THE KLAMATH NEWS Huston Has Purs i wno amvc lor Higher Honors i NliW VOUK, Nov. lu. I I'lilted News) - II tiiicur 1 hut llnatoii, oucu I In- liomo u T III" world' Ki'i'iii -cut linarywelKlil (if nil time, now ha two big li'llwi, eltbor ol whom may eventually sttcrerd to Ilia rliiunuloiialilu w VUli . John L. rlulllvnn un ull Ilia areoii Inwn Mtulil thi) lunitiiulliis tit MUabuilpl Illy. . i, . i When. Jui k Hhin key knocked ull i llm rliiituilnnahli uilrallnii oul of llnny Will, at Ktilictt' field on 'oliiiiihii I my, liu wan acknowledged na a likely contender fur Die liruvywclaht title, onto ilny, provided ha iniiittv friimili with Tex Uliknnl. Hlmrkoy, , u I.lihiiuiilnn with nu uhiiriiiiiiiiiu ulilo iiiiiiin, naked to lie mlli'd I ho "New llonlun HI roll Hoy" ami burled ddlutice ut tieno Tuiinry. Hut before Khnrkoy convince ua that he In Indeed the '.Sow llonlim Htronx Hoy" ami a worthy aiu'remiiir to the nne niw I only John I,., hn mum dlnpoau Ilia follow-townamuu, Jimmy Muloney. Tlio Inner prov- ed III worth Irntt week when he ! f, t with the I'aclllc coant Intvrcol knorked out Arturo Do Kuh In two I legUto conference. round during a heavyweight Mhow nt Mudliion Htiuuro Oatdeu. The niHtinrr of Mnlouey' vhli.ry left ti'i doubt ui. lo lil ability. llonton, once thn hntiin of great rightera. now hIkkiI.I find nut which of theD two yoilligater la the greater and keud him ateadllyj ahead on the road to (he heavy- weight chiimploimhlp. . Kharkey anil Maloney huve fouglij , three time according lo the record, booki. Muloney won the derMon ! In a ten round encounter In 1921.; llu lout to Khurkey on a foul In i nine roiuiita on June i 1925, ami i wna outpointed by the l.lthiinnliui : Her. II. in:'.. In a ten round hunt. During one of theno nrrulra. hou-: ever, Muloney canned Hhnrkey to ' klsa the i.iiivhk no fewer thnn ev.u 1 tlmea. i The way Muloney went to Vmk on lie Kuh the other ulaht Imprc-! ed the cperl Ho got In clu' j and rinttetied' the over-ruled Itul-j Inn eight tlmea la-fuiw' t be roferrwi WlK'-ly atopped the , nlllUKllter. He! Kuh, of roiirae, la ked ..xperienev nnd had bnn nulled along fnat. Hut he hnd nin.lQ a fair how Ing agitjMt-omB" noconifral-1 era aud Miiluiiey'a victory ahoul.l not bo dlacounlcd too heavily. Hharkey made an excellent nhow-l lug agaliial .Vk'lll. ;ilu Hibdii.-d the' rratwhlle Htnik I'aiither before llm; 'negro look tfru ..ady aay opt and: fouled. , RUMORS IN BAY CITY FORECAST ROAD DOOM (Contlnard From Page One) thnt while thn matter had been ill" cuaaed for the Inat six years, "a workable plun for consolidation hai not yet been developed and prob ably aomo amendment of the trans portation net will be necasaary be fore anything ileflnllu can be nc cnm'pllrihed." "I'eraonully I have always been Ir. fnvor of a greater unlllrntlnu of the three roada, believing that such uni fication will niuko of them a rail road ayatem Hint will In- of greater service to the growing weal und northwest than la thn prraeiit nr rangement. and will in time pro duce ssvlnga thnt would' he very helpful lo the Important part of tho Cnltcd Stales served by tlleae rnllronda and nlao the owners of Ibo securities lu this section," Kl llott an lil. "No onn can any today what the position of tho liitcraluto commerce ronimlaalon la nor how rapidly nuy greater utilflnitloa than vxl.tts todiiv can bo made effective." The hospital with Hie peaceful Home Atmoahero la 'the way pa tients dealguntii Klamath Valley Hoapttiil. Our Te-ciK;iiijt prixrc"s Rives Allvrs Minit Oats a delicious, nut-like llavor; a tonsty taste that's new! Hjveynu tried it? ' "Alhrriiinnilinr Writer Urrnliom" - rr i s feathered BONNET SHOT OFF i HEAD BY HUNTER Mllthl.DTOU X, l oiiii., Nov. IO,-Mi'N. IIiiju'I litriii'llNM'ii ir liilnl In wiwir her twvt tVitili hut hIicii nhi unit lo call oil u fi-Jrinl who 1 1 veil ftliorl tlUluiico ilown m country runt). ul.. ..I. I.