TUB KLAMATH NEWS Friday, December 31926- Taga Seven" One Cent a Word Each Insertion i Telepboa ait One Cent a Word Each Insertion ' TekphaW aWT . JftS WAMMmk PAG 1 Mi Cj-ASSlFirD AD RATES lo par wor J lach Urn ad I printed. Barn m run ou wk 10 dta- " COuDt, Sam ad rua on month 40 dl. ctmnt. j,o jor word aach tlma ad la,trlutod TELEPHONE 877 THE Mil MAHKBT fMCI FOR SALERIAL ESTATE $llo0 Dandy lot on Paclfu) Tur rilro, I'loao to Esplanade. . Li. . I.I. ! ' ' $3200 Dandy now 4-rnom house, cloan In. strlrlly modern. Owner will luk small car or lot pun payment. 16500 llautitlful now li-ronm luc re how I" Hot Springs: hard- (Kid ' floor. Ilmpliii". lurnace. full basement, " concrete, founda tion, etc, A ral home. Ll'ierul term. ' '' , - i 1 1 i A. A. BELLMAN CO. IMioua 1BK McCarthy Illdg.. ISO N.i 7th Ht, FOR HALE If you mla Ihla uod buy In n 40-arre ranch all undnr thu illlrh. ilnn't blame me. Houaa. bnrua and fenid; on highway, 12 rollae aonth of city. H. Mc Donalil, Central Hotel. 132 ACRE RANCH on highway, will Jen ill or imrl Price $125 perl NEW FOUR ROOM modern bnnga llL ht iTrialed land for flreMce., breakfaat nook, p.', "io. iTir. - r 'alfaTfu?- Can '"'' f' " - 1101 Lincoln. Phone 443. 0I Lincoln. Phone 443. vnu 11F'T Partly furnlahed houae I o" "hrtlTirr -tt lir? tftota from Creaceot. $45.00. FOR SALE Two good lota In the commercial dlatrlct. One on Com- J..:.V ,-V.; hu 7. : real hoy ir FOR PALE Nice furnlahed borne on California Ave. uiuv.vv. Raaaonalla I OIV SALE t aaonalla term. FOR RALE Dig houaa on Cali fornia, clone to conger, iiaay torma. Heaaonabla price. FOR SALE Good S-room honae In Aahland on lot 75(160 fronting pavwl boulevard, 1 block from bualneaa aaction. ' Fin outlook, vary cholc location. $4000.00. MOMYER ft MOMYER $.74 ACRES four mile from city llmlta. All under Irrigation. 3 room houae. fair eondltloo. Will aeel, good lerma. Write Dor 49, Newa. - - i FOR RALE On of the cholceat homea In Klamath rail. Addreaa Boa 100. Newa. . FORTY ACRES of choice Irrigated land, partly In alfalfa, on high way, with barn on land and all In cultivation. Prlca $100 per acre. Call 901 Lincoln. Phon 442. LOTS 1. 1 i and 4 In block 14. Flrat Addition to Klamath Falli, for $860 caah. Call 901 Lincoln, or Phone 44 2. " " ' ' 3IX-ROOM HOUSE, modem, large barn, garage, two chicken houae. one hundred and fifty bene, large team and wagon, one cow. iarm Implement, one brooder honae with etove, city llghta and water, on three and 33-100 acrea. cloae to town, choice land of Klamath county, all Irrigated. beTrlea and email orchard. Prlca $12,000; one-third caah. balance on torma. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. ONE OF THE NICEST etrlctly mod ern homee in' thla city, conalattng of five large room and breakfaat room, bath, aunpurch, baaement and furnace, two porch ea: price. $9000; a modern honae valued at $2000 might be taken In on the deal and term on the balance. Call (01 Lincoln, Phona 443. SEVERAL LOTS at a bargain In different part of the city. Call 901 Lincoln. Phona 443, SPLENDID TWO-STORY bualneaa houae on Main Ht. Trice 6760. Call 901 Lincoln -t.. Phone 443. rOU BALE One of the neat buy fn It four-room, modern, com pletely furnished bom in splen did location, with baaement, furn ace, nice lawn, garage, alao piano with the houae. Price $4600. Call 901 Lincoln St., Phon 442. BEVKHAL GOOD resident lots from $260 to $1600 each. Call 101 Lincoln, Phone 443. FOR SALE On of the beat houses on 9th 8t., on good corner lot on pavement, furnlahed, prlcr $6. 