The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 15, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' Pace Four
13. 1027.
TriA Klnrnntri WU'e'of contented citizens, wheth-
, ine iviamain iNes in town or co h d
; yn v,..d nigh,,nr. Wevc 8aid thllt
lofk-ui Pir for ehe oiijr of Kinm-'so many times it ought to be!
' fuuuiy understood by now, but cer-
EDWIN rose ...... Managing Editor tain individuals are hard of
l i. ,w..,ww hearing.
Leave It to the Kadio Board!
The first essential of citi-
V Published evsry moraine except;
K TV. L' V'.. t . h .
ll.hiot Company t los-iss South zenship is doing to others as
Fifth street, Klamath Fall. Oregon. j you would be done by. That)
srB8CKlrTIOS RATKS jm" adaptation. If more of j
EffecttTe April 13, 1P27. I us woulJ "J"!'1 ourselves to
DeiiTemi by carrier, month.. .63' mutual requirements there!
J ". """ would bo fewer disturbances.
Driivrrrd by snail, er 5.O0 ...... , ,
-All 8brtpttoiu PjblelBAdnce otmn8f ,s ever Kned by
1 - ... i... i ; playing tricks and cutting up
Rnured as second class matter capers. Most of our people
.lit the postotflce at KUmath Falls.1
Oregon, November IS,
at of March :,;i!?9.
1923, under
aber Audit Burma of ClrruUtlon
mean well and are sound at
heart- Let's get after the oth
er fellow and make him sound !
inose lopco uoys are a
i ifine bunch. They were han-
The faithful few are well;dHng big sticks of timber
aware this is holy week, around town yesterday with
Those who seldom go to! the ease and facility of ten
church sometimes need re-' P'ns in 0 bowling alley. Plant
binding, jing new electric light poles
?; As a tribute to religious 'and dismantling old ones is
sentiment business will take a ! about the simplest thing they
noon recess all over town. Its:40- Tomorrow maybe they'll
observance should be all the!be building high power lines
more general because by noisomewnere m tne woods, and
playing with rate every min
ute. Occasionally their luck
goes against them, and noth
ing much matters after that.
Like pilots of the air mail
someone is always there to
carry on. but meanwhile their
.means compulsory.
Today's, call of forest and
'Stream opens the 'season of
boys again in tramp and trail fr"1 of ,Tr,age an serv.ic
and bivouac. The joy of fish- j oese" 63 p'ace ana pralse finding. Throwing a
line any old place fails the
"very spirit of angling. The
fun and zest is in hidden spots
and swift currents. Any ad
venture worth the while will
The trouble with the Port
land Telegram" is not entirely
new and not altogether un
it costs fabulous
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., April 14.
ill. I1, ) I'ola Negri, temperamental i
screen atar, li'ft here Thursday for '
New York, whvm-e she will cm-'
bark fur I'nrla on April ill. I
MIm Negri will reside at her
rhalrau near l'aria ilurhia her alay ,
abroad. 1
Merrll lluad
t-'.iUM, uor
' llerrv llnnia '
Increase their k
KA .1.1. .n.l t.
ULCLAKLU UHADAILU statintlca of Neil- York tra.e
nnv wuinan, iviiiik uoiurt t uc ni'iu
lutlnn 119 rrlmlnnl varvllir In
be off thp hPAfpn nAth CXpeCiea. " COStS laDUIOUS; hteKre from petit larteny lo mur-
011 ine Deate" Pains. A nraumed the Youths fell dsIwd.i... it tv,
iiiuiicj' uunauaa iu meet liic i " . " " '
(Continued from Page One)
md to the pern o new MARK FOR AIR
lumatilty. Criminal m
York trae to CfNUUKAINCt. IS Sbl
(,ontlnued from Pa Re One)
f That's the mncipm lurp nf
fish and fishing for sleepy
heads in town. We'd like to
see every man shake himself
from -ease and comfort and
make for the woods. For some
reason this great American
requirements of a big city
daily, and all sentiment aside,
why not consider a consolida
tion? What has been done in
Denver and Cleveland and
New York ought to be equally
pastime is losing ground, and j se"s,ible herei'? the West, and
needs a revival. The insist- wmle 80me
W of other attractions would 7tJV caPture thet Portland
mean eventually a very dif-i"u we e3UO" "
ferent- manhood, lacking in
poise, patience and quiet
strength. Fishing has too
troad an appeal and too gen
'erous a thrill to go the way
''of croquet and ping-pong, and
We hope Klamath will do all
it can to encourage and de
velop this tourist attraction.
