The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 27, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    SaVS rVVf jK-'JSrS'ifia l-'
Friday. May 27. 1927.
250,000 License
BA1.KM, May (UJ')rv-A qtiar.J
lor or million automobile Herns '
plntos will ha tsqnlri-4 In ninnt Orr '
tun's demand In I'i'iH. according to,
estimate made for the purpose o( j
tailing for bide for making lha i
' Colors for 121 )uta ara ,. B
while background Willi blink let.;
tare. An Ik the. I ho rata Hi In year, I
Ilia nama "Ormou" will be epelled i
out In full.
California's 1 92 plaiaa will bo I
lha reverse of Oregon's, with a
lilnek background eud whlla let-1
torn. Waahliiglon'e will hava an
orango bar itgiound and black let-1
tere. (
Tha record of aulomoblla llronae j
plates In Oregon lllualratee lha ail-1
venee of Ilia motor Industry. In
191 Ilia atata Issued S!t,l. In
1117 tha number had Inereaaed lo
im.oou. . . ,
There era now mora than one
foarth aa many automobiles In Dra
gon aa thara ara UraKunlana..
uniiu ii4kiii.'lrru lilTta IlL'l.ll
iMany Klamnih rounty pioneers
gathered In lha Poe Valley oeniulery
yesterday afternoon at 1:30 to pay
thalr reapaele at tha brlr of Hiram
It. Ilohorta, a pioneer ranrher of lha
1'oe Valley dlalrlct. Two eervlies
wara hald. lha flrat In grove of
treee near tha remeleiy data, where
Mra. l.utila Jacoba rend Ilia beautiful
C'hrlatlan He la nee eervlee, attar
which lha eaakrt carried to tha
grave, where lha Utld rVllnwa took
charge. Mlsa Evelyn Amlrka rand
arad two anloa. Tha pallbearers,
who wara neighbors, and brother
Odd FVIIuwa of tha dveeased ware
C.-A. Vogl. Ilay Truer. I.. 1). Koaa.
K.ll Wolf, and V. B. Kaatar. The
fuperal waa under the direction nt
the Towey Mortuary.
Prlrmla are respretfully Invited
to attend the funeral- services for
tha late William Mrt'aiiiry t'heyue.
to be held Hunday afternoon at
ISO.oVl.xk at the Karl Whltlork
funeral home. Tina evenno at Hlxth
atreat. with Iter, A. .' Klmtnnna
of the flrat llaptlat rliurch offic
iating. a Hervlcea at the gravealdn
will be eondurted by Ihe hljmlin
Fall! lodie of Masons. Interment
will be made In the fanflly plot- In
the Ml. I.ak! cemetery.
Xcw of a ilritisli raid on tlir headquarters of Arros Limited, ln
Tendon, a buying anil jelling agency lor the All-Iiuaalan co-ope r-
five society, hat aprrsit a wave of Indignation throughout Russia,
lin.llnf eiprrailnn in ilemonatrationa against (irrat Britain at Mot"
niw, The agency it talTrd by the Kuaaian trade drlegalion, whoae
ln-ad;tiHrtera were auiNiaed to have the atutua of an embassy. Above
t . tli.t right i a ilioto of M. khintrhuk. who heada the ag-ney at
London; but who w.ia abaent at the (ienrva economic conference at
the time of tlic raid. Kliinliliuk aucccedrd Leonid Kraiain at tha
finat when Krmnlii died l.iat Novemlier. Wlnaton Churchill, Ijrd
Ulrkruhcai), an I Si- William Joynaon liicl i lu th; membera of the
)lriti cnbint. favurin;; Coiceiul action agaiuat th: Soviet, of Lich
the raid wat an tinmjilc.
Canoe Fete Cannot
Be staged in 1927
Foreign Minister
Refuses Inquiry
' KUCrKB. Vii. 21.1'UJM Klood
wiilofa of Iiini wlrttc; In addition
Ui dolnaj ronalilarablal ,rirty dui-j mlnlator
aite. forced the ellmmatlon of one
of li t nlverally of Oregon 'a old
eat annual eventa, Ihe csnoa fete.
The WJIlametta rlva' franhet of
lual February awapl sway 100 feet
of the wall dividing an old mlllrace
from the river, allowing lha water
.LONDON. May 20, (API Sir
Anatan Chamberlln, Urlllah forelga
aalil today that tha
government waa not prepared to
accept a motion by J. ft. Clynea,
laborlte, that an Inquiry, ahould
be held Into the government'a
rhargea of aovlat propaganda In
Great Britain whlrh have reaulted
to pour fro mthe race Into the river-1 ' " " "T
Iai et tyt. - wmivr in 1US uiiiira
I K-oeky romt I
compelled abandonment of 'plant
for thai canoe tote : which alnce
1007, baa been a -prominent fea
ture of tha Junior wuek-end eventa.
