The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 21, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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    s&oenb. onr.
The I
th News
The Klamath News
Official Paper City of
Klamath Falls
Vol. 3, No. 233 Price Five
' . , ;
America's Famous Playground Now Devastated
oil MaH a I
jMl ITiaUC
to Assist
Needy in
4 . t
Campaign It NattOn'Wlde I
to Secure Fundi to Be
" , ,
Used in Helping Allay j
Suffering in Florida j
The Florida disaster is
touching close to home with
the appeal which is to be
broadcasted todny by the lo
cal chapter of tho American:
Red Cross, for funds to be '
used In relief work throughout!
the storm stricken area. J
Following a request from the .
governor of Florida.' that tho Am- j
cricun Rod cro.i mko ariiv charxe i
la administering to tho thousands!
of Inlured and homelvsa neonlo In
the hurricane Infested aeetloua of j
I h. (In A llliH.l.nn I'halrm.n .
of tha loral Red Cross commute.
laat night received n wire from
William Carl Hunt, relief leader
lit Ban Franclacn, aaklitK that Klam
ath' Falla cuutrlbuto Ita ahare tu
the fund.
A proclamation from Trealdent
Coolld( aollcltlns contributlona
from every American, haa mado the
campalch ttatjon-wlde. and It la re
ported that all atutea are rallying
(ttontlnued on I'ass Knurl
North Sixth Is
Best Place as
Paving Starts
That local contractorn arn ro
mi.alln. In Ikn ia I la-aea ntlanl In I
in..n up '"7,,!"'" ""Ulibmsl,,,,,
Joba on record time Ihla fall. aaof Klamalh
V.iUritn'll ynimiUH iiii.iiiiiia wuiui
th aleam ahcvel Iwlonslng to Dunn
A Daker waa put lo work on the
Sixth street unit under construct
lion by Warren Cotmtrurtlnn com
pany. Tho ahovel will remain on north
Sixth atreet ttntll needed again on
th Dunn-llaker Heronrt atreet pav
ing Job. Tba Warren ahovel la now
operating on Alameda atreot. to
get that unit In ahape for the pour
ing of anphalt which Is to Blurt
In tho noar future.
Tho laying of "hot atuff" on
Main street between tho railroad
tracka and the government rannl.
will ho aturted tills morning by
Warren Conalructlnn company, Thla
will bo tho firm anphalt pavement
to ho luld In Klamath Kalla thla
year. Aa tho pavement l ready (or j
uia aa aor.n aa n la roueu, 11 in
expected that Main will bo open
to traffic In a ahart time. Dunn
A Dakar started pouring eoncreto
on Worden avenue several weeka
Doc Service Says
. "There is a certain satis
faction in buying at a drug
BtOre. YOU are not Only
BUI'S 01 quality DUt are help-j
... .. .
inCr LO rnailltain ! WOrin V 111-!
Currins for Drugs
Cor. 9th and Main.
Klnmath Falls, Ore.
Shock on Southern Coast Ironically
Demonstrated by Failure of Those
Living There Not in Position For
Period of Reconstruction to Follow
MIAMI, Fin., Supt. 20.
buck from terrific tjuvaHtution,
tie cilit'H that irrew up bi'Hide
per an a playground, are providing food, tihelter, medical at-
tuntion and burial facilities
that came on the churnine winirs of a hurricane.
ftjirtKICTro DtlfV IC
III Vil J 4 Lil uuvn lJ
! Tipping Hie scale at am)
( poumW, frm hU tall lo lln iiing-
j nlflreut hornn iliwi crowned n
I lunirrtlr hrail, a deer, nionart-tl
1 buck of llutlt.n inouiiinlii, wan
I brought Inlo Kliunntli Falla Hun.
I ttny afternoon following a wiVlc
rml hunt In which A. M. Mm.
Mhcnbcher, .. II. tiinabnrli ami
! V. J. HorlM'll mnlriuitr,l.
The buck U onr of the flm-ftt
aMs-lmi.nN brouiilil down by tin
guiw uf Klanialtt porii.ui'n tliU
rull Arrangement
tf rTJrrl T.LI. a
" 1 laTlC IJDlC IS
Of f iciflllV GiVCn
Confusion Results in
Miller, Local Representa
tive Explaining Matters in
t 'onfunlnu oer llu lime liible,
rates anil amininilatkiiui, of the j
I new tralna running out uf klmii- ;
ath Falls, ImXH nortli ami south 1
ll anil aoutll I
ugurntio,, f i
Imuml, slue the Inaui
i lie new I aNraiiiN line, iiai raus- '
I'll a rein-tnf Ins .if Ihn flm.n. an '
ncelve, ymtiTtlay from tin of.
fire of J. J. Miller. lltrl,t
frvlgbt and paMM'nger agent.
