The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 31, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    TaM Fonr '
"' TiiosiTay.'iravMI. 1027.
The Klamath News' thc cthnnnols Mow C0K1
PublUhed " .T.ry mornlDi rxct Bl" fully $200,000,000 1-'
Monday by Th Klamath Nawe Pnb-rcady hs been spent in thej
Uabinc Company at 102-1!! South: construction of levees, and
rtth afreet. Klamath Fall. Oregon. 1 8ums far in excess of t lint )
' 1 amount would be necessarv to'
OMI'Lp,';pM' ,?r'h'I.r' K,"m ma the .Mississippi valley I
ath Falla and Klamath County i , , . -rnr.--1. q-j ,rL ' fld PFOOf. llCfC is tllO j
KATE ottkkbeiv city Editor money to come from? Thej
LVNS 7.IMMKHMAN .'. national government has help-.
. Advynining '"gyr- e j and will help, but the max-,
8rasrnnTHs rums j im,,m from all i April 15. 1U7. IW WOllIJ bl nndc.Ute. j
Delivered by carrier, month... JM AllJ 'ot one flood like the
ny n-r. jw o.w present, causes more namage
"Oil .i.0 4v. . i .-: ...
lll.UI wn- i,i .in i-iillll'IU
flood control svstem.
' The Bridge of Sighs
Delivered by niall, year..
All Sabarriptions Payable in Advance ,
Entered at second elans matter
at the postofflre at Klamath Falla.
Oregon. November 15. 1!S. under
act of March 3. 1ST.
Telephone 877
Member Aadlt Burran of Circulation
talk about it, it is saw mills, or
ranch lands, or remanufactur-
ing plants
ment here
rM flood lMT) J
Radio announcers are no !
longer forced to be mere
namesless voices, as they were !
in the early days of the broad- j
casting industry, for theirs is I
still a difficult and often em-j
harassing task. It is their duty i
Travel where, you will, talk in all emergencies to hold the i
to whom you may and you will ears of their listeners, and it !
hear the name of Klamath is not a case of "just a mom-J
Falls repea'odlv mentioned, j0"1, Pls?. to change pie-)
The reason is plain. Klam- !t"rcs:" which in the early days !
.... . , , , of the moving pictures was i
ath is the center of thought .-, u A .i. . i
tlashed on the screen to keep 1
throughout the west. More big the a,,,iience from growing j
things are sr'-eduled for this restive. I
community than have been During the last radio season '
centered on any locality in the a ew York announcer was;
past 20 years. j dispatched to Chicago to pro-j
;f j f ,-,.. i , 'Vide the usual prelude to a!
it it is not railroads Deonle . . .. . .
ivi,i:( :n . ot the Chicago;
Civic Opera company. After)
ho had told the multitude lis.!
tcning through twenty-six sta-j
I1...4 4Un . ;
At .Medford and Ashland, . 7 .. V , I
where the .m P.m if;, b;.,h. about to be'" the unKe' of
way travel has begun, on- has tfho c? .anwc to make a
but to sit around the hotels fCW "uctory remarks to
and hear the story of Klamath f group ?f patro1ns bc aud"
Falls as it is repeated bv a!- ,tor,um frmK wh!ch the P""
" Pram was broadcast. Those
He has either been here or
he .has heard it from some one
else. His vision as a rule is
not bad, for invariably he sees
a city of at least 30,000 peo
ple in a few years. He sees
Klamath as the distributing
center ior a Dig area ana He . ... ... .... - I "mtrtone, iMa-.n ;--., " .. .....,.. nr ,.,,.,, . f , p,, dwnct.
sees n rnilrn.-.,! .,.niRr h,.ro nf cu "K's lorosj for pai.ii.-uy alum-, wnicn in t , ,.: . , :r . ,.h t VII
, mm, ne gave nis listeners mucn ial n" pronamo. ne mm iry reum-
importance. 'interesting information. the pn of admion.-l.vmh
It is indeed pleasing to hear , burg Ncn.
