The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 11, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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The Klamath New
If your ropy ol TUB NKWR duo
at arrlvo by 11:00 a. to., phone aV7T
am copy of paper wUl ba seat.
The Klamath News
Official Paper County ;
of Klamath
t7niW Ntu and United Press Telegraph Services
Vol. 3, No. 277r- . Price Flvo Cuntu
(Every Morning Except Monday)
"-' - ' . :
S. P. May Abandon The Modoc Northern Line
Rumors in
Bay City
Rail Doom
t c e v .
DlVltlOn Of ButinetS
tir:u kt it i
is Given a. Reason for
Rumored Action
(Special) Rumors in rail
road circles here today were
to the effect that tho South- i
crn Pacific will abandon all!
plan for the construction of
the Modoc Northern railway
if the Northern lines are al-
lowcd to enter Klamath Fulls.;
WtalU lb tlolncnl coultl bn
lrced to no one 8oullirn Pclf.-
iifflrlnl, the Informmtliin la twlltieil
to nave loaKrd out ol rnnruri'nt'o
01 railway neaua. iiraiuiia lur inn
reported plan to abandon the pro-
poaed All lima lino were aald to lie
because entrant of tha Northern 1
llm Into the soul horn Oregon basin i
would roauli In a division of tliu i
business In the country to be tap
pod by the ahortllne. "h" l,n " ""' weed concern. H. Ixiverctle. president of ine iea-0r.
Work wna to liavo utnrted on i " w" revealed. Is to lug Into the ford realty bonnl, who wna tho In-i Tho outstanding event of the af
Ihe Una from Klamath Fulls to' Klanmlli river nrnt.Kcno And float' Itlnl speaker jil .tUe luncheon. : ttrnoon, in addiJf to the -io;i.
Alturas, to be knuVn as the .Mo.loo :
Northern, early nunl year, according
to previous unofficial reports. t
waa this project which was slated
to 'Cirlng 'railroad development in
Klumulli county and southern Ore
gon lo a peak of unpreredentnl
proport Ions.
Tho News will hnvo Important il"
veloiiments to publish ill relation
to this announcement, later In the
week, aa a representative of this
pnper Is now making a thorough
llcnuil liy Klllott
KKW VOHK. Nnv inf,.ii,.H!
News) Consolidation of tho lirent
Northern. Northern Pacific and llur-
llngton railroad system will not bej
a oeveiopmeni or tne near future,
according to Howard Klllott. chair
man nf tho board of tho Northern
Discussing revived Interest In the
long considered plan for merging
tho Ihreo roads. Klllott said today
(Continue), on Ie Five)
Cattlemen Plan
Roundup at S. F.
December 10-11
Dates have been sot and arrange
ments launched for (he annual
roundup" of tho California Calllu
men'a association In Kan Francisco,
and s number ot mom hers In Klam
ath county are now planning to i
taito in the b'.g ovent.
This In according fo J. W. Hunt,
local reprosonttillvo for tho associa
tion, who yosterday rocolvcd cards
and literature, advising him ot ths
roundup. Invlinllnns are exported
to go out to members nt the group In
tho nenr fiituro, from company
Among those Klamalh county cat-
I lemon who hnvo expressed thorn
selves as planning lo go south for
the big conclave, aro F K. Mc
Croady, Fort Klamath, Frank Co
Lnrn. Knrnaua River. A. '8 Connor.
Illy. J. W. Hunt ex peels to go'
down for tho rnumlun. und a niim-l
bor of others here urs said to he!"1"". Pleaded guilty today to viola
talking over a possible', trip.
The roundup will he held for lvo
.!.... in nn,i tt n.wi ufin l.n,
staged nt Iho Pnlacs hotel-at San penitentiary and fined 5.on. The second car. towed to the sta-
Francisco. A full program Is being The Indictment mentioned Kn- Hon Tuesday afternoon Is an Olds
arrangrd, to consist of speaking by rhino lloyes. secretary to tho Bollv-I moblla touring of Into design, bear
sonio of the .best cattle oxperU tnllnn commission, but so tnr as Is "K llno l-m. Hoc-
tho west, both on produrtlon and
marketing, and oilier Interest Ing,
and worthwhllo features.
