The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 31, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Tupwlay. May 31, 1927.
Pape ThrM
Chautauqua Brings
Big Comedy Success
The old Baying that "Everybody
ivea a lurvr" might wall ba rear
I n I nil tu read that "Everybody
ivea an 'Apuleahucer.' " Anyhow
. ill la trim tor everybody vncopl the
ium lady of Ilia "Appleeaucvr'a"
fart and hr family In (ha play
Jilch la to appear here during
iautauiiia week. , .
No play In rarvut yaara baa prob
ity been mat villi a greater gale
laughter and more hllarloua com
andatlon than "Applnaaura."
i It la una of thoaa familiar homo
Ituedlea, In which tha characters
fa familiar to everybody. Thar
I "I'a Itohluaon" and "Mil Itnbla
in" aud llaaal, Ilia popular young
.tighter, whoao nuraaroua atiltora
I a never ending aource vf
linlly Interest and dlltaranca.
At tha atari of tha play, tha lead
la aultor la Dill MrAlester, Ih
Applcaaucor." Hill, howavar, mocte
(ih hard luck and hla rival. Hollo
knklna la accepted. " Thla continue,
trough two acta of hilariously fuu
f altuallona. In which lher la alio
Iry much of aound philosophy and
kod family advice. Finally, lllll'i
(falling Rood nature and hla "0
jna Inva fur tha atlrl overcome tha
hdcrhanded machlnatlona of Hollo
rnklna. Hollo la dl.mlascd and
Applcsauctng" wlna.
i l.lko all Chautauqua playa. "Ap
lesauee" la thorouihly clean from
art to flnlah. It carrlea oitt tha
. hatitauqua tradition of presenting
nthlng but what la worth whlla and
t tha same tlma splendid entor
ilnmont. Tha cast la haadad by Karl Rcott
od Marlon (lallaahar 8rott. whoao
laatrlral and literary work taavo
) lada lham great favorites and (Ivan
if m an n v I a b I a reputation
iroughout tha country. Mabelle
I'alah playa tha part of "llatal Kob
Ison", lienrge Callahan. "Hill Mc
Icetcr" and Holt Maybarry. "Hollo
rnklna." It la a wonderful play
Iran by splendid caat and brings
I Chautauqua palrcna ono of tha
ewesl and moil auccaamfut comadlaa
a rout of one-third what would
paid to see It anyahere but on
A largo number of frlenda and
alghbora aaaemblcd at the rh.pel
f tho Karl Whlttrrk funeral li mm
undny afternoon, where the laal
Ilea ware conducted for th lute
lilllam MeCauley Chayua, Hav. A.
'. Slmmona officiating and Mra. J.
I. Llnfaaty rendering two aelaeted
ymna. "Ileantlful Lie." and "Sniuo
y We'll I'ndrrstand." Oravealda
rvlrre ware conducted by tho
Jamath Falla lodgo of'Maaona.
allbaarera ware (ieorge Burton. A.
. Hmlth. R. II. Dunbar. Sam Dab
nger. liana Nylander and t. K.
lark. Interment waa made In the
imlly plot In Ml Lakl cemetery.
St,ltv 'n. C22PJ
a A. Moora, Plaintiff, va. Jack
Hlater. J. R. Smith, and the
Waatarn Savtnga Loan Aaaocla
tlon, a corporation, Dafendania.
t, J. E. Smith. Defendant.
V OHKUON: You are herohy re-
iilred In appear and answer to tne
omplalnt filed against you in the
novo entitled court on or before
ha tsth day of June. 19!7, that
elng the Inet day of date preacrlb
d In tha order for the publication
f summons made In the above
milled court on the 2 1st day of
lay, 1937. and If you fall to appear
nd ulead. answer or otherwise
lead within tha time, the plaintiff
Mil apply to the court for the ro-1
lef prayed for In bla complaint as
bllowa, to-wlt:
I For a Judgmont against yon, tha
hid defendants, Jointly and sev
rally for the aum of IHW, to
ether with Interest thereon at the
ate of ( per cent per annum from
he 1st day of September, 192s.
nd for the further aum of $7.60,
ho rensonahle costs of preparing
nd filing said lien and for the
oats and disbursements Incurred
oreln: and that said lien be do
lured to be a superior and prior Hen
pon tha real estate and upon tha
welling house situated thereon, and
hat the said Hen be foreclosed
nd that anld property he sold un
mr order and deeroo of the above
milled court; and that anld Hen
declared a prior Hen superior to
ho rights and Interests of the
ofendnnts or either of them here
in and that anid defend. nts and
nch of them bo forever barred nnd
tireclnsed from any right, tltlo, or
merest In or to the aald promise,
nd that plaintiff may have such
I her and further relief as to the
nurt may seem meet and eqult-
This summons Is served npon
bu, the said defendants, hy the pun-
enlion In the Klamath .News, a
ally newspaper, printed and puh-
shod In Klamath Fane, Kiamatn
lounty. Oregon, and of general clr-
kilatlon In aald county and atate.
