The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 04, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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    VtuvKumrr jMm. ,
If row copy of TUB NEWS doe
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The Klamath News
Official Paper County
of Klamath.
Untied Ntia and United PreaJTtlegraph Services
Vol. 3, No. 271 Trlco Five Cents
(Every' Morning Except Monday)
Oregon Republican
j By vast
All Candidates Win
PORTLAND, Nov. 3 (United News) Orciron voter
went up to the pulls in the irenernl election Tuesday und
decided that republicans should represent thin state in the
ncnate, house of representatives, as well as in the guber
natorial chair ut Salem.
Frederick Stoiwer, young Pendleton attorney and reg
ular republican nominee, wan the choice for United State
scnutor. defeating Bert E. llaney, democrat. Senator R. N.
St.nfield. independent, and W. P. Adam, independent wet.
, I. I,. Patterson. Wlllsnietle valley!-
rarmnr. was elected governor, de
feating Walter M. Pierre, dvmorralli
Itirumlienl. I
All three Incumbent n-pii ttltcan
congressman, Crumpackcr, Slnuotl
nil Hnwlcy, were re-elected byj
commanding volrs.
Tim election III Oregon was '-1 K.uc-hlliic 111111 Ilia rlahl lo close
lured by una rloae contest, the racaCnrUn alrruta In the city and which J
lH.lwi.i ii wiwrr ana nauey win, were passed liy tha rll coiinc.l I
.n doubt lor mauy honra. j over the muvors veto, carried by'
llaney surprised polltlrlana Insubstantial majorities, and the l-o-
carrying .Miiiinnuisn coiiniy. in;cg eompuny of lllg 1-akcs Lumoer
which la lorn I ud Portland, I lie lnrg-j coiniumy will now ho prcnilttcd to
oat block of voir In the alnte. expand Ihulr srnpo of operntiona
Hut the Oregon "cow counties"' am ,evi.opmeni wllh a vie of
aaved ihe day for Hlelwer, who making Klninitth Falls better
cornea from the rniiKo land of the place to live.
Pendleton country, by giving him a
plurality of ovor soon votes. ment to the cliv charter catrbd by I or1er , nare ,,, rocllll e(.
The aenalorlal coutcat furnished , mr.Jirrlty oC 5lt. too number of wollla ,, necM1.
a aurprlae the cou.l.lent weakneaa votrn Lelng In favor tot.iMiM 1413.1 arr for fione to nave na1 a ,,.
of Htanfleld. Ihe former ndmlnls- and those onii....d 855. i Jorlty of both recall and totol num-
tratlon "warhorae." who bolted hla' The llbrnf malnleunuct propo-',. ot TotM f ,ne two cnndl
party after eltpwer defeated him Inltlon carried by a vote of 1383 O ! rlatca.
the republican primary laal May
lie rau third In practically all ape
I loin of lha alnte. splitting the re
publican 1 vote, hut apt eiouh to
permit llaney. it democrat, la ullp
through to victory lo a state nor
mally republican by three to one.
The gubernatorial content waa
not close, Patterson having a ma-'
Jorlty of 24,534 votes. j
Upturns tonight from ull pans'
of the state. Incomplete, but fairly
full, revealed Ihe fallowing totals:
Kor t H. Senator
Hlelwer tto.42; llaney 73,076;
Htanfleld 45.648: Adams 2642,
For (fcivprnor
Patterson 109,651: Pierce 84.700;
Stallard, Independent, 10,783.
Patterson haa a majority of 24.
U5I. In the race for state offlcea, Har
ry . Mean, republican-democrat, and
Thomas A. Mrllrlde. republican-democrat,
were returned to office as
(Continued) oa fair Four)
Worden Avenue to
Have Fine Homes;
Work Is Started
That Ihe city's flue puving pro
gram this year has contributed
greatly to the development of cer
tain sections of Klamath Falls, wm1""1"1"" ,ne ,n,t" county.