'.nlnrhi.hinienl la In l.n nrovlilnil
for every minute of the two-day
meeting, and li.innuols will Ret their' party wlhch wna composed of Am- Tho police will hold tho cars un
Mnire of attention, It was stnlcd. bassndur Ahdnn Sanvcdtn and hli'tll owners call for 'them, proving
'Higher and belter than ever," family and several attaches. correct ownership. Only the towing
Is I he slngun adopted for the round-1 C'.iuirc's arrest attracted Interna-, charges wll be held against the
op lllonnl iiltenllnn. I ears, subject lo owners' calls.
All liiforinal M'il', Mtli will I
In ImhiiIIOiI In Mm Iim)I1i il. will
Im k I vi' it IliU niuriiliiic, Artiilllr
ilny. at 1 1 oYliK-k, Mini runrliitltil
iM-furr IU iVrtmk, immir, by Itrv. j
J. Ilniry TImhiimm of HI. I'uuI'm ;
K'lftitl i-ltun-li.
Tim wrvlrc of niiHiiilriM
mon miinuiirrl rarly hi I lit M'irk
; by Itrv. TIiiiiiijw, mul linn rrrntiNl j
titurh lnlcnHi In flip flty, nml 1
1 ct'mrUiHy n mot iK Hit turn nml !
women who suffered llii Iihm of
n-Uilvn In the World nr.
Sa Ivaglllg Bumed
Timber Progresses
Vicinity Near Ady
. ...... . . ....J vclopmcnt of the vat sections
tion at Whitepoint to Mill , ,.
. a j i-l , i of southern Oregon is coopera-.
at Hilt it Attured Through' . ,f . . '
u t -it r . lb ition among realtors and cham-1
New Tariff Rates by S. P. , ,
' burs of commerce, according!
To furilluip i,x movpiix ni In
ii.c M.tiim .rt r iim .uniy 1
'""'' r.....ini.-. rr ..
K, IJI!."' n,"itl'!irti'I Vn'.
ritlr ,,,,. i... urniimt Hip
., .mM.r rotiiiin)- Mnnl.
hUn lo itinkp urn itt an nlMiiiluii-
n (ra, k near .Vl-
Announcement that the lumber
; company will load Ioks at Ady.
"",h ?' M,,n'"'1' received hero
?r ' Mtnia way mat tno realtor taaea one
rrlK"t "" ru,""nHcr agent 'ur the nf the most prominent posltiona in
I Southern Pacific.
1'" logs duwa this stream, through i
'ho sirnlla and mlo a big drain
age ditch
Tho ditch will carry the
logs to
point adjacent to the
abandoned rnllnuy track, so that
they ran be loaded with a minimum
of handling.
' Of Interest to local lumbermen
was the announcement from Miller
yosterduy of renewal of logging op
cratiims at WhltPiiolnt. Ore., south
of Ashland, by tho Krnlt Growers
Supply co in puny mill, of Hilt, Cali
fornia. To aid In the conveyance of the
i . .... . .
Int. from I li. wmiH. Ht Whltnnnlnl
".. 7 ... ... V
( Continued on Tags Knur)
Kiwanians Invite
Service Men For "
XT..-. I .Al.nAAllV. and City Kuglneer C. T. Dar-
IIUUII LiUilllllJUll;
AHIioiirIi Armlstlro luy will svnj
r. '"" ,
I in slores and offices ot Klamath
Palls members of the K wants club
are taking the opportunity of hav-
Ing their meeting on the holiday i
and each member I. escorting a ,
'buddy from the American Legion.
Klamath falls Post. No. 8. to lunch-1
con at noon today. .
