The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 26, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Cheyne Dies Here '
At Age of 53 Years
, , ,. ., i
Word p( IIio auddoit pueslng of
' Wlllhiiil Met'aulny Cheyne allocked
i lili many frlnmla throughout lb
county early, yosinrday.
Blliihl hope - hull! fur 1ila re
covery after he waa suddenly strick
en wlih appendicitis at hla liuniu on
the Rprlng take road Huntley. An
operation waa performed aa aoon
aa ho could ba rushed to a local
hospital, hut death ovartoolc aim
Wednesday morning, tir .
For lha past 4 4 years, Cheyne
liaa been resident of Klamath
rou nly. recognised' aa one of the
comtnunliy'a moat oumiandlng farm
ere. Hn waa burn In Kdlnbourgh,
Scotland, and at tha aa it ten
rama with hla parents to tha states.
At hla death ho waa a) yaara of ego.
Ha leavea a wll. Mary; daughter
of Mr. and Mr. Carl Hrhubert, Hr..
of tha Kpring 1-sWe district, to whom
ha waa married ten years ago. Wll
Ham and (.aland, two atnall aana.
aged nine aud bovpii respectively,
nlao survive. '
' Two of hla brother". Itobert and
aloxander, are prominent ranrheri
of Ihta country and another brother.
James, realdaa In Yakima, Wash
ington. Ilia sisters are Mary, (Mra. O. R.
Thmnpaonl and Delia, (Mra. l. II.
(Tha remain! are at tha Earl
. Whltlork Funeral Home.
:m.mii:tii iik km
Prlenda are reapertfully Invited
to attend tha funeral services for
tha lata Ellison h lllrkman to be
held Utla afternoon at I:S0 o'clock
at tha Earl Whltlock funeral Home,
I'llie avenue at Dlitb. with Iter.
Prank Weniett of the Kim Method
ist church official luic. Interment
will ba mad In the family plot In
tha I. O; O. T. cemetery.
. 1
i Elmer Waldrop left for l-angell'a
' Valley laat week to work on the
Internment dredicer. ' Work on n
dralu ditch will ba carried on for
quite a while lo put valuable lahd
I It condition for Irritation and
i cropa.
Dr. Maaaey waa called to tha W.
It. Ilasklns home laat wrok. Mra.
Ilasklna haa been quit III with
pneumonia but la able to be about
aaaln. .1 , . .
sits Agnr Haloman left' for Ash
land aftur the closing of achool to
visit for the luminer. . . ,
Mr. and Mra. M. M. Hlewart made
a , hurried trip to Klamath Falls
Raturday. Mr. Douglas llussey ac
companied them.
Among thoae to rail at tha llus
klna homo Ihla' week wero Mra.
Klrkpalrlrk anil Mra. Wilton of
Khaata Vlow and Mra, pandora M
Or. Norval haa moved to Merrill
where aha haa opened an office 'In
the club roonra for her practice.
Several of her pattenta from Malln
aro continuing. Ircalraenta with her
n Merrill.
Albert Mlika haa left for a trip
to Europe to be gone aoma time.
W. A. I-ayman apent a day at the
(.eater Klrkpatrlck homo In Klamath
Rrber and Myera were at the
Bailey home Runday.
Mra. Togle haa born visiting at tho
Myera borne.
Mra. n. O. Campbell la plaiting at
the Everett Ourkco home with her
daughter. Mra. Durkee waa In
Klamath Palla Monday for tho
funeral of Mr. Campbell.
M. M. Rtewart called at the Pete
Plaher home Monday. 1
'Mr. R. V. Eaatwood la moving
hbi family from Bnnnnta to hla
homeatead on the lake. All the
homoalcadore are busy either build
ing homos or putting In their cropa.
iMra. George ftmtnlph, Mra. Moran
and daughter, Mlaa lleulnh Jonea and
Mr. Ed Gentry and Infant daughter
called at the Durkee home Runday.
Mr. Gentry li a brothor-ln-law of
Mra. Durkee and la leaving hla lit
tle daughter here for n vlalt. Jin
realdoa In (lend. ' Mr. flontry aaya
every one la excited over the new
railroad work that l being started
tiAnr thero and hnpra aro vory high
for an early finish.
iMr. and Mra. Everolt Durkee and
family with M. M. Stewart and
family apnnt tho afternoon Runday
at' the II. V. Durke home In I'oe
Valley whore Mr. Ditrkoe and Mr.
Rtewart celebrated their blrthtlaya
with a chicken dinner.
