The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 03, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pge Eight
xo. raw
nn imji ext tax ikktiki.
(Tax of man) :
Countv. a body politic1
nnd i-nrptirul
l"" ' " :
v"' I
J W. IMII. O. IV Wolrnit. Fred B.
H.1.I111. .11 i'. caiainean. .uirnaei . : Forduejr. C. I Kelsvy. i.em I.. ;' - .
Suit. ( huil. a Murphy. W. I. Jonw.? huKon. Harry M. l'edler, V. C. Mrm-,
1 I." krifeleruni XI II ItiixuiV K.llia:nMr II .1 VVinlMra Klamalh 1'ltllll
J Arklev. William ;ood. Ilaloh Mer-
rill. It. J. FluhartT. I.. Jnrolo.. II. M. I Mutaiin Cook. V. l. Miller. I'lo-ISa. block S. KailMad Addition lo' Ceorce O. Shumway, prearnt own
. J. Aiklev. Klamalh Land It lrrl-'neer K.ducailonal Sorletv. O. A.lKlaniath IVIN; l. .'. 71s. laauedior. 8VSWV,. Sec. 14: XSXKk..
Kuliou to.. Fred Mll.hell. Miry I nall. Hilda I. Starkev, (J. K. Ilunlev. , Aua, 35, 1S35 (or 1S30. $H.!"5: SKV,NK.,. Sec. 31: NViXW.,
sandorninn, Oliver Martin. K. I.. Van Min. Joaey Durant. J. W. Koyle. W.I due (or IS3I tax. $67: duo for 8V V, NV V, . NWSW'i. Sec. 83:
Mi-ier. Aiin.H K. Hook. A. K. Soilu-r-
14. Morn. Ted White, j
land. F J. Tiuitry. tlma. S. wood-: Bownc. F. J. Bowne. Klixa M. Stills. : oue lor lai. Ii.n. iueii aiik. iu, ij;., ,,,r..',V"M V .V. , --. ,i: . 1 u ' a. UiZ vici ' u . n XKW.HH i ftK'.NKH. HVfcNH
l.urii. :eo. tl. Shumway. I.udwin et al.. Anna U.jch. Uriscoll M. IV ('.alumina, present owner. $9.s: du (or 1921 tax. $37.7s: !-J tax. b..l.. duo (or 19.4 , f,K V, See 9: J;SNKV,. . 17. NKSK, . NSHWN'H. Hw.
Iiurnhardi. A. II. Taylor. John Hix-jiiie fQ.. Addie lloyi. J. o. Patter-1 XF. V, Sec 0. T. 41 S. It. 10 K.W.M.. " $0 .0: duo tor 'M--- . VkM. T' 3H, 8 ." n,.KW,l; ' ,,.,,!: St, 8 W X W Vi XK t. . mSi,SWI4
on. Walter llrond.word. O. j. ilawk-aon. H. H. Andemiu. Martha F. Mar- li. c. 927. laaued -July 30. ,92S 1923 lax $47.97; duo (or 1934 lax. . LJl T T hm.'",'' . ' , I J, . i . x V ' NK ' S t8l,SK '4 XK t . SUNS
uivoii. A. I.. Wiahurd. Kdmond IS.I ,in. fharloa Murphy. Iiuisa F. for 1930. $.19.4.1; du tor 1921 taxi""; tw 1919 tax. S9.1. J r.. . T- .9. Si t.l 39; u (or . ;, NK NW Hec. II. T. 3 8. It. 14
Vouiib. Zella :. Youns. li. t) CluWno. Malln TownMio t o.. Mary:$s3.00; due (or 1922 latv $24. ON: I l.udwlg Burnhardt. preaenl owner, ";, ' ' f r 'i.i. ii iV i .!!!.', T j ' , , i'.I F. W. M II. t . 7o! laaued Aua.
turence II. Illllman. Beni. ltobarae.; Kiley. Clarence C. Mahn. 1.. II. i due (or 1 93.1 tax. 322.SO; due for ' 8 S S . X W V, 8 W k, . S.H-. 17; 84 " .T c.e . . !" . 1 30. 1935 for 1920. I60.7H; dun
. J. Kskelaon .-state. K. li. Arnraves. ! orden. The lily of Klamath Falla, I 1924 tax. $17. 73. ISF.V,. .NKV,8K. Se. IX. T. 40 8 Vi ... sl .,0 .i..! r.e'i"i i i '(or 1921 lax. $85 93: du lor 1933
Ann K. Uilour.ite. Jamea W. Sulll-j.nd each and every person. (Irm Michael C Suit nreaent owner ' ' K.W.M.. II. I'. H967. laaued I J:,:3, J iuVii,.. ill eq ' w- K Banin. pre.ent owner. $38 17; duo (or 1933 lax.
van. tlr, Kaatern Hail- ,ud corporation named in th ("I-' SK t! nk. ,ols 7 1, 9 less 3 S ' (or 1920. SS.M : -' 'wh 't,,, .r . ! SW N W NWSW. See. . $871; due (or 1931 lax. $16.74.
wv. Allen Sloau. Kxell Slock Farm. ' lowina list as beins the owner or tl a'J,.u.SZ tV-.?' ,T 1. duo (or 1931 tax. $39.99: due (orL.J." 1 hll,''r'" " V.'. " r' ' S F. 'i . T. 3H 8. It. H,-Wiu U.,,,1 Co., ireaent owner.
iii:.iiii 1 iiiiiHii., t.. j. i.ur. . '.appears ui reciiru accoruina 10 .jujy 20, 192& (or 1920, $S63 35
. lara. . rt. 01111111, 1 iiuiusa vi..iu-riax
well. Kdward II. Myers. K. R. Mc-.on, o( tracts and parcels ot land.
t'orna.k. et al., W". J. Bryant, J. F. 1 lou and blocks therein described 1
Adani. Itertha A. Schrader. AKred.and (ollowins their respective j
Cast. -I. Mary K. Seiuert. John I.iskey i
and Ida lngersol. White Pin l-uin-jfiriu
Iot Co.. r. c. t aiuplM'ii. Horence m. j claiminK to own. or having or claim-cnip.-niitK.
A. it J. tlauthier, T. M. ; intc to have any interest, lien or
CiiuiiinKham. Floyd t unniuRham. w.icla.m therein, and also all other ! " t Y.V;.T"i "."V. i Jii...' 1 1934 tax. $7 . , m'.t ...r' ii:o 1.1 V i- .i,V- f..: anrd Auit. 14. 192.. (or 1920. 3!o- 19:3 tax. J 11; due lor 1IJ
r. Bant.. John Sh.wk. Bailey persona or parties unknown, claim-: '; i'20,.".' ,d,. V- John rilxon present owner. SWV, !Ii'ialt i7- du lor'n" ta 6,: '"r !' :''. IJ-V ,or ,93 '"
CUandler. Chester 1. Simmons. Kd-!iuK any risht. title, estate or in-!-9-'8- .it. . 1 Vor VI ' . W '.. S'SSWW SWV.SW; Sec ir.". ,? 1 T' i 1 IT. . .Va (or 1 923 lax. 131 1. 1 4 : duo (or 1 92 I $ I 4 3.
uu.n.1 Oowan. chas. K. Worden. K.,erest In or I.e., upon any of the f"r -5'6S; '"r j. t ' 40 8. It 1 S K W.M . 1) . V ?. 1 .'Lm Z ,3x .1. ' ' ' i '" "ol "' Vy: M'r'- fr"'-nt !"
