THE KLAMATH NEWS Thimwlay. Juno 2, 1927. Pair Tbre I. C. C. Blocks Rate Cut by Railroads WAHIIINflTON. Juno 1, AI) A revlaloll ut livestock rale ll twoon western producing points mid Ilia ( lilraHo .acslng plant. which rullroaits iriimril In make effec tive today, has hoen blocked Ijy an order of I ho Interstate commerce cnminlaslnn. The coniinlaalim held III propos ed revision would reaull In anli lanllal Increaae on mat ot I he traffic affected and ordered the weatoru rallroada to maintain their present schedule, until January 1, pending an Inclination to drierm Inn I ho re.aaonalilllly , of Ilia new ralta. Illustrating Ilia effect of tho arhedulea which II euapended. Ihi ronunlaalon aald (hat Ilia llvoatork rat ra from Ht. Paul lo Chicago an tho preaenl baala I lot, cents per lull ponmla, whila Iho propowd rnlo would bo 3 cent.; from Hloul Vol la lo Chlraito. a preaeut rat nf 33 u rente per 100 pounda would becomu ' Im aihool I hero. 3H. while from Omaha lha prim on! rata of 36 conta would heroine 3a H conta. Tho llluatratlnna were aald to represent Iho effort nf Iho ached ' uloa from all rnnllgunua territory to the polnta mentioned. CITY BRIEFS Mra.lother handwork. Patron a and frieiids are cordially requested to at tend. Tea will be served durlnic the afternoon P. T. A. luilir (llrl llorn Mr. and Uullan Manning are rejoicing over I the birth of a baby girl, born yea terday at Ihelr homo In lllllalde addlllnn. The baby hue not yet boon named. Hark from Vacation Howard Wtat of the Weatern Auto Hupply la bark to work after a two weeka vacation In llakerafleld, California. IIjiIiImiii Iti-turue - Will llaldwln of Iho lluldwln llardwaro company returned home Tueaday from Han rranrlero. and oilier poinia aoiitn. Whllo away he vlalted lu HI. Helena haa not made previous arrange with hla mother whoae hoallh, herimenla may come on either day at many frlenda will be plnaaed to lone o'clock, know, la very much Improved. I Can I(-Klapr Cara registering l-cnvlng for Houlh Jimmy flwan- at the Chamber of Commerce yea aen of Hwansen'e llarber Hhop, is lerday are: Mr. and Mra. J. Wer leavlng Hunriay for Paaadeua to Joln'slcg. Oakland; A. Kdwanta, Oak hla wife and two anna. Kdward and. land; (i. Albem. Oakland; N. Itooa, Kan Francfaro; Mra. Nellie Cantrell. Portland; Henry Laraon, Spokane. New Reclamation Board in Session 8AI.KM, Ore.. June 1. (A.P.I The atale reclamation coiumlaalon. created by Ilia ll27 legislature .and which takea the place of the old by nieiubcra of the id""' '"' u'lr'1 tB Irrigation DEATHS 'Presbyterian Meet ! Has Peaceful End IMVIU Klhel David, aged 14 yeara. BAM FRANCISCO. June 1. (CP.) iTba 1311th general aaaembly of thai I Preabyterlan church haa reached a I peaceful concluaton, deiplte tbreata 'that controvert! il religions debatea Mllla Ailillllon Clinic-I'rearhoo! cllnlca will be held at 1:00 p. m. Thuraday and Friday of l hla week at tho Mllla echool. Dr. Kswaom will be the examining phyalrlan. Any child who la to outer the flrat jtrude next fall and who Uvea In the Mllla dlatrlct la Invited. Tboae who have made appoliitmentH are asked to come on time and anyone who pan jed away In Hertford, Oregon, at an .early hour Wednesday morning. A short lime A ah til taken in -i.n. .,hi di.m. might throw the gathering Into aecurlllo. commla.lon held II. f Ir.t , . w ordert1 hora. bluer wrangling, meeting today. Nothing waa donih. ,,hA ,hi ml The aaaembly ended It. session except dlscuwdon of a plan of or-, com , Jou ,, Wednesday afternoon with the torn- gaiiliatlon. Thla will rauae prac- (jrd , ,Le BO,plIaI, Th.pletlon of committee electlona. The tlcally no change In the peraonnol I rmalnl m9 nmod IO ,be Toweyi,s2 meeting will be held In Tulaa. of the engineering department. lMortu.rr, Pln. ,t KlKhth rM1. Oklahoma. The board will meet again tomor-1 where frlenda are welcome to call, i The mo,t recent barrier hurdled row to appoint a atate engineer. It ; Funeral announcement will be madelbr church men in their program la conceded that Ithoa Lupor will beiat a later date. tf harmony concerned