The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 29, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Klamath Hews
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The Klamath News
Official Paper
County of Klamath
United News and United Press Telegraph Service
Vol. 4. No. 40 Trie Five CcnU
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Takes Up
President Confer With'
Secretaries Following j
Late Developments in,
Central America. j
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28, i
(U. N.) l'roHiil'nt Coolidge j
conferred with Secretary of j
Stato Kellogg mid Secretary j
of the Navy Wilbur late Tues-J
day, following Into develop-1
Hients in the Nicaragua)! situ-!
Secretary Kellogg denied !
that NiraraKua was discussed '
find Maid that the conference
Van to consider a reply to the :
recent Kritish suggestion for'
more liberal dealing by the!
powers in China. It was not
explained what required Wil
bur's presence in such a con
ference on diplomatic mutters
affecting China.
Kellogg, afler 111 conference.
lt thnl Instruction, la Hear Ail
mini Lutlmer. In illume f naval
forrcs In Nlreritaue. do not cover
the Imposing of a rnairalil. al
though ittspatrhca from Nicaragua
report that such a rensorshlp ha
been established. Kellogg inlil hi
know nothing abom this.
Afler Ihe coliferetira hud been
In progress forty five minutes Secre
(ContlnuM oti Vnuv Pour)
.Teachers Favor
Free Text Books
iluiinratnn lu fHVnr of free text
Imoka lu iu hi Ir srhoo hi On ami
marked Ihe first Hloti n( ih Ct o
Kon Stale Traders' Ion, a
the asaoctaf Inn gathered In an n tin I
assembly here iinUy.
Tho approval carried with It.
however, it recommendation thul
the book be privately printed nil
er than printed by th slate, and
thut illKtrtrtH with h population of
more than be permitted to
select their own textbook.
The adit n ram through adop
tion of a report nf the committee
on free textbooks, of which A. C.
Hampton, nf Astoria. 1m chairman.
It was maintained In tlila report,
that compulsory s-hMl attendance
laws and fr textbook should ro
hand in hand, as la the case In
many Mate.
Tho tat t that nil pupil would
, have tho nmn grade nnd quality of
chool equipment ttlno wua stress
ed. The committee reported that Ha
Investigation In C'altfornlu ami oth
er states prnvml t but state print
ing was iiiixnllMftutdry hfiih from
educational nnd economic stund
pints. Tho report van preceded hy elee
tlnna of officers: If, K. fnlnw. rlty
school superintendent of Pendleton,
waa elected vie proHldctil : Mr.
Kuxanne HolmesrCurter, Jacksonville
county superintendent of J nek ton
rounty, automatically moving up
from vice president in president of
the aafuirtatinn.
Members of tho executive rom
mlttee eliMMod wore: Mnhel Wllaon
Church, HonehtirK. IMatrlrt No. 3,
V. W. noettUher, Tho Dalloa, ril
Irlct 4. nnd It. It. Turner, at a to
ftuporlntendeut, Ditllaa, from
utiite at larK0.
Nine Men Hurled
Into Blazing Sea
WILMINGTON, ('nt.. Dec. 28. iV.
N.) Hurled beneath the waters of
the harbor' by an explosion that
covered the surface with blazing
gasoline, nine men were Injured.!
two probably fatally, hi id another ' 1
missing, following a btnst nnd f Iro
be up nth tho Amettcnii-llawnllnn line'
wharf hero Tuesday. i
The body of a man known only,
as Jaeger, wlm is believed to have!
fallen Into the water lu tho midst j
of the bliutng gasoline fumes. Is,
being sought by divers, , j
K. V. McLeod nod Tom Dnvis nrej
hot expected to recover from buriiH
.suffered when they en me up for nir
nfter being plunged Into tho water'
by the force of the explosion caused j
when a gnsollun pipeline being re-
plneed henenth Ihn dock wni Ignited
a blow torch.
