The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 03, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    fasro Six
Sunday, October 3,
Half -Acre Tracts
at Altamont Show
. Wide Popularity
Continued rail estate activity In
suburban property adjacent to
Klamath Falls, Is Indicated by the
ale laat week of six of the Wlshard
half-acre tracta at Altamont, pop
ular subdivision which has shown
remarkable development In the past
tew months.
' The so-called half-acre subdivision
at Altamont, opened last August by
the Wiahard Realty company of this
city, comprises 110 tracts ot this
size, and since the date of opening
78 of these have been sold, an ac
complishment ot which A. U Wih
rd, president of the concern, is
justly proud.
. Relatively, the building growth
ot this subdivision virtually rivals
thst ot the city, and at the present
time no lees than SO modern homes
are under construction. F. M. Law
rence, who purchased two ot the
all tracta sold last week, has an
nounced that he will start construc
tion at once on two houses there.
' Hines Nelson, Eugene contract
ors, who have been active in resi
dential building circles here, have
Just completed a block of four new
bouses on Altamont half-acre tracts,
and it la expected that considerable
more building will take place this
tall and winter, as msny ot the
purchasers plan to move on their
tracts next spring in time to start
' Gardening is one of the features
of this property, located in the heart
of a fertile farming district. Many
on Altamont acres, which have been
On the market tor over a year, and
which are practically all sold, have
experienced fine success with truck
' Several purchasers of half-acre
(racta have commenced construction
of poultry houses and pens, in prep
aration for stocking with the birds
when spring opens. Financial in
dependence for the wage earner
through the production ot poultry
and garden truck in connection with
his work In the city, is one ot the
advantages stressed by the Wis hard
Realty company In offering this land
to the public. The half-acres are
a bait mile from the city, and are
adjacent to three macadam roads.
Pedigreed Bulls
To Pass Through
On Way to North
Of interest to Klamath county
stockmen came the announcement
from the local office of the Stra
horn railroad yesterday that four
carloads ot pedigreed bulls will
pass through this city today.
Two cars comprising 55 head
ot the thoroughbred breeding stock
are being shipped from Eugene ly
Cal Eaton, to the Sprague ltiver
valley, from where they will be
driven to various stock ranches
In Lake county. The majority of
this shipment will be placed on
the ranches ot 1!. A. llrattin. V.
B. Snider, C. W. Withers and Eld
er McDonald, all in the Paisley
vicinity, although several other
stockmen will get one or two head.
The other two cars to pass
through here, are enrouta for Eug
ene and constitute a sort of ex
change, inasmuch as the Lake coun
ty stockmen are sending 55 head
ot the bulla north. Eaton will dis
tribute this stock out ot Eugene,
according to I!. A. Brattln who
was In Klamath Falls yesterday.
(Continued from Pace Oo)
tains was made at noon, when tog
again forced the mail plane to turn
back, SO miles west ot Klamath
A third attempt in the afternoon
also tailed, as the fog in the valley
had neither lifted nor thinned.
ljcft Portland Early
' Bookwaltcr and his relief pilot
left Portland early yesterday morn
ing. Intending to fly south via the
regular eosst route, but perilous
flying conditions there forced them
to swing eastward.
Neither pilot was familiar with
the local field, but spotting Klam
ath Falls when they swung in this
direction, thew flew low over the
city In search of a place to land
In order that depleted fuel tanks
might be replenished. A roadside
sign "To the Klamath Air Service
Landing Field" gave them the clue
Xortli-bound Plane Returns
The north-bound plane scheduled
to meet Bookwalter's craft at Med
ford. also spent several hours at
tempting to find a landing place
at or near the air mail port, but
was finally forced to return to
Yraeka to land.
Bookwalter and Anderllne are
here this morning awaiting further
Instructions. It was believed last
night that a Portland plane will
bring mail south today, and If the
fog still bangs in the coast valleys
It will probably land In Klamath
Falls and send the mail to Med
ford by stage.
Klamath Lofcirnl Point
R. A. Shelton, business manager
of the Klamath Air Service, de
clared last niKht, following con
versation with the air mall pilots
here, that this city will undoubted
ly be chosen tor an air mail port
in the near future as the pilots are
all In favor of the safer landings
possible here.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. I.
(United Press) Heavy seas ot the
past two days have driven almost
SO small trailers Into Grays liar-)
bor and the coves and rivers are'
lined with the tiny craft. Accord-!
ing to fishermen the aea Is far too J
rough for effective trolling.
Previous to the storm, fishing
was reported excellent. One Aber-!
deen, two Columbia river and one
Puget Sound salmon boats have
been taking tho catches.
Just 50c a montn that's all 1:
costs for the prompt and regular de
livery of The Klamath News to your
home or place of business. Phone
S77 now and service will start a
-non a von wish It to
Title Insurance ;
Proving Popular t Investors
Through the Wilson Abstract com
pany Klamath county property own
era and purchasers are to be)
availed of title Insurance, the lat
word In property protection, ac-j
cording to on nniiouiu-euieui yester
day from A. It. Wilson, recently re
turned frotu Portland.
