The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 30, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pare Eipht
Thursday. rWemWr SO, 192ti.
Klamath Enjoying
Splendid Weather
M'btl the touth in hirtunl with
floods and balmy California rrmaftM
In th rrlp of rmp-datnaitini frost.
temperatures In Klamath county
bav rwalntxl their ruitomary high
level and looal resident! are enjoy
ing tha moderat weather that U
rharaetertatlc of the southern Ore
gon basin.
This is accord In to figures from
the weather bureau of the local rec
lamation service, which yeatcrdav
ahowed that ulnce the cold pU
broke several day az, minimun:
mercurial read i it k have kept well
above the sero mark.
Minfmum temporal nrv for 14
hour period n from IVcemher 25 to
date, have been as follow.: IVc.
2S Jo above: lec. 2 10 nbov:
Dec. 27 1& above; :s 20 above;
and 29 In above.
These rtpurei indicate the aver
age temperature maintained in this
section, ft was stated, as shown by
graphs of the pant three years.
Throughout Iecember last year, the
mercury ranged between 20 and 30
degrees above aero; in 1924 it drop
ped to six dgree below xero on
Christmas day but roe immediately
and held a 30-above average. In
1523. three below shortly after the
first of the New Year, was the
minimum reading, while the average
for late December kept well abore
the 20 degree mark.
Naval Committee
To Air War Scare
VashINGTON. Dec. 29. U".X.
"The Japanese war scare" report
of Admiral Cleaves is to receive a
thorough airing by the house naval
committee. Representative McClintic.
Oklahoma democrat, announced
Secretary of the Navy Wilbur has
agreed to appear before the com
mittee but has refused to submit the
Gleaves report In full.
McClintic today expressed belief
that "the Japanese war scare" was
being Hinted at now to press for a
$500,000,000 shipbuilding program.
The Greaves report, which figur
ed prominently In the Fall-Doheny
oil trial was made In 1921 and is
reported to hare charged Japan
with planning an attack on the Paci
fic possessions of the United States.
"Members of congress assigned to
the naval committee are charged
with the responsibility of supplying
the needs of the navy and nnles
all of the facts are available to
them they cannot Intelligently know I
how lo act." McClintic declared. "If
members of the committee are re-,
fused reports relative to the at-'
tltude of other nations then offfc- j
era in charge of the navy will still s
be able to adopt any policy, whether
right or wrong." i
Wheeler Has Idea
To Kill Imbibers
WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. (U.N.) j
"Poison all denatured alcohol
and if the American imbibers wish
to kill themselves let them go
ahead." Wayne B. Wheeler of the'
Anti-saloon league declared Wed
nesday after a conference with Pres-j
Ident Cooldige. !
"If a man wishes to violate the'
constitution of the United States'
be should be free to cemmitt sui-'
cide la bis own way." Wheeler de
clared. In condemning efforts of
the prohibition force chemists for.
endeavoring to- find non-poisonous
formula for industrial alcohol. j
Senator Edward. New Jersey t
democrat, criticized the Anti-saloon
leader for bis attitude and con
demned the federal povernment for'
permitting the tibrtning of alcohol.
"I call it legalized murder." Sen-
ator Kd wards declared, "and the !
government is an accessory before '
the fact. Polsonins of alcohol by.
the government cannot be Justified
on moral, economic or spiritual
grounds." y
Old Road Named After Bandit Makes Way for New
Scouts Presented I
With Merit Badges
Sir ..4 ! k, i' viwJ
v - i
--11- i
With Ihe completion of the conrrrting in Western Krnturkr just south of Kransrilte, Indiana, of
the last mud gap in the Diiie lire Line hii;har cornea therrature from the map of "The llarpe'a Head
Road," of great significance to Krntuckiant. For the road as named after llig llarpe, trader of a hand
of murderers, captured ahout IS0O. and avhoac head placed at the top of a sharpened Ire, and kept
there for rears as warning. A monument east of Dixon, Kr . marks arliere the tree stood The new
higl.war eliminates the old road. Ahove, left, marker on site of II irpc'a Head tree; loan right, the
new road, wiping out the last mud gap in the Disie Bee Line, with arrow pointing to old llarpe
Head Koad." Left, map of region, with X showing site of trie marker.