San Francisco bound. No. 91
leavea Kliim.ilh Falls at f.:0 n.
m.. connecting with No. CI at Black ' No- 01 lhe American Legion, an
Butte at S:3B p. m. Leaves Black I unced last night that, in coop
Butte at 8:41 p. m.. arriving in oration with the City achool board.
Knn !in m Thi.'Classes In Aiuoricamxation wouta
train rarrlea
Ihrniigh sleeper.
AlthoiiKh no dining cur Is taken oul
diner Is taken on
at Black Butte. '
Faro to Kan Francisco, one way.
In $15.84. Hound trip, $21.23 for
18 days: ISIi.OO. .10 days. An
upper berth la 3.60; a lower
berth. $4. B0. "
Klnmath Falls hound from Ran
Francisco, No. It, leavea for tho
north at 9:40 p. m., arriving at
(Continued on I'nge Four)
Careless Hunters
Had Better Look
Out; Boss Is Here
F. M. Hooker, field Inspector for
tho slate hoard of forestry, Is here
from his hugeno headquarters to j (our months. I Relief trains have not arrived,
miiko it hard for careless hunters, Mueller can be reached by tolo- j Tho Tampa relief train under. Ma
campers und lumbermen to dlsre-! phoning S28-K. or at 324 North ( jor Williamson was forced to turn
tard fire prevention rules. "Peo
ple In this district aoem awfully
carolcss about tiro In the forests,"
Hooker doclared, "but after some
of tho npprchendeil violators ot
common-sense flro prevention meas
ures, have pnld heuvy finea, the
public gonorally Is likely lo be
more cautious."
Penalties for leaving a eamptlro,
or otherwise enilangorlng the fur-
cats, run from 15 and two days lm-
nrl.nnmHtil I n Si ft CI II inri ntin vnu,
In Jail. Hookor slated.' The In-
ispector la Interested chiefly In tho
Jaw enforcement phase of forestry
land has been axtremoly active dur-
l.,o 1,1. I.rlnf hnrn Thlno.
are coming to n head pretty quirk-1
Hv." ho declared, "and beforo long
thoro'll bo a number of pentltont
plno tree tree burners in this neck !
of Iho wooda." I
Hooker la also checking out on
the lunibornicn operating In the
southern Oregon basin, nnd last
weok aa the result of his investi
gation, C. W, Woodcock, operating
the' Illinois Lumber company mill
In Langoll valley, paid a $25 tine
for not having proper fire fight
ing facilities on hand, according to
the timber policeman.
(United Nuwtt) StafrRcrlnjf
Miami and the beautiful lit-j
her when Florida began to pron-
for the victims of the horror
The cxteut of III ehock on the
southern east coast waa ironically)
i demonstrated by the fart that this;
ectlin. famed for ll boomer and!
ita promoters of prosperity, had i
not yl railed tha inevitable alo- j
u .u,,l,.l.H.lnn ia nr ?n i
hours after the crash. I
It was too buy with more press-'
Ins tanka. 1
An 1-read llnea were aerved. the j
dead prepared for Interment and j
the injured treated, more accurate
urveya of what had happened ;
'ii'emed to Indicate that the death;
loll for tho entire atrlcken ureal
might prove to have been between
'4IIU and tOD. that property dam- j
lace might have reached $ 150.000,-1
000 or fl7S.000.000. and that the I
!rity of Hollywood had auffered In !
ithee reaperta more than Miami. I
! Ileatli I.Ut fheckrd I
I L'nited Newa eatlmatea of Z4
1 Uours mo that the death Mat In :
'Miami would not exroed 100 were
l-.nrn ou t following a tour of the
t devaluated dlalrlct by City Manager
,wh.rto of Miami and city Man-
agar Bingham of ralm Beacn. ,
A check of the Miami morgues
established that they contained but !
