The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 11, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pare Six
Thursday. Nov. 11, 1020
Coolidge Boom Is
Started Enroute
To Kansas City;-
(Continued From hsc)
European Royalty
Witnesses Wedding
of Prince Leopold
(Continued From Vt ")
t Oregon licctamatlou Congress mi. I
HKl'SSKl.S. Xor. 10 t I'nltcd 'cr Civ years editor of the Granls
Xi wst Duo of ilu tliiiM
I.hinclandcr Case
Heard On Appeal
By N, Y. Judges
:tme to Allow nivin(or ,i roach'
( Aboard President Coolidge-, Sno-1 V'mor"11 ha" fur lh "kM ""M
.... ... - iinere. ' . .. ,i. ....... .i
I.rllltant .
.. ... . ... ... i .... . one vesieruav was
U"'d r.fwt A t.ionit pondered hy the local legion pt , lotej lu t.ic r.vent l'y owr ,h. wl of h . , th mnwU.Hi- division .C I ho , in
fer President Coolidge in 1SS8 was 'today, il was stated earlier thl;cf European roiilty ended W.-dnes-' eoni..cii.m l.v r.n ...i." - ! r.m. ronri .r. ,..n.i.iri.. wn...i,..r
IIKOOKLYN, N. V.v Nov. 10
(I'lillcd Newel Dlvo ihIi'1 nl
atnt echoing through the Pcansyl-,
I held
" .... I....... ..'""'loay night when Crown Prime "If Clark's plain, materialize, they sin ul.i undo I ho tunrllnl knot
vania railroad stiticn In Indlsnsp-: ,,,,, .',, ' . I ! t,,,,1 Prince Aairld. future Grunts Puss, mid nil ;C southern I ii,i t.t.,,1. .,,. ui ri ij.
dlls, when too cxecu.ive's special , ,..,. -,,'.. . tk I rM ' 4' lu,lum- Prepared (or ! Oregon, will have access to Hie I. . ., - , ..... v L
.i.-mi . .i iii.nt.t). ; ni.iiu.-uni ..Unix.! .iniUCC IWll Ilia.
.religious marriase at uoou, H virtually un l ipped." Allen ro- '""' Miss Alice Jones, (ha
After giving themselves over too marked, .dusky bride, whom Kip says he
prcuupiinl coieuionies In Stockholm : Xe Mwkn PinUdrd married wlilioul knowing .lie wail
in i hi minutes ,,,., ,,rlefy.
I! ... i N"VII Klamath Falls" resident
A bun. throng cheered the Pre!.,will ;Vebrnie , ,,, clIy. however,
dent and Mr.. Coolidge for aeveralj,, nimr.1(, yesl..riu, pllr..B.
minutes when they appeared on the,,,,. ,, hunlln- .r,ni,r,ii
rear plntform oC their train at the
in preparation, for a wholesale in-
iniiatracc i of one leather lunged ! va.lon of duck aud Roose haunts to-
vi.iseu. mo rneers concimiea, lueljay
aame clllien proclaimed: "t'oolldcei
tit 1928." "To crowd took up the; ' i rf' ' IT i "
boom and echced Un or twelve i iJOOllflffe 10 HelO
more hnrrah n ,1 ihn nm.Ll.Mi n .. , . k
knowledfted their demanstratlon
with a broid auiile. '
'The demonstration at Indlanapolik
waa evenly divided lietwoen the
executive and the Clm lady. In
nuallfled Votina and eleclora of thfl
lily ol Klamulh Kb lit, Oregon. '
Wltnpaa in v hand nnil tlio ail
oC aald rliy III la stli day of Novem
ber, int.
Mayor ut the Oily of K.l.1111
ulli Killa, Oregou.
Nil), 11.13
WITH Mils. 1.1 IIU.llltIK
11 nd Uruuela. in which kinga, '
nucetiA lirini'.v. l.viniesett mul thel
c Mai kit I'coviih'd
tlrants Pana. through I his eon-
part negro.
no tne with freacent t'ltv .will fln,l " " " "v '" : and iirta r..i- it... i.i.n.i,..- 1.......
people had all a ..irt. Leopold and the opening- of a m.irkel for li..,.'!'" J' V u'ch leCnnvd to minu .,,. ..., ,,.,.,. ;.
