The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 19, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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C. M. & St. P. to
be Sold on Monday
to Satisfy Claims
, "
Receiver! ' Will Sell Property
and Equipment, But No Bid
Lett than $122,500,000 Can
Be Accepted, Says Court.
(Krum ,N'cw Vara; Times) ;
On Nov. 23 the laraaet enrpnra-
I Ion lo enter Ihn lunula of rcrclv
r will bo sold al auction at Hullo.
Mont., to thn highest bidder, pro
vided the lilil ecerda ( 1 32.Cuo.ODil.
Tho bankrupt company, which
went under court direction oti
March 8. 1 ft 2fi . In Uin Chicago.
Milwaukee & Kl. I'uul rullwuy, which
own mora in lien Hint It operates
Ihmi uny oilier railroad hi the
country. Kor mor limn a year
ami hair lln operations huv been
directed by til red receivers, II. K.
Ilyrain, former prealdent of the
comtinuy; Murk W. I'olter, a former
tiiteraiain commerce cominlaaloticr,
ami Kdwnrd J. Ilriindaac. ono t Imo
attorney generul of Illinois.
The property will In all prob
ability be bought by IK own aocur
II y holders, morn than all per rent
of whom havn milia. rlbcil in a ro
nrgunliutlon plan propnacd by Kuliii
I.oeb a Co. anil the Nntlouul Cllv
bank. It In, of rourae, possible
that the opposition ronimltlee, rep-
reaented by Kilwln ('. Jnmeaon.
prealilent of Ilia (Hub anil ltulge-a
Ire Inaiiraitro compniiy, would ill-
mpt to bid agaluat the mujorlfv.
but II la no unlikely na to be hard
ly worth rotialdoratlnn. It Mr
Janieaon took I la In alcp It would
reiiilrn probnbly from J150.00o.0lln
to In cnah lo outbid
tho road'a bankera, and auch a miiii
la not enally obtulnablo own In
Wall alreet. .
Mut Oliiolu I. f. f. Approval
With the aale of tho property
and the Anal unwinding of all the
b'Kal red tape Incidental to auch
procedure, the reoraanlied ronipany
iniiNt obtain the approval of the In
teraluto commerce commlaalon for
the laauaiice of new. oecurltlca.
which mcaua .In offocl that, the
commlaalon must approve the ro
nrgnntiatlnn plan. Nothing atari
llng boa been diadoaed by tbia In
veatlxatlon aa far aa Wall atroM
ran aer. The moat that can come
out of It. according: to oplulonai
there, la an nil monition by the com
mlaalon to lb director of the
road to lake a more active inter
eat n therfopfrt-a hereafter. Moot
railroad official" are dlalncllned lo
believe th lull are of the road In
meal IK Umuiulnl ohtlgathHia ratuivj
anoui tiiroitKH any niiamnnagcmcni.
They feci on Hie contrary that fh
road waa wall maiiaKed aud the
aeat of Ita .financial dlatrcaa luy
In the to build tlio 1'urvI
Sound ealeualnn. or eitenalon to tho
Pacific roaat. at a time when tho
territory could not furnlah auffl
cleat traffic lo auppart new
Tlila devlalon waa mado before
the prenent Immigration , lawa had
been put Into effect or even dls
euaaed. and at the rate new rltliena
were coming Into the country at
that time there waa every prospect
that the northwest would be . pop
ulated In time to support the new
trackage. ,
Tho roenvcry of the company will,
according to all eatlmnton, lie alow,
but aure. I'nlnna the territory Buf
fer from anotlior period of de
preaalun. comparable to that of
' 1921 and 1923, a llliurnl natlmato
places thn preferred atnrk on a
dividend bnala by l3l. a conaervu
live prediction by 1933 or 1934. It
will be at leaat two or three year
after preferred dlvldenda have
been declared, financiers believe,
. before It will be poealhln to pay
anything on bn romninn atnek.
INvklcnira arc K-eclel
I no Blirrrin -inr mu miuii fmj
probably fall a little abort of
earning Ita old fixed and
the year following It may lie ante
lo pay J or 3 per rent on Ita In
come bonds, and the year there
after perhapa 4.
A few Investor of an npllmlslle
frame of mind fool that It will ihn
much bettor, but their lmpea are
not borne out by sound flnunrlnl
opinion. In fixing the prlco for
tho property Judge Wllkeraon took
all thonc facta Into conaldornllnh
'mid tllaallnwed tho high vol no ask
ed tty the Jnmeaon coniniltteo.