Announcement of the decision to
nonor tne vets was ntaao yesterday
and every Kiwanlan, members of
the Klamath Kails group and other
chapters aa well, was scurrying
about yesterdny seeking a vet who
will be his guest this noon
An Amcrleun Legion Qrogrnm.
fitting the day's ceremonies, will bo
observed at the luncheon where at
least 100 men are expected to at
tend. Bolivian Envoy
Must Serve Term
In Federal Jail
LAREDO, Tex., Nov. 10 (United
msi Juun vasquei Clatire, a
mombop of the llollvlnn rommls-
Hon ' the United Stotes narcotic
rl and wns sentenced to serve
three venrs In Leavenworth fedcrnl
known, Heyes hus not been nrrest-
IMion Cluure's nrrest July 9, 1936.
! tWelltV-flHir I.HUIlils l.f OPllUll Were
i found Ina trunk of tho commission
Talk Over
at Forum
'ittsxft fvam IVawl trwe
and Grants Pass Mix
! With Local Brothers!
1 t I itnr(inn ,
What is needed in the de-!
to a representative delegation
0f realtors of the Rogue River
!vaile who snokc before the !
forum luncheon of the Klam-.of
ath county chamber of com-' A -rrannementa for the parad. construction, conducted them
. . a. ! whlih Is to move at o'clock thia ... f
merce yesterday at noon. moTBiag olld wend . thronifh t;.o i vcr the terminal site. '
"The rreatral acrrlre la thut , downtown district, have been com- Leaving the chamber of com
whlrh bcneflta not only the lm-ni.irf nnri ihl. n.ri nf ih rtv merce rooma shortly after one
mediate rerlplent thereof, but aomo-
tlinea directly, sometimes Indirectly I
tho whole of mankind, and It la In I
tbe work of the world," atated V.
Lerurrtle traced the development
of the activities' of the Medford or-j
ganitatlon from the first steps of
(Continued on lgo Six)
Extension Given
Contractors For
l ,MYin irPPliune at Sen i id la hall under the a us-led
Ilecause nf delays In rough grad?
lug, brought about through neces-
" i
1 ...... Iu , KA '.. .mn A'....., rw. I
KiiMien rnuniN in Mil i inmpni 111 1
-!""' i
slon of tlmo on tho Sixth street pav
ing unit.
The extension was granted recent
ly by tho city council, before whom
William Arnold, local representative
of tho Warren Construction com
ley hp,,
ke In relation to tho neces
sary extension of time.
I'mler the new leave, the con-
tractors will be given until Juno
,. ,.. , ,.rV r
, wrml o(.k , SMb
rec, U(.canM of of
, , , polntf Kradlni5 ,
rMnmely hearv ,lld propt).
omeril . dmaI1(cd thf ,
dwllk ,.,,, , ,urvoVil
nnv 00(,n fnrccd , conipanT
allowed extra tlmo to finish tho Job.
Car Ownerships
Wait Owners At
Police Station
Ahundoned by their owners, two
claims of ownership.
llolh are np-
parent ly
n running order, police
sinied, nltlioiigh ono Is minus a
(car wheel.
One of tho ears, a Mogul touring
hearing an Orogon license. No. 1U
888, was brought In from Main
Klrect nt n point near the Link
river hrlilgo yesterday afternoon.
It had been parked there for over
two weeks, police any
License re,
... i.... .... i i.... ...innrllicr
: A lh ,, jInyorR ot ,ltt6 PuI,
... ';,: ' '
r H
If."" iii. 'i . .'
1 '""" T, ,,
I MXlh
n,M. . tur, in'.' .'"-' 1
tor nearly a month.
In i-oiiiiiH'iiiurntlon uf ArnilMlra
, (In), bul . will prarllrJilly j
rruMo In Klamath Kalta Unlay.
i Nearly nil- ImmIimtmi InHtlfutaona
i will rt-mulu elowil, wlilb tin i
; baitkn will kwp llii-lr iliMim lork- '
i ml. I'ubllr urfkf In bollr city
, nml rounfy will olaTve Hip day
j by craning the trnnmullon of bul ;
nM. Tlit ptMTl ilHlvrry, ntmiip j
1 nml othrr mIihIowh In th km-
; office will rrmalo cloonl, although !