Dedicate Memorial
For Kansas City
KANAKAS I ITV M.v V..v 1 0
eluded in the crowd were more than! (Vnlted News I The president of
J young lady memhers of the Pi' the fulled States Is coming to Kan
A strut nllowed contll.tlng reports l .er and ngricultuio to tMewuter. " " """"" ",,,,r "'""""'Ij and 4
to lie ctrcaiated as to the place of. and the Immense timber bodies thin'.""" """ ""'
their h. ncvmo .n. , ,,:, ,, .(viOIwrt ...... .. ,. luder-. allorueya have completed
i'ivh a.auiii.'ub in ti.v iiiivunir
The ApiK'al based on the
Kirst it was said that they would comprehensible. Not onlv will the
go deep into the I'eUlun forests, to proposed road simplify traveling for;
the .'.iat"U do Ciergon in the Ar-i Konih-m iWm ... r ...... ...
dennes district to spend their Clrst jci,nst, but ft !.irsB ,, ,,,. ! nl"iitlun lhat the Judge lu the
niLhl. ar,av from the Canfare whichi-c in 1,.. .., .,tt 1... i.. i original nniiulment suit mlsdlrectud
has sui i ounded them. I the rout., to Cor-, nay 'and Crescent " J,"r, "! '." 1"1"'rl """
tslts to tran.v and wtieri:inii , (iy 1,,- KV ,l( RoaeLurg.
niiRht be made later. It was said. Tl0 ni,.ury of the rnllroad from
Ithliiebinder's roiuisid who com
plained that Alice had not horn
placed on the witness stand and
Eugene Police In
Dissension Over .
Dismissing Cop
"m'lillNK. Nov. 10-(I'nlled Newa
Illiweiision bus arisen In the ranks
of the Kuwenii police department
over Ihu recent dlsuiUsa' of lel.
Announcement was niiule yester- boil Kiirrow, liaillc o'ru-er by Chief
day afternoon of thn lueotliig of the ' of I'ollio W. (i. Judklus fur lack
Dorcas Circle of Ilia I'resbylerlan of looiieiallon.
women's aiuiliary. which will uieol Chii t Jiulk-lns dlstulnseil Ihe of
tills afleriioou at the home oC Mm. 'fleer nfier he had refused to carry
Itoy'iaiiv. 0;' North Tuuili i tlitilx-rai down the. streel lor Ihe
""""I. puriHiso of lil.K-klng'ftff traffic while
me women win prepiue nrl 1. 1.. traffic sign vro being .olnled on
lliii slroels.
Kiinow Inslsied Hull It aa
Jolt for the atreel ll'i lin.'nt. Ho
i-efusril 10 reshiu. Mating lhat bo
wa subject to dismissal by the
city council only.
Tho oily couurll retused to lake
any action In Die mailer.
Texas Minister
May Be Indicted
On New Charges
AI'STIN. Truss. Nov. 10
It'nlied News) Investigation of al
leged sale of stork In Ihe Search-
, .. ............... , .v. 4ue 1. aisles n couiiiik 111 ioil- ' r " .ir..a .uui is musi las.maiiug ami ... . . -----
Beta phi sorority, of which Mr, taa City Thursday. The citv is ai:-- a,ro '-1 l"", ,1"'.,r noneymo:n ,,.n a sUWV ( ru0 between " 1 ' r" " ' """"" "' mm company, headed l.y Hr. J
Ctolidf.e !a a memler. They seren-' ready to show him lhat the people
Med Mrs. Coclldge with sorority are in ihe heart of America In fa
BonK- las well as geographically.
