Sunday. October 21, 1020 Page Seven One Cent a Word Each fnstrtion TctophoM TT WANT AD One Cent d Word Each Insertion Telephone. WT TI1E KLAMATH NEWS CLASSIFIED AD RATES lo per worn ee-on tlm d printed flam td tud one wk 10 dt- eount. r Cams ad ran on month : 40 discount. la par word aaob lima ad ta prioud. TELEPHONE 877 TUB Bid MARKET PLACtt FOR . SALE REAL ESTATE ixnjruj-njru'Lnj'Lri rn'ifi" " f . sn.asj RUILDKKH, ATTENTHCir 50 SPLENDID IiiiIIiIIiik lol In vorv desirable location, $4500. $3000 will huuillo. . -, 11300 -Will liny three dumly 1 close la Two um corner lota. Very liberal terms. $3800 Dandy now il-rmtm li'imc toniplcioly fiirnlahed i-Ioho In on atrrot In bo puved. Full biiao nnmt. Karaite.' strictly modern. flUUO cuah will bundle. tjr.oO llnaullfnl now Hpnnlah slur , homo, desirable Imallon. Ilarilwuod floors, bronkfust room. Iiiilll-ln bath, full basement. I"ta o( bulll-lna, gurugo. splendid vlnw. Eaay tcrma. A. A. BELLMAN & CO. I'lioua ir. McCarthy !"'' 'i0 N"- 7"' Sl' FOR HALE One of tlia beat buys In a four-room, modern, com pletely tiirnlahod homo In apl'u dld lurullnn. wllh liannmi-nl. furn aro, nliii luwn, gnrugo, bIho plana whh tli" house. Cull 901 Lincoln Hi. Phono 4 4 3. IF YOU WANT to anil your farm or obtain a low Intareat rnte..g;2 Main long torm loan on same. boa WIKIIARl) KEAI.TY CO. 1I Ho. 7th St. ' lniuranca Roal Estate Farm JjnJn MUl HAI.K TINE LITTLE buslnosa on Main street, $700 IlEAUTIFKL FURNISHED home In Mllla addition; Ideal for railroad men. ''?'' WONDERFUL IIUY !n : alfalfa ranch conalatlng ot SO acraa on highway, 70Q. BOMB GOOD TOWN propartj t trada for ahaop. - --' ' TWO OOOn t-OTS on tow Main atreet paving aeroan 4 railroad track, $600 each. ' NICE HOME In Aahland to trade for Klamath Falla property. MOMYER A MOM YER ttopka llldg. Thona 1 Modern 4 room new home and . 4,,. niilaMo oil llralta. lxw cash' prlca or terms. P. O. llox 164. TOR BALE Lot $6x140 on Conv merctal 8t. Prlca $650. - , rOR flALE Bnlondld lot on Want land Ave. 60x120. Prlca $426 Close to East Main St. FOR BALE Three room house fnrnlahod In Mills Addition. COT' ner lot. Trice $1600. $500 down. POR BALE New modern nicely . furniahed four room bung alow; closo In, near depot on large lot: price $3600: $600 down and monthly pnjnnenta of $60 per month, Including Interest. A NUMflER of one and two room houaea on aplendld lota, prices from $600 to $1260. LOVELY FURNISHED modern home on 9th St. prlca $6,600: on terms. Call 901 Lincoln. Phona 443. WB HAVE SOME RKAL bargains In hath city and farm property, opportunities to trade or ex chance. WISIIARD REALTY CO. Insurance 126 So. 7th St. Boat Estate .Farm Ixans Oltf ACREAGE Choice 60 acre tract all Irrigated; also running water on place; price of 60 acres $110 ner acre or In smaller tracts for $125: on highway, eight miles from Klamath Falls; also choice small tracts near city. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. BARGAINS Nice little modorn home: double garage; nice yTd; home nicely furnished. Price $3500. Terms A aplendld bny In a fonr room mod ern bungalow; nice garden and yard; basement: very conven ient. Price $3360: small pay ment down. Resident lots and acreage. Call (01 Lincoln Phone 441 POR SALE Seven acres choice land 4tt miles from town, on highway; price $1750. Call (01 Lincoln. Phone 443. FOR SALE Acreage In small tracts of choice land; close In: near school; city lights and water. Call at (01 Lincoln or Phone 443. FOR BALE Nice home In five room modorn bungalow. Full basement. A aplendld home on paid pavement. Price tBiio, Call 901 Lincoln Phono 443 BARGAIN In a two-room, furnished house on, pavement. -Price, $860 cash. Call 901 Lincoln Ht, Phone 443, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE lOH KKNT Two 3'. onu 4- ami one g-rootii ruriilalird houses, $36, $45 uuil I