The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 30, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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- !
Page Two
Sat tnil ay. (Vtobor :10. lO'V.
Earl of Cowley
- Denied Divorce
by N. V. Court i;
NEW YORK. Oct. SB. itnltM, 1
(Ooatlnaerl from rage 0)
and early this week he shipped lot
Portland ton head of purebred Aler- '
V..(Sil l Ih. R,rl f , .l"n.. .'Kill.' t!Ul alHluT 11
one time New York actor, to ii-;h,,d ' """ "hwp.
lain divorce from hit chorus girl, j Through the courtesy of Elmer
collapsed Friday when the Jury re-' Ralsiger. mho plans to go to th '
fused to belUve that the wife had exposition the first of the work.:
been guilty of misconduct. , two Klamath comity boy comprising i
Immediately after, :he countess. l"'""0 '" '" B-' l ;
who, before her mrriwo. was Mls,l"k, in I," hi ho
.May Pickard. had given her tostl- ' Pen.' paid. The boys. Karl IWU-,
mony. the jury aked the judge if 1"""r ani1 Trlpleii. will cum
It were necessary to hear additional ,or in, 8"" K.adin competition!
defense . testimony. The foreman i "a m' ,rom over me state
Year's Jail Fare
Forces Fa t her to
Surrender Child
Bound and Gagged
To Keep Her Away
and northwest.
then handed the court a atatemnt In
which ft was found that the coun-i
tea had not been guilty of miscon-! ANOTHER GRADED ,
duct with Humphrey Kent, named I ... . SCHOOL NEEDED
bjr the earl as co-respondent. The i
Judge dismissed the suit, assessing
all costa against the carl. I
Previously the wife had leatl
(Continued from Page One) ,
es, twa second grade and low third i
fled, denying misconduct, but admit-! probah ln ,.,nirsi, ,,., w: h0J
Una ibat she had been on aevera! : W(l a yar ,f ,he present Increase'
drinking parlies which Kent at-' Mntinui,a .. I
fended. When the earl's attorneys! , . . . !
asked her what wa. Kenf. atiracl fl condition although
lion, ,he replied: j n,u',h whe ,h "tloB "f
! section to the Mills Addition school.!
"He knew how to talk abouti,n( , of tne nM intra, ,s
aomethliig besides actors and ac- ln frv o( ,
tresses." j f Tne Kbool board states It will
ine eari -as viscount uagman prohahly find It necessary to bulls!
when he played In New York. Hiupon tMr ..ny purihased
wife waa a chorua alrl In the "C.irl , Ho, Sprill)(a Addition,
of the Film" company shortly be- w,re there ha, never been a school,
fore they were married in New
York In 1914. For results use Newa Clou Ada.;
' A year ago the wife of James A.
Hall, Kansas City, divorced him
and was awarded custody of Ihcir
daughter Grace Anircla. Hall told
the court he would "rot in jail"
'before surrendcrinz her. After
serving a year's sentence for con
tempt, living on bread and milk,
his resistance is broken and he is
willing to abide be the court's
decree. But he savs he is not sure
?f.!.he child's whcn-alumts.
i "nil aanliisi Leonard Hardy, a rent
1 cstiile broker, postponed and hur
I rlcd to his client's iipnrtmriil. The
- riitiim iioiiKiniiii, pre-
rrom C'Ourt irial v,"u'1 upon n,, j'",i""' umm-k
. the door.
i Ni:V YOltK. o.t SN - i l ulled Tliev found the young woman in
News) - Mrs. Marie Mabel of St. , her nlptlit. lothes. her wrists secured
i l.ouls didn't appear in court Friday, over her head with a rope, her
to press chnmes nsanwt a real e- ntiklea hound to her chair with
Mate broker she mviised of taWly ; electric cord, a wad of coilou held
j obtaining V1J.UH0 from her. he- lis her moiilli by a twisted towel.
causo she was hound and gagaed Injttullva had shrunken the cotton and
, a chair in her r.i sido aimrt , suved her llo, her physicians suld.j
U'ellt. . . . . 1
; The iiparlllielit was :n wild ills-
, Tin- Mniug woman, who Is iljuidir. but noitiliiK hud Ihimi stolen.'
.years old. wa near death from . j
j strangulation when he was found.- ..,., ..
.. , , , i . HHK ON llt .UtKNTH
I Alter she lind been revived hy a I
physician ' she said that' she had I " ""
been choking au.l helpless for SAN Fit ANl'ISCO. Oct. IK l'nl-:
nearly eight hours, since opening the j '''' fi,''"1 Mistaken lor hTjuckers
i il.Hir supposedly to udmlt n Western wl,,'n """v ""ht to prevent the
, In ion messenger boy at 4 o'clock lus111""" ,,f Hiuor sargo n tin:
the morning. . , ! Marin county shore three federal
; Police say that Mrs. Mabel nr-' J"""'11"" ' "red u
rowly escaped the fate nf Louise1 h', tnm ruanft,t- ho w m
'Lawson. the young music student. ! ch"" "im rovrr ,hr,r ",rr-
who died of strangulation hy apart-1 ''n'" 'Mr' Ahlln. William Pa
j ineut invaders In the i-nn.o neighbor-! !,'"r't '" described the
' li hm. ivncouuler when they returned here
today. Threo shots puss. I through
(Continued from rago One
aciouipanylng cuili uwurd. urn. ad
vised to cull nt I ho county uncut'
offici nud be llii'de rhher.