"I know xv ho yon girls are." Mrs. Enough reception committees to
near iho iram'd and Ihe ancient!,,,,, r,.,,,,,.,,,, f ha, ,.,. s,,,, i -mmtt- lo hoodwink Khlnelnuder Krniik Norrls. prcher. Is under
temples of Kgypt. railroad operators. I aLout her color. ( Way .(, ,t1l., tuy fr,
lecpolds farewell to the crowd I slx .,, , r.l(roJ was Mm""' x'i'n. ine aitorney., KtUlrn by tluy MtrMit.v.
in Palace t-lace was made late in ,,lrted hy the rliv of t!r..nis l';..s!for Mr"- blnelander. waxed bomb- vhu.f ulll, ,K. ,tMr , ,r,,.,
Coolidge said. "You are PI Phi crowd a ball park will he at the I ihe evening nfier a continuous ova-! ,, ,llo fjrw 10 m(ll., eiml ,n 1((,iistie lu his argument. I Attorney It. K. Hanger of Fori
rlrla. Your songs take me back -station to greet President C'oollde Hon durin t Iho late adernoou. He ' neighborhood of 4200.000. The' ' 1,0 ho h l1'1 ryM l.,'t hlln Worth.
thirty-five years." i when his party arrives at S o'clock 'stood on the balcony und waved llsl jilo ml of ,he 4.'mi. h iiuoi;. Swiuburii. "We are sur- Th) u.llrr i,, ,,!, h ,,
One man In the crowd of girls : in the morning. Ihis usselvd military cap to his sub-IS;15 completed by Towhy at a cost '' plaintiff "rney(,r.rtliry (lf ,ar ,rparimeut sliow-
outstTetched his hand and Mrs.
Coolidge shook M. asking:
"Are you a PI Phi. too?"
The man's face "lored with em-
The boomlnr salutes will beat objects, while Astrid. carrying
the tymiwnic membrane of his cars chids, aiiain acknowledged
when he steps oft the train, and cheers. '
when he walks through the station (
harassment and be ducked hackito the sidewalk where the taxicabs ! rji J 1 ff Wnmon
Into the crawl" After singing one hold forth the president will see allllul Ul II Ulllull
sorrg the girls presented Mrs. Coot- city rolled up in bunting and 1
tdge with a bouquet of flowers, streamers and thousands of flags.
Another cheer waa tent out when At 10 o'clock President Coolidge'
the train departed.
president and Mrs. Coolidge to
night enjoyed the latest morlsr
will leave his hotel to be escorted
to Kansas City's new war memorial, i
a colossal structure that cost two!
Grows Dramatic
In Murder Case ;
of uearly 4oe.U00. Tho road theu
stood a standard guage from Crams
Pass to Waters Creek.
Ilriilco Is ttcpnlrcil
did not conlend Hint Ihelr client ,na, NllrrU dl(, , , rr.
was color blind lustrad of brain
"Ithlnelander knew this girl for
The Uogue P.iver tridge was re- " f""?1""! j here January 10
.oastructed by lb. receiver, and ativ'""or "l h'r 1T-,J1J
inlt to sell sl.H-k in Iho company.
Norrls is umli-r Indletniciil oil
murder i-burges and will go to tiial
present the old Towby bridge, which
was badly constructed. Is being sup-
picture productions. The prcsi-, million dollars and precipitated an '
dent's car was converted line a : argument as :o whether it was '
mlaiature motion picture taealre. orth il or not tbat hasn't yet been '
and the executive couple. Secretary , sealed.
of ' War Davis. Secretary to l-e , The las time President Coolidge
SOMtl'.Vll.l.K. X. J., Xov. U.
Flourished In a dramatic gvs-
where he stopped with her he ob
served her day and night In the
. .. 1 , , .... 1. .. , 1. .. .1
planted by a new alrucluro across i "'" V '"' "...
deceive him he photographed her
I The remaining stretch of 75 tulles " "lu"' .....,,.,. u. ,.f
I (30.000.