Illustrated again voslerdnv when I '"' 'n Mrllrulsr In the Lakevlew
Kdward McNeill, building contnit-1
tor, started construction ot a now
block ot dwellings III the 1300
block on Worden avenue, whose
new pavement was recently open
ed lo traffic,
McNeill recently acquired posses
sion of eight choice lols at the end
of one block on Worden, and It is
upon this t,ropurty that he is build
ing the new modern houses. Two
of the five-room dwellings will ho
completed this year, nnd possibly
a third, depending upon conditions,
It was stated.
Tho remaining he uses will be
pushed In cnmplejlon next spring.
McNeill, who tame hero after ram
potlng construction of a now school j
building and gymnasium at Kay
mond. Wash., Is spending his time
between supervising local hulltMng
Jobs and one at Yreka. Calif., where
ha Is building an addition lo tho
Yreka Inn.
Along with this work came the
aniicunccincnt yesterday from How
ard Uarnhlsnl, local real estate
dealer, that lllchard M. Smith hnsjTho pictures win be tnKeii by 11. u
purchased a block of olght lols on ; Bromley or tho picture ' stuff of
Pacific Terrace and plans lo build Copco. this week-end. Crops In the
eight modern houses next spring 1 vicinity of Merrill and tho surround
on tho recent acquisition. Thlsilng valley country will b photo
property formerly opIohmmI lo Mary! graphed and It Is probable that In
Nixon, f-'aemmentn, Calif. Smith Is'severnl fields, where 'the harvest Is
now building a flvo-rorm Jiouso on I not ever, tho method of harvesting
Crescent avenue.
! Referred Measures
Meet Approval of
m MT a
iTlitJUriiy YUlCr!'
- j
Tim lo cliy referred ordinances
The alx I' rV llniltntlon amend-1
1037, or a majority of 216 volos
being recorded.
Touching upon the proposition of
porml'tlng a levy ,of -.ft of a mill
for support of ihe Klnmath county
fnlr, tho mcoauro crrlpd by 11 vole
nt I5H3 In 126.1, or by a majority
-f 320 votes.
State Engineers
Of Highway Here
Checking Bridges
With the object or looking Into
Ihe construct!! n and maintenance
of hrldgiM and highways of the
stuln highway department, five high
way euglnnoTs prominent in the eyes,
of the slate, are in Kiumalh Falls
tor the remainder of tha week.
In the parly are Chief llrldg In
spector i. S. I'stson, who works
out of Salem, and Resident Bridge
Kntlnecr Kkelton of Grants Pass.
Paxsnn and Kkelton arrived in Kla
math Falls Titosday. The remaind
er arrived hero last night.
They are C. W. Wnnier of Ilcnd.
division engineer; W. K. Chsndler
of Grants Pass, division engineer,
and J. S. Sawyor, of Salem, also
division engineer.
Tho engineers, according to C.
f. Soclcy. local resident engineer,
nre Interested In the Inspection of
hlRhwnya district, whoro tho hcovl.
est construction Is now being put
under wsy by'the commission,
Tho men will look Into several
matters of construction over which
thore has been controversy, before
returning to their offices.
Fame of Klamath
Spud to Be Given
Widest Publicity
Tito fnmo of he Klamath spud 1
will bo spread far und wide on wings
of wigor mosscnRcrs. ir the Klam-
ath county agricultural agent. C. A.
Henderson, tho chamber of '"m-j
merco, ana tno Lnniornia uregoo ,
Power company, with combined '
forces, means anything to the fnm
ous crop.
Tho potato show, which will open
In tlte chamlwr of comment rooms
cn Decomher 8 and contlnno Decem
ber 0 and 10, will havo motion
pictures to provide added Interests.
will bo filmed.
Leavitt Recall
Leaves Present ;
Judge Serving j
Out Full Term!
Incumbent Carrie Both Re
call and Election Contest
Over Judge C. S. Stone, Al
though Vote Wat Close.