McPherson Case i
May be Dismissed
LOS ANGELES. Ier. 29. fL'.V '
Possibility that Aimee Semple Mr-;
Fherson and her co-defendants In,
the famous "kidnaping" case will,
never be tried loomed here tonight '.
as the result of arcnsaMons hurled ;
by Mrs. Lorraine Wiseman, "hoax",
woman, and the state's star witness.
District Attorney Asa Keyes vir
tually admitted that the state's case,
built on the testimony of Mrs. Wf.e-;
man, was about to collapse, follow
ing her statement that Indicates he
perjured herself on the stand during j
the preliminary hearing of the
When George Harvey was brought
Into Justice court yesterday charged
with trespassing on the property of,
Frank Van Schclack. he told Jus ,
the Emmltt that he was ready to
dispense with all frivolities and
plead hullty.
Shortly after Harvey entered his
! District Attorney W. A WleM
ppeared upoj the scene and the'
plea was changed to not guilty by,
the defendant. Harvey's trial win J
come up In Justice rourt Thursday.
January 6. ;
Pretty bright spring dresses for
sale for $14.95. In today, at Dee
ttogin's Store. 120 So. 7lh St.
Kuykendall is Not
Seeking Any Office
"I am not a candidate for the
state office of corporation commis
sioner and wouldn't take the posi
tion If it were made available." de
clared Robert It. KuykendaH. local
attorney, last night, in response to
reports emanating from Salem that
he is being considered In that cap
acity. "My friend Frank S. Sever of
Portland, is a candidate for the job.:
and even if 1 desired to become cor
poration commissioner. I wouldn't
enter the race against him," Kuy-i
kendall stated.
Wealthy Norwich
Man Faces Trouble
RENO. New Dec. 29. (C.N.)
George V. Carroll, wealthy broker
of Norwich, Conn., and a descend
ant of Charles Carroll, one of the
signers of the declaration of inde
pendence, has become Involved in
three suits growing out of a divorce
action here.
Carroll's wife asks a divorce and
$500 per month alimony on the
charge of desertion. Mrs. Carroll
also Is Bulns Mrs. Margaret S.
Gaines, wife of a mill worker, here,
with Carroll, for alleged alienai ion
of her husband's affection. In this
suit Mrs. aCrntll attks $5'.oo0 damages.
The third suit a:s that Carroll
be declared Incompetent and that his
son be made hU guardian.
Travelers Changed
From Vessel at Sea
PAULS. Dec. 2, i U.N. i A trans
fer of passengers from the British
steamer Niagara, which left Hous
ton. Texas, December 1 2. bem :
necesyary in the middle of the A- ;
Ian tic ocean, acmrding lo a mes
sage received toflay by the French
line stcaniflilp company. j
The Niagara's engines refused ti
work and SOS calls were answered '
by the French line steamship n-h-!
ambau and the French steamer
Kentucky. All the pa-sencerd were
taken abourd the Kucha m beau and
the disabled ship was plated In tow
by the Kentucky, which is enrouce
to the Ajtorts.
The Niagara, carrying 1'J passeng
ers and a carajo of cotton, was en
route to Havre.
British Steamer
Is In Distress
NKW VOHK. Dec. 2ft. i l.'.N. )
The British ft earner Clearton is in
distreHK in the Atlantic and wants
immediate assistance, according to
a radio message picked up here
shortly aftr 11 o'clock Wednesday
night by the Independent Wireless
The wireless operator save her
position as 3S.& n. latitude. C4 40
wc-t longitude. This would leave her
a bou t 500 ml les d ue east of New
The Clearton Is owned by the
Carlton Steamship company. Ltd..
and sailed from Baltimore on Dec
ember 2 for Cobh. Ireland.
HOLLYWOOD. Cal . Dec. 23. t IV
N. Flans for divorce action
against Charlie Chaplin by his
estranged wife. Lita Crey Chaplin,
were practically completed here
Wednesday, counsel for the corned
ian'4 wife announced today.
Although the papers aro ready.
Attorney 1 lev be was unable to say
when they would be filed.
Suffer Loss Hearse
1 The hearse of the Towey-Harrtng-
' ton Mortuary of this city was demol
. ished by fire between Klaninth Falls
'and Beatty late Tuesday night, the
result of a short In the wiring.
Upon noticing signs of the fire in
the seat cushion, the driver. I. A.