LAKKVIKW, Nov. 10. ll'nlted
News I Following evpunslon of
he Centrul Drvgon Highway n-uio
tun- to lndlcine how woman's i mu" completed before the great .' hpr um ,,, ,, elation lo Include Lake county. 1.
throat inigltt liavo been cut, I If thai vast stret. h of rianc furnished the complete resolution was passed niklng lhat
rasor which the slat.- "" ' "l0 ''' Paa. an. .;'r. tlovemor-Klect 1. I.. Patterson set-
President Sanders, and the milltarr ' was here this spectacular structure Mr. l-:lrnor Mills was intrmluml
aides enjoyed the showing of t,. -. that stretches high over the bill- Wednesday Into the trial of Mr.
-., ; hoards and the electric signs was 1 France Meven Hull and brr
The president spent most of theionl5' cornerstone. He waa ice
dav resdlnr newsnaners and ao-1 President then and he laid that cor-
wa. oscl to n.o.iu.le the bo,ly of 1 , reK,u- tl WM declared
ias. uis". ur strains 1 as j resiuenis.
Il.-ceivrr In lltarfco
Since Ihe railroad has been taken
over l,y the receiver It has paid
(for the first time. It was learned.
1 brother.
The bullets which ended the lives
I The cars are hauling lime to con-
The appellate division gave no Pet one member of the stale hlgh-
Intlmutiou as to when It might an- wny coniiulsslnti from the district
nounco Us ruling on tho appeal. included In Ihe association.
- t waJ uprued by Ihe association
PUOCLAMATIOX HY THK MA.OIt. nal lhe ,. lloulu from
, r. n n.i.i.r.i Mavor of I "'-nd and K. P. Mahaffey was
Vint can get Duorol.l l iebiwear
1I10 kind 1b.1i U col 1011 tu-U to
ou; ho iiulslde. X scrsl.h,
waimlli will.. 111 'iglii, mi Klnin
nil. k Lulling Kouiiuiiiy, ICvriuslrts
Mgeltr) .
IV America's E
Finest f
IMbII KV for copy of
ZZZ new Oh Htnry! recipe
SSS book ihowlnff St X I V
Znrw rccipca. Write
vJL"m tinrtne ih few sions ? be Is to dedicate It. After the dedt ' Dr. Edward Wheeler Hall four year ' "'l''. 'h- . .! ' Ih.'cuy of FwW Oregon. I named a. the a..,c,...on'. choice.
n- ' , . . ... . m.pii iron, mere into ine cem- l.v vlrtn .if l:i autnoriir in mo This m.-lli.n was laken at a nieef.
.oc.c. wnico are 10 oe ago. ranieu on me witness awoai , wm.k. , .... , .... r .. : s4. iled in . . . . .7 . .. ....
..... ...n..- . . nig 01 ine assoeinnon nero satur-
that were made
' 1
and talked with President and Mrs.
I A rous'ne reception was given
te largest garnering to. meei ! ' ".V , .. . . ' w v.. I fact 1: re. Lumber In vast quantities the office of the Police Juogo 01
party was at Columbus, Ohio. ; .... " ""'i'1'?' . . 'In the Waters Creek section, wood'"" :'" 'K".,m..,,.,h ": ,.'r"f.0.0J
conAtnr will lit and CcneTesa- uuii i -una uv a master biiuwihjui, at-uniu; on jiy is, tnriutu
of ' Ohto boarded the ' "PP "ours before. Both . Simpson, the sprightly, diminutive j 'r bnlldln. " household purpose, providing for Ihe manner
s pea. its 01 unio. ooaraeo ine .,. ..., . ! F ... and farm products are brought out ... ..uui. i- .1,,. i n. ..r Kinm.
during Its ten minute stop. '-- r y " " prosecutor, prouuee.. n. mummt ,-.,., ai. i, ,h v,i i".'v .... "U.' .7. ... i,..1..Tiv-
12 n r ;ia nKwriant anrf nm. kiwi. 1 .. . . ..,.. r..,n .... - a ran., . . . .- ,t, . " -
day night.
promise had to be effected
I wards the accused widow and her 1 me inucueon. to wnich ev- brothers. Henry and "Willie Mtev-
'ley at a profit to tho producers as and referendum powers reserved to!
tk. m..i Rirhmond Ind. ' elTbody ln town- incidentally, has ens. to see what effect his maneuver
c.i h.,d..J neonle raihered I """""s Ior an invitation, had u
upon them.