(Complete Count )
so aw
VMn for l,eavlft SM.12
Votes fur Hlone aa.1
, rT7 , , ..,
, ,1,,o:f', ""loL " ku"
h d ....,..
selected (o make tli rue ugalnst
juugn i,eavi(i, iue lauer went
through with flying rotors as I.!
evidenced from I he compilation of'
.i.- ,.. of the i& iiroelncla In
i,, county. Although the figures'
,re unofficial thry are very close'
,n, wll probably not deviate to any
great extent.
iu ,ne ,, rr recall Judge
Leavitt led hla opponent by 339
votea, tho former receiving; 2787
volea and Judge Klnne 2448.
In the contest for grcuteat num
ber of votea Judge Leavitt haa
Z33! and Judge stone 2251, or a
mi,..i, n .,.
More Equipment
Being Provided
. FOr POStofflCe
' Indicative of 41h steady ' growth ! under almost two to one.
not only of Klamath Falls, but ofj The Dennis resolution, which
Klamath county as well, is tho an-j would have prohibited the passing
noiincrraeiit by Assistant Post master j of an Income or Inheritance tax
It. L. Griffith yesterday of thn con-: law until 1940 likewise met an ad
atructlon of additional equipment to: verse fate. That did not Indicate,
lako care of mall und incidentally ' however, that Oregon favored in
prepare for Ihe holiday Tush. : come tax laws for both propositions
Threo new cass. one for packages j f'f such laws were spurned. The
and two for rural delivery which In-j hydro-electric hill also was badly
eludes the Merrill. Lekeview and' beaten.
Keno routes, will be completed this
week. Work haa been started on
the rases and will he rushed to com-( the voters:
plvtlon. ' ' j Carried: Klamath bonds, ma-
Accord In g o the assistant post-1 Jorlty for 14.066; repeal of negro
master plans are now under way' section, majority for 30.978; cast
to adequately prepare for the holl-'ern Oregon normal, majority for.
day rush,
extra help
It Is understood tlsnt
will bo put on early
next month. On December 10 four
or five extra clerks will bo placed
in the postoffice, and on December
13 eight additional carriers will be
put to work until after trie holiday!
rush Is over.
Klamath Falls is preparing tor;
the largest holiday season ever ex-i
perlenced III this city and the only!
bright spot to appear for postoffice
employes Is the additional rail ser
vice which facilitates matters con
siderably. Justice Spink of
Chiloquin Suffers
Recall at Election
II. C. Spink. Justice of tho peace
of Wood lllver district, which com
prises Enst Chiloquin, West Chilo
quin and Fort Klamath, has been
1 recalled snd J. J. nronhv. nroml-
ncnt Chiloquin resident was olected
:0n Tuesday to succeed him.
Tn w, A,cMei , ncttvy vole
I , 0 Drecnctg of Kat and
We,,t chiloquin and Fort Klamath
wnen , vot t0 TfcM justlc9
anlnll from .,, j Ior
and 164 against.
J. J. Brophy polled 351 votes In
the rare for Justice, against 151
given to Spink.
Justice Spink has been tha cen
ter ot heated cotroversy at Chilo
quin since tho Incorporation ot .the
city. His recall was sought by a num
ber of Chiloquin residents who filed
charges of Incompetency against
Spink will be succeeded by Jus
tice Brophy as soon as the official
ount haa been completed and he
has duly qualified fur the office.
third department
i of alimony being
Um AMtiKI.KH. Soy. a-d'nl-tvf
Snve) Alliiiony, much
moukIiI- after l' unliMppy wlvea,
liaa becoHKl ao limMcnt a
niaml In am .tngclen, that the
county in aolna U have a new
nllniony ileiianiiM-nt.
Creation of , niKHlier nllniony
ileuiiiiiiiciit, innkiiiK three In all,
became nwraaiiry. It waa rxplnln- .
cd, liecauiu' f tile conKealed con
dlflon of the divorce calender.
in N i n e
Voters Split on Twenty
two Propositions; Den
nis Resolution Goes
Down to Defeat
PORTLAND, Nov. 3 (Uni
ted News) Oregon voters
j'ust about split the difference
on the 22 propositions submit
ted for their approval in the
general election, rejecting nine
and approving ten, it was in
dicated tonight by fairly com
plete returns from, all sections
of the Rtate.
