t'.VT 3 r7 S The Klamath "News SERVICE u your tupr ot thh news iim ol arrlva by 1:50 a. at., plum TT nil ropy of (! paper will be .rat. Two Sections Ten Pages ,Vo. 4, No. 43 Price Five Cent KLAMATH INDUSTRY -INCREASES WhiteWay Exhibited Colorful Welcome From East to West New Year Welcomed! in One of Loudest! Demonstrations Heard! new york. Dec. 3i. (u. N.) Agaiiint thu colorful background of the gay white way gayer, costlier and wet ter thun at any time since the war New York and iU visi tant begun at an curly hour to welcome 1927. a welcome that wan to continue until day break of the New Year. Forgotten were tha warnings o( pnlMin In the rup that cheers: the cliy quaffed deeply and braved hic coughs and headaches tn one of the jxam riotous New Vmi'i ova cele brations. Theatres were parked during the! evening at prices ranging from IS 60 ) countries are being misled: that the to III. 60 seat. Then the gayest I American people are not united be of the celrbratnra moved en masse hind such a policy. Thla thought upon the nlKht rluba. rahareta, real- was evi.kcd by criticism In the press uranta and holela. where amllln. I recently regarding the governments head waiters bowed them In to roT-l method of handling the altuatlon. r charges whlrb reached aa high The appeal waa also thought to a. 60 per, person In aome of the ! have some application to the Jin city', more fashionable rendeivoua. I Iran altuatlon. whlrh romea to a There a. no dearth of lluor ,"rn,, "ln; U"!W"- wh 'h' and If It w. unfit for human run-1 1M,","'n ,K',7n"" ' 'w,lv aumptlon at lea.t II ... the .tuff ,n Ur, jr"c- trom hla nov !. .ki. v.- v...-. ..ih,..i 'rnrnent and American oil compa- lion was made. SAN FllANCIHCO. IVc. II. tV. N.) Kan Pranrlaco'a cafes, Ihe gar st on Ihe Pacific coast, were undis turbed by prohibition offlrnra aa the ellw eetehrated New Year's eve. There waa an abundance of liquor but the only police Interference with the revelry waa In raaea of rowdy- Ism. Acting Prohibition Administrator! Anderson said that II waa hopeleaa to attempt tn rover holela and restaurants with federal dry agents nd made only normal efforts to j curb drinking In public places. Aa midnight approached . Market . 8ll,nvllki rn.red wh YoU. street, the city. Principal thorough-1 , X M(ln cutloAy. fare. wa. thronged with thousand. , . waV(!(, , hMr. of celebrants. The din from throat. , whJ , d , bpfor E .nd noise making device, wa. an- ,. K I United Rial., commission (Continue.! on rage HI.) V ow Q , Klamath Welcomes 1927 With Dancing n n e I n m. tha feature of last 1 night', welcoming ot the new year llosley'a wire, with whom he bad In this city, will be continued tills not been living for .ome time, ac evenlng at Ihe Altamobt pavilion I cording to officers, died two weeks where the annual firemen', ball Is I ago In llend, leaving a two year old to be held under the auspice, of tho ! son. Hnsley planned In come to local fire department, Le. Baiting'. Happy Six are .11 tuned tip (o deliver Ihe peppiest d.nce music of the entire holiday season, and will add a number of attractive feature, .to the regular program. The ticket .ale for the event ha. been good and trom all Indication, (ho Allamont pavilion will experience a lively dancing party with which to .tart oft a new year of amusement. Outstanding Inst evening was the dance given by the local electrical workers union at Allamont. Klec trlclan. here hnd worked for sev eral day. on special lighting ar rangement, and the effect, at Insl night', ball well repaid all effort.. Tha annual danre of tha l'ollrnn City community club attracted many from Klumuth Fall., and Ihe affair waa success In every wny. Mem ber, ot I ho local Klk. lodge to gether with visiting member., en joyed a lively evening at tha Klks temple here. The local lodge of Engloa gave a dance at their hall whlrh was great-, phone service between tho met ly enjoyed hy a large number oflrnpolilnn district ot New York and members ot tbe ordur, 1 Loudon . .. ' . " ' I MEDICS WORK HARD AT CONVENTIONS; i ARE ALWAYS BUSY I It KM II I.K K M'KIV.H, Iml., IkT. HI, lV iMM-fur, 1hm)it, mrrrltunt, nil folluw I Ik j AmrrtrHii ruMoni ut K'"K l run v-nfiti, hut nflfr itwjr nrrltr tlicrr iliM-inrit ltHl nil tin rrt ' In Ktilliie work M"cotiiillhtl. 