Mrs. Hall Indifferent
. ,,. h. h. ,,DMred uioiuouho inp across ine .mis-: The stoic calm, almost innuter-
t?.VL L. T,,! aPPearedS0..rl river into Kansas City. Kas. ence. which ha. characterised the
on the rear platform.
well aa the railroad company.
1 the legal voters of munlclpalllle
LOCAL MEN fcHUWN ' .will entrain for Washington.
At 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon attitude of Mrs. Hall from the start.
j President .Coolidge and bis party : was unmoved.
trVmtlBnro' tram lae One)
Archaeologist Is
Sure Widow King
Tut Would Marrv
The witness. Arthur Smith, smil
ed as he drew the open razor across
his throat, at Simpson's request. :o
demonstrate how it might have been
bandied to inflict the gaping wound
upon Mrs. Mills.
Spectators gasped uneasily In the
1 still, crowded little courtroom.
I But the defendanta sat calmly
ward, constituted the first stop of
Importance on the tour. At this
point, as at all others, Russell, fully
cognisant with every detail ot the
his- vards. exnlalned interesting tea-
tares connected with the construe j
tlon and operation 01 ine units. ;.r - .-,1.1
. strocturv In Evidence .7ll.Z ,7- ... uito have belonged to the slain pas-
The business men. most of whom ur"" " " . r"aa tor. although a maid of tho Hall
rmrirji vrt- .a .t-.i..j
-.. .,,. " with no change of expression.
Mwai An incipient romance of- .. ... . . , . ,,
. .... Identification ts Fa lure
i -.wvv ia sbo, a proposal
The raior was alleged by the state
bad not previously been on the site been revealed by K. H. von j notlsenold the la wne, of ,he
ot the terminal, were unanimous m Oston of the oriental Institute , Ay fae(I t0 tltf,aU(y ,t to senator
tkeir expression, of surprise at the!"' the l Diversity of Chicago, who, slmpson-, Batlsfactlon.
many atructure. to be found in the!18 Te fro,m ot H Cpon the testimony of this maid,
yards. Where a few weeks ago the:fVI"ng among hurled HiUita clt- M5 Barbara Touf:h. th0 prosecutor
yards were very much in the rough, les of Asia Minor. ! laid great stress, causing her to de-
witli only a couple of steam shoveli According to the archaeloglst. Utejtall the moremenu o M. Hall
and a dirt train In operation, there I Egyptian queen offered herself aslduI.n(, the nou fonownK th,
are now large buildings, carefully i a bridal prospect to a H:ttite king. I doubic murder until she was for
plaaned and located for maximum 1 asking him if he bad a. son eligl-jmaly apprIse(1 (hat bt.T husband's
efficiency, scattered throughout the ! ble to marry her. The answer was ! dead bodjr had trf,en found
vards I not uneannea .rom ine ruins oi i
Arriving at the roundhonse, Uus-'Asia Minor,
sell gave hla guests a ride on the
monster electric turntable recently I MflTlOX I'lfTl KK WORKERS
placed In operation. It was also h DEMAND I'.VIOX KECOfJ.MTlOX
strprlse to the visitors to sec the!
many lines of track through the LOS ANflELES. Nov. 10.
local yards. Where the main lino! (United News) Official reply to of tne murdered woman, at which
formerly branched into a half dozen demand for unionization of motion 'he had been present. To Ihe an
swltching tracks, the entire ter-l picture studios, submitted to film noyance of the prosecutor he had
initial is now covered with a network executives Tuesday by The Studio 1 testified that he saw the larynx' or
of heavy-duty rails offering switch-1 Mechanics' Alliance, will await re-'at least did not remark lis absence
Ing and storage facilities for freight L i, Angeles of Fred Eeet-j Ihe slit throat of the choir
and passenger trains far more num- iin ...,,.- , ,h 'singer.
