, with about 3,
000,800 more In sight. Ramos and
Itirkman took a tractor and food
supplies Into the snowbound egg
taking crew. ,
; " v -
BEND. Jun.,11. (U.P.-rTwo
year old J aan (Utile who at. small
glass electric light bulb this week,
has developed no 111 effects, his
parents reported tonight. . .
He Is. the son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. -Olllls of Bend. Small par
ticles of glass In his mouth,' cut
and bleeding lips and the core of the
lamp In his hand, waa all that re
mained to show what h. had lunch
ed on whea ho was found.
- Uetweea J0 and 600 reaidenta of
Klamath county anc northern Cali
fornia will aanemb'e at the Crooked
Creek hatcher today for the an
nual fish fry, sponsored by the
Klamath Counto- Bponamen'a asso
ciation. , '
Members of the aaaorlatloa ftave
big aupply of trout on hand, as
well aa plenty of trimmings, to feed
aa many Auotry butera aa ran crowd
around the , huge tablna at the
hairhery, . .'
The annual flab frr of the asso
ciation I one of three big "feeds"
given by tbem each year, t'ae oth
er being the venison barbe:ne and
the durk nd goo supper of the
fall aad winter. ,
Bend Eagles Will
Join in; Fraternal
Event Here Today
Thla HIV will aaaln be- the
m for a big fratemai piay t- i the exhibition of high-grade
day when a Urge d-k gallon f motion pictures, according to
Iseaul K a a I e a, aeromiianlrd by I . . , ,
Mayor fox or that ,1-re. win fi, jn announcement Saturday by
lato Klamath Kail to abt a Harry . W. Poole; prominent
big crowd of the local member- . theatrev owner of this city. '
SIT ""H. V sT" Th "of-"'" bo local-
loo acouhylra. new-y calastnl In- J
la Klamath Kails AeHe SIo. kWSO. ,n ,be ' luldiag between
fyane for the vent were an-. Fourth and Fifth, recently vacated
nonuced Saturday by State Sccre-jby Fife Amk-ke, a structure upon
frxf.U. Umg and Slat Preaident ; which remodeling work U to aUrt
B. C. Coke, both of whom have beer.', - .. .,
working for ..vera! week. In c1" , J,,""",.1?'"" "I"
lunctlon with committee, to P-rfect j Sf"0" ,WbCh P" " .?'
h. h..-. Miller, local contractor, are heavily
""J" "1,?"m.; slt -.Intereated. I. bonding the new
The Initiation rltea. which are lo l,ne1,re . a , uo new
be followed by a baaquet, will bol ui.-l' ,.. . . u' ' L. L
. . , ., J. Plana for the shew houae. which
ning. Th. afternoon will be given
o.., , . mmSi i i. k,
with Initiates providing moat of th?
sport and a baseball gam between
a crack Kagle team from Bend nd P' "7 ' , "
th. ball .quad maintained by the I ? "f"
lor. i i.ri iork haa been placed la th. hands
b! C Cok. will be principal!"' D' 0"'o
.UTnremine'at oart'tt ....Tb!' ! ' 1" t
pUy a prominent part la th. Inltla- ... .-. , D, . ...
Hon . c r . m o n'y. aa will Long.
Among other apeakera at the ban
quet will be T. B. . Everett, secre
tary of th. vlalilng aerlq. and Mayor
Fox. . -. - . .. ,"... ;- "
Following (he meeting here to
day, Cok. and Long will leave to
attend th. atat. convention In Port
land, where they will make a atronx
plea to hare th. IBIS stale coa
clav. of Eaglea staged In Klamath
Falls where memberakln In the fr..
ternnl order la ranldlv arnwlnr . . J
. . J
n'l a l "k j-
olds to be Opened
fl "Ma, DnJ
VII I'tn IVUsMI TTUIIVjnow haa a $300,000 how house un
: Blda for construction of ' 2800
foot atretch of road fill acrosa the
big alough on the Mlllor Island road
will be opetied by the county court
next Saturday, according to Joseph
Jenson, county engineer, yesterday.