Main street was all aflutter
: yesterday when a real honest-to-goodness
brass band fan
flared up and, down to lively
music- It showed what pent
up enthusiasm is on tap. It
made us wonder why we don't
get more impromptu perform
ances of this sort. It carried
' us back to the years when
amateur bands were as num-
The general trend everywhere
i3 towards fewer papers and
better papers, and the right
kind of merger with either
the Journal or the Oregonian
would answer every public re
quirement. Otherwise with
Hearst to be reckoned with,
millions would be wasted - in
useless competition, and Port
land itself would be no better
off. All of which is none of
our business, but is respectful
ly submitted.
Ten teachers, from points thro
ughout the Pacific coant and mid
dle west, have been employed by
the city school board to teach in
the six public schools of the city,
according to announcement made
yesterday by Superintendent J. I.
erous as politicians and when'We,lB-
i i lie wuuieu win iitnH nit- pttu-K ui
1 ! Miss Loretta JennlngK, MIkh Kdlth
j Klner, MIks Helen Ho ran. Miss Hazel
(Smith and several others who have
on the track
Parsons, Kansas, scene of train
wrecks last week. Is facing high
waters, with the Neosha river again
i produced from the progeny of one!
woman. And these advocates clulmj
It Is a far more humane measure
than the Imprisoning and execution
at it highest floxd mark of the l)t descendants of criminals.
Fort Smith. Arkansas, was visit-
ed by another tornado late today '
nd two persons are reported near
death, with many Injured.
At Little Rock, Ark., heavy rains I
fell throughout the day. causing I J
st roam g along the Arkansas river to
rise threateningly tonight.
Danger I'nabateil
Realty Transfers
K. Whltlatch et ux to Sarah
K. Brundna. Merrill all uf block 14.
Levi K.. Nclimn lo KvalPim X. Do
Kin. Sixth Klrrct Adilltluii. NWVi
Many persons are homelem In the of ,ot" 10- b1" k 4
two districts, and transportation
band parades were a town
carnival. Everything today
is stiff and formal and pre
cise. We wait for someone's
permission to cross the street
and take out a license to say
our daily prayers. We are
hedged around with rules and
rpculAtinns that nrevent this
i , ., ., .. . , . , I Watertown, South Dakota; Anna
nu ijiuiuuil mat, aim wic i Parsons tiradini?er, fort Scott
and communication facilities are
disrupted and refugees are prepar
ing to face additional dangers. At
Blaine. Okla., near Ft. Smith, nearly
100 persons are said to be maroon
ed where a bridge was swept away,
and two feet of water is reported
in the town.
Numerous streams and rivers to
night were reported out of their
banka near Springfield. Mo., as a
result of the heavy rainfall of the
last few days, causing much damage
In sections of the Ozarks. Low
lands have been converted into
lakes and the fruit crop is serious
ly threatened.
Waterspout Striken
More, than 200 homes were dam
aged In Sfkenton. Mo., last night
when a waterspout and hailstorm
struek there. Homes were flood
ed and many persons had to he res
cued from the encroaching waters.
The known death list In tho dis
astrous Kock springs, Texas, torn
ado of Tuesday night was placed at
56 with nearly 200 injured, ac
counted for. Many of the Injured
are in a serious condition and are
not expected to live. Rescue work
ers admit the ruins may yield more
bodies. A large corps of army doc
tors and nurses were caring for the
injured tonight, while soldiers stood
guard as tho task of cleaning up
the town was continued.
Tho dead are 'being burled near
resigned to take positions else
where or who no longer wish lo
Those who have been offered con
tracts for the city schools include
Bernloc Kckslcln of Marshfleld, Ore-i the town, while all injured are be
gon; Estella McKay of Cheney. Ing taken from Kock Springs to
Washington; Katherlne Johnson,: San Antonio In special trains.
I.ITTI.K ROCK. Ark.. April 14.
(U.IV) Two persons are near
death, ten are Injured and several
homes and stores were destroyed
by a tornndo which struck the west
end of Little Rock late this after-
people do at the ball games. Records. Kreewater, Oregon; Agnes noon.
. kpojg hnnrla anrl mnrp Arfstrom. St. Anthony, Idaho; Mona I The twister struck without warn-
More. brass bands ana more M Th che Wai)nlnl!ton. inK, xlpt00tig ,re and blowing
band music would save the i I Aovn Ilgnt p0es.
nation, and there ought to bejp j WILL NAME I
more entertainment from oun nFFIPFRS MAY Ifi1
jn: w t
whole trend of existence IS . Kansas; Helen Clarke, Belle Foiir-
artificial. We need to let 1 che- Sou,h ota: Lillian . Keyte.
T7- . , ., . , iTillamook, Oregon; Charlotte Mar-
loose once in awhile juct aB ,. f.ln, North ,KOta. i)ena
own band than
evidence now.
