The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 24, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Wednesday, Nov. 21, 192(1
Paga Th're
Pigskin Chasers
of Annapolis in ,
Excellent Mood
. j . ,
SEW YOUK, ' tfi:' !1 t'ttlted
New) When lite Middle weigh
um.'lior mid (ft kII fr Cbliugn thl
week lo liattla the Aimr eleven
revenge will be the Uieiigttt .MPtier
moat In their mind.
Thn AnuupiilU plMkln iliaser
will go. not for tlm pleasure of
wluulUK the alnsin lamii, but l
(hIii redre fur trhiK of annual
defeats at Ilia hand of their tra
ditional rivet.' slnee. 1011.
Net Kattirday't luef llm 11 Id -die
ball l I ho hardest (cm of
ih lumn, and Mmy have defeated
WIIKRKAX. lha budget mmmHK'a heretofore ainititcd by the
Mayor ami ('ijinniiin Cuunrll of lit City of Klamath Palla, Oregon, In
iase and roniiill th tentative bitriget (mil budget eatfttmte of and
for lha Cllr of Ktamatb Kulla, Oregon, for the final year beginning!
January , li 87, ha heretofore adopted the attaehed initiative' budttut , fir alillatltit, with both In
(Conilnopd From Page One) (
Conthittea From Page One) ' 4'
for IKI7,
B1WB their
among the Bleu and women whM
tntrrelatlon ; hava gathered old reminder ofi
and refusing lo give way. ! Klamath earl dars, will probably
WIIKItKAtl. it la urotldM liv law that m.tire of au-h budeet I" hi tal ".te Kflloait remind. Mart in the iur future to order to!
lin o lit iifirt'ny, ny TflprfiirF, ?f'norail m ami iimon m f-,i.
Iwi. , mn irmiitiiiuii, inn ptfitiir mm II ai-i iifiiii immti m
eallliiutea ahall ha published, giving the lima and iilara when and where' Meiro lhaf it obtained recount-! present, a a adequi totrhentoB
the aam may be dlsrtisaed with (he levying "board of naid rlty and; lion from the. tulteti Mat, only f tha pioneer year when Makviiie,
that aui'h publication shall he marie at leant tarte prior t thn time on romtllton that ;if ti aiory pro- liiiirl.bed oa lha Lanka of to rnab-
apiiolnted for auih proposed nimtliig In a niatier of general i-lrruia-! vision ta ln runmiiutloit and 't" little Hirer. -
lion, published In thl ity; thai the first puSllcBiUm ahall not t ! 1 jB,.r woulil iut lie aiMilled i r i
,h.aA L IVL'u Z,u.T- l'ul""u""" "'" ,w "" '"" lo relrotiHively. lie clo-ed with thtei
TtlKHKtoliK. UK IT HKBOi.Vr:i liy Commoii fmiiiHIa of thai ,. r-,ii
flty of Klamaih Kalla. tireaon, thai the iittaihert TK.STAT1VB H1.1K1BTI , r," Mainly
for 131 be iHtlill.licI In lha Kl.AMATII NKWH. ni-wiiner pnlillxliml defined and my aon-rnmem, in em
In Klamath Kalla, lraon. and of general rfrrulatlon in Klamath fotm- tluali.ii, rijaaneru that. It ejoerta the
ly and the Hiala of Orejton, a provided by law: Unit In flrat piibtlra- itoyeriifwnt of Mei(so, In oecord-
Hon tharnof lie moitu on tha lllh day of November, 1211, and the awond
publleatlon be madn nn lha (tb and Dtlt day of Di'icmtser. 1921. and
aoma of tb mnat powarfiil teainai,,,, ilm,umi with tha f.ommon loimill. a the levyiaie by any
In Ihe rountry. ttirtudln t'olRtle, . ,pi,rr f t,H aa,t t'tiy, bo tixnt for Monday. DeremM-r 20,
. Uoer(lon and Mi.lilauli. iut a u'rlmk p. m , at lb Coiiiiilt I 'bnnibera hi tlm lily Halt of Klmu-
Willi III poaallila elcapllon ol
Itrnwn tha Navv la Ilia beat team
I a ir, tiitrifiof,
I a.
rmimy of Klamath
In tha at
Tha Army' alula liaa hren mark
eil by lha Kotra llama defeat, hut
thn indole are atui atandlua. un Ibolr
laurela of tha 33 to U atuiiipdliiK
of Yala. . ,
It aboiild b on of the moat In
teresting; Katue of tha aeuaott,
Tha wlda dlfferaioa la thai at
tack of tha two teania, prom!