600. Call 901 Lincoln. Phon 442. IF YOU WANT to sell your farm or obtain a low Interest rate, long term loan on earn. Be . WISHARD REALTY CO. . ISO So. 7tb St, Insurance Heal Estat Farm Loans Oltf FOR BALE Unfurnished apartment boa. cm Maltt St., ot,6xl2, In aplendld location;' arlr $8600: on terms,- Call 901 Xln- FOR BALE Lot 26x140 on Com mercial St. Prlca $660. A NUMBER of on and two room honaea oil splendid lot, prlcea from jpsoo to fV; LOVBLT FURNISHED modern bom on 9th SU price $4,600! va ivrina, RESIDENT LOTS and acreage. Cmll 101 Lincoln. Phon 441, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE hotel ron lrark. win bund to ault, SO Hi 100 ronma, good loca tion, 10-yeur loan. Ituaaoiiabl rent. ' - LEASE ami furnishing. 9-room houaa, good loratlun, 1900 caah. FOR KENT 4- and 2 room house. " 1 KOK BALK Iteatuurunt, boarding nou. cuuuy aiore ana eon urws; parlor. I FOR LEASE 4-room houaa, four blorka froin Main. FOR RALE Two S-room houaea. ; Modern, furnlahad. $2260 and 13260. .JOlfN C. FRENCH ft CO. i 130 South 7th St. I'bone 72 1 EQUITY IN four-room, mo.lcrn j nunKaio,w. can arternoona at 307 Martin, FOR SAIi Ne S-room houao, near pell, an City achnol. $760.00 fjiio.00 down, balance $25.00 per month. FOR SALE Equity In $3,000.00 home: to trade on home up to 14. 5011. no. O. E. RAE. S33 Main St. Phone 124 Jl r!T WHAT YOU WANT 16 mln- u.e. drive from fMaln Ht.. four 1 " . 1 Irm?. 2' thirteen acrea each. Fine for truck or poultry raining; priced right and on caay torma. - INE RESIDENCE lot la the cen- ter of the beat aection of lint Hprluga. All aldewnlka. paving, etc., paid in full. Priced right and on eaay terma. DON'T FOROET that we handle trade of all klnda. '' TRI-RTATE3 REALTY CO.. Phone 1050 1134 Main FOIl SALE Acreage In email tract of choice land: cloae to; near achool; city llghta and Water. Call at 901 Lincoln or Phone 443. WE HAVE ROMH REAL Bargain in both city and farm properly, opportunities to trade Or ex change. ' WI3IIARD REALTY CO. insurance 114 So. 7th Pt. final Eatnte Farm Loan ir - - Oltf FOR SALE Thro room modern bnugalow with double garage; nice lawn: large lot; a bargain; price $2S50. Call at 101 Lin coln Phon 44S. FOR RALE A bargain In ctoa la property on pavements In a modern two-room house, furnlah ed; garage; wood houae; room for nice home on tract of lot. Prlca 1760. Call (01 Lincoln. Phona 442. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR - SALE Dodge touring car. late 1. A-l condition.' Cheap. : Inquire Bquar Deal Camp urounii. it. II. iirannell. FOR SALE FOR RALE Laying hetui. Paul, Lakeview St. ' FOR RALE Ansrn camera and raao, No. ' 1-A automatic FS-3. Anuetlamat Icna. Call at 232 Ro. 4th nfter 6 p. m. FOR SALE CHEAP Registered white collie fen.sle. Phone 624. O. E. Rae, (33 Main. FOR SALE Special bargain cm new parlor furnace or circulator. Terms If desired. Klamath Home Supply. 1011 Main Ht. TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE used cars for Klam ath Falla lota or equity In lota. Several ' care 'to select from, tin lik Garage. 1330 Main St. Notice 1-xm ' runi.tcATiox " 1HOLATFD TRACT Public IJinrl gain Department of the' Iniwlor, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Ore. November ia, iso Notice la hereby alven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under pro visions of Sec. 2465, R. S.. pur suant to the application of Clause P. Lorens, Serial No. 012338,' w will offer at public sale, to the hlgheat bidder, but at not ,loss than $3.60 per acre, at 10 o'ciock a. m.. en the 1 22nd, day of December, 1926. next, nt this office, the fol lowing' tract of land: ,W 14 SB 14 Sec. 4 and WHNEV See. 9, T. 38 S.. II. 1 1 H. W. M. The sale will not tie kept open, hut will be declared closed when those present af the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will b re quired to Immediately -say to the Receiver the amount tnereor. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land ere ad vised to fllo tholr claims, or ob jections, on or before the tlma des igned for sale. .. . P. P. LIGHT, j .Register. N14 D16 Inc. For. results us News Class Ads. FOR RENT FOIl RENT To party without dill dren. flvn-rnom. modern Tnrnlah d bungalow; with garage,, on pavnment. -Pries 166 per month. Call ul Lincoln. Phone 443. FOIl RENT Dead etorage (or win tar; cara, IS 60 month: truck', $0.60 month. Call D88-M. i' FOR ItKNT S-room, modern houaa, , furnished, Apply 2020 Vine, . ' FOIl RENT Sleeping room with beat, bath, tlephone and garuge, $& por work. I'bone 1208. STEAM HEATED outalde aleeplng room: alao office room, 710 Mom Winter Building.' ' FOR RENT l-nrgn front alnnplnK MI W.ihSrt MUX-1 202 Waihlnnton St. yol RENT Comfortable room lor gentleman. I'hona S12. FURNACE HEATED aleenlna room. gentleman preferred. Phone 320. ( all 1018 Wuahlngton. FOR T4EMT Modern. 4-room un fit mfahed houae, one block to left from end of Upham pave ment. 706 Cook St. Inquire at houae In rear. FOR RENT 2-room Tipnrtment, hot and cold water. Pleaeant front sleeping room, downstair,. 603 Jefferson. FOR RENT Furnished house. Phone S91-W-6. ONE-ROOM furnlahed aleeplng apt. witn atove; very comfortable. Prlco $1.00 per week. Call '901 Lincoln. Phono 443. FOR RENT 100 acrea good alfalfa potato land, f raud J. Bowne, Honunu. Ore. Fl'R.MHIIED aleeplng room and garaxe apace. 1327 Rurgent. FOR RENT First elaae furnlahed apartment, ateam beated. Mc Carthy Apartment. S20 Fin Phon 800. 014tf DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR, BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, Klamath Fulla, Oregon, November 24, 1924. Purauant to Act of con gress approved February 2. 1911 3 Rtat.. 896.) tho United Stntea will offer for sale at public aw tioa. to the highest bidder, nt : o'clock P. M . January 18. 1927. at the office of the Bureau of Itecla motion, Klamath Falls, Oregon., n tract of land in Klamath County, Oregon, containing an area of ap proximately 87 acres, more partic ularly descrlbod as fullows. to-yvlt: A strip of lund four hundred 4 400) fee( ,wldo on . the left bank of the Klaraatn Hirer, - In Iih : uofthweHt. quarter of the southeast quartnr and in lots eight (81. nine (9) ten (10). eleven 111), twelve 112). and thirteen (13) of section 38. township thirty-nine (39) couth. Range seven (7) East. Wlllametto Meridian. ' the southerly and - eaat erly boundary of which is described aa follows: Beginning at a point In the eaat lino of aection 36, T. 39 8.. R. 7 K.. W. M.. dialunt 1337.3 , foet from the aouthenat corner of aald aection 36. and des ignated aa Station 0.0 of this sur vey: thence N. 67 SO' W. 263 ft. to eta. 2tS3; thence curving 10 right on a 10 curve 100 feet to Rta, 3t63; thence N. 47 30' 483.6 ft. to Sta. .8146.6; thence curving 9 right on a 9 curve 100 ft. to Bta. 9t46.5; thence N. 38 30' W. 637.3 ft. to Sla. 16T83.8: thence carving 10 left on a 10 icurve 100 ft. to Rta. 16t83.8: thene N. 48 30' W. 622 ft. to Sta. 22T06.8: thence curving 33 left on a 10 curve 330. ft. to Sta. 25x35.8; thence N. 81 30" W. 237.95 ft. to Sta. 27t73.75: thonce curving 30 right on a 10 rurvo 3v0 It. to 8ta. 3t73.75; thence N. .51 30" W. 665.95 ft. to Sta. S7t39.7: thence curving 10 left on a 1" curve 100 ft. to Sta. 38T39.7; thence N. 61 30' W. 79.1 -ft. to Sta. 89T16.8: thence curving 34 left on a 10 curve 340 ft. to Sta. 42T68.8: thenre S. 84 SO' - W. 30.42 ft. In Sta. 42t98.22; thence curving left 91 on a 25 curve 344 ft. to- Sta.