"Tho Jnmeaon committee which
hnn been fully heard on IK appli
cation," be aold, "clulin . Hint
I2SO.000.000 la the Inweat tipact
price which should, be named, to
be rilatrlbutod aa follow: Highly
million dollnra for the property of
the Pngpt Hound mortguge; 1150,
000.000 for tho properly other than
tho Puget Sound bonds atlhject to
the refunding mortgage;., tJO,
000.000 for unpledged aaaota.
"The propcrllea other than tho
Puget Sound bonda covered by tho
refunding mortgngo arc to bo aold
aubject to tho prior Hen of more
than 1150.000,000. Out or nn
home of 1181,034.600 of tho Puget
Bound bond". $15 1.489. 00 ore
pledged under tho refunding mortgage"
If you are uncertain about the
arrangement or wording of your ad
vertisement don't hesltnte lo ask us
for suggestions. We shall be glad
lo help you with the layout and the
preparation of the copy at any time.
For rusullt use Nows Class Ads.
H.t.NT.l lll)N., ( ul.. Nor. IH.
---Tlie idil homo In nlilcli l,ullnr
lluilwnk anil bla nioilier llvrnl
In the ila when the plant siicn.
Ilat wo ut'M-t by (lie grcatoat illr-flculllr-)
In earning out hhr c.
Iierluu'iita la being roiiovulail by
llur lunik's ttlilow.
The old homo la In an excellent
aliile of preservation, anil Mm.
Iluiliiuik plana lit retain ' Ita
wlioleaonw old alle or arclil.
tecum-. In iim try of the earlier
life anil ai lileietiienta or (lie plant
Greatest Auction
In History Will
Be Held Monday
IIITTTK. Mont.. Nov. IK (Unlleii
Newa) Adverllaed through thoua
'anda of worda of legal verbiage aa
tho world'a greatiat bargain aale,
tho one and inly of Ita kind, good
between 11 and 12 a. m . and In
raah and carry nlyle, I ho Chicago,
Mllwaukco and Ht. Paul railroad,
appralaed at t'SO.UOO.UOU, will be
aold at public auction to the money
klniia of the nation here Monday,'
November 22.
Modern Jargon of dlaplay. adver
tlalng would make Ihla gigantic
deal a 50-word aplaah reading more
to 111 l eff.H-t;
"(h lea go. 'Mllwuukeo and ,St.
Paul, electrified, allghlly uoed. but
in aideudld working order, regular
ly priced nt 1 7.10,000.0110, now to
clono out at huge dlai-nuni. So
exchungea, no approvula, no altera
tli'tia, nn rhurgo accnunta."
That the aale will allruct a large
number of early morning ahoppera
who will crawl out of their Pull
mnna In time to riu-ti up to the
Milwaukee atatlon In the world'a
greateat copper camp and put In
their price and that the grabbing
for bargnlna will be alralliir In many
waya to tho annlveraary cruahra
of the big department atorea la
promlard In tho lively halllo 1
Iwren the Jamleaon group ot bond
holdera and the Kuhn Loeh group
if holdera of Milwaukee aerurltiea.
The order for the aale waa made
by a federul dlatrlct Judge In fhl
en mi. after much litigation. The
rraaon (or holding the aalo In Butte
haa uever been divulged, but Dutte
la not particularly amated or ex
cited about Me UeaJ. llutle fee la
that It la her due. that ahe la be
ing given credit fur the big buliiooa
which ahe docs u ltd alao binnuae of
tho chntn of rlrlimalunva wlilch
llnka !!trtu"Wr 0wr I mlnea 'and
the .Milwaukee. ,
For yeara the dlrectora of! the
Anaconda Copper mlnea. the lloi-ke-fcller
Intereala and the 'Milwaukee"
wore Interlocking.
When the road waa eloctrlfled
flrat In Montana for a diatonce of
440 mllea at a coat of I13.OVO.000.
Montana copper waa mined, refin
ed and drawn In thia atate lo pro
duce the auppllea neceaaary.
trantlanf-d tram race One)
peralures below frcealllB. Steam
and electric, lines were having dif
ficulty maintaining train schedules
and considerable damage waa re
ported to telephone lines. A freak
blittard, which began Wednesday
at, Rock Island, HI., and touted 24
hotira, covered the city with anow
frf-m five to aoven Inchon deep.
A number of minor nccldenta
have lc!i caused by the storms,
hut so far no dejitha linvo been re
ported. Although with predictions of con
tinued anowv the governnvutil. wea
thor bureau here haa Issued atorm
warnings for all of tho Creat I-akea.
except Ontario.
To read The Klamath Newa day
after -day la to keep thoroughly In
formed on happenings of Importance,
throughout the world aa well aa in
Klnmath Fniia ann vicinity
No headaohe, bad cold, sour
stomach or costive bowels
by morning
Oct a 10 -rent box now.
