Page Four Friday, May 27, 1027 TT1E KLAMATH NEWS' The Klamath News Published avery morolnf except Monday bj The Klamath Newt Pub lUhlnf Company at 101-1 tl South Fifth street. Klamath Falla, Oregon. Official Paper for the City of KUnx ath Falla and Klamath County NATE OTTKRBEIX.Clty Editor JLTNJ ZMMKHMAV 1 Advertising Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Effective April 15, 1027. nplivnm! by carrier, month .."! iM-iimvd by carrtrr, year e.ou Orlirrrrd by mail. year tt.OO 111 Bnbarrlptioaa Payable la Advance Entered aa aecond claaa matter at the poatofflce at Klamath Falla. Oregon, November IS, HI J, nnder act of March 3, 187t. Telephone 7T aienabrr AndJt Bnreaa of Circulation TOM WORD As we go along life's path way there are some friends we meet not often, but at all times we just know they are all right And when by chance that meeting comes it is like living life over again and the visit is a pleasant one. Today we met Tom Word yes, the same Tom Word you know the old ex-sheriff of Multnomah county; the big he-democrat of Oregon, and one of the best fellows in all the world. Tom served from 1904 to 1915 as sheriff and then he joined the government forces and for ten years he has been running down crim inals. Probably he has put more men in jail than any per son in the west, yet he is uni versally liked. He and Sher iff Till Taylor of Umatilla county each possess that rare faculty of jailing a man and still retaining his friendship. Tom is now seventy years of age, hut the youngest 70-year-old you ever laid your eyes on. It is only the last two months that his hair shows much gray and that is because fate de creed that Tom should under- How often you hear, "there go that deep sorrow of losing 'should be a law to prevent this his helpmeet. Mr. and Mrs. land that" No, there should Tom "Word were the exempli-'be no more, but there should fication of happily wedded j be some common sense among people, and all of their friends ; people and there would be no admired the marked devotion J need for a lot of fool laws, each possessed for the other. Law, law, law every time In his long trips she was often 'you turn around it is an in his companion and as age ! fraction of a law. came on they both most grace- The last legislature added fuly moulded their lives into the era in which they lived. With a fine family of children which Kind Providence had blessed them with, life was certainly beautiful. But the twain was rent asunder a few weeks ago and Tom Word, while the same companionable gentleman, feels the loss of his good wife most keenly. Mrs. Word was always his sweetheart and now he walks life's' pathway alone. His friends feel the deepest sym pathy possible fur him. They know his heart They know his nature, and realize that the world is not the same to Tom Word today that it was a few fehort week ago. ooo ' THE POWER OF ADVERTISING For those doubting chants who "can't see advertising can do us merr that any good," The News gladly and proudly calls attention to what was accomplished in the sale of the Lakeshore G.uens home-site tracts a couple of weeks ago. With a well-plannod adver tising campaign the agents for this property sold practically all of the available tracts in less than one week. In the first place, the ad vertiser must have honest mer chandise. He must give the people value received for their money. Having the honest merchandise, he can sell it provided he places it before the people in a proper man ner. n. ' r; In the case of Lakeshoro Gardens." honest merchandise was being offered for sale. It was being offered at an hon est price. The desirability of this tract for lakeside home sites was placed before the people in an attractive and cn tertaining manner. The public showed instant ; interest. They f'ocked out to these tracts to see for them' : selves just what was being of fered for sale. 