The Prop"""' " cmnrettes was
slapped a mighty blow, being snowed
Following arc the measures and
the fate they met at tne nanas 01
(Continued on rage Foot)
Evangelist and
. Mother Held to
Superior Court
A. Justice Holds That
Evidence is Sufficient to
Bind Defendants Over; Mrs.
McPheraon Cries Frame-up.
lOS A;KI.KS, Nov. 3. (Uni
ted News) The strangest case In
Judicial history, reached a climax
hero Wednesday, when Alniep
Heinplo McPlicrson, world famous
evangelist, and her co-defendants,
were ordered held to face
trial In superior court on charges
of conspiring to detent Justice.
vThe decision handed down by
Municipal Judge Samuel K. Blake
at the conclusion of final arguments
by the prosecution and defense.
"oHlt close blerly fought
and sensational legal batllo Hint
t has occupied several weeks prelim
inary hearing.
With Mrs. McPherson, her mother,
Mrs. Minnie Kennedy and Mrs. Lor
raine Wiseman, the "hoax woman"
must stand trial. Kenneth G. Or
mlston, missing radio operator, who.
the state contends, occupied a "love
cottage" at Carmel with tho evang
elist during the time she claims she
was hold by kidnapers, was ordered
bound over upon apprehension.
"It was all framed against me.
t hope our enemies are satisfied,"
tha evangelist declared with a
amilo as the youthful Judge, visibly
laboring under Intense strain, rend
ered his decision In a tew words.
Tha evangelist and her mother Im
mediately left the court room for
their Angelus temple home.
Klamath County
Leads Field in
Votes for Many ,
. State Officers
Patterson, Steiwer, Sinnott,
Howard and Others Receive
Splendid Support from Their
Loyal Supporters.
Stale republican candidates
Were trimicd pretty nicely in
KIuiiimiIi county, according; lo the
unofficial returns that were com
piled Inte last nighl. I. I.. I'Mt- 1
tcnton, the next governor of the t
arcai ntiite of Oregon, received
31.V2 vote, as a republican a.
I again! 1-402 for Ills democratic
i ,.l.,M.MI.I U'Mlf l llMPA III.
! a majority of 1 aoo 'votes.
, x. J. sinnott. republican: candi -
date for congressman to succeed
; himself, received the greatest niim -
! ber of votes on the ticket, being
credited with 3312 as against 819I1HCW jTUalUlllCc IS
) for John S. Hodgin, or a majority:
(of 2493. j
j The spectacular fight in Klamath
county developed in the' three-cor-'
I nered senatorial fight between Fred-!
erlck Rtelwer. republican; Bert E.I
1 llaney. democrat: Robert N. Stan-i
field, independent, and W. P. Ad-'
ams. Despite the assertions of many
that Stanflvld or Haney were car
rying the vote
their vest pockets. Mr. Steiwer
stepped out Into the arena
i when the smoke of battle ' had
cleared away It was found he had
I received a plurality of 653. ,
I Chas. A. Howard, former resl-j
' dent of Klamsth Falls, received !
..11 1 . . . . . .
wuriiru . suppon irora nimi
friends for the
, . .
superintendent of public lnstruc-
Hon. receiving 2840 votes
(Continued on rage Four)
Copco Official
Impressed With
Klamath Section
Klamath Falls is assured of tre
mendous development by the Cali
fornia Oregon Power company. In
the hydro-electric field for the
coming year, according to P. E.
Crawford, newly elected vice-president
of Copco. who spoke for the
first time yesterday, taking over his
new duties of the power company,
before an interested forum of the
chamber of commerce.
Crawford congratulated Klamath
Falls on the rapid development ot
the city and assured the members
of the chamber of commerce that
great things were in store for the
'community which provides so much
i water power for the company.
Returns of the election to date,
were rend by Bert Hall, director In
charge of the legislative committee
by order of T. W. Daltell, who was
chairman of the luncheon.
Motion pictures-ot the Klamath
wu.ui; kvic Biiuwn ou an irapro-j
vised screen as taken by H. L.
