The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 13, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    TVoITnostlav, Oof. 13. t2o
The Klamath News
adding! pretty well gone in the limbo i BAKED MACARONI"
of the past. Steiwer
' its financial reserve.
.'new lines of artivitv. inH in
omiJFtr 91! Jr" cidentally. showing the out- nomination on merit and
Mil Fall, aid Klamath Comity w....w .i.-
WWMHll . WWMWO'W"WiW I JIHC n Ul IU llttl UUIK. II Ul, Will IHC t III HV'll 1M1 ll. t in-i
dwin robb ManKint Editor rea boosters can actually ae-'only people with any reason to,
Published trorr moraine; xrpt complish. The whole Klam- feel alarmed are the ones who'
Monday by Th Klamath News Pb- ath country is waiting and; are camping on the wrong side,
won me i
: ready for broad-gauge devel- of the political fence.
and every local busi-; -'""
Vina eiravi. niamam rails. vrvguB.
NITT OTTEBBEIM PriuMont nnmnnt
STRUM 17 UlTnn VlM.PM.IrfMt; - ' . - . . . . I
WALTER 8TRONACH Treaurri IMffs ' Identify Itself Wlth KKNVKY wol'l.ll ItKVKIINK
inis program by attainting jiikjmknt jthtick ikt
with the men who are doing
(Learnt In the World)
DdMnd by carrier, month a .no
SZZV??'? attention
AU BabacrtpUoaa Payabla la Advaa
abeorlbera falltnc to reeelre their
paper, call Circulation partmnt
btwn and I a. ax. and a oapy
will be eeat to you.
Batarad as second clan natter at
the poatofrlce at Klamath Falla. Ore-
pos. November 16, ISIS, under act 1
0( March 3, 187. I
1-1 rtip miti'Hroiit In miinll iiWhm's
t cup iirnttnl chccKo.
, cup HhoriiMihiK.
i loaspnon pnnrikn
1 tuhliMipoon Hliortonlntf.
1 tttblivpnnn flour.
i teaspoon Mult
I cup milk.
Conk Hid 1 nwnafoiil In I ritpltlly
n. i.. ..... it . v.... hnilliitf milltwl walitr iiulll itilulcr:
u:H. v i . j . v unrRiiiB turn jiiMii-e . ,v r.m- -
things. INo single individual m, commuted nn error in JiiiIr. jilrnln. rln.c- In .-old ier and .Haiti
and no group of individuals ntt-nl on the -ns. of mate of Ore-: main. Put the ninriimnt In Imk-;
can expect to command the R"n versus Hoy Kennedy, arrested i nf dlh. add the rhevw and short-,
and respect the Al,lu',, "1r,l 'l W oli'"K nt papnaa; win nn imn
. , . liquor, ixenneiiv n iiutiinis mi"! ' nil inr iiinvuriim ii'H'uii'oi.v ui tin-.
weight ami prestige of a solid. Mllt y.';iy mornlnc In circuit I til the lugredieuta are well mixed.
United Chamber of Commerce, court seeking to nullify the JihIk-I Melt the tableiiponn of shortening ; I
and for that reason alone we n,el" f """ l0'''r ror- !in it rook the flour and salt, then
should nil inin th nro-ani J Kennedy was among those netted ,,,! the milk and allr until holllnir.
, " u u lv Prohibition officers on the
tion and work With the pr-; w"hnl,.snl. raid last August. Me was
.Tanizn'ioil to the last man sentemed to lOO days in county
lack Of US. 1"" "n'l l",v a "n Ken
nedy was taken
I egg, well lioalen. r
I can tomatoes.
I onion, sliced. .
'i clove garlic, crushed.
1 green pepiier sllcetl.
2 cloves.
t teaspoon Mtlt.
3 lalilcspoons sliiirtentug.
piihIvo foods II Is possible In pro
cure nl the present time, ,
The llr.M mealed varieties of sal
; men are Just as pnlaiiililo nud tni
, t'llloiis tin Hie more ItlkMy colnred
i.iii'ies, tint Hie average housewife
v'llell silo opens il run find f,llils
red, lliluks It Is In
use of I'lllk
T ll e Knslslde Inipriivemelll
('lull will meet Thursday nlghl,
October ll,-Ml Viaii o'elock at
Die home pt (')miIcs W, Tlionins,
Slufi Wiiiitliinil Ave.
Chop the
id clio
Portland yester
day to complete his term.
then pour over the tmienront,
sprinkle a little grnled cheese over
'he top and set lulu the oven lo
j melt the cheese and reheat the iiuc
' i-ronl.