K. Strahorn. Harry Hich.rdson. J. real estate hereinader dea.rlb.-d: 1 tax. $15.79. 901 isaued An Ifl iUi (or ! ',,. ....... $179.94. 1 8 X H SK -4 SF V. . Kr. 5. T. 3 8.
W Siemens . ;.ark ltcn(ro. ,V WV ,N- T1IK NAMK OF T1K STATK W 1.. Jones pren, owner. , f. ,53: So foVl.M tax. xwi. Sec 29 T 3 8 It I IK W I J-'-. Pr-nl owner. W,.;" M KV W M . I. C 773 ...ud
Allen. Veda Ho. cms. W. WV & Nancy nr iinK-iitis- I s" s- - s- 11 h "- nun- dn for i9- mi x ts &i- V. . . Z ' . . 7 . , V ec It T 111 n It 9 F. W -M . Ana-. 30. 1925 (or 1920. 15.66
Finley. liberty Lumber Co.. Saddle OV"fc''JON; . ... ....... M.. 11. c. 0930. issued July 3... 1935. " '.'Sr.,'' ' ".T, io" a. "Mr ! .'j J -V1!!'.! . I1 ' J n r' inTl. il.d Ana .14 li- d... (nr'l92l lux. (!.; duo (or
Moumaia Lumber Co.. B. 8. irlt.-i ..,."U.."D" " Lu . for . '' fr 1923 tax.V.-,, : : !;,;. " .T.'.. V.J .1. . " lior 193.1. JI1.15.S.X: 0 . for 1931 1921 Ink. $1.1.1.
&.krlS F'TeadlarVy A i "l.m" ..d '"raro( tUet 5fJ 4 , " 93 "' :56 Walter Bro..i.wnrd. pre.ent own- Mi d 'to ' ,9 1 ax Vl3! ,-"' x i'sUSWUKl c"".'-
i,h.i'n.':'rf,".i.-, f-d-,",a.rry A- Stat of Oreron. Is ih. ol . ' 'S' . ! er. SkjXKH. SEVi. S.-. 15. NW k. for 6(V;4. 'I20.13: du (or 1923 tax 1 I SS .- N8 SsW k. MS W he . 6.
..111.11 r. iir.iti 1.BI1 v .... ! . . . niu-i
I.roae. Leo Keisrhke. Robert I'rincle. '
tlens IV Christeusen. KdKar A. Nut-
brown. O. M. Jenkins. Philip J.
Kuiik. Oeo. H. Keefer. W'm. H. Hunt,
I. c. Ilow, Minnie Bishop. H. L.
FLs.hcr. Lincoln P. Butler. Pacific
States Investment Co.. Henry H00-,
er. Cliaa. R Otev. Frank Powers. 1
John II. Harrison. I- O. Arena & i
Frank O. Iiavis, Andrew Johnson,
Brooks Scanlon Lumber Co., Elmer
U. Tyler, Betty Ramey. Amos H.
Howard, Thomaa L. Linville. Felix
SpriUKstub... K. A. Fmmilt. Antone
Pairic. J. H. & K. B. Volmer. K. N.
Creenliaf.. Catherine Harris. Marie
Itusmn-scn. Anua B. Moore. Wake
field Summers. MacRie DeMore.
K. IV. Peterson. Alice Williams,
James Brown. Colonial Realty Co. 'r tho year 1920. and were died hy
Jennie Snyder. Ackley Jlros.. NeU.ei"id tax collector in the ofdre of !
K. Iwis. Martha Seeds. C. K. Wor-t the county clerk of aaid Klamath
den, .American Bank & Trust Co.. ! County on the 3Mb day o( Aukusi. , la.u . : cine tor lsjti tax. "'":;.,7'Vt40x It 13 FW
t.,i,., i- u-.ikr m i . xx- xk-ii.n 11926. and aubsenuently. upon all due (or 1922 tax. $13.70: due (or'?" h- -A-.T- . s- ". 13 K
u p Jnhnsn' y,' ' iwii .
Isabcll (I. SarKent. William Johnson
A. A. HeJImau. It. E. Hansberry.
Anna J. Stephens. W, WV Fordney,
c. L. Kolli-y. Lenx l. llaKhaKen.
Harry M. pedler. W. C. Messner. H.
J. Winters. Klamath Canal Co.. 11.
F. Mohaffy. lugebor Sandal. Madel
ine Cook. W. I). Miller. Pioneer
Educational Society. C. A. Halli
Hilda I. Starker. G. E. Hanley. Mrs.
Josey imrant, J. WV Royle. WV S.
Corey. A. 11. Harpold. Francis J.
liowne. F. J. Bowne. Elira M. Stilts. i
et al.. Anna Leach. Driscoll Mercan-i,),
tile Co.. Addie Hoyt. J. ti. Patter-1
s!,n- h H; AnJer!'0'n. Martha F. Mar-I
. ........ :, fluencj lor iup jnr ijf. iiiere urir'.-i.." - w "i. - ". .. 19.. lax. 4.ln.os: aue lor 17.1 lax i l Toll lasite.1 Auir 14 .... . ...A.,.
,'n- a"n T..wn."le J.ary:due to thL, plalntill certain otherlR. E.W.M.. I. C. 6941. i.sued $35 91 : due tor 1934 tax. $35.33. IViss for' 19'.V 16 64- do f.,r ".'J " V'l
in. . nnnea nurnnv. inniss r. . lu-. . .... . ...... . . f i . vn-1 i u.. '
Y " V, V.. . .J t ,i laes inr euuseuueo. years, sou err- -..r . s.v. .w.v., iieua u. lOlinK. present owner, 1-. ... tl 1ft- du lor 1922 tax't...J7 . , .
den The (ity of Klamath rails tain intereala on said several due for -1921 tax. $117.73; du (or K48KU. See. 30. T. 40 8. R. 14 J 9I - duo (or' 1 "'l tax $3 19 ' ' 2 7 1 "
and each and every person, (irm and I . for-. ..,. i?s n f?n 71- .i.. fr.r i ait I l. r. .. ..... .j .... , . ! ' " '!" . ",r ,?.--!.'. :8e. In. NH. NW
corporation named in the (ollowinK , tne date oI tb issuance of the re- tax. $123.30; due for 1924 tax.
list as beiiiK the. owner or owners ! sperUve. certificates, and from the! $192.67.
of the legal title as the same ap- respective dates of the delinquencies ! II. M. J. Ackley. present own
liears of record according to thelof thn aaid taxes due for subse-iers. XW'k; SEx. NE ki SW Vj . rut.
lax rolls ol Klamath County. Ore-' ent yearSi uurt penalties and costs Sec. 20. T. 40 8. II. 8 E.W.M. . D. c.
iron, of tracts and parcels of land. M proided hy law; that the aggre- 6943. Issued July 20. 195, tor
lots and blocks therein described; gate amount of all taxes above re- 1930. $9.65: due for 1921 tax.