S3 bodies latu- Monday:
Meanwhile provisions were ex-1
pucted to arrive during tho evening j
(Continued on Pago Five) . j
m n rjn
10 DC laUCnt m !
Citv of Klamath'
l. C. Mueller, Americanization
officer of tho Klamath Falls post.
npon Friday night, October 1, to
all tbosa Interested In the work,
or those wishlug to study for cltl
tennhlp. "Amerlcnnliallon classes Are In
keeping with tho program of the
American legion, but It haa never
been put Into effect In Oregon. Tho
Klamath Fulla post delegates met
with tho city achool board last
night, and that body agreed to pay
Don Fisher, high school teacher,
for the Instruction, once a weok.
of the Americanization clauses,"
atnted Mueller last night. 1 j
The American Legion la paying
ur i.,,..i ..... "" "" Moorehaven have gone to Sebrlng.
Iho uno of tho American Legion i "
Memorial building. The a'Khta that greet one here
Heading and writing In Kngllsh ro Pathetic,
will bo taught, It Is understood, j A dog snarls over hla dead mas
nnd largo classes can be tnken caro tcr: persons are marooned on
of this year, The classes will be houses In doop water, crying tor
held once a week, tor a period ot ,
Third stroet, lor miormauon.
. lir
T.lVPaWirP Wnrtlfln
MM T I , V . . " - - - -
IS lOOSter rOr
-v ff t !
UregOn HlgnWaySi
When brains and beauty are com-1
blnrd, it la a rare combination, and
one admlrod by both men nnd wo
men. This brings tip the aubject
of Miss B. A. Francal, coast manager
of the United 8tates Advertising
company and handling all advertis
ing matter for tho Whippet, Over
land and Willys Knight cars In Ore
gon, Washington and California.
lUlua ,'nm vl snent MonilaV in
Klnmath Falls after leaving Oak-;
Innd. California at 8:30 o'clock 8un-
day morning arriving, hero at 2 ;
o'clock yesterday. Miss Francol i
drove the distance by herself and I
Is en ronto to Moscow. Idaho, whore !
she will visit her father and mo-1
According to Mlsa Francol the
Oregon highways, an eleven the by -
ways, are far auperior :o the Callfor-
nla roads.
"I ought to know," Miss Fran-
col stated yesterday, "I detottrcd 100
miles In California!"
United Neva and United Press Telegraph
on forest fires
K.IX I'ltAM'IM . Kept. 20.
(I'nlicMl Xi-wal American legion
posts situated In fowi regions
of California are going to make
furest fire prevention on of their
forrmoMi acUvlllfi.
It Iium been announced ul Le-
plan win br. workni uiu to put
At im.pouii c federal ami
iate amnitaiiuaa the mm of
the vat-toiia poala in run wbrrr
ltl fires have brroiue danger-
.o i...i r,,iuce .:uu i,
to tho Mt fruiu tin i tier and wa
""" "
""" '"" H.k.
ttnthil flrt-, atthl Htuti Adju
Inut Jiiuipm K. Kik.
Many Die
in Storm
Condition of Survivors
. . . . .
riuiui) Accoramg to
rj . ,
in Moorhaven
respondent of the United
news norm area start nas
finally penetrated to the
,tr!'ken of 1Moor'rf
on Laae vxeecooee. ne is
the first newspaperman to
reach the city. His story
follows :
MOORHAVEN, Fla.. Sept.'
20. (United News) An of
ficial check here rcvealH ap
proximately 160 deaths. Short
age of boats makes recovery
of tho dead difficult. The
bodies are strewn over miles.
The condition ot the survivors In
the town Is pitiful, because of the
lack of food, water and embalming
Bodies are rapllly decomposing
and the territory for miles Is fur
nishing a feast tor vultures.
More than 700 refugese from
toed. i
i back.
Sanford and Orlando relief trains
'came within six miles, and the
crews are i-viiuuiiiuk wm uvni.
Almost all houses are down.
Ijikeport la flooded. No rescuers
have arrived thero yet. Loss of
life there Is not known, though
six deaths have been reported.
Fruit, Vegetables
Scattered in Many
And Various Ways
A small truck, loaded with to-
npples, peaches and other
produce, smashed Into a stump at I
Moona sawmill near Plnehnrat on j
the Klamath Falls-Ashland highway. I
after carenln down s steep grade
when the brakes, and the emergency
broke, failed to hold against the
wet macadam yesterday afternoon j
The driver ot the car Is not known
as he left the truck and remainder
of the produce that was Intact, with I
Robert Edsal ot Plnehurat. The
man's arm was badly Injured and.
medical attention was given In
Porrls where tho truck was bound.
Miami Beach Under Martial Law and
Toll of Life Is Expected to Reach 400;
Communication With Outside World
Is Cut Off; Ambulances Everywhere
; MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Sept. 20. (United News)
: With military authorities in complete charge and martial law
i superseding all other regulations, Miami Beach, across the
'bay from Miami, tonight started
j property..