them talk. Their tongues are
Urn public at Inrae, will be pro. I
miilr I by I lie foi iinilliiii iiii.I pi n- ;
puned operation of euvli illHtvlct. 1
. . VIII. ' t
That the fortnnttun of a drain- '
nan dlatrlct amliT the provlnloiti
n( ilruaou l.a wa TJIT-SO In a pro-
per and adrantaamma Mieibud of ,
iicromiill'liliK the reclatnailoii and
piolorllon "I Ml" lalnlx lll.lllJi-q
tlieretn, aa above dfiiKibed. i
I That the proponed pUa of ret-la- 1
miitl.ih and proiectltm la tu aiinlii 1
'lulu the .'ill-Mux illkea proieiilna '
' niUd Ullda trom orer-fluw (null I'p
j h'T Kliiiualh.l.ake, to maintain Itie
.lliii Irrlaiiilmi and itiainniie
illiclio and pump, but with cei uln
! iiiproveiiuinia mid addition, and
to provide water froiu well (or
, limited Irrlaation i ( area In pro- ,
i poe,l dlrftrlrt loi-iited above Markul ,
I liotid No. 9.
Tbnt nil the itndcrNtRliPd bnvn
nKifiil, mid hcrt'i'v unri-o, ihtil
iht'y w 111 j.ny nnv nml all iiHat t
' Inmrrtul a ml any In ur U tlmt j
ftr t)ii imrpoMi t( iiovlim tin n- j
! itoiiNd of orKitnliiiiK or ulle uiptlnit t
j to ontunttf tlti pi iMiitti (liiirit i I
j IIKKKKOltK, your iMMllonim !
j pray that tliu laiuli linri'lu tt-rlt
iit, or ntu-h purt of Ihftit n ntnv l
i fminl hy tllrt Court tu w '.'oorty
, lin-lliilrd lit tint rr.)tkiHitt illntllcl.j
itlthtr pcrmuitiMitly or tutill furthfi j
, InvoHt iituiiiiii Hint nurvtyn mav pr-I
in It fliriiltiatliitt. Mhiill t ili-.'Urwl
orci til cril lull a .IratnuK itlhirli t j
i ti nil tlKit Btu li ftu tin r pt iii i-rilliiKH J
tir tut 1 1 n iii;.y 1 1 tH'ritry and i
1 prop r.
; It K iKAnV
1 K. A. 1 K A It V '
jCou.-.y tif Kliintdth, hm.
; 1. H. K" licary. b.hiK flmt dulv
' aworn. Jfp,iMfa and av, tli.ti t am
lotto f I tit pttttihori a hn vn iiamt'd.
that i hnv rrnd th Iorenlna h--
tt t Iti ii mid know Ihr coniutH thirn
' f and !ii (itrtx tlirrrln roittalud
i jr. tnt. an I vcilllv ht ticvii
I It K. (IKAItY.
I Suhn-rlhpd anil hwmn to lufnro
i mi tttia day of .Mav, t7.
, Notarv I'ul llc f,r Ort(tun. ,
My oinmlfHlou pxlna, ,
Yum Mi rlirvka rrmuvrtl Ilk IMW
A. K. !KAM)?f, liNHo TM -710
Mnln flKiu 14IKW
Howard H Perrin
Designs and Plans
U9 llopaa !ilak, Ihon 1VM-J
Tyrt ranintl, FturJ arvl tin
ltUo (iti-mtd in out own
t.Htiy )umr
HttUtca Lctuca RopUvctl
700 MA'N WLtT
1 one of tbe moat Important
avonia of a lidlme. and Via ap-
nouiiiement klioiiM bo Kmboaeed
In latent airle typa. We) arc
eiiulppcd to do announremeuta
uf all klnda promptly.
Klamath Printing Co.
A 121 Klamath An,
,..,,, I'boiia J8Ma,, ,,,,
April .li.