1 Thu tilHMrvr ('oiiMtftticr l. (fill J t ut i 'MriiKM, Ituningcr of Hit ' iitil-rrt tllvUdm of Anirrlra I liiric)! niiivr niton r'Hirtinic otic- Inluttion, hIm Umm i-uvinfl" ( liimt AMM roim'nllontj In nil mrr . tin in of lllf I'llltnl HI !. i Miillritl ntfii litkt I In-1 r rtm j ttitlliiii rvi-M mum MrlouKl I limn Muitirn ilo." Mim Chilli rrnuirLflil. Plea to Press to n it' support America Issues at Capital Preaident Fear. Foreign Coun-!eJ neverance of diplomatic re trie, are Mi.led; That Peo-1 lution'' with the United States nl. .r. Not United Behind 1 w" " 'ew Year's Patriotic Policy AKIII(.Tt, llrr. SI, (I'. X.) An appr.l t Hi" pn-a f thla rountr' to "take an Amer ican attitude" In eupiiort of thn admlnlMratlon'a itollcy of pro tnrlhiK American Uvea and prop erly tm made a l be W lilt a Houm' UMbiy on lirhalf of 1'4MI ble. The president tears (hat foreign nlea doing businesa In Mexico. Thla aiatemcnt waa made while the president was discussing Kus aian relations, but It apparently had application to the altitude of the presa toward nil controversies be- (Ponllnucd Ibn rsKe Five) Inucd Ibr liiri l VSnlof inn" Afonn iUIttllUIl XTldllll Act is Charged Susanville Man BEND, nc. SI, (U.N.) A United 8talea mumhsl arrived here from eral gran) jury, under $5,000 bonds, which he,fnlled to provide. Ilnsley W'fn.cd to sign a written 1 confosBioirW which agreed with tho signed stdjnment of Thelma Haw llns, 15 f snr old Susanville girl, who Waf the cdmnlalnlns witness. lend and get the boy and ohtnlned permission from the mother of Thelma and her nlstcr, Grace, 13, for the two girls to accompany him that they might take rare of the boy on the return trip to Susan-1 vllle. according tn his story to the officer.. Trans-Atlantic Phoning Claimed NEW YORK, Doc. 31, (U.N.) The distinction ot being the first to carry on a trnna-Allaiitic telephone conversation ynder the regulnr ser vice In be Installed aoon will be long (o Walter 8. Clifford, prosldent of the American Telephone and Telegraph company and Sir O. Eve lyn P. Murray, scrrotary of Ihe gen eral post office of Oreat Rrlta)n. The conversation, some time ear ly In January will Inaugurate lele- KLAMATH FALLS, President of Mexico! Discusses Oil Outlay; I i In Face of Threatened ! Severance of Relations , Says no Drastic Action , Will be Followed.- ! MEXICO CITY. Dec. 31 (U.N.) Unity of the Mexican nation in the fuce of threaen- mi'KHatfe i.uiued today by Pres ident Calles. ' Charxea from abroad that he baa foatered bolnherltra and that he threatena to harm Intereati of oihei niilonult he denied. He reiterated nil atatement mhii throuRh the mlnlater "f Induairy 1 hiiraduy. "that the ennatltutlcnai la," which In taken to meau liie oil lawa eftrtlre Saturday, will .lui be Interpreted In a drastic man n r. 'II will not he administered In uch a way aa to Injure any lex'ti male Interesta havliiK Investintnta In Mexico," he aald. After tracing actlvltlea of hla ad mlnlntratlnn. and declaring; that he had alnccre respect for "all manl festatlona of religious creed and feeling." he concluded with the re quest that every cittsen of hla cnun ( Continued on Vmgo foot) Many Marooned by Rush Flood Water HARTVILLE. Tenn., Dec. ' 11. (I'.N.) Possible starvation face. 1.0U0 men, women and children marooned here by flood waters 40 feet deep. Railroads Into the rlty are under water 40 feet deep. The only means of communication la by telephone which threatens to come down any minute. Highway, are entirely rut off and provision. In .tore, are rapidly being exhau.ted. Damage to realdenre. and busi ness buildings is expected to total more than 1250,000. More than 6,000 acre, of standing corn have been destroyed as have been 600 hogshead, of tobacco. . Ilenorts from Colins. Tenn.. tell t of 600 Inhahitanta marooned by the swollen Cumberland. Report, say that It I. Impossible tn reach the town except by boat, and that prov ision, are low. Crater Lake Has Abundance Snow Christmas Day passed and New tears is passing in one portion or Ihe United States with little more than radio music, although a huge Christmas tree has stood In Ihe ,ront '" laden with heavy crusted, gllstenlng snow. The man who spends the quiet holiday, waa John Mnbcn, caretak er of Crater Lake Lodge on the rim of Iho crater, who called the Klam ath New. Inst night to toll of con dition, there. Following is a weather report as Issued by Mabc"n for the month of December, 1926: Mean maximum of temperature for the month ot December, 28.6. Mean minimum of temperature, 18.1. Mean temperature. 