br sin consecutive and successive
fecks, tho first publication being
hade on the 24th day of May, 1827,
nd the) Inst publication being
hade on the 28th day of Juno,
027, by order of the Honorable
Li. iarttt. Judge or tha court
foresaid, whlrh waa made, enter-
d and filed In aald court and
miss on the .2 1st day of May,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1121,31 J7.II, 21,28
? J 1 ' ' X.i . . I II - -
thcuritii.n Dav. when the hatred of war are f..rx.tten nn.l inen.) anrl foe jem to do hmuape
"" Ilrr "Veil. nn'' few of Hie iwn ho wore the blue and the rav in 61 left to pay tribute to
Ihe.r fallen comrade.. Left, a whitr l-ar.led O. A. H. .. I. ran tanl ..lent .t the ifraee of a aoldie.
friend. a .otion of llony Ceioctrrv. Kran.-e. where the white .-rmsj-i. ' r.,w on row" mark the
crave, of American bov. hIio fell in a. major eneaem. nt ..f the .'7iii Division, li-ht. helow, a tin
ier kneel., weeping, at the grave of her brother lit: ned on I r.tuli miiI S n.e few Aiu-rican. ho
have lost their lm, in tlM- Great War ire aide t I" 1 ran,. ,n M.mnr:j Dav. the I r. nch them
J Ue. arc observing the Jaj ,J the (rati. .1 tic American., di a. liouu.-; arc Jccuralnl with.
Recovering from Operation Mra.
Ruth itambo haa been moved from
the Klamath (leneral h.i.pltal to
her home near Pelican City. Mra.
!,',!?!,!.,r",", ,1"",r,"""'
major operation.
VUltlntT In Miilfonl Mrs. Docla
Norrls and Miss Olive Wilson are ;
f. pending the bolldaya vl.ltlng with
Mr. and Mrs. Shlnabargrr In Mod
ford. see
slotorcd to Valley Mr. and Mrs.
Fnrrell E. Hopkins spent Sunday
vl.ltlng In Medfnrd and other valley
points returning homo Into In tho
Krom Yrekn-The Misses Clara '
t.ang and. May Rudd visited In
Klamath Falls Kundny with friends
from their home In Yrcka, Calif.
Return Home The Misses Knlh
erlne and Jean Fulrehlld and (Ieorge
Slarey, who have been visiting the
past week-end with Hen Falrchlld.
of the Union Oil company returned
to their home In Yrcka yesterday.
Return to Stockton Mr. and Mrs.
William Immcl snd Mra. M. It. Cold
berg, who have been visiting oven
the week-end with relatives and !
irienus in mnniain rails, renirnrti j
home to .Stockton todny. Mra. Cold- j
botg wna formerly Miss Bhlve.
McArthur Here Lowla Ankeny :
MrArthur, of Portland la In Klain-I
ath Falla on business, and la regis-!
tered at the Hotel Wlllard. Mr.
McArlhur Is vlro president and
ernl manager of tho Pacific Power
and Light compnny In the northern
Here from Portland Mra. Wil
liam Arnold, sister of the Into Wil
liam Cheyne, Is hero from Portland
for a few days, culled hy the dentil
of her brother who wna hurled Sun
day. e e
Visited Parents Mrs. Floyd Dun
can McMillan returned Bunday eve
ning from Spring I. nice, whero she
has been visiting with her parents.
J-'rom lleatly-
ohn Rlmons Is In
the city from Realty,
plnnnlng to
return on Wednesday. Mr. Simons
came to attend the Memorial ser
vices. .
To Visit In Kirk Mrs. Susie Gib
son will lenvn this week for Kirk
whero she plana to visit a fortnight
with her son, Jessie Gibson. .Mra.
Glbaon'a home la In lenity,
Motoring to MiMlford Mr. ond
Mra. C. J. Taylor, o.f neatly, will
motor to Medford thla week to visit
a short time with Mr. and Mra.
e e
From Willlnmsnn River Mrs.- J.
D, Grimes and Mrs. O. L, Brown are
In tho cily from their homo on Wil
liamson River, visiting with rein
Uvea and friends over the holiday,
Visiting with Pnrenls Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Jnbo, and young son.