-If ,.,.. when a hunter row out of Itie I.ruali ami rtrltc.lly initlc.l ImiiIi tmrri'U nt the feather. "IHiked , , . luat llko n p'irtrlilic nuriiiii,' wna liU nMiloK'. .ll tlio tudy lout una tier lint. Coast League to Have 27 Weeks of Ball Next Season . I'OIITI.ANII. Nov. in. (Cnltcd New) IteHi'lllllllIK their previous action, director of tho ruelllr Coaiit ImNehnll leaguo In Demtlon here yoterday voted In fiivor of a 27-week achedulx fur next year, and at the mime lime derided In open th. eni.on on., week earlier unil clone two week eurller. Tho enrllnr opening and cIohIiik (lute wan selected to avoid con Kollowlng nro the aerie decided upon for Hie flrat four week: March 29 Portlund nt Him Fran- claco. Healtle at I-o" Angele; Ml alon 'nt Oakland, and (lywooj ' at Hacriimeulo. April 6 I'ortland nt Oukland. Seattle at Kacranieuto; l.o Augt le nt Hollywood, and Han Fran claco at Mlaalon. April 12-Hollywood at Port land: Mlaalon at Seattle; Suera memo ut Sun Fraucl-co, und Ouk lund at l.o AnRelea. April 19 Mlaalon at Portland: Hollywood at Seattle: Rnrramento ut l.oa Angele and Ouklund nt S.m Franclaco. The new BcbedulD waa a com iromlao iM-tween propuanls for opening the aeuaon earlier. l:l.l:-i l.i l li l It HltllxiKPOltT. Conn.. Nov. 10. i United Newal The election acaudal here conrerna the r:-pori I that un enthualaatlc worker. umitiU'i to find Nlcholun Tuzzto'a fat her. 1 'ool.ook Nlcholna. a 2 2-veil r old deM ! miiln lo the polls and voted hliu I under llm parent's name. Tuiilo waa unsaaro of the fraud. F 1 N E R , FASTER SERVICE E A new schedule forthcworKl-famousSan Francisco Oitrlnnd Liinifrii.63 hours be tween San Francisco anJ Chicago. Even fincrscrvice on this transcontinental aris tocrat, surpassing any present passenfjer service across the continent. Evening departure from San Francisco and early morning arrival in Chicago, connecting with fast trains east. Seven hours later departure, yet the same ar- rival in New York as now. Luxurious travel accommodations in clude club and observation cars, shower baths; new-type Pullmans with perma nent partition sections. Overland Lim Beattteamel Ovarlana OalflCeast 6:00 9:25 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 1 W0 110 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:)5p.m. 7:40 p.m. 90 a.m. (DVeii mA Hi milled : Over the Direct OVERLAND ROUTE, Lake Tahoe Line ' Southern Tacific Union Pacific Chicago & North Wetenv J. .1. Mil. I I'll Ulat. t-Tt. Vain. Agt. Ill) N". Hill SI. Sptaupfe Included In Code Of Big University : NKW VOUK. Nov. in. (United New., -The i:lu,r.lty f Illlnol.. , , ,, ,.,, hunt to Ihu I'nlverslly of I'ciinnyl- over In come lo tint attention of km la In una of Halurday'a big human society official. A war Inleriuietloual fnothall corneal, baa I"' Issued for tha arrest announced Ha codo of noruman-i - '"v- ' j Whlln t tin limit of conflict and Ihu liinvliulilo desire to win oe-l ,.fiMl,..ti.lli. i.n..Iii. I ........ ...ll.l dlecl.llno. tha cod.. 'of the mini la observed ut I rlmnj. and TnlKlit lie copied by many ItiatKullnns to tl'elr linmeilltite linjirovem.-nt. The rod.) la uunereitiiarll verf linHe. hut with fnfitli.'ill u iinr.meh. I Ing the rtuy of big gam.-a ,!'" 'enf;to(hcr treatmsnj of child rah!d rurtlaumihlp. It la worth peutlng: 1, I uceejit tlie pnijalllon that niy ath!etic opjioiienta aro my gllevl.i. 1 will alwnv cheer Ihu arrival vi the oppoalng l.