Hundreds are sheltered
has been converted into a temporary hospital, and first aid
station, manned by all available physicians and the Red Cross.
Hundreda made homeleia are be- f -
j ! !h!
I at
I Food permits are being laaued by
' military authorities aa are permlta ,
! for Ice to families which Include
bablea. Water famine tbreatena and J
only two gallons to each family Is!
being Issued and only then on a
special permit. Milk la Issued by.
permit only to families with in-'
j fants. i
Military authorltiea are atationed
j In each store and no commodltiea
't of any kind are sold or given out '
i without permits. I
Thousanda are flocking, to the'
j city hall, where permlta are being j
j Issued.
j ah communication oetween Miami
and Miami Beach has been cut off.
Xo one is permitted to enter or
leave Miami beach without military
; permit. All peraona are ' ordered
; r,,LL ..CI.. ...", V v.-
. ,
j rauuB n iwbu rpon mm
aucn law casaa aa nave re ached tha -
j police "tjbvo" been handled with dru-j.
ill; aieasurua. j
Ambulances are to be aeen every-,
(Continued on Page Four)
J JfeW CitizCHS of
America Receive
1 , y .
Last Instruction
To tho voting poplation of this
country waa added the names of five
foreign-born men who became full-
J Hedged cltlttna yesterday after they
had passed an examination conduct- ,ng by smth n fharRe Qf ' ac.idod,y not a ,lgn that hunters
ed by Wlfred W. Wiggins of Port-tne equpmcnt nop ln ,nig 9cc.!and campers may drop all caution
land, naturalliatlon examiner. be-!tion. wttn tnelr camp fires and cigar-
fore Circuit Judge A. L. Leavltt. I Th heavy machinerv and iiocy. 1 ettes in the woods." Jackson Klm
The men who were granted their J will be moved the latter part of , ball, head of the Klamath Forest
citizenship, or second papers. In-1 the week and all operations carried j Protective association, declared' yes
clude John Paul Chieaa, Klamthjon from the new office in the fut- j terday. "The situation la no better
Fe,lls. Italian: Frank Krlzo. Mer-jure. i now than it waa in the dryest. hot-
rill, Czecho-Slovakian: Matteo Del Contract for the construction of ' test part of August, as the sprlnklo
Fattl, Midland. Italian; William Jor- j the two buildings to house the ! of rain served merely to lower the
man, and Albert LeRoy Travis, j equipment shop, was let last win-j humidity and thua increase the fire
Klamath Falls, Knglishmen. Iter to the Olds Construction com- f hazard ." , . .
Tho petition of Leonard Bernard ! (Continued on rage Five) No reduction is being made In the
Long waa continued by Judge Lear-, J force maintained by the Klamath a-
itt for further study. The peti- 1nrtiirnil Pnfiit-nD j sociation for fire prevention. Klmr
tlona of the following for citizen-
ship, were also continued until next !
hearing, February, 19S7: Fred ;
Schreiter, Klamath Falla, German; i
Frank Machac. Malin, Ctecho-Slo-
vakian; Uomenico Fererese, Mid-!
land. Italian: and Hans Martinson.
Worden, Swedish.
Bemidji Day Is
Great Event For
Many Klamathites
"BemldJI Day" ras observed In
Klamath Falla Sunday, when a
group of former residents of Be -
midji, Minnesota, gathered from
I Bend. McCloud, California and ! Balsiger stated, "as It would be j
(Klamath Falls, at Altamont Auto!bout lle 9!,th creditor. Tho fel-(
park where they spent the- day , lov wh0 hold "ret mortgage bonds
picnicking and enjoying a talk fest!on ln" comPany oi me ' i
of old times and acquaintances. ,lr8t, for thelr "nare. ' 'hke
. . Iment. leaving us out In the cold."
a 110 ini vi en tu ci. a, 1110 it 11 lie
Pelican hotel and proceeded to the
plclnlc grounds.
The following were present from;
Rend: Mr. and Mr. N. J. Cole-i
man, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Rasmussen ,
and family. Mr. and Mrs. demons , favor of passing an ordinance au-j
amJ fan,yi Mr- and Mrs- August . thorlzlng the city attorney to take,
Benson and family. Mr. and Mrs. i action of this nature." Balsiger de-
Anton Thnmp!lon and famv Mr j dared. Councilman Stuckey aver-,
. . .. . .. . ' '(red that the Southern Pacific
. ,
low and son Donald, Mr. and Mrs. i
I. A. Hansen and son Arthur, Henry 1
Da hi: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larson
and. Mrs. C. P. Larson of Los An-!
geies; mr. ana airs. r. 1,. oiatners ; Pnd HtT fathers passed on to othc
nnd son . William of Klnmath Falls. I busiuess.
taking toll of loss of life and
in the Floridian hotel, which!
mluii, ku.. Kept, so (United
.:t'W".i7.!l,! T"'. "
the death toll taken by the Flor.
