TUB KTAMATH NEWS Thursday, Nov. 11, 1920 Page Seven One Cent a W6rd Each Instrtion Telephone HTf W. WANT AD PAG E i& CLASSIFIED AD RATES lc pr word each lime ad Is printed. Sam 14 mil 0110 week 1V dls- count. Sumo ad run ono Diantli iWi, dis ccunt. lo per word each Uuiu ad, la printed TELEPHlONE 877 " THE 1UU MARKET I'l.ACK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 11500 4 room modern house In good locution; small payment ..dowu. $1100 I room modern house; close lo renter ot city: owner will toko ll ua part payment. $5600 lluuuttrul -now 5 room iluc ao homo In Hot Springs; hard wood floors, fire, place, fnrniuo, Cull busomcnl, etc. Llborul tnrmi. 14600 Will buy nmro thnn 60 largo building lnm In taut grow ing district.. Vary liberal teruik. A. A. IIKLLMAN CO. Phone ir.it McCarthy nidi, 130 No. 7lh Bt. ONK OP THE NICEST strictly mod orn homes In this olty, consisting ot five Ian riHinw and breakfast room. bulh. sunisirrli. basement w and furnace, two- porchi; price. 1X00(1: a modern house valued at 12000 might be taken In on the . deal and terms on the balance. Pall ui Lincoln. Phnuo 4 4 3. HKVHUAL LOTS at it bsrgaln In different parla of the city. Call ,961 Lincoln. Phono 4 43. SPLENDID TWO-8TOHY business bouse on Main Hi. Price 6750. Call 801 Lincoln HI.. Pbnne 443. FOR SALE 1-rooin home. $ls50; . $21.0 down. Phone 621. O. E. Rae, 33 Main St. FOR SALE 4-roora modern house, 1 Iota and aome furniture, $1000 caah will handle It. Cloao In. .Apply 60 East Owana. FOIt HALE One ot the beat houses on 9th 81., on good corner lot on pavement, furnUhed, price 14, 600. tall 001 Lincoln. Phone 443. rOK HAI.K One of the beat buya In a four-room, modern, com pletely furnlahed home In splen did location, with basvinsut, turn ace, nice lawn; garago, also plana with the homo. Price $4600. ' Call 901 Lincoln St, Phone 443. ir TOD WAN to sell. your (arm or obtain . a? low Intercut , rate, long terra lea on same. flee WIBHARD REALTY CO. r 14 Bo. 7th flu ' . "- ' Inaaraoc Real Estate ' - Para Loans Oltf II ACRES fine land, 7 -room mod ern bouse, quarter mile to good school, cows, chickens, everything teoaaaary to make a good living. This la worth while Investigating. Can trade tor city properly. f-IlOOM HOUSE and large lot In tine neighborhood. $700.00 will handle. 1-nOOM HOUSE on East Main, fur nlshed. $600.00 will handle. BEAUTIFUL HOME In Hot Springs. ,6900.00. FINE LOT on new Main street pav ing, $600.00. LOTS In all parts ot the city. FURNISHED HOUSE and S Iota. $4100.00. Can be traded tor sheep. MOMYER MOMYER Hopka Bldg.- Phone 146 A number ot good lots In different parta of the city. Prices reason able. Call 401 Lincoln St. Pbone 441. FOR SALE Lot I6sl40 on Com- . merclal St.' Price lt60 FOR ' SALE Three room honae tarnished In Mills Addition, cor ner lot. Price $1600 $600 down. A NUMBER of one and two room homes on splendid lota, prices from 1600 to 11160 LOVELY FURNISHED modern . home on 9th 8t. price $6,600; on terms. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 441. W HAVE BOMB REAL bargains In both city and farm property, opportunities to trade or ex- ensnce. WISHARD REALTY CO Insurance " III Bs. Ttb St. Ra1 Eatata . . Farm Loans i Oltf NEW FOtlR ROOM modern bung' t?lA mImaa ttraalrfuat nonk paid navomant. t'rtce $3100. Call 901 Lincoln mono A splendid buy In a fonr room mod ern bungalow: nice garden and yard: basement: very conven ient. Price 13110: email pay , ment down. Resident lots and acreage. Call 901 Lincoln Phone 441 FOR SALE Seven acres choice hind 4 H mllaa from town, on . highway; price $1760. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone a. FOR SALE Acreage In email tracts of choice land; close In: near FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I roll BALK 60x160 lot on I'urlflc Toi-rnco. $1000 tonus, or 1760 Cusll. , ( , , FOIt BALE lluino on Roosovolt St. $1650. I2C.0 casta and terms., FOR RENT Two 4 -room house, ouo $40 and one $30 per mouth. FOIt HALE 3-room furnlahed limine In lint Bprlugs, modern, $2260, terms. FOR RALE Hotel lease and furn ishings, restaurant, boarding and rooming houac, confectionary lore. TO TnAPK- llualnewi property lu Antnrla for Klamath county prop erly. JOHN C. FRENCH CO. 130 Mouth 7th St. Phono 72 rSIX-HOOM HOUSE, modern. Urge nam. mirage, two chicken houses, one hundred und fifty bona, large tettm and wapiti, one cow, farm liiiplementa, one broodor hoiisa with store, clly lights and water, on three and 33-100 acres, cloao lu town, choice lund of Klninutli county, all Irrigated, berrlea and emu 1 1 orchard. Price $12,000; one-third cash, balunce on terma. Cull llu.l Lincoln. Pbone 443. FOR BALK One of thi choicest homes In Klamath Kails. Address Hoi 100, News. 974 A'ltKM four miles from city lln'ils. All timler Irrlgulloa. 3 nioin hnu, fal- condition. Will sen good tormi. Write liox 49. Mws. FOR BALE Hot Springs Addition lots as low as 126.00 down. LOT ON PACIFIC Terrace. $625.00 SIX U)TH In block IB, First Addl- ' lion, iisoo. CHOICE CORNER on California Ave., $600. O. E. IIEA, Phono 624 633 Main SI. FOH HALE Now 4-room house. modern: clone to pavement and close lu. Furnlehcd or unfurn iHhcd. ' Smnll pnymeiit down. Owner. IK 4 5 Kyi'lnimde. $0000 Owner leaving city and must mora ttio property this week. MX r-Him Iiouim'. contain ing two aiurtments: one year old. CompleicJy funilslud. lnroaie $S0 a month. Ixicnted ou one of the best streets In the city. Room on the lot for another bouse. A bargalu. Terms. 11.1.10 lira nd new four-room house close to depot. Garage, linoleum and range. Terms. $300 Fine building site near Ore gon Ave. call Mr. Ueay for ap pointment, M. L. JOHNSON. Phone 2TS-W. 406 Main St.- Next to Hall Hotci LOTB 1 2 3 and 4 lu block 24, First Addition to Klamath Falls, for $S5 rash. Call 901 Lincoln, or Phone 443. BEAUTIFUL LOT on Psclflc Terrace for $660. If vou want to get a real bargalu in the nicest part of Klanuith Falls, see this lot. On pavement. Tltl-STATEH REALTY CO. 1134 Main St. Phone 1060 FORTY ACHES of choice Irrigated ana, pnruy in airaira, on high-1 way, witn narn on land and all In cultivation. Prlre $100 per aero. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. CHOICE CORNER, throe blocks irom 31 am t., witn seven-room house, c-n pavement. Price $5000. Cnll 901 Lincoln St. Phone 441. FOR BALE Unfurnished apartment house on Main St.; lot 16x129. in splendid location: price 600: on terms. Call 101 Lin coln St. Phone 443. FOR BALK! Three room . modern bungalow with double garage: nice lawn; large lot; a bargain; price $2660. Cnll at 901 Lin coln. Phone 442. SEVERAL OOOD resident lots from. $250 to $1500 each. Call 901 Lincoln. Pbnne 443. FOH