The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 29, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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aee Two
yVln'sl:iy. IVaniluM- 20. 102(.
How to
ll IlKsslK It. Ml Itril V, S.iulhfrn KmnI Kvpcrt
How to
Cheaper Meat for
This Week's Menu ;
Uvrr Itich tit KkmI VaIim
Kecent work In nutrition hu ro-
fmphastiod the fuel thai liver in f
unusual value as a food for blood
formation hrrnuate of It high con-
lent of iron and vitamfnes and for
Ha fatjth quality protrtn.
It hat also been Muni nn4 i vthU
from the houswive'a point of rtew
U all important, that liver from
differeut animal ha9 practically
the ame food value. Therefore i
pork. beef, or lamb liver will be
found Just an nourUhinic a the
rather more expensive calf's liver.
There is real economy In buytutt
others, for by using the several
methods suFReMted, many appetiiinc
dishes can be prepared.
It la Dot necessary to parboil
liver or soak liver in salted water
before cooking it, but oft,cn beef
or pork liver Is reudered more tend
er If marinated for several hours in
a mixture of three parts vinegar
to one part oil. Aat, beef liver
has greater nutritive ralue if it it ,
allowed t toak In skimmed milk !
an hour or more before rooking.
Salmon Dishes
Convenient for
Dec. Shoppers
Ther are so many busy shop-
pine days In December when the1
housewife wanta dishes that are !
quickly prepared, yet nourishing. (
and here is where pink or chum:
salmon fits In so well it can be
kept Indefinitely when unopened,
thus belongs on the emergency !
shelf and can be. taken out aud
quickly prepared in so many quick !
but very appetizing ways.
Salmon ao firalin I
Remove skin and bones from j
one pound of chum salmon, add two
eggs, two ounces butter, stock from j
salmon can. season with . salt and t
pepper. Mix and beat in bowl. I
add one cup soft, stale bread and
enough milk to soften. Bake in
buttered deep dish until top is nice i
brown. j
Sainton with Macaroni j
A good one-dish meal. Pick1
one can pink or chum salmon into I
small pitxes. Make one pint of j 1
ordinary white sauce. Put a layer
of boiled macaroni broken tn Inch
lengths in the bottom of baking I
dish, next a layer of sauce, then a
layer of salmon, continuing until
dish Is filled. Sauce should come
last and be sprinkled with buttered
rm m Rn Ita until hrnvn
Creamed Salmon on Toast j
2 tablespoons butter
1-4 teaspoon salt.
1 cup hot milk.
2 tablespoons flour.
Pinch salt.
1 can salmon.
Melt butter in saucepan, when
bubbling but not burning, add the
flour, salt and nenrwr and mix un
til nprftlv nmnnlh Add vorr !
slowly the hot milk, stirring con-'
stantly. Cook until it thickens, !
adding more salt if necessary. Heat 1
can of salmon unopened in pan of i
boiling water. Open and remove ,
all bones- and skin from salmon.
and break Into inch piece ou plat-1
ter. Pour sauce over salmon aud j
serve hot, j
By Alfred E. Dressier
Butter muffin ring, salt and pep-,
per a slice of chopped beef; spread ,
one level teaspoon of Gulden's mup- i KKCIPK FOR CHICKEN
tard on both sides; flour well and i ,
Jit Id muffin ring and fry. ! T By Mrs :
Garnish with fried mu.hroom.l To prepare chicken either to roa.t ,
or onion ring.. ! f r bToil- Ju"' be,or pul"n,t 'Jf '
i in the cooking pan use a tnirk -
The kindness of Hebrew gentle-1 P"tP- mad of but,'r a1"1 W"", '
men toward their ambitious off-, mustard, spread gnrouIy all ov-r ;
spring about money matters Is too tne hlcn and as it cooks ami,
well known to require comment. drins ln, th Pan- ba!te ,he chi' k' ,
Two of theru met one day and weroen ith U" ThiB Kive a rlrh flavor
discusning the tver-reenrrfng prob-;
Jem of how much to give the little' IIROII.ED STEAK
oneff at home. ! I coated the entire surface of
"Veil. Sam." naid the first gentlp-' nt-ak with Gulden's mustard, al-,
man. "Ve give littie Ikey a quar-lowfd to dry, coated other aide and
ter a veek po ket-nioney." broiled under a very hot flame. It
"Uat vos a lot of money every , ?avp ilu- wink a wondfitl flavor,
veek. Moses." j-aid his friend du- - - -
biously. j
"Ah veil. Ii please 'im. Ve let
im put it in the gas meter; 'e
thinks it Is money-box."