Ha. 1
Meanhwf A adit Bareaa of Circnlalloa
You will find
T. . . . ., , .1 Hospital a modern.
il is in oruer inese oa.vs ior;ncm up-to-date In
various and sundry individuals
MASTER OF THE GRANGE I to try to stampede things poli
tically," H .because some of
the cards have been dealt
Klamath Valley j
nil rjintciilnrs. j
A large, quiet man
to town yesterday in a
wav. not so much to must n.n.:er agam. it is in the blood
pie as to see them, and gath-jf some of us to want to raise
er impressions of local color! ructions about election time'
and environment. The largejand to upset the apple-cart if
man was I L. Patterson, candi-1 at alI p0ssib)e. And just be.
date for Governor. The quiet I c a u 8 e a few reactioaries
man was a country squire from think a third Senatorial candi-
II A I I AAeVaa tab. - A L. CftA -
au. tirunu, wun ou acres, date worth the effort
vi isiiii ana vmeyara unaer:
his ownership and control.
7:17 Main St.
8x10 Wall Frames 98c
while they last.
llouml Klrnk, Italian Sio
2 pounds round ttak.
2 ouncon of fut from t'lUo ntcak
f4 cup Ro(t brond vrmn.
1 (on 8 poo n ttali.
l-S ton spoon pepper.
1 tit hi in piM n mv r ptnl o n 1 1 u .
3 iu.-k..K iimramnl r vim nil ,,,'l, '
tit. eho.vK,, i.i iiiNtM. f.' Thi friMmrtit
I t., wtucr, , ,,r it tint ptiiniun in re. minninit'u
both llM-tllMO II f It H 111 KM IfhlttK ltllll
moot with ft hi ht ... h - ltllk,
w.ppr un.l okk Ntul mix toRiihir w((h ttl. vti.ii: In wry h(ih
Ihimtunhly; nhnprt Into ImlU Iho wa,0 or lutK um
iw ' Cook tho tomatoi'f ,.), bnm, nH lt cl,M,4iin im mi
aii'r. slirtHl onion. Karlfr, rvn ,M,rtrn.Hl hy inokiim u to lm villhlo
prpp'-n. rlov, H:ilt nd hlmrtvtilnR nm Ulttt, .-nm,,!,, vahuthlo iIi-iimmU.
h.ilf nit hour, thm pivhh throuith
a nt.'v. Upturn to th fin In mi, 0w rftt.k of silk nli, Wllo ,.,,.
Pato ilUh or -iiM4rroli nml wlirn m on m.iIo at
Imilitm lay 4n iho niwit imlla. ovor f"1' ""ly
.nd ht bimniiT itliout ono hour, j
Moutiwhllo rook tho mararoiil or
:pa k h i 1 1 1 In ni phlly lo 1 1 1 it u nail
vntor until tcitoVr: drain and ri !-
in cold wutor. Lift I hi in rut hull
In t lit ( titiT of a larKt w'rvtim '
i ih . (tut ion ud t lit in with t ho ma'
coni, pour t lit r-aur ovor thr
wholo, hprtiiklo . ith grilled r!uvo.
Hi'Kln i
So 7th.
Regular Republican
, t , Nomineo
Justice of Peace
i.inkv ii.i.i: nisriiHT
I'lllk nml t'liiini Siilmon
rink and t'hiini salmon are amonR
iho most wholesome and least ex-
is no
sign he will be within radio.
: distance when it comes to the
Some people know him bet-j finish,
ter as a "dirt farmer," but his: Renuhlirnns n a mis
The Kngle Aerir
Will miMt every
Friday evenlne In
Iho Moose Hall at
S p. m.
profession is larger than that.
He specializes and diversifies
to an extent that makes him
sensible lot Most of them ap
preciate the importance of the
Lnuea states senate in up-
rtioxE laoo
410 MAIN
master of a dozen businesses; holding the President's plans.
a payroll totaling, and the insistent nperl nf roo-.
in one, with
a thousand dollars a month
and an income from the soil
that has made him prosperous.
He looks every inch a gentle
man of the old school. He
acta in every particular as a
man among men.
The mental photo we get
is clear enough and distinct
enough to make him. Governor can- voter,
beyond 4doubt. He is one
already. ,The poise and dig
nity are there, the mental
grasp, the keen vision, the
kindly considerations, the
broad sympathies. He is too
fine a man to be ranked as a
politician,' with too good a bus
iness head to miss the essen
tials of good government. His
ularity when it comes to partv
choice. As things stand now
the democrats would take con
trol if they capture 9 out of
1-1 doubtful states. Oregon is
in the doubtful column. There;
is enough challenge in that
statement to rouse the fight
ing blood of every" republi-
Reliable Painters
902 Klamath. Phone 192-W
Your Grocer Carries It .