HT. Al'fal HTINI-:. Ma., IhT. itM,
(f.N.) I If llin-alclMil NI. AuK-
uIIiik, rlra'n nlilvl ". Hl
uftrrniNMi. alien fljimcM i1i'iri't'l
lite laiclHtlla l.iiC.l, Mtpulnr lirail.
iiuurii-ra fur autlifm liiurUlM.
rrmnpt aetlolt lt' (lie fire litarl.
iienl ir(venlnj lite lliinii from
Im'Iiih l a ItrUk wlnil In
ailjiii-.iil lHnlina liullitlnica.
Shasta Division
Men Will Kenew j
Seniority Fight;
fnvaiion of Portland Crewa
Into Local Territory May
Be lnvetigated by Vice.
Preaident of Brotherhood.
llaikiMl h Hie full UihH "f
the iMNiril nf fllrrelura of Klani
allt eoanly t-liamlMr f roltimerre.
rallniail UH-n afflllale.1 Willi the
Nhaala ilhUkin if lite Houllifrn
I'aiirlr Kilt rialit fur thi-lr
li.rll rticlafw U'tuern IliU rlly anil
I'n-M-rnl Ijike, airurilln (11 In-
.Ui-ataina jealrnla).
('ommuniratlon. ant to. and re- I. a. l.u .-I. .. a.. I r fa-nan 11 II
lioiwrt,.n. pre.idm of the -
rrheod of lAiromotive Kiremi-n and
Knalnemen, Indleata a polhle I
mruaaiv inai may ranii in Tiriorr
fur Hie Khaata divl.lon nien whu
are lotting poaltlona. and needed :
work through the Inva.lou of thej
I'ortland divl.lon rrwa Into thlai"" " ,no un'',,r Meb anoiher ,
territory aoulll from t'rearent l.akt'.
Arrordlna to word rerelved by
1'rmident Itnliertaiiu. It waa aux-(-onlliiiiel
on raae Foor)
Canton Underworld
Defends Henchman
CANTON. .-. Ier. !. ( U.N.J--The
Canlon underworld, hlumed for
aaaaatilnation of ihin It. Mellett.
mlllt 11 1) t newnpaper edlinr, la now
rnarhlnc out for the lire of ('. I)
MfCllntiirk. rminiy attorney who
iiruanriued.-Velleii-'a alayer. Hpeclat
pollre iruaril have been thrown
around MrCrlnlork'a hoine followlns
reei'lpt of lettera threnlelllnic to
have him killed "If any harm ronien
in Mrliermult
MrDrrmnft. the firnt of the three,
min to be tr i-d for the .M ett
kllllnK, waa found uullty of flmt
di'icree murder on Chrlnttitas eve. Ife
In to appear lu court Wednenday to
be wntcurrd . to Ohio , petiltenilnry
for the rest of his natural life.
The threatening let tern, bearlmc
('union poMtmarkn, were delivered t
McClfntoi k's home. They are in
the lump ItandwrltinK as similar b't-
ters whlrh were sent to thu prosecu-
Ifir Iwn miinttia nan when lie ftntl
undertook the McDermott proseru-
lioH kirn I anvoa
iiuu a ii v uluivo
h omilv I imolACC
m uiiiiij uumvivokj
A man, his wife and several chil
dren, whoso names could not b
learned, were made homeless early
yesterday moruliiK ut 6 o'clock when
the Square leal Service station
three miles west of Pluehurst on tho
Klamath Falls - Ashland hlfthway,
burned to the ground.
The fire apparently slnrted from
defective chimneys as the father had
built a fire shortly lief ore. With
Utile or no facilities for flKhtlnx
the fire, and the flames eagerly
licking BKuiiiHt the huge tnuks that
contnltied oil and gasoline, it was
but a moment until the Utile struc
ture which served as n store, service
station and homo to the family, was
n mass of flumes.
Nothing was saved. Tho fa mil v.
It Is understood, were taken to the
valley where they were cured for
by friends.
Ski Experts Head
jror i an country
Hoy. page the Alps!