Sterling, of Los Angeles, arrived
Sundny evening to visit with Mra.
Jobe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
. Hartley of Pelican City, and sl.ter : JACK SLATER. Plaintiff,
Mra. J. S. (iold.wonhy of AltainoniL n r.unicTi"i vec-v . .
Acre,. Mrs. Jnbo I. gl.d to return C" KIvQ j ?Jji lAj. moork
! to her native land where ahe has a1 1 MOORb.
jl,;t frlend "" " ' l To C. D. ' Christiansen, A. W.
p...,ed to meet again. j Kin,. ,,i r. A Moore d9fend,nu:
I In the name of the atate of Ore-
At Cnrvallls Mr. nnd Mrs. rhsr.i gon:
les (!. Carcelon and dauahter. Jane
ara visiting over tho holidays tn P"r ""d answer tho o'mplalnt filed
Corvallla against you In- the above entitled
. ' , a j action on or before June 13, 1927,
. . 'th,t the expiration of alx
Distributor Here J. C. Fowler of j weeks' publication of this summons
the Fowler Snles company, 1317 8. prescribed by the order for the
lh slreet haa been appointed dls- publication thereof, and if you fall
trlbutor for the famous Kraft ' to answer, the plaintiff will take
Choose products, giving the local ' )udgmont against you for one hun
grorora super truck service. H. II d?,,'1,,iJ!rt)r dolll,r" ta
Mory went her of San Francisco Is).
assisting Mr. Fowler to Introduce
the widely advertised Kay aandwirh
At U.H-ky Point Many Klamnt i
residents spent Memorkil Day at
Rocky Point, among them were:
Earl Whltlock and family, and gueat.
It. n. McCoy, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Abbey, and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Abbeys snd children. Mr.
snd Mra. Oliver Splker; Mr. and Mrs.
C. It. Roberta and aon, lnnls:' Frank
Hogno snd psrty: Oliver Wilson;
Mr. and Mra. Italt.h I.uecombe ni.d
family: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hinehsrt
ana oaoy aaugnter; Mr. ana All..
tleorgn Harth; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W.
MrNrnly, and daughter, Ruth: Mr.
H. N. Moo and Mr. George May: and
Mr. Art Lcavltt and family.
Motor to (irauts Paiw Mr. and
Mra. Lloyd Harvey and family mot-
gen-;orod to Grants Pass Sundny. return
ing last night. Mrs. McColm,
mother of Mra. Harvey returned
with them and expects to visit here
for aoino time. '
Returns Viym Portland Major
Robert H. Kuykendnll returned yes
torrtny from Portlund where he hns
been for tho past week on business
In the Interests of the firm of Kuy
kendnll and Kuvkendnll.
Every department, of the Klam
ath Valley Hospital If admirably
prepared to treat the physical nceda
of the aufferer.
Ouch! Lumbago!
Rub Backache Away!
Kidneys cause t backache! No!
Your backache la caused by lum
bago, rheumatism or a strain and
the qulckoat relief Is
soothing, penetrat
ing St. Jacobs OH.
Rub It right on your
painful buck, and In
stantly the soreness,
stiffness and lame
ness disappears.
Don't stay crippled.
Get a 35 rent bottle
of St. Jacobs Oil from
your druggist. A
moment aflnr It Is
applied yoa'lt wonder
what became of the
backache or lumbago
In use for tin yeara for lumbago,
bncknrhe. sciatica, neuralgia, rheu
matism or sprnlna. Absolutely
harmless, Doesn't burn the skin.
I You nre hereby .regnlred to ap-
it. us.. ww,, iii.vuicr wiiq imoreai
I per annum from the lath
I day of January. 12 for the coats
irereon at the rata of alx per cent
and disbursement, of thla action.
Thla publication la made by order
of the Hon. W. II. Barnet. Justice
of the Peace of the above named
court, duly made on April 30. 1927.
Justice , of the Peace.
Post Office address: Court House.
Klamath Falla, Oregon
To read The Klamath News day
after day la to keep thoroughly In-
I"'" n oappenings or importance
I Kiamatb. Falla and rWnlty
For reaulta use News Clsaa Ada
"The Fool" Tollock's Fam
ous Dramatic Success
Admission ?1.00
. . t ;
Dr. Robert Parker
Miles ' . .
Haskell Indian
Symphonic Band'
Lucille Elmore Revue
Clay Smith, Song Hit
nnd lots of others
Season tickets on sale at
All Drug Stores.
