THE KLAMATH NEWS Page Four Friday, November 12, 1926 The Klamath News! Fiction Proves i Rose Tournament Big Attraction j at Pasadena Has tV ith Scandals' Adopted New bong Official I'aper lor the City of klani Ih Kail anil Klamath t'ounty KDWIK ROSE Managing KUIIor JAMKS BUCHANAN, Business Mgr. WASHINGTON. Nor. 11. tUul- "rlctlon took the show (Published every morning pTt ! te( Vw-0 .nonu&y or ins tiiamam news ruo- llshlng Company at 102-122 ctouta i nwayirojn ian ' 'i' j"- tt-rdsy. t Two ol the principals In the naral' Klfth atreet. Klamath Pall. Oregon. NATK OTTERBEIN President WALTER STRONACH ... PASADKNA, Calif.. Nov. li lt nlled News) Of 4.2(4 poems submitted in the nation-wide ros poem contest conducted by the1 I'aaailcna Tournament of lloses as- Hoboes Declare (Salvation Army For Open Door I Has Shake-Up Of Policy of Roads Complete Nature dulled NKW YORK, Nov. 11. (I'lillcd OMAHA. Nor. II. , News) The hobo, Unit peculiar News The most comiiieto Hunan- i American Institution, born of the up In the history ol uio riuivaiiou 1 iwlile opeu space, where some men ! Army, li.volvlng unllonwlile chung." are tramps anil box curs are cloa-of administration and personnel in I1YRON H HLRD . Vice-President ! oil lease cases appeared In court; " ',. P ,ur "f"" ""- ice-lTrsinem . " . . iPniiimn F.Ik Miller. I'hloaio. has ' .1 ..n.. I.. ,.,!,..., I .ff,.lr he ViniI..1liir. lloolll. Iiatlolllll colll- Treaaurer 1 for the flrat time, out tne sens- ' -; ... . .,r been selected aa tne best. More than tnirty delegates gaii- maimer. dlffer- sociution, (he oua writteu by Mm. Full Ix-aMM Wire WITK1 XKWS awl 1-NtTKU PliKSS I Longest in the w orm I j i tur mhn .rnrfeil that ran were all. been , - i ! shut , ence. selected Mrs. Miller aa the Wat. will recelre "' St RSfTtllTloV II iTK I some of which' had a reminiscent IVllvrrcd by Carrier, Month. ... II 10 : flaror to many person weurered by Carrier, Year 1MHI i tug ton. Vf!' J'1LtnJ?'h0aST; i . XOO One aenator who tried to get a All Subscriptions ratable tn Advance I ... . . , . ... 7 . I copy ol tne ooo touua tne ooot- Subsoribers fnltnig to receive their i stores were all sold out before 11 paper, call Circulation Department! o'clock. A prominent senator who wmTeend,oum'n,1COPyih, d ""' n " " taJ - ,- ,,-n- jmul,,,,,,,,,!, ' qi,iiiy advertised : It among his in Entered aa second class matter I timatee. The result was that when 1 tie postoffice at Klamath Palls ! President Coolidge entertained a Oregon. November 15. 1923, under i . . i. act of March . 18T9. group of seuatora at luncheon yes- ' - - ' i t"i.i. one of them told about it. "Was the White House mention- j More than thirty delegates gatVi mamler. i i. i . ..1.. .i ...... ' ..,. ..,,,, . .. .-..)Prra mra lur lue miuiwi r,.- ......... - ... . . - . It, k 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 11. . I I .UUH I ..... by Samuel Hopkins Adam.'"" k! . . ...T. 0! ,n oun'"fn"M,," "" '"' """ ". , , r v ..... rtrtfaiiliaihin. the lnlernalloltlll well lloolll. worm volllilluu,-i ilrolherhood Welfare aaaoclatlon. i the Salvation Army, and n break More delegates were en route, but j down last spring, the It deals with political scandals.! Jaroh, ,)oml The prise winning effort. "When in Wash-, Rosea are in Hloom." copyrighted I by the Tournament of Roses asso-1 elation fn-.. 'their arrival. Ill tact mo snow- i ne mirniuiiini storm almoat caused a convention : as a defiance ny tne uniiouui com-1 There's a rambler on the trellis fros, on Tuesday when It waa; mamler of the dl.