Page Six Suiuhiv, Oi'tobof 21. li2t THE KLAMATH NEWS Cuban Hurricane Death Toll 368; ! Hundred Missing HAVANA, Cuba, Oct. iS Unl- td News- With communications i slowly being restored to Inland ' point tonight (or the first llme Cuba bat obtained a eomprchenslva j Idea of the extent of the hurricane j which Wednesday awpt northeast-: ward from Urn Oarrlbbean aoa, cut-: tlm a swath a hundred miles wldej acrou Ha r ana and Vatania pro- vlncii, and striking the Isle of' 11 nea. j Death toll of 3(8. about 100 per-. A new nnRle of storm destruc tion u given in a report by the coast and geodetic aurvey of $l'i). 000 damage to beacon. buoys and other navlgatltn aids which will have to be replaced immediately before navtitailon In V'et Indlnn waters can be considered Bafe. A atorm area 100 miles or ni.ire in width across the island terri tory alcng the path of the storm, also must be re-charted, the repurt says. Similar replacements must be provided: along the Florida section swept by the hurricane tit six weeks ao. Administration Is j Political Inquiry Opposed to Legion ; In Washington Is ILLINOIS IMHWs HIVII.OI rl'll'KMU OK NMM I I'OX I are responsible for the stnrl of alio an. It an extent H" I'll pecalur siualli. eiildeiulc. slops muy In .cliool Itava bean closed. Tlilrly luv.n lw nniii.iriiii.s in nimraiitlne' seven fauillliia ara under qiiaran- lKt'ATIll. Ill . tl. l Sn I Culled ' 11.. rnarrvnllnn. : tine. . Views on Yari are Now Being Heard Htinevin-that nunan. on tu epidemir. .tamug in a maii , i I : ' "' I'lha Wlnebago reservation near here, j way among I he Indians, baa spread For resulia use News Claa Ada. WASHINGTON, Oct. S:i.- il'mudl SI'ATTI.K. Oct. it (l'nlled - , .. . s, i ' ' " " Press I The administration ile , !'"' The l:i. ', en of demo- , . , i .1 , g v aona missing, more than S.noo in jured and a property damage of i I120.0d0.000 were the lateat estl-j matea. but these were only apprcxi- j mate. ; Commercial Attach Pott from ! Havana reported that none of the i large augar centrals In the three provinces ot Cuba, stricken had been' damaged. Four small centrals In , Pinar del Kio, Havana and Matan-I 1st provinces bad been damaged, he; said. , j Eighty per cent ot the sugar! cane in the areas reported will sur-j Tire, he aaid. This area generally; produces about one-sixth ot thej Cuban augar crop for which the' United States Is the largest cus-! tomer. i The full extent cf the damage has not' been ascertained. Pott reported. AIMi:i: TO II.IVK TWKXTY WITNKSSKS IX KKKNSK I.OS AXCKLKS. Oct. S3. t I'nHfil j I'nasl Twenty witnesses will up-( pear for Aimee Semple Mcl'hersoii nrxt week at her bearing on charges j of criminal conspiracy to aid io: establishing the plausibility of the' evangelist's . famous story of kid naping and imprisonment. "We will prove, not only that Mrs. MePherson wa-s not guilty of conspiracy, as claimed by the state. . but that she was actually kidnaped, and that her story of this ubdtic--tiou and her escape is true to the, letter,"" W. I. Clilhert. chief of de fense counsel, declared tonight. clarc.l wnr today against American cratle senatorial cxpendlmrsM In; legion and army propaganda tor Washington stale ordered at Iho r-i unrestricted military use ot poison ! nu-t of lite republicans Imcnuio a two-way Inqui-y today. Altai king activities of Major lieu-! Senator Charles .Mi Ntuy. of Ore eral Amos Krlese. chief of tho army, gon. rcpicsi utiug the eeunle cam-! chemical warfare division, and the, paiRn fund Inveatlgatiug cotumlttoe, recent resolution of the legion. ta-;ord(nd that linltod States Senator, vol lug. poison gas. a high Mate do-! Wesley L. Jones, republican, appear partnient official said the ndniluls-j at the probe. Jom-s is now on a tratlon would push for aeniiie rnllfi-1 eakiiii; In eastern Washing cation of the tleueva provisions fur jinn. He will bait bis campaign and aboll:,on of chemical warfare, i come lo Seattle to ie,tir. regarding The house has already ratified , charges nulu-l. A, S .oti ; llullllt. the amicus treaty ot the Wash-, democratic .candidate for V. tilted , tngton arms conference with public , Jti.ilcs tcnntor. approval and therefor. considered, ' ' - opposition by army officials and , HIHK SIHPMKXT of i MH patriotic groups to the similar tie- AVIMtl.s IS MAUK neva protocol, its highly question- - . II Itroadcastlne that big game still T.iwij.ji.ri.rLr-n.n.-Vii-i.r.nni-in-irii-.- ' .lllolintls hi Kl.U'.iatll COItlltV. ail tlll- the construction, of the Vale recla mation project in the slate of Ore- son at an estimated cost -of S3.- land yesterday. 1 usual i-bptucnt I deer hide: led otnprlsiiii; about 30 , this my for I'orl- PKKSIWKXT AI'PHOVKS VAI.K KKX.M.TU)X l-KOJLVT WASHINGTON, Oct. S.I. tfnited Press) Announcement of official approval by President Coolidge of The Md- .-liliniu'til was made by J. Ilidart. I'll. I was copslcned to Clie West oat Tannery at Portland. While cars ot sheep and cow bides have left here In the which is lo P-isI few weeks, yesterday's bundle canal. It of deer.-kin uttlacted coti.-iileruble at- I'aclflc 590.000 was made by the In'erior department today. The President's action gives au thority to make the necessary con tracts and proceed with the work of building the project. Include a S. 500. Olio was based on iecomi;ieiidatioiis of . lentloii from Southern Secretary Work. ' freight house visit. n-n. Just One Week More, Then the Big Night HALLOWE'EN Everything for the big night will be on display at our store all next week. Buy early and get the best. Shaw Mac Rea Stationery Co. 620 Main St. ' i phone M2 KLAMATH NEWS "" Until November 15, 1926 Subscriptions and Renewals Will Be Accepted at THE KLAMATH NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Oct 1926 Enclosed find Four Dollars for one year's subscrip tion at BARGAIN rates to The Klamath News. Name Town . Check here whether New Subscriber Renewal Box Route HLF For One Full Year by Mail To take advantage of this offer all Mail Subscriptions must be paid up-to-date. Renewals to be effective at reduced rate.