I m:i.3I -j;.m.:i
Shoj-t Quips
1..1I K Ol I K I l. N IMK
I I'l.AIV.t. K:in . Mnv .10. (I'Pl -
,1,'A new cut I rrowlna up on the
cd. Fortunately for the radio ' cccd if no effort is made toward
listeners, the announcer was : mmdardiiatlon.
an authority on the opera, and i "a1- ..I, ii.-ti.fv: I.V ll TT. ! I t i I..I l h.i.,1 ilisf-l'-f lV
TH TO I OHM lilt IN (.l. i'f the following: K. K. neory. Ar- "'"' "'
IHSI I'.U l. Ihur M iM'.iry. K. A. tli ary mid ( here, but II la numelt .
Uolaml W. tlcury. I Muny plartM In the craln bl.-r
V THK COl'NTV KI'KT OK THK V jwfcere the .i;.jn-lr prnlrle U dot-
I STATK lK OKKC'N. KOil THK: That the proposed riflanvntlon - ted It h only a punfitrirr and a
remarks rnrtinm.,1 fe frtl, . V , ,,, CtH N T Y UF KI.AM ATll. aim ior ooin .......or, ( iivct.u k pen nr.. Klv. li finh huh-
IcmaiKS COI.tinuta lor fort , li u folk will .all you a nar-, Mi-K la her.-i.v ,,iv.- tli.i ar- purpone. and that ,,,, name a. t oon I'.nlur and
long minutes, imposing upon row-minded t 1 g h I w a d. liaiiville lVK ,h (..ii,,,.!,,, i. lil,i vill I'd .roNM'd reclamation uml pro- . .UMIIII( Hollow hut no one ha
the announcer the task of- j c"t "amaih' 'r-Mtl'''" miniV'o'f i"nol health' and" wl'lfiiiw and 'of , h,'''n '""f ired io'chrlten thl rWnc
keeping his audience interest- p,..,,. .. . in,.,r,. ,... Kmith. S.Ute ,.f ..-... ... the uuMu- u.lll.y and bcne(lt. tl-mj.t where n,lu..r..;, are
!h d.i v Jul''. I '-.. V'r 111" pur- ,...m.... .....
,f .l..t.rniltiin.. uiii'. i,.p tac nil the land ahoro dc- running water are tielnr bulll.
Sioux City Jour- i (ir ,, rr r e j, t it inn pllall lie cri'ml and lo be Included In aaid ! Ilcciiusn there ln't even a alitnal
Uranted. pr..p.s., dlirlcl me properly lli-in the railroad there and the train
1 ... ....-to... . . ' l in 1 1. 1, i ''i uie I therein, and will lie liene- ..., .........t. r... . i.i.iu...,
in those forty minutes, SO fill-I r,, , , to ...a. an' Interest ' in i .n.l, .1. .- tU-mliy affeetcl by the, uperatlmi ! b hl, ,,,.,.,,, .,,.,.
-' " j ...ii ...i.;.... i,..,..ii,. in tiit iirciMiiaiixi fiiHiriri. 1
n r.oii '' ytj ntructlon In tho now town, ure Ik'Iur
him, he gave his listeners much iat probable, hn mlRht try redm-. p((id t3ft, CTl(, Hhlw c ,r ttIl i That th bn.fiw of mirh pro-;aulrd from Plains by trmk. ,
thnre ho. whv llm tuiv.-r In !;iid n-nnraniim una protection
t. !:. IK LAP.
I'lerit of County I'o.irt.
loose and working, and out of ne'v S0CL Vil born f the!, nre i, cn,
it will come the best advertis-
radio. There are a few an-;1" over for the purine of utiidy-
ili oxci' thn ttamaicf to b don ! Thr-roon furnlnhed anartmrnt
mid ttn b't inlfri'U f ih Innda ' for rnl, MHIn Hull Apt.. 2303
i i l-t m-Iudcd and of tho ownora , Wantland. Phone 1302. Jtoard anil
of Mi'h land at a who If, nml of 1 mom it dnalrrd.
. .that
Look Natural
are the kind wc K"Hran
tee you, A new German
composition hud made it
possible for us to do this.
Theao Plates Don't
They arc comfortable and
Ull. II.IVKN'S, Mar.
Phone 04 t or. I lib A Main
In Itie Mutter of tin' Or?alilratl..n
ol' the Lake Sliore li.'U.l. ns lir.un
nire lilntrict.