Ilecause a quartet of hardy moun
taineers yesterday left their local
bailiwicks to brave the rigors of
mountain fastness In the vicinity n
snow-bound Cruter Lake, nnd If the
Intrepid winter sportsmen return
here with all skis present they're
slated for higher sleeps than tho
Cascades offer.
ltolllng out of this rlty yesterday
in nn automobile the four young
nien expected lo drive na fur as thej day, slated ihnt the San Francisco
entrance to Crater Lake National 1 chamber of commerce board nt dir
pnrk, where the car and most other ectoi-s, through the efforts of Robert
signs of civilization will ho left Newton Lynch, executive vice presl
hehlntt. I dent and manager, would augment
From I his point tho party wlllUhe efforts of Klamath Falls In the
proceed on skis straight Into the I campaign for a federal building,
mniiiiliilna whose pln'-i lml side I This waa the word which reached
form the fortress for Crater l.nko. j here yesterday from the south tell-
In the group who nte attempting a
.iiiiii. icy in iiiriiiiiiiiiun anpocr, nreiwouiii tie solium to put rortii nil
Howard llaruhlsel, Osmund Huuge, efforts In assisting tho city of Klam-
IMrk llarlh and Leslie Wright. j nth Fulls with which It has been
They will return when possible! so closely connected, for many years,
Str angler
Active In
Pacific Coast Murderer
Suspected of Heinous
n , ,,.!
crimes rerpetratea in
Mr . mm
rvansas City rlomes.
28. (U.N.)-The fear that the j
isiraniiier muruerer wno in-
vaded Pacific coast homes re-'
cently is- prowling; about the i
I. . . ,
HtrcetH of KuiiHug City was in-
iten.sified tonight when the
bodies of a younjr mother and
I,..- I,- l.l U..I... i
f0UIUJ in the bedroom
f tl"'''- home, strangled by
rngs knotted around their
Tbe vldlmn. Mr. (irrnialna fro-
'..... I J -. I . U . n .1 k-v -,. . J
, ' . - , ,
' ' (
youna woman, Mr. lionnie l-are.wlln p,1Ui. officials In Naahvlllo.
mat death 3 noyra ano.
1 no infant aim or irs. rare was
playing In another room whrn his
mother waa strangled, and so es
caped. The bodies ef Mrs. liarpln and the
baby were found after Murlus Har
pln, 33. the husband and father.
(Conunueo on Paxe Five)
Aimee Will Speak
In Leading Cities
LOS ANOKI-KH; ItotV 38. (U.N.)iiho Ifntted Static weather bureuix
A two mouths "vacation tour." announced tonight.
durlttR which she will probably alniotpheric disturbance that
hi-ld revival meetinsa in many of wa, over the Texas coast Monday
the prlnclMil cities of the United n(f,nt haa advunced rapidly north
State soon after January 10. was ' a8tward. belna: now central over
nnummred Tuenday hy Almee -m-
. i"" "'!
Her Itinerary will Include len
ver. ClilcBgo. St. Iou1h. Minneapolis.
Philadelphia, tlontoo and other At
lantic coast cities. The evangelist
said she would "quite likely" hold
meetings in all of those citloa men
tioned. Mrs. Mcpherson said she hnd
been urgod by eastern members of
the church of the Four Square (ios-
1 net In hotil a series of meetlnza at
j the Sosqulceiitenulat x po s 1 1 1 o n
I grounds at Philadelphia
cer attorney, also)
lurt meetings in j
I lien Lanka. Denver
urued her to com
Colorado metropolis, she In-
I linted that she would accept both
ns during the vacation
The evangelist will make no ref
erence to Los Angeles court trou
during her eastern tour, she
Mrs. Mcpherson was "too busy"
Tuesday to discuss the slate's lat
est move for n joint trial of the
evangelist and Kenneth G. Or nils-.
ton. former Anaehis temple radio
man. on charges ct vrjury ami con-j
Despondent, Boy
Commits Suicide
OAKLAND. Cul.. Dec. SS. lN.,
Despondency over failure to re
ceive hoped for Christmas presents
Is believed to have prompted the
suicide of Henry L. Koruhurits, Jr.,
13 year old schoolboy.