Mr. Andy drown of Malln haa re
turned from -fnliromla where he
waa called at the death of his
father. '. ""
George llndlclal la poisoning tho
'gophera that mnko homea and
trouble ' In Ih ditch banka and
flelda. Mr. Uudlftial haa been em
ployed by Ihe government for aav.
jri Miri anH nuts In hla time nnt-
ting out polaon on the ditch banks II
where ho gola rid of. many moua
anda of gophera every yenr. '
IMra. Pete Fisher waa In Merrill
one day thla week. L . 1 ' ' 1
Mlaa Evelyn Stewart apent the
day with Mlaa Nellie Ilasklns Sat
urday. Jloh and George Gllllaple were at
Ihe Durkee homo visiting with the
Durkee children. . . .
air. and Mra. Ilusklna and Mr.
Penny were In Klnmnth Palla laat
' I
i '
Traveling In Washington Mr.
aud Mra. Dwlglit Kremli hare left
fi r an extended visit around Spo
kane and lb Wallowa country.
.Mr. Prenih, high arhool athletic
coach, will work In a flail hatchery
near Rpokano later In the eum
mcr. ,
, a
At tho Hotel Wlllurtt Amooj
tho guaata registered at Ibo Hotel
Wlllurd are: Teresa Mauloii, St.
l-ouls. Mo.; W, A. bponcs. lxs An
galea: J. H. Jenka, Oakland; P. I..
Ni.rniau, Spatllv; 1. Ahrondt, Han
Pranclaro; U. A. I'rlnie, Eugene;
J,. A.. Wiley, Portland.
. '
Hotel Hall tlueata Iteglntorlng at
tho Hotel Hull Wednaaday are;
E. II. Kuw, Eugene; - Mra. Armon
Hlnkle, Rinknno: C. II. Day? Port
land; Wm. C. OH, Seattle,
a a a
ItrMiMava to Meet DeMolaya are
lo meet Thuraday evening In the
Maaonlc Hall at H:00 o'clock to
give Ihe Initiatory degree.
a a a
Condition- Improve Prlenda of
4tra. Pred llouaton will 1m pleated
to hear that ahe wo allghtly Im
proved yeaerday.
a a
In Man FranrlMco Mra. Pyron
Hardenbrcok and Mra. A. E. Whit
man have left for Ran Franclaro.
where they plan to atay for about
four weeka.
a a a
llruthcr Vlalt Paul Stnwart,
ann of Mr .and Mra. Prank Stew
art of Ihe Spring Lake dlatrlct, la
In the city vlaltlng with hla alater.
Mra. Floyd Duncan McMillan,
a a a
Vacation In lloaeburg Otto Kb
Ha, employed at the Klamath Neaa
left thla morning for Itoaeburi;
where he wilt apend a two weeki'
acatlon. 1
. a a
On Camping Trl flay Mordoff
and Ellla Truelore, Klamath county
high achool atudenta, left yeaterday
for a week 'a ramping trip near
Cherry creek. They are making
the trip Ly motor.
a a a
(Care llrzb teml The following
rare bearing foreign llrenae platea
reglatered at the chamber of com
merce Wednesday: Wm. Koea, Hpar
ta. Win : 11. T. Anderaon. Oakland:
II. tVKayea. Ilillnga, Mont.; Floyd
Nelson, Sungcu, Cal. ; A. II. George,
Eureka. Cal.; Ira Dewey, Paaadena;
K.I llolden, Salinas. Cal.; O. C. Cal
kins, Chlco; Pred Hence. Oakland;
Mra. Ixnila R. L'pson, Burney. Cal.;
W. C. Voyel, Cambridge, Idaho;
Wm. A Davis, Glbaon, New Mexico,
a a a
On ' llualiiraa TrliFred Poter
aon, county arhool auperlntendent.
apent Wednesday In Chlloquln and
at the Klamath Agency on bualneea.
Prom HonaiiM T. II. Ilartell of
Monanta apent Wednesday In the
city on buslnc:ia.
a a a
From KuKcnn C E. Gray of Eu
gone. Ore., la spending the week
here on business. He wilt return to
hia home the last of the week. He
la staying at the Hotel Hall,
a a a
Initiation at Merrill Forty-three
members of the local Royal Neigh
bor lodge motored to Merrill Tuea
day ttlght to Inltlato the new mem
bers there.
a a a
Iavea for Portlanil Everett C.
Vanderpool, Klamath county high
lrhool teacher, left Wednesday
morning for 'Portland where he will
spend Ihe summer montha.
''-.'' a a- a
To Diamond Lake .Ellis Myera
and Arlln Adama, high' achool atu
dontf, have left for Diamond Lake,
where they will be employod in the
fish hatchery this aummer.
a . a a
(Solf Tournament This aftornnon
at two o'clock tho woman's putting
tournament will be held at the
golf club. ,The tournament, which
waa postponed from last week Is
Open to all women. Thursday la
women'a day at tho Gulf club.
a. a, a
Oregon Products Dinner The
Eptwrnal ladles served a very suc
cessful home producta dinner last
night at tho parlnh houno and the
l atronnge was vory f.ood. Tho din
ner waa excellently cooked and
served by iho young ladies In n
hnppy manner. '.Musical number
Leave Klamath FalU:
8:00 A.M. . 12:00 Noon. 3:30 P.M.
