THE KLAMATH NEWS" Fri1 ay, DwrnW ftt, 102ff. Page Th'rwi ' CHTY BEHEFS ! Cupid Invades Bachelor Girls Club tin IMih'jiihmmi - Mr. mill M n l Jar llmi'ux, I Paulina Adainaimi. ho witu tuurrlitl I'lirUtmua !,' ara nilciylln it (urlnliihla' whIiIIiik j lil 111 t ) i H California, aivuul I II s ( ""I'll MtcIumI l,y fi lMi,a I (miii ihflr ruiuin north ilny win' lliuko lllrlr lluilla III Alliums hIiitm, Hi'aiMi owiia ami " rut - n lu rut' liarl.vr ah. lira. Nl Hurl Ml Mm. (irai-o Hcaaalt at Mna'a Hastily Hhnp. la III al Imr liiim. anffiTlns Inun an niiark of timallltlra. hho waa r' lioria'l aa IniproKril lam nlihl. a Vi I.Ulii A imiiiWr ol new Halm, ritiMlilml from lh wall Ill 11 kooalli'plU( iliiarlimiil of din First Nullonal hank, bara nn'riiily linn Itialalliil. l.raWMK llilm Moruluu - lr Car nii'l llariln, who la aimlylnt al t In Oiiim Axrlniliurul Coll.ii ihla wliiu-r, anil Minn Kalliryu limy, who la cnlurlui Monmouili Normal ailiool Ihla tnrni, ara li-avlnx mi ihu rarly morntiii train for Ihu iiorih lu raauma their arhool wivrk. Tlifiy hava Immm vlaltlitx frlcmla anil rla llvua In hulli Klamath Kail, ami I.oki'Vlrw l il r III ( I hi- holiday ai-ii on. ( I I'Yoiii MinIih I'olm Ituymonil I. til or Modoc 1'olnt wua tier on bualni'aa lor a ahori tlma vtmU'rriay ftnrniuin. On llimlinx llrro Allii rt Mut aon of ( otiaac (Irovi was u lni:lfsh irlaltor In Kin moth Falls jriiwluy fttirnoon. a a KtNitliiK to IMiini KihIiv K"ul Inx, rniiloyi', with Lonuii loin latny. la rxnurtiid lo roturn In Kin math Kali UiU 'wnkud froui Portland. h'r ha haa api-nt tin holiday araann. l.rovia for KtiN-klon Mlaa Marl" Cryaial, iluii litor of Mr. anil Mra A. M. t'ryaul of Main alrvvt. Mi Inat nlitht for Htorktnn, whfrn she will riaiima hrr attidlca In a liual nraa rollcRo thi'ro. Sh lina ji'n hero dtirlug Ihu holldaya. Mi-rrlll Via Mora I ml tided In the owl of town vlaltnra In Klamath Kalla y-alrdy war Mr. mid Mra. Jcaaa Whitlatrb. wttll knowu .raoth rra or I lit Merrill dlatrh't. Mix hrr Vllla Mra, Marsarrt KaaaltT of rortland, mothor of Mlaa Allro Ktwlr. iMirhxr In Klsmnth rutitity hlith arhool. la aprndlrjK th' holiday anaann with hir diiualilor. Mra. Kimiler haa inatlo nuinsroua frlriida In Ihu thy during hi-r Hull. . ik.. a. .. iMtii for tmklnn.l Mr. and Mr. (iuy .Morrill of .Merrill, jeenmpan led hy thflr aon l.yle. left ypstor day tor Oakland. California, wher'f thay will ri' in u In a week vlalttuK wllh Montis. Tht-y will aitind the Now Year holidays there. Urn Mr. and Mra. A. H. Cheyena of Ih" Mi-rrlll dlalrlt'l, wore vltlllm In Klnmuth Falln yea lartlny afternoon with frlenda from Ihalr rnngh homo. nu'iiiliira of llillu l'iiallou ou the llrt iiou Aurlrtillurul I oleK ,ani pua uud will, leuvi- Hiinduy mornliiK with other Kliimath Kalla aludolita, !! iiiitii tintiea aitur apamj- Ilia tin' Imlldiiy nun, ii herr. ' I lliiuiull Oul-ror tha flral time, In approaiiiiiiftly u week, It. II. ! Iluiiuvll. eouuty Jutlmi, alilo lo il ud lila dutlta lu thv touuly rouri room ytiaii'idiiy. iiiiniinll haa l.t i.n ! Ill for u week, und (or a time hla , ruiidltloii wna very iiiiaatlafartury. . . j lliiuni lu Vallt't Altrr ayendlii( 1 tlio pant wmik In Klantalh Kalla. when, they enjoyed Ibv Cbrlatinaa holldaya wllh .Mra. W'llliur Jonea. Mr. mid Mra. lion Newhury raturn-1 etl to their home In Medford. New hury la Mia. Jonea' aon. I Leaven ror Koulli - Hilly llt-all llotialoii. ami of Mra. (iolille Millar, left yesterday wllh llerl I'ook for Han Kriini lato, wher lie will ru-! main wllh hla unile, Zid llnrnea. 