23.45. Maximum 46 on December 10; minimum 3 on December 14. (ireale.t range during the month, 21; total precipitation during the month, 10.29. Greatest precipitation In 24 hours, 1.8 on December 2. . - In regard to the snowfall, the caretaker stated that the total snowfall on the ground December (Continued on Tnge Sis) United News and United Press Telegraph Service ORE., SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1927. Happy New Year to One and All Is Wish of News TIik Klainaili News takr this mrNiM f.f rvtrndlnie Co each and every one of lla wblti family of readmit and lo to tliiiae wbo am nH uiemliera of tbla happy and rver-lnrrraidna family, a Happy and rronperous New Year. Il atnci-rrly trusl lluit Hie boun ties of llll!7 nan? bo Impidly IN-Muwcd uMin ope unl all, and iM-llrvra wild lk" utnMmt sln-n-rlly thai lhe hulaslrUI ac tivity llial la iM-ekonlna; towards , hliiiimlh county will brinic liount- , eou ri-turns to a great multitude ut people. Pacific Fruit and j Produce Buys Out ; Levy and Zentner r i Northern Firm Purchaser In-, terests of San Franciaco Firm and Plan Enlargement' of Spring Street Building. One of. lite luost Important transm-lifius along Hprlng atrer-t for several years waa announced yesterday when it became known Hint A. Ix-v and t. 'cntncr. or the rirm of I,ery Zcntncr, had atild Ibeir liuereeta In Klamath 'I alls tu the It ft- ITnit ami I'niduro company." The consid eration was not Riven. Tbe Pacific Fruit and Produce company will take over the lease of the Levy 8t Zentner building for the time being. It waa learned last night. The deal was consummated shortly before noon yesterday, ac cording to C. K. Jay. manager of the Levy H Zentner interests here. Enlargement ot the quarters now occupied by the produce firm will aoon be under way, it was learned, to take care of the anticipated busi ness which comes with the new year and the assured growth of Klamath Falls. Jay will leave la tbe near future for Santa Rosa. California, where he will take over the management of the Levy & Zentner house. Hi. family will follow thla spring. Jay haa been In the city for the past eleven and a half years and of that time spent fire years with the Swift Co.. and six years with Wood-Curtis which aold In October the Klamath Falls interests to Levy & Zentner. Anti-Saloon League Chief Back Tracks WASHINGTON. Dec. II. (.U.N.) I Wayne B. Wheeler, general coun- j sel of (he Anti-saloon league, today hack-tracked slightly In his declar- atlon that the govornment should I continue to denature Industrial al cohol by the use ot poisons. At the same time league offi cials issued a New Year's statement in which they expressed the Le llet that 1927 would find a cure for many ot the prohibition Ills of 1926. Tho third development In the wet and dry turmoil came when the .Methodist board of temperance, prohibition and public morals touch ed a sore spat In prohibition en forcement In condemning lack of suppression ot production and lis tributlon of moonshine liquor. Mail Pilot Lands Here for Safety Medford again went without air mail yesterday when the mnil plane 'driven by Pilot Miller of the Pacific Air Transport company, was forced to land on the local field ot the Klamath Air Service, due tn fog and Inclement weather conditions west of the mountains. Miller, headed southward, stopped here about 11 a. m. long enough to put fuel In his plane and get Into touch with headquarter. In tho south, after which ho took off and headed for Heckling, where ho was to transfer part ot his mall to the northbound plane. . KA1LO KtrUKItU Hovcml raids were reported last night. Allowing for the tra dition of New Year', revelry, wc omit nil particulars. Building: Permits Break All Records i r : i o9c ' Hiucasc wuiiiis wo-v Over Preceding Year' O 1 Sri 1 4 S ns jiiuwi 411,111,11 in City Improvements. With the stroke of midnight ; closing the annals of the year 1926, building permits for the past year totaled $2,775;968, according to compilation of j figures in the office of Lem L. Gaghagen, city clerk. Fac-1 ing a year wherein building ! permits will probably go over