and following their respective names. , fprred to on earn lract and parcel ; $6.93: due for 1922 tax. $9.2S: duo
and each and every person, firm. of land and property hereinader (or 1923 tax, $3.82; due (or 1934
and corporation owning or claim-! 8peci(ically described (or said year tax. $7.26.
ing to own. or having or claiming 1920 and for Mcn year ,ubsequent Klamath Land Irrigation Co..
to have any interest, lien or claim , thereto, as indicated, including the present owner, EkNW"i. NE'i
therein, and also all other peraons lnterest to the date o( issuance o( SWki-ly. 8. channel Klamath
or parties unknown, claiming any,Mid certilicates ot delinquency re-lRtraita (Vol. 51. p. 5551. Sec. 23.
right, title, estate or Interest in or, spectiveiy. penalties and costs, and ! T. 40 S. It. g E.W .M.. D. C. 6943.
lien upon any of the real estate; the description of the said prop-I Issued July 20, 1925 for 1930.
hereinafter described. Ilefendants. , erty- a of whicn u situaled $65.31: due for 1921 tax, $21.60;
To J. W. Hill, O. P. Wolcott, Fred,
II. Keldin, M. IV (ialarneau. Michael
(V Suit. Charles Murphy. W. 11.
Jones, I. E. Kesterson. M. II. Bogue,
Edna J. Ackley, ' William flood,
italph Merrill. R. J. Fluharty. L.
Jacobs, II. M. & J. Ackley. Klam-,
ath Ijind r Irrigation Co., Fred i the number ot the rertidrate and ; du (or 1921 lax. $78.48; due (or
Mitchell. Mary Sanderman. Oliver; the date thereol. all ol which are! 1922 tax. $119.34; due (or 192.1
Martin, H. L. Van Meter. Amos E. j owned and held by said Klamath , lay $58.20; due lor1 1924 lax.
Hook. A. E. Sothcrland. F. J. Pin- County, and the amount (or which : $128.1.1.
gry. Chas. 8. Woodburn, fleo. O. it was issued, and the year or years Mary Sanderman, present owner.
Shumway, Ludwig Iiurnhardi. A. II. '(or the delinquent taxes (or which ! All that part n( W4XWI4 nnd
Taylor, John liixnn, Walter Broad-lit was issued, and the amount o( . 8E '4 .SW'.; not deeded to CSRS
sword. O. J. Hawkinson. A. L. all taxes due (or years subsequent,! (Vol. 46. p. 292): (Part of W'4
W ishard Kdmond ti. Young. Zella j are as follows, lo-wlt: IXW', ) Sec. 15. T. 40 8. R. 9.
;. Young. II. tl. Lear. Clarence 1). I. E. Kesterson, present owner. E.W.M., II. C. 6945, issued July 20,
II ill 111:111. Benjamin Robarge, O. ; beginning at point 1704' E of NW 1925, for 1920, $111.31; due for
J. Kskelsnn estate. E. tl. Ar-'C.,r. Sec. 2. T. 41 S. It. 7. th. 80. 11921 tax, $65.47.
k'raves. Ann E. Latourette, James WV j 700' th. 24 deg. 20' K. 500' th. -8. 1 Oliver Martin, present owner.
Sullivan. tiregon-Caiifornia & East-: 33 deg. Cir E. 600' th. 8. 61 deg. SE '4 SE '4 , Sec. 13. T. 40 8. R. 11
em Railway. Alice Williams. Maggie! 20" E. 198' Ih. S. 58 dK. 30 mln. K.I E.WVM.. I). C. 6949. Issued July 20.
I). More, Jamea Brown. Colonial 240' 4" Ih. 8. 47 deg. 30' E. 3i0' th. j 1925. for 1920, $10.81; due for
Realty Co.. Allen Sloan, Eiell stock S. 29 deg. 20 min. K. 450' th. 8. 29; 1921 tax. $5.37; due for 1932 tax.
Farm. A. Arlett. I. H. Morris, Ted i deg. E. 560' Ih. 8. 47 deg. E. 430.5', $4.83: due for 1923 lax. $4 56
While. William Philpnt, H. J. Ly-!lh. 8. 39 deg. 30' K. 400' th. 75 deg. du for 1924 tax. $4.43.
tie. X. L. Clark, W. A. Smith. I 60' E. 169' th. N. 73 deg. 50' E.i It. L. Van Meter, present owner,
Thomas Cromwell. Edward II. My-! 300' th. S. 75 deg. 17 mln. E. 351'! SK'iSW BWV.SK',, 8ki8Vi
-rs. E. It. M.Cnrnack. et al.. WV J. ) th. S. 13 deg. 20' E. 214.8' th. S. 30 .VW '', S E J , 8 V48'XE 'i SWi
Bryant. J. F. Adams. Bertha A. j ring. 10' WV 400' th. S. 4 drg. 3if K. ' Sec. 29. T. 40 8. It. II E.W.M..
Silinuli-r. Alfred casl.l. Mary E. 2.66' th. 8. 45 deg. E. 869' th. to' I). C. 6950, Issued July 20. 195!
sol. White Pine Lumlier Co.. F. c.iNE cor. sec. Ih. WV alg. sec. line to1
l it 111 libel). Hi, renin M. Corpenlng.
.i..A- .1. i.amiilcr. j . .11. cunning-;
ham. Floyd Cunningham. W. K.I
llalil.i. J.1I111 Shook. Bailey 6 Chand-11924, $18.01. WViNE4. Sec, 32, T. 40 8. R. 11
In-, clievier 1. Simmons. Kdmond J. W. Hill, present owner, SVi 1 E.WV.M., I). C. 6951, Issued July 20
1:1. wan. Chas. K. Warden. It. K.'SW.T SE'4 Sec. 10, T. 41 8. It. 811925 for 1920, $36.17; due for
Slrahorn. Harry Richardson. J. WVIE.W.MV II. (V 692 1. issued July 20. j 1921 tax, $88.75; due for 1922 tax.
Siemens, ciark lt"nfro. F. WV All.-n.j 1925. (or 1920, $34.89; due (or 126.79: due for 1923 tax, $25.37;
Veda llndgins. WV WV & Nancy Fin-,' 1921 tnx. $10.64; due for 1922idue for 1924 tax, $34.66; personal
ly. l.lheriy Lumber Co.. Saddlelax, $100); due for 1923 tnx, due for 1921 tax, $5.64.
Mountain Lumber Co., B. 8. tirlgs-i f 10.Sf5: du for 1924 tax, $13.69. I A. E. Sutherland, present owner,
l.y. A. M. Brenner, Mrs. E. C. Cham- O. P. Wolcott, present owner, j W k4 NW"',, , Sec. 32. T 40 8 R 11
lirlnln. IV M. Head. Harry A. llun-NW; NW'4. See. 16. T. 41 8. It. ' E.W. M.. II. c. 6952. issued July
It. ilesitl Land Co.. J. WV Am-! 8 E.WVM.. I. (V 6925. Issued July! 20, 1925, (or 1920. $3134- due (or I.eo, Robert I'rlngle. j 20, 1925, (or 1920, $7.3.1; due (or! 1921 tax, $31.61; due for 1922 tax.
