The Klamath News Otttrla Paper for Uw City of Klaaa. a falla ud Klamath Ooaat DWIN ROSI Managing Editor JAMES BUCHANAN. Business Mgr. PiiblUhd Trf inorBln ipt nfondar br Tha Klamath News Pub-! lUhlog Company at 10J-1M Booth Fifth street, Klamath Falls, Ores an. NATS OTTERBEIN Pre.l-l.nt BTRON H. KURD Vice-President WALTER 8TRONACR Treasurerl am . iiNiTRn push 1 Lorl la lh World) SUBSCRIPTION RATKS Delivered by carrier, month $ .IK) Datrrered by rarriea, year... 5.00 OattMe Klamath Ccmay B.00 All tatecrtpUoaa Payable la Advance mbaerlbara tailing to receive SiTm. waY1 :r:,w,l will ke aat to ro a. j entered aa second elaaa matter at lager. The surprise of the week tha poatoftlee at Klamath Falls. Ore- :s tne wav thU man w mpnsnr nea. November It. 1123. under act . lne WHy lnls man 1S measur ot March , 1I7. ing Up. Ko.1 Aadlt Bareaa of Ctrcalatloa THE WHINERS It appears we are to have a campaign of whining. The ungrateful public is pulling away from the King's favor ites. The odds are plainly against them. Nobody would have suspected for one minute that Klamath could be so for getful. As Elbert Hubbard once re marked: "A man looking for sympathy needs two swift kicks, properly placed." TRUE TO FORM The political campaign in Klamath is running absolute ly true, to schedule, the same readiness to hit below the belt and the same enthusiasm for the proverbial smoke-screen., . - All this would be fine if in any sense original. But since we have lived through it be fore we may be able to spot light some individuals to rare advantage. The fine Italian hand of ' Klamath's "Mussolini" is still in evidence. Things have not changed. The human equa- - lion has still to be reckoned with. "A fire is never out while the ashes are still red." 000 - ) COME CLEAN! 'A good deal of nonsense is brewing locally, and many kinds of attempts will be made to scoop things politically, but we may as well all know in advance just where we get off. The chicanery of which cer tain factions are capable had better be put into cold storage . for a week or two, as a means , of reasonable precaution. For once, if only for once, Klam ath intends to show the stuff it is made of. It can easily develop into a parrot and mon key time, but unless we miss our guess, even the higher- ' ups will know enough to hunt cover. "A living dog is better than a dead lion." A BLACK EYE .y: It might be, a good idea for : San Francisco to stop its boost- er advertising until such times ,M its Police department can afford safe protection to work- ingmen. The record of mur- der and assault, lasting over six months, is a worse blow to' VI ; California than the hurricane j i,' was to Florida. If any city! j: , official is so lacking in mental- ity as to think he can get awayi : with that kind of performance; he ought to be yanked intoj ji his senses, and out of his job, and that right quick. Up here in this neck of the woods it looks as though San Fran- v' Cisco's law enforcement need ed a big shaking up. There is something decidely rotten '; somewhere. IN CONTRAST Some candidates remind one of Lincoln's steamer story. The vessel had an eight-foot whis tle and a six-foot boiler. Whenever the whistle blew the.' boat had to stop. .... . " other h,"'e men of George Offield s type. quiet and sincere. that ring true through every phase of circumstance. really know Offield without liking him and the success he has made of his own career is the measure of what he can i - .r . 'T" ine nii't that he is a rcpre-i sentative taxpayer further nualifips him for -nnnlv rr, un 000 ALL POPPYCOCK "The World is SO full of 8; , number of things, we really ' I v. it x t . ! I ought all to be happy as kings. And by Way of diver-' by la the enclosed swimming hath.' sion we have an interesting! Ju,t ,D!,ide ,he ,r-- '' ' j not completely round are tot) ten game of recall and referen-j is clubs, who build their tem- dum, guaranteed to provide! porary homes every summer. And; more solid amusement per!wUhln lh,a ' Iolf course., sauare inch thnn nnvthino- e.J n'n "1r h',- i cently invented. The joy of discovery ap- peals to us just as much as anyone, but what happens when there's