-tutes ol her And a wild rose on the hedge. arhetlulod to open only six dele-' brother.. -In her annouiuement she With a gay and golden Marechal M aked (o(, fw 0(p ! c ,, , ,,., f ,he th bo ' ' Jtt",e" Ka,, H" ' Sl- '. army to follow In the footsteps of ' arbors e ge. millionaire hobo In ran-( her father who founded the orga-1 There's a sweetheart bud a-tapplitg ; tlvlty la maintaining decorum ac- nltallon. At the window of my room. la regarded Telephone 877 No. 1 Member Audit Ilurean of Ctrrulation ENCOURAGING The News is? taking pains the book. w ...iv.... .c.i pretty mor-jpued. Which la as brief and ac And my heart is singing singlns r lllackstone. oonllug to lloyle and not Roberta For the roses are in- bloom! ed?" the president asked In toncs0". the crimson of each sunset of horror 1 And In glowing pink at duwn. ; The "knights of the road" aa . other euphemiam dlpcnsaed plana ! to vote on a constitutional amend- FATIIKK Al KIVK fllll I'KltlSH AS Horst: IMtKX ' Itt'ltNH "Y'es. Mr. President," the sena- Royal colors of the roses Holding court upon the lawn. CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. II tor replied, without, however, vol-l unteeriug the further disconcert-. Oh. the joys, the smiles, the frag- lng Information that a vice presi-1 rauce. riiDrtDrAMC nrtu IV dential character flaurea briefly in: Of a land that knows no gloom, i bUKUrCAns BUW IfN Just a peaceful, sun kissed haven When the roses are In bloom. 1 (Continued From Pan Onel fire 1 I . nltrail to Imvm otmitv box rara ' 1 , k , i to death Tuesday night In ' which destroyed their home at Wll- low drove. Ky.. Si miles from to wold received SILENT RESPECT iJJ,' ,",,,r oughly on the railroad sitlia-1 curate a review as could be ol-l 4inn Tk! i - lained in official circles. . i..go ai c uicmntf, ail 'COOLIDGE LAYS DOWN rata n - , n n r- . Tr. oa lue uui.iir.sui., ,-ic wh..m..- jRULU rUR tUKUrtAn3Wrfl ly ,ne thousands who at i umilcil observances honoring the hen I (Contrnnea troni rage One) , dca(1 Passengers .on ocean liners and In the great air transports ahlch the!-, r,u of .nhleet. ! ' ' couutrlea with tier- right, not only with the North-1 igan. originally. Is Introduced 1 ... .. Ik J l- l l I ern lines, out Wltn tne W ejer- " """" " '"Ihlgh light of President Coolidge . haeuaor lmW nouw OB D,ue reeu nig-i- address today, he touchwl upon naeuser lumber interesU. ; yu. dpown . D.rt.- .nd the i .. , .hl,. . ; There IS no question as to im-! president leaves about 3 a. m.i The charge of Europe that the i """' " tormn enemy, observed portant developments. Neth-1 yielding to a walking jag. He Is United States is an fncle Shylock. : no,,r momen. o. ........ ing reay can stop them. Wej -? -J.nafi.ed by thea, w, , me, -'t0-r c-l;r;;veJr are all anxious, of course, to;" U8ual out driTing uter ,h!",irfl,, , nr , trn, vices. it In common with all countries en-1 Germany, while not celebrating I gaged in it." ; noted with satisfaction withdrawal . . .. . , if a il..tmhniinl of Initios from th.i . . . in anpc.H. iii.f.rMKi id inp ..'Ellin- - lorecast the Situation for the; of the characters that high po!i-l naire, U ,,, audience was the presl- occupied district. lief statesmen benefit of its readers. , ticians use the same low language Kent's attitude toward conscription ! toasted the return that their coun- The worst thino- that e..lH made POP"'" by ladies on the New! In case of another war. In that ,ry n" ma,e ' tlle fu,nll' of !.;"! . u ? ' "U,d Tort stag, this year. If a good even, conscription of ,h, wealth of : hc d' fuun1 no "Mil u.u ue to get tnmgs ; old AngIo.8OI1 word ge ,0 ,h,jthe nation should be authorized. a, ' recognition. surrea up ana excitea WlttlOUt author's way he picks it up and ' wel1 drafting of man power, good reason. , For this reason carries lt along. I ,n "P"k of preparedness, the we are'going slow in uiling! .5: teiu-th. tragic