The lad's mother found his body.
hanging hy a clothesline from a raft
er of the back porch ut the family
homo when she relumed from n
"'piim trm Tuesimy.
cuorm hi rcmiHcuuuoM .mien
The only motive -that the famllv
could give was that the hoy hnd
been disappointed with his Christ
mas gifts.
Federal Building
Aid is Promised
A letter, received by the Klamath
county chamber of commerce yestet-
Ing Ihitt the southern chamber
y.l. IMHO, Tia, Iter. SH, (!'.
M.) J.-fjua lliflaiiln aaa t'M jnm
ohl wliea lie illefl lien IlirUinuia
flay, a ileal!, rertlflenlr TIIimI tif
flity nlHiWfl. Ilia birth tlate waa
Klven aa June ito, IHWi.
Death YoTl Rises
Higher as Floods
Devastate South
Tho.."d. Homele.. d Ua
Property Eatimated at
M.nv Millioni Al w.ter,
Continue to Rise.
NARIIVIU.K. Teiin.. Dec. 28. (U.
N.)-Al leaat 1J per.oni are dead. I
uf dollara a-lilla flood waters In four .
outhern aiaiH continued to ne
""J"y-r'llert by Pneral duwn"
pour of rain.
A auri.y hy I he t nited Nw:"nea late luesaay nigni, re
iihows that aix paraona nave been ; gardinff his reported retire-
reported dead in Arkania.. five In
'"" 'ee-
iMul n ih. ilnlhi lnvt hwn ftoc
ed by automoblleg aklddlnic or IwIdk !
awept Into swollen atreama.
Manr atreama In the. flood .one In ;
MlMlanippl. Kentucky and Arkan- j
aa. whlrh nave promiae Monday I
nlaht of receding, have started on
.Hnk.. T.wu.Hv'a rain
a rouan approximaiinn ontainea !
by ,h. i:Dc(i New,, , ronferenre
plarea the number of bumelesa at
more than lu.uuv. AitRougn no at-,
tetnpti have been made to eat. male j cover any pernon in well Informed
the d.-.majce. with the flood atl.l ; railroad circles who had heard that
rtitliiR. Nanhvllle bankt-rs ventured i Levy waa to retire because of old
that aeveral millions of dollars dCjcge, an4 be sttcceeded by th g
crop, raerchandfiie and household greaalve Great Northern president,
rfferla had been destroyed. When Levy waa finally found he
f(irm Hatrnlnjcn
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. Storm
warning., are displayed on the At
lantic roaat from Kamtport, Maine
to Norfolk, Va., and additional flood
wnrnlnits have been Inaued for the
Ti'iin ee river over Florence. Ala..
Itichmoiul, Va.. while the dlstur
bauce that w-as off the Virginia
roast Tuesday morning is now over
Long Island. It waa atnted. The
outlook is snow in northern New
Kngland Wednesday and Thursday.
Murderer Tells
Story of Brutal
Family Killings
TKXACO. N. M.. Dec. 2S. ( U.N.)
Thp calllnK r "rantl iurv wU1
Probably be the next action taken
to determine what Is to tr donet ( he lniVer8ltv of Oregon; Fred
wtth (.eorge Hassel. 4o. confessed : crU.k w Goodrich. Portland, secre
""'r of 13 P'e- 'tary: Henry L. Bettman: E. O.
While the man lies on o hospital ( spitrener: Rex t'nderwood; Otto
cot in the littlo jail, surrounded by wedetneyer; Pauline M. Chapman;
ruards to keep away an angry
couiitrvsiae. recuiwraing troiii kei-j
inmciea wounns. nis iTetti nave
feci discussed
y a nafon.
a nat'oo.
Hut George Hansel, seem? little;
tvovtd. Only once In all the ques-j
' ,nn ' '"id he vx press regret for
kill,1' hU wi(o and eht R,,PD-
htldren. then he suld rnly: "My
Goo almighty, I wish 1 hadn't start-,
Voluntarily he told ot killing an-
other woman and three children,
In this section of New Mexico and
the panhandle of Texas, where Has
Kul was a rancher, feeling Is rabid
against I ho man. A double quota
of guards surround the jail while
others have been sent to mingle
among the citizenry to sense any
posrtlMo uprisings. All cars enter
Iiir the village are closely scrutln
Ued. The crimes committed by Has?el
wre many and varied.