nothing to dis cover? In a community as ag- gressive as this there must be some outlet for surplus steam. And playing recall to satisfy personal spite will manage to keep some people out of other mischief. Some day Klamath will be in bigger business. Apparent ly, we have some things yet to learn. GAINING GROUND even money on Haney to beat Stan- If you want to know how field. -well Steiwer is running watch Amons om .mailer beta being . !of(eredas $100 erenjnmeif ibt the bullets that are flying his.Steiwer wouid not get 10.000 votes way frarrr-all'-TJOintS of the more than Stanfteld. IIOO even compass. There will a succes sion of shots for the balance of the campaign, He has the enemy worried and their heav iest artillery has been brought forward to assist in the at tack. We use military expressions for the reason that Steiwer played a soldier's part during the war. He proved himself equal to the task ahead, and can do it again. Of the three candidates he offers the larg er promise and the better per formance. And aside from anything else Oregon owes it to the President to support the straight Republican ticket, ooo NOT SO BAD Many a truth is spoken in jest, and sometimes through seeming sarcasm we find the basis for solid fact. For in stance, this extract from the i ran. Bend Bulletin: . Tbe 'r'iu'"y .,or "'"'e- I tnre 40,000.000,000 feet of soft In a Klamath Falls paper we read j pine, that Bishop Remington Is devoting The largest box shook mano a full week there of prayer and j a,,en cen,er ln the UBlteJ benediction to the needs of Klam- j The' largest percentage of growth ath. He spent only half a day In i In telephone and telegraph service Bend. j ot any city on the coast. It is a bit unfortunate anyi town should so readily admit its inability to absorb religious! instruction. If Bend is so hope less the Bishop could not make any impression, we may have to revise our opinion of the place. In spite of all its rough exterior, Klamath manages somehow to 'make visitors wel come even to ministers. The Bishop had a very pleasant week here and made hosts of friends. - --a one. KLAMATH Population 11. (70. Altitude 4,000 feet. Monthly payroll of (1,000.000. 140,000 acres ot Irrigated lands. Several standard rigs boring for oil. Klamath has tributary to It 21 mills and factories. Climate- clear and cool ln sum mer and mild In winter. Shanghai Claims to be Greatest of Playgrounds SHANGHAI. China. Illy Mnll to. failed News) Shanghai rlalnia to. b lh. largest municipal play-. around In the world, a playground devoted In nothing hut sport of varioua sorts in all immiu of Hi"' year. llally thousands of piirllcl-! pants journey to the recreation i ground, loot ! wfthln t'ii min-; .. .l.U f pain h ait.1 mi I Nobody canl.v. ..... , r.wi.i.n.-t district. Thousands mnr attend ; baseball game and cricket tiiiit. h.' 1 " 'i'" ''" ,,1,v, '"''" i ""no"I,"Ml t ' j A double race track, on., audi lone-eighth mile In length, occupies! part of the ground, while on the' far side the Shanghai Race club' la expending millions to provide the finext racing "lands, atahlea and club house In the Orient. Within I , the em-Insure, as one enter Is ttu'j j baseball field, with grandstand no-1 jcomodatlon for 1000 spectators, and 'ample room for another 5000 fori J the big Interport aeries. Right in! the center of the area are built three ; club houses, whose members play cr,rk"- "l,nl ni otnr ,porl" during the summer. To one aide; . firsl clllM polo ,,, , .a BMrJ The golf course U open In the, mnrnlnu In lha aflarnAnll ftitl. , p,aved on the fairways. Dur-i ing the heat ot summer racing is ( suspended. In winter soccer, rug-1 by. football and American football, supplant baseball and cricket, while' naturally tennis "and swimming arej held In abeyance. Every season's ' sport Is to be found In season, trap ! shooting alone omitted. j STF.1WFB FAVnRITF' at nnns in to k- PATTERSON 2 TO 1 (Continued From Page One) : Stetwer would win the election, or "odds of 10 to 7. This same man was offering $5000 to $2000 that (Patterson would win and 11000 money that Staniield would get more rotes than Haney, 135 to ISO on Stanfleld to