The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, November 03, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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Wednesday, Nov 3, 1920
Page Seven
J2Real Estate
Ground Is Broken j
For Ilirvi Block !
Fast Growing City
' (Irutilid fur lliu I15.UIIO building!
which J. lllrvl, Jr. of Klumullr
Falls, In lo construct on III rumor
of Chockloot struct and Klrnl uvo-
nun In Childqiiln. was broken yealur. 1
day. arrordltiR lo advices received!
last nlilit from Clillniiuln. '
Dirt frnin the basement of thol
lllrvl building will lio thrown Into
the main street, ll wan learned,
nd will ha usod for leveling sec-1
tluna of llml IhoroiiKhfurn which'
hava been allowed hi sink below ,
tha average level of tho street.
Dirt taken from the basement of
tha four proposed buildings which
will rise on tho alio of (ha four
structures which, wara reduced to
ashes lata In September, will also
ba used for tha upbuilding of the
atreet aud within 30 duya ll In
understood that tha nulil street
will bo graded, all sidewalk r-il n.
ed to a loTfll with tha city's main
artery, and actual construction on
tha city paving unit, tlm flrat to
ba luatlgatod, will ba started.
lllrvl'a bullillnK. which will con
form villi tha recently authorised
regulations from tha city council,
la to be built of reinforced con
crete aud brick, and will be tho
flrat of a acrlea of bualneaa blocks
to rlae In the faat (rowing annul
ment. Tbn brick buildings, which
will bn constructed thla full by
(leorxo Hell, Charles Darnell, Turn
Hlerglu. and W, J. Htolnmoti, of
Klamath Fulls, will aoon b put
under way. It la undnrator.d. and
aectlona of the burned off land will
be cleared of debris within the
neit two weeka for tha wholesale
conalructlon of fireproof bulldlnita.
Chiloquin Elks -Pay
Visit With
Klamath Brothers
Chiloquin Rika are alwaya alive
to any aituallnn that may confront
them, and when the word went
out that there waa lo he an In
itiation at the Klnmath Fnll lodge
on Thursday of laat week the Heat j
People on Karth of thla town don-j
ned their Holiday toga and hiked
lo the county aeut.
Among I hone who received a
greetlnc from the Klamath herd
were Krnnk and Damon Savage,
John Urnvea, Jack Almeter. (ieorge
Cunning, Fred Mnrkwardt. Hoy Def
f vn backer and Chnrlca Williams.
The visitors nil reported having
enjoyed pleaaurnble and profitable!
At the rate Chiloquin la growing
It will only bo tha matter of a
few monlha until the population
will be large enough to aecure a
charter for local lodge of F.Iks,
and the boya In thla neck of tho
wooda anticipate that when that day
dnea arrive they will ho ablo to
aponaor one of the llvetieat orga
nltatlone of Ita kind to he found
In the west.
Wtaer Company is
Enlarging Scope
of Its Activities
Exleuslvo enlnrgementa of the
water ayatom In Chiloquin aro now
under way, and tho Chiloquin Wu
ter company la laying 6000 feet of
pipe on the weat aide of the river
which will furnish water for the
entire aectlnn of the town on that
aide of the river.
y A. ('. Glengor, manager and mov
ing aplrlt In tho company, hna bad
a rrcw of men digging tho trenches
where thn pipo la to be Imbedded.
The Improvement wna badly need
ed by rcaann of moat of the wella In
that section having gone dry, nnd
the management nt thn . company
decided upon Inking Immediate
steps for tho aervlng of the good
people of tha town .who were not
an favorably altnnted na nthera.
Thorn wan a landlubber with tho
ahlpwrockod crow that had boon
adrift for two dnya, with hope nt
low ebb.
"Whnl'a that?" exclaimed tho
Inmtamnn, olu.!ng Into the (Its
tnnco, "That'a land, isn't It?"
"I aoe nothing but tho horlton,1
replied tho flrat mate.
"Well, hung It, Hint's bettor than
Clothing. Lot's pull for it."