'And finding ; that the advertising carried a truthful tnesage, they purchas ed readily and speedily. The same holds true in any line of business activity. The man who "has the right mer chandise at the right price can rest assured that it will be purchased if he will only place it before, the people in a well-planned and consistent advertising message. . NEW LAWS TODAY Today's the day Friday when the work of the last leg islature bears fruit if such can be said of it Anyway, there are 370 new laws added to what we al ready- have on the statute books, that go into effect and every citizen has that many more strings around him to prevent him falling in this slippery pathway of life. All of which reminds us of the days when a man's word was his bond and the smoke-house door never had a lock. We look back upon those "lawless" days with some concern now, for they were law "lawless" for lack of not for the breaking of the law. Civilization has worked wonderful changes and now every "sap" who slips on a banana peel immediately starts out to have a law pass ed to punish someone for his own negligence and careless ness. a basketful more for the over burdened citizen to dodge and juggle with. Thankful we sre that some of the laws go irg into effect today are re pairs on existing laws, but there are sufficient new ones to drive anyone to strong drink and then there is a law to prevent you from drink ing that strong drink. Some day we will all get tired of the vicious law circle and the fool-killer will get loose and do his stuff, after which peace will reign and everyone will again leave their smoke-house doors open with Hafety, probably. CANBERRA, Australia. The Duke of York and 600 other sub ject of his royal father toasted the king in orangeade and lemonade at the official luncheon at the formal dedication of Australia's new fed eral capital here today. The absence of rlnons liquids was due to the law making the federal district strictly dry. PHILADELPHIA. Rather than undergo the "monotony" of crossing the ocean on hoard a luxurious lin er. Miss Eily Carey, English scien tist, made the trip on a freighter, spending most of the time In the stckehole oiling the' engines. Clad in grease stained overalls, she arrived aboard the British freighter, London Mariner, from London. She was puffing on a cigarette, while she carefully oiled a valre, when she was discovered In the stoke-hole. "I really do think that a woman should do something rather than simply look pretty," she said, after explaining that the was on her way to visit a tttr In New Mexico and embarked cn the freighter to avoid the "stupid orlbdoxy" of a voyage aboard a palatial steamship. irTxrn as the f II Tl (Drak DAY THEY ; Church Looks for Cure for Unrest SAX FRANCISCO, May 26, (AP) Members of the special peace commission appointed In 1955 to find a cure for the unrest In the Presbyterian church in the United Stales today were completing tbeir report in executive session for pre sentation R the 'Presbyterian gen eral assembly at the meeting next Friday. The general'aasembly opens here Thursday. Members of the peace commission stated, however, that they were united In the belief that no doctrin al dispute whatever . Is Involved. They added that the report would concern itself with an attempt to Interpret explicitly the constitution of the church as relating to the dis puted rights of Presbyterians to be the final judges for tbeir own can didates for the ministry. Any con teat over adoption of the report will come from the floor of the assem bly. Convention headquarters announ ced that Dr. Clarence Edward Ma cartney of Pittsburgh. Pa., former moderator, would attend the as sembly to pnsb his plan for restrict ing recognition of divorce In the Presbyterian church to divorces ob tained for only one cause, adultery, eliminating wilful desertion. Both have been recognized by the church. PACICIF COAST LF.AGIE Club R. II. Oakland 11 Hollywood 4 S Club n. 11. Sacramento . 