, ina 1 1 will be Urliwrril to buxin. ,
Armistice Day IS !
To Be Observed
k T I
Appropriate nay
Pa',!,1'e MoIf! PromPtlr ' 9,
uciocn ims moramgi u-.
tlrm Hi. Talon Un With
, " . commerce, were amazea yes
Program of Deep l"tere.t.'terday afternoon at the rapid
Virtually all buln. will be at
s itanaitm in tn city ioay wniie
i"" K'm ,Bn, out ,n n."-
II L ,h. 'Y?JZl iL, , 7h., !
cuia fetivui.
celebration la alated to exceed even
h houea of the committee in ,
charge. The Klamath Kails Munl-I"'
clpal band will head the cavalcade
of color bearora. firing squad, aold-
tora. aallora aud other military col-
that will he in aeaslon at odd times.)
will be 24 rounds of high class box-1
i ing at Memorial hall, under tbe j
'auspices of the Legion. Judging
from the ticket sale to date, Mem-1
orial hall after 2:3U, when tho
fights start. Is going to be the
popular reudeivous of the after-j
uoon. I
Two dances will be given tonight.
: n u , tin, , tn, ana ,i . ruioiifu
Wars, and the other at Momorlal
hall, given by the legionnaires. The
Legion will also give dances Frl-
j ., .. , .
our anu ouiuruay nignia 01 inis
. .
week at the same nail
, A football game between alumni
of Klamath county high school and
the regular high school team, will
be played at the local fair grounds
about 1 o'clock. Tho game, It Is
said, will be finished In plenty of
(Continued on Page Bil.)
Chamber Members
PlnrinirilT VlClf i Judge .Stephens' action Indicated
i Idlllllllg VISll I that the case will be called In sup
I inn-sill VnlI-erlor court after January 1.
juau&cii t aucj
A .Inrcn tlelecnt Inn nt Klnmnth
Falls business men. members of the
Klamuth county chamber of com
merce, are planning to leave horc
Saturday night in order to attend
the regular business meeting of the
Langell's Valley Community club
at Lorella. scheduled for 8 o'clock.
This was the announcement made
yesterday at the chamber ot com-
The agricultural committee of
tho chamber Is In charge of ar-
ranRcments, with Mrs. Leah Smith
! acting for the group In arranging
! ft naSul jbl 1111160
Not To Be Routed
TTatxx li fkf Proconti itvovii.,,,,!! from u
(Special) The Shasta Limited and
thrnnirh trains Wltl not be routed
through Klnmnth Falls until next
Only after the winter
j storms and slides are over will tho
road bed be In condition to boar
this, traffic.
ni.'vii Vnv in it'nlied N'nwitl
million trout eggs hnvo al-
ready been taken from Elk and
I . . . .1.1.
. iue "'
nimaio staio nsn nnienery. csino-
llshlng a new record for this time
of the season. It was learned here
today from Pearl Lynes, hatchory
!T -1 A If
IjLiOCttl lVlCIl
Are Shown
of Klamath
FoSC iTIri
V) II a abi w v i vi win- .
merce Shown Inner,
Workings of S. P.
Forty Jocal business men,!
b of th chamber of
. I
.mnuea wnicn imc uccii i""1
in ine construction o ihb uc
$800,000 Southern Pacific ter-
minal here, when D. J. Rus-
'sell, engineer in charge of
o'clock, the group of Interested apec-
tatora atartea out i ine upper euu
the yards alid visited every part
" ' project that haa been
unuer way tor Kverui moUlu.
Tbe power house, now completed
and viturally ready for operation,
iDn,r -i.h ih hie
P .taalr th rapidly growin, .ky-
(CooUnaed oa pane Six)
-asr TL TVInl
luCl nerSOH lTIdl
In Early January
Says L. A. Judge
I nc iVriM I'll K'rwl 1 A I?nlt.
NewH rrcsuiing JOURe ailh.ti
u. i , i , . 11 a .. m - - -
tlon Wednesday
f of a Superior court)
Judge to try Aimee Semple Mc
pherson and her mother, Mrs. Min
nie Kenedy, on charges of conspir
acy to defeat Justice and perjury.