-um upon the field, reward by applauae an i opponent who make a good tiuyi mill keep allcnt when un opponent la pcnallt. .1. j i win never doriiiu any o flclul of tha Mine; neliher will 1 rldlculu an optiouent or hi couch or ahout dlcuurtooua and brutal rcinurkK, 3. I will not cheer any mem ber of thn homo team w!ii 1 tuk en out of the game for uuaporta manllko rondm-t nor manlfeet nj prqval of vlclnunnaaa. brutality, un- noreaaory roughuena or unfair trick ery. 4. I never will nllow a beaten tenm to leave the home cr foreign field without an hnmut cheer for It pluck. ft. I do not believe, that It I good portjiinauahip to haras an opponent by ahout Ing, whiatling. hlalng or booing when be I call ing algniil or attempting lo com plete any art of aklll. A, I do not believe I am being fulr when I give my rheer enly to tho ninn who profit moat from the bird work of others, realizing that'Kooo American cltlzcna abould e a halfback miial have goid Inter-: PT n'1 honor the memory of our lorenco and a alrong line. sacred dead." 7. I will alway. cheer nn op- With this end in view, a simple poncnt who has been hurt In the giime. There are a couple clause tu the IIIIiioIh .if nther rode liut I hey are repetllou-. Tho Idea be-' hind the rode li good. Certainly tte llllnl tnke the d'ltlea of their: cheering sc-llon serlounly. lluy Furniture at your own price i mn I l...r,l i-ri-.l t tit ..MP Aelltlun 1 8lllw saiurdav. Klnmatli Homo , Sup - I ply ( o.. lull Mum t. ited diningcarscrvice. Skilled.courteoua personnel. Barber, valet, ladies maid. To provide this service, nominal extra fares, $10 to Chicago; $8 to Omaha; $5 to Ogdcn. Also thenew Gold CoiWtLimitcdbcrwcen San Francisco and Chicago daily starting November 14. No extra fare, yet com parable to the finest. Pullman to Salt Lake City. Please reserve space as far in advance as possible. Convenient local service con necting with these new trains. Note these schedules, effective November 14. . OrarUassI 9:10 a.m. 5:40 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:35 a-m. 8:25 a.m. 8:10 p.m. tv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Pan Franclaco Sacramento Ogdcn Sail UU City Omaha Chicago Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ar. Lv. San Francisco l ('iillfornln Kt'ult llblg., Hnrriiinento I'bone Main '.t,1 (181 Thursday, Nov. 11, 1920 CHILD IS TREATED I IN BRUTAL MANNER - roilTI.AND, Nov. 10. (I'nited -Dorothy Ti lfirteili r, a tin four yearn. wa In the bns- liltnl hero toduy suffering from ImpHa tanrf l.ritlii. I .if I l... uil .1 .1 ".' " V "u u Larroll, lh child'; stepmotner. The condition learned "when a of probatlun officer vlaltod tbu kome. as tha baby had hi.dn lUfuf ka a -...... .. t.. lowing teiwratlon of It. father and mother. ..Hrulaot and burna ara thick on the child' body,. Her ye were blackened and ou,iH Hp cut It waa rtpyrled thaf Mr. Car roll hnd .becn In dlfflAiffy before iru, -:w I',,' i Mother Kills Two Children; Slashes Husband. Suicides I.ITHKIt, Iowa, Nor. 10. (lollr.l New-) 1-ellu.rgy which he r ulil not aliake off brought il.ulli U iNln.-a.Uy lo tlirei- nu-ni. Im-i-s of the family of Prank Clark, and aerioua Injuries lo tlio Oder two. . While be doled after watching Ma wife during tha'V-arly part of Tuetilny night. Mm. :'yrank .Clark, 37. killed two of bef'1 three child ren with a razor, eluahed nor bus band and the olher child, and com mitted aulclde by drinking poison. Her pocullar action bad aroused Clark auapletona, and" be had de termined to remain awake all night. After midnight, ..bowerer. he fell aaleep In hi chair and Mrs. Clark, with Insane running, seized the j razor, slaahed him and went after . the children. SKKVICK , fJrV It KM EM UK A XCK The mayor In his Annlstib Pro clamation ey: "It la fitting and proper that all aervice ol icemenkorance will oe , held In the Episcopal church on Ibe morning of ArmlHtice Iay at ! 11:0" a. m. and concluding before 12:1)0 m. Mrs.. Marjorie Olds will; sing "Tho Kei-eastonal." The rec-, tor will lead tho devotions and the) address will be exceedingly simple and abort. Kl.ltllTII VAI.l.KY 1IIIM11A1. 