According 1o
his story he has broken the law In
evory respect from drunkenness, to
murder. He told of desertions from
tho nrmy nnd navy, running "skin
games" and dodging the draft. It
was for the latter he killed the
woman in California, whom he said
was his wife, and her three chil
dren, because she reprimanded him
tor the act.
His version ot the killing of his
wife nud elrJit stepchildren Is n
gruesome affair.
Mrs. Mussel accused him r 11-
licit relations with their 1 4 -year-old
dauKhtor. Maudie, when ahe learned
tbr j girl was to , become a mother.
'T a"7Ml tot . m"ke ,?e thfs
. ' . ' i.Jotlwr on hunting trips and the Low
lil in.
o'clock one night, Hnssel finully
dressed and went to the barn nnd
got a drink of whiskey. When he
enmo back Mrs. Ilnasel continued
I the quarrel. Picking up a hnm-
i n.r nt, ,it her In the head.
The yi ungest child screamed and
Haxsel choked it lo death. Then,
( niitlnuctl on Pago Three)
C. M. Levy
Will Not
Quit Job
Western Pacific Head;
r : D ,L.i L.
Denies Rumor that he!
Will be Succeeded by ;
Ralph Budd Soon.
a word of truth j
in naia u. ai. Lvy, presi
ient of the Western Pacific
railway, when he was ques-
t in the near future..
A new atory emanating from a
rrtIfn'1 n-paper atated that lry
the year, and that Ralph Budd,
nnw prMidem of tne Grea, Xorlll.
er ralhray would ,ueed him.
,-,. from i.or,and Tue.dav
-, .j - ,,11,! fiP.
lal there would conllim the reported
awlteh of prenldenta from tbe Creat
Xortbern to tbe western r-aejflr.
The atory. na outlined, waa said to
have originated In San Francisco,
but Innulrv tonight failed to nn-
waa most emphatic In his denials
that he contemplated retirement.
Resignation of
m 1 A 1 J
leaCnerS ASKeQ
POKTI.AND, Dec. 28. (U.N.)
Lack of harmony between Portland
music teachers was climaxed Tues
day, when K. It. Turner, superin
tendent of public Instruction, re
quested the resignation ot 10 mem
bers of the state' music committee.
j The latest rift was occasioned by
alleged personal and discriminatory
action by the committee in ac
crediting mnsic teachers to permit
them to give high school credits
under the state system.
A majority of the commlrtee mem
bers have refused to resign, it is
said, having requested a meeting
with Superintendent Turner In order
to nave tbe question settled by
t peaceful means If possible.
j Those afked to resign are:
John Landsbury, dean of i
j p. A. Ten Haaf; Mrs. Jean P. Mc-
Cracken; David B. Campbell.
jA Tf 1 Ilfl
4ii nuiwciess niieii
Poor House Burns
SAN MATEO. Cal., Dec. 28, (V
v.) Forty Inmates of the San'
Mateo county poor farm were rout-
. . . hlllIdin hv fir. todav
ana "gni were Deing ca
by neighboring families.
The relief home, a wooden struc
ture, was destroyed. Several of
those forced to flee the flames suf
fered from exposure. All of the In
mates were persons of advanced age.
The fire broke out first early In
the dny nnd was thought to have
been extinguished, but a second fire
developed from smouldering embers
in the basement and the home was
in ruins before the San Mateo fire
department could respond. The
home was three miles from here.
Boy is Killed in
Playful Gun Fight
PKXlft.ETOX, Dec. 23, (U.N.)
James I.ownry. 16. was fatally
wounded Tuesday afternoon when
he and Bob Mover. IS, engaged ni" ...mmi.
a duel which was supposed to be
' lu fun
j Accon5iuK to lm? Btor to!d thc
I pro8ecutin(t atlorney. the boys. In
! separate groups, approached each
ary hoy. In a spirit of fun, fired at
Moyer returned the fire, and the
other boys In -the gathering scat-
terect. moyer s millet enieren i.o-
ary a left side and ranged down
Into his heart.