I Mystery Surrounds
X - L 1 1 v-ts'.'.'' 1
MjCr.uaI Pria 1'ttutu kaSft I
Palatial Potter. House
Wlicn five mciulicri of tlic family of W. O. Potter, former United
Statct district attornry, were found dead In ll is home at Marion,
and liia lifeless body was found in a cistern, a coroner's jury decided"
he had slain tlic family nnd then committed suicide. But State's
Attorney Arlic O. Boswell, following an examination of thr evidence,'
set aside the verdict and declared that Potter, as well as his family,
had been murdered. It was assumed at first that Potter had been
driven insane by financial worries. . All except Potter were killed
with a heavy iron furnace shaker. Bodies of Mrs. Myrtle Potter, -',
and daughter, Kliosc, 10. and Phyllis, 4, nnd Cynthia White. 3 weeks,
irrandthildrcn, were in one room; and that of Mrs. Gilbert White, a
daughter, In the bathroom. Maurice, Pottef'. only son, madcjlw,
discovery on his rctur from a dance. '
yjga StreCtS IS
Motto City Dads
Town of Chiloquin
tho eaKor little reser- J
vullon city on tho Klumnlh Indian :
reservation lands. Is fast becoming ; ai,.mi nM I
the cynosure of the eyes tif the atuti'tlnKt,n provliiualy and tho width of
of Oregon. j the city's main thoroughfaro set at
Following cleillon. nil era 111 Un fool,
which all but politics, politicians, with the widening of the strecta
voting and polling places aro for- com u,lmate grading and
gotten, Chiloquin Is planning to do!pavngi following the Installation of
big things. Ituy tho water supply I a w(or system to the business
from Mayor A. C. tilenrier, nnd j houses,
put tho system within the city's
control, widen tho streets, Issue a! Tho oculist waa examining the
number of building mrmlts for the eyes of a patient nnd had requested
construction of business housea as him to rend tho top lino of a tost
well ns first class homes, nnd talk enrd, the letters' of which ran:
tho budget plan over. In fact, 11 I1 n T V Z 11 II F 11 K
Chiloquin Is growing out of short
skirts nnd pigtails, or knickerhork
era and H-B guns, to thnt stngo
where ll can do things und do them
During the mooting of the city
council of Chiloquin on Monday
night, tlm subject of wldonlug tho
streets of fhlliinuln was discussed
anil brought a storm ot applause .
down upon thn heads of tho city j
dads, who aro hound to makn Chll-i
oquln a big town with I.Ik Ideas.'
even If it doesn't boast' the pnpulu-j
Hon of n metropolis.
Two alreeta were favored by the:
Jurisdiction ot tho city fathers of
Chiloquin, and First nvcniio, thei
main thoroughfare, and Chucktoot
street, crossing First nvonuo, and
one of tho main business streets
nnd residential actions. ,
Chock loot street, which Is now TO
feet wldo, waa extended nnnthor 10'
feet and when completed by order'
ot tho council will boast a width
of 80 toot. It will undoubtedly bo
tho stnndnrd width of nil streets'
created by tho council In tho fti-aa
Slaying of 'Family
W O.
jturo. Hccatiae bouses ore set far
i back on chorktont street It was pos-
' sihlo to make It Hi) feet wide. ,
whereas the main street cannot j
exceed US feet. ' j
lly crdrr of the council. First
avenue, which Is now SO feet wide. I
will bo extended to a width of 88 1
frtitt If wae ,tiA r.i0ri.l nt IIia nlfv 1
When somo moments elapsed, the
specialist said. "Do you mean to
say you raunot read letters that
else?" ,'
"Oh. I ran seo the letters all
right," replied tho pal lent, "but I
can't pronounce the bloomln' word,
I'm blest If I can."
Kodak Developing
' Confectionery
', Candles, Tobacco -Periodicals,
1 Newspapers
C. G. Griff in Had
Goose Dinner on
His Anniversary
ll Ik prolty nice lo have a birth
day and ehpeclnlly when you do
j not have to reveal your age, but
j It la mill nicer lo Aio nerved with a
; wild gooae dinner, auch aa hnp-
penYd to C. i. (irlffln.
Thla all happened at the home
of tirlffln when a number of
frlenda assembled lo extend fell-; l,ur naer- j of Wood Hlver and other mountain
citations and congratulations upom T,ll ' word received from: streams In that section of Klamath
his having paused another mile-, Mayor (iienger last night when county. At no time in the year,
stone In tho Journi-y through Itfe. ' atated that the city Is seeking' not even In the hottest days, is
A pleasant evening was enjoyed by : to ,n water ay:em and will jit possible for men or children to
all present and the repast was one ! Probably bond Itself for $25,000 ! swln In the waters of Williamson
of the most elaborate and Inviting ' for ,h Purchase of the water sup-'. Jtiver. It is one of the finest fisU
ihnt has been spread In Chiloquin D,y nl Pipings. 1 Ing atreams In the county and a
in a long time. Those
were Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Tucker.
Mr. and Mra. A. Hume. Jack House
and Mr. and Mra. Urlffln.
School Cafeteria
Opened Here Much '
in J i wr
CillJUycQ Oy I OUIlg ,
Proper nourishment makes better
students, and with this end In view
the I'arent-Teacher association of
Chiloquin haa Installed a cafeteria
luncheon in the public school. A
large Colonial range haa been In
stalled and those In charge are pre
paring the most choice ediblea that
can be obtained nnd which have a
tendency to help build up the men
tal and physical fibres In tho lives
of the young people.
Tha cafeteria Is proving a bless
ing to piipibi who live In remote
sections adjacent to thi. to.
and it haa been found that a hot
lunrn .wrvea a omT purpose man
bringing cold food to school.