- 46t66.22: thence H. 0 30' K. 614 ft. to Sta. 63t81.t; thence curving left 2 30' on a 10 curve 26 ft. to Rta. 63to6.2: thonce S. 9 K. 1626 ft. to Stu. 69t32.9r thence curving right 70 on 10 curve 700 ft. to Sta. 7it32.9: thence S. 63 W. 1377.05 ft., more or less, to the south lino of section 36, intersecting the said south line of Section 36, , at point distant about 640 ft. ' from the southwest corner of section 30 DcVd for the above described land will Incluilo a perpetual right of ingress and egress, 60 feet In width along the eastern boundary of said Section thirty-six (36). and ex tending from the south line of. aald section to the land above described. No bid will be accepted for less than tho appraised value and tho right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. For detailed information, address the Bureau of Kuqlumn tlon, Klamath Falls. Oregon, i Tho sncresaful' brdder" will be required ice enter Into a Contract with the United States for. the purchase of the property above described. Each hldder must 'accompany his bid with 1 an unconditional certified check for the sum of $500. made payable to the Special Fiscal Agont. Bureau of' Reclamation. If tbc bidder whose bid is accepted re fuses to complete the purchase In accordance with his bid, the pro ceeds, of anld check shall become subject to deposit In the Treasury of the United States, as moneys be longing- to the United States. H. D. Newell, Rnperintendent, Bureau of Reclamation. N27 P3,10,17,$4 JX ' I i; HELP WANTED KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phooa 1ST - SOI Man 115 00 WEEKLY guaranteed sal ary, with liberal bonua to sales- lames wno wisn riraaunt, prorit- alile work. Apply Friday aarli ,uturiuy uo fil Kliimatu, alter 6:30 p. 01.,. MEM WANTED To sell and ad-.' - Teniae national known merchan- MkID t4t. ( WANTED SITUATIONS WONMAN WANTS hnuaework, by day or hour. Phone 409. voiINIt LADY eiop'rlenci-d dnalrc & J( cl.rk ,VrmlineDt or teIpor. ' ary. Write News. Box 280. EXPERIENCED 8TENO deslrea po- anion permanent or temporary. y ; -iMru. Hu i3 n Kiammh I drawn: window class, etc; . - Newa. " 1 ; WANTED WANTED Steady roomera and boarders at 31 Pine St. Prlcea reuaoiiuble. Toone. 61 7-lt. WANTED-i-4-r6om modern houae. ' unfurnLahed. Phone 689. 8 a. m. to T p. m. 892-W after 7 p. m. D2-lf ALL KINDS OF CLOTHES to clean and press, all hand work. We call for and deliver free. . Elev enth Street Cleaners, Phone 1287. WANTED Would like to rent sev eral pairs of suowshoes for De cember '11th or 18th. Please state price. "Write Bog ; 2S5.1 News'. WANTED To buy 4- or 6-room modern houao, close in, $3,000. . Soldier' atato loan, flntt pay merit. Write News, Box 251.- W ANTED Rmall Call 284-W. beating atove. WANTED 1,000 men, IS to 76. to " pay only $2.00 a week oruiuit or ' o'eoat. Hand tailored to- your measure. Apply dally, 9 to 6 p. m. Royal Tailoring Co., 1036 Main 84,-. - - - WANTED Boarders and roomera. 713 North 9th. WANTED Uaed furniture. W pay highest cash price, alao give yon liberal allowance on new goods. Klamath Horn Supply Co., 1011 Main S. lfhone 894-W. - WANTED-rV-Yonr sewing and ra modollnaf.J Mr. Fry.' Call-55. DR. I?. WIBECARyER ' Dentlitry X-Ray' Laboratory Phone 646 Underwood Bldg. ; LOST' ' etaataaawi-afaBeiaf- LOST One) 91x6. 2S' Riverside bal loon tire and rim, Tietween Mer rill and Klamath. Finder please return to Merrill Garage. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BARBER 8HOP 'nd poolroom. In quire Keno Barber Shop. ' FOR SALE Rooming honae with choice furniture and a good lease. State amount of cash , "you can pay In letter. Address Confiden tial, Box 216, Care of Newa. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER j,.,,,, ,., i.i ,r,M -i ' i ' 'I' - -- -- --- - -,- ..