story j KTt8u"-. Z In'LZ Let Us Paper Your Horn F. R. OLDS Wall Paper and Paints Phone 192-W trot IS am aitiil-l n-mA Unv : the News is trvinir to W'tt Iparn f mm t ho frtit rrmn t Inn why Sill VL'ta If nftW TVia itwar.mttnsV ' "vti. m. iiv uiivi ani thing with us is that Klamath a national administration en- In Loudon and Paris those who reveled or looked for revelry on Ih? anniversary, were outnumbered bv ' the thousands who attended aer-t To llnve a Home Buy a Lot Then Build THK k I.AM. ITH IIKVKUM'MKXT 'tMPA.Y PIih- Tree lll.lK. ''needs railroads for expansion and if .we can encourage .the Southern Pacific to build on to Alturas and the- Northern lines" 16 extend through' here to San Francisco, this town .will be "setting pretty." There. . are numerous conflicting in-! terests to be consolidated be- fore that can ' be done, but somehow we have an idea it will be done. And having , said that, we see no reason j why Klamath should not be '. a city of 50,000 in our time, and easily the second town for business in all of Oregon. 1 000 I With mv vUinn nf ninlt- fin lh.. V1CCS nonorillg Uie WAT UCaU. tangled . In scandals over leaslns otner nIinil ..we mu5l have ade(ullU. ! -r ot oil-reserres. a cabinet officer defense, because It la our flrat nnTvl PAKIS. Nov. H.lL'nlted Newa) to look after America and maintain ! ""e tllousauds . of, trenchmen. trying to. cover up the gift of S90. 00 Irum an oil magnate who ben- the supremacy of American rights efited by the deal, scandals in the It is a mlstakeTo suppose administration of veteran hospitals ; our country is lagging behind in bareheaded and heuda bowed, kept up n steady march around the tomb of the unknown soldier, the offlcltl life of the nation, led by President .ml utaf.Miuh ,,nniiM mnA iitne matter or aviation, ne salil. 11. . .t ' f i- var nrnfrim fnr Imnrftvnmon I DoumergUt!, Paid ItS tribute In lefltl bootlegging graft on the part ofi,,re ear program tor improvement ',, ,,j , ,i... In another federal de-1 OI ,ne ,err'ce na" ,ust tteen ,w 0'"-' 1 .h. V... ... '. .h'.n" A NEW DEAL j One effect of the election ;has been to anticipate -a dif ' ferent kind of regime in city : affairs, and an effectual stop-! jping of all "funny business." j It is evident on the surface I satellites In another federal de partment. ni lue tr.iu u. mo uuei wt.en "President Wiflis Markham" Is oa his, deathbed, having been betray ed and taken advantage of by a Bang of "looters, posing as his friends, there Is a call from "Vice President Elliott," who "so soon to be president, looked Inscrutably at the dying man out of his fishy eyes and assured him that the Markham policies would be faith fully adhered to. Vice-President Elliott , did not know what the Markham policies were. Nor did Markham. Nor any one else. Bnt it made a hit when sent over the news association wires." i In well chosen nhrases the nresl- Bt ,ne national shrine. :dpnt t fnnh th. i, hv hl.-h I Fork. Joffre and Pelaln. General America hopes for world peace. . j o". one-armea war nero ami If we are to hare peace we must mimisry governor 01 runs. 1 -rentier roincaire ana ine raninei, joinen the president at the tomb. With the battle flags bent low in tribute to the unknown hero live In accordance with the dictat e of a higher life. We shall avoid a spirit of nation suspicion, distrust and hatred toward other nations. We want understanding, good wllljbomu were "rei1 'rom t"0 Arc n and friendly relations between our-1 Trlomphe as a signal for the mom-, selves and all nthnr nnnl Th-! of silence. Then followed, the! first reoulsite for this Is a friendly rev,ew of troops. Infantry, cavalry I attitude on our nan." I and artillery CAR HEATERS Star Heater, $9.50 