the Buch- leuppolnted. - The atute board of control will hold H. June meeting tomorrow inatead of Friday, the regular date. I On Friday the board will attend the atrawherry feetlral at fjebanon. Merle. The hoye have been attend- (lolf Tournament Ladloa day at lha lleamea Club, on Thuraday, la the data of the Women'. Auxiliary golf tournament. A lurgo atten dance I. expected. FEDERAL WORKERS GET HALF HOLIDAYS Kmployn of the Federal fnvorn-1 tnont may lakn It y on all Bat unlayi tVfry Hummer, arrnrtllnn In, an nxpriitlVf ont.T Mlgnrd hy lrtnl dwut t'oulltljifl on Mny 9 which ruaiU an follow: It In orlro that from (Tin flrI Salurdajr of June lo tho lam Haiur day of Hfplvmbr, both Inrluaivo, ot rarh yar until further antlr, four hour, vt'lualvA of llm for lunch oon, ihall roaatltnio a daya work on Katnrdaya for nit clrrka and other, employe of Iho pedornl Rnrorn menl, wherever employed; and all rxncullva or other ordera In eon tl let herewith, it c o p t lha Kxecutlve Order of April 4, 1908, relating lo certain naval atailona. are hereby revoked. r BROWN HEARING SET OVER TO THURSDAY (1. II. Murphy, a r re ted on- a vaaranry chant, entered the plea of not lulliy yemerday to rollre Judge CaihaRen. Murphy waa fitted I GO and 60 dnya In the rlty Jail, tho lam' iirnlem-4 be In a: aupfnded upon good behavior on condition that the do fendant leava the city within 24 hnura and remain away from Klam ath Pall. 1. II. MnnnlnR wan attorney for the defendant. Tho ran of K. J. Ilrown, liquor rharite. wan continued two o'clock ihla nftornoon. LONE PINE on a until (lly P.UI INW lll-UHI.KV) Nwa Corrmpondent ' Mra. Dolen la expected homo thla week from Medfnrd where nhe haa been vialilng with her daughter. x K. I- llopkln. and Pink Dark, wero Klamath Falla vlaltora Thura day. Clyde Ilarka took a load nf wheat down on Tula lake for M. P. Oalar nrau Thuraday where Mr. Oalarnoau haa a homealead. Willi. Fowler I. helping him aow hla wheat. Charley Calarneau la helping Mr. Craven plant potatoes thla week. Mr. and Mra. H. K. Kninan waa In Klamath Falla Thuraday. Mra. Klger and Carl and Audrey, Mra. R. F. Iloaaley and children ntlended ths club plrluro show at Morrill Thuraday evening. Mr. and Mra. Splla and Charlott nueaaing of Klamath Fall, wero calling In thla neighborhood Sun day. Mra. A. Ilunncll and daughter, Mra. Miller, called on Mra. It. F, Ileaaloy Sunday. Mr. and Mra. M. P. (lalarnean and children and Mr. and Mra. S. K. Knman attended the party at A. Ilunnell'a In Spring Lake, given In honor of Mr. and Mra. Miller. PAItK lMMIIARV FIXKO lly virtue of The Colllor bill In troduced at tho recent loglalutlvo .canton, all of Crater Lake na tlnnal park now He. within Ktami nth county. Tho law, Introduced bt the Klamath legislator, became ef fectlve yeaterday. The houndnrlea of the county are changed lo give thla county a part of the pnrk re serve that formerly wa. In Douglas county. Klamath acquires approx imately too arrea under the new law. i CAItl OF THAXKH We wish to express our sincere thanks to our frlenila. relatives, and the Masonic Lodge, for their beau tiful flowers and for Iho klndneaa end avmnaihv ahown us during the illneaa and bereavement of our he- loren imimi, ini'., mmi ......... Mrs. Mary Chcyene and Family, Jams. Cheyno and Family, Robert Cheyne and Family, Alex Cheyene and Family, Mrs. 0. 8, Thompson nnd Fnmlly, Mrs. L. II. Dawson and. Family. (iurata of MIjm Hi'taor The Misses Thlna and Helen Anderson ar.i houae gueats for the remainder of the week at the home nf Mlas Anna Holier on Waahlugton street. To Valley City Wllmont Bandum waa In .Medford yraierday on Copco bualneaa. Tnke. Poalt Ion Miss Zopha Rog ers, graduate of the rlaas of 'S7 haa accepted a position in the Flrsi National Hank, taking the place of Mlaa Myrtla Sherman. " llualneea Trip llruco IK-nnla was III ljikovlow yeaterday on hualnosa. Kerwln. Here Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerwln, of Dnrrla. wore In the city yeaterday shopping and vlattlng frlenda. Kerwln waa for merly a Klamath county high school atudent. To