To the Hun-irable C:)iin:y t uurt
i'f Klanuith C'ounly. Oregon:
e t.. i:t Inir Americans. That's nil riaht
ed community in the west, j ' we're (tettm, u.ed to it.-tioid mil
How to capitalize that ad-0' by.thcir "jterjections of ; XP.3.
,..,-: t,. j . i information and humor, lm-
vertisin? in an honest and sin-. nr.m' of it may be . fact that present
cere manner is one of the is- pLro?e upon tne I,rPrams ot . day liquor doenn't Ko o far a., m
sues before the business peo- thue"" respective stations. Eut;,hc oW ,la,s. as cl.,imri by toot.
... . what redress has the radio lesser patrons. Uut they should
V ,, jpublic against that tiresome "member this: neither doe thej The underpinned your P.-u. Inner:..
" ' ., , X . , . pcrscn who drinks It. Dallas Item- te-pearully p-lltlon and sho'v:
CAN FLOODS BE STOPPED? Stride of the microphone whose lze.r . i .1.
inane and long-winded re-; ' -That they desire m MnUe ai..l
Another of the lessons the marks can spoil the best of! Thls '. has no -biectton to 1 n aVto slU're ';.','rd.
:u? money nainiK a mikiii ior..-.i;u uranag(. J)i.,i,,t
I accent. Atlanta Constitution. I n.
OOO Thai lh. He.rrlntlnn nf nil !:;tifU
nation has learned all too programs?
late from the Mississippi'
flood is the tremendous price;
it has paid, is paying and will en engines to catch autos.
rnntinno 1a nnv for tho tim- ' . 000
ber it so wantonly devastated
v hen virgin timber was so l' more than they can bare,
plentiful and needs for build. 'co
ing material so many. i The hardest thing about
Such floods as the present '-af'nB is buying xigarets on
were unknown when the Mis- crel''t-
sissippi watershed was densely
wooded. The forests acted as
A cowcatcher is what is put ! Kansas legislators propose men- Includod th'r. In Is m follows: All
i tal tells Ior persons who have nc-; 01 nrca inrimtoa in pin-, i ! i.isn
tcrmiued to wed. Why not con-f.hore Knrdeua, aeeanlinx to the
' I'.iniA to rive them thc benefit of ; plat thereof rccoitb d In l o..', 7.
Nature gave the skinny peo-. the douU? Yakima Herald. i 7 of the rerord of plata of
! Klamath C uuly, save tit'd
Takinc the national census Inictfteit lois llfly-fuur fifty
1S.T) Is Kf.ini! to he a more dit.'irutt j four-b 54-b. fifty-five tr,:,i, fifty
job than ever before. What with I flve-h fifty-six 1,1;) and
SD.oO'i.'i'tO automol lien In the I'n It -' f in y-slx-b I r, i-i wiili ! at'.' e!iri"i.i
d .States, the pedestrians cannot y nxclud-il from aald niorl.t; all
stand Htill lonce enounh to be count-, ' "aid platt.-d lands l.-1a,- In s
ed.-Ilar.rtou Western World. j '-"n . ' ''', "-''v" "'
tlitrty--iht ( t S i Houih. r.n.m-
Talk mav be fhean usually, but
People who worry about ,
(Mi Ka-rt of the Wlll:wn'tin M r-
Kla'tirr'li county, (iv(fnii. A!!
n vak-o r-lpxin-ik..,,,,,. CVCTytning Will Worry atJOUt lalK may cneap usua, , . ,,. ,,
' -"c ..... not when vou rov It with flowers. ,,r ii. t,,..rH...,l t:.."t.
wet nnd I ri
latcd watir of the vet seasons
only as rapidiy as it could be '
caried away by the streams. 1
Now spring rains and the wa
ter from melting snows rush
unchecked down barren hills
and across cultivated fields.