"(live me those bullets," said
Senator Simpson suddenly, turning
to his assistants.
Bullets Exhibited
As for the bullets, Dr. smith
toyed with them on the witness
stand before the Jury's eyes, and
partially Identified them.
The witness had bees questioned
regarding an autopsy upon the body
erona than those operating through
here at present.
Roundhouse Interesting;
The (300.000 roundhouse, said to
be one of the best between Sac
ramento and Portland, created con
siderable Interest among the busi
ness men. This Is the largest build
ing at the terminal, and is of mas-
j son, secretary-treasurer of the aa-j
Isoclation of motion picture pro-1
j ducers.
The ultimatum was presented
Three tiny, misshapen pellets of
some time ago to Will Hays in New )ead were roUed from an enTone
York by a special committee of into the glare of a lamp on the wlt-
the American Federation of Labor I ness stand.
and demanded. It Is understood. Jh-fenso Scores Point
lhe eatahlishment in motion, pic-! vigorous objections by the de
SAI.EM. Nov. 10 (Vnlted News I
Th. r,..t .h,.t .i, ,......,'.. f,.Jhy Section 1 and Section 1 la) I Tho Oregon Inheritance tax was
vorable to the city of Grants Pas "JLAr.iJf,' 'Y iVreoTi. 4 .n'Vo'enact i ,IC,,' " ","1"'"01""
may have , great deal to do with 'anlen.?' ZT "raiinWlpa? char' ! ""'".on Handed down in .he state
tho final construction ot tho SU-.t,,rs reserve.) to logal voters of supreme court hero Tuesday,
mile road which will nieau -o nm-h, cities and towns hy Section 2 of J In tiiv casu of Fred W. llrnnn.
lo the state. Grants Pass residoatai Article XI of the Constitution of .administrator of lbs eslnte of Mary
,u' l?t p ...ere, . 1 v:rTi:n::osZti ..
Hrlleve.1 I. P. Intcrctcl du,y tljoptl by lh C4ly , n. Kay. stale treasurer, an opinion
Just who Clark Is, and what . Klamath Falls. Oregon, and refer- by Justice Ileli. declared that n
powers are behind him. has not yt ; red lo the people by the. reform- i ,,,., Uuly hl.,lrr an ,,, t.lx
been learned. Some are of the opin- j dum process, received the requls-
t. .. , ... 'it malorltv vote, to-wit: 1S7S. ihe r Inheritance tax. Is not a direct
Northern linM lhat desire a loon ! negative vote, or the vote against I tax upon lhe property, but a charge!
line through all of aouthern Ore- j h "m ' 'i ' 1 "i L?t . . 0r " whU'h ,ho mBkM Up"n
- tna riarnt fit nr In riH-nivii
to your health. Eptom
Salts n still the best
Physic take it in small
flavored tablets.
A I ymw 4rvtgtM, lit
The Knight LtboiateiKS,
,on. entering through Klamath ! .j,.,i n,. .,.i.. ih rn.
Falls, through to Medford. Grants ( Klamath Falls. Oregon, and 1 ; property on Ihe death of tho owner,
Pass and out to a port such as! do hereby proclaim tho same as'
Crescent City, which will be in easy, having been adopted: and
contact with coastal points of south- ' 0 "ereby further proclnlrn
,i,fc i.., 'hat Ordinance Number "IS, dul
ern Oregon through the magnificent I adl)m.d , (hn Q o K!an)alh
Roosevelt highway, which will be r-a,Si Oregon, and referred to the
completed within the year by the I people by tho reforendum prows,
state highway department. I received Iho requisite majority
Portland papers during the past I vote, to-wit: 1S79. tho negative
.. . .i ....t..M I vote, or the veto against the same
ees. na.o uiiuabvu ..... numnuu , - .... . , , , . . i , , . , .
of the purchase of the i short line , nam th(,r(.ly bK.ame an1 mim
out of Grants Pass by the Northern a(,oplwJ by , ,, a, (.y I)oD.( mim t(le ,g ar(;a)n Furn.
lines as a great step toward opon-f Klamath Fall. Oregon, and 1 : turo Kalu at our store Saturday.