llnrrk Mill Woalfull Is visit ing In Dorrls today. ' Itrrelvnl Apolntmrnt-Mr. Flora llayden. bookkeeper tor th. Klamath News, received an appointment as Notary Public yesterday. To Atlend Kverrlso. C.eorye Wal ton la leaving Sunday for aouthern California to attend tho graduation of hi. daughter, Mra. Jnmea Itusaoll llodloy from Iho College of the Parlllr. Immediately after the ex ercises. Mr. and Mra. Ilodley are leaving for Europe where they will continue their muMc aiuiflo. for year. - lo-aic for Man KrnncUco Mr.. May Nlehola. and Mlaa Victoria Webber loft thla week for San Fran claco where they will make their home. Mra. Nlcholaa baa been visit ing here for the past three months llh Mr.. Webber. Mr.. liny Kany and Mr.. V. Quitch. llali) Daughter A hahy daughter waa born to air. ana aire, juuu Hohrokowe yeaterday at Iho Klamath Valley ho.pltal. Vbdte Slater Mr.. Bertha Bell and aon visited with her alater, Mra. Jamea Drlaroll thla week, returning to her homo In Uly yesterday. In from Merrill Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Arnold and son. Marshall, and Mr. and Mr.. . P. Shamhart were In from Merrill yesterday shopping. Visit. Family L. J. Orres of the Orrea Tailor Shop apent Decoration Day with hla wlfo and daughter at Ashland, returning Wednesday. From IkirrU F. E. Fanning of Talent, Oregon, spent a few daya In Iho clly on business, reluming to hla homo In Dnrrla thla morning. Fan-view Hchool Kxhlbit Fair- view arhool la holding an exhibit ot school work Friday. June S. from 1:15 to 4 p. m. Tho exhibit will consist of booklets, maps, art work. froehunrt cutting, penmanship, and luxk lo Work Miss Jo t'pp, re- cenily returned from Portland where she underwent an apprndirltla operation, resumed her work In Ibe Klamath Comity Abatrurt company yesterday. e Joist DaugliK'ni 3!ii-t--The Joba Daughter, will meet tonight at the .Muaonlc Templo at eight o'clock to dlscuaa the plana for going to Med ford where they will put on the Initiation work. m m Mm. Armour of Chicago, aplrlt- unllat advtncr and trance modlmn. will be III Klamath Falla a few daya ami give private rending, at the Empire Motel. Idiom 11. .Mrs. Ar mour la nuiionally kuown a. a fum- oua medium. Adv. Hold F.lccllou The Joha Daugh ter, held elections last at the Masonic Hull. Mlas Allsa Maasey h tho retiring Honored Queen. Accepts Poaltlon A. MucTaggart who recently arrived from Spokane Waahlugton. has taken the Orres Tailor Shop on North Fourth atreet. Realty Transfers Charlea J. Swingle, et nx. to R. C. tirovaherk: Sec II: NK1, Sec. lt-40-n' with all water rlghta (&-2A-27.) Haiet Hegli-y el vlr. Ft. II . to John M.llerglund: Lot m Blk 111!! Mill. Addn. lo K. F. John M. .Rcrglund. of ux. to Rob ert II. Ileaiey and Hazol M. Ilcg ley: Part l-ot 17 111". 37. Hot Spg. The K. D. Co.. lo C. R. DeLan; Lola 13-13 Blk. tt lllllalde Addn, K. F. Harry L. Martin to Anna C, Mar tin (hla wife) NWV. Sec. 3-11-11. AOCHTIX Itl'IZ Aguatin Kali. native of Mexico, passed away Wedneaday morning In this rlty following an Illness of two months. He waa 27 year. old. The remalna are at the Karl Whltlock Funeral Home, Pine avenue at Sixth, where frlenda may call. Funeral arrangementa wilt be announced later. janan-New York Synod Judicial case, ! which threatened for a time to i plunge the delegate. Into hot dls Icusston In the virgin birth of Christ. COAL VOISO COAL A TRANSFER. CO. Phone 10O7 PLATES that Look Natural are the kind we guaran tee you. A new German composition haa made it possible for us to do this. These) Plates Don't Break . , ' They are comfortable and safe. PORTLAND . PAINLESS DENTISTS DR. HAVEX9, Mgr. . Phone 94 Cor. lltta Mala Frlenda of patients and the gen' ral public are welcomed at Klam ath valley Hospital, van ere me com fort of the (Ick la the Brat con sideration For result! us Nows Class Ads. Merrill Visitors Mrs. C. W. Bailey and .on, Millie, wore in the city from Morrill yeaterday .hopping and visiting frlonds. From Southern Callfomui-fieorge Marlon la In the city from Southern California vlattlng O. R. Wilson for a few