(ions IV ciiristensen. Edgar A. Nut- 1921 tax. $4.44; due for 1923 tax, I $20.77; due for 1923 lax $13 39
lirnwii. ti. M. Jenkins, Philip J. $4.82; due for 1923 tax, $1.56; due for 1924 tax. $13 02.
Kung. lira. II. Keefer. W'm. II. Hunt,! due for 1924 lax. $4.43. F. J. Plngrv, present owner, NV4
I. C. lii.w. .Minnie Bishop, II. L.I Fred B. Beldln, present owner, ' NW ' . SE S NW NE'iSW",' 8c
Fischer. Lincoln IV Butler. Pacllic SE '.i NE"4. NE '4 SE1. . personal.! 9. T. 40 8. It 12 E W M and8W',
Slates Investment Co.. Henry Hoo-iSec. 5. T. 41 8. R. 10 E. W. M..I8ec. 4, T. 40 8. It. 12 E W.M . I). C
ver, Chas. II. tliey, Krank Powers. II. C. 6926, Issued July 20. 192S, for 6953, Issued July 20, 1925 for
.111110 11. iiiiiTisou, 1.. u. Arens
Frank li. Davla. Andrew Johnaon,
Brooka-Scanlon Lumber Co. Klnier
D. Tyler. Betty Ramey, . Atiio H.
Howard, Thomas L. Linvlll. Fellxi
Springstub. K. A. Emmllt. Anton
Pairic. J. H. i K. II. olmer. h.. i
X. Greenleaf. Catherine Harris.
J'r'' ltaainusan. Anna B. Moor. I
W akedeld summers h W lt-
'". J'nnl Snyd.T. Ai kloy Bn .
ii'"':3 'f1 l,r'.h.?l"- &
'"' : A5r'rrf. 1,an ,Tr"Jl I
Bell. 1wiIh-1I li. Saraoni. William
Johnson, A. A. llrlliuan. It. K. liana-
berry, Anna J. Stephens. V. W.
c, 11 'p iehnffv Inverhitr Sandal. I
s. I'orev. A. 1. ll.irpold. Krancia J.l!33 tax. $.T4: due (or I9S1 tax. !
owners (it the legal title as the sames
runs 01 ivtaiuain oiiuiy. ifir-
names, aud each nnd every person.
and corporation owninie or.
...... .. .. ) . .. .. n .-
r", '" , "..,.. '1 ,"' t
ii..,K 1.;.. n... ..a....,IS
to the statutes in' such cases
and provided, which said
That the aaid certificates
Hnquenry as hereinader set (orth
tnis summons were issuea
aheriK and tax collector of
ath County, Orejton. on the
inre dates, to-wit: Some on 2
day o( Iiecemtier, 1934. and
on August 10. Allftust 14.
II. Anr.isf 21 Allfftist 33
f. A.....u tC H-niLJ 1 ihitaX
year 1925: and others on January i ,, S5
IS. 1931: (or the delinquent t.xesl Edna J
the delinquent property on the tax
rutin lui iMitu "a 1 iui auii u nu in -.
tKirates 01 deMnqitency bad been la-i
sued... . -
That atier the Kald delinquencies 9. T. 41 S. K. 13 E.W.M.., I). .C.
had accrued, and prior to the Is-' 69.17. Issued July So. 1935. for 1920.
auance o( said several certificates oC $82.35; du (or 1931 tax. 150.34:
delinquency, respectively, due no-idue (or 1922 tax, 47.06; due (or
tice of said several delinquencies ! 193.1 tax. $54 96; due for 1924 tax,
was given ax required by law. j $51.98.
That complaint and application ' R. J. Fluharty. present owner,
for judgment to foreclose aaid cer-lNWVi Bf.K. Sec. 3. T. 41 S. R. IS
tificates was filed in the above en-
titled court and cause oa the 16th
of October. 1936
That in addition tn the taxes in-1
CJJ said certillcates of delin-
Klamath County, Oregon, and the
name of the owner of the legal title!
thereto, an the same appears of;
record. If known, ax shown on thei
tax rolls in the hands of the sheriff !
and tax collector o( Klamath
County. Oregon, at this time, and
pt of beg. cut. Sec. 2, T. 41 8. R.idne for 1923 lax, $.18.76; due for
. , K.w .xi., 11. r. t;:i.-2, issued July I
20. 1925. for 1920, $19.67; due fori
t'i - w. s.ii.m; an tor 1:121 tax,
ili.kOj Jm. iur. 1923 tax, $12.04;
due for tax. 122. SO; du for
1924 (ax. lit.ll.
Oliver Martin. pr.nt owner. Ki
vw. NEk.8Wk.. SW'NKV,,
NV.SE.; ; lol 1. !, 3. and 4. See.
jj, T 40 S. It. IS K.W.M.. t. C.
UR 'iWir,. r.iv
,. sc& 45; du (or i9:l ta,.
ssj.0: du for 13S tax. $30.10:
d"' tax.',S.50:' '-'I
l34 tax. $37.70
priMnt owner. S'
loas 4 anoa It. It.. S-. 3, T.
34 8. It. $ K.W.M.. 1. C. 7111. I
ud Auc 30. I35. for 10.
ir.7.03: dun for 133 lax. JiS.SS:
- ' - ' r ; .,"
V' !! . , v j
l. F. Mehaffy. nreaent owner, lot i
t" ltt j.;.v..M.. II. V. 892S. 'laaued
Hue fur 191 li
1.51: due lr
1922 taXi $427.05; due for 1933
itx $420.13:" due (or 1924 ta"x
-.i3 : 4
Charles Murphy, present owner.
lot 4. Sec. 14. T. 41 S. It. 10 E.V
W- arr of lot It It. 53
- 7. T. 41 8. H. 11 F. W.M
e- '
Ackley. present owner.
NVV. E'.. XEk, SWS See 3.,
TV 41 IS R II KO DC. 6935.
issued July 20. 1925.. (or .1920.1
1 923 tax. $12.00; due for 1934 i
Ralph Merrill, present owner
ifiK'SNK'.. N tiK A, .SK SK k, . Sec
t-.. .!.. u. c. ssas. issned July 30.
1925. (or 1930. $S.R; doe for 1921 1
L. Jacobs, present owner XE1;
Sec! 3S. T rfl H "Vw'il.. J
i i!
due for 1923 tax. $.13.03; due for
1923 tax, $16.01; due for 1924 tax
Fred Mitchell, present owner. EV-
SW Vi . SWk; SWk,, Sec. 36, T. 40
fi. R. 8 K.W.M., 11. (V 6944. issued
July 20, 1925. (or 1920. $2.14.49
$119.74; duo for 1923 tnx. $38.23
1 3.' I lax. $32.44.