Buick Standurd Six $13.50 Buick Master Six $13.50 The Above Prices Installed BUICK GARAGE Canned Foods Week November 10 to 20 Stock Your Pantry In conjunction with National Canned Food Week we will offer our usual high grade line of canned good for your con sideration. Baker's dozen will prevail. A can free with each dozen. Koyul Club Shrimps, dJO Cf the dozen Va.UU (One Free) ' Kovnl Club Tender IVns. largo cans. t0 "7C the dozen Pat.. iJ (One Free) Royal Club Golden Corn, huge inns, 10 JZL the dozen I5.. f J (One Free) Roviil Club IViu-hes, large cans, f( the dozen iJOtwU (One Free) "- ' , Royal Club Tomutoes, large runs. ' dJO TtL the dozen Veteif (One Fife) " Royal Club Cut Bonus, large i-ans. tQ 1 C the dozen PO 1 J (One Free) Royal Club Raspberries, large cans, C. QC the dozen 4T'IJ (One Free) Royal Club Pears, large cans, t1 Af the dozen iJcTlxJ (One Free) Royal Club Spinach, large cans, 7C the dozen (One Free) Royal Club Ptnnpple, large cans C3 Qfl the dozen POOU (One Free) Your health is worth more to you than any high-grade automobile ever built. You would not think of giving inferior oil or watered gas to your car. You can't afford to give your body inferior fuel in this day of speed and efficiency. Baker's dozen on any canned footls in stock. You are a near to us ai your nearest telephone i Call 576. We deliver the goods. r , Hurry Cash Grocery 524 Main. . Delicatessen in Connection. American prosperity was defended in the speech as one of the chief assets of the world today. "The fact that our position is strong, our finances stable, our trade large, has steadied and sup ported the economic condition ot the Flags flew at half mast In the. American cemeteries ' throughout France and in the churches there were special memorial services, t'n tll evening Paris crowds filed past the tomb where mutilated army priests, chanting their prayers in the ! whole world. Those who need j 8'tnering ansa. Kept up a vigil. credit ought not to complain, but ., T ' nWr.M thai llmr. I. a l. n Ir I AM Ol hit, Wash.. NOV. 11. HAD STRONCi HAND, able to serve iheir n.pri. " I ( United New An automobile MILITARY POLICE (OnrttnaeO from Pta One) A crowd of 60,000 persons heard ! driven by Jerninnu of Camas. Coolldges address, and gave him a struck and killed Kdmond Alntecn, .tremendous ova lion at the close. four, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas i ! Xlutum fin,," n,llu ,.f Ii.f. lnu ; will play no favorites. It is ! 'p" "p ."lJ U,MERGER RAILROADS night.' , , . i supervising law and order. That j ,Bir m T i equally plain that some Of our I local citizenry was flagrant In Its' EXCITING BARONS Hermann was not held respon- ;that the new administration I Policemen who made a good manvj ( Continued Prom Page One) "worthy citizens" are clearly i disregard of military regulations. 'out of luck. That is what!wa" "pp" 'm n whol",ale comes Of trying to be too I collected were for the benefit of th, . "l'dallon has not yet been de grasping;. Even a good thing! local post. .veloped. and presumably some ' "! ., . .i . amendment of the transportation act r an he nvurrlnno nnrl Ins ",ul ",c w"r' i . , , . , . . , . onlookers, constituted an offense In greatest lead-pipe cinch' of,,he eye, of Uoy Low, Ja, Franev the lot can be relegated soon-land M. L. Johnson, who acted as er or later to the scrap heap. ! JudRe"' and fln,!" ran ,rHm a dln"' . , . to five bucks. This much seems apparent,1 The military police court had Its that all Klamath has a new final session at the Klwanls funch- fi..linir nf i nnf iflcnrp for Home I in the chamber of commerce . j . ! rooms reason, a gooa ueai 01 ine I slide. will lie neceiutary before anything definite can be