Hi. KOU HAI.K OH TRADE Business lot facing tlircn streets, Hprlllg. Market and Kliiiniiih, Improved For iilrk aala $3200, llliuU rash. KOU SALE Hotel louao and furii lahlnxa. Host location In town. FOR HAI.K- Apartment houao, fill ing station, rooming houao, res taurant. roit HAI.K ( offeo lion, Iioardlur. house, pool hall, garage. FOR HAI.K ull kind. JOHN C. FRENCH lin Ho. Tin a CO. Phone 7J Fill KAI.K A xil dry ruiuli lu-nr Ixiat l(lrir linn. (). K. IIAK, t S A Mil In HI .. I'honn C24. KOIH'I'V IN Moilirn now throa-rooin hoiiHO wltii briukfuat nook, liuiiij nuil full 1-onrroto liiiaomoul. ilnt' uko In hanonioiit. I'urtly Itirmah-1 oil. Kniiilro 721 X. 2ud Hi. I in v mi v vr'lTAMik ion norpa I ni'ur llnnaniu, 143 Irrlautrd. roiwnd. Honia bulldlnaa. Ownnr MUX, 2!Mh Soulhwcal. Bratllo. WuNbinKion. FOH KAI.K lila on Calirornla uvouuo. lo $1.00 and torma. TWO I.OTH on Wordon, $4 25, ruah, liulanro It anil, TWO CIIOICK enruor Iota, Addition, $1000. $200 Milla O. K. K.VK, Ht. Phono 021 FOR HAI.K OK KXCIIANOE HO acres of the boat potuto land, for 6. or K-room bungalow. For appointment Phono 616. Foil HAI.K One of the boat houaoa on th Ht., on good cornw lot on pavomont. furnfnhed, price $0 000. Call 001 Llucoln. Phona 443. Four good resident lota near Cali fornia Ave. Price $350 for corner-lot and $300 for each In side lot. Call 001 Lincoln or Phono 443 rhree room modern houao In good location. Prlca $2360. $150 down, rmnll monthly payments. Call at 0I Lincoln Phono 443. FOIt 8ALK Untarnished apartment house on Main Ht.: lot 6xl2H. In aplendld location; rlce $500: on terms. Call 001 Lin coln Ht. Phone 443. FOR HAI.K Three room modern bungalow with double garage; nice lawn: large lot: a bargain: prlro $2050. fall at $01 Lin coln. Phone 4 4 3. A nambe of good, lots In different parte of the city. Prlcea reason able. Call 901 Lincoln St. Phone 443. NEW FOUR ROOM modern bung alow. Fire place, breakfast nook, paid pavomont. Trice $3X00. Call 901 Lincoln Phone 443 NIc modern bungalow on pavement. A good buy at $3500. Call at 901 Lincoln or Phone 44 3. SKVERAL GOOD realdont lota from $250 lo $1600 each. Call 901 Lincoln. Phona 443. FOR BALK A bargain In a close In proporty on pavement. In a modern two-room house, furnish ed; garago: wood house; room for nice home on front of lot. Price 2760. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 44 3. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1C0 acre ranch In Langcll valley; undor Irrigation: reasonable prion and terms. Inquire 813 Ala mods Bt. Klamath Falla. Five and one-halt acres; one and one-half mile from Med'ord: nnder Irrigation and city water. This Is properly that one ran make an Independent living on. Will take trade hero or soil on easy terms, ur, iounsoa. ruone j I1S3. TO EXCHANGE TO TRADE We have some good I trades, bring In yours, they may suit. O. K. HAE. 633 Main St.. Phona (124. TO TRADE for lots. We have sev eral very good Ford Touring cars Into models with good rubber and licenses which we will trade tor closo In lots or your equity. Btilck Garage. BRINGING UP. BILL list fcS16- (11 NxSr - '' FOR SALE i KOIt HAI.K I. hill). Inidy und aluli wood. HldtK-y Nelson, 142 lilrl alon tit., or Phone HM4. FUlt HAI.K Trees, trull, ahadn and ornamental. Berries, roaea. vlnee nnd shrubbery. Order now. De livery will be inudo ui the proper lima. J. Farley. I'honn 68II-J. I'. , llox 42. FOIt HAI.K Wo novo It. Otfpn'a flat drawn window glnaa. Roof and bungalow atulua, $1.25 pur gal. Patterson's I'ulnt Kloro. FUlt HAI.K COO steel hand power stumppullera, (30 each; horse power, $70: automatlo gules; hand wnll borers; watar whaela. Ill Third. Ilimlon, Waah. Watklna I'roducia aold at !20 So. 4'h. Phona 112-R LOST I.OHT llotwoon Koim and Klumalh Falla, u pluld abuwl wllh rod frliiKo. Addroaa Vodu Cray, Mid liill.l. Ora. I.OKT - Kurrlnta, aold with rod Htoitoa. Kotiirn to ownor. Itootn No. 4, Hiiiturmnn lltda. Howard. LOST brown Imitation louth or auiicaao, hulfwuy botw'oon Hbaw-Hortruin Co., and Alr plaua Fii'ld. 