Officers to the year 1927-1928 1
.of Fremont Parent-Teacher assocla-l
fAlturas Flalndealer) i
Idaho has a law providing that
i tlon will be chosen May 10. accord-; 'l persons, mule or female. In any
luiu iiinm mi..!! win uru letruiti-
minded, insane, epileptic, hahitunl ;
criminals, moral degenerates or'
sexuul f.erverts. or are likely to,
become a menuce to society, shoU
be sterilized. Provision has been '
made toy the legislature to rnrry
the law into effect, and its workings
will be watehed with Interest. The
Idea has long found advocates,
throughout the country, and these!
contend the class enumerated should
nut be permitted lo multiply uiid
Fred D. Fletcher et ux to Fred
Dingeler. Mills Addition, lots 610,
611. block 102.
C. B. Johnson to Cecil H. Hum
phrey. Hot Springs Addition, lot
12, block 4.1.
George M. Strowbrldge et ux to
S. Leslie and Ruby J. (iodard. S4
NK",SK'4SK', of Sec. 34, Twp.
3 4. R. 7.
S. Leslie Godard et nx to George
T. Richard. S VXK SK UKK Vi of
Sec. 34, Twp. 34. R. 7.
W. I) Cofcr et u to Cofcr. Broth
ers incorporated, (three M and B.
descriptions) In Sac. 20. Twp. 3.
R. 9, also Klamath Addition, lots
. 10. blovk 77.
W. D, Cofcr et ux to Cofcr Broth
ers incorporated, (M. and B. des
cription) situate in SW'.iSW'.i of
Sec. 20, Twp. 38, R. 9.
Bert Sherman Knapp et ux to
Ralph E. Gilchrist, N V4 RBVi SB '4
SK' of Sec. 6, Twp. 25, R. 10.
Dell Blnford to Krnost L. Shuck.
Kuilroad Addn., lot 11B, 12A,
block 3.
Dell Blnford lo Krnest L. Shuck.
Railroad Addn.. lot BB. hlock 3.
Mary Cowen Jackson et at to
James Conley. Second Addition to
Chllo.u.ln, lot 4. block 4.
' Alleen D. Johnson to Ewatina Box
Co. !.ots 1 and 7 of Sec. 33, Twp.
J, Rantfe Si.
Herman Smith et vlr to Elmer I.
Applegate. Buena Vista Addition,
lot 8, block 9 2, except tract off
westerly side thereof.
I. L. Berk et ux lo Lola A.
Beck. I M. & B. description) in
Nichols Addn, part lots D and 6,
block 63.
P. L. Beck et ux to Lola A.
Beck. Chlloquln. lot 21, block 4.
BOIKIER, Texiis, April 14, (U.P.)
A quantity of dynamite stored by
blusters In a ravine two miles from
hero, exploded Thursday night,
rocking the entire city. A dead
cow- was found fifty feet away. No
NcnniNii of (irreniMirt. I., I, Ten
minutes after It rose, horrified
pectAtoni broke off tlielr rejolr
Inff uver til succefM of AcostA
anil CluimbirUllt, a (Im phtne
lilungtil to rurth, rrushlna; Its oc
ntMMits to d.fttli.
The airmen who had established
the new world's record for sustain
ed flight, were unaware of the trag
edy. Officials or the National
Aeronautical association announced
tho following official 'results:
The piano rose from Roosevelt
field at 9:30:40 a. m.. Tuesday.
At 9:34:41 p. m. Wednesday It
had bettered the previous American
record of 24 hours. 4 minutes.
At 6:42:39 a. m. Thursday It
passed tho world's record of 45
hours, 11 minutes. G9 seconds, es
tablished by the Frenchmen, ln
dry and Draughlin, in August, 1925.
At 11:30:40 a. m. the aviators
had reached their Intended goal, 50
hours aloft.
The plane nosed gently down to
tho nlrdrome at 12:42:00, having
been up 111 hmira, 11 mluutes and
25 seconds.
Motor tourists from the 1'nlted
States spent close to $200,000,000
in Canada last year. According' to
the California State Automobile association.
Of Any Description
Frances R. Olds
persons hnve been reported injured.
I day. Mrs. J, Fred Glover will be
: ." ' ,. ... i In charge of tho meeting on that
' A city or section that pulls, TuBsdar and her subject win ne on
faces at each other and pois- the flag
Vns . dogs is a good place to
Bteei" clear of.' What good
does it do to talk real estate
and climate if people can't
get. along? Tho whole trick
Mrs. Myron Mordoff has served
as president of Fremont Parent
Teacher association during the past
year. Miss Augusta Parker, vice
president, Miss Mae Phlnney sec'y,
and Mrs. II. L. Wlckersham, treasurer.
HcIIaMo Swiss Watchmaker
and Jeweler
All Kinds of Repairing
1088 Main St.
' ' ; ancT
Sold exclusively to
Klamath News
, Annual Premium
For Information
Phone - - 877
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