Amos E Book present owner
1920, $62.79: due for 1921 lax
. v. It a. u.n 1....! 1.1 v .0 u's one n.r ui. .a, f jnv. uup .... m 11 i- 71111X I...I..1 Anw 11 - . . 1 '
1 liicnupi . sii 1 1 . nrnni nvnpr 1 vlm vvv i i Jiiti . ... . ., ji- iiu r.ia in tnv 11 n ki ! t . x
1 c 41 t..u.l iniv an to. .. n . . ... - t- ...... -- . - - - 1 1 !' 1 t.v o ,B due or 1923 lax.
madei;: " . V.J r; . . . ,or ; "ue n.r u, 1925, rr 1920. $4 05; du ( 8. Klamatli straits. sr. .i . .,. mix ... in,.
certi(i- uu" .'"r 933 tax. $111.45; due tor 192a , ,3!! ial. 2.54; du (or 193.1 tax.l ly. SW Kiumnth Stralia, H n I !.(, 0.1 ... 1. sa
asr-;J-"V tiW. .V a . l152: lor '.$3 S5: du (or 1934 tax. $1 39. : Sec. 19. T. 40 8. It. K. W. V . ,." Vr.,,,' r ;,.., .
due (or 1923 tax. $30.58; due (or! 171.43. I - ....... " v.j.i. r.m i.. a. ii il-r. i.,rl Ocna P. t hrl.tenarn. present nn-
o( de-i1"4 '" . I -J- ""i"?0"- Present o,.,r. j N.WSK;. Kl; s.(.; 3y T J, 8 ( ,,, ,a. $16; S4; duo for 1931 i"' u" . w t; w u', T'c 7074
. , .i. ii. n.iKue. present owner, imi, i-rc. .... i. a o. ... i. r.. h. js k.W M., II. C. .1109. laaueil tax. lll l.H; nil lor ij;j lax. . , .
.' In 111 inr Kw. 7 T 11 K It 1 1 I W.M. II C. B9K.I. laa.lrrl All 10. i i .... .u . . I nil II r... Kill I Ill 11 IraiHMl AUK. .U, 1.1.0 lor 1 JIO,
"fetai! E-W.M..Bd8S NES,. K XWl.. IMS. (or 1930. I94.1S: due lorfor"s tax! 12.54: due for 1933 due (or 1924 lax. $7S 11. : t.'ir 19 1 tux II 13' du (or I9M
follow- lol- !- 3- 5- S- I!t- T. 41 8.11921 tax. $52.4; du- for 1922 tax.!,a,. $1 ,, ,r ,9., ,a Si;! ,, jeb. ,.Te,ent owner. Fr. "i '.Vf .Joe f.,r I9M tax II 43
sTh H- 11 K W.M.. II. C. 6933. issued i 150 98; du for 192.1 tax. $48.33: e for 1934 tax. Sl.39 Iw'ixF.', W Klamalh Ktral.-. '"' " """ " "'
othors J'''- S0- ,9"- 1S0- $290.15: dll for 1924 tax. $45.33. Thomas Cromwell, preaent owner. ! SW k. .Sec. .10.' T. 40 8. II. 9 K. W.f K(. - . v,.,nmn nre.. wn.
August ! du '"r '" -"": lue (or! O.J.Hawklnson. preaent owner N , N s SK , Nw y 8w , T .19jM.. II. C. 7043 lsue,l Auk. 1 1. r s u S V. SW i X W ki Sec 9 T
Ao,,.stl" " IH0.53; du (or I9S3.WHWVi. Sec. 21. T. 40 S. It. 13H. . 15 E. W.M.. II. C. 7010. Issued! 11125 for-1930 lax. $.143.91: due1,. J ,7. ?i i- S ' .V
$47.87; due (or 1922 tax, 51.09;'l2V t'ax, 5C0T.23; due I lot 1922 iai'w
Wodnesdav. Nov 8, 1926
duo (or 1933 tax, $60.80: duo fori
1934 tax. 154. 8.
F. J. Plngrv, niKsrnl owner, F.M..
SH. . T. 40 8. It. 13 K.W.M., 0. I', i
ICtl ldyiiu.l !... 111 f.,r !
lii, $6.4.30; du for 1921 tax.) road: all of lot 3 leas :i acres road.i"" " ak. so. 'i ir ifio ina, i.u,
$3.1. 94: duo for 1922 lax. $61.68: i Sec, 5. T. 39 8. It. K.W.M.. I'. (M John Shook. ivmiiI owner, Wk,!du for 1021 lax, IX. Ml; dun for
du for 1923 lax. MO. 80; duo for! SUSS. Issiid Ana. 14. 1925. for SK V, , Kk,8Wk,, Sec 34. T. .lit 8. I'.'! lax. .1 1 ; dun lor 1933 lax,
1K1 ... tu 'tiu in it' .in. r..r Hi-l II. lit. K. W. M . I). C. 70x3 la- H i'J: duo for 1034 tux. $4.31.
Chas. 8. Wood'hurn. present own-!
ck 1 cvt 1 . cio i- c..! it i in 71
$ -; duo (
T. 4i 8. 11. 13 K.W.M.. li. f. e'.ihti.
. ... N r.. ..., ... n)DJ, issuru
. .
I 19.1 tat lt&h&. 1 11 f..rl9:2ta
e . no . j . . r. . . - .rail...
. " ' " "-i
'' "-
?. J- .p,rTk" L '
1 '"""-'l auk. in
liair; ,,. ,,,, I.,i. a,. .,
1935, for 1920. I2S1.69. due for
!l92l' tax. $17130; due (or 1923
tax. $160.46: due for 1923 tax.
$120.09; duo for 1934 tux. $166.74.
A. L. W Ishard. preaent owner.
NKkJVWk,. Sec. IS. T. 40 S. R. 14
E.WVM.. II. C. 6973. Issued Aue. '14.
1935. for 1930. $33 03: due (or;
i"zi tax, an..; nue xor 192 tax.
$18.03: due for 193.1
duo for 1924 tax. $11
Edmord ft. Younx. preaent own-
er.,SEV,SWk.. Sec. 29: NE kj XE 'i .
Sec. 31: XM.XWU Sec. .12; T. 4i
a'.. ' 1 1 ig.'r. "(; i'-o
JaTfor 19M taj "'.H fa I 'for;
,. -. . . ......
1925. for 1920. $27.37: duo for
1921 tax. $17.42; due for 1922 tux.
$23.21; du for 1923 tax. $22.17;
due for 1924 tax, $31.87.
I), tl. Lear, present owner. W'H,
Sec. 16. T. 40 8. It. 15 K.W.M., II.
(V 6975. Issued Aug. 14, 1925, lor
1930. $51.89: due (or 192 tax.
$32.94: due (or 1922 tax. $26.65;
due (or 1923 tax, $34.69; due (or
1924 tax. $14.40.
Clarence D. Hillnian, present own.
er. EVi Sec. 16. T. 40. 8. R. 15 E.
W.M., II. C. 6976. Issued Aug. 14.
1935, (or 1930. $84.05; due (or
1921 tax. $53.5.1; dun. (or 1922 tax,
$60.13; due (or 1923 lax, $56.81;.
dun (or 1924 tax, $58.80.
BenJ. Robarge, present owner,
SWki, NWk.SE '4. 8-c. 2, SE'4
XEk,. NE'4SE4. Sec. 22: SE'4
SEli-cut. See. 24: NW'4 Sec. 25;
T. 39 8. R. 7 K.W.M., D. C. 6977.
due for 1924 tax. $43.38.
lien). Itoharge, present owner.'
iV?.SV'4, rarl,Vr'!:s"C.',V19j SUi
ia.. .....
.... .....