Ity one of , the' numerous quirks
of fate which has followed the case
since its inception, should It be
called by the first ot the year. Sup
erior Judge Lucas will occupy the
bench. .
Although both state and defense
have expressed their willingness to
I time limit expires in early January
! Hoover Declines
To Discuss His
Presidency Boom
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 10. (Unit
ed News) Browned from a south
ern " uu.-..
plans tor laciiuaung nigm iijiub
across the continent. Secretary of
, commerce ""oert noover arr.vea
- Wednesday, professing Ignor-
i"-" ' ""- v
Hoover elected to diBCUss night
flying and dismissed his rumored
" "boom" with a trite "I'm for Cool-
Ho told ot post office department
plans to make an aortal white way,
biased by powerful lights along the
Los Angeles and San
Francisco to New York.
This proposal may materlallto
In a half year It the plans are op-
j proven
When asked if any official sign
ificance had been attached to his
fishing expedition In the waters
ulong southern California and Mov
leo he declared It was merely for
it had been rumored that the
socrctnry was on a tour ot InvestI -
I untlnn nl' iho International fisher -
Its situation In Mexican waters.
f ; ,
III.SII lllir.ll HLIII ll,l
PKHdUS FALLS, .Minn., Nov. 10.
,n,t(ld NeWs) Arthur Isaacson
wa8 f,ned 20 , court nere for
j pleading guilty to emitting a loud
; and disorderly '"amen" during a
church service.
(lulti-U NVwn) llcllcvcd to he
the (ancmt preliminary court
j M-cortl In the Tnlttsl Hta tru, the
i t runner I pt rrrowl of tho Almce
j Hnipli Mrlhraon can, contain
ing alum. fCiO.OOO wot-ilti wan
ftlgncd by Judge Make taert.
! brinKlng the preliminary hearing
i to a close. The document was
j wn,t to the superior court.
East Blanketed
C A 1
nun onow Ana
Mercury Drops;
Atlantic Coait from Savannah
to New York and Inland a!
Far as Pittsburgh and Buf-jthe greatest development pro
falo Suffering from Cold, ijects for Klamath Falls and
XEW YORK, Xov. 10. (Tni.
tod News) Temperatures were
tumbling rapidly In the eastern
state Wednesday nlcht. and tlie
weather bureau predicted another
tea degree drop before
Wlnda swept over a wide front !
along the Atlantic aeaboard. from !
Savannah to New York, and Inland
as far as Pittsburgh and Buffalo. !
The weather bureau said the cold '
spell might continue for the east
ern football games Saturday
lee formed on streams .In New
York and along tbe eastern shore
of Lake Erie during the day
,... x. ., , , ,
W estera New York and Pennwl-
i. "...u
d were wnM,'
the white flakes might reach the
Atlantic later in the week.
me com waa not or autricient
intensity to cause suffering I"
ew lorn, out cnaruaoie agencies
announced they were arranging to
v-.o -'"-,,t
slums in the event ot further drops
in temperature.
i lllVUJV kill! T O
. .., y
As Mercury Drops
a j wwf a yw a
And Wind Howls
i drew Collier, president of the chatn-
CHICAOO. Nov. 10 (United ber- te director in charge, and H.
News) The cold wave which haslN- Moe u hatrman. How many
sent mlddlewestern thermometftrs I ,her men from ,he rosmber who
to prematurely low marks 1s herew"l attend the Important gather
to stay until the end of the week. "B has not yet Dwn learned.
the government weather brueau an-; Wllford Allen, president of the
nonnced Wednesday. j (Com limed oa Page 8tt) y
The cold eame in Monday on thej
wings of a 40-mile gale from the
northwest, bringing anow, ice and
suffering. The temperature aver-
aged 22 above in Chicago Wednea-
day. Automobiles, spouting steam'
from troxen radiators skidded in (
numerous accidents. j
C- 1 I. n 1 1 , I
trie Internrban lines was delayed; ' J . .