AnvtliinK yon wish to sell? Or to
buy? Tt-11 all Klamath Falls about'
it in the eoononmal. effiriPnt way j
through a little Klamath Ni-i
(lRfniflrMl Ad.
You Eat to Live Why Not Live Well?
We serve meals at all hours
"Under New Management"
125 South Seventh
Culinary Calendar
" for Jext Week
Baked Apples iroal atut I'rvain '
Calves Liver aud
11, icon
Cream of Tomato Soup
Koast Veal Bread Stuffing
Kieed Totntoes Sptuach with Kjep
AsparaKUs Tip Salad
French Pressing
Stewed Prunes
Oh t m ea 1 with Cream
Freach Toast Co
I tinner
Pork Chops with Apples
Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Cahbaae au C rat in
Apple and Celery Salad
Lemon Jelly
" Stewed Dried Fruits
Cereal with Cream Itroiled Ha on '
Tomato Pure
Cream Salmon on Toat
Stuffed Potatoes Splnadi
Grapefruit and Celery Salad
Poached Eggs on Toast
Vegetable Soup
Turnip Greens
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Corn Pone Bread
Lettuce Salad-French Dressing
Apple Snow
Break fat
Apple Sauce
, Cereal with Cream
Hot Muffin
Lamb Slew
Roiled Rice
Slewed Tomatoes '
Hot Biscuit
Combination Salad
Jellied Pears
Orange Jule -
Boiled Eggs Hot Rolls
Fried Oysters
Baked Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes
Asparagus Tip Salad
Chocolate Pie
Orange Juice
Buckwheat Cakes, Syrup
Broiled Ham
Baked Potatoes Celery
Scalloped Tomatoes
Lettuce Salad Baked Apple?
;i.ORIFIKI HA Mltl'Rft
Breakfast I
. !
By A Friend
Form mest into balls broil
slightly. Place in . baking dish,
Make white with salt, black with,
pepper, yellow with Gulden s mup-,
tard. red with paprika.
put juice of S lemon into M
cup melted butter and pour over i
meat balls. Place. In oven and!
baste frequently until done. Serve
Very not
k your grocer
for Fluff for
light and airy
WINTER U an excellent time
to think of luscious frozen
desserts, since most peopli
eat more rich foods during the cold
'weather than at any other tmv
heavy roast meats, rich dividing,
candy, cake nd whatnot, and the
housewife who uses,, forethought
will have on her menu lists same
lifht desaertSv easy to prepare, but
tempting and attractive. Frozen
desserts are especially Rood.
From the eternal summer-tin e
of Hawaii comes pineapplo, to add
ita golden color and its tropical
flavor to these iced delicacies. -Hawaiian
pineapple is especially
adapted for desert because its
rich juice contains a digestive
property which nids Sn the diges
tion of meats.
Frozen Pineapple Bisque is a
delicate but delicious dessert sim
ple to prepare. Boil fifteen min
utes, two cups water and one cup
sugar. Add the syrup drained
from a medium can of crushed Ha
waiian pineapple and freeze. Be
fore the mixture has frozen hard,
fold in the crushed pineapple, from i
which the syrup has been drained,
and one cup whipped cream. Pack,
and allow to stand one hour before i
serving. j
Pineapple Frappe Hawaiian I
combines crushed with sliced pine
apple in a novel and pleasing way. '
Mix one cup sugar and two cupsi
water. Boil for twelve minutes. I
Liver, Macaroni
and Vegetables
2 pounds sliced beef liver.
1 tablespoon celery tops.
2 tablespoons flour
IS cups macaroni.
2 cups diced carrots.
S .cup chopped onion.