the three million dollar mark, the city official was -enthusiastic concerning Klamath's outlook for the coming sea- cL... . M.,w.M. - . over the past four years, the flg- urea fer thU past twelve month, to. dlcated a growth that Klamath Falls ha. .ntlclp.ted for the past rtr. or. Figures compiled for 1925 show total of S1.S31.S47 issued In building circles, or an Increase for 192G of tl.144.121. . Similar figures complied during the year 1924 show a' total expendi (Continueo. on rage Five) Murderer of 13 Would be Cured PLAINVIEW. Tex., Dec. SI, (U. '.) "1 want to be In shape to go to the electric chair when my time comes. ' That is why r want a doc- I tor. I do not want a long Jail sen ( tence. nor do I want to fall Into the j hands of a mob." This was the statement of George J. llussel, confessed murderer of 13 persons, to Dr. C. A. Cantrell, as the doctor was dressing Hassell's wounds today. Hassel, who was brought here I I from Fsrwell. Texas, for safe keep-1 After serving more than 10 ing following his arrest there, months tn the Humboldt county jail wounded himself with a knife in an j for contempt ot court, Alfred Lind attempted suicide. He Is charged I sley, editor of (he Humboldt News, with the murder ot hi. family ot a weekly newspaper, ha. been given nine, who were found in a cave. 1 his freedom by the judge, who sen thelr bodies harked with an axe or tenced him to imprisonment, perforated with shot. j in announcing Llndsley'a release Hassel haa shown an Inclination ! Frldav jude Denver Sevier do to talk during the past 24 hours. I ciare(1" that tne edUor had apolo. He has talked extensively of his gizei for the statements which led past me io leuow prisoners in me nam cuuniy juii. Jackrabbits Ruin Hay w-v 01 JT armerS Following the cold weather and snow of the past few weeks, jack- Lindsley was arrested on criminal rabbits, drivel) down from the hills libel charges after his newspaper by lack of food, are Invading the had attacked the county's law en fields of alfalfa and haystacks In forcement methods. The editor waa many section, of the county, accord- given the choice of a Jail term or a Ing to word yesterday from C. A. I (Continued on Page Six) Henderson, Klamath county agrlcul- ' tural agent. rai agent. To combat the onslaught of the raooits. wnicn nave Decome exceea-1 Ingly numerous In several sections' of Ihe county, the county agent Is ' planning a poisoning campaign to PORTLAND Dec 31 (UN) I earch be made for the girl. bo carried on by the farmer, (hem-, A1,hollh ' Vortland7. request' fori In omB "nner the girl return ""."v , J train service from hero to Chicago! fd Klamath Falls and again pick-' 'Jackrabhlts usually stay around as , e,Tll, ,jlven California , rA ,,D wl,n Dav1"' Cathcart being sagebrush flats and plains, but when cltlp(1 nas heen dont.d- the ( Rbt I present. While driving at a fast levu uecuiiius si-urce uui iiik me win- tcr season they flock In large niim - oers to tne nearest aiiana items ; offlcers ot the chamber of com nnd haystacks. Henderson stated. mern ,odav pressed a determina "They usually bunch up. which af-;tlo ,0 ron,mi(l efforts to create fords Ideal conditions for poison-j 3 hour or B(V nour traln from . here to the Illinois city over Un- Most effective poisoning methods n Pacific and northern lines, at this time In fields where rabbits Tacoma and Seattle civic bodies are living on alfalfa crowns. I. to coat the leaves with strychnine, ac- cording to Henderson, who advices (Continued ou Page Six) (Every RUSSIA IS PERILED BY WOLF ATTACKS; ANIMALS ARE RABID - MOSCOW. Iter, ill, l..). Tito nuMl wulf pniMi-m 1a Mum ln niont MljimiluK pMportlon In KiumU. From all part of i I'm Soviet I'nUm, apcjiU fur am nUlJinrc simI rnirt of (Iftperal rtindltion hit ilally pourinie In to .: (lit- iteat of Kfirrrnmrnt at Muh row. Ttt Mrrvow nWKpapfTii nounrrd iwrnlly that an lntr natloaal ronfrenre for (lVflop litaj rooprration between natlonM termliuilon of rabies will br h,,, ,n ,'"ri next r,,r- Rn- " . . . m ... ! Would Legislate Landis Out of Job By Federal mjjr! ln,dur . plul to por mFederal Com - ; !:- xiirouk Joint Reao. lution in Congre.a Which Would Regulate Game. - WASHINGTON. I Ice 31. (U. S.!rtTlr ,mU n,lSl ? I which Ty Cobb and Trie Hprak- 1 rr wvre srnuni of aiteruptin I to throw- a name daring the ran or tnr lwiu wei hm conun- , an iv in in i , i tat in irnw , .re i ,,lt, ,h Mraracaan revolution ! i nder . Joint resolution to be : i..mj Kw e . tr . IUHVUUI.C1I uy acuauii aMtc.