Ida hurricane, approved by po-
n.e chiefs of five citiea, wiUrb
was compile! at 4 p. in. Lis
Miami, 101.
Hollywood, 32.
Fort Lauderdale, 23.
Mnrrrbaven, 40. r :
Miami Beach. 32. '
State Shops Moved
To New Quarters;
luitirely Modern
i .. -A"
ing in Altamont
.new Uuildi
u'ii i. e .
Will be Scene of
rGafX.ctiitr 20 Me Vii
Be Employed Constantly "
Moving Into the most modern
machine shop const ruction along?
tne Oregon SUte highway, was
started Monday morning from the
(Spring atreet temporary building,
to the new (b,0OO buUOltur in
; .iiamont Acres, under the dlree-
i h. t. smith. .hOP frc
AlUmont Acres, under the dlree-
man of Southern Oregon equip- I
I merit .lepot. .
Announcement of the complete!
me-macnine snop ann
; office equipment to the new butlri-
I Ings was made yesterday morn-
v va - lAkjkj
To Back Mayor's
I Ian lOr U. & IV
The mavor's plan to force the !
Oregon-California & Eastern rati-1
way to pay delinquent taxes amount- j urday In the Klamath river canyon
j ing to some $24,000 by putting the : near Keno. Thl fire, which covered
i company into the hands of a re-, about 13 acres before It waa extln
jcelver. was blocked again at city gUished. was traced to s campflre
1 council meeting last nigra wnen
Councilman It. Balsiger Interrupted
IntnL - A It ln,r
of a proposed ordinance ;
that such action would
make It Impossible for the city to
'realize a cent.
! "if we approve a rcelvershlp for ;
' tho railroad, the city would not i
island a show on the collections,";
Tha oltv tm nctt i nrafarrsfi oroHf. '
tor , counc,lman pointed out.
'stating that If someono la now I
buying up the delinquent tax re-.'
ceipts. tho city will get its taxes ;
anyway. "I am absolutely not ln I
would not let the o. C. & E. go
Into the hands of a receiver.
With the matter apparently dead-!
lorkcd. no member of the council
volunteered to ask for a continued '
readlI1(? ot the propo,ed ordinance,!
The Klamath News
Official Paper County
of Klamath
Morning Except Monday)
City Cops
. . , , ' '-j
' Chicago Visited by Mot
Brazen Outbreak
Since Murder of As
sistant States Attorney
j. CHICAGO, Sept. 20. (Uni-
News) Machine gun bul-
' , . , . . ,
I lets have 8WePl C,cer0 aln
! in the most spectacular out-
break since the murder of As
sistant State's Attorney Wil
j liam McSwiggin.
Eight heavily curtained and ex
: penalve automobiles roared through
, the main atreet of the gang Infest
I ed suburb late Monday afternoon.
opening fire upon the Ansonla cafe
; end the Hawthorn hotel. , ...
Police - believe the attack wax
'aimed at Al Uapone. auepected 'a
; director of th McSwiggin killing.
I but Caponc. standing in front
' the ne,r c'e when the ,ncnll, n
- caravan racea uy. auaaeniy
! ..j u.. ,m nn imh
wbetn n1uiil -be- 0Trnd.
Although the machine gun . bul- .
i lets raked the front of the eS'fe
I and-hotel, only two persons were
known to have beet . wonnded.
Mrs. Chaa. Freeman was -abot four
I time In the left arm and Louis
(Continued oat rage Komr)
Still Danger of ; ; ; y
Forest Fires in
Klamath County
The slight rain Sunday night Is
., ball stated, at present, nor Is there
; likely to bo until the heavy fall
A "umber of forest fires have
been started since hunting season
opened, he stated, the largest ot
which was fought to a finish Sat-
.K..j h..n... wkn h.rf n.
parently been watching a deer salt
lick in the vicinity.
We Deliver
SalwaV Peaches,
TomtaOeS, Crate
Pears, box
Public Market
"Pay Cash, It Pays' ' '
126 No. 6th. Phone 169