Ann E. Lalonrett. nresent own -
e. iiuvi-i . a f ... u t
.. ..'. ni.,
4 1925, for 1920, $16.37: due for;
It. 13 K.W.M.. and NW'.NWVi 8iv. NKV( Nr. S loaa 4 a. Tea ditch: Sec. " r . ..... ...v , , -.
13: and NKV.XK, Sec. 14. T. 40 10. T. 39 8. It. 9 K.W.M.. l. IV."" V IJ-. ; ' f
8. U. 13 K W.M.. 1). (V 65. laaued . H900, laaued Auk. 14. 1S35. (or' lllllley and Chandler. preaelll i3 ' Ul" 'J-3 3
Au. 10. 1935 tor 1930, $J.3U; , 1930. $3M.4I: du (or 1931 tax, ownera, WXW. KKNW,;'11'
duo tor 1931 lux. SS3.:l: duo (or 1 131S.S9; due (or 1932 tux. $1 .4.37 ; . NK V, SW U . Sec. SH. T. 3M 8. H1- 'L, ? '!, r 7
1923 tux. $55 43: due (or 193.1 lux., duo for 192:1 lax. $130,111: duo forlltW K. W. M., I), f. 703.1 laaued H M SK1. M'., ''..1
ir i!i-i lax. tuo.ot, i i
1 duo lor issi lax.; one lor ..... c , A..., uvi' 1 ' ' r ' ' iiewni 111111 10., rcaeiii tiwner,
1933 tux. $;I5.H3: due (or 1933 lax. St TV ..,.". "0 1. 'i 1 icvv.' I 11 K w M " (' imldlvldiul one-liuK Iniereal, Nt,
$33.93: due (or 1924 tax. $.18.90. I 1'. ,-' ' ,,, 11' ' Au- Ml 1985 '"r ,,S"- 1 -'l6: ' N S.N S S. Her. .11. T. 3 H. It.
A II Tavlor preaent owner Ki JV f..V ,., ' . . fl .t '"r :vi- 'U" '"r , 1 I B. W. M . I. CV 7070 laaued Au.
XWV,. SHSWij, SWi.SW. Ser. 4 ,7 eronnl due (or 19M tax "16!, lJ' J3. '"r
25. T. 40 tl It."l2 K W.M.. O. VlJ5 i'.: U o 'l984 . X $ "2 Jl ' U - J"''otaLj,iT","!1 ""L J' VLslSr tTi "Wi
6959. Issneil Atis. 10. 1925 (or William Phllpott. pre.ent oxiOT, ' ., I'lm vi' sir r l' a li m m' j c - 'i ?.
19311. $47.53: duo (or 1931 taxjopi- vvi Vh-v ui'bvu-l. i. ll XK t SW 4 , SK .SW ' SW ' . N " 8. II. 14 K. W. II. IV .1171 la.
JlS.90; du for tax . ... sWV tj tH I ll'l'W iN','n' lMt 7 T " A" ,0- l3i (or 1930, $5.65;
I." .. ..... .' .or .... j..- ...1 ' S. It. 11 h.W. .M 11 a k- v M II IV 7039. a-!.)!. firr I9SI !. i2X: due (or
.. P. Auv 10 19SK tnr t. I ... 11 11 s. .a... i... 1 a..- cift' .'Ll. mv I. I.' ukM: HU'k
...... ... - . j . iwuru nu.. ii. n - inr 17. a. B JI n 11
S'W',' S'Fi'swi W'ASFi r,,,'1, . V,Lli"i ':U3' i1"" r 1923 Inx. $3.19; dun for 1924 tux. SW V, Fr. Cut. Sec. 30, T. 34 8. R.
Sec V T '19 S It' I F W ll ' 11 l-l 7 1 . "'. 7;83: tax.l$2.86. 8 E. W. M.. II. C. 7089 Issued AllK.
M83 iie'd Aug 1 i ! I J "t''1'!? '"i V i w- w- "n(I -r K'nlV. present 20. 1925 for 1920 lax. $16.99; dun
..Si' :TTl V'. 'r T-.Cunningham, present own- owner,. M and II 150x100 V. 47.:(or 1921 lax. $10.16: duo (or 1923
i7V due (or 192 "Tax 171 71- 7' , ,H.W V.w ? ,.H SK ' " . Sec. 3. T. 37 8. R. 1 4 E. WV "X. $12.04; due lor 1933 lax
..... m, ;,rj: nun lor iui,.er. SEXE'4. NV.NWI4, SE'A
$7.23: due for 192.1 tnx, $9.48; duclNW'., NE 14 SW V, , "sec 32 W A
for 1924 lux, $10.25. NW'A, sec. 3.1, T. 38 8. It. 10 K
Jamea W. Sullivan, present owner, I w. M., II. C. 7029 Issued Aug. 14
RE'4 less 3.5 acre. In NW NW 8E.1925 for 1920, $31.66- dun (or
(ront. 162.5' along S. line Lakevlew 1921 tax $20.06; dun (or 1922 Inx
Highway, Sec. 2; T. 39 8. R. 9!$23.36; due (or 192.1 Inx $23 86
E.W.M., Ii. C. 6987, Issned Aug. 14,du (or 1921 lax $21.20.
1935. for 1320, $945.54; duo tori
. jiuipmmaM
1168. $1; duo for 1923 tax. $16$
duo for 1984 tax. f SIS 08.
Allen Sloan, present owuor. 14
acre. In 8K,NW; .1 acr In the
J. ...... ...... .t l.,t I ...I nf c.linlV
": :. " '
n'V.. Se.-. I. NKV..NK'.. Sec. 8. T.,1923 lax. $19 8: due for 1923 tin.
19 8. It. 114 K.W.M.. li. tv S999.$1S 34: du for 1984 lux. $17 .7.1
aaued Au. 1 4. 1926. (or 1930.! , , . Klmmona. pro.enl own-
$:iu.7S: du.. (or 1931 lux. 110 94:
I 'lnrlr nunl n-nne HU i
. s I NK k, KU I. Se. 74 T .19 H If
-;. "r in., i..s.. uu ir
. ...n
i.. m,
... ...
r.owsrn ... .Myers, present owner,
Iota 1.1 to 17. inc., Sec. 33. T. 3s u jrnm. ,,reent owner. SE'i.'.j. "
S. It. S K.WVM. Ii. C. .011. lwiied.fl),c 31 T i(t 8 u K.W.M., i. . I Jenkins, preaent owner.
a"'-.1;??- '"r..l.? S: I t. ;iM3 ,M All, ,4 1925 ,XV..XSXEk.8Kk,. 8. 9. T. 3 8.
dii (or 1931 lax $l ..; du (or (or ,20. $31147; du (or 1931,11. 11 E. W. M. II C. 707$ lud
"-.... . . '-.PVV '
i.wuer, or. -s nr. . , o.-c. .. ,i e.
It. 9 E.W.M.. II. C. 7013. Issued , akkSFki See 33 T
Auk. 14. 1935. for 1930. $9 40; dill'K7w. M.. 11.' 704
for 1921. tax. $13.95: due for 1923
tax. Ill 41 du for
10 13: du for 1934 tax, $10.53
" -- - - . 4 . j f mil- 1111 iaat ei".ud.