Bromley of the California Oregon 1
Power company picture staff.
Fire Alarm Box
Goes on Rampage
When Hit by Car
A fast run tc- the corner of Sixth
and Spring streets yesterday proved
fruitless for the local fire depart
ment, when It was discovered that
it was a false alarm.
A truck that got temporarily be
yond control ot Us driver and back
ed Into a telephone pole to which
a tiro box was attached, was re-
sponsible for the freak call. The;he finer points of the McClellan ,
truck, it was reported, knocked the ! Williams murder, for which Guy!
box completely off the note and j Sconchln. Indian, is being held in !
filled the tiro station with clte-(n) Jnll. ,nlipe,,or Dav of
ment. Name of tho truck driver, d . ,
was not obtained by the firemen. I VP" 3 arrled "
Klamath Falls yesterday afternon. ,
TWO COVJ'I.KS I'XITKB ; Despite the fact that Sconrhin
IN MARItl.lGK HKIIK: admitted his guilt and has taken
Jimmy' Allen Brewer of Mobile, I no steps to defend himself, Day
Ala., and Miss I rm a Brlggs of stated j-esterday that It was neces
Nnmpa, Idaho, were married Mon-jKiry to investigate every angle of
day, November 1, at the home of the murder.
the Methodist pastor. Thev will
make their home in Klnmath Falls.,
" " -.'iion. no win recommend taKing won-
County Clerk C.
..e..H 111
Archie K. Llndsry. 35, of
North ' Tenth street, farmer.
Miss Margaret Snndgrass, 22,
Klnmath Falls,
Will Have Support
of Councilmen in
Running the City
With the last ballot counted and returns from all pre
cincts tabulated, an unofficial count of final results in the
city election reveals Tom Watters a heavy 'ftfcjfter in the
mayoralty run with a total of 1693 votes, agafnlr 1270 for
his opponent, Z. J. Powell. '
Complete county returns show that Fred R. Goddard
; scored a victory over George
j judge, with a plurality of 236
; of Goddard is 2633 from all
; tne losing candidate aggregates 2397. While this is 'an un-
j official count, the official figure is not expected to vary
: from these figures.
l . Doth Walters and Goddard wera
1 -wr n , j "elected In one of the most intense
To Be Established
Under Name Ivan
Ivan, an out of the way section
of southern Klamath county, an un-!
obtrusive spot except for the name!
I on the railroad depot, may be given !
i a postoffice to serve that section j
of Worden and Midland, if favor-
county int.. .Hn..inn ...i. 1
I -,m .,, , ...
; 1 1. j . ...
1 11
Hougen spent yesterday in the
Ivan section. Since the postoffice
at Worden was discontinued the
middle of last month. It has oeen,
has been ,
iuuuu uwefMsiy 10 cuusiuer a ooi-'
'.wince wtwrea .niaianu aaa oraen
do i y tt u ittts lounu to lh; me topi-
t 1 .1
cam It
I 1 TUB Rpavmfll loffirlnr cjamn I
lrrV Mvisrat ukatidscd
women reside. will be served '
through tho Ivan postoffice tIf it j
is created.
Station Affents
And employes to
Discuss Problems
- 1.
An innnovatlnn along Southern
Pacific lines and sponsored by that i
company to Increase public ser
ai all points on the system, a meet-;
Ing of station agents and employes'. . " , . otes in
from several towns on the new C- J1" tar: - " J?- re"b"
cade line will be held here tonight.! "t 'or reflection
at the local ticket office. i 03 ' n"s,1"'lf- r 'dry
The meeting.
over wnien J . j .
Miller. city, will preside as chair-
man, will be attended by agents and j
station employes from Kirk, f'hllo-i
quin. Pine Ridge, Alcoma and Kin-1
math Falls. All railroad men in-1
terested are urged to attend the con-
clave, regardless of their respective
railroading capacities or titles.
Discussion of traffic questions
and mutual problems will be the;
principal matter ' before the assem
bly ot railroad men, the first meet
ing of this kind ever held here.