1 Vou'll fiud our prices right, our ronm-. cheerful and light. ' A S T (So OaMCaaat ' : 10 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 1 2:05 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 1 o:J0p.m. not Mfluxlnork llblg. Market Ht. .Han Francisco Phone Sutler 7N1 Minor Leaguer is Drawn as Manager of Pirate Team NKW VOi;::, Nor. 10. '1'nlted New) Tho Cuba went to the mln-j or for a manager lat year and draw a cracker-Jack. Tba Pirate will try out the aame thine la. 127. Handling a major leaiina ball, tha child waaidub t. no new thine o "Donla", j nuh. fur tha saw and aerannv man ager elected by Barney Dreyfua to I l""1 'he Buc'ner w" "c1bo' fore In a similar role at Washing ton. Owen 1. Bush, to give tha pep pery Indianapolis youth, bla full name, also waa a big league abort- stop and lead off man for the be-; trolt Tlgera for many years. j Since bis release by Clark Crlf-, flth after tba 192S season, however,! Bush haa been known aa a mlnur. league manager In bis own home town, and a successful one at that.; Pew figured blm when the Pir- tea were groping around for a new pilot, but 'w doubt bis ability to do the Pittsburgh ball club a lot of good. There will be a contrast between the way Bush bandies the Corsairs and the method of Bill Mc Kecbnle. "Donle" la Inclined to swing on " the offending player'a Jow first and remonstrate after wards. His way mar have a salu tary effect upon the Pirates. - Bush baa a one-year contract. He Is going In with carte blanche from Dreyfus to see what he can make pf the club. It la make good, or get out. INJIKIKS FATAL ASTORIA, Nor. . 10. (United News) Injuries he received when the automobile In which he was riding waa struck by an S. P. and 8. train proved fatal late last night to William F. McGregor. 67, presi dent of the First Natloanl bank and of the Astoria Bog company. Kid PRICES: Tickets On Fl.l'K KIRK NK.JI.Killll.K 1 A flue fire In the Eleventh atreet realdence of Horace Manning, re sulted In a quick run for the local flra department about nine-thirty laat night. DauiMKe waa aald to be negllglhle. SANITARY MARKET CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY We close 7 p. m. Every Saturday Night BENEFIT SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION "Tomorrew as another day." Vea, but will it Py jroa interest on your lavestsnent of today? MAKK IT CEKTAJN 3e ved Daily Will Ketara to Tow ONE THOl RAXD UOLAARe) la 130 MONTHS "BEOUK TODAY THE BENEFIT WAY" For further parUcnlara are: MRS. L. B. HAGUE 210 WUllta HulUling Phone 227 Klsunatta Falla, Oregon S C HU B E RT'S GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE I have had years, of experience) with complicated , machine such aa CASH REGISTERS, TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES, GUNS, FIREARMS, SAFES, LOCKS. When in need of such service simply call on the GENERAL REPAIR SERVICE ; . -(.id ret easy. CARL SCHUBERT. JR. Klamath Ave., No. 520, TODAY'S FIGHT CARD Armistice P. M. 2l30 Sharp Vets Memorial BIdg. 4th and Klamath MAIN EVENT- -10 Rounds Joe Coffman Starkey vs. 6 Rounds Semi-Windup Wilbur Harrington vs. Dummy Poole 4 Round Special; ' v Kid McFadden vs. Mike Daly 4 Round Preliminary Surprise l $3.30 Ringside $2.20 Reserved Sale: Waldorf, Mecca,. Rex. Elks' x Al Fldler's. Pelican City. 900 GOOD SEATS AND GOOD AIR Fight Fans Aro Cordially . Invited to Bring Their Wives. 8th ANNUAL Armistice Celebration Dance Thursday Friday Saturday Shorty Speers' 9-Piece Syncopaters Band . ... Fun and Frolic Everybody Come AMERICAN LEGION HALL Page Fivo KOD.1K .BK7rl0 OARM , for 120-11 ilia prlata lOe Ifle with rtirrtvpm STINSON STUDIO ' Tt7 Main A Between 6th and 6th, J - 1 ! $1.50 Gen. Adm. - Club, and