The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 01, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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    Triclay, Octotjorl, 192C
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ttttt- A nrviFTrn iriTvTnrTTr irTrtvTrT Tin
W ' flMaH gy .a. -M H fc
Exodus on Nimrods
Now in Order and '
t Duck Search On
Tim unnunl eiodu of Klumatli
rtttrk hunter, eagef la be nn tln
lake nml mamlitta of mmiliorn Ore
gon fur Hie Initial uiirln of the
1026 (lin k season, started Ioiik he
fore iluwn today when ear filled
with nlmrod noil gun left Ihii'rlty
and headed for the haunt of wator
fowl. October 1, opening dale for the
season on duck, geese, mi'l other
waffowl except wood mid elder
duck, liax Ioiik been on the tongues
of hunter here, well as through
out Oregon and Washington. Kor
the flrat time (lurk season In both
Ulna stoles opens at the same
lime, a point which will permit the
truly devoted nlmrnd to atari out
any plure and hunt all over (Iromin
llllil her alalcr state,
1 Hunter iiiuat not forget, how
ever, thn omluoui note alrurk by!
California game warden yesterday I
when they warned Klamath hunt-!
era not to rros thn Oregon-Csllfor-1
kla line In their patterns In ban;
:5-durk limit nn thn first day
hi the araxm. Iiurk srasou In Cali
fornia doe not open mil II Oclo
r I A, at-rordlng tu Corgi Ton
kin, V. 8. inn warden fur th
tlallfnrnla, district, who i oupllrlt
Ik bla warnlnit Hint California gmj
offlrlala are likely to he nunierousi
around Tule lake botwreo now audj
the 18th.
' i Ixxal hunlcra need not go that
far aouth to gel their fill of durk
hunting-, bowover, according to game I
offlrlala who ar familiar with
ttvrk and goes are more plrnll
fbl thla yer than for ovoral sea
aona. Whatever ravages Iho pur
ported drying up of lake haa made
on thn durk. thn fart remain that
there havn brrn thiiiiiuind hover
ing about thn, river, lake and of till county for many
. i The aeaaon thla fall will remain
open until January IS. Tho bag
limit I placi-d at Si durk lu any
onn day and to bird In any Ton
rtinserutlvo day, tloeso are lim
ited la.M(ht la any oue day, wUld
34 In seven coiisecutlvo duy.
The Owl Restaurant at 437 Main
Hlreet, will remain upen all night
throughout huntliiK on for the
benefit of late, aa wrll aa early
raomlng hunter. It wu announced
by Iho management lam night.
Englishman Wins
'$5,000 by Beating
"Trudy's" Time
Norman Drrham.
The firat r.MKlilimnii to awim
I lie r.ii(lili C'lmniirl IliU iuuiuirr
f' Norman Iicrhain who nn liU
third nltrinpt, iirrcilcd in lower
ing (irrtrudc Kilrrlc'a time for
tin: milling nni! thrrrby won n
(.1.0U0 priac olTrrril hy an Engliili!
Vincent Richards
Joins Hacqueters
Of Prof essionals
NKW YOUK, Hnpt. 20. (Colled
NVwal f. ( I'yln, thn nmploynr of
fld ClruiiRn and Hitxannn l-nKlrn,
today announced that Vincent lllrli
aril, Iho Ainrrbun tunnla air. btiil
Jolnrd hi (troiip of profi'Milnnul
U'nnl playur.
Illihiird, thn ranking American
player, follow Mary K. Ilrowno, one
of the brl of the Amnrlcan play
er, Into the I'yle fold of profo
ionala, which alo Include Paul
Krrrt of Kranre and llarirey Bnod
gra of Culifonila. i'yle' au
iioiiiicemi'nt. prabaMy the moat arn
ntlonal ever made iu American Irn
uln, ime riramutically at it dinner
given tonight In the grand auloon
of the French liner I'orl In honor
"f Hntnnno IiirIcii.
i'ch niiuH'r iiim unit many cricu-
rlllr prearnt virtually gupcd with ,
nutonliilimpnt at I'yle, arllng at the'
head of the table, where he wa
aealrd between Miaa llrowne and
I Mile, lnglea. apoke briefly and
to the point:
"I promlned the newpaper men
a atory," he aald, "and I want to
give It to thera right off the bnt."
r.K'IKIO ).ST l.k'.tfil'K
flub n. h. k.
Sacramento 4 11 1
Iaib Angclea 17 3
llatterle Itacbac and Koehler;
Wright, Day and Hannah.
flub u. II. E.
OnkluDd 1 18 . 1
Hnn Kranrhiro 2 S 6
llatterle Dlrkerman and Ilool;
Crary. Muudy, lUnien, MrMurcey
mid Woolon, Varga.
Ill Inning railed, darknea.
flub n. II. K.
Hollywood ... 7 15 1
Hraltlo 7 10 1
llatterle Mulcahy and Cook;
Drett, i'otera and Ilaldwln.
Oakland Hammers
Seals Pitchers'
Unmerciful Play
(I'nltrd New) Oakland cume out
of ita alump hnro Thuriulay and ham
mered four Kan Pranclm-o pitcher
for ID hit and a 13 in 'I win over
the Heal. The Oaks' victory came
lifter two atralght defeat.