'Itt'titnr to Nowa of fice. Howard. , . -I LOST Two naod apara automobile I rlina, troad worn smootn with a round aide below troad. Kollv Hpringfleld soml liallimn fit Chevrolet. Tiros bolted togeth er. Proporty of F. M. I.tirua. Phono 735 or 317. Klamath Fulls. Rowurd. LOHT lllnck greyhound, white broiiat, $5.00 reward. A. Clv mors. Diiuaniuir. Ciillf., H. P. Klanal Dept., Cang No. 4. MISCELLANEOUS YOI'NC MAN would like room and board In prlvnte family. Phone 4 u 6, Room 37. PIANO Tl'NINO for particular poo plo. Kxporleaced and references. Action work and voicing a ( clulty. No payment accoptod tin-leaa-work antlsfactory. A.. E. Dea aon, 710 Main Ht. Phone 149-W. MAKE YOllll DATKH for paper haugcrs In advance. We huve threo paper hangers at your serv ice. Patterson's Paint Store. Phone 6K2-J. EXCAVATING 11AKKMKNTS: team work. iJiwn and fill dirt for sale. Frank Hatfield. Phono 89K-J. WB PAY CASH, soil for rash and aell for less. Wall Paper, llulld- Ing Paper, Palnta for all pur poses. Hoofing und Glaaa. Patter aon'a Paint Store. 824) South 6th. SEE V8 FOR LOW PRICED NEW and used atoves and furniture on liberal credit. Now Heaters $4.25 up (ongoteum Rugs, large alia $12.00 Good Steel Hods, only $10.00 Finn Coil Hprlnga $10.00 Cotton Felt Mattresses $10.00 Beautiful Floor Lampa ...$12.00 Nice Dressers, only . $20.00 Many Other Bargains KLAMATH HOME SUPPLY CO. In A Big New Store 1011 Main St. tf FLOOR SURFACE The Universal Way. J. F. Goldaworthy. Phone 871-W. WARNING This Is to notify the public of the formation of the Miller Hill Hlrd refuge, on which no hunting Is allowed. The refuge covers all land owned by the un dersigned who will Join In prose cution of all violators. This land Is all posted and comprises the Zet sman, Tlngley, Cloveland, n ip llama. Alter. Rogers. Sutton Wright. Calhoun, Shulmlre. Mil ler, Brown, Gibson, Uorn, Mack, Kegonato. uoraon, rrankiin ranches. Rug and mattress works. We do all kinds of reptttr work, also rug cleaning. One day service. Phone 119S-W. 1885 Portland St. HENRY E. PERKINS Lawyer State and Federal Courts American National Rank Bldg. Klamath Falls We Collect Honest Debta Anywhere In the United States and Canada KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 South Fifth Bt. Phdne 338 Collections Credit Rating Service DR. B. O. WISKCARVER Dentistry X-Ray Laboratory Phone 645 Underwood Bldg. HELP WANTED ! KLAMATH EM PAYMENT I AGENCY Buppllaa all kinds ot help 1 phone 167 James Ryan. 01 Mala. Klamath Fsils Ora. WANTKI) Farmer, former's aon or man at onro, or aoon aa harvest la or to trarel In country. H(aly work, aood proflla. Mc Connon Co., Kpl. ZVO, Winona, Minn. Active Amenta Make As High A $150 Week aollliiK 110 arrldnnt nnd houlth pullcloa for thla aound and pro icreaalva company. Tbouaanda of our axenla havn built per inanont biialncaaoa of tholr own aollInK thoae pollrloa. Many hava rotlred and now Ilva on tholr renownla. AN OI'KNINO NOW KXIHTH In your aactlnn an unuaual opportunity for thn right man. Addroaa Dept. (1-1, Hoom 14. 75 Monl.)m orv Ht., Joraoy :ity, N. J. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKD f'oalllon aa office aa. aiataut, oithor tompornry or por tnaiifnt. Heat of rofortneea. Phone 700. WANTKll Carpenter work, day or contract. Kstlmatea furniahed free of coat. Can giro firat-claaa reference. Box 95, Klamath Falla. aaaintant and bookkeeper in doctor'a or dentlaCa otflco. Four years' ex perience, (.all 284-W. KXHKKIKNCKD KTENO desires )o Kltlon 'permanont or temporary. Address Ilux 122, care Klamath News. WANTED WANTKD Young lady to share niartment. Cull any time Sunday or after 6:00 p. m. week days. 0u5 Alumeda. MEN to attend our services on Hun day evening at 7:30 to hear Biahop Rpmington. He has a gen uine messago for you. Ht. Paul's Episcopal Church, 8th and Jef feraon. WANTED Used furniture. We pay higheat cash pr.ces, also give you liberal allowance on new goods. Klamath Home Supply Co., 1011 Main St. Phone 894-W. WISH TO KENT by Nov. 1st or loth n small, unfurnished house with garago for winter, by man and wife, without family. Must bo clean and reasonable. Rent four months will be paid In advance. A. W. Howard, Algoraa Camp, Kirk, Ore. WANTKD Your, sewing and re modeling. Mrs. Fry. Call 65. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES ALMOST NEW SEDAN to trade tn on a $3,600 or $3,000 house and lot. Call 901 Lincoln St. Phone 442. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Lanu Office at Lakevlew, Ore. September 26. 19:6. Notice la hereby given that Isaac L. Larkey whose post office ad dress Is 2028 Reclamation Ave., Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the 13th- day of December, 1924, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, , No. 012358, to purchase the Lot (, Sec. 24. T. J7S.. K. 8E., Lot 3 and-NEUSWU. Section 19. Township 379;, Range 9E., Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, nnder the provl slons of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory,- known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, nnd that, pursuant to such application, the land and jlmber thereon have been appraised at $660.00. the timber estimated- 150M. board feet at $4.00 per M., and the land $60.00: that (aid -applicant will -offer final proof In sup port of hi application and sworn statement on the 4th day of Decem ber, 1926, before Bert C. Thomas, IT. S. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, s Any person Is It liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing - a corroborated affidavit In this of fice, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. P. P. LIGHT. S27 N27 Register. Anything yon wtsh to seriT 'Or to ogyT Tell all Klamath Falls about It In the economical, efficient way 'hrnuKb a Utile News Clsaslfied Art TWO OF A ariund FOH HUNT Offlro apaia, flr.or and window apaco aultablo i for aaloa aiconta. I' and of-1 flea aorvlca. Apply daily and Hun-! day. Mr. K. 327 Miiln Ht. , FOIt KENT Furniahed roi.m modern noma, hot aud raid wa- lor. SI 4 No. loth. NEW TWO-HOOM Furniahed apart- , . . r .Lt.. . . . .. FOH KKNT Apartment and cabin, j FOR RENT Ay j by the Fifth Hewer Unit; Blocka i 112 and 123 of Mllla Addition: NKW FOUK-HOOM bungalow, turn-' Mortimer Avenue and Kldorado Ave lihtd, garage. 142 Kant Main. , nuo; pane of Williama Addition phone Bl. Mra. R. C. (jrooahei k. ! and Btcoud Hot Bpringa Addition, all aa shown on the Improvement K)R KKNT llouiokeeping roorra. ; map which Indicates lth the ea- .07 Waahlngton Ht. ! . FOR KKNT Large front alcjpiug room. outside entraoce. ;i.i i Waahington. FOR KKNT New' 3-room hnuw. furniahed. Call before 5 o'clock ' . . . . ,ur" Hunday or 12t00 and 2:00 week i her details for Plana for cooatrnc daya. 2200 Huron Htrcet. j "' materials, quantities and the FOR KKNT Apartment. 2121 Vlnei Ht., two blocks south of Mills school. FURN1SHKIJ SLEEPING ROOM. 1028 Jefferson St. Phone 502-M. NEW DUPLEX BUNGALOW In two-'Flana for bids may be obtained at ; ected ,tock room apt. an 1 . bath, breakfast the office of the City Engineer or' .,. ... nook, two large porches, built- Police Judge at the City Hall of I , , " in featnres. Garage. All furnished. Klamath Falls.. Oregon. . . j Buying price, current receipt;. Price $.16.75 for each apartment. Thn successful bidder will be re-1 43cf 44; hennery Whites, 48c; pol Cull 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. quired to give bond In 8 sum to lie leu 35c. FOR. RENT Two furniahed rooms, for men. 845 Eldorado St. Phone j tract to he entered into for the 963-J. . making of said improvement. Each bid muv-t be accompanied SLEEPING ROOM in resepctable ! by a check certified by some res family home for gentleman only, j ponslble bank for 6 of the amount price $26 per month. Call 901 .bid, aa guarantee that the auccess- Llncoln. Phone 413. FOc'ifcR1EN.T LmPiroTe? !.arnk, .C,' Schubert. Spring Lake District, . ""--'"t ""inooi i.o.n. triplets. X7c; loaf isc; RENT First class furnished,1"'"- . . ,. .... .. Coos connty triplets. 