.V final cAeck on the riniiuclal
standing of the Kliituiitli couniy
nlr this year, slums the liisliiu
(fi ll lo he in better shape tills seu
son than has ever been I he case
In the pust, II Is reported. This
Is In splto of the fact that the cash
premium list this yeur us :':i;ls,
us cmnpared lih IIDCu hist sea
son. I
KIIIMK t.lll ll'ISti '.IIIK
for K'a 111 slse prluis
lite A I.V llll Melii,
1ST Mlllll
Teuiher or I'Iiiio and Violin
.. I'l-.l'Kltsi
I'liiilin M-
lilailuille I lllielslly of I'sllfomht
A. ck.IiiciI by . Mloto IMhiiiI of
For resutts use News Class Ada.
fill INK IJtXI
411 Main
I When a clerk from the office of
; her attorney knocked for ten mln-
utes at her door without arousing i
her. Mrs. Mabel's attorney In her For resutts use Newt Class Ada '
Hard's hat. while unoiher bullet
grated Paget' arm.
For tlu' rt'turn to
the Sound iu Rooms of
brown leather huiulliap
belnnginrr to Tiny Herman.
Lester "
For Assessor
A Square Deal for All
(Paid Political Adv.)
i '! ' i -. ,;
DO YOU KNOW that the Klamath Heating Co.
is a pioneer industry in Klamath Falls?
DO YOU KNOW that the Klamath Heating Co.
has operated here for years on the wrong side of
the ledger so that Klamath Falls might have'
what many other cities many times its size has
DO YO KNOW that this central heating plant
has SAVED the business man of Klamath Falls
thousands of dollars, because of savings in fire
insurance rates?
DO YOU KNOW that the life of any city hinges
on its payrolls and expansion of its industries?
For these reasons
that the people of Klamath Falls want to pro
gress. WE KNOW that the Klamath Falls public
is capable of exercising its own intelligent mind.
We know that under proper encouragenient and
with the proportionate growth of Klamath Falls
we will give Klamath Falls one of the "best
central heating plants on the coast.
for the adoption of Ordinance No. 748
Klamath Heating Co.
Paid Advertisement
Vil,W'. . -lX , V a-,,..., J .W7
The gay days of the party season are here again and Hallowe'en is on every
kiddies mind . Make their party a sure success with 20th CENTURY'S dependable
foods. J
Offerings Saturday and Monday, October .JOth and Nov. 1st.
SNOWIIItlKT" A highlp refined purely rsvtuhl
hnortenlng: 2 it., can Wc; 4 III. can
"t'RKMK Oil' SO.t "he Cream of Olive Oil Toilet r
Soap.'." 6 bar (Until 1 lot I aOC
lt)l" ('(III.V "(ilobe," the old reliable brand, It JO
pops. .1 lbs OaC
nUHiriXU IKIMK rATSre Large nn
bottle jC
DOMKSTir H.UtDINKS Packed In nuro vegetable r C
Oil; quartern, 4 cans awOC
"f'KVKTAf, WHITK" SOAP "Pure Soap all nn
throiiKh," 10 barn OOC
I.IIIIIVH" f'OIIN II1I K If It's Mbby'a Iff good nm
No. 1 can . aC f C
"NI NMMD" KAISINH 192 Pack, "Seedless." or
"Puffed Seeded," 15 oj. pnekaxes, 3 for . OOC
"I.MIIIV'H" MII.K "The nearest to fresh Cream," on
tall cans J for ailC
TISSI'K TOII.KT PAPKIt 1000 Bofl Sanitary Shoetg
to the Roll. .1 Rolls a3C
SI'IDKIl LEO TKA In hulk, finest quality basket fired
Japan. Drinkers of green tea will apprtciuto Its yQ
aromatic flavor, pound 40C
MI'MIIO" WALNI7TS 128 crop. lt, Inrne white meals,
the Inimitable flavor of which. nin not lie OT1
ciiu.illed. lame, pound J 2 C
WI1ITH KlVfi" WAhlllMi MACiriNK HOAP Arm
Large package . Tt C
"I IS HhllH" lll.l.l.H) OATK (irown In the Willamette -Valley
which rrottiicea I lie world's finest oats, V n
lb. sack 54 C
"WKHMOX" Oil. Excellent for frying nnd Imking
well as for inuklim Mayonnaise, quart ran
"IMIHKII A MO" KI.H'K K XPI'l.r large mellow slices
n, ,uu iii u iiii'iiiiiui syrnp.i large can
2 for '
".MELLOWEST" CIIEKSA ennslsteni prlre winner, every
yeur. nt the Htutn Fair. Aged just right, on
pound ZyC
VAV CA.MI-S" IIKANM -with the famous tomato
sauce." The "big" tin (IS ox. nit wt.l ,1 runs
l-'Ull lt frown or Drifted Snow, llest Palent Ahn o
t lb. aack $4.13
y r,. - $2.23
20TII f'KN-TUtr fOI KEK Few equal, none heller, roasted
n our own plant today, nn your table lofa'irinw. Pleases
both the palate nnd imrse. Ornund to your" (M o O
order for fineness, ill. 47c; II lbs. p .OO