A Home-made Product
"None Better"
The City Creamery
'hone 74 5-J
202 Main
and Pure
Make anv comparisons you choose; bottled
drinks from this riodern Klamath County
Inst'tution dominate prove superior.
Wholesome, pure, fresh, delicious, refreshing.
, ,Fred Steiwer irt p a b 1 e
enough to warrant all the sup
port we can give him, and then
some. In the absence of poli
tical chicanery no one would
question his election for half
a minute. If the situation
must resolve itself into a ser
ies of. double-crossing events
we still have faith in the good
whole career, his entire train-1 sense and integrity .of the par
ing, give assurance of good ty as a whole. The day of
judgment in everything he
says and does.
We want our readers to
know "Gov." Patterson and to
feel that they know him. An
other month he will belong to
them for genuine service and
definite performance. . There
is no strutting in his manner
and no flourish of anything
save sincerity. This quiet man
is a thorough representative
of Oregon, and looks the part.
We fail to see how or when
or where1 a better selection
could be made.
Entrance Xnt lo Pine Tree
Phone 1183' Open Evening
disgruntled buccaneers has'
7' wtw nnttt f k
stt r-j w i u Egm
It will violate no confidence!
if we say that Klamath coun-!
ty and the Chamber of Com-!
merce are entering an entire- j
ly new dispensation, and the
beginning of really important1
developments. Plans have j
been maturing for some time'
looking towards the adjust-:
mcnt of different interests and 1
the assurance of highly effec-i
tive team-work. Today, and
from now on, there should be
smoother sailing and greater:
headway. It is hoped the old
scrappy days are gone with
the dodo bird.
With all Klamath happy in-
the spirit of cooperation, this
seems the psychological time:
to strengthen the Chamber of!
Commerce as an organization,'
and widen its sphere of use
fulness. "With that thought in
mind the coming week is to
center all its resource and de
termination on Chamber of,
Commerce work, reaching outi
Do You
Land Is The
Fundamental Form
of Wealth?
Land, within certain prescribed
boundaries, on the North American
continent is known as The United
States of America. It is this land, with
its productiveness, furnishing food,
the first requirement of mankind
which is the actual wealth of the Am
erican people and the American gov
ernment, and the security for Amer
ican money, whether represented by
gold, silver or currency.
Buy a Lot and Build a Home
Phone I Open Evenings
Klamath Development Co.
Pine Tree Theatre Building
-ojfew fowcr'Priecf
OhscntmaJicwfnfuence on all Jfoloring forbears to Come
Newer, more distinctive silhouette
Newer, more exquisitely graceful bodies
Newer, exclusive style of military front and
cadet visor on enclosed models
Newer luxury of comfort with deeper and
softer cushions
Newer, greater riding ease, with exclusive no
side-sway vanadium springs, Watson stabil
ators and extra-size full balloon tires, mounted
on newly-designed smaller wheels
Newer richness of interior upholstery. Finer
hardware and 6rtings with a handsome clock
added to the newly beautified instrument
Newer refinements incontrolsand headlamps
Newer, more attractive blending in bod v tones,
with newer and subtler harmonies in striping
nand paneling.
Chrysler stantliirds of per
formance and symmetry
originated three years nn',
the nciv. finev Chrysler "70"
excels the charm and smart
ness of its older self, just as
that older self relegated the
earlier conceptions of motor
car beauty and performance
to oblivion.
With its new vibrant beauty,
joined to energetic and viva
cious performance, unap
proached economy, proved
dependability and long life
of prices which reiittcr a dis
tinct enhancement of motorcar
value the new, finer Chry
sler "70" leaves today'strend
as far behind as the original
"70" advanced the styles of
three years ago.
Come in. Sco this new Chry
sler "70" beauty today ex
perience its new measure of
comfort combined with
performance which an entire
industry for three years has
failed to approach,
v ,
New Lower Price as Significant
us Us Nctu Beauty
Again, with the new, finer
Chrysler "70", Chrysler
creates a distinctive depar
ture in design and a new
measure of value'for on in
dustry to follow.
Today, while attempts nrc
still made to match the first
Phone 379 Esplanade & Main
Hoyal Coupe
Koval Sedan
Crown Sedan
Phaeton, $1 191 Sport Pltaeton, 1491
AM Prim t. I, t Irirolf, mhltct In rerrnf FrJml Hell id
Old IMi
$ 10
for new members, increasing