12 IS Missions 4 8 Club R. 11. San Francisco 7 8 Seattle 2 S Cluh n. II. Los Angeles 7 8 Portland 0 2 Second game: Club n. H. Los Angeles 1 7 Portland E It TILDF.V WINS ST. CLOUD, France, May 26, (V. P.) Without exerting himself Wil liam T. Tilden, former world singles tenis champion, survived the third round of French hard court tennis championship tilts here today when he defeated It. Itodel of France, 6-2, -l, -l. ;ui'ts of Miss Ilynon Mrs. Madge Dalton and Miss Klna Jen son are leaving Saturday for North Rend where they will he the guests of Miss Lois Ilynon over the Mem orial day holidays. llnlllngers Hero Mr. and Mrs. J. llalllngcr of Wasco, Oregon, were visitors In this city yesterday with Wayne M. Akers and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Holloway. They are returning . home following a motor trip to points In California. The well equipped X-Ray labor atory at Klamath Valley Hospital is Indispensable In investigating difficulties of the cheat and abdo men TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TWO FINE sleeping rooms. Phone This Promises to be Harder Than Selling Palm Leaf Fans to Eskimos PROBABILITY JOINT RAIL USE WIPED OUT (Continued front Page One) south end of the O. T. right of way. man hit Ih, VMnnil nn.t Airt I... v . 11 to more under picks and shovels al- most at once. I Laborers arriving here during than neat w ! lik va vat n I h h swl In thin air- only to reappfcnrtMn tho huge camp established at the end - of the logging line. Speculation ST. JOHNS. N, F.. May 25, (AP) over possible use of the Shorlin-' The Danish schooner Albert ir Hixon railroad had been prevalent riving at Uelleoram reports that an here since the visit of A. J. Witchell, airplane was sighted 80 miles off chief engineer for the O. T. and Cape Pine on Monday, May 9, the J. H. W. Davis, chief engineer for j day Captains Nungeaner and Coll the Great Norther, who imme- I were reported to have been sighted AN " Wir ft Feel like a Million every morning If your breakfast cup sends you forth "feci' ing like a million" whataworkadaydiffcr' ence it makes! This can happen every morw ing when your coffee-choice is M I B. All because of a flavor a rich, full-bodied flavor that spells contentment from first sip to hit. What's more, this flavor is constant. It's on the job every day just as you are. Drink itasyou lik-e.strong,me-diumor mild the same"rnilliqn dollar" flavorofM j Hisalways there to greet you at breakfast . and"seeyou through" the day M'J meets every Coffee, tilatrly went into conference with Shevltn-Illxnn officials. Disclosure of the sudden movo Into southern Pacific territory ex pluins many of the secret moves of the past week as generally regard -d as a major victory for the Ore- .. J ANOTHER REPORT OF I NUNGESSER PLANE - B taste in the dctteJIfnt ow much IfnofM J Byou can UKtueachcup tck-jiisc cf its con strength and rid.ncu near Harbor Grace on their ut - templed non-atop flight from Tarls to New York. The report 1 being further Invest Igatnd by the govern Ulent. i ape I'ine is a low nines auuin - west of Cape Hare, the sutiiheiMtnru tip of few Kouiullnml. llnllvoram la on the New Kounulaud const near 81. I'lurrlo. Marcel special, S0e, with bot, curl, flood, you bet. Hulto 111 Kerns llldg., IIIH Main tit. IMmnr I87A The one way to enjoy a vacation! Wcjr the ri;ht clothes at the rilit tmc smart flunncli for the aummcr dunces unit comfortuble knickers for lounpnff and sports. For thut lust minute before train time purchase let us su&;csl Dutchess Tmuxvrs unJ Knickers in thut easily 'ncopiircJ puckuce ith the Dutches "D" on the cover. ataaa LEA PI WO CLOTHlgRJ BIHCC WO g Entrancing Music Famous Plays , Bubbling Fun Inspiring Lectures ALL COMING TO Dr. Roberts Parker Miles "Applesauce" Dr. Alexander Cairns Allpress All-Star Co. The Scotts You get it all on a Season Ticket for less than ono of tho plays would cont anywhere else On Hale at tho ' following; places: Chilcote & Smith , Wilson Abstract Co. All Drug Stores AdulU, $2.50; Students, $1,50; Children, $1.00 Quality Delicatessen and Fish PHONE 68 524 MAIN I. - Fresh Today Fresh Salmon Fresh Halibut Fresh Sole Fresh Black Cod Fresh Jack Smelt Fresh Perch. 1 ! Adding Machine & Cash Register Dalton Adding Machine Company Sales & ' Service George D. Knox Valley Hotel . Klamatb Kali,: Ore. - ' : I i I Haskell Indian Band "The Fool" Ned Woodman Lucille Elmore Revue New Woodman Junior Chautauqua -r-Fresh Roe Shad i-Frcsh Crab Fresh Rock Fish Smoked Salmon pKippered Salmon Kippered Sable Fish