day.. From Henley Mrs. II. W. Short, and daughters. iSr and Jler.vl, and Mlaa June Bradbury were In, tho city from Henley yesterday. Mlaa Short Visiting Miss Mary Short of Henley is visiting for a few day. on tho Daltnn ranch. To fhllnquln Merle Rimer was In Chllouuin yesterday on business. At the Hotel W lllunl Among the gue.t. reglatered at the hotel Wil lard yeaterday are: A. R. At wood. Han Francisco: M. K. Richardson. I'ortluml: J. 1). Tnmnnt, Longvlew; F. A. Fement, Chicago: Jamea Fra-j tier, San Francisco: F., R. Lamon. ! San Francisco: A. R. le!ano. Oak-! land: a. K. Bratty. Portland: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dodson, Portland. Former Resilient Here Arlee Worrell, formerly of Klamath Falls and property owner of thla clly la here far a brief business visit from Ashland where he Is now located in the raising of rabbits and pigeons. From Fort Klamath Mra. James Pulton or Fort Klamath la shopping In Ihe clly thla afternoon from her ranch home In tho neighboring com munity. From Algomn-Mrs. William Dunn of Algoma la here thla afternoon on s brief shopping trip. MtillTI.Y WORSHIP ltev. and Mr.. J. A. Krlng will hold evangelistic service, for the Naterine church In the large tent an Ihe corner of Garden and Mar tin atreets. Kveryone la welcome to tho aervlrea which atart at 7:30 every evening. Special music wilt he given by Floyd W. Hawkins. Comer Jones et us. Adda. to Kwatina llog Co; RWy.SWt, Sec. Jt-35-9. J. M. Bedford, et ux. to Ewauna Box Co.; KK148WU Sec. S4-35-H. Fred L. Rutledno. et si. to Kla math County: Sit ft. r-of-w across Part Sec. 1-40-7. Nellie Ferris, et vir. to C. C. Kel loy and it. L. Ore;n: l-ot a Blk. iS Ruena Vista Addn. Burt K. Hawkiua. sheriff tu the lloraofly Irrigation lllatrirt: (tax foreclosure I KV.SW'1: WH8W14 lor Lots 3-41 and SV!48E'4 Sec. position at i ;.,, uh.f,. it. c. Williams: iLote IS to 24. Blk. 23. Beach Holghla. Tho K. I). Co., lo R. 1.. Burson; Lot 24 Blk 7. IncU.Irlal Addn. Fred J. Roldln l" tl. K. Clllesple and l.un a M. (liilesple: CUX32 ft. In Lot.S of Srfc. 12-41-10 (Merrill.) I'niied Statea to Claude Gaines; Farm Unit K In Sec. 13-41-11. CIRCl'IT COl'RT. American Natl. Bank vs. F. Free man; 1300.00. Judgment lien dock' otcd. v. F. Hill Hunter . Whee)rr-Olm. lead Co.: -SI . 379. 14.-. .Judg ment docketed. T " " U Judgment liens nlso docketed against the following defendant.: Ester J. 1-awton: J15.00. Frank Krixo and Julia Krito, $12.50. ' ' New Summer Hats In Leghorn, Milan, Felts, and Crocheted Visca. Popular shades and shapes! Surprisingly low prices $5.95 to $10.00 There is a reduction on all other Hats in sport and dress models. Let us supply you with accessories: t D'Orsay Perfume, Powder, Rouge Flowers, Lingerie and Scarfs. Tib 8W& TMiags 301 South Seventh Street LEARN TO DANCE From u Known Teacher) Dorothy ' Baker School of Dancing IUU Room and Stage Lesaong Any Tim. By Appointment . 1113 Main St. Phone 848-W TSgw my work will be easier" MOTTTF.R :- Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, .Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid Imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmlcas -No Opiates, Physicians everywhere rtcommcni it. MM, aVaBBBamis v Vt.-'S.ils)aii Tiii all , Hare Your Broken Automobile Glass Replaced Quickly While You Wait BOB RYAN'S AUTO TOP SHOP 1413 Main St, N0TK: See Bhohy Ryan'-nlout . your car awnlug. - Howard R. Perrin Designs and Plans INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 800 Hops Dlufc. Phone The Electric Range Adds joy to housekeeping Simplifies housework as no other range can! Not only does the electric range make cooking easier and more certain it lightens the whole burden of housekeeping. Find out how automatic cooking frees you from the kitchen Hot Summer Days are here. Only a few dollars down buys the latest model Electric Range with Automatic Oven Control. Balance in 12 equal monthly payments. Ask your dealer. The California Oregon Power Company OFFICES. Medford. Grants Rus.Roscburg. Klamath Falls-Oregon Yreka. Dunsmuir-CalifornU V.i v