'Iliey will hoih return homo lu lime lo enter tho new year at Klamath rouiny nir.fl Hrllool. llloe lllrtl in t'loae--(iroellm tiiriln. lelllnit or the tin. I nil for three week, period of tha llllie lllrd. popular rnnfertlmiery and aweei .hop. were received In Klam ath ralla yealerday. The TlllIC lllrd la ilnnlriK timlitht followInK the tlay'a hualneaa. In order to movu Into the al,aee now orrtipled tin Main alroel hy Mlaa Orlrildr Kek mnn'a Mat Hhnp. The ahop will lt ready for hu.lneita the littler part of the month, when aa modern inaililiiery and aervlre u run he pur.haaed on ihu Poelflr eonat will lie Inatulk-tl for I he heneflt ()r lllur lllrd taitroiia. Will M.ike Trlt Mr. and Mra. ieroe Ituaaell Keerl. parent, or Vra. Iiol (iummon ol Kliimath Kiill.. will leuva from their homo nt San Krantlaro Krlduy Mr an eitended tour or aouthern I'nllod Sea lea rlilea and South America. Iniludlnx (he canal tone, according to word re revled reeently hy Mra. r.uinnion The Iteeda have vlalted rreniiently lo Klamntb Kalla with their dauxh ter and have nuninrnua frlenda here. To Itilutn orth Amnnn the learhera who harn vlalted hern tlnr IiikIhk tlie t'hrlatinua hollduy aenaon la Mlita Kllen McVelish. teacher III the Molalla ai-hoola. who wpant the pnat ten tlayi vlaltliiR her mother jiind father, Mr. and Mm. N. H. I llnmie of Merrill, Mhta Mt Velch tpent the paat yeur tenrhlnK In the Merrill hlKh aehool. Mla Manning tu 1-wre Amonr lite ainrtenta who are leaving for the north thla week-end after aiiend-ln- the holldaya hero, la Mlaa Klit heth Manlilnx. diiUKhter of Horace MunnliiK. attorney, who wjll depart Hiilidiiy for I'ortlantl to continue her work. Mlaa MunnliiK la a n lor thla year at tha 1'niveralty of Oregon, mnjortnit lu aocleloKy. She la atudyliiK In I'ortlnnd. ' however. A tire nil aenlorn majoring In that t'ourae for the winter montha. Heralded Special j Proves a Classic '.V.,;-8f- - . We:1 ',...... ..--1 , Cupid bu inv.irlrt tlir Itneliflor Cirli Club of New pricking the Quern. Miti liurothr J-'roolti (above), lawyer. Calif ; A. Mount of Ouklund uitil JutiH-H Kli kpalriik of 'Hllfur n fa . ltlurni fnmi ortlam Jimmy Wulhti. of Dm ()riton Wnolt-n MiIIm niorn, him r'turnM, lo Klumutti YwWn (rum INirllund, wlmro hn en Joy((' the holiday uatun with frirndK it ml ri'latlvcu. TIih lo n heralded photoplay. i"Mn nf BKfl," opHiiud lout niKht i at tlin Pln Tr Theatre. It wai I worth waiting for. Milton HUla, who in credited wltn tlm authornhlp of th ittory, la fctn flit tU Kiarrlrm role, and neiun j fully In wluit thla writer ronaldnra i hit) Krtitit tu reen performance, I H1IU la ma(niflf nt. H atarta lout an Ignorant laborer In mi Iron jniln. Il flnlaliwi aa bona of a , mi f mill and aon-ln-law to the 1 atH mUl owner. And what a 'court ht run In gettlnx there! Here you have everything that ju motion picture fan'a heart could ipOHftlhly