The league leading Angele were
humbled In lo Angele by Hacra
mento, 4 to 1, the Henatora taking
kindly to the offering of Dot
Wright, the Pacific Conn league'
lead lug hurler.
j Hollywood and Seattle battled to
a 7 to 6 tie in Hnattle. the game
ending In the II to when darknea
! made further play impoaslble.
I Mlmion and Portland pllt a
double bill, the Heaver taking the
flrtt. S to 4, and dropping the sec
ond, 1U to 6.
For result um New Clam Ad.
Queen of Golfers
Uncrowned by Miss
Virginia Wilson
flOPTII AHDMOKK, Pi., Bept. 20.
(Cnited Nrw Another national
champion wa uncrowned Thuntday
when (Henna follett, fiierfh of
American golfer, wa beaten In a
quarter final match hy Mia Vir
ginia Wilson of Chicago.
It I an illustrious company of ex
champion that Mis follett goes
to Join, Bobby Junes, Hill Tilden.
Helen WJI1. Jack Dcmpsey and o
hoHt of other who "couldn't be
beaten" until the right party hap
pened along. The plucky Providence
girl, twice holder of the women'
national golf title, went down fight
ing. An unlucky bound of her ball
on the fifteenth fairway put Ml
follett Into a trap and left her
at a disadvantage nhe never over
came. '
I Mn: (il.K'K WITH V.AHK
Sept. 30. (United New! Light
on hi feet aa a dancing maater
and with wallop In either hand.
Tod Morgan of Seattle, la one ring
champion who ha skipped past the
crossroad, where fate wa wall
ing to drag him into the limbo of
other fistic hasbcens.
The youngster from the Pacific
caast defended his junior light
weight Thursday night by whipping
Joe Click of Williamsburg In a
fast IS round fight. KXDOP.HKD
SALEM. Sept. 3D (United New)
The Marion county republican
committee went on record Thurs
day a being pledged to support
Frederick Stelwer for the United
State senate. .
Endorsement without reserva
tion wa given to Steiwer, the reg
ular republican nominee.
Anna Springs Road
Is Now Closed to
Motoring Public
Motorist are warned - that be
ginning today the Anna Spring roail
leading from the Fort Klamath high,
way Junction, will be closed tern-
pnrarlly to permit of oiling.
Thla road leads to Crater lake,
and nil traffic ' will be diverted
throtight the Sand freek entranco
to the famous resort.
The season is fast drawing to a
close at Crater lake but tourist
are still taking advantage of the
excellent weather to view the most
wonderful acenlc body of water in
the world.
Included In the business visi
tor in Klamath Falls this week I
(i. W. Beckman and Marlon R.
Boyle, both employed as aurveyor
with the Southern Pacific. They
are registered at the Hall ' hotel
from their home In Ditnsmuir.
For result us Newa Clam Ada.
('. It. Taylur. aub-agent of the
Klamath Indian reservation, located
at Yalnax, I hern for a combined
buslur and plcaaurn trip. I-Hoy
DT" Arnold, superintendent or tho
agency I here for several day
from Klamath Agency, both men
registered at the Hull hotel.
(illbert l. Ilniwn of the forest
service, slut luned in Iike coun
ty, I hero for a few day business.
First game It. II. F.
Mission ..... 4 14 0
Portland S 7 1
Ilullerle Pllette, CurUlluii and
Walters; Payne and Jierry.
(Seven Inning by agreement, sec
ond game).
flub n. II. B.
Mlnslon ..' 10 IS 0
Portland 5 11 3
Butteries J.uitolph and Whitney;
Hughe. I.cveretlo and Wendell.
ii in i ii i dJK.
Any Good Duck Hunter Will
Tell You
that only standard equipment is good stuff
for the duck pimds of Klamath. It is no fun to
hide for hours behind a blind waiting for a flight
of ducks or geese, and have a shell jam. That
never happens with Remington or Peters shells.
We carry them and we recommend them to you.
If it's a shotgun you are in need of you can't
go wrong on a Remington, in either pump gun
orautomatic. . :J ,
Roberts and Harvey
J C r'Hardwfire for Hard w,ear" ,s i .
Duck Season &
" i T '! ri
Only in Oregon is the season for Ducks
and Geese Open Today
The California season does not open until October 16. Mr. Hun
ter, take advantage of this fact and satisfy that longing for a taste of
wild game NOW! :
We will gladly rent you one while our supply lasts. Our rent
guns are in the best of condition, and we can. give you your choice in
anything from a 12-gauge shotgun to a 20-gauge. If your wife hunts,
rent her a .410. - V : i .
We can supply you with shells, rubber boots, hunting coats, caps,
shoes, guns, ammunition carriers and decoys. We rent . guns, tents
and boots. ' .
Resident Hunters'; License A.... !...t..'.....-il I..,..-..:..:.... $ 3.00
Non-Resident California Hunters' License ...4..... 10.00
Combination Hunters' and Anglers' License f 5.00
County Hunters' License for persons between ages of 16 and 18 years 1.50
inniK buaititi, s "x
Look straicht. It. .
Live straight, T)(K9
Shoot straight,
BARNEY CHAMBERS, Prop. , 627 Main Street
, , ., ' ... . . ..
, u. Headquarters for Rubber Footwear and Waterproof Clothing
11 a-r