This system Is I nuso throughout
the country, according to Wilson,
who states that because ot compli
cations which arise in recording
property and in abstracts, an ab
stract alone does not give sufficient
protection uuJer existing realty laws.
"Title insurance includes n policy,
the same as any other form of pro
tection assurance, and the holder
la thereby fully protected from
faulty abMraetinc." he state,! 4
Eugene Captures
Dispatchers From
Town of Roseburg1
ROSEBl'RG, Oct. J. (United
Press) Southern Pacific train dis
patchers who have been stationed
In Koseburg have been transfer
red to Eugene, which will hereaf
ter be headquarters as a result ot
the opening ot the Cascades line.
Dispatcher's office equipment
was made ready for shipment north. '
The transfer order does not affect
telegraph operators, who -will re
main here.
Will Rogers Says
He Talked Calvin
Almost to Death
CURTIS FIELD. U 1.. Oct. .'.
(United News)- Will Rogers, claim
Ing the dual honor of helns the
final humorist nil, I fir! democrat
to sleep In tho While House for
a long time has arrived here from
Washington by airplane to tell how
he "talked President I'oolldge to
sleep last nUlll."
"I spent last ninlit ns Ills guest,"
said Rogers. "We Just sat around
In the living room upstairs. await
ping yarns. He's a right nice fel
low and so Is Mrs. t'oolidge.
"The president has a sense of
humor, but 1 guess I was too much
for him. Ily S o'clock he started
yarning and at 10 o'clock he hnd
fallen asleep on me.
He mut have been on the look
out for me this morning, because
when I get up at half past seven
he already -had started tor hla of
fice ami I didn't get to tell him
Whlle'Vo. WaH
110 So. 6th St.
First Door From Mala Be.
(Continued From Page One)
and gas facilities. The only lights
in the city tonight, those on the
streets, were endangered when flood
water crept within range of the ,
city power plant. I
I am an Independent can
didate for .the office) of Jus
tire ot the Peace for l.Uik-till,-
district, Klamath County,
Oregon, anil stanil for Justice
and economy. Any support
dudng the election will be
duly appreciated.
if . . ,. . I I 'j y-vri ill
j I S
"Locomotive whistles are blowing
all the time, now that the Klamath
Falls-Eugene division of the South-1
ern Pacific has been completed, andj
freight trains of TO cars or more go
whirling through our town day and)
night," reports Robert B. Kuykcn
dall ot Klamath Falls, who Is In the
city on legal business. "This Is a
forerunner of what can be expected
when this division of the Southern
Pacific becomes the main line and is
used for tho passenger traffic. Yes,
Klamath Falls Is going right
head." Oregonlan. .
Kiddies Enjoy Music xaj
at Home
Make it easy for your youngster to have a good time right at home
it's much safer. ,
Don't make it possible for your child, in after years to say "we had a bet
ter time anywhere else than home."
If parents take no particular interest in their homelife children will
grow up the same way.
Every child needs music, eveiy home should have it, but don't ex
pect "weeping" if you fail to provide the child will realize fully the par
ents' neglect after they are grown up.
Thirty months to pay enables almost every parent to provide a piano
and does away with the time worn excuse "lets wait another year."
Pianos, Radio, Victrolas
507 Main St. Klamath Fall., Ore.
The Junior World Must
Prepare for Fall
'K ilk..
There are such jaunty little models for the youthful miss iust un-
facked and ready for your choice. Practical little Wool aria Jersey
rocks for dress, school and play, and too, there are Miiart Top-Coats
for fall and winter days.
Junior Frocks of Wool and Jersey
These beautiful little frocks are made just
like those for grown-ups. Developed from
very fine qual
ity jersey and
woolens with
the quaintest
e v i
tie miss in to
see them and
you will agree
with us. to
14 years.
Beautiful Coats for Juniors
We have the finest selection of
children's Coats in southern Ore
gon, and a very large quantity of
them, so that your choosing will be
easy. Made from Bolivia, Veloria.
Venice, Wool Chinchilla and vel
our. Plain and fur trimmed styles.
Sizes 3 to 1G years.
Children's Sweaters
Cute little woolen Sweaters for
school and play, in coat and slip
on styles. In a fine selection of
wanted colore. They can be
had in sizes from 4 to 34.
tucks and "V f . I
let you rirmiknw
ir saw. lrVl U
the lit- SiA iH WV VJ i
Children's Gloves and
There are so many different
styles it would be quite hard to
enumerate them. There arc
leather gloves with bright red
knit wristlets, gauntlets, fur trim
med mittens and all are snugly
lined with warm flannel.
Dainty Things for the Baby
We are so completely stocked with wonderfully dainty baby things
and accessories that no mother need worry about finding just what
she needs. There are Gertrudes in Outing and Nainsook. Gowns
wrappers, comforts, blankets, bloomer pants, stack pants, bootees,
sweaters, caps, soft soled shoes, rattles, and many useful items not
quoted. If you haven't visited our Infants' Department you've miss
ed a treat.