Moyer Is being held for question
I'OKTLANl), Jh-c.
2. IV.)
I lie founta-nanr of m tleffiidunt
In triUrml ruurt wr. ikniml
ttufflrlritt by Judjer IU-mo to r
rune lilin from Jury duty for
"WV don't want auy jurur who
fnrtiia m prfjuillr from mrre
alKht," wild I he judjc'.
Men Have Narrow
Escape When Car
roo p r
UUCS iniU jXlai
Near Victims of Icy Death Un-
able to Explain How They:
Managed, to Crawl From ;
Submerged Auto. j
. m. -iiiMr" -mt. 4X1 !
North Xlntll aln-et, rook at tlt .
llab lafr. ami an unMintiflnl
rompaaion jjppei from the
"-a.urru. R.k rr,k hiKhwa
jurt Mnw tUr j .iirornia Onuon
lust brlowr tbe alifornia Oregon 1
Power romiiany flam on the west j ' """" '' .
sWe or Unit River, into the ath county will receive oiling,
branrb ranal of IIh- Keno Irrlfta- :surfacino; and improvement of
lion rotiipany anil narrowly ee ... i i , i
raped death Try irwninK whm ! long stretches of arterial high-
iheir rar sunk to the bottom of ways which will open up this
the- ranal. -territory to unlimited tourist
Walter Foster, state traffic offlc-' , , . . . ,
er. returning to Klamath Falls from!trave 8nd Probable settlement
a trip on tbe west side of the lake, according to a report made at
rame upon the two standing In the the jur cf commerce
highway, shivering from tbe ex-1. . . . 1 ,
posure. They had climbed the bank j boardo f directors luncheon
and succeeded In swimming nut of yesterday.
the try waters before the car filled. ' Definite ordering or oiling dnr
Foster brought the two men. and , (nt ,he coming spring and summer
their Lewellyn setter into Klamath I rrom Algoma Point to La Pine, five
Falls and ook Webber to his home, j mle north of the Klamath essty
(Continued on Pace Four) I De n Deschutes county, la assured
; ' and In addition is possible that
n n J ft 'Mi i'be rcadway (rom Chiloquln on to
rair rOUnd llUlltV jTbe Dallea-CallfornU highway may
v y y-ft i also be Improved to such an extent
Ul LlQUOr LtiarSre ; t' o'"B ' Promised that
2 section.
William Wilson and H. P. Traver-1 CharU. maps, figures and general
sey, alleged Klamath bootleggers. ' traffic data were presented to the
were found guilty by a jury in Jaa-i Cttttaoed! oa Pace Fecr
1 "ce cour' yesterday afternoon, ot
; possession of Intoxicating liquor.
the charge preferred a-ir-st them
;on October 22 by Prohibition offic
ers Bennett. Short and Swindler.
The jury was out but a short
time when they brought In tbe ver
dict of guilty. Sentence will be pro
nounced at 10
o'clock Thursday
morning, December 30.
The raid which netted Wilson an
Traversey laRt October was conduct-
ed against Traverser's bouse at 451 , His phteian. Dr. H. T. Saltord,
Commercial street. The two gallons attending Fall here, where he also
of illicit liquor was found In the j ma)ntai, a home. Issued a bulletin
yard and In a tent near the house inte ,his afternoon to the effect
officers discovered six cases ofjtnat Bis patient's condition was
empty Jugs, bottles and other para- "satisractory."
phernalia. The men were unable to He said the pneumonia, which
give bond yesterday. I developed in one lung, had shown
Boy Scouts Will
Get Merit Badges
Boy Scouts of Kiemath Falls, who ' olta F wl returning when he
have earned honors since the last j WU9 taken sick.
meeting of the Court of Honor, will j "Everything In A. B. Fall's eon
receive tbeir award of merit badges ; dition points to a favorable out
tonight in the circuit court rooms j come." stated a bulletin issued by
of the Klamath county court house the former secretary's doctor at his
at 7:30 o'clock according to an-home here tonight.
nonncement made last night. j "Judge A. B. Fall's condition !a
In the absence of W. E. Lamm, i progressing satisfactorily," continued
chairman of 'the Court of Honor, j the bulletin. "In all probability It
K. C. Groes'oeck -wilt preside at this la an tnf taenia pneumotsla. which
session of the Court. An Interesting has a rather Indefinite course. Every
address is being looked forward to j thing In Judge Fall's condition
by Itev, M. I,. Petelle of the Flrat ! points to a favorable outcome. - It
Christian church.