You're bilious! You have a throb
Ing sensation In your head, a tad
tnato In your mouth, your eyes
burn, your skin la yellow, with
dnrk rlnga under your eyea: your
lips are parched. No wonder you
feel ugly, mean and Ill-tempered.
Your eystem Is full of ihlle not
properly pnased off, and what you
need Is a cleaning up Junkie. Don't
continue being a bilious niilsnn-ce
to yourself and those who love
you, and donf resort to ihnrah phy
sics that irritate and Injure. Ko
mcmber that most dlsordcra wf
tho Blomach. liver and nowola are
cured by morning wllh gentle thor
ough f'nscnreta Ihey work whMe
you Bleep. A 10-cont 'box from
your druggist will keep your liver
and bowels clenn; atomnch sweet,
land your head clear for months.
Children lave to take Onsrarets
I because Ihey tasto ftood and never
gripe or sicken. Adv,
Iowa Man Winner
Cornhusking Belt
And Now Champ
FIIKMONT. Neb.. Nov. II.
((lulled Newa I Without benefit of
clergy or tho Illble. Fred Htanek.
native of Iowa, where the corn
growa lull, won the world'a rorn
huakJaiK rhamploiiahip Wedneaday
by outahucklng all oppoueuta In tho
final round.
Five thoiiaanda apectatora, brav
ing a driving anowatorm, aaw him
ahurk 28.2 buahvla In an hour
and twenty inlnutea, almoat three
buahnla better than Ilia cloaeat com-
pnlllora racord. Armed with a
Illble Kliner William or Toulon,
III,, the defending rbaiuplon and
world'a record holder, went down
to Ignonilnlnun defeat, flnlahlng
IiihI In a field of lx with a poor
averagfl of 21.3 buaha.n.
('. O. Heller, of Oneidn. III.,
brought hla paalnr with him to
the allocking grouuda. He and the
lev. M. L. Hinlth prayed before
Ihn conical, but their Joint effcir'.H
brought ' Keller only third place,
with 25.2 buahela. Htanek. who
cornea from Fort Dodgo, Iowa.
neither prayed nor carried a lllbl-j.
Ho took one look at the vafl crowd , ''". "' telephone operators atnrl-
whirti would have been twice as ted II. '
largo had It not been for the! NowIlnaT wnPn oite'calla for a
atorm rolled up hla sleevea. Pt ! uurahnr ln pr,iand the girl doean't
on hla handa and began yanking , repwl, 'in,arti he ,ayt Mft.
off the eara and stripping hunks, j jy -Thank you."
crMtTAD D j All of which baa caused many
OtNAIUK Ktfc-L) IS Idiaputea as to modern telephone
LOVPR OF DOTa WHO ellqulte. The boy with the flap-
Al WAYS MFFTS HIM p,n" pil0Ul ","'r nW "oa
"Z are welcome" la good form but sla
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. !.
tl'nlted Newa) It, Ik late after
noon of a pleuaunt autumn day
aud a man atepa brlakly along the
wulk leudlng through a apacloua
Inwn to hla home. Aa he cornea
from behind the clump of huahea.
which acreena hla approach, a large
liver spotted pointer dog leaps i
from the front porch, rnahea to the !
man and paws him In an effec-j
tionate wel-ome.
The man la Senator James A. '
Heed, of Mlaaourl, and the dog la .
Jefferaon Davia. '
Htlll a boy at heart. Reed haa!
expressed a desire to once again
have a quiet permanent home
where he can piny with hla dog.
Ilia desire probably will he real-
lied In full as soon aa the senator
leavra Waahlngton for good and
cornea here to look after his law
o t. . I Dean Ernest J. Is director
Sun rYimcist o Runmen have of tl, inBtitution, which la the aeu
acret'U on a truce. A disarm- ' ond college for ..women west ot the
anient conference may be call-; l,orkr niountains. v
ed Inter.
This Ever Popular Gift .
$5.00 to $55.00
Brass, $1.75 to $8.75 Pair
' Silver, $1.75 to $5.50 Pair
Wood, $1.50 Pair and Up
Glass, 75c to $3.50 Pair
Gift Boxes. $75c to $15.00
$t.00to$8.75 '--.
Friday, November 19,
H.VN lIMM, Nov. IM. (l'i.lle.1
New a) A radio ilevelopiiirnl
villi ll will ennlile veam-U lo ea
lubllali runiiiiuiileuilon wlilmut In
Irrferrwe from algnala haa been
annoaiarml by lJor Franrbi K.
Pierce, railio of flier ut Hie I'nlliil
HlMfa Idarlnn rorpa.
The'lMVeeUue of Major Pierre,
aalil to Jiare li n given complete
and roau lualvr teala, la capable of
rlrorhrttlea; . algnnla over rnter
vrnlng wavea lo the Intrndeil re
reiver . .