C't-ncelng In the river at thU
point la prohibited by unlveralty
ifflclalaibccauae of the awlft cur
Counts Calories
For Customers j
-Fat women trying to reduce and
alender women aeeklng to Increaae
their avoirdupois no longer will
have to elraln their mathematical
abllltiea rountlng caloriea, tf a plna
to be adopted by women'e club
here beeomea unlverenl
Blr Auatln ' declared that the
laborlte -motion waa a rota of Cen
tura and that the government In
vited a clear expreaelon of confi
dence and approval. If It did not
obtain It,' tha government would
know what ale pa It would be Ita
duty to take. ,
lie declared that there waa not
a word of truth In the auggeatloo
that at Rome and Geneva he bad
endeavored lo form an antl-aovlet
anion. The llrlttah government, he
aald, bad no Idea, of embarking on !
any auch antl-aovlet campaign.
The Northern Pacific rail; waa
authorized by the L C. C. today to
conatrnet a (2-mlla extension from
H tn llrnb.
The club.-which will open a neiTh. COmmlulon rejected' a reaueat
dining room aoon. will adopt meflajof 4he Montana Kaatern railway,
carda - Hating . lha number of rai-1 ,llbl(jnlary of ,n. JreIt Northern,
orlea of each dlah .la' a marrjin i for permiMion to build a 31-mllc
alongside the price Hat. leneaalon from Rlcbardaon Circle.
. For i Inatance, If any, overly Montana. : '
plump woman aita down at tha din-inr.iahle-
to nartaka of a tender.
Juicy, ateak, aha will, know that Jr
every two ounrea or mat aieaa coo-.
taina 10 alorlea. She could then ;
tdjuat her diet accordingly. . ' ." j
I Manual will be listed swinging 1
not -a calorie, over the 1(00 allowed
tha average woman of leisure and ,
also the fall caloriea for tho .wo-j
man Indulging In physical occupe-)
tlone. . ' y - r'
Tha calorie unlta will . be pre-
pared by the country's . moat au
thnrltatlvo dieticians.
Trie . . I
To Open for the Vacation Season
. ' , can furnish you with
Row Boats Kicker Boats
Excellent Dining Room Accommodations
4 Cabins and Tent Houses '
4 v 'J-'
Special.Chicken Dinner Sunday
a w
-g O O -!
Il H I
For reanlta ue Newa Class Ada.
Standard Dyer
and Cleaner
OdorleM Cleaning
One-Pay Service
Expert Dyeing
1409 Esplanade St
Phone 825' '
M.I.AIU Til llll'KMAN
Funeral aervlcea for lha lata
EHtabeth lllckman were held Thurs
day afternoon at Iho Karl Whltlock
funeral hotn. Itef.' Frank Wemett
offlolatlng. . Pall batuora anloeted
from neighbors from Malln. wre
C. II. Kline. Albert Plaall. Hugh
and Samuel Currier. Interment waa
made In Ihe I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Two vocal aelectlona were rendered
by Mra. i. II. Llntoaty. .
rrelorit tvolldxe la giving serious
consideration to the Hlurk Hills. 8.
I)., aita augeaud for a summer
white houae-.-
While It waa announced at the
Whllo House that Ihe president had
not reachod a definite conclusion
aa to hla summer plana, It waa anld
that the South Dakota hill ap
peared very attractive to him and
that ha waa having a careful In
apectloo made to determine wheth
er aceommodatlona could be sup
plied for- the large ataff he timat
take with hint ana tne newspaper
i i
Hal illnckburn and hla bind havo
been engaged to play for the now
dancing elub. which opona their
flrat dance at the Winter Garden
The Ion Duree club announced
thla fact ycatnrdiiy, and 'wish It
known that tho donro la opon to
everybody, and are endeavoring to
make thla flrat dunce great euc
Inauranre Mun Hit- Kd Thomp
aon. well known throughout the
atate aa an Insurance adjuster. Is
spending a few daya In the city on
bualueea from Portland.
e .
Itrturnlrux llmnr Mr. and Mra. I
J. C, Hallanger.i from floardman,
Oregon, are returning home today
after spending a few daya In Ihe
city visiting friends and attending
to business.
Mm. Akera Returns Mrs. O. C.