. The project will be a dredger Job,
a the, laud over which the road la
to be constructed la now under two
feet of -water, Jeuaon atated. Last
year, when the road was surveyed,
there was no, water at all In the
The work la on anew road Join-.
Ing the state market road north of
Miller Hill. 1
Air. Freight Line V:
Over Sea to. Come
BERLIN. June 11, (A.P.M-A
regular two way trans-Atlantic aer
ial service conectlng New York with
all continental points will In tho
opinion of Charles A. Levjne, be In
operation within a. year.,
At the conclusion of various
talks rt'h officials ot the Herman
aerial league, Mr. Levin announced
tonight that he would return to
Berlin after hla trips' to Warsaw
and other places to perfect plana.
Aa these plana stuhd at preaent they
provide for crossing of the Atlantic
In two hours, from New York ' to
Iceland and the continent In thefire ,e9t ten inches ..In height, and
aummer. ana rrom .ew xor 10 mo
Axon and th. continent In th. win
ter with a similar arrangement on
the east to west flighta. . -' .
.The European terminals have not
yet; been selected.1
BEHLIN. xJun 11. (U.P.) cinr
nc. Chamberlln and Charles I.e
vlne who followed the trail of Char
lea Lindbergh across the Atlantic,
today Joined with their fellow, cltl
sens,at home In honoring tho young
flyer. . Vi ' '
The pnlr wired Lindbergh tbday
aa follows: '.
. "sincerely regret our inability
to share with other Americans in.
your welcome. Please accept t hi i
greeting at manifestation of great
personal "esteem and admiration."
New Show
House To
Be Built
On Main
!tll one long-whlskercd animal start
ed In oa one leg of hla winter flan
nels, left exposed aien one sock
a cumii iiicaxirvwurpura'; v., paeiJ trom hl, toot br ,be
tioh Will Remodel !'-'
Loomis Buildingr for
Motion Picture Palace
Within three months' time,
Klamath Falls theatre-goers
will be visiting another new
show house on 'Main street,
, . V J . . 3 I i
'-iea exclusively w
fUJ W,r'
!,roD" a lUndpoint of equipment and
architectural appointment, are ' al-
ready completed by Held Brother.
ls g capacity of persons aad will
be almost as fine a enow koaae aa
th Plna Tree. A tea year lease has
bean obtained by th theatre cor
poration on the Looml. -balUUBtiollowlaj:
' "We bar had thla move In mind
for many weeks," Poole atated. "and
secured th. lease o our space some
time ago. . We feet there la room
ber for P how bouse we In-
" eocairucr. . aaa ir present
plaan are consummated, we hope to J
be exhibiting motion picture In toe
." eatabllahment within three or
four month..- -
I Tne pllc Theatre corporation
der conatrnctlon on the corner of
Klamath and Eighth afreet a thea
tre deatlned to take s place as the
finest thing ot its kind In Southern
Oregon. .
. , '.
Hugh's Trial Will
Run 1 Week More
MEDFOltD, Ore.. June .11. (-
The sixth day ot the re-trial of.
Hugh D'Autrainont. charged with I "D. V. B. S." stands for Dally
the. murder of. Charlea O (Coylel jvaeatloa Bible School and It la all
Johnson,0 Southern Pacific brake-that the nam. implies. Each dav
man. during the 8iskiyou tunnel! from nine 'to twelve the sessions of
holdup of October 11. 1J3. i&aedftai Behoof of organised Joy. con-
wun ,me prediction oi special Proa-
ecutor George M. Roberta that the
'hearing ot testimony would tske
another week, and that the fate ot
the soldier, the United Statea gov -
ernment rought th. world over tor ; In memory verses, and take turns
nearly fcur years, would be In the leading In various activities.