25c: loaf 0c .," FOR apartment, steam heated. Mc Carthy Apartments. 20 Pine Phone 800. 014tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ELBA C. 8AUERRER0 Public Stenographer and Bookkeeper Phone Business 72 Res 24 ISO So Seventh Street Ibarrlher falling to receive thetr Kpar. eall Circulation Department tweaa I and a a. in and a eopy be aon to 7oa RfLLVS UNCLE KiNO - U)rV SVAOVll-DWV 1 OJtAW VT N I I , I 1-OOVC VEeVCS. XDUWiGtW J , iJMTHVS OVJTW j VOU STiUV ) i.VTH'K 1WITIVO KIIU4 KK TIIKi t ONNlHI CIKiV OK TtlK IOTII; HKHrill I XIT I Hoaloil proDoitftla will l rocelvod 1 by the Common Council of tha City i of Klamath ' Falla, Oregon, at the I office of the Police Judge up lo LnSDd,.Ln,cll",.""L M"n1""'. Noremhor ! jobbn RlTera, 2.25.7S; a-ig, l2r,, at the hour of o clock . ,,,. IP. M. of aald date, at which tlmei0- rATTiK all propoaala will be oponed and LviiHiiipicg lur I il c 1 1, u n , i u HJ l u l J "' "rf.nard J,' luting aewera and thoae to be built.. Tl,. 1 1 . 1 . . mil(lB Bccordln, to ,he plana. apecfficatlona and eatimatoa of the ' tf lha .ll,. ltAua reference to Hald Improvement will be let .in one contract. mrt.ierm win h. ii . nv.; mit bids on blanka prepared by lhe: City Engineer, and bids will not be considered unless so submitted. fixed by the Common Council, for the faithful performance of the con i ful bidder will enter Into contract with the city for the making of; ucl1 improvement within ten days i ,k j,, ,..i, The award of the contract to theiCoo conBtJ' tr,let- ": lof successful bidder is hereby made LIVE POULTRY contingent upon the sale of the Heavy hens. 26; light to me-' bonds necessary to finance the in-idium, 16cti20; broilers, 25c26; staUation of such improvement ( heaTy 2u(ti2; roosters ,12c; Pe- ""The Common Council reserves the' kl"duck- "c.:. ""nn JOc; right fo reject any and all bids and turkeys,. 34c 36: dressed. 4OC045. to make such Improvement on be-1 Barley. No. 2, 45-lb. Oct. bid half of the city. i $28.50; Dated" at Klamath Falla, Oregon. j0. 2 shipping. iuib ,ia. ua ui uciuwr, ij.n. I LEM L. OAOHAOEN, Police Judge of the City of . Klomath Falla, Oregon. 023 N3 Inc. ftlarkets Han Frunriaco, Oct. 2a rOTATOES Waahlnxton gema, $2.1 B 0 1.60; iweeta. CATTI.R Cattle ateady; ateera, cood, S.OO " " . , . i Calrea. ateady; 190 Iba. and 0 der, $7.609.60; over 140 lba., $0,001(10.00. . Iloga, ateady; light. flg.ZSO 1S.7S; mmllitm. fl4.E061S.K0. -- Sheep, ateady; lambs, medium to , choice, f 12.006 13.00; ewea, 14.00 $0.60; wethers, $8.00 010.00. Port la ml. Oct. 23 WHEAT - Big Rend Blnestem, $1.42; soft white, $1.41: western white, $1 41; hard winter. $1.42; northern spring,- I $1.41; western red. $1.38. WOOL "- 1 Nominal, valley, fine half blooe). 2c; medium threa-Cjoartari Mood. - c' coarse or uree-quarwr biow. 30c; braid. 30c At Taller points ', nricoa are fs to Eo hither for aa. BITTER . Selling price, box lots, creamer7-;; prlcea. Firsts, extras, 47c for plain wrappers, subject to discount of 10 ' 6 per cent; dairy buying price 30o, ! CHEESE i I Selling price: Tillamook -connty ' triplet. 29 He; loaf, 30ftc; Oregoe. i trlpleu, not branded, 26c; Tllhv , . ' 1 Oct. bid. $36.60; Nor. bid, $36.00; asked $38.00. asked $33.00. For results use Newa Claaa Ada. By A. Task 4 - tl