Akera la returning to her home in
More. Oregon, today. Mrs. Akera
has been visiting with her daughter.
Mrs. Ilert Holloway, for the past
few daya.
e a e
From New York 8. Tabler. rep
resenting Abbott and Walker adver
tising agency was In Klamath Fnlls
yesterday from New York, looking (
over locnl buslnesa aituatlons. Af
ter a month In the north, he will
again return to Klamath Kails for a
more extended visit. !
From Iteno Joe Ionard. well-1
known- resident of Reno, la spend-1
tng a few days here attending to ,
bnalnesa. i
... .
To Crania Pit Mr. and Mra.
C. 1). Ferrla have moved to Grants
rasa to make thetr home.
. 7 V ty e a
Mrs. Houston Mnicl If her con
itlllon Iiermlta tin WrmA tlnn.inn I
will be moved lo a hospital In San
Francisco thla evening.
On llnalnrsa Frank Schmidt, of
Boatty, la In the city on business,
a . a , a
To CMvr lUiiirh Mlsa Anita
Shafar will accompany Mlaa Opal
Caldwell to the Caldwell ranch near
Fort Klamath to visit over the holidays.
: t e t
Saturday,' 8 p. m.
May 28 '"
i-ii i fe4'v-a-i) -- ;
Pupils of -
Ml I i .' -" , I '
i Dorothy Baker's
School of Dancing
Ticket On Sale at Studio
1112 MAIN
Returns Home Mrs. M. E. narr.
wlfd of Dr. llarr of this rlty. and
who haa been visiting friends here,
returned to her home In Salem last
evening. Mra. Ilarr la employed In
the state department In Salem.
I .ad lea' CbUdrcn'a Ilnlrcnttlng
By Appointment 1
Phono WW
(30 Main
Varnlah ebecka removed like new
' A. K. DBAHON, Piano Tuner
110 Main , Phone Hw-W
TOASTY, Creamy Richnessl
Refuse imltadoru. Only genuine Quaker Oatt
h'at that world'.fainous QUAKER FLAVOR.
- Your Ftvmily Shoe Store
i . 4 t
Many new styles and colors
in Ties, Straps, and Pumps.
P-iced right!
) j1"'- I
Buy that Sport Oxford now!
We feature clever Crepe Sole
Sport Shoes. Priced so every-
body can have a pnir.
A Special on Children's Hose
Friday and Saturday Only
''i ' i. .'!".. .
Silk and Lisle, regular 98c now 59c
Lisle, full length, regular 45c now..... 30c
Cotton, full length, regular 39c now..! 25c
Cost' Less Decretue
Maintenance- Cut
1 Power Bills '
- Westeo tNunpa are itesigrHM to
operuto at--Htauidard Motor
Hpt-eaia, but are also fnrntahedi
fur belt drive, and for direct
' connection to steam turbines.
WEtvTCO DESUi.X offexa you
all the advantages of a horl
tontal epllt eaae, double auc
tion pump at a price no great
er than that asked for cheap
'aide ' auction, single bearing
pumps. -
' Invest Igate and Compare
nratro IKraijra rrice and
Performance with that of
- other pampa.
Link River
Electric Co.
Seventh and Klamath.
The Polly Shpppe
, 133 So. 9th St-Oppoaito . Poatof f ice ,V
I 1
NEW i aby Blankets, Sacques, Infant
" 1 ' " dresses,' Kimonas, Infant Shoes,
, .. Gertrude's Pillows' and ,Pbt
Holders. ? ' ..'
NEW ' Beautiful assortment of Flowers
direct from New "York, priced
to sell. -, '
NEW Children Panty Dresses
from 2 to 6 years
For our shipment of New Style
Dresses in. printed dimities, Rae
Flake Voile to arrive in a few
days. Priced so you will want
to buy two or three at a time.
Prices' ranging from
$2.35 to $3.75
t t t - i
The Howard Transportation Co.
-stationed at the ;
Stage Terminal
. .615 MAIN STREET : '
Next Poor to; McDonald's Fool, Hall
Continues to give the old Safe, Reliable Howard Service
daily to .
Leave Klamath Falls at 7:15-10:00 a.m.-l:00 and 4:00 p.m.
. , ' . 1 ..i .....; i' - -1: - t -. - f- - t -i - : .t ., s ; -,v j ., 'i
- ! .-.!.. .
Direct connection to Portland and California points. Through
tickets at a reduction to all Oregon points.
Phone 999 for
The Service That Has Stood the Test
1 ,4 I. , 1 J