that a lot of dual will be rulard
on -tha t'bU'uao nrldlron when Ihe
rlvula. fitto eaih othor.
t'nplaln "llllf" J. inna hu drilled
III Cd"t chame In a runninx at
lark. When they It 1 1 the enemy'a
line It la atippoaed to rriinitile and
Sure Relief
sndre -tfe iht tru lnfnf mad pur
ptmt of the I Wurrfit-Paynet nf
mrfiU i t tlt. PUimHjaliKit in th
fKKtiii Urn (if I hf fjmmfit jf
Mrxrby thin vnTrmmtft, tt
rpm t in it ntirrt!y tli ((!iirNl
I which been subject of!
our d.cuion nd spjff the Mx
U'Jtv iiuvemment not to lak mny
Iftta siiflr tni; law in Uuos
1 wmctsTK)
f, font I llnahaieii, ora Jiid of On. flty of Klamaih Fall, I . " , . , , , V
OreitoB, do heroby .rllfy thai the f.nrejcoinic ta duly enrolled ropy of "" 'a""" "" '"
llm reaiiliiiion pamted by the Common 4'ounril nn tlm 22nd day of f thereto, which would niter-g
November, 11128, at a reiiular meetlnie thereof. - ato, either directly or fbdlreclly, to jig
tKM I.. OARIIACKX. (iieprlo American citiieM of h.'k
I'olbe I mlf f . ! lull i.wiiernhlti. a and enjoyment u
I 1MUIKHTS. ihclr nald pronertSea and prB-S
Acting Mayor, .,..,..
' .. . I Sf
254 and ?5t PkiS-Wd tver where
'ess. ) ' n
e-" 1 -S.1
i .- -15
O naweaa. o. csMnr ot ou.snia -f f '
TKVTAT1VK Itlfil-rr f-'fMt IIT
The lliidaet rommlitoe having complete! iia eatlmiile of the mnoufit
of ninii.ty proponed to bo raiacti by lufaitloii for all piimoaea in thej
t'llv of Klamaih Kalla,-Oreaon, for tlm fiai-al year of the city heainniiiKi
Jaiiiiary 1, 1127, now auhniila Hot aume for ttptrovu! trr amendment.
Tbo ftrai publication here of la to be made in the Klamath New.
on the 21th day tf Koviiiil.r. Ialfi. and Ilia laat anbltciiliiin hereof
ntakn way for a quartet nf romo of'lo m Bmil, the ith and Hlh tlaya of i.miaT, 192.
k t 1 t I. . n 1 1.- m.,,,,., T1.. '
la Harry Wllaon, with aeven year
of collefa eiperbnce; Tiny Whltl,
Murrell, Trspnel olid t'atle. and the
anldlera believe there la no Hue
in the world that can atop them.
tlut Hill Intrant, th Nnvy ron h,
la morn .modern. - II favor Ihe
air attack and plenty of It aprrad
between a runulnjt ;ime. . Ho mar
Itet Ihe ball arroaa Ihe Army lino
with thl mode of offenae.
Jimraiu sill rely on iUmilion.
tiottdae, Itanafoed, I'aldwalt, llan-
neitan and Srhulierie lo delltnar the ' I1""'1
"abock" allark 'within the Army a
forty yard line, after the hall ha
been delivered Iber by the air
The tentative baditel hero
flencrnl Fund ...
Fire Fund
Street Kund
l.lKht Water
Intldcntttl .
Ith aubmittad la Itemlted a,follnwr
; JS,Tt.S!K( 00,
211,710 M
Kate of Amount to tie
l.evy ItaMeif
I IT. Itlll.ita .oiHvll 1 27,iiiui(
. 1.1. Bob till .0112,114 l3.dlHI.tlO
. si, .111(1.00 ,oiu2il ;i,.l.oo
., 1I.1II0.II0 .IIOJ433! 14.300 MB
400.00 .OOOIlCSl 400.00
Total $ 76.700.00
I'avliia: Aaaeatnent on Park
and t'ltv I'rotierly I 9r, utj
Miinb fpal Int. Kund 42,Simi u
HlnklnR Knnd 00
I'nrk u, of 1 Mill ... 00
1'uMlc Library Kupd .r.00.00
Don't ttomet the Thankanlvliia
dinner nt tb Clumber of torn.