;Towey, momentarily relaxed his at- '
i tcntion to the wheel to determine '
the source of the smoke, and the
j hearse left the highway, turning
over on Its side.
The flame, it was stated, reached
the gas tank before the driver could
make any attempt to fight the fire,
and in a few seconds It wan a mass
of flames. The firm will purchase
another hearse immediately, it was
announced yesterday. (
Shell Oil Workers '
i Leave for Redding
Klamath Fall" employes and off if-,
; ials of the .Shell Oil company left
Wednesday morning for Kidding.
railed south to attend the c!itrl-t
convention and meeting of this tie--,
tion of i he company.
The following will attend tiu
Kcdding meeting, W. W. Dawley.
Paul Kvans, Leland Wlllitts. John
Schubert and Clifford Hogue. ,
They are expected to return this'
we k-nd from the convention where1
lot) men will attend.
Indian is Paroled
To Agency Master
Waldo Jonah, young redskin who
attempted to shoot up the city of
Fort Klamath at 4 o'clock the
morning after Thanksgiving Day.
wu paroled to Superintendent of
the Klamath Agency Leroy D. Aru
i M after Circuit Judre A. L. l-ea-vitt
had sentenced him to one yeur
In the state penitentiary.
Jonah was In a highly intoxi
cated condition, the only thing. Fort
Klamath officers claim, that pre
vented a who!vale massacre of
residents of the slteTng community,
as the Indian wis umihle to manip
ulate all the firearms he carried.
Jonah was released yrstcrday
fmm the county Jail where he has
been held for that length of time.
Muscle Shoals, is
Worrying Of ficials
A new eomplicat'.on has arisen In
connection w ith Muscle Khoa!s
the demand of (Jovernor-eleet Bibb
Craves of Alabama that the rights
of his state be considered In any
disposition of the water power site
and plant.
C.ravps told the lecllature of Ala
bama Wednesday that Alabama has
tl'le rights to the bed of the Ten
nessee river on which the Wilson
dam Is built. II raid tlw state
had never surrendered title.
Secretary of War Davin probably
will aVit th? department of Justice
to rule on the question.
Sena for .MVN'ary of Oregon, chair
man of t he agricultural committee,
will move next week to have all
bids sent to his committee for In
vestigation, hoping that meanwhile
the question rained by Alabama may
b adjusted airly to both the stute
and the federal government.
The ro-irt room of Circuit Jude
A. I., l.cavitt aa crowded Ut
niKht to w ll new. the present atlou of'
merit tmdtfe lo si oiing Klamath '
Falls boys, members of the Hoy 1
H, t. Croeitbts k prKii ti
meet. tut and the principal talk wn
made by Kev. M. I.. IVtelle ,f the
First ChrlHil.nn vliur. ;i J. W. Scog
gins of Merrill was present and wis'
presented with a flve-)er
nterlt bttdae In honor of the great
interest he bus taken at all tlims
in scout work.
The following were given badaet:
Tenderfoot Kank: Itnlph llatup
son. Harold llampson. bitth of .Mr'
H. D. Newell'a troop.
Second Class Itank: Llod lUrk
ley and Lawrence Oh ten of Chllo-'
qtiin trmip. Itlchard Pearson and
iKniald Konyoti of Frank Mover's
; troop, and Morton Yaden of I'ercy
. Murray's troop.
Merit Madges Awarded: Itosa
, llllman of Frank Moser's trmtp re
1 reived merit badges in Civics and
; First Aid; Fred Lewis of Frank
! Moser's troop received merit badges
1 In Ftremanship and First Aid to
Animals; Thomas Massey of Dr.
M assay's troop received merit badge
In Craftsmanship In Wood: tleorge
Massey uf Dr. Mnssey's troop receiv
ed merit badge in Craftsmanship lit
Wood; Kmbert Fossitm of IVrcy
Murray's troop received merit baditt
In Chemistry: Merlon !ouglaa of
, W. C. Ilalfour's troop. Chlloo.uln. re
j reived merit badges lit IMuinbing
and Fathflnding.