dealre. Thro la .beauti ful romance, wonderful Utv story, Hpfctarle4 In the steel mil l that make your heart leap tip. action and then more action, la nun a, aet tlnxa that dimply hold yon spell bound a ol thrills that moM mo ' tlon picture producers droam of i hut aeldom put on the screen. What I more could you aok? Kills has one nf the finest casts i that one could hope to see ansem- tiled. Doris Kenyoa In the leading 1 woman's role does the bent work we nave seen from her on ttio screen. Mae Allison, lovrly Mae, U su perb, and George Fawcett, Frank , Currier, Victor McLaglen and John Kolb do much to make the picture a aucceKs. Hut after all SMls Is the picture. George Archatnhaud, who directed this picture, should be proud of bis f ,. It- . u ., Is Last on Island -m Hhid Kar Hudon wh0; t ., produced It. Imagine t forfme-hunting aool- L:XK(.ITIOxh FOB Fit A I'D cty debulante and her snobblwh ! JNCKKHK IN Kl'KSI 1 mother, reared lo be ueelens If orna-i ' " ' ' ' ; mcntul fungi growing oil the trunk of the social tree; Imagine a spoiled. pumpered son of a strong million York. ;!Society Debutante Merrill 1-liDiH - Itohlnniin sud liir lumlly were visit ing In Ktumuth FalU ywterduy from their hunu in thi Merrill district. They have numerous friend" In the city with whom they ppent the day. MKhMHtll IIWKKK HA VH Ol NTIKW KNTITI KI) TO MOXKY Mrs. Walter ' airn no maaw bis money In the Northland wast en; hnuglne a beau tiful, sincere and courageous girl who acts as secretary to the rich father; and then Imagine these j people all cast away on a barren Alaskan Inland after their vessel hns split on an tce-berg In the sullen i MOSCOW, Dec. 30, (U.N.) Ex ecutions 'for embezzlement, , fraud and speculation In the conduct of government-owned hanks and com mercial enterprises seem to be In creasingly frequent, according to re ports in the Soviet newspapers. The severe penalty of death, reserved under the law for crimes Judged ! dangerous to the security of the atnft hnvn hpn rnnnrtpd from northern aeaa Add to thla the Plc-sma,1 ,,, and conlrnaI1tie,. None lure of a terrific brute, aoured on , haye beeI) reoorded reccntly In the the world by hla experiences In the ,och Moll(.ow, Len. aalt mlnea of Siberia and aa Infer-i. rnA n,,.B. MKDPOKII, Dee. 30, (U.S.) W. II. (lore, Medford bunker who bad n Inrge part In Huriiring paaaage of i nnlly cruel aa lie la powerful, and the Oregon untl California Innd you will have a few Inadequate i . cvc ciuh meetn grunt tax refund hill, under which ' flaahea of what you may expect I evcr'8 Wedne'duy evening at 7:30 aeverul uillllon dollura will he re-; from "The lale of Hetrlbutlon." j jn xewby'a Hardware Store, 34E turned to IH flregon countlea, haa 1 whtt-h la playing fta laat engage-j jaat Main St Joined wllh thoao maintaining thut J ments today at the Liberty Theatre, j the Mute la entitled in no part oflThia rugged melodrama of the fro-1 Torrence, Victor M'Laglen. Mildred the fnnda. i xen waaielunda la renlete with punch ; uud an vivid as a Turner nunaet. Pretty aright aprlng tlreaaea for It haa been apleudldly directed, and anlo for IM.UG. In today, at bee i a auperlatlve cat la headed by 1.11 ltt:alu'a Store, lit Ko. Jlh