Connecting at Ashland for Snn Francisco and all
California points.
Connecting- at. Modford for Portland and all
wayi points.
'- . i ,
Stages to:
Leave Klamath Fall. 7:30 A. M. and 2:00 P. M.
Connecting at The Dalle for Spokane,
" Walla Walla, Boiie.
1 . Leave from : , '
8th and Klamath Phone 326
during the meal made It plejuunl
and enjoyalile. Tho ludlea fnunl
that their larder was well filled,
so wvill. In fait, that they announc
ed a repetition of th pro
ducts dinner this evening nt !i
cinta pur plute.
a a
MM MeCnuley III Mlaa Vivian
Mi'l'auley of Ihe Klnmnth News has
been ll with the flu for the past
three duys.
a a a '
Irflnvliiff fur Hnn Fiunclsco Mr.
and Mrs. (ienrgo I.. Mitchell ara
Irnvlng this week for San Francisco
where Mr. Mitchell will take a sum
mer course In voice culture at the
t'-in Francisco conservatory, under
fiulllo Sllva. Mr. Mitchell will also
this aunimer under Louie Gruveure.
Mtidy thla summer under Louis
firaveure, the conceit artist In San
Framisco. ,
a a a
Taken to Hospital Friends will
be sorry to. Ivarn that Mrs. Lawr
ence Huconlch la In the Klamath
Valley hospital aerkiusly III.
a a a
Msrrlol Wciliicaila) Henry Cov- j
Ington and Mlsa Millie K. Turner
wero married Wednesday morning
by Justice of Ihe Peace Ilarnea.
loth bride and grom are from
a a 1 a
.itteoil Muslr Coaveotlon Mea
damea Don Zumwalt, C. A. Hender
son. Geo. Mclntyre, Willard John
son. Geo. Tyson. W. E. Lamm. E. D.
Johnson, and Mlaa Evelyn Ailegate
left by train last week for Eugene
to attend the elate aiualc teach.ra'
assembly, which la In aesalon Thura
day and Friday. The delegatea plan
to return Raturday of thia week,
a a
In .ttito Accident Prancla J.
Powne. Ilonansa, In reporting an
accident which occurred Tuesday
evening on Main atreet, between &th
and th. claims that a woman driv
ing a largo cor backing Into him
when coming out of a parking apace I
Ilroken fendera were the only dam
age. a a 1 a
Takea Wialncaa Trip Joseph Jen
sen speut Tuesday In Chlloquin at
tending to county market road bua-
a a . a
lUuiila Good C. E. Gordon and
Ed Howe, both of Portland, who
have been apending the paat woek
In tho city, went to Lakevlew Mon
day. Tho trip waa made ill fiveialloikof. their-pauHJons. aad tha for- j
houra and they report tho roada In-maUon of llhtlna( districts. Aa I,
excellviil condition. Gordon ' and
Howe aro representatives of tho
i'eot Jlroa. Soup company.
a a a
Miirricil Wetlneediiy ' Mornlna
II title R. Tuner became the bride of
Henry B. Covington Wednesday
morning. Tho marriage ceremony 1
waa performed by Justice of the.
Peaco William Ilarnea. Both are
residents of Weed, California.
Waller Howard, aged S3, tlre
warden for the Klamath Forest Pro-1
tective association waa atrurk down
by a tree yeaterday on a forest road ,
near Spencer Creek ranger station ;
whrri he miscalculated tha direction
In which a tree would fall, and now.
Ilea seriously Injured in the Klam
ath (ienernl hospital.
Howard waa working on the road. ;
with several fire wardena who were
cutting trees away along the right-of-way.
Howard was crushed by a small !
tree, and four ribs were broken.!
one of which punrtnred hla lung.
He la aufforlng a severe scalp In
jury, an Injury of the collar bone,
and cuta and bruises.
.For roaults use News Class Ada.
Prom Knows Teacher!
Dorothy Baker
School of Dancing
llnll Room and Stage
Lessons Any Time By
1113 Main St.
I'hono H43-W
Thursday,' May 2i, 1027."-
New President is
Ready for Program
(Continued from Vrngm One)
We should aver he alert to do all
we can to encourage Indualrlee and
manufacturer to locutn here. We
offer adroiitagfa for many varied
Industries particularly remanufac
lurlng of wood producta. Theao
bring pay. rolls, and the more pay
rolla we can aerure for the county,
tho more proaperlty will we enjoy.