I'nrter "act uI li-at two reaaela
In eoutlu-rn I'Hllforiila. n Blent In.
lercbangeil algnala wlililt a third
vcam l beiwm-n waa uuable to In
lerrept. '
Portland Enjoys
Epidemic that is
Pleasing to Manyr1
POHTLAND, Ore., Nov. 18. I
'thank yous" la sweeping Port
ter, In many Inninneea, maintains
that the sweet "thank you" rep
reacnta the deaire of the "hello
glrla" to find beaux what -with
the dial system becoming more gen
eral In use - and all that sort of
The new system, decided upon In
an effort to aave time, apeed up
service and enable the glrla to
handle more calls, la generally- lik
CLAHEM0NT.4 Calif.. Nor. 18.
I tl'nlted Newa) A new California
women's collegej' to be known' as
Scrlpps Collego for Women, will
open for a Irtwluaan clans of fifty
i member In the fall of 1927.
It will be located close to the
Pomona College campus under the
federated Claremout Colleges plan.
! For results uae Newa Claaa Ada SHm1 I V 1 H "" fl in
- ----- -r ' '
, We offer for your approval: a truly
wonderful selection of '.
- "Volland" "Gibson's" -50c
to $3.50 - i
See the big red-headed Mamma Doll with
the flirty eyes.
Dolls, 35c to $10.00
Farmer Problem
May be Solved
by Inventions
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - (Vnlt-
led Newa) The problem of the re
cently Inerenalog exodua from
farma lo the cltlea may be eolved
by labor and time aaving machinery
which la taking the drudgery out
of rural life.
Iteporta of the great advance
In machinery for oavlog labor and
time for the farmera and Ita effecta
Ineering and agricultural experta,
aponaored by the department of ag
riculture. '
"The Increase of Indlvldnal cap
acities tnrougn macninery will ln'
overhead, and thua Improve the
standard of living," explained Pro
fessor J. Brownlee Davidson of
Iowa State college, who la directing
a aurvey for the department of ag-
in tuin opens the way'
for Installing time and labor ear-
I Ing devices and convenience In the j
ot the farm housewife, whose life j
already la being transformed from !
that of drudgery to comfort." j
Davidson sketched the Improve-1
ment In farm machinery. The com-;
bined wheat harvester and thresh-!
er has reduced time and labor con-'
alderably In handling that crop and !
la being adopted widely. '
"One man," he aald, "can put
up a ton of bay In an hour, whereas I
It took formerly five or six hours." ;
Experiments are being made with j
cotton. Chbf Interest- centers In
the mechanical cotton picker which
la being . developed, but has not j
yet been perfected.
r I
Mi-Lady's Shop la showing new 1
and exclusive coata and dresses for i
PHONE 1800
410 Mln
Klamath Falls-Bend Stage
Leaves Daily 7:30 A. M. for
Uenil, The Dallra, Portland
and all point east.
Fare: 87.60; Round Trip 812. SO
Comfortable Heated Htagea
615 Main
Stage Depot
' Phone 999
At Underwoods
Where Your
Dollar Buys
Most! '
The Best Selection in the City
3c to 50c each
Sheffield Leaves '
For Mexico Where
He Resumes Duty
NEW VOItK. Nov. ID. (United
Ncwal Ambaaaador Jamee R. Shef
field aalled today on the Ward tin-'
er Monterey to reaume hla dutfea In
Mr. Sheffield would sot comment
on the charge that Mexico hi aiding
revolutlonlata In Nicaragua
of finest quality
at , .
- lowest prices
always has been and always will be our method
of merchandising. We are in a position to give
you better merchandise for less money, because e '
manufacture the Suits and O'Coats that we sell '
through our retail stores for from .-
$28 to $40
Blankets , , Blankets Blankets
If you need Blankets be sure to see our wonderful
display of Virgin Wool Double Blankets from '
$9.85 to $13.50
Woolen Mills Store.'
5th. and
S uu -' -' ' : i LiJ , .. a V
A Gift that every Girl would appre
ciate. We have them in an endless
variety in all the wanted colors and
Gold and Black. , , v '
Priced $1.00 to $10.00 .
Of .Clocka and Candle Sticks
Gift Clocks in Bronze, Brass, Gold and Ivory
$3.50 to $10i,00
$3.00 to $35.00
75c to $8.00
$1.00 to $5.50
Here's a Rift that every man wants.
COMPLETE SETS, $1.50 to $12.00
Families and friends -are;
cordially invited to at
tend a dance and soctaC
evening at the I. O. O. F.
Hall, Saturday evening,.
November 20th. Refresh-
menu. . "
$6.75 to $12.00
$5.00 and up
.-... St