heat Haney, and 1 1 100 even money that Stanfleld would get more votes man ne receiv ed in the primaries. Hfltil'K TBI A I, IS SKT t-XlIt .NOVKMIlKIt 24 Pat Hogue, Klamath Falls taxi line owner, formally entered his plea of not guilty to the charge of perjury before Circuit Court Judge A. L. Leavltt yesterday morning. Hogue'a trial was set for November 24. Hogue Is charged with perjury during his trial when, following his arrest by prohibition officers who alleged be had liquor In his pos session and broke It on the side walk when they placed him under arrest. Hogue maintained at the trial the contents of the bottles was distilled water. KLAMATH More undeveloped resource than any other county on the coast. Thla city Is second ot Oregon In Vote For BILL DUNCAN For District Attorney As Ilintrlit, Attorney He never trleil to make a recoril at the price of Justice. (Paid Political Adv.) NOTICE Regular Republican Nominee W. B. BARNES for Justice of Peace I.IVKVIl.I.K DISTRICT (Paid Political Adv.) Tuesday. October 2t. 102rt I. L. PATTERSON, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR i . i for the welfare of the city. libi. v'iY "So you can put down as my 1 ' iT ' v r f At TOM WAITERS For Mayor of Klamath We expect to present each day in this space one or more of the plans which Tom Watters hopes to see carried out if he is elected Mayor. HERE IS NUMBER ONE:' "There has been too much dissension in the city government ' and this has delayed or defeated plans and measures vital to the city's progress. I do not know who has been riglt or wrong "but I can see the harm that has been done. 4 . : . f ' "I have no plans or policies which will not meet with the ap proval of every sincere voter. We all want to see the city grow and prosper and we must not let political ambitions or personal interests make the city hall the scene of quarrels or strife. "The city council is elected by the people and I will assume that you will not elect anyone in whom you do not have confix dence. I will not assume that lam smarter or more interested in the city than they are but will respect their opinions and do ev ' Clothing in my power to keep everybody working harmoniously "Peace In The City Hall Pardons Granted Convicts in Lieu Of Saving Guards JKFKKKHON I ITY, Mo., Oct. !S. ll'nlted News) Freedom w the reward tiiilght for Mur convict who catnn to the assistance of Ai Hon guards during the break for llh erjy of seven convicts from the Mis souri penitentiary Hiinduy. ' Tha pardons were grnnled on rer : omnicndtttlon of Leslie lludolih, j acting warden. ; The convicts who wero liberated are Ollln Cooper, negro; Clyde ' Woods; Artie Month and d'orgo Mc- A llUf or. 'miMr (lUiliiyt'l iiiiuniiuI rtmruKo' j when ho rtiHhi'tl tn tlm iloffiiHe of i 1 J. Is, KltM'tiuui, Riinril, who wnn bo- Inn Mduckod by five runvlrW. t'nup-1 i er tlnivn (lu'in nft with tt buh bi-r ! knlfo. To ronvtt I were wouinlcil In (ho lwn-honr Kim Imtile with pr Ihoii muir.lH uml m-MtilMTH nf lilt 1m ul I Lone Bandit Holds i Up Restaurant in . Portland; Escapes I roitTI.ANI. Oct. 25 - I Culled News I- Calmly walking Into a rest aurant here Monday a lone bandit held up fl men and Mrs. I.. A. t'ascy. the proprietor. scooped 51.H00 In cash and 1 1. ooo In Jew elry from tin cosh drawer and made his escape In u stolen automobile after a lively street tltht as he was leaving. Hearing the screams of Mrs Cahey, Morris Cantor and J. ( Hays, grocery clerk In a store nest door, rushed to the place Jutl as the robber came out. They grappl.'d with him. but the bandit shook thini off and leaping into the car fired three shots and drove off. For resulta use News Class Ada. first aim and policy WATTERS FOR MAYOR CLUB . By A. L. RICE Paid Advertisement THE KLAMATH NEWS Beautiful Framed Pic tures on sale at Stinson's Studio I'HIIN'K I'JlNI WESTERN TRANSFER COMPANY 4 III Muln TI1AVNI Kit AMI Itll.WINta ReliabU Patnlert F. R. OLDS 902 Klamath. Phona 192-W I J. II. COVERT Candidate For I Constable Linkvilla Precinct (I'nlil Colli inil Adv.) lltMghHaMaiH Fntrance Neat tn Pine Tree Theatre WINTKItS HCII.DIXO Phono IIH.1 0ea Kvenlngs ft 1 i- Of Save A V3 -iour Jjil