"On moro point I would like In
..... .. ,
touch upon... Let'a finish up speed
m il nh. Mil a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u iirru'.
lly the work .started during clean
up week. . Thla la the time of year
to get rid of aci umulaU'd rubbishy
lt'a take a pride In the general ap
pearanoea of our community, be
cause that will help to mako a good
impression upon the thousands that i
are going U Hock to Klamath, alnce
we are now so strongly In the spot
light of now development.
Need Huiorestlnne.
"If any one haa suggestions 1 aa
to what ahould be don.e I ahould be
glad to receive them. While, I am
aervlng on a number of public
boarda and commltleee. I asaura you
I appreciate the honor of . being
president of thla chamber organiza
tion at a time when ao many Im
portant things will bo coming np
for attention.' ( shall willingly do
my part, and I .bespeak the hearty
cooperation of everyone. ' Without
cooperation our elforta will be In
vain. With it we ahall aoon have
a bigger and better community."
"The activities of tha chamber nf
commerce are ao extensive that I
have hardly bad time to be able to
outline to you - the ; thlnga most
urgently seeded. I have gone In
to some of theae mattera with your
jwcury Mr, s,bn, out mT da,i..
aa a member of the grand Jury thla
week have prevented me from find-,
1ng my bearings aa completely as I
ahould have preferred.
Heller LilttitllMC j
"However, it seems to me that
since the election held recently the ;
chamber ahould assist In every pos-i
slble way to aee thst our atreeta are :
" "ted. Thla activity will.
be handled largely through our
atreet lighting committee of which
Mr. Crego ia the chairman. Our,
transportation farllltlee are rapidly
improving, and that means Increased .
number of tourist, and I do ' not I
know, of anything that will make n
good Impreeslon upon visitors better
than well lighted atreeta. with or- i
namantal fixtures. Thla committee
will assist the property owners of '
any section of tha city in the prepar-
understand It, these llgllling dis
tricts are now In a position to bond
themselves for thesa lighting Im-
provementa,' and aecure ten yeara
within which to pay for the lighta,
and these proportionate asseeainenta
for benefits should not be large,
I earnestly ask Ihe cooperation of
everyone toward the furthering cf
thla program for better lighted
atreeta. This ia an improvement
urgently needed.
Advocate (.and Settlement
"I also believe the time haa come
when we ahould devote our best
energiea to land aettlement. Com
paratively speaking our lands are
cheap, better markcta are being
opened up with the coming of our
"'; "'V " ,
'railroad; better highway and coun
, , , ...... .ti i.
ly roaoa are ueuia uum, nor eun
fertile, well adapted to many ataple
crops, and we can sincerely offer
Inducements for new farmers to
come to Klamath County. Our
County Agent, Mr. Henderson, ia
oirrylng on a aplendld work In thia
county, and we ahould assist In every
way to build up the bark country to
Klamath ' Falls. Wo have a Land
Settlement Committee and also an
Agricultural Committee. Theae two
committees are cooperating on thla
Emily K. 3ard, representative of
Kathleen Connoly, Importer of the
Portluud Irish Shop, will be with
ua at the Valley Hotel today and
tomorrow. She brings a I Bit of
Ould Ireland r to help ycu with your
summer dreaa and band-work prob
lems. Her line Includes Table Dam
ask, Towels. Handerkerchlefa, Home
spun Woolens and the wonderful
Hresa Llnena that will not mnas.
The public Is Invited to consult
Mlsa Bard. Adv. . .
' Private maternity' home; 'trained
enrae. 60S So. th. Phone Sl-W.
have them examined regularly
and keep all oavitlea and gums
Neglect la an expensiva form
of procrastination. ,
Sugarman Bldx. 6th A Main
X-Rny Examinations
Oven Kveninfcs
Your Choice
' . ' ' . ' ' : ' 'I.. . '
Lamp, bpeaai
See our big window
display and
:.;. sV ' "
-aTiViEf V-VS
(aJronite Cleaning Fluid
doesrit cover up"it CLEANS
everything made of threads-'
Use it everywhere
Getting spots and dirt out of things withesjt damag
ing delicate fabrics of fast color is the busuuu of
Oronite Cleaning i"!u.d It will dean thost. lovely
slippers your daintiest frocks the children's suits
and dresses nothLig's too sheer or fine.- And then,
it will do a full day's work beautifully on heavy
rugs, cushions, cleaning, freshening, restoring.
' Use it every nuac non-explosive, free from tm
pleasan: odor. '" ' "
In H pints and pints, gallons, etc, at grocers, drog
gists, hardware and department stores or any Standard
Oil Service Station. Can also be ordered in larger cans . .
and Unci, i .- 1 ' ' '
Mektt-1 of Qtoail HoarikaH Product rj -
choice for
I i J r. ts
,f -r ri '
W av ' W .1 ". -l'"J I ('. ;C
tv ft
m . m