Bt. titnn Rich, with Robert Vrnier, David Hurrta. . Kathleen Kirk ham. Inex liomei and other. In support. The atory la Fred Myton'a adaptation of the original novel by Edison Marahall. Here from Moat-burg: Ijiwrencc Khnrp of Itoael.urg la hern vlaltlng frlenda and former Koaehurg frlenda. He will return Ihn latter part of the week. Week-entl In VnlliT Mlaa Kve- lyn Amlrke nnd Mlaa tlenevleve Hunaley ure planning to leave to morrow for Medford where they will apend the New Year hollduya vlaltlng wllh Mlaa llenaley'a mint, Mra. A. I., (lull of the valley city. H'ltlletl South Wllllnm llnai'hler, employed at the Mecca pool hall, wua culled to lied llluff ycatortluy hy tho aerloua lllneaa of his nlster, whoaa condition" waa considered crit ical. Mlaa ( lift III Mlaa Paulino ('lift, daughter of Mrs. A. K. Ilensley. suffered n (relapse from u serloiia attack of Influents, nnd Is .again confined to her homo on Ninth street. Miss t'llft Is omp-loytd at the Wilson Abstract company. Vootlp"nii Here Knrotite to re- siimo his studies at Oregon Agri cultural college Khert Woodhentl Is visiting until SundHy nt the homo or Mr. nnd Mrs. H. K. Pelts with their son, Harry, Jr. Woodhcud and Pelts are members of Delta llpsllon on the O, A. C. campus. ' Ijitllea Altl to Meet Members of the l,ndlcs Aid of the Klrst Meth-j odlst church, postponed their meet ing, which was scheduled for tho paat Monday, due to tho gonornl rush of holiday nffn.ra. Tho next r.icHIng of the grou; will bo hold ThuiMlny, January 27 nt tho hemo of Vrs. It. K. PeltJ on Walnut. Mrs. Jliin'lx'y III -r- Tho miny (rlensd of Mrs. Krcd C. Murphy of the Sunsot upartnienln, will he sor ry to learn of her Illness which has made It ImpoHslhln tor hrr to leavo her homo for several dnys. Iivnvn for South Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. DeWeeso left tho mltldln of the week for Han Francisco, Whoro they will spend the New Yenr holidays wllh friends nnd relatives. They will ic'.tirn next week. ' House fluent Roy Gerard of Frosno, California, Is a house guest nf Harry Pelts, Jr., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Polls on Wnl nut street. Pelts and Oornrd ore IhNik lfitirtiiimt Of Interest to rluli members of the Klamath Falls Women's Library club. Is the meet ing scheduled fur Monday after noon at 2:3D o'clock, of tho book department, under the direction of Mra. Thomas While llelsell. Mlaa Mnyhello Lenvltt will give a tfia- cnaaion of contemporary poetry and during the seaalnn there will be an nouncement of hooks to ho review ed during the coming year. The next meeting. February 7, will he conducted by Mrs. "IMiell and Mra. IJel (iiiiunion will, review l.udwlg I,ewlnlin'a hook. Israel. Malt Pnrenta Miss Rltn Phuni-! hnrt, and Mr. aud Mrs. Lowell I'linii. enjoyed Hie recent holidays at tie ranch nunc of Miss Shum har. n and Mrs. Ounn's pit nts, Mr. snd Mrs. P. II, Slinmhnrt of the Merrill tllatrlrt. Mlas Sha.nharl will also visit In Merrill during the New Year vacation. Iti'liMer Ciics The following In terataln cant were registered at the chamber of commerce, Amerlcnn Automobile Association booth, yes terday: F, ('. Klnhjuza of Mnlln. over the Oregon-California line; Charles