;ated lands, tne nst.-r
A normal conscience is one Another very R.-.od IntclliKcnre from w hich . .ntrlbute t i tile swamp
that has sufficient tact to keep ' test is a
o-drjllar bill In your
its month s-rint until ...ft or vnn I POcKct. Itocliest
fake the profit. j The only way to reform rlertlons
oc.0 In Chiiuito, apparently, is to uhollsh
Aten neo erontnvo hr. f ! 'hem. !.ynehblir News.
imposing upon the rivers the down ,,rcat tro,s ' to muke Enereetic yoMth declnrea h, H1
task of cairying off in one sud- rocm for a city and ,h(;n pant i daI1 ,,, hy )921j. 0
den flood the precipitation ;itte fiapjnps to )f.autify it. i .-disbwaHier. Flint Journal.
once gradually released into ' j ,
. , , . A low-ltrnw snys tho Rreateit
the streams. The chann. hi of We rn.Wl to report that' ,(0nm, wn:llc i, , kill perfectly
the streams huvc not had suf- somewhere the fellow who't:".d sheep to mnk. a cnlii-ca di-
ficient time in which to adjust v.ants to know in July if it M''nia. 1'ortsmotnii Times.
their depth and width to meet is warm cnough for you is ,, .jf a ,r,.;,lv ,.,, ,. n,e
the new demands imposed thawing out. Tmks wii reBister content wiih a!
; modus Vivendi. I'.ven Unit lioun-lH
: like u foreign eoniplicutlon. -Ililf-
and w t coniiilfon of t:uid lauils.
That th" total nccaeo fr.f'lt.l"d
in said laud i and to ho lu' lml.-.l
In snid di-trict Is on.. hundred
clKhle.n lll acr.'n, in'-te or less,
all In Kiatu.-ith 'ounty, Oregon.
As fliown by the record I of
Klamath (,'ounty, tireRon, an un
divldeii one-fourth interest is owned
In the above described land to tie
upon them.
Repetition of tho present
The honeymoon in over'
falo News.
disaster can be prevented by when he begins to borrow I
one of three devices or by the from her household money to I Vrom its popular use in picaon'.
utse of all three. Reforcsta- complete the payments on the 1 ""' niv"r"; ireeedinK it l. .tins
. 1 '. i lo appear that cruelly, like charily.
tion on a large scale is one engagement ring. ; covers a multitude of sins. witi-
remcdv. Construction of high-; -ono ision-saiem journal.
er and stronger levees is an
Apply Kiiipbiir as Told When Your
Skin llniks Out
1 It is said that tho acrhp.-nt Insnr-
! nnc. ?,nn nr.. htniniin. in relet
j ne innu is itie Luii-,i)a players, boutlec-ers, and those , i,i10r In this rountry lo rhrls
Any breaklnK out of Ihn skin on
face, nock, arms or body is over
come nuirkc'it by npplylni? Meniho
i'Ulphur. Tho pimples seem lo
dry rlpht lm nnd ao nwny, declares
Maybe tho reuson they no loniter , a noted i kin Kperlnllst.
cot uina nan ever neen rounn in
trol of the water sources by ! who drink Illicit liuuor. but the M-t,.n ships Is because the stuff now ! "" ' "B ' .""''.''"'h "
dams Which would release the!,nw ,"!nn", murder Is still re-j manufactured would burn a hole In an7 V p.n,,'. Just nsk ,,n"y
I ff:irfl(.,l fin f rittii, mifn .
flood waters only a.f rapidly as Lebunou tsprcss.
tho hull. Suthorlin Sun.
drtiBTlst for a small Jnr of Howies
NEWS changes with each passing day. All kinds of
news fascinating, strange, prophetic, real and unreal.
It comes flashing on the pages of your paper from all
parts of the world, and you want to know what's new.
ADVERTISING is another form of news. It is gov
erned by the same general principles and answers your
every question as to "What's new?" You can depend
upon advertising news. It is truthful. If you want
something for the home, you will find it advertised. If
a dress, a suit of clothes, a hat, a pair of shoes, a diamond
ring, a bridge lamp, an electric refrigerator or a house
and lot you'll find it advertised.
ADVERTISING supplies the surest means of know
ing 'what's new" in merchandise. Learn to read the
advertisements trust them profit by them. . ..
Read the advertisements regularly
It pays