-- - - . ELSA C. SATJERBERO- Public Stenographer and Bookkeeper' Phona Buainoa 13 v lRea. 24-J 120 So. Seventh St. ' ' IMrTA-TOKll SHORT; From beet advipes obtainable there are only 1500 to 2000 carlots of California potatoes still unsold in that state. Many of these an: being saved for seed. There are about 14.000 'cars this , year In Idaho, out of which S.200 ate gone. The east Is buying these.' - Wash ington l-aa 8.000 ars, 6,100 ' gone. Idaho f. o. b. pr'ea are S2.I0 on U.. S. .No. 1 Russets; Washington Gem prices. $3ST$37 a tod on a combination grade of 75 per Cent U. S. No. 1 and tip to $40 en grades of 85 per rent IV S. No. 1 and bet tor. .' ' NOTICE OF CLAIM TO DER 8 BO. ' TION 27a K. S., AS AM:.VD ED IIY THK ACT OF , JANl'ARI 27, 1022. - .; . - i . ,) Laker lew 012808 XtvMDt tTW, Vaii X..". 1 -.""w ' - , November (, 1926. Notice la hereby given that George McAtee haa filed In this office an applkacton-under "aeeVon 2373. Re vised Statutes, as 'amended 'by the act of January 27. 1922, for the SW WflW 14 Section 2 , 88 14 SW 14 , 1 RW148E14, SE14ST314; Section 30, Township 37 South. Range 1114 East, W. M. All persons claiming the land ad versely vor desh-inc to, show H to be mineral in character will be allows ed until December 23, 1926, to fill In thla office their objections, to the issuance o patent under to aforesaid application, - The above notice will be pub lished In the Klamath Now, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, which I hereby designate as the newspaper pub lished nearest the land above de scribed. P. P. LIGHT,. Register, Nov 12. -Dec, IS, loo. MISCELLANEOUS HOARDERS and roomer. ' 123' So. Itiverid. ' Phone 11 52-R. NOTICE lluy your (lore at; wholesale prlcea. Work glove our specialty. Klamath Olov Factory, J 406 Esplanade. Open; evening. " FOR HEWER connecting call 772-J.! 1361 Creacent. . I TTTT "V J " .' .. . . CAJ" , JlZ?.,'" "2 DHDTf f . & H utlPlrr MirI Dr.ma. ' POPULAR SHEET MUSIC, Bruna- wica recoroa ana ueaao en worm- at the Claaalc Muale Shop.' Mala, New Aioncy, 620 Mala Ht. DOOS BOARDED Klamath Ken- ' " 11 ' ' BURFACB YOUR neia. J04 4-W. - FLOOR, old or Goldsworthy, Phone S71-W. fATTh-KBON PAINT- BTOKJB ti u , a r , , , d . i. . t. EXCAVATING BASEMENTS: team work. Lawn and fill dirt for sale. Frank Hatfield. Phone 898-J. 8EE US FOR LOW PRICED NEW and used stoves and furniture on liberal credit. New Heaters, $4.25 np Congoieum Raga, larg all $12.00 Good Steel Bed, only ... -$10,00 IFIne Coll Spring - $10.00 Beantlful Floor Lamps $12.00 Nice Dresaers. only $20.00 Many other Barrels KLAMATH HOME SUPPLY CO. In A Big New fitor . 1011 Main St. tf Rug and rmattres worka. , We do an xinaa oi repair wore, also rag cleaning. On day service. Pnone 1198-W. 1886 Portland St. i HENRY E. PERKINS '':- Lawyer " Stat and Federal Court American National Bank Bldg. Klamath Fall- W Collect Honest Debt Anywhere la tne united- states ana Canada - KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 South Fifth St. Phona SS8 Collection Credit Rating Service KLAJvIATH freight BUSINESS INCREASES (Continued From Pace One) fall off considerably and etill ex ceed totals for previous years. . Terifntrrary abatement of the heavy livestock shipping that was a feature of the fall freight move ment, has served' to cut down the November and December tonnage somewhat, although a few carloads continue to move southward at in tervals. Sheep and cattle now on feed lots. especially in the southern part of the county, will probably start mov ing to California stockyards shortly after the first of the year. Berry stated, and this la expected to swell the freight volume In