hands of th. Jury by . Wednesday, j , After an .hour or so of inspiration
June 22. . . al numbers interspersed with varied
The .day's 'proceedings -. brought I exercises for relaxation, the lads
one bright ray for-the detenae Inland lassies turn to different hand
the testimony of 1. W. -Martin of; crafts, making all aorta ot toys, or
Dunsmulr, Calif.; aurveyor'a rod -
ma. - Martin testified that' he had
seen two men lurking In the rail
road yards a Siskiyou, Ore.,, a few
moments before the ' holdup, and
presumed they boarded th. train
Just before It entered ' the tunnel, the fourth to the eighth grsdea In
He described them as being about I elusive msy have a place In thla
i weighing about ISO ' pounds, and;
dressed In brown mnterlali. Th. de
enftant I a slight bull.nan oliilUCglM VOl JHIIC1
Martin also testified to' finding T Put in Jail Here
a shotgun shell, a pistol cartridge! '
and a piece of gun wadding near : - Ed Krelder. arrested Friday after
the. spot where the engine stood noon in Beatty by Deputy 8herii't
during th. robbery, and identified Taylor, was brought to Klamath
them aa exhibits.
. Fans who are planning to- drive
to Med ford tomorrow to witness the
Kiamam f ail i-eucaaa piny are rrom tne lari tnat Krelder is atloged
urged In take with them one or , to have ataged the thefts In bread
more . players. Arrangements may daylight. - . ' .
be msde by communicating with K. I He was fined 1200 and costs Oct
R. 8ander. Pelican manager, at the ober 18. 1926, on th. charge ot t
Mecca Pool hall or by being 'on tempting to steal an' automobile In
hand at the Mecca pool hall this Klamath Fella, according to author!
morning at 8:J0 o'clock. . I ties. .
', "! " : ' -: ': ' ' ; ' '
" KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jane 11, CM
i Charlea Hughea of Camden, N. J.,
i got a new pair cf aboe at the ex
J penea of the' city today because
neighborhood goata ate the shoes)
from 'bis feet aa be alept on "Ooat
I Hill" here laat ght.
I Charlie declared the nibbling of
the goat failed to awaken him nn-
Klamath Boys and
Girls Leave for
Session at 0. A. C.
Over SO to ' Attend Summer
Course at Colleges Eight
from Lake County in Croup
from Here. V
. -IHrer AO boya aad grils ckab
workers of Klamath rovaly o
RHher with a oVIraatioa of right
jveasKtcrs from Lake roaaty. will
board -a Moathrrn Pacific car
chartered eaperially - for tbeasi,
early thla ararnina; and start (or
for rdrvalllH wliere-or the next
two wrrks they will be re rolled
hi a summer coarse at the Oregpe
Agtictiltau-al college. ..
In charge of Frank Sexton, Kla
math county club leader, assisted
by several local leaders, th. tig
delegation of .mbryo f,rm.r andwithout WMteful duplicatfon
farm wires from thla aectloD Willi J,.
ioln special cara from Aahland. En-1 01 railway lacittUes. ; ct
gen. aad Marshfield lata this after-
noon and complete their trip Into
r-n-V.IM. . I
Th. aummer course which ftey
are to atndy. la an annual event
and gives the boy end girl pe-
cvlal training In club work and In
the various phases of agriculture
which Interest them. The Klamath
delegation will return home Jane
14. - - : "
Included, in. the Klamath ,e lega
tion aamea of the Lake county
members being unavailableare the
"'"Hif. iJfeVHrtiai -dV,.Vrs?ceWr..-J j
Gertrude Hilyard. Edna Jones. Bob
Walker. Verne Whltlach, oDnald
Frailer. Claudle Shuck.- Blanche
Vlelra, Helen Atchison. Ettle Barry.
j ther Atchison, Frances Wodgett,
B'y. Phelpa Lewis. Grace Brown,
Louise Hswklns. Beryl Short, Anna
Burnett. Catherin Burnett. James
Stevenson, Lawrence Frailer,' Julius
Sander. CMfford Shuck. Pearl Ar
(Coatiaaed asl Page Two)
Fun School to be
Staged by Church
VWht Is D. V. B. S.T" It Is tho
moat unique combination of tun and
frolic with profitable atorles. songs,
cheers, game and contests, that has
ever been devised. The plans also
Include a parade and picnic, ana
several other rollicking good 'fea-
tlnue. Competent leaders tell In-
comparable atories from the Bible,
and conduct the group singing of
some of the best songs of centuries.
