THE KLAMATH NEWS Page Four CHRISTIAN 8C1ENCK ROCIKTY I cf flnulnc a rollcl.m which ni.i'tn j Library Building ! their uo-oiK On Sunday eveniug at! t Thlrda and Main Ktrccta. (ho Methodist church the incoming , j :(. m., 8unday ichool. pastor on the "Want-1 11:00 am.. Bandar sorvlca. id A Satlfartory liollslon." A ! j Subject for Sunday. October cord in I Invitation in cvtrnilfd to th S4, ,-Pribatlon alter Death." ' general public ' Pre reading- room and free l.rd- at 7 30. lot library open from 2 30 to 4:30 1 p. m. on Tueday. Thursday, and, Clinil'H up TIIK N AZA11KNK ! o'clock and again 6aturdaj, 1,. v san.h rn. lVitor. I ,l T:,- Tliern will be Idemtand th lanriiiRv. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE Your tor the Lord. nitciturcc to cintu j JOHN' .MICHAKUSON. ! W OtU The inarrmire Ucennti N'coriW at I the touiii' courthouse- revented yea-: lei day that only one rnuple ulRiil-, : tied their illteiittoux of elili'illlg the bond o( weillmg. They ore lira I'htlllpa, rain Imr n( . Ja kmmvlllc. Oregon, and Aldreua CnldA-ell. of Klaiuuth Kalln. t rei'tincnt Is ord from the cir cuit conn that for the flint time MUST IMtKMtlYTKIUAN' I 111 Itl ll Merrill, Ore. 10 a. ni. Sunday achool. Mr. Jauies Scogglns Supf. 11:00 a. lu. Morning worship. 7:30 p. m. Chrlatlan Kndearor. S:00 p. ni. Kvenlng services. Smiiliiy. I Sunday school, 10:. 10 a. m. M. 1. A. service, J;;ltl p. in. Kbler Paul J. Nii'Uoii. apenker Kveryboilv welcome. AT TA11KHXACI.K Svrvica Sunday niorntna In the The service begins tabernacle near Pelican llay school ' " moitilu. no dlvone case. bousn. Sunday school at lOocbKk. " ' " ..mi.!.,, unm.,. rreachlng aervlce at 11:00 " ,""u 1,1,11 " " SHOES REPAIRED While Yd Walt JACK. FROST WUIIK Ol.OVKS V01 LKH9 119 Ho. Oth Hi, KlrM Door From Mala Sc. in the eveulng H. .v Naiurera, raslnr. Place: S:i2 Home Ave. Milla Ad-j Sixth and line . Arthar I.. Itlce, Minister. 10 a. m. ("lassos for all In our George Mclntyre, Church achool superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Ser mon: "The Higheat Loyalty." An them: "Thanks lie to God." Dick' aon. Organ program: "Prelude Chopin: "Largo," Dvorak. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. Sermon: "Sone of Thunder." Solo: "My Loved One Real" Ulrd. Mrs. C. R. Lucas. Organ program: "Songes In 'the Sight." Sninney. "Nocturne," Chopin. 4 p. m. Monday, Junnlor C K. meets. is Invited to come und take in these services. services ever FTRST PRKSnYTKKIA.V CHl'MII ,. h,.,v , ,h nldu during I ho week. Kveryonc building, 9:45 a. ru. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Preaching. 7:00 p. m. Preaching. Hearty welcome to all. TV. M. Gilliam, S. S. Snpt. KLAMATH TKMPI.K Nth and Oak 11 C, Miller, Past or. "Campers In Sin," the subject for the morning, sermon by the pastor. The evening service "The God, That Answers oy Klr." After the eve i-l Officers In Charge. I lns service the ordinance or !:' 1:00 p. m. Saturday, meeting. " " ' cidcutally. iio divorce werej filed with ihe dork of the conn, ycelerduy. :ism will he ;wluilsierod to .everal i candidates. Tno iiuesllons. among others, the pastor will answer Sun day nii:ht arc, Vlrst. "Who Mailt ISod?"; Second, "Who Made Saliuit", Follow the crowd aud come to the; Temple Stmd.iy evening. T11K SALVATION ARMY 610 Walnut 81. KnalgB aad Mrs. II. IU Brisks, TIIK ( III IU H OK JUSI S Clllilst OK I.ATTKI1 HAY SAINTS .Vli ami Main. Holds services in I. O. t P Hall MEL, jmim YouWES Night and Morning to keep them Clean, Clear an J Healthy Write fee Free "Eve Cora" or "by Beairty" Hook,ss.OktoluCk.. The Falls Auto Wrecking Go. Used CarsT-Truck andTriuicrs Everything for Every Car 935 East Main Street Klamath Falls I TRY NEWS CLASS ADS-GET RESULTS FIRST aPTIST CHmCH , ' A. F, 81nunons. Pastor. Kintals and Wasl.iajrtoa j :45 a. m. BlUe school. Mr. Hoi brook Supt., Mrs. Con- 11:00 a. m. Sunday, holiness' meeting. i 2:30 p. m. Company meeting for children. I 6:30 p. m. Young Teople'a Leg- Ion. j 8:00 p. m. Salvation meeting.) We preach the old time gospel' which includes faith and works. Real live meetings. You are wel-i come. Motto: "It you are a stranger j over Junior superintendent. , 11:00 a, m. Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 1 No preaching service in evening, as we meet with the Christian church la their dedication service. : 7:30 p. m. Prayer and Bible I itudy Wednesday, t ; A cordial Invitation extended to : worship with ns. I we will take you in: it you are sick, ww will visit you." tft. PAUL'S EP1SCOP.AL CHIUCH Ttg Friendly CTiurcb Eighth and Jefferson Rot: Henry Thomas, raator , . The friendly church, where the . atranger la welcome; where the ' dhlld is wanted; and where every member is Invited to attend regu ' larly, and to take an active inter- - eat is at least one ot Its organixa- - tlone. 8:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 10:00 o'clock Church school. 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer. ; Hotel guests and strangers In town especially welcome. , ' SACRED HEART CHURCH ) Eighth and High Sts. Father Loeaer in Charge : 1:30 a. m. Commanlon mass. . :00 a. m. Parish mass. Benediction after the late mats. A cordial welcome extended - to ,L J i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH M. L. PetcUe, Pastor. ' Ninth aad Pine 10:00 a. m. Bible school. Classes tor all ages. 11:00 a. m. Morning , worship. ! Sermon: "The Parting of the Ways." 1:30 p. m. Endeavor service. Ralph Adamson, president. A hearty welcome Is extended to all young people. 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Ser ' mon: "Scriptural Difficulties." A welcome to all the service, al, i the time. . SEVENTH DAY ADVKXTIST Public Library Bids. ! i C. II. l;lttcuhouK Pastor. j (Sabbath Saturday) ' I 10:00 a. m. Sabbath school (Sat- ' urday. , 11:00 a. m. Church servlca. ! 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Tues iday evenings. Other meetings will be held Sun ; day. Tuesday and Thursday even ing through the week. I The public is cordially Invited to , all these meetings. DMAIfUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Eleventh and Hih Sta. R. R. MulholUnd, Pastor Bible school, 9:45. Mrs. ltha Parker, Supt. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. 7:30 p. m. Evening praise ser'.ve. Visitor and friends are invited, to these service. Rally Day in the Bible school j Sunday. j TO THE SCANDIX.1VL1XS An evangelical meeting at S61 California avenue at 2:30 p. m. Sunday afternoon. . A cordial in vitation extended to all who un- 0'lioncyrAm7j ZIOX LUTHERAX CHURCH 1025 Hih Street G. W. Hoffman, Pastor :30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 a. m.. Morning serivec. Sermon: "The Obstacles Which the Believing Bartimaeus Overcame." 7:30 p. m. Eeven'ng service. Ser mon: "The Moral Law of God." FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 10th and St. 0:45 a. m. Church school. C. H. Barnstable, Sup'U 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermed iate Epwortb Leagues. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. The popular search for an ulti mate religion goes on apace. Some new cult Is launched every other day. And however novel or fan tastic its teaching, there appears to be no lack of peole to espouse and propugate the uuctrme. Man Is Incurably religious. The presence of a score or more of eeclcastlcnl groups lu Klamath Tails is a strik ing sukgestlon of the fact that folk here, hs elewhere, are genuinely i concerned with the grenl business Check Seal Electrical Contractors make qualify electrical installations AsKyour XheclCSeal Electrical Contractor to install Wiring 'System for lifetime service Pacific States Electric Company Uhlig Electric Store I'll, INI- M WM Main St. "CHECK" SEAL HEADQUARTERS You cana be e wav every timie you imake it- , il WUJ U a til T.m U Made of heavy crystal P$$?&S!'1 glaaa and nickel -plated , MmL Nothing to rust JftSrVrSp or article in opera lion. .&HcWsnfi&fy ." afjSi order! No wear-out to it. am ML vi stuiire of coffee voua liike itt FOLGER'S coffee-meter measures accurately uniformly and without waste Thanks to this wonderful invention, coffee brewing can now be made a cer tainty. This Folger Coffee-Meter in sures the same delicious, full-strength drink every time in every cup. It saves coffee and flavor. No spilling. No lost lids or upset cans. Coffee fresh to the last grain. It saves time and steps. Coffee always in full sight You can see when to order another can. i So simple to operate. One flip of the lever per cup. If you like it stronger, add another, measure. If you like it milder, use one less. But use the same amount per cup each tima J. A. FOLGER 6 COMPANY lOt HOWARD ST. SAN FRANCISCO Jp"'',, u ' Cet yours today! Buy a can of FOLGER'S COFFEE at the regular price. For 59 cents additional, your grocer will supply you with a COFFHE-METERl This low price is possible only becJuse 'we control exclusive distribution rights. Otherwise, the de vice would cost you at least 1.50. If your grocer hasn't the COFFEE - METER in stock, send us his name and we'll arrange with him to supply you. Phone 169 In We Carry Folger's Complete Line Coffee Teas, Extracts and Spices PUBLIC MARKET "Pay Cash It Pays" 126 No. 6th St.