Stockyards. Ready ......
to Handle Large
Number of Cattle
The Chiloquin stockyarda
been enlarged to three times their
former size and It will now be
possible to facilitate the ahipment
of stock for various points over
the Southern Pacific.
Stock from Fort
nearby ranches will
Klamath and
be driven to
this town for shipments to outside
points, and during the next few
weeks it Is expected that heavy
cosignments will be made by cattle
growers. . . . . - .
at Chiloquin '
Saturday Night
and Larjgest
Klamath County
Mayor, Gienger Submits Proposition
To City Council to Take Over Water
System of. Town of, Chiloquin for ,
a Consideration
For Hule an excellent water ya-'
tern, owned and controlled by A. C.i
jCllenger. mayor of Chiloquin.
,h .. . t.hllonlll ,he
According to Mayor Clenger. wbol
niHciissea me prooiem oi purcnas -
Ing the water system with members
of the city council of the recently
Incorporated town of Chiloquin. and
' .
I with the budget committee as well,
' hnfh nttstprA hirllM hatlhr mat
MnaaT niKiu to "K:uas problems or
tbat nature, the water system. If'
purchased by the city of Chiloquin,
win nieuu tue luioicutaie piping oi
several hundred homes and the
pavement of the mala street, or
First avenue.
The water waa piped by Gienger
Ampitheatre is
Planned Here by
Local Sportsman
Iiiile Polln, live-wire bualneaa
I man of this little reservation city,
ia nlunniur unnn eonaLrucllftr a
BB1ph, , whu.n to
; gUK(, lndoor ,,. urh
and h.h.i .
Polln la looking around for a
silo and If a suitable location can
be reasonably secured then- Chilo
quin will shortly be bidding (foffhe
j services of some of the top-notch
I mitt artists. Polin says he Is con'
fldent that he could draw large
i delegations of sportsmen ' from
Klamath Falls and other places In
southern Oregon.
In view of the fact that Polln
la one of the best known members
of the sporting profession In this
country, having been 'a warm per
I sonnl friend of Jess Wlllard, Jack
Dempsey, Young Corbett and acores
or other lesser lights, he should be
in a position to sign up high class
i artists to engage In uonta here.
Drug Company
Where the
Candy "IS"
i Li.'. :
In X
Chiloquin gy
of $25,000 in Cash
from the Williamson Illver which
rl" ,n the niK Marah country
1 above Kirk.
" co,u '
; eat streams in southern uregon and
comparea wim tne icy temperature
spicnoia caicn oi trout who turiver
; - '" -c.o, wfiiH
j br " m"" ardent fishermen.
Tuta n , . , I. - I
n.,f.. MnHin. .nrf ,,,
.ickness U found In the settlement
2 might be expected from . town
hnrfHIn. IIV. rhllnm.ln ... .,h.
out an adequate sewer'aystem and
waier auppiy,
It la understood that the city will
have 30 days In which to obtain the
system and a special election will
be sought by the property owners
who are Interested In putting the
Chiloquin Water company In the
handa ot the city.
Olenger has been owner of the
aupply aince taking up hia resi
dence in Chiloquin several years
ago and has perfected the system to
a number of homes and business
houses on First avenue.
The Frisco Five, San Francisco
dance orchestra, pleased a large
gathering of dancers at " the hop
"Iglyen, Jiere a few- nlghtagoThe,
music proved nighty entertaining
and was a diversion for all In at
tendance. So successful was the first event
that the committee in charge gave
a masquerade dance last Saturday
night which was largely attended
and Joy reigned supreme until the
wee sma" hours of the morning. i
Klamath's Largest Store
With dozens of stores and a very large buying
capacity we are able to give the people of Klamath
County the very best of merchandise at the lowest
possible prices.
We carry a full line of furnishing for the entire
Visit our piece goods department and note what
a complete line we always have in stock.
"We Are Located to Serve All"
' '.rffiavi I Wi
Budget Is Planned
And Tax Likely to
Be Levied in Town
Chllcquln. perhapa tna only city
In aouthern Oregon that does not
pay taxea. la aoon to have an estab
lished budget, even though It Is
not on an enormous acnle.
Thla fact waa announced yester
day by Mayor A. C. Olenger, fol
lowing a meeting of tho budget
committee after the Monday night
council session.
At present the elty has an Income
In the neighborhood of (4.000 de
rived from occupation tax, dog tax,
building permits, tinea of all kinds.
; license for rooming houses, hotels.
T. . . . .
. .1
" ".ovv ,uu lilfj V 1 1 T . U9
budget committee announced, which
!eave.s I,al "um ot 2.80 to raise
taxat'0,, 11 K" declde1 '
, " "'V MX ODOn Bll
PP"tJr ,Ia t,he ?' of CWloqul.
and the taxation to take effect the
Solo Poof Hall
The Coffee Cup
The Eats Are"ciean
The Coffee's Supreme ;
You'll Want to .
'ine Ridge, Oregon