SALE A bargain In a close In property on pavement, In a modern two-room house, furnish ed; garage; wood house: room for nice home on front of lot. Price 1760 Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. "QSTCrti. lots tajATCrX-THNTS '" & VOU dCAi'T TV VOU . tf 13 HH", 'vfj-X UMQUCVX TO T3W.VtJ ) "ife STOP UlOCOYWlt , STOP AVI' LtSTeViN f M6.CHBORHCOt .f . SC VyX CVlKTrJr--' 7 (A&COT THAT ,TutVf f eVllJrV."c. AM' VOU ( VOULL. PaOB'UV j)'"' 7"' Mr V ovi miu. ) V -ought p'mp out . l;.vt, 'r -w! j- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE Two lots, one a coruor lot, In Altumont Acres. One and ! ocrea. Near I ho school,, price $1000.00 FOR BALE Now 4 -roo in house In Hot Springs. with fireplace, breakfast nook and other mod ern features. Price $3600; $600 duwu and terms, FOR BALE Attractive new stucco homes near Hull road and mill work. 3- and 4 -rooms, with fire place, bath, electric light und built-in featurre. $260.00 down psyment, butanes llko rent. THE WALTON WIHOHT CO.. 10S8 Main HI. Phone J 144 FOH BALK 80 acres farm lund; good dnlry, chicken und potato laud; $2600 cash, bu lance easy terma. Plume 10-F-3I. FOR HALK Two good lota In Hue- I na Viola Addition near California Ave., at $200 raab. FOR BALK Kuverul choice lots In Mills Addition at $360.00 each. FOR BALK A dundy lot 1n Hot Kprlnga Addition, located on Port laud Ave., at $900.00. FOR BALE Now 4-room house, full haxement, furnace; mahog any floors In living rooms lots of bullt-lns in kitchen: paving paid; $4200.00; $1,000 cash. FOR RENT Four-room modern apartment, done In, nicely turn lhed, at $00 per month. No chil dren. . s W. W. McNEALY 1020 Main St. FOR SALE p(JK 8AI,K,.R,tur. Bl Hwan John Linker, Merrill, Ore. FOR SALE 1000 pullets 4tt month old. Rocks and Reds, $1 each. Tom Calaban. Morrill, Ore. j A LICK MILKS at home Morrill. R. F. D. No. 2. For Bale St. Hel ens 250-egg Incubator; also have a few muro Anconas for salo at $1.60. FOR SALE One team of horses und harnioa; $50. Phone 24S-U. 1034 High. FOR HALE Full-blood browe tur keys, alfto guineas. Order before Thanksgiving. Mrs. Arthur Fra slor, Morrill. Orogon. FOR BALK coma. W. ' ton. Four plga and milk C. Burke, Shlpplng- FOR BALE H-montha old pedigreed police dog. Choap. Write House ' 4 8, Algxima, Box If. FOR SALE Limb, body and slab wood. Sidney Nelson, 142 Divi sion St., or Phone 8.14. Wstklns Products sold at 120 Bo. 4 th. Phone 112-11 NOTICK KOTt PUBLICATION Department Qf the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew. Ore. September 25, 1926. Notice la hereby given that Isaac L. Larkey whose post office ad dress Is 2021 Reclamation Ave.. Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, 01 the 13th day of December, 1924. file In this oftlco Sworn Statement and Application, No. 012358, to purchase the Lot 6. Bee. 24, T. 37S.. K. 8E., Lot 1 and NEU8WU. Section 19, Township 179., Range 9E., Wtllametto Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provl slons ot the art of June 3, 1871, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at sacb value as might bo fixed by appraise ment, snd that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber theroon bare been appraised at 1660.00, the timber estimated 150M board teat at 14.00 per M., and the land 160.00: that said appli cant will offer final proof In sup port of his application and sworn statoment on the 4th day of Decem ber. 1926. before Bert C. Thomas U. S. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls,' Oregon. Any person Is at liberty lo pro test this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by tiling a corroborated affidavit in thla of fice, alleging facts whicb would dofeat the entry. r. P. LIGHT, 827 N27 Register Anything yon wish to serif Or to ouyt Tell all Klamath Falls abou' It In the economical, efficient way 'hrnnsh a Utile News Clssslfied Ad HELP WANTED KLAMATH EMPIXJYMENT' AOENCY Phone 167 C01 Mam BKATTLE FIRM MANUFACTURING . EXCELLENT LINK LINGERIE AND HKBHSES WIBIIKB RHP RKBBNTATIVK FOH KLAMATH FAILH AND VICINITY. Al DIIKMB NEWS HOX 66. MEN WANTED To sell and ad vertise nations! organisation. work dully. Can earn $60 toj $76 and upwards weekly. Chance' i., wiauvn iiieuaa"'. o advance to branch manager. Moym .or.p, io lose m., WANTED two boys to carry pqp-l ers. 40 nilnnte. work dnlly. 110 lr month Main H WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position at ateno., (book keeper, 12 years' experience. Phone 116. WANTED Ily experienced woman, laundry work. Will call and del iver. Phone 248-R. WANTED Position as assistant snd bookkeeper In doctor's or dentist's office. Four years' ex perience. Call 184-W. EXPERIENCED ETENO desires po sition permanent or temporary. Address Box 122, care Klamath News. WANTED WANTED 10? ' head of young ewes.. Phone ' 15-F-1J or write Holiert Fryresr, Route 1, Klamath Fulls. u ir iv iura ui 11111- 1 . ,. , ate home. Must be clc In and nortn 01 -wain Bt. Aooress f. u. Box 1101 or Phono 1096 In. d.v WANTED Day work. PrnteraWy' -. v I otel or Room IS 288-R. rooming bouee. Call , ul"- -"- W ANTED TO BUY A lot. pay part or all In carpenter work. Ad- dress Box 865. City. WANTED Room?" at 31 Pine St. All new beds and nice, clean rooms. WANTED Used furniture. We pay highest cash pcices, also give you Ithernl- allowance on new goods. Klsmnth- Home Bupptv Co.. 1011 Main St. Phono 194-W. WANTED Your sewing snd re modeling. Mrs. Fry. Call 66. LOST - LOST Bir's grey1 tolaier, near News. Return to News Office. LOST Chesapeake retriever, brown. ItraKs studded collar. Answers to namo Goldio. Notify New City laundry. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Pool hall and confec tionery. 0. E. Rae. 633 Main 8L. Phone 6!4. FOR RENT . ROOMING HOUSE for lease. Will put the second floor of the new building at 9th and Klamath Ave. Into 70 rooms for a responsible tenant. Wm. W. MoNealy. 1020 Main St. - : NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms. 220 lloser St.. Phone 1078-J. LARGE FRONT sleeping- room with hester. 303 Washington St. PLEASANT sleeping room. NEW FOUR-ROOM modern house, tor someone who wants nice homo. See Walton, Wright Com ipany at 1031 Warn Stt " ' 1 FOR RENT 4-room partly furn ished house, at 728 Second St $3500. O. E. Rao. 633 Main St. FOR RENT Bedroom, 414 Walnut St. FOR R E NT Modern furnished room. Gentleman preferred. 1845 Esplanade. . . - ' O R RENT Partly furnished apartment on highway to Pelican City. Opposite Frankrorda Wood yard. Call after 5:00 p. m. FOR RENT Apartment at 2121 Vine, two blocks south of Mills School. FOR RENT First class furnished apartment, steam heated. Mc Carthy Apartment. 620 Pine Phone 800 ... . 014tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES i I'Iwh'L.iM.itiox iy the lyoh FOR HALK 1922 Ford sedon; j I, Fred R. Ooddard. Mayor of A-l condition. Csll ofter i p. m. the City of Klamath Falls. Ore 24 Jeffomon I ton. by virtue of authority In me vested, do hereby oroclalm lhat FOR BALE 1922 Roo truck. In good shape. Will take $175.00 csn. mono in. J i- ! MISCELLANEOUS . SAVE HALF and dress - better. L'VDC-tlT IMiVO TI'VIVC. " A V Ilr uo Man Hhone 149-W. XVE that NEW liltm made ' now. Don't wait and be dlnap- pointed, r.lces reasonable. Mrs. Hrlggs. 4 33 N. lOtb St., Pbone 96S-W. , 1 1 -I MY KINDERGARTEN CLAKB has roc-m for a few more pupils. 925 Jefferson, Phone 1019. ............ - .. i ,V" . ST" new, the Universal Way. J. GoidHWOTthv. Phone R71-W. PATTERSON'S . . . ... ; dranD Vw,.r."r..eW.cn' . 626 Booth 6th Phone 682-J AM THE PERMANENT Raliegh's ' nignem graae, an wool suns anu , Z vpes.ia, cow, , I overccats tailored to measure. J".?' Mayor,- 1279 votes, and -6u0 JS0, Fit guaranteed. From factory to rc . Tolra- calves steady. 190 lbs. and OS- wearer. Room 1. 337 Main St. "t said T. D. Walters . .iy"-lh..: i thereupon duly elected us Mayor. I dcr, $7.60 O9.60, over saw ,iusw agent here. Trying to locale all that Paul Lambert received for the customers. If I fall to call at1 office of Councilman for the Boc-' yonr home pbone 1219 after 7:00. 'end Ward. 397 'votes, and Louis' 1 1 Mueiler received 353 rotes, and ' EXCAVATING BASEMENTS: teem that said Pan! Lambert was there- T . ."" 1 Frank Hatfield. Phone R98-J. SEE U3 FOR LOW PRICED NEW'.' ',-uiy-,'tb" .?!Cl0J and used stoves and furniture on ' liberal credit. New Heaters, t i.uiiKineuiu nuu la, f ,,.. O...I ..1. stjinn " - gDrlnl, tlo oo'dulr o'octed as Cpuncllaiao . for the r r.., ..,,. ,,n nn dor-,....,.., JJi'XX' 1"""'"" r,""r 1 "fa ''" , Nice Dressers, only "T"l20 CO ' tnner Bargain, . . . . . KMA'" i ,A,,"xr.i- T. . .e.that aaid E. H. Balsleer was there-i Rng and mattress works. We do' .It Ul . ....I. I. 1 ' rnr eleanlns One dav aervlen I Pbone 1195-W 1885 Portland : St. HENRY E. PERKINS Lswyer Slste snd Federal Cnur's American National Bank Rldg Klamath Falls We Collect Honest Debts Anywhere In the United Ststes snd Csnsds KLAMATH COMMERCIAL 6ERVICB 111 South Fifth 6t. Phone 118 Collections Credit Rating- Service DR. E O. - WISECARVER " DsntMry X-Ray Laboratory -Phone 6-46 . Underwood ' Bldg. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ELSA C. SAUERBERO Nubile Stenographer and .. Bookkeeper PXnrie Business 72 Res 94 J 1 30 Rn Seventh Srt For results use New, Class Ads. FAMOUS FANS THE BLOKE. VMO M.WS Hra VJIrt 3 MJfcO ON HrN6 OUT THEilJ. WAV the following named candidates bo were voted upon for the of-1 lice, noreinaiicr menuonea, roceiv- , hb. - ti vers 12 36 W 2 6 . sweets, ied the reuUite majority of votes,, . " ,. , ,. entitling those receiving such ma-iNo. '.'cw:,. ii" - "y to be declared duly elected. CATTLH . ' do hereby further proclaim Cattle steady: steers, good, tl. IS hereby further proclaim . that Lcm L. Caghsgen received; I for tlfe office of polite Judge.!, !".lne. orrKe.i """"'! id 111! vt tha ; Sm l7m I L. (iaghagen 'was thereupon duly , elected as Polite Judge. 1 do hereby furtuer proclaim that Mrs. Irma Dixon received for lha nfri.