0M'6 eatabItsh'd " "r "-
renient schedule has been arrnnccd.
the meetlnc. will become tpitiiI ir
events in the interests' of better-l
ing service along th line.
A number or railroad men nrej
expected to attend from northern!
California points. A similar meet-!
Ing closed yesterday at Weed, where'
Miller officiated as chairman.
Inspector Probes j
McClellan Murder j
By Guy Sconchin,
In the Interests of investigating'
r. t . I
If Day finds sufficient evidence;
10 prosecute the young Modoc Ind-
rum 10 i-ortiaiid. Deputy 1 nited
419; States Marshal C. C. Wells. I, ex- Wns unable lo give an accurate de
and! peeled to arrlvo In the city folcw- .,crlptlnn of his assailant, owing to
ot lug th3 recommendations of the fed- ,i, aiicV being In almost total
oral Inspector. 1 darkness. . , ?
Of field in the race for county
votes. The total vote in favof
county .precincts, while that of
, campaigns on record In city and
j county annals. While Watters
showed s varying lead over his
oDpo,,ent throughout the hours
when ' final returns were coming
from the precincts. Goddard and
Offield ' ran consistently even and
at a late honr yesterday morning
the latter was leading by one lone
Among the more decisive victories
of the election was that of William
' Duncan, democrat, who ... .1.1.
I ed district flttnrnev nt VUmalh
; l"um)r " ,olal 01
! pubUcan 0PP"t. W. A. Wlest,
! rece'ved 1784 Tote- rdln to
"' C"UB'-
1 ne itepubiicau candidate for
' coantv rommSKxionpr Hnr.r. n..-
- --
" -
iirnnor. nemfMTftl. nrt fn that, and
won out wl,h g.S.
won out with
. . 124 It east infavor. ofTlchnor , ...
nis usual victorious style, tV. 1
T. Lee. democrat, county asaessor
running for re-election, won out In
j the assessor race by piling up 2979
i votes in the contest against Les-
ter Klrkpatrick. republican- The
j latter candidate received 1794 votes.
w illiam Barnes, republican, waa
elected to officiate as the next
juptice of the peace. In preference
to II. A. Einmitt, Independent, pres
ent incumbent. The winning candi
date received 1982 votes; Emmitt's
final tally was 1268.
I U'ltk - ...... I a ...... -
over J.
11. i oven, InUependeriJL.
u. , , , ,A- - v-
1 A-n, ,uw
. Pn,,.
By receiving a heavy majority of
votes cast for police Judge. Lemuel
(Continued oa Tage Four) .
J - .'
Willi!' PI lVfllirtlo1 ' I '
V wf 1 1 w
By Unknown Man
Back Lunch Room
Herbert Snyder, employed as dish
washer at the White Lunch, 1118'
Main street, was shot In the right
; JU8t above 'c klve by an un-
k"own lnnn at 8 'clo:k Ist night,
I Tho "hooting took place In tie
nney or tne restaurant, and
I mo reason ior tne action or the
unknown man is not known by
Snyder, who says he was enter
ing tho place from the rear and
1 that he passed the fellow sitting
j on a box. He stopped and asked
j him If he was sick, and the man
j Jumped up and fired seven shots
I from a .25 automatic revolver, the
'lust bullet penetrating the leg.
I Snyder nude his way Into . the
I restaurant whore he fell prostrate
. on the floor Tlnh Pnllskl. nrnnH- '
etnr rn,le(, an amllIan,e which,
he van removed to 'the Klamath
Valley hospital where he was given
surgical attention,
The bullet was held In a copper
.. . , . . h, . -,,,,
,,, 1 nml mom P01S0'K
should develop no serious conse
quences ore expected from the
1 wound.
I Sheriff Hawkins Is of the opln
' li n that the man who fired at White
! was craied from overindulgence lit
' eiitiiieil heat All r1rn,i(tna In Kl-
rfll.c, , well as members of the
0())ce fomi mado a foP lhe
nffendcr. but up until a late hone
r.lrt not hte gporehended. Bnvder