The Klamath News Section Two Development Section Two Automobile United News and United Press Telegraph Sendees Vol. 3, No. 250 Price Five Cent KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SUNDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1926 (Every Morning Except Monday) SALESMEN GET , OUT FROM RUT Chevrolet's "72-Car Club" Play Big Part in Pep ping 'Em All Up The successful niaiiufaiturlnit firm ha always brW rosdy anil tiger to proarsaa In Ha tmillioils of manufacture and sl. Tlila liaa Ihiku oaptclally true In thv Itlaturjr of laa-t'livrolr-t Motor company, accordlni to Kred N. I'outa, Pacific coaat rrflonal aalea nianaKvr. "Ualraratm aenrrally art Intii a rut and are content to no along day after day with a minimum of work and a minimum of results," aall C'oala. "t'hovrolot haa enilravorril to aol only take them out of the rut they may be In, but to keep them out. One of tuio method la In our 78 -Car rlub. a national Cliev rolet organisation baaed upon the aale of new care and trurka over period of It niontha. "The competition with other ealeamen In the aaine firm, with other flrma, with other districts aud toaea brouhout the country created the neceaaary tutorial to Hie the men aoinethluK to work for. Then the promlae of an out ing for the membera when the re turn came In at the end of the year proved an Incentive and we were realty aurprlaed at tho Intel memberahlp when tho roll waa railed the aecond week In Sept ember. "Without twllltlng the work of tboee who won their place and memberahlp In the TS-Car rlub It la aafe to ear that moat of thnao JOHN N. WILLYS SETS NEW MARK IN j MANUFACTURING ACHIEVEMENT! John N. Willy, frequently re furred to na the little Napoleon of the uiitouiolille Industry. In the punt 18 iniiiitlia hit accouipllMhed whut the automobile Industry liua admit ted to ) the mini tfivctuculnr aclilitvoiiK'iit In the history of tlio liKliiHtry. From a atiimllna aturt he hu com plrlnly ri' (lcli(nfd the ureal lino of Wlllya-KnlKht and Overland motor car along tho line dlrtuti'rt by the moat modern Kuropean pructlro without nhrlnk liiat the production of the Willya-Overland plant ut any lime mid without changing In any way the aulv poult Ion of the dealer organlttitlon In tho field. All through the cliango, tho uinrhlue at tho huge fuctnrlea In Toledo. I'uutla)' end Klmlra have Kluntlily kept ou building morn cur with each aurceodlng period of the year and the dealer organisation ha teadily keit on sending new aale record. In 1325, In the very middle of the re-dealKiilnn period, an lea rec ord fur Willya-Overland wero being broken. During lSIG. which ha who did not qualify could have dune I ao had they worked a little hard-' or. On the 1'aclflc coast the mcni-j bora were treated to a vlalt to the': Oakland factory and a lour of San Krunrlaco. beside a banquet at thrf HI. Francis and a vlalt to the . baseball game. Thoao In tho et- i em dlatrlrta were treated In eata' at the Drminey-Tunney fight In I i'hlladelpliia. ! "Chevrolnl 1 proud of theae1 men and of their work, but Inatead ' of about 100 membera here on tho roaat next full I am confident lhe Hat will be at leant twice aa great."! aoen the presentation of the aeuna llcinnl Wlllya-Kulght model 70 and' the Kuropeun type Whippet, the! 1026 aale record huve all fullenj by the bourd. j t'he earning of the company have steadily Iruruuscd during the trying period of chunge, mid today Willy-; Overland 1 In the poult Ion of look- lug ahead to a continuance .of tho Increane In production which liaaj been the outstanding feature of the' induatry Ihla year. j The chango rumo aa a reault of a rloae peraonal aludy and anulyafal durlug the paal few yeara of whutt Kuropean butldera were doing. Mr. I Wlllya wa alarmed, by the engineer-1 Ing advunrea bring mado lu Kng la nd and In France, which he real- I iimI promised to aerioualy thrcuteu i tho standing of the United Hiatus a It related to motor car production.! Contrasting with the practice here, of making alight chance each year, Europe ha Rone uhead and re-do-j aignrd their motor car completely, i They wero lighter, more powerful, stronger, more efficient. Such Im portant forward atop could not be punned out of mind, for thla country' wu learning moro aud more of what i Europe wn doing. Kuropean manufacturer were planning an Invasion of the Amer ican motor car field. The thing to do. In Mr. Willy' opinion,, wa to utlllte Kuropean principle In thla country. The f!rt reault waa the Wllly- Knlghl great ix, cloaely followed by the Overland six. In theae two model Willya-Overland entered a new aale field for the organixation. Change here waa eaaler becauae It represented not an adaption of older (Continued on fae Five) EUROPE CLAIMS FASTEST CAR! What 1 claimed lo be the moat powerful lightest per horaepower and moat luxurloua automobile In tho world haa been produced In an automobile factory In Alsace. Equipped with a 300-horaepower motor, with a total weight allght ly in exreaa of 6000 pound, the machine la capable of apeed of over SO miles per hour. The "straight eight" cylinder en gine welgba 770 pound, of which tho cylinder, cant en bloc, weigh the crankshaft 220 the remaining part Karh cylinder ha Inatead of the ron Tbe wheelbane la ap proximately sixty Incite longer than the larger American ear. Two separate synchronised Ignition sys term are .provided, a magneto and a battery with a separate coll for each cylinder. Beating; spare is provided 'for seven people. 