Itlhm of Thcrmnpolis, Wyo- 0 Me Woory? No Sir! Vr in . '.red with the MUTUAL BENEFIT WHY WORRY? The MUTUAL BENEFIT N'on-Canrollnlilo IllBahllltyWPnllcy protects you from tha first day of Blckness or accident. It Is hotter to he Safe, than Horry JOHN HOUSTON Next Hall Hotel PHono 205-W Whitaker's Groceteria Most in Value Best in Quality To our many good friend's, we wish to take this time to express gratitude for the generous support that has meant prosperity arid growth. To them, and the public generally we wish a IJappy and Prosperous New Year. Prices for Today: 15c Jell-O, an flavor, Three for 25c American Beauty Shrimp A Fancy Steel-cut Coffee, i jf r Libby's large Ripe Olives, One pound J M Nine-ounce can aaW-w Catsup, Large bottle 19c Fancy Bananas, Three pounds 25c Hershey Cocoa, One pound .. 29c Newtown Apples, Extra good quality, Box $1.55 Closed Tomorrow, New Year's Day Whitaker's Groceteria Plenty Parking Space for Your Cars 1 27-1 29 Sixth Street 5 Between Main and Klamath A Jj, o Office Supplies MODERN BUSINESS requires MODERN METHODS and EQUIPMENT You can secure practically everything for the MOD ERN OFFICE here and at pnees surpris ingly low. COMPLETE LOOSE LEAF LEDGER "out fits with two hundred pages and index $3.50 to $15.00 CASH BOXES $1.25 to $5.00 LEDGERS, either double or single entry 75c to $11.00 Journals Cth Books 75c to ' -Record Books . $6.00 GREENWOOD'S BUSINESS and INCOME TAX RECORD Here ia a book that every man in business should have REMEMBER, YOU MUST HAVE A RECORD OF YOUR BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WHETHER YOU MAKE AN INCOME TAX RETURN OR NOT This book costs only $3.50, and it will save you many times that much in time to say nothing of having your entire business and income tax transaction brought up to date and in one book. LEGAL FORMS of all kinds, most of them 5c each SALE TAGSPIN TIQCETS gTjMMED LABELS, COIN MAILING CARDS and a hundred and one small articles needed in every business. . ' LOOSE" LEAF POCKET MEMOS" a complete stock 15 - to $1.50 1927 DIARIES in cloth and leather bindings 30c to $2.00 ' BRIEF CASES $7.50 to $22.50 LETTER" FILES .Z.ZZ.r..85r lo$3.00 INK WElUsT Z. .7 Z Z. 7. 50ctT$7.50 LOOSE SHEET" HOLDERS i7 alumiZum $1.25 to $2.50 CARTERS SANFORDS WATERMANS LE PAGES and SHEAFERS INKS all sizes and colors ' 1 ' ' DE V0"ESSH0W" CARDINlCan coio"rZ 25c per bottle SHOW CARD aZdlLETTERINGBRUSHES and PENS; a complete stock always . . on hand. "BOOKS- ON SHOW" CARD" AND llGN PAINTING $3.50 i. .- to $5.00 : SHOW CARD BOARD in all sizes & colors 20c to 60c TYPEWRIT INGPAPErI weZavelhZstock $1.00 to $5.00 ream CARBON PAPER $2.00 to $5.00 box PEN("sHARPENES.ZZlKro-$7.00 O AkZtIC KlrBOX ELS with Too" cards"" and index $1.25 to $2.75 DESK CALEND ARSZZ Z $10oZZ$T.25 WEIS complete LEDGER and ACCOUNT SYSTEM $3.75 2Sc ZZ..Z$T.00 SHIPPING TAGS, per 100 TYPEWRITER IBBONs"! COUNTING HOUSE FASTENERS 25c Hundred dIjplTc atTngorder" books- 10c to 60c FOCKET LEDGERS and JOURNALS 15c to 50c Gift Headquarters for All Occasions aA llis4l JITi VI U'v., KLAMATH FALLS 0REG0W jgy I KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHFPE PARTICULAR PEOPLE I Puci'iT v'1 . BUY TMtIR DRUGS IaccuhAvI J i