-n ft f'ttv TrAnaitrnF MH to,, and C. A. Harden received I do i go9 votes, 'and that said Mrs. I Big bend mluestem. 11.36; baart !irm niton m... iw,.rn ri.,wlll.36: soft white, .ll.le; western hereupon j elected as City Treasurer. elec I do hereby further proclaim ' that i. F. UoeHer received lor tine ouica ui ouiiekiuiaa lur ine , nl , , . ,.0 . . . 1, .. . said K R Olds w" thereupon iuir elected as Councilman for the rrrst wira. I do he-.eby further proclaim 1 upon ouiy tiectra as councilman : for the Bocond Ward., that William Uaum received fori the office of Councilman for the Tlr'.rd Ward. '30 votes, and Harry said Harry Peltx was thereupon Third Ward I do hereby further oroclalm ,hat E- H- Ba,'ser received for i .J,. P 11 nil.l.... &Wh Ward. 349 VoliJ. and c. i ivti m n - w a rrt iiv vmaa on A. Bundy receive 278 votes, and ! upon duly elected as Councilman; tor the Fourth Ward. T At liHaka I.a ma.UI-, Frsnces E. Bovd received for theln oftlco of Councilman for the Fifth Ward, 183 votes, and J. E. Van! Camp received 297 votes, and thatj4o45c Ordinary dressed,-: 100 said J. E. Van Oamp was there upon duly elected as Councilman I for the Fifth Ward. Witness my hand and the sear of said city tils 8th day of NoT- ember, A. D.. 1926. , FRED R. GODDARD, Mayor of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon. N10.ll.12 AXXCAI. iiossr snow : DATED FOE NOV. 23 PORTLAND. Nov. 10. (United News) The annual fall rose show of Portland, the "city of roses," will be held Tuesday night, Nov ember 23, in the assembly room or tne Multnomsn hotel, according to arrangements completed by the Progressive Business' Men's club. im 'Jh Slffiit - $? w- ? rvu. tm teu s I ; jVlarkets Ban Franrlico, Xov.' lo 14 , rOTATOES Washington gems, lS15f110; g. 00 0 10.00 Mnir, lKht. $14.11 114.76: median, 113.76!14.S Sheep, steady; lambs, medium to choice. $12.00 13.00; ewea, .!.:. wetness, es.vvvis.vy, Portland, Ore., Nov. 10; IBM WHEAT 'white. 11.36; hard winter; 11.11; northern spring. 11.36: western red, 11.32 Vj. WUUli , 1 II.... ,, k,ll MamI etoniiuai. o. . c j , nun .. iwi .c: -edium threu.rtef. blood 2c: coarse or three-qaartaT blood. sue; oraia, sue. si vaiier psnai nrlees are 2e to Ee higher tor as. T, -,,w "clea ,uxm ' ' ' ' E4Gs Buying -price, current receipts. 40 : hennery whites.' 43 44; pail.' lets, 31032. ' ' BITTER ' ' ' ' .". Belling price, box lots, creamery 'prices. Firsts, extras, 46c for plain' nnnBM .nhi tn Himrn.. nrm Selling price: Tillamook county v trtpleu. 29Hc: loaf. 30 "Ac: Oregon : triplets, not branded. 25c; Tllla "0,t r o D tr,P,eU' "c: ,oM "e: . Coos county triplets. 25c; loaf lOe LIVE rOlLTKi Heavy hens. 25826: light to me- dlum. 18c2 22: broilers. 25c26: 20c: roosters. 12c; Pe- 1 aucxs. zzc; young geese, ISO 16c; turkeys, 30632; dressed. 35. Barley. No. 2, 45-lb.; Nor. bid. $28.50. December bid. 138.50. " HEAVY HELLING OP WHEAT TOOK PLACE AT PORTLAND PORTLAND, Nov. 10 (United News) Confirmation Is today avail able : of : a very heavy aelling .f -. ,?Zm doring tt.- In lit ttktr da VS of denrssnUaMl -IkJiAsanB j Tne ar, s Mi, . to- confirm a liberal volume of both cargo and -parcel lots. Indicating that after all -Europe is greatly in -need of addt-' tional wheat supplies Classified anverttsms m THsT KLAMATH NEWS par blf dividends- Use them tor profit Br Hot. school! elty lights ana water. Cnll at 901 Lincoln or Phono 4 13.