237 pounds, pound, and 313 pound, three valves vcntiul two. Production for i August' Unusual The Ilulck Moior company pro duced 2D. 300 cars in August, or 4,000 more than In tho previous highest month in the company's his tory, March, 1920. The August pro-; ductlon compares with 19,72$ In August, 1925. Fur the first eight, months of 1920 Hunk produced 176. !70 cars, against 106,570 cars in the, first eight months of 1925. an In-! crease of 70,400, or C6 per cent. II. II. flannel!, president, says de mand for cor In continuing strong from practically all sections of the, country, and the company In Sep-j lumber will turn out about 30,000 j cars. Learn Proper Way To Start Automobile The proper way to start a car Is to shift to low, give the engine a little gas, and then, while observing the car, let the clutch In very slowly until the car just begins to move, when the clutch must be held, the "letting in" stopping altogether until the car haa moved a few feet. Then while the car la In motion the clutch can slowly be let In the rest of the way. It Is this stopping of the raising clutch pedal or "hold ing the clutch," which is the secret of a smooth start. Importations of crude rubber Into the I'nited Htntea In August total ed 25.982 tons. Thla total shown an appreciable drop over July with 37.087 tons were imported. Here's Way to Break in New Briar Pipes IoeH yoty new pipe burn your tortKu"? It h-ed not be! "Self me," In I)ih person of a young Ann Arbor man sclent Ut, ha provided a way out. Here It In: llwonnrt tho rubber tubing from your automatic wfndhkld wiper, provided your wiper li operated by auction from the engine of your auto mab!l. Place the stem of your new pipe against the opening In the rubber tubing farthest away from the engine, fill the pipe with your favorite blend of tobacco, alert your motor and watch ret u Its. Two many cars are going in for balloon rspci'dometers in tho opinion of the genuine student of speed. STOLEN CARS IN CHICAGO GAIN i Automobile stealing in Chicago, j I increasing at an alarming 'rate. The majority of theft are by youths who use the cara for a short ride, after which they ara , abandoned. Seventy-flva per cent of the machines eventually ara re covered. The total number of car reported stolen to the police since January 1 now Is over 7,500. j WHY FENDERS ARE DENTED Parking too near a driveway la a way of courting trouble. It (a also bad policy to leave the car to near the entrance of a building or a store, as cars driivng la. and out do not always hold to the straight and narrow path. .uxury In Its Highest Form P a. . . . It is signiiicant that a great groportion of "Hupmobile ight owners formerly drove far costlier cars. For the Hupmobile Eight makes instant and compelling appeal to men and women constantly seeking new heights of luxury and performance. To those well able to judge the finest in motoring the Hupmobile Eight reveals the utmost of smooth perform ance, united to almost startling economy of investment, oper ation and upkeep. The straight-eight, as Hupmo bile has perfected it, brings to them silent, fluent power such as they had never before known, an ease of handling, . 1 C 1 1 . a quiCK-tooted acceleration totally new in their experience. Drive the Hupmobile Eight yourself if you would realize why engineers, as well as seasoned owners, regard it as the . highest development of the eight-in-line principle. Compare its beauty, its driving facility, its outstanding per formance, not only with higher priced cars but with those at or near its price. Only in this way will you understand why this higher expression of motoring luxury is changing the buying trend in the fine-car field. i S i Sedan 2345 Stdan,Bv.paaaenrer,$24S. Scdin, i pungw. S249S. Sedan-lianaauw, wvea paMnier,$2S95. Ceup,two-raarnar,wfh nimble sat, $2)45 Roadster, with rumble t mi, $104$. Sport Fhatten, five.raraar, '$2041 Touring, five. presenter. $1945. Touring. arven.rmir. $304). All prices I. o. b. Detroit, plus revamis las. Pospisil Motor Co. Western Dollar Week at "West era Auto" is always a oney savior treat for motorists, and this week ear offeriap arc snore strikiarrjr liberal than ever before. "lav-Bee" Ruby Ray Slop Signal A $1.75 stop .signal at one dollar! Thin erUc-lent Kav-Bee warning flasher la visible from long dis tance. Easily attached. No holes to drill. Complete with bulb, awitch. wire and spring for con necting to brake pedal. During. Sfr.TirT $1.00 - Steering Wheel Cover . -m Thla soft, elastic rubber f. '. cover affords an enay, Xi secure grip on the steer- ; Ing wheel, lcfps hands ipl warm In. cold weather I and cool In summer. Two I sixes, for wheels 36 In. if and smaller, and 17 In. and larger. Reduced from to juwt Sun and Rain Visor Protect your eyes from glare of the sun and keep rain oft your windshield with one of these reg ular $1.85 visors. Lipht. strong steel frame covered both sides with rubber cloth top material. A-djustablo bracket of car. Just. Flare Reflector Flashlight This well known flash light Is 64 inches long, with 2-Inch flare reflec tordurable fibre case and nickeled trimmings. Complete with bulb ani two fresh batteries. Retr- ularly $1.3 on sale at. "Klasay" Step Plate Prevents slipping, saves wear on running board, and scruper keeps mud out of car. Has heavy ribbed rubber center and strong alum inum frame with handy strap slots for fastening bundles. Regularly Special at .. $1,00 "Neverburti" Ford Transmission Set A lining, spe ciality treated to renlst wear and heat of Kurd transmission system, and to absorb enmixh oil for perfect lubrication. Set Includes three pieces of lining and rivets. Re duced from 45 (for all models) to $ Auto Electrician's Tool Kit Kvery car owner or mechanic needs this ettlclent outllt. MaKtie to wrenches, keys, contact alixner and thickness aaiiKe In durable canvus case. Kverythtng for ovev- hsuling ignition systems. Reduced from $1.::5 to.. Ford Pedal Extensions and Heel Plate . Additional driving com fort and safety with this tl 30 mil tit at one dollar. Includes full set cf No Klip pedal extensions, and Sxll heavy cor nutated rubber heel-plate. Don't in If this 4.ppor luni.y to save FREE- Our Catalog tm ikimi ruiwnn ci our slalom, hti h Will l" llll-. frsve. tilxtn rrqurst. contain many money savins umimviuhI- U" In 'f tit. Avceatao rlf" and Suiillr, Spars rri. Uatlrrln. lU'lio ami Hatha Act ' uri cm Taur ine ami t'aiiii'tns Ku'lTment, tc Writs lor H today. at w "" K '- fi Pfice- $1.00 wxssQm ")) 1 SI. 00 .iMSESE3fe 1 1 $1.00 m n $1.00 mnnzii I Auto" Durmg this tle we offr articles of established qual ity at startling reductions and each item is fully cot ered by our liberal fuaran tee. ' - Two A. C Spark Plufs (Umlt o( I to a euaotnr) - These tiatlonallr known - spark plu;a sell regularly for 'jc each. They ara unusually popular on ac count .of their highly ef ficient ' firing principle and rugged construction. Var nil cars exoent ford. . $1.50 value for only.. ... Onyx Gear Shift Ball' Affords easy grip on gear shift lever, and greatly improves a pearance of your car. Made of Mexican onyx carefully selected and polished. S)ls regularly for $1.65. In mall orders be sure to stite name and model AA 9liUV JL Handy Cigar Lighter This easily attached ci gar lighter makes driving, much safer for smokers. No bothering with matches no holes to drill Just clamp on dash spring winding cord keeps burner out of way. Regular $1.75 value for.. I Convenient Wedge Cushion A most convenient and comforta ble auto cushion Especially pop ular with ladies and persons of small stature. Made of heavy, glossv rubberized material, wri stuffed with cotton. This $1.20 t.r. si.oo Neva-Lost Gas Tank Cap io dantrer of losing your gas tank cap If you in stall a Neva-Lost. Hinged top with spring clamp is easily opened and closed. Made of cast brass hand somely nickeled. Easily attached. price $1.35 Sale price Fancy Nickeled Wind Shield Wiper This well made $1.30 wiper Is heavily nickeled and strongly made. Double blades clean both sides of glass two felt wipers on Inside and two rubber blades on outside. Clamps are rubber en cased, so will not $1.00 Clean Up Combination Make your car look like new with this money- saving outfit. One largrt bottle of imperial ami two oack scraN'hlntr Ishlng Cloth. A regular $1.30 value during this great s;ile for i ill muiiry- aaas fit. One largf XI mpsrlal Polish ickages of non- j Western Pol- Tl ;r.S1.00 Buy Extra Mile With Your Tire Dollars "Western Auto" tires are the re sult of years of superior tire building. Our treads are specially, designed for wet weather safety. You will save on our Weur-Well and Western Giant Cords and ttal lnun tires ut any of our more IhuTl lot) a tores. More than 150 Stores in the West- Western Auto Supply Co. 7TH AT PINE ORDER By MAIL Tfcia rt aala la at but one wk ao tf vou arts unuMf. to ftt to n of our atnrffj mall vnur or tier lu the narat. W will hti nur rood Hrvmi'ily, an'1 suaran lrr avorv arltclf to h rcpraiitrt. ami aatlafactorv In ury parUvular. Urtiet bf 1aii: 515 Klamath Ave. Phone 890 ssaasflcawi