mid-winter. An unusual feature In stock ahip menta , her will occur next week when three carloads of Klamath county hogs will be Shipped to Sacramento markets. Tbe hogs, ac cording to the freight agent, were raised near Klamath Falls and con atttute the first consignment of this nature to leave the county for many month. Three cars of sheep are also slated, to move to San Fran cisco stockyards next week. GREATEST STRIKE IS ENDED ABRUPTLY (Ooa Hawed tram rac Owe) l'alo mln.M Mlnrnorf With -II h- stltutes gathered from new appll-1 cants In the last few months and the steady return of old men ex pected In the next few days the owners feel that the pits through out England may be running nor mally within a few weeks at the most. COAL DISCOVERY TO " ; ' BK KXGIAXD'S SALVATION Now comes the news, with a sud denness comparable to that with which radio burst upon the world, that vast new horlions are opening up for coal. Quietly the scientists and engineers have been at work, and simultaneously In Germany and t pi,isbrih the communiques of victory are published. I Bituminous has been liquefied. 1 powdered, baked Into anthracite briquettes; but the greatest of these Is oil. Out of a ton of soft coal Berglus has derived gasoline In nunntltlos to make the motor car owner rub his eyes. Germany now expects tft become 'self-sufficient in oil. In the bituminous- resources of the United States lie stored 240. 000,000,000 barrels of motor fuel. For Great Britain the new pos sibilities mean more than for either Germany or the United States.' By transforming her coal Into oil and gas she solves the problem, of her basic "sick Industry." "Nowhere will thin announcement of "a new age In coal" come with greater interest. It Is to conl that England owes her long start over other nations. For results as News Class Ads. 'OREGOffSUPREME:; I ' COURT PROMISES -I .. i SPEED BUSINESS KALE)U Doc. . .(United News) The , Oi'kiui supreme court wan on record to speed up rrlnilnal ram, having ruled tliat no extension ' of limp will be granted for riling criminal utkik. Tlio rulr'mialma Hurt all criminal raaea ahal be airtcur.1 witliln flo Till action waa taken to apeed - aana .tunal nt rM Ihn court Ik maibi more thaa tani year bfbind. . I -- WKmNSIN nPVEl HPS ' tir! rOIMC UVCTFDV . -iC'ontlnaert-.trOTO la On! of Olson at Oat -college, said he boasted of bis conquest of the "hick country girl." The two tievcr minif ied -with orber-young -folks of the vicinity and' Erdman was general ly regarded as queer. ' Borne said that he always carried a pistol. -Search for 'the girl's body reach ed its highest point this morning, when more than 1.000 former ser vice men enlisted from the country side by the American Legion post at Gay Mills Joined the authorities In the hunt, determined to find the body by nightfall If it were hidden dn'y where In the woods or ravines thaf wind' through this section. Thla seare'i ended when members of the po e came acrosa the hastily dug grnva' within a few feet of a road. Wind and rain had washed away part of the ' covering of tbc tomb and one foot protruded. The body was dresaed in the same cloth ing the girl wore when the left home and the Identification was made partly from ber raiment. ' With the finding of the body In terest -centered oh the' Olsoa boy suspect said to hare been arrested near Dwight, III.' '''- ' DWIGHT, 111., Dec. 2. (United News)- Positive Identification - of the youth held here aa Erdmau Olson, wanted for the murder of his sweetheart. Clara Olson, awaited tbe arrival of Wisconsin authorities. expected late Friday. The youth!! arrested here today gave the name of Walter Chrlstensen; and said he!! bad . attended school In Holton. j Minn., 'two years ago. He bears a I stTllrrng"Tesembla"nce to Olson, high-1 rayTajice, who took Mni Into cus tody.