2 teaspoons salt.
4 teaspoon pepper. ,
Wash, pare and boil veRotaMt"
In salted water infnute. Conk
macaroni 4 minutes in sailed wa
ter. Wash liver and dredge with
flour to which suit aud pepper b:ive
been added. Sear in hot frit.
Line greased casserole wilh mac
aroni, add vegetables and flu;;r
that have been mixed with 1 -t cu;
cold water. Cover with liver and
place in - slow oven, covered, to
bake 40 minute.
A meat loaf wbh-h nifty be rutr n
cold, slit-ed. put in sandwiches for
the school lunch or heated an 'I
served with a sauce, is a nourish
ing, convenient food to have read
for the unexpected. The loaf !
low is of good size.
Pork Liver Loaf
2 pounds pork liver.
2 onions.
3 tablespoons flour.
1-4 teaspoon celery salt. '
1 pint milk.
2 eggs.
2 tablespoon parsley.
Salt and pepper.
('hop the liver, onion, and pars
ley together and pass them through
the-food chopper twice. Add milk,
beaten eggs ami celery Halt, with
salt and pepper to suit ono's tantn.
Sprinkle with flour. Mold and bake
Home Made
Chili Con Carne
Bring Your Own Pint or Quart Jar
A Delicious Quality Food
On sale at the
. 202 Main
Cool, add two cups ice water and
content of a medium site can of
jrrui-bed Hawaiiau, pineapple with
tl.rvo tablespoon lemon juice.
rrcexe to a mun, nut do not re
pack. Haw ready the slices from
a medium can of sliced Hawaiian
pineapple and place one slice on
each plfttiV File the froien mix
ture on the tdiccs of pineapple, and
tup each with a maraschino cherry.
i?jrw ad soon us possible.
A more substantial dessert Is
Frozen Pineapple Custard. Heat
two cups milk. Mix two table
spoons tiour, two cups sugar and
one-eighth teaspoon suit Add the
hot milk, cook in a double boiler,
stirring until mixture thickens,
then cook ten minutes. Pour onto
one beaten et?g. return to double
boiler arid cook three minutes lon
ircr, or until mixture thickens, stir
ring constantly. Chill thoroughly,
add one cup croam nnd contents of
small can oi crushed Hawaiian
pineapple, well drained. Freeze
and serve.
A plncapp! dessert which Is so
simple that you can ranke it tn a
moment and go away and forget
about it until time to serve, b
Frozen Pineapple Slice. Pack a
large can of Hawuiian sliced pine
apple in ice and salt, as you would
ice crtatn. and allow It to stand
for three or four hours Add
whipped cream before serving.
, In a slow nvi-n for about 2 hours.
'Whim Mie loaf is well conked it
rolls In the moid 'and if a kVlfr
k if. inserted In the center. It J'lll
: come o'ut very hot.
It Is ealer and liver and IwCon
are better prepared in the oven
than in a fry inn pan on top of the
Move. Place slices of baron on (he
bottom of the baking dih. cover
with flour dredged IWcr and put
another layer of bacon strips on
lop. Add enough water to twj
1 thirds cover the meat. Cover and
bake In a plow oven 4 5 minute.
i Remove cover and brown bacon till
i cri:p.
Hy Mb-H Hen ha Murker
1 1 tablespoon Cut den's muMurd.
2 pounds of spinach.
1 flavored the spluarh after It
; was boiled ami chopped. Just be
'fore serving. A decided improve
ment of tho tiMial bland vegetable.
Duck Hunters!
Do you know that we
serve meals from 3 a. m.
until 10 p. m.
Under new manage
ment. All white help.
Fillings for . 1
Stuffed Dates',
Any soft mild cheese.
Wul mil or pecan ineali.
IVunut butler,
IVanut mul nlinoml. plain or
Candied che rrles or pieces oi
i.iudted pineapple.
Strip of en u tiled orange or
Krapf r ii It peel.
Cook ml nr uncooked fonduit.
plain or uilu'd with U redded coco.i
mil. quartered utarsh mallows.