(or 1922 tax. w. J. Bryant, preaent owner.
tax. $1.1.63;INW.HSK'.. S.-C 1 5. T. 3S S. It. 9
In-W-M;. ! ( '.7013 ls.,,,.1 Auk 14
192&, fur 1920. $7.41: du lor 1921
tax. $4.19: due (or 1922 tax. $.1.91:
du. .r iVx 13" a9. 'a..' .'
.. --
. - . uu.
sni ' fr" T "t Ts' s"!'.",
' - -
Bertha A. S.hrader. preaent own-! Auk. 30. 1925 lor 193.jl56f.: du (or 1921 tnx. $3.HN;
or'. t.,.. K''': '' 3KI$I2.S7; du lor 1921 tax. 1 1 1 ill; due (,.r 1932 tnx. $3 1.1; dun (ol
8. R. 9 hW.M.. II. t. ,015 Issued (,ir ,.,22 l.n. $37.67: due (or;i923 lux. $3 19; dun (in- 1934 tax
Aur. II. 1925. (or 1920. $, X7; du,,,;, .ir,.r.7; duo for 1924 lax.$l.43.
for 1922 lax. $1.69; due for 192.1 4 ;, , ownr. SW'4
tax. $4.0,; due lor 1924 lax, $4.24. K. K. Struliorii, preaent owner. ! SE V, . s.-c 7. T 36 8. It. 16 K W
AKred Castel, present owner. ! Kw Vi 8W Vi . 8-c. 15. SEUSEW.I.M. H. C. 7oSl Issued AeiK. $.
.XE.,SE',. Sec. 21. T. 31 8. It. 9 s,.. 16: XEkfcXKV,. Sec. 21; 1.135 (or 1930. 114 96; due- (ol
E.W.M.. II. (V 7016, Issued Auk. II. SWkiXK. NWki. NViSE'i. SE' I 1911 lux. s.3(l; due (or 1933 lax.
1935. (or 1930. $20.14; due lor sn. See . kk-u.vkk-i ! ls1: .in.. f..r ii it i, un
1921. lux. $11.76; due (or 1922 lax.; n-i4 RW S , ' See 26: XEkiXE'4 '
$6.26; du (or 1933 lax. $5.42; duejsec. 27, T. 37 b". It. 1 1 H E. W. .'.! .!
for 1924 tax. $4.24
Mary E. Swelgert, present owner.
N4.XEV,. Hec. 33. T. 38 8. It. 9
E.W.M., II. C. 7017. Issued Aug. 14,
1935, for 192m, $25.05; duo for
1921 tax. $14.68; due for 1923 lax.
$15.61; du for 1923 tax. $13.56;
due for 1984 lax. $5.65.
John I.iskey and Ida lngersol,
present owner. NKM, Sec. 2.1, T. 38
8. R. 10 E.W.M., II. C. 7020. Issued
Aug. 1 4. 1926, for 1920. $57.41:
due for 1921 tax. $13.76; dun for
1923 lax. $1.1.96: du for 192.1 lax.
$13.16; due for 1921 tax. $12.09.
White Pine Lumber Co.. present
owner. N'.4XWV,. SE'iXW'4, tim
ber, Sec. 17, T. 38 8. It. 1(1 K.W.M.,
l. C. 7021. Issued Aug. 14. 1925
iix' a '-'J "u: d,lc ",r 1J-' Iax.;1924 Inx. $60.9.1. Personal duo (or
r. C..T;, .?.mpbcl1' "r"K''n,t owner.
Ir. SEkjNhi,, cut. Her. 19. T. 38 1
8. R. 10 E.WVM., II. (V 7022, Issued j
'".".o1,9,25' '"'..V?:"- i
,:'..,a,J fi (r
liV.'"?' ,nr 23 tax.l
$. 28; due for 1934 lax. $8.01. 1
Horence M forpenlng. present y. WV Allen, present owner, 8 'A due for 1923 tnx, $18.34; duo for
owner. .Shl.SK'.i. SkiXEV,. Hec. SK 14 RW '4. Sec. 1. T 37 8 R. mII!1! tax. $13.30.
. i K: lrt KWM ''-IK. W. M., II. C. 7066 Issued Auk. I Henry Hoover, present owner,
Ax!K- I4, 192!'- ,or2'i. 1925 for 1920, $5.65; dun fori' Fr. l-sa 8. 11 acres In NWk.
I A .'. ' . : t"r ,9-'1 " I 2 1 lux. $2.88; due for 1922 lux, NF'4 In Applegate, Sec. 4. T. 34 8.
$.'0.66; due (or 1922 tnx. $21.1 : $.1.13: due (or 1923 inx, $3.19; K. 7 E. W. M.. II. ( . 7086 Issued
due for 1923 lax, $15.39; duu fondue for 1921 lux, $2.86. Aug. 20, 1925 (or 1920 Inx,
A. nnd J. daulhler. present own-
lera, NE", 8W"4. Sec. 25. T. 38 ft.
r. ij r; v. m
7025. Issued
AuB- M- 1'25 'for' 1920. $13.76
a. ......
ror in2o. 11 22.80: due for 1921
u.r t7in- i. ,ZZ
1 .:. .. . """.!'" ... . i.
line inr 1934 I0X $11.63.
Floyd Cunningham, present own-
hi SE'4, N'Sw"; ZOTo'
W. F. Ilnnln. preaent owner.
38 8. It. 1114 K. W. M.. I), , C.
17010 laaued Auk. 14. 1 S f. fur
1930, f r S K 4 : duo for 1981 lax
114. HI: duo for 1923 lux, IK. Ml;
duo lor IK'! lax IK U; duo for
,"'!':'! H; "I"-. '."r .VV,0,
Uo; dun lor 1933 lax. $1511.37:
,.r. SFt,8K'4. Sec k: sW'.NWk,,
!.. Jucilta, present owner, W' S
135 .ni.; ourj ...r 1 :..
I. ....... . . . ..... . . .
Max ) 'J . 1 .
i. ........
due (or 1921 lax.'
i . 1 43.33.
..... ... ln.ll .... CiruUM. .1.... . -HII7 Immiim.I A.trf 'Ml lllVT. fur
"-"tax. 1104.61; Oil tor 1921 luX.JAllK. 30. 192i lor 1930. $B.b&:
n ... trr 11 ... u,. ... j.7. ..1
du lor 1934 lax. $167.57.
L. Jncnlia. present owner. W'.
4l 8. It. 9.1
041 laaued Auk.
I4-.& titr 192.1 fur 17H6 42:
idu (or 1931 lax. 1156 96; du forl,i'i,.,' auk. 3i. l'925 for 1930,
1 l.l BV 1.1
I " . , ,.
I I" V, 'i
1923 lax, 11116.94; dim for 1933
duo for 1924 lax.
prsnt owner, XK.i
NKk4SKki. Sec. 33. T. 40
8. It. 9 E. W. M.. II. C. 7045 la-
;au.'( AUK. II. l.r.3 l.rr ll.r .us,
$1030.90; du.. (or 1931 tux. $3 40 -
?": Vr..,"r. 15 "'.'.".- 499 J 7 :
i inr i3.',i nix. t u : nun inr
XT S 11 lO a! W t II V 7.149.. Aii. an iu.e .... iqa.l
11. C. 7060 issued Auk. 20, 1 n 2".
(or 1930. 12.15 31 ; dun (or 1921 iXKk,. W k, SE XW k, XE '4 . EM
lax. 113166; du lor 1922 lax. X W '4 SW k, XE . Sec. 3.1. T. 36 8.