-said. . Holton school authorities were said to have denied the presence of'a Chrlstensen In thclr-scboot for the past nine years. Skinny Men ' ftun Down Men 't i Nervous Men Yon probably know that Cod Liver Oil Is tbe greatest flesh". pro ducer In the world. -Because - It contains more Vlta mlnea'than any food yon can get. You'll be glad to know that Cod Liver- Oil comes In sugar coated tablets now, so it yon really want to put 10 or 20 pounda of solid, healthy flesh on your bones' and fee well and strong, ask C. H. Underwood or any druggist tor a box of McCoy' Cod Liver Oil Com pound Tablsts. Only 60 cents tor 60 tablet and If you don't gain five pounds In 30 daya your druggist la authorized to band yon back your money. Insist on ' McCoy's, ' the original and genuine. Adv. - BUILDERS' EXCHANGE meets every 2nd and 4th Wed nesday of the Month at 8:00 p. m. In Moose .Hall. . Mr. Careful Driver! .CASH IN Of "YOUR SKILL AND CARE"IN DRIVING! You are' titled to a reduced premium on your Automobile Insurance.. For detail The Walton Wright Co. 103S Main St, Before you buy see : VISTA GARDENS We . sell . homes . on easy payments. VISTA GARDENS COMPANY i 1036 Main St Markets Nan "KranclacwV lieej I,"j6a rOTATOEf . Wahhlngton isema. $2.25,0 12.7J: Jobblnn kirera. i2.3602.76; awaeU No. 1', 3 4 cents. . ' ; ' ' ' ' rATn,B ,-i Cattle ateady, ateera'iood, SS.SO (? 39 00; cowa, gool Vnd choice, $6.50 ft 17.00. ... '.J i Caivea, ateady. 190 fba and a der, $7.75 0 $975; orar 140 Iba.. S250$1O25 i Hon, atsady. llgkt. $12,500 $13.00; medium, $12. OSO $12.50. - Sherp, ateadrf amba, medium to cholce$11.60fc$12.SOi ewea, $4.00 42 $4.60: wothera, $8.ooIlo.oo Portland. Ore., Dec 2, 1029 WHEAT ' Big B n 4 - blueatem, $1.2714; baart, $1.3714 soft white, $1.27; weatern'Whiie,$1.37: iard winter, $1.27; northarn spring,, $1.28; west ern red, $1.S4. . , WOOL -Nominal, valley, fine bait blood. 32c; medium three-quartera blood $2c; coarse or three-quarter blood, 20c; braid. 80c. At valley points prices are 2e to 6c higher for se lected stock. w" ... .- :, ... EGGS Buying ' price,'' current receipt, 27438. hennery whiten, 41 eents, pnlters, 31c. .', BCTTER.,; Selling price, box lots, creamery prices.' Firsts, extras,' 48c for plain wrappers, subject to discount of 10 6 per cent; dairy buying prlca 30c ' " . ''chei!Sb:'J .- .. ' Selling price: " Tillamook . county triplet. 2914c; loaf, 30V4c; Oregon triplet, not branded, : 25c; Till nook f.o.b. triplet. 27ct loaf 28c. Coo county triplet. 26c; loaf SOe LIVE POULTRY Heavy hens. 23326;1lght to me dium, 20; Drollers, 28 cents; heavy, 20c; roosters," 12c; Bekln ducks, 28 cents; -young 'geese-,-18 cents; turkeys, 30 32; dressed, 35044. Barley, No 2, 45-lb;j December bid, $29.00; January bid. $29.00. Klamath Falls-Bend Stage Leaves Dally 7:20 A, M. tor Bend, The Dalles, .Portland v and all points eaatr--Fare: $7.50: Round Trip $12.50 - Comfortable Heated Stage Information ' Stage) Depot 615 Main Phone 999 ; i DR. LUCAS SAYSs Is Chiropractic tellable? Abso lutely. ' It- is thoroughly : scien tific, known the world -over, and bas made more well people than any other bealing method, j Make Chiropractic Yonr Habit, " FOR APPOINTMENT ' ' PHONE 420-W . Underwood Bids. i i Good Teeth A Healthy Month and fine Health all contribute to .: i' i Man or We. 1 r; man's happiness. We Give Yon Careful, PalrUea and Lasting Den Ua try X-Ray Service Open. Ercnings Portland Painless Dentists - Grlzzlo BIlB. Phone 94. Cor. 11th and Main fT- Ask for iAtyour dealer , . aais I,. jia....fc