Blooded Stock is
Burned on Dairy
Four blooih-d ralv'. loaetlirr wl'h
qunnlltlrs of lia. were ilttttroycri
late Tustlay mhn tlrr ratt-d tho
barn of t'anelirs dairy north of
'cllian City
Iaih alHtve Inturanri u rtl
mated to be about f 2.U00. One of
the ralvea had been aold for
prior lo the fire but had 11 t In m ,
delivered to the new owner. It u
y.l. PASO, Teaa, Her. ID, ll'N
- A. II. Kail. MM relary of lha In
terior In ll llardlntf, adnilutxirailon.
Ill here villi pneumonia. wa re
ported lonlxHI lo lie realltm "fairly
RaliabU Painter
02 Klamath Phon 192 W
Low Round-trip Rate for Christmas Holidays
Effective December 13, 1928
All point bi'twi-i'ti Klamath FuIIm niul Portland.
Return Limit, Tuesday, January 4, 1927.
Fur iurticulur.i cull
Phone 999
Order for New Year's Dinner
or ROAST '
from our specially selected stock
Sanitary Market
Phone 22 H
701 Main Street
WILMINOTON. Cal.. Dw. 20. ( L.
N. The harbor district wan ybntpd
by a sharp earth tromor today tfiat
rattlod window!) and dishes hut
ti hT c aujd no da mace.
Terminal inland and San Ivdro
nl.i report r-d th? nhf.x:t which be
Sn t 4:17 p. m. and lu.sicd fhe
Wlillo Yuu Walt
MiirfthlMd IiKKr Khnra
11(1 So. 01 h St.
The pardonable pride of Klarrt'
ath Valley Ilonpilal la the erf i
rlcnt nervice rendered humanity
through a well equipped inatitu-tiin
HOSTON. !)(. (I'.X ) The
Rteantfhip f'lrartoii has lout her rud
der in latitude 35.6 north and
longitude 64.40 west, according to a
radio piiked up at the I'nlted Ktatns
navy yard here.
After the 24th of December we
will not he responsible for any hills
aKainxt the, Mecca Pool Hail.
Ii.21i.3l. I'.KltT COOK.
Me Woory?
lt No Sir!
jj I'm insured
wun uie
Xon-CanreUHhlf DiKabillty Policy
prot'-clB you from thi; flmt day
ot HirknPHK or accident.
ll U lHlt-r to he Huff, limn Smy
Next Hall Hotel Phone 205-W
Glasses Fitted
ground and repaired at
I)f n't nf'Kbfct to have your
pr-fnt RlawneH changed when ,
thy ni?d It. THAT Ifi Just
u nfcKHary at it was to have
(tlanf;s in the flrwt nlure.
Suite Winters
PHONE 1268-W
Klamath's Foot
Specialist and
Specials for Thursday, Friday
The Nation s Pantry
Sxrry's Drifted Know
Flour. -I9-1I)S
Hulk GinK'T Snaps,
pt-r l!
White I.onf Flour,
i!) lb
KcIIokk'm Corn Flakes or Post OJ
Toasties, 3 kif.s aCOC
Crepe Toilet Paper-
Dromedary Dates,
per pkK
Calumet HakinK Powder,
5-lb. Can
Bulk Coffee, good jrrade,
per lh
Premier Catsup, large bottle,
No. 1 Diamond Walnutx,
192G erop, per lb
American Ilandi-IvolU Steer
Wool, 2 for
Pint Cans of Cane and Maple: ! Q
Syrup, each 17C
Hulk Mar.shniullow.s,
per lb
Monarch Matches, per carton, 1 Q
6 boxes 1C
H. O. Oats, (tuick or regular) OJ
large pkg OOC
Large Fancy Italian Prunes, no
3 lbs 3C
Fresh Salted Peanuts,
2 lbs
Assorted Fancy Chocolates, QQ
2'2-lt box VOC
Assorted Fancy Chocolates (1 "t QJ
5-lb. box D 1 .OO
No. 1 Fancy Comb Honey,
A dandy Mixed Candy,
per lb
Black Walnuts,
per lb
Best Cranberries,
per tt
Fresh Roasted Peanuts,
per lb
20 c
Fresh Ranch Kggs,
per do.
Kdgemont Crackers,
per pkg
Nucoa Oleo,
per lb
Tropic Nut Oleo,
per lb ;
Apple Juice
29 c
.28 c
We Wish You All A Happy And Prosperous New Year
(We Ain't Mad at Anybody Either!)
S. O. Piggly Wiggly Co.
Fourth and Main Streets -Opposite Hall Hotel