$145. 6H; due (or 1923 tax. 1139.- II. 6 E W. M.. II. C. 7083 Issued
41: dun lor 1934 lux. 1165 . Id. j Auk. 20. 1935 (or 1920, 16.64:
Harry Rirhnrdson. present owner, due (or 1921 Inx, $7 56; dun (or
S'XEkj, Sec. 36. T. .17 8. It. Ilkt.il923 Inx. 17 63; dun (or 1923 tax.
E. W. M.. Ii. tv 7061 Issued Auk j$7 13: do (or 1334 tax. $6.93.
20, 1935 (or 1920, 119.91: dun tor! H. L. Fisher. present owner.
1921 tax, $10.88; du (or 1923 liix.jl.ota 1. 3, 7. 8, 16. 9, See. 17. T.
$13.01; due (or 1923 tux, $11.40; 135 S. II. 7 E. W. V., II. (V 7083
du fur 1921 lux. $11.36. I Issued Auk. 30, 1925 for 1920,
J. W. Siemens, present owner. Kkfe : $0,1.74; duo for 1921 tnx. $43.10;
XWiJ. SWkiXWki. XW'14 SWk,, du (or 1923 Inx. $9.03; due (or
Sec. 31. T. .17 8. It. II E.W.M.. II. C.I 1933 lax, $8.65; due (or 1924 tax,
7064 laaued Auk. 20. 1935 (or 1 $8.31.
1930. $76.70: due for 1921 lux, Lincoln IV Butler, prnl own
159.65; due (or 1922 Inx 160.2V: r. V 48W 14 NKH . EkiSE V4 NW kl ,
du (or 1923 tnx. $58.65; duo (or
' 1921. 19.27.
(-rk Renfro, present owner.
n kj,SE '4 XK '4 Sec 1 37 8
R. 14 K. W. VI.. II.' C. 7065 Issued
AtlK. 20. 1925 for 1920. $6.56;
duo for 1921 lax. 12.88; due for
!!,22 ln. $3.13; fr 1933 ,,,
vei n tin e ns r.r.Mi lIt owner
SVjNK'4SW'i. Sec. I, T. 37 8. R.
14 E. WV M.. 11. C. 7057 Issued
Aug. 2fl. 1935 for 1920, $5.65;
iirn inr li.o. lln.44: duo for
1001 .. j.. .... , n. ,
i m. IJ.SI.
Llbnrty Lumber Co.. nresent own.
nr. South 6 acres lot 9. all lot 10,
lv. 42. p. 4S8), Sec. 34. T. 36 H.
It. 7 E. WV M., II. C. 7062 Issued
Aug. 20. 1926 for 1920. $1.34;
duo for 1921 Inx, $2.38; dun for
1922 lax. $2.71; duo for 1923 Inx.
$2.67; due for 1924 Inx, $2.49.
11. 8. (Irlgshy, present owner,
8W'4NK'.i, Sec. 30, T. 36 8. R.
12 E. W. M.. I). C. 7066 Issued
Aug. 50. 1925 for 1920 Inx. $13. -
duu (or 1921 lax, $10.10; Uuu
1,. , ,A., an ... J . f'Hn. ., ,M . .. ... . . .
e i". ..'.1 ill. 9.!n: ono lor 1 ' ... n-v, .riene.IL owner.
for 1923 tux. 7.63; duo for 1933
tax. $7 15.
.. M Brenner, iiicaent owner.
sWHSW V, , Hit. 1, T. 36 H. It.
j 4 k WV M , It. t', 70611 laaued
i .. Si 'Sl'S?' i.""""!.'
T. :ii H. II. 14 K. W, M . II. O.
I '' ' ':' .
i"-1'. ''J i. ti 4J
'3. ',,LiV i.rwei.1 .ilnw.
Hurry. A. llunier, preaeiil owner.
X' N NWVi NKI. XVNt48Kt4.
F W M, II. C. 7073 laaued Am.
30. 1936 lor 1920. Ill 10: due lor
, o. . ,.,, or 1521 lax I3HK
,,,M ,,,r 1
du (or J933 tax. 13.13: due (or
i...i 1 n ia- r... insi ...
1933 tax. 1.1 13: dun lor 1933 lax.
du (or 1931 tax. 11.43.
I'liltlln J KiltlK. preaent owner.
SSXk.NEk.XKk.. See. II. T. 36
II 11 V Vk l 11 f ?OT7 ...
$i. jr.: du for 1921 lax,. 13. ss:
due for 1922 lax, 13 13; duo lor
I 1924 tax. II 4.1.
t;o. H. K(er. present ownr.
S H S XE kj N K ' , K.? 29. T. 3
8. It. 14 E. W. M , I). C. 7079
. issued AUK. n.a lor Hill,
. $5.55; duo (or 1921 lax. 13. Is;
"J"r !"": l :.." or
i .1 mi. u 13 huh iir ijzi ibx.
,11 4.1.
, present owner., W'm. II. Hunt, i.rea.nt owner.
i. 8Wk4XKS.!xSXk,XWSEk,, Sec. 39, T. 30
. Sec. 16. T. IS. It. 14 E. W. M . II. C. 70SO la-
due (or 1934 lax. It lis.
Mlnnl tllsh.ip, prsent owner.
. SW kj X W , E . WHXK'.rlWVi
; W '.4 SE V, , SEV,SE. Sec. 31. T.
35 8. It. 8 K. W. M . 11. C. 7084
issued auk. zu. 1:12a ror 1920,
164.41: duo for 1921 lax, $47.24.
. PacKIc Slalea Investment Co., pre
sent owner, W4.XEV4, N 4 SEVi,
Sec. 2.1, T. 34 8. It. 6 E. W. M.,
11. C. 7085 Issued Aug. 10, 1925
for 1930, $31.93; dun for 1921 tax.
119.33; dun for 1933 lax, $19.36;
1 1 1 11. 91. .Ill lor 1921 tax. 185.22:
due (or 1922 tax. $60.67; dun (or
1923 tax. $10.76; duo (or 1924 tax,
rruiiK I'owers. nresent
v u. vii v. miiiv..,.
".'. "i. : : " 1""
nec. 12, 1
1 '.", 11. 1. .n . k 11 r:. w. xi..
'. C. 7090 Issued Auc 20. 1935
, for 1920 lux. $27.31; du for 1921
$1 62: due for 1923 lax.
$19.57; dun for 1923 lax. $18.33;
dun for 1924 tnx, $18.00,
Alice W'llllntna. present owner.
NW'4 Fr., 8er. 2, T. 31 R. II. $
j K. V. M., II. 0. 7091 Issued Aug.
1 2". 1925 for 1920, $68.32; duo
j (or 1921 Inx, $35.68; dun for 1923
I". 128.90; dun for 1923 tax.
' 127.36: dun for 1934 lax $2.D!).
(Continued on l'ligo Nine.)