It'arce Thuraday, two tintil five, l.y
iadiea of lh. Chrliiiit t'l.ur.'h,
(Coatlaaed Iron Pmf . Oa)
ludlhl aalde, cmllintt broadly be
neath hi buahy nioualarhe, Onre
Total ' ....
laolatlon lloapltiil and Furn-
lahlntc i i
Street Fluaher Truck ..
Fluah t'oatln Stre(-ta
Ilemodellnir Jull and I'rovidln
Women' I'ell ,
Kitra IJalita and Ilydranta ....
Additional K'eman V Knrr
Additional Kin-men's Quartera
Additional Tatrolmea -
Cemetery Improvement
US, 100.00
S.r.oo o
8 ooo.oo
(I not) mi
K. 200. OA
It. Slid 00
trnn (in
2.500 00
.000! S3
.01)75.11 1
.out 104 3
.0001 1I
Wwifilu Foiiier. echer In Fro-I
niont Mdffl, I limSiis early Tltur-!
day morrilnfi for Taltni, OreKon, toj'
apehri "the week-end and Thank-';
Rl.InK holiday In the valley with,;
her trent. - I 5
wi n. v mvwvi V s r !
"Paps' Cold Compound" ends
sever oolds or grippe
in few hours
t 76.700.00 J
4S.506.0O I - , M'
30.000.00 l 52f
a.aso.oo KJ A
k,i22.0Oit t-. I
83,324.00 : V ? fji
$ 2.500 00 g-
8.000.00 . ;7i .
1 2.002.00 i fci
(.ooo.oo ' xfAxSJ
8,22li.O0 AvU n
4 04K.OI) I
2. ".00.00
50.740 on
Totl $212,740.00
The aleive lentiiiive budget embrace
,noK3t f o. T'o.oo
,0162061 3213.74.00 npl,n
tS.740.0, which 1
Von can end j
grippe and break j
up a severe cold I
fit her In head, i
chest, body or
tlfflh. by tnklJS a
ibwe of "Pane
Cold Compownd
eyerv two hour
until - three ' dosea
are taken.
. ft promptly open
clomed-np noatrlto
! anil air pas-axes in
Ihe fiend, atop
naaty dincharee or
noae ronnlnit,,. relieve aick head
ache, dolinemf, . feveHshneaa, aore
throat, sneezing ircnes and stiff,-
ba showed a flaatl of teuipur wheo;and above the tola! levy of taie for the prewdln; yr,-jiept twnded
ha told of vlitorou "third degree
method uad In thn dead of nlnht
by tb preaent Inreatlxator.
- A tho - queattoninic proceeded
Mr. France Woven HaJI'a face,
which had been ten with worry a
her brother walked to Ihe wlttiei
land, related Into a amlle. A look
of confidence such the sccuned
widow ha not worn alnoe the trial
bettan waa upon her pale counten
ance. ,
Senator Caae, .suave Infena' at
torney,' conducted the direct exam
ination, which lasted 25 minutes,
"Did you have. anything lo da
with the murder of Kevarend Ed
ward Wheeler Hall snd Mrs. Klean
or Mill, or have you any knowl-
tndebtednee. llu r,'. Inter! thereof.
Thn amount embraced In uch expenditures are as follows. ,
the purposes for which earn are to be expended, to-wlt:
For an Iolalion Hoapltai and Fdrninhltig t 2500.00
For a Streal Flitsher Truck t 6.000.00
For Fluah Coailns; Htreeta
For Ilemodellns Jail nd Providing Women's Cell....
For F.xtra Ktrwit Liitht tid Hydrant S.200.00
For Kxtra Firemen and Bquipuient 1. x.soo.oo
For Additional Wremen' quartera 000.00
For Kxtra Patrolmen T 4.040.00
For Cemetery imiroveineuu , 2.500.00
Tolsl - . 150.740.00
Dun'l stay atiiCIt'd-tiin!. Quit blow
ing; and anoffn; cne jotr tlifvVj
1 hliiir head nothmi?' eie In the
world Rive auch prompt relief as
"late'a Cold .Compound," whica
. costs only thirty-five cents at an?