Ing tho last remote section ol ore-1 do hereby proclaim the sumo us
According to officlnla of tho
Klamath county cbnmlrer of com
merce, tho office will be closed In
day, Armistice Day. ln accordance
vote, or tho voto against the same ! with tho proclamation Issued by Iho
having been adopted; und
I do hereby further proclaim
that the proposed amendment to
Section 13 of the Charier of
PRO.RI FnVK AT FORUM K-lamath Falls, Oregon, providing t ruivuiu (w (ho lnrrwlKn) of ,h), tax
(Conflnned from Page One)
from one-fourth ( ) of a mill to
two (2) mills upon oach dollar of
the assessed valuation of the tax
able pnrperty of said city, for pub
lic library purpose, duly carried,
the vote for the adoption of said
ifor an additional tax for tho city
srvs proportions to accommodate ine I ,. , . . . . ... rense rinall v- resulted In the witness
largest engines on the system. Lx-,, t . . ! savinir that hil the .,n..r m ... L, ; library, to cover salaries, 'book
cept for the roof, this structure is ,Qn nours- nn,OB was aEa un,on : he the bu let, he had Taken from - money, put mm on ne. , and ,he ,k dl , Toto
virtually completed, although ..v ! ' overtime. 1 h11b" n! he .,2?. iJS w I!" the adoption of said measure
.r.i ...k. will h rennlreH in .d. " . J:" " .m is noi en.i.-a, out tiiey m usi. inrougn being 1570. and Ihe vole against
l.-r.f-vn fil li otvi- iii-t , "ot certain. i Hiii-h a bnrtv ss Hie rhsniher of mm.
just insldo details, including lntn- Then came thn razor, and Senator I , .v..,
"sllp-sliod" ways of the group beforo
tho groip was perfected.
An Interesting dincusslon of work
to be accomplished In southern Ore- i proposed amendment being 1BD1,
gon was given by W'llford Allen, land the vote against tho adoption
president of the Oregon reclamation j"' ""id Proposed amendment being
. t . i. ,.AH .,ii., 1016, and I do herehy proclaim the
congress, and for five ears editor propolM.d char,ir mBIldnlel
of the Grants lass Courier. a, bHrng foiMi adopted: and
Allen spoke of land settlement is 1 ,)0 hereby f urthor proclaim
the Initial step of the reclamation , that tho measure for a tax levy
congress' work in obtaining men J for the maintenance of the city
for the land public library, dnly carreld, the vole
"Wheu the structure i biillded. iho adopllon of said
,k ,. , . . . .,, ! being 1"2, end the vote against
the work is not half done." Allen, , ;dpllon , ,ald propoH1,d m,.
remarked. "We musl fill In and aro Mag ,I39 and , do b.r,y
work with those men that we bring , proclaim the same as having boeu
to southern Oregon thut they mayiadopted and carried; and
pass through thu rnosl trying days I do hereby further proclaim
In a new country, and be satisfied. I that "e measure for a lax hrry
When realtors sell to their man and
cate electric wiring.
Before returning from the yards, I
vhnrn thnv snpnt nver an hour tne!
. r
uase ior me aciensc, leaped to in and his work and help him bo a
10. (United ' u"JBC""ns "" success, as one of the community.
or . TTT c- -
-J'... . , ..... ..V. . A V. I V. Ul WW . ....
visitor, inspected the Sixth street New,)A man who labored nesr-j . " ' 'if "wT
" i vriauta nan I -a I : J UVm I U ( niuiu hi
viaduct which in rapidly taking . ly a lifetime in a vain search fori
iZ',h?tur,.rrmenTtbl.ngU!n-:80ld "d, ,"7?, VOm"- 'United ! Klamath on its prosp ' TZ 3. reived"',
ance tho business men got an in-, upon a lode of fabu ous wealth! Newsi Xoel n. Mark" lonl. . . ........ 'nr vm u. h.