accomplished. "I'eriionally I have alwayn been in favor of a greater unification of the three roads." The Klllott ntatement explains thf presont fltatuit of the ncRotlatioiiH STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Helievea Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged and your hoad Is stuffed and you can't breathe freely Imcnuse of a cold or catarrh. Jui.t get a sm ill bottle ot liulm at any drug a little of this fra- set up an im-, . . , . ; nnH,rii. .. ni i. nnnu,,A ,f.... g:I , nromntn court and before lneh.n ! " " "ear equuanie uasis " ' unuijr ,.,,---..,-- -.-..-.-.- .".! i. hnmunlv n.ll.l n,.i.l.l. nf every uir passage oi your nean rough stuff will be dispensed chamber rooms. with for awhile. completely. Northern I'uctfir and I The iudaes and their half',ire,t ""''""'ern control Ilurllngton I ny, (;rram doien uniformed aides. Invaded the ,,Jr ownersnip ana me lauer i siore. Apply ,.r,t,t a ,.. u:A I, started had fined nearly every Kl- " -n,aniy poss.uie. uuis.oe o. wanted. A new kind of mor-, wanlan (n ,he pla(e llivlle'd ,0:the iiunington ownership ale Will mean a new Kind OI ; luncheon, the M. P. furnished en service. The town will be bet-! tertalnment for the clubmen by try ing members ot the organization lute to the occasion. ,ter managed without having. . to put up with a lot of fool nonsense. Because some peo-','i,,-UK pie lost their heads they have! lost their jobs. It almost in-! skatti.k. soothing and healing the inflnmed. V ....,!...-.. j V".. . 1. I .. n I 1 V. n .. I ....... " i no other connection with each other, j Ah: how good it feels. Your A recent personal -survey of the . nostrils are oim-ii, your head is clear. e:illre length of the Northern Pai l-! no more hawking, snuffling, blow Ific lines by the writer was very -on-i '"R": no morn headache, dryness or vinclng as to the real material im-; "lr,"B"l'ng. !".r l"LPa.'"' .!::iy'" l'r.P!"n Diilm is just what sufferers from It's roitltriTlox is ,vincing I'lttlllKH IX SKATTI.K """' an uiong me line, nun-, hed colds and catarrh need j ii.g stock and general maintenance j 0 delight. Nov. 11. (Tnlted na been Kept to the highest pow- W I'ielow fnrmpr i slble point of efficiency. On Aug- ' ....;. .1,1.. I,,,,,,,,,.- ii. ,..,. Newsi "Kri i . i'..u..Hi. M . serneain 01 ponce, went oeiore inc." " " but individuals sometimes re-jcolnIy gr1I)d Jlry tdliv .ooo.noo in stock outstanding and fuse to learn. The only lesson j Joel r. Warren, former police ! nad funded debt totaling $319,- they can understand is the toei"'c t Seattle testified before thoj7-("'- ' r j Knnt H Urand jury. Ills appearance was I This latter position Is Impressive (of a good-Sized boot. Hence ,aken (o inAWm e w(ene .nllC n there are no major maturities for 'this thlisnessl of Investigation. The lniiilri 70 Tear". Since 191 the company ' ooo started as a re-opened study of thelh"" Pl"he'1 a earnings Into the : '' Legate murder but rauldlv swuna . rnHa l tremendous rate, some American school nronertv in toward a aweenimr invniin..n nfl'Sf.ot' and more having been nn4 was valued at 83 744 ""eged charges of police corrup-' "Denl for additions and better. jj was vaiueu ui lit, " , .,. lh. .-, ,M ,580,714, or $154 for every pu- ' ,d ecade. The results are very Im- til enrolled,' Tor" reVuTla 'usexN'ewi Class Ads. I presslve. To Hiiro a Home Buy a Lot Then Build THK KLAMATH fK KUll'.MI'.NT ' t'OMI'AXV J'iue Treo IIWx. LO OK HE RE Hundreds are Saving Money and getting won derful bargains at our Big Furniture Auction Sales. Follow the crowds to our store Saturday I and buy at your own price and on Liberal Credit.' SALES START 1:30 and 7:30 P. M. KLAMATH SUPPLY Phone 891-W HOME CO. 1011 Main Street ft