'The youngster themselves compete
! mora useful articles.
Registration begins Monday morn
ing at 8: JO at the First Presbyter
Ian church, Sixth and Pine streets.
The school will continue for three
weeks. All boys and girls from
r ans aaiurnay ana loagea in ine aii.
Krelder la charged with the theft ot
an automobile from K. Pickett ot
oprague Kiver ana wiin aieaung a
suit case from Gregory Castos of the
md community.
Details of the alleged crime were
not known by authorltlea here, aside
Line Will
Enter On
S. P. Track
Budd and SprouI Ar
rive at Terms for Com
mon User; GMV Buys
Half Interest in OC6E
PORTLAND, Ore.. June 11,
IAP) The use of ita new Cas
cade line from raumna to
Klamath Falls and a half in
terest in the Strahorn . line
from Klamath Falls into the'
timber area has been granted'
the Great Northern railroad
by the Southern Pacific, It was
announced here today, follow
ing an agreement reached by
the two railroads. ' ' '. ;
'The outstanding resultof
this agreement traffic experts
here say, is that there will be
competitive railway develop
ment 'tit th Klamath - haain
45 Mtle Na
Only 45 milea of new rait-
road construction is involved
in the entire project, it was
pointed out. Today's ' move
brings the Great Northern Una
to the northern boundary of
California. In leas than thirty
days' time, the Great Northern
has arranged f oi" "exteniloa o
its operation1 Irons SpotaM.
jtinental line, to Klamath Falls,
(Coatiaawd Pace Tw)'
God ess Contest t
Drawing Interest
inaication . yesterday were mat
there will be keen eompetkloa fot
Goddess ot Liberty tor th. big three
day celebration which will be staged
in Klamath Fall thla year.
Harry Poole, chairman of , the
Goddess committee. Is Interesting
law WBI otic oixisiniNU in
the plan to select a candidate, aad
at least eight young women will
vie for the honor of ruling the city
during the celebration. .
The financial campaign for the
celebration haa closed and good re
sults wer. obtained. It was ladlcateal
In th. financial report ot VN. B.
Drew, chairman ot th. II nance com
mittee. Approximately $2600 has
been raised to take care of tk
celebration c o a t a. Including the
many cash prlaes for th. athletic
event, the advertising, fireworks
and other necessary .expenses. : ' .
Roy Durbin. chairman of : the
concessions committee, la bow aat- .
ling for a big featara and expects
to be able to make definite an
nouncement by some time tomorrow. -
Prison Dynamite
Plot is Revealed
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Jan. 11',
(i"P A plot to blow np th. cast '
wall of the Missouri penitentiary
late today while more than 1,000
inmates were on the playground
-was discovered late today hy prison .
officials through one ot the convict
leaders In the plot. '
The dartng plan, la which 150.
convicts are aald to have bees dl-
-a1 tnvnl..4 wm W
. ' 1 ' " hi i . . . .i uiiwi acq
Riley Davis, alias Edward " Reea; '4
prisoner from Linn county. Mo., vol
untarily told Warden lslle 'Ru
dolph ot the plot and surrendered
enough nltro-glycerln. to, blow 139
to 250 feet ot the wall: " ' " '
Davis' mother, Mrs. Arch March,
of Lawton, Okla "visit. "lief sen
two days ago, learning ot the plan,
begged him tu give up his part In It
and Inform the offi;lalej- This -ike,
Everything was set for the break
to be made this afternoon, a bolv
havirrg been cunningly drilled la
tbe -wall during the laat several
weeks for th placing of th big
charge. '
Once outside the convicts planned
to raid and pillage 'homes and other
place In Missouri's capital city-,
steal automobile, etc., prlso Offi
cials taiq. Sl i
, ' - ,- -' . ':
. , ' "