Oil Makes Poor
Boys Rich Men
CHICAGO, Mar JO. Tha aaeond
rate aoll of a .mall Arkanaaa farm
haa turned to gold far two amall
colored boya wbo until a few week,
ago lived unobtrualvely In the Chi
cago negro dial lie t.
Oil wella oa their mot her a farm.
which they Inherited when aha died
three year ago In Cameron, Ark.,
are producing an Income of SIS. 000
a month each for Arthur and John
Sewell, S and 10 yeara old respect
ively. Arthur Sewell, father of the
young mllllonalrea, came to Chicago
after their mother', death, and later
married again. He worked In a
factory. Detxe accumulated faater
than be could meet them.
Aa a raault he negotiated a loan
of (400 on the Cameron farm. The
mortgage came due and be bad
nothing with which 19 pay It. The
"gold mine" almoat .lipped away
for want of a aum which the wella
are now 'producing In a few bourn.
Sewell waa able to borrow enough
to aave hla boya' property from the
firm for which be worked, however.
The dlacovery of oil and audden
wealth followed.
The father of the lucky youtba
baa decided tbey will not be ".poll
ed" by their money.
"I won't permit them to live it
up If I can help I:," he aald. "They
will have the flneat education the
world haa to offer, but tbey will
have to learn to work and appre
ciate their money.
"I've thought a 1st about tend
ing thera to Africa when they grow
up. I think Intelligent colored
men could do a lot of good there
for themaelvea and otber member,
of the race."
Sewell haa made n effort to
labllah title to a portion of the
larm oa bla own account.
"It belong to the kid.," be ex
plained, "and I won't take any of
It by going Into court abont It."
BOSTON. May 28. ,(A.P.) Bon
bon Traveler in a copyrighted story
published today says that It has
learned of prepartlonn which have
been going on over a long period for
regular trans-Atlantic airplane ser
vice with giant planes carrying at
least loo passengers.
Rear Admiral Latimer advised the
atate department today that Captain
William P. Richard, of the marine
'corpa. ahot In oelf defense when he
I killed General Cabulla, Mcaraguan
I bandit chief at Chlnendega yesterday.
From a Known Teacher I
Dorothy Baker
School of Dancing
Ball Room and Stage
Lessons Any Tlma By
1112 Main St.
Pti one (M8-W
The Klamath News has purchased at considerable expense
a wonderful beautifully bound cook book.
This book is not only full of surprise dishes, but also helps
you in choosing, caring, storing and laundering your table linens.
It helps you prepare your meaU with a real interest.
This book, "The Modern Method of Preparing Delightful
Foods," is by Ida Bailey Allen, international nutrition authority.
Send Only 10c to The Klamath News to Cover Postage
TOWN I STATE . ......
BELLA COOLA, B. C. May to.
Healdanta here have decided to tow
tbelr railage acroae tha river and
tranaplant It on a bl iff, where the
view of anowciad Caicade range i
peaka la better. I
Each aprlng. when the anow 1
melte In the highland., the Bella
Coola liver goea on a rampage. The
town la Inundated In place, and even
threatened with destruction. It
waa deemed cheaper and aafer to
move the town than attempt chang
ing the courae of the atreanj or to
build barricade.
Town folka are optlmlatle over
the exodua. They are eertan, any
way, that the scenery will be bet
ter and are eagerly awaiting a mas.
uieeting to be held aoon, at which
ney will draw lota for al'ea of their
new bomea. The government haa
given them the new townalte free
r.f charge. j
Some difficulty I anticipated in
moving tlit :ovu acr-fia the river,1
although a majority of the bualneaa
houaea and homes are of frame ecn-1
atructlon. . I
Private maternity borne; trained
aurae. SOi So. Ith. Phone Sff-W.
Kindly attention and a pleaaant
home atmoaphere are aaanred moth
ers at tha Klamath Valley Hoanital.
See How Holeproof
Hosiery Co. Make
Silk Stockings
Two machines will be in our windows
for four days demonstrating the
quality, style and fashion
features found in
each pair of "
June .3 46 7
rboaa 1097
Coat Leaa Decrease)
Maintananca Cut
Power Bilb
Weatro Pump are desisted to
operate a Standard Motor
ttprasda, bat are alao tarnished
for bell drive, and for direct
eoniMsrtloo to ateana turbines.
WkOTCO I)KSI;N offers yon
all the advantagea of a hori
zontal spill ease, double suc
tion pump at a price no great
er than that asked for cheap
aide auction, aingle bearing
Inveatlawte and Compare
Wrateo Deslspa Plica) awl
Perform nee with that of
other pampaw
Link River
Electric Co. '
He renth and Klamath
lH'hlit....lil!:llTUi J