, . . . , honor in scouting, with the receipt".1y,w ttrV, It Ll ' terday from national heacT
wen trolley wire, at one po nt rt f . handsome Eagle
wh.cS coated , him Scout badge, the first ever aw.rded
Aulmith. in charge
, r.'
!r. L ; .j ,,k
iih ram ui ...u
j Ing by poor families since the
8"Lnh"s ... T ,' ",":,., h.
The city heal department ha
been swamped with complaints of
lack ot heat tn apartment build
ings. Weather o.'.'lclals. however, 'tave
promised retict t;y the end of the
week when warm winds will b'asr
in from the south.
Klamath Falls
Home Building
Is Flourishing
With cold weather fast udvanc-
Ing, there Is no decrease In theilshlng training at the boy scout
construction of homes 'In Klamath camp here this summer, according
Falls, according to the building ! to the scout executive, who express-
; pwinHs Issued yesterday from thejed himself as being highly pIMsed
i office of City Clerk Lem L. Gag- over the mark ot distinction that
! Three first class bungalows In
ltast growing residential districts of,
me city were announced yesierunT.
jona Killing win ccnsiruci a ,w
UUIISe Oil 1l.lBIUll BUCCl,
Sadie Hutchens, $1700 house on
Elierte'n street.
j A MadaoX- 5000 house on
Mont Clair street. 1
M. H. Cody. 1400 well to bo,
drilled on Cnllfnrnla avenue.
N. Pacific
to Extend
Inland to
Coast City
Road From Grants Pass
to Waters Creek May
be Continued ion lo
Crescent City, Calif. "
What promises to be one of
all southern Oregon will be ,
discussed Friday afternoon,:
when representatives of south
em Oregon cities will meet in
Medford to listen to clans ot
'Engineer Clark, who will di-'
cuss the proposed completion
of the railroad from Grants
pass to Crescent City,
. .
Conversation with Grants Pass
i men last night proved that the city
is backing the project which will
mean a payroll in the neighborhood
.I 1 AAA Ann .m...ii rM . 1
ifh'' . . '
"rea years.
The railroad was originally pot
. .
, unaer construction by Towny Brots-
ZZll V&22
operations which promised for -1
time to become an Immense source
! of nc0me to Grants Pass, tne Rogns
1 River valley city. :
Clark haa exercised hit option.
i which he has held for some time.
,.a8 darned yesterday, and wltl
I t ,he wloM delegllUoll,
Medford Friday afternoon . U ths
I charmher of commerce.' ' -' '
i Klamath Iteprcaeuted1 -:'.'-:
The Klamath county chamber - of
; rommercs will be represented- by
; memoers oi tne ranroaa ana vrana- -
portion wnmntw, t which a-
i flifrhocf Unnnr f
i algllca'' X1UIIUI VJl
Scouting Awarded
To Merle Swanson
A local boy scout,' Merle Swan-
a silver eagle suspended from
a silver eagle auspended from
. . . iikn red white
' ISVww
i yesterday by Scout ExecuUve B.
, and folIowlnK formill tctlM
by the court ot honor hers In ths.'
near future, the badge will be for
warded to. Swansen at Pasadena,
where he Is In school, ,
Merle is the son ot Mr. and Mts.
J. E. Swanson. of this city, and ha
been in scout work here for
past six years. To gain the eagle
scout distinction. It is necessary
for n boy scout to Win 21 merit,
badges, each of which represents
weeks of study and effort before
preliminary tests can be passed, '
Ulevens stuted.
Merle received mil oh of bis fin-
Merle has won for himself.
j -He Is the type of youth whom
we like to roe attain these heights
in scouung. mevens ueciareo, lor -
nia worg nas ueen consis.eai ano
, I 11.3 llinillltll 111 W IIKU IIV UIFIlllUH
the Ideals set forth by the boy scoiit
movement Is an inspiration to the :
lulls lead hy him." Jlerla Is now
assistant scout master of one of
the largest scout troops at T'sa-
1 rienn.