idrus stora. It act without assist
tance. taattts nice, ami causes co in
j convenience. He ware yon net the
1 tcenuiajv. A4v, . -
XOiTICK IS HEHKUY C.IVKN that Monday, Ihe 20th day of Decem
1028, at 8 o'clock, p. m., at the Council Chamlier In the City Halt
1 hereby appointed by the huditet committee the time and t?iace
lha foresoina: etintate of expenditure for the fleal yoar. hj-'nninst
January 1, 127, may 1m dlacuaned Willi Ihe Common Council a Ihe
levyina; board by any pernon who ahall be subject to the tax lvy
neceiuiarv to produce Ihe amount of the forenolna; emimate. may bo
edge of It," kod Senator Case at heard lu favor of or ngulnet ald lax levy or any part thereof,
the rnttrlualon o( hi qiirationlnit, ; , - I.K.M L. OAOHACKX,
"Abaolulely nothln- at all," re-1 l'ollie Judse.
piled tho defendant, lttln upright N'ov.54-nec.S-9,
and atnrlng straight ahead. I 1 r . 1 1 . . '
Throughout nearly an hour ot
rroaa examination,, which wa In
terrupted by adjournment with Wil
lie atlll upon the stand, Henatur
Slmpaon hammered 'at the wttnos-i ,
without weakening Ihe trali:htfor
ward story of hi action during
the fatal week In September, 1323.
when thn crime whlcb throw ii
lurid Up on the tragedy In the;
haughty Hteven iclan wa commit-.'
tod. , .1'
Hennlor Klmp.wn, . who treated
"Willie" with ronrtcy only exceed-
ed by that of the witness toward
himself, aouglit to akow- that tbej
defendant bnd bean coached In the
story which ho fold of hi move-!
ment and Ihose '-of bin lsier 'on'j
the night of the murder." ... ui
Thl wn Ihe one phase of ores !
examination lreed by tho prose-1
cutnr, but "W.lllle" came through j
with flying colors 1 .
: Annual Thanksgiving -
(, . DANCE
! Wednedy Evening,
All Elks and their ladles In
vited, Visiting Elks especially
Invited. Music fey the Ram
blers Special g-Piece Orchestra
.r- ,TA -
a- . I
v THK DAI.LK8, Nov, (23. ((Celt-'1
rd New) aJak . itoeuiea, 48, alds
In own a ranch nenr tlateway. Ore-'
Eon, committed suicide In a local ;
rooming house litis morning byj
shooting himself , tltrongb Iho heart, j
A note left lo his. father govs 111 J
health and fnmlly 1 trouble the
motive. Kennies had been divorced 1
from hi wife for ome time. 1
LOS ANdKLKS, Nov., 23, ft'nit.
ed News I A romanro of six year
duration culminated here ' Tuesday
with the ntftrrlage of Ml Anne
Kllttthcth Cudahy, 22 , datiRhter 'ot
Mr, J. P. Cndahy of Kansas City
, in Dob Custer, 28, movie actor,
with lmplo services In the Church
of the Illessed Hscrament,
. . . ..
Buy your Christina (lift at nee
login's big sale and gave money,
129 Bo. 71U,
Given By
I- '
Copco Electrical Workers
NOVEMBER 25, 1926
! . )
$60 in Electric Prizes
To Be Given Away. See Them In Copco 0ff ice
! Each Ticket A Chance ' ' '
t Tickets $U0 ' Ladies Free
--, , . -. V ! ... . . .
that are- just In tinie'to fill the. needs of the needs of the holiday season, m
Satin-baek, Crepes and Georgettes, - , , : ,fc:...
Dresses featuring the same fine fabrics that are tb be noted in hteher priced;
garments and the same smart style features the blouse back and the Knife-
pleated skirt. .. : , .
The Applique, embroidered and gold thread trimmings are added to these
stunning frocks, which make them very rich in appearance. - :; ,
These are the prettiest dresses of the season and ca'nfonlybe appreciated by
seeing them. ' . . . 5 , : , . . I .
Now On Display in Windows.
' $11.95 - nirn - $9.n - mm
t I
The Sweater Ensemble
There Is a wd.e di-
vewiiy of etylei In
sweaters palteTera,
coat styles, trltlt or
without collars and a
sweater (or every oc-
FaStiesed of ffttutt
materia le in the fae-
tlnatlse fashionable
high shades, t neell
a ia the. more sub
dued shades.
A Sweater to Satisfy Everyone Can Be Fnaad
r . Ott the Sa-snter Table, -.
$7.95 to $10.50
Fleece Pajamas
Super valoe at
. $1.5 'f5'
....Every woman who examines these
Pajamas will agree that they are a
real value they aren't the ordinary
pajamas at this price, but are made
from good substantial material. ...
Ask to see them they will save you
money. . -
Visit -Our Economy Shoe Store Down Stairs