Bonana fondant, made by titunti
inn one-half of a rlpo banana with
a fork und gradually henttng n
about one-half pound of confection
er's xugttr. Add for' flavoring 1-4
te.tHpoou vniitlla. 1-3- teaspoon
lemon Juice and pinch of suit. This
wit) harden when stuffed In tl.e
Unli Iliittrntrotrli Taplocn
1-3 cup tapioca.
2 cups bo 111 u a water.
cup brown suitar.
2 tnblespoont htilter.
t cup sliced dates.
1-H tea poo n salt.
l teaspoon vanilla.
S cup heavy cream, whipped.
Place all Ingredients eicept van
Ilia aud whipped cream In the top
of a tlouhln boiler. Cook with oc
casional stirring until the (upioca
Is transparent.
Cool; fold in vanilla and whipped
cram; pour Into Individual serving
dtthes. (hill thoroughly. Serve
with or without additional cruam.
Six nerving.
Ikatr-Nut Candy
1 package dates.
Si cup walnuts,
1-4 pound h redded cocoanul.
1 tablespoon lemon Juice.
Iate Apricot Cundy
1 package of dates.
1-4 pound figs.
1-4 pound apricot.
1-4 pound shredded cocoanul.
1 tablespoon orange juice.
1 leapoon grated orange rind I
In both recipes run the dried
fruits 4n!o cocoon ut and nu'si
I Buy
Menu Recipes of
Great Interest;
j I nto Pudding I
Clean, stohu and chop pound of
, dates, add cup of KukIIhu wtiliiutt
! tneut liroken III pierce, liutf vf of
floui. (oiispnoit Imkltiit powder and
: half tranpoon salt. Kent up f Mir
iKa whites to stiff froth, then Told
,tu half cup of MUKiir, add beaten efts;
nlk, half luMesHi n meltrd but
' ler and dute mUltir Turn Into
! Krcatted p.iti uud Imko In mudorate
'eveli thirty minute, cm In sqiinreiij
mid si rye rtdd with whlpiHd cream i
llnkeil ItivNieuk
i Cut two pmiitds of alrloln half
1 Inch thick Mil one cup- bread
Icrumlis. talilenpuou iihortetitna. la
( hlespotkA chopped (mrsley, half ta
1 hlenpitMi chopped on Urn, half tea
spoon salt, M'jp.-r and Ted pepper,
half teuHpoott kili heu In quel and
molHteu . with stork. .preml thin
over nlenk and toll II up, fitnlentitK
! with skewers or tying and put on
' rack In roattng pau. Add half cup
to-k and bake half hour, luMtlus
fmiuently. Place on hot plalter
and pour around It mmr made
from two tablivprxins shortenltiK
and three tahlenp-Jon flour blended
U'Kethr with salt, aud pepper In
taste and rup and half beef stock
rooked until holllnx. I hen strained
and added to tnhlespowi Worcester
shire! sauce.
! W rups hsNh.
1 tableRiioon (itilden's mulrd
The mustard wn inlif d In Just
before pirn-hit; In frying pan to
i through a meat itrlndrr. Moisten
'with fruit Juice and knead In the
t rind. Itoll out with a rolling: ptti
I Into a sheet a iiuttrter-luch thb k.
Cut with very small cutter Into
' rounds one Inch In diameter, or
roll Into ball.
Use Fluff for
that are lltht
It Pays
iu;t in-: nut ham
Overheurd al n Luncheon
Honk the ham over one night In
maple syrup, the nent day boll In
tin xniiin B) rup. that night lvn
In the syrup. In lha morning care
ImIIv remove the ham from the pot
In which It tins Iuh'U Dogked and
boiled, then skin It and cut dep
Into it severul pluces way down
to the bone. Into iIicmi rule park
pleuty of (lulden's iiuiKturd. theu
pat tie ruts to get hit so thul thsy
are nut tiotlceuble. thru sugur cost '
the hsni with brown sugar and
put It In tti men to bake; th
remit Is vyry pleasing and glv 1
the hsm that untUfying flavor.
or .
Ask Your Grocer for
Crater Lake Flour
Made by
Martin Bro.
A llom. Munulaclurrd l'roduct.