Visitors from other localities
are urged to attend the meeting and
to witness the ceremony in order to
'Bain an insieht into the orcanlia-
1 (Inn tt-hl.h to rlninir filifh OTcolliinr
I work amoni? lhi Tnnncer bovs ot
Klamath Falls and the remnlnder of
the county.
Youth Kills Chum
Tr, Aiifl ApPIflprtt n nl"at recent cases here influema
111 riUlU rlVVIUCItlj pneumona na9 iasted about two
i weeks and the death rate, except
MARSHFIKLD, Dec. 28. (lT.N.)jn certain malignant years, such as
John Whitsy, 19. son of Mayor j
and Mrs. H. T. Whitty, was almost :
Instantly killed here last night,)
when he was struck by an automo-
bile driven by Floyd Fields, 20, of ,
Young Whitty. who was an em- j
ploye of a Marshfield garage, was ,
walking home from work early in !
I the evening, when he was struck hy
j" car driven by Fields, who was
I "' " nl clns0 tnenis. impaitm
vision due to fog Is snld to have
loln- n I.. r. 1.1 A
Local Girl Named
Ao TInnni" Qfiiftanf
RrrsKXE. Dec. 2S. ( V.N.) Sev-i
enty six students are on the honor;
roll or the I nlversity of Oregon
jaecordlng to an announcement of
faculty officials. Being named on
the honor roll requires an aver -
age grade of better than two In nil
subjects. .
. The honor roll Includes Edna
Emily Dunbar, Klamath Fulls, Ore.
Work Is
Improvement of County
n l J c:
Reads Hailed as Fine
Factor in Future De
velopment. As a result of efforts of a
delegation of Klamath Falls
, . ,
;UMI """ "iiiucia ui
the county court, to
(highway commisslor
: . ' . , .
the state
Taalnn meetino.
. . , , ,
Fall's - Conditione r U
Is "Satisf actory
EL PASO. Texas. Dec. 28. (U. N.) '
Albert R Fall, former secretary
of the Interior, taken off a train
i while enroute to ms rancn in ew
MexKo yesterday, was resting easy
i tonight.
no disposition to spread.
Safford said tbe only tear Is that
an already weakened condition had
been aggravated by the re
cent trial at Washington from
Is to be hoped that in a few days
, be will out of danger. A low blood
i count rather confirms the belief
i that the process Is an Influenxa
' pneumonia and not lobar pneumonia.
! Thp Stilltlim i to be Cultured OUt
to deteTittine th th&Tactr of the
organisms present. His general
; condition is very good. He seems
lo have a good resistance to the
Dr. Safford further stated that
those during the world waT, has not
been high here.
Fall contracted a bad cold while
ou tlie train eo-roate here from
Washington and was taken from the
train Sunday night. First medical
attention look place Monday,
nr. Safford said every precaution
waa being tnken to prevent the
' spread of the Infection.
t .
n T L
illll III 1
j I
a m aV a akl V AJM1IVA1V a
Is Feature Today
A surprise forura luncheon of
! tna Klamath cou.ity chamber of
i commerce Is on tap this noon when
the fifth annual New Years' lun-
,-heon will be tne order of the day.
Members of the Pine Tree ot-
rhest-a have promised to be pre-
sent with alt their Buwlcai talent,
! hut the numbers which they will
' give have not been announced.
I Aj lor tbe speakers, they too
j wilt constitute a surprise feature,
j nnd an entirely different program
is scheduled for the day.