( ia u- j pb he... .d f'P''" lvo-e Pennsylvania repub- 'de1 ',aae1 m'"'"" ; would be formed and Judge Landis iA.t.ia ki. k ir.ii . d today ' i;eueritii HniK-ipsicu mai ui cum At the, same time Rev. James. , season will see M great a psr Shea Montgomery, chaplain of the ntage of incre.se. indications are honse. announced that his next Sun- the 19,T producon toUl wU, . dsy. rermon on "Who. Who' will rlv ,,. of , iut treat of tbe recent liasphall tin. . . ----- - r nesial. , ! The Capper-Kelly baseball c.;m- mission would consist of three mem - Ders apiiointea oy tne presicent i .how a toral cut thla year of 4S. wlth power to .license both baseball i 000.000 feet, a gain of 15,000,004 clubs -and players. II was decided I over the 1SS5 season. Thla bring, at Friday-, conference. The .ii-!th tntni i2S enr tn 44 xao AOs sure seks to ppvent gambling . upon ga-nes by 5 tyers and will provide for complete federal eupe -i vision over organized baseball. Editor Released After 10 months in Eureka Jail;Xwsa:c,ur'ng p,,,nl8 wh09 ou,put - I Klamath Moulding comnanr. 86 EUREKA. Calif., Dec. 31. (U.N.)oars of moulding; Ellison Lumber to a sentence of 1000 day. tn Jail. "It he had done so when he i Laurence Moore, Western Union was brought into court his pen- messenger boy, to the Klamath Val alty would have been very light,"' ley hospital with serious Injuries. tne judge rata. "ui. msieaa. no i came ,n wl,h h,s attorney and de - ! fled the court to find him guilty Jof contempt. The court did." n , ri ! h flSteT fterVlCe . .vr w i moonsn JT lffnt Will JulVe!"16 Da j shcrlff'i jor better service will continue It 1 WM ,d,cated here todav. Pave bee nvltpl to join with Port- an( t demanding service, equally j, good as that given to San Fran- dsco and Lo Augolea. Morning Except Monday) High Peak Lumbering Industry is Reached Seventeen Mills Cut 404,300,000 Feet For 1926, or Gain of 60, 000,000 Over 1925. J uu uiuui; w Alain !ath Fa,ls reached production I heihts hitherto unparalleled '" the history of thi section. was "vealed yesterday when !a survey conducted by Frank i D. Lee. lorfll lumber Henler. 'showed the 1926 total cut to i, ... be over 60 million feet in ex. cess of that for the . preced- mg year. i ! Tne "Rf Se production flgnra I M.300.000 feet ourln, th. . wi year ..owins m iaUB.iu . i n ( M i9hlch w 3 - growth of he "an ! rrowl ol "J " I llU,TVaf UTCf Bl HI uar lUlHl iur t 358.100.000 feat. reflected the rapid mberlng industry i oero over a is monins penoa, . n .- is pointed out, and while it la not f i closed. Boosting the production figure. 0f mills tn this section of the coan- 1 ty. the mills tributary to thta city ; feet, declared a truly banner year ' 1 in point of aggregate production. Further evidence ot tbe high rate ! of production here was uncovered j by Lee', .exhaustive survey In the output of Klamath Falls' remanu I fnrturing plants, which totaled 129 j carloads of moulding and beveled sidinz. This is from four local re- company. 15 ears of beveled siding: White Pine Moulding company, 2( car. ot moulding: and Swan Lake (Continued on Page Poor) Two Men Held on Serious Charges - A conglomerate story of an early New Year's celebration which sent Miss Vivian Egan and C. F. "Slim" 1 Cathcart. former conductor of the Logger's Cafe on lower Main street. to the city jail, and Harry Davla to the county jail, waa unfolded In the sheriff's office yesterd.y after- noon. According to the story told br Davis he .met the girl on Main street, Klamath Falls, Thursday night, and they vlaited Pelican City. Thera they tiet two Mexicans, who gave the girl some marihuana and I moonshine, and he was ejected from party. Later he railed the sheriff's office and asked that a ' rale 01 8Pe?a uowu main street me car, wnicn naa neitner norn, nor brakes, ran down young Laurence Moore. Davis was driving tha car with Cathcart being In the rear seat. Moore Is the son ot Mr.. Alice Moore ot the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company office and a nephew of Mrs. J. Fred Glover of ICIover'. Jewelry store. Arresting 'officers, Including Forncrook, Reed, (Continued on Page 8U)