l,V,l?C,'lZ be'n "r,rken by d,,ath i'ottA with traffic, accounting j between the Me.lford and Grants ! that those receiving the .high
eratlon of a railroad terminal that ., h. h...n . ... ., i ,. ,,. ...... .. .In... . .u.. ...jest number of voles lu each cast
will stand them In good stead,.sev- . ..." ' , n ......... ... , . .m, '"i". """" "" ""wore tho referendum mid other
eral members of the party declared : n rlchc9' ! cral railroads. Tuesday became traf- "hoped that all sections of southern mealfUTel, m(i nd .urred.
later. ' Charles "Rcarface" Tlrown. who fir, publlclly and advertising mnri-l Oregon could work In unity In the T1)at ,hB ,,a(, mnumrPa having
discovered the lost lode of (he fam-inger of the Pacific Air Transport ' nar '"lure, and that realtors from received a majority of all the votes
Voii ran get l!uofo, I nderivenr oils old Third Reach mine near : company's air mail line from Heal-!,h" """'d "on be meeting Injeast at snid electbm, and It nppenr-
lhe kind thai is cotton next to .Voln,., A.lska, di(,rt on the stcam. .., ,,,, !.,,, , Un A ,. ' "- 'Miowshlp. ""'VJ" ' "ch votes
-ou; w.wl outsbtr. Xo scratch,' r Vi.....,i. It... .h .. ' , K . nu , T. P. Ileudorson of the Klumath i "'at they received a majority of
warmth without wi,,, , K-in.,fr yit"rla- the "c'. re- eles. according to un announce-, Oenlopmet.l eompa ny, and a mem- "I"'"'"' v0 ' Mayr
alh Klotblng Koniimiiv. Exclusive i turning to Seattle, was three days ment from Verne C. (iorst, presl- b,.r nf the Kinmoti. n-aiis re.iiv "'orosnld, hereby proclnlrn that
. . (lent nf the rnmpnny. rd Pr" led "?Vhn InnrnTT- j,?H ImvoTcu ."y" ado,'!1.", (""l" e"
tho adoption of said meusure being
1078, and I do herehy proclaim
toe same as having been adopted
and carried.
I, (ho Mayor, hereby further
proclaim tbat the said proposed
referendum measures, amendments
and the like, aa heretnonforo llst-
the requisite number
hereinbefore mentioned,
Main Su
Home Hundy Co.. loll
LONDON. Nov. . (Cnld-d
News I Flals ore becoming . so
smull that the l.ondon city council
has ordered baby carriagu garages
orected In connection with lis new
est apartment buildings. Ten
cents a week Is charged for eacii
We are pleased lo anoouae
that we aru caught up with
our ordor. so lhat we are
making Immediate, deliveries
on ull kinds of fuel,
Is III Hi per Ion, I 00 cheap
er than laat year. This price.
Is on the best coal obtainable.
Rock bprlnga and Utah mine..
Order groro slabs, they dry
In a few days of good weather
aud tho priro la away dona.
Phono In Your Orders
Peyton & Co.
"Wood to burn" "
601 Main Ht. Phono OSS
azo mMA
IHTMEUT ' S;iV', 4 f
osilivo In Aaikm V-'.'. , ym
s Immediately to taka AjiSi
i Inflammation and - iSSvl
II dwelling. Tho first l
on brings QrCMI Rtliel. , (fia
m Itching Instantly and ijf
Itelicvos Irritation.
Revere tost. In of long stsndlng have proved that PA7)
OINTMENT can be dopended upon with absolute certainty to Stop
any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
Recommended by Physicians and Druggists in United States and
Foreign Countrios. 1
PAZO OINTMENT In tubes with Pile Pipe Attachment, 75c
and In tin boxes 60c Tho circular enclosed with each tube and box
contains facts about Piles which everybody should know.
PARIS MKUICIMK CO., Bmumont and Pins Strtsta, 81. Louis. Mo.
. Sfi'nct