THE KLAMATH NEWS Local Shippers to . Attend Meeting of Advisory Board ' Of lliUraat tn ahlppare and ot li ar In IhU ruunly tutuarnnd In ad quit rllroil tranaportatloB, cam a 111 adnouncrmaal to i. Jl Miller, dUlrlct frlht and tn woitr aiut for the 8oulhara Iflo hra, that for lb ftrat tlma a lac lu Inception four yuM ago, lh Paclfle NorlhwMC Advlaor board will mt In Portland Baplorn bar 14. "Spokane and Sao Fraoclaeo hava alaara bn tha mtliia plae for tba board In tha put," Millar autad, "and It la particular ly -opportuna for OreBOB ablppvr. Including- rattlrman and rprnta tlvaa from all Induatrlaa, that tba board will conrena lo our own atala Ihla yair." Tha Mrvloa of tba beard la opan to ' all ahlpprra and raclfere. amall or .'lam. In abaoluta aquallty and without root. rrdli of whalhar tby ara directly connartad with tba board or not. Tba only re qulremenla la that ahlppera Uk their tramtportatlon problema tn tbalr Individual carrier, or rail roada. before pratanllng them be fore the adTlaory board. ' Tha purpone of the annual board n)aetln I to ile ablbpera and re tettora tn opportunll- to ream jtrteTanrea or- auteaeoU of cos dltlona with the board chairman, who refer the complaint to ver-toua- commodity commute for eat Utraaot, after the alateniepl of con dition baa been mada' barqre the rneallpf. -i ;-- " ',. (tallroad men Bra Intlted to the aeatlDK. alone with all other In t,etMte4 pemona lo the northwe!, hut they take no part In Pro" caadliiM. All who attend and par ticipate In tbe diKuaaloi. ara mam bom of ' lie board. Miller ataled. There are no charge whatever In connection with tha forum. Thursday Sert lfy JS6 Numerous Permits j Issued to Build New City Homes Ten building permila, although mall In total, were Uaued yealer day from tbe office of Lara L. Uagbagen, city clerk. Tba following received permila which totaled (S73D: Carrie llutworth, IOO addition, Kldorado alreaU Imuran McUian, $400 addition, t'pham alreet. Homer A, Knight, $100 audition, Second etreet. August Bchleman, $100 abed, Market etreet, C. II. Crlaler. $00 abed. Oak atrMt. 8. A. McbelMU, $76 garage. Com mercial Btreet. Marguerite Burke, $100 ahed, Oregon avenue. Gorge It. Norrln, $100 .bouae. How avenue.. MAUN ItLAt KHUatTH U ( HUtlUiKP WITH Noxt rroitT Charged with non-aupport of bla wife and child. .Harry M. Aleian-: dr, buaky Malta bkukamltb. ap peared before Jaatlc t. A. Gmmltl yeatacday gttvooon. Alexander, boated lt( ' JMPrftr. bond Bnd.ajikod for a preliminary hearing which will ba el at the convenience of the Juiilc and t--earney.i , ' t'l 'l' 1 '! - ' 1 - r jl -Fijm jii ' 1 - - Hl'ANIHH waii vktkiunh MKKT THUWIMV NIGHT In order to lay their Unit plana for tha entertainment of the Hpan- lah War Veteran, who will meet In convention In Klamath Pall next ummer, the tint regular meeting of Apulegala camp, flpanlab War Veteran, la called for tonight In tha court bouae. Tb meeting will convene at 1 o'clock. KltillTKKNTH WKUDINU IN PIFTKKN DAI') W HKtXHlD Tb eighteenth wedding of Klam Bth county couple, occurred ye- lerduy , when John llottman. IJ rancher, and atlaa June MoCabe. IP wara married. Tbey obtained tbelr llcenae from tha office of County Clark C. ft. Dalap yeaterday after- noon. Iloltman and bt bride are real' dent of Klematb Fall. Mia. KniBia U. Hood bo pur- cbaaed a piece of property on Elm atreet tor $121$ In cub. It be came known yeetarday after ber de parture for Aablaed where abe baa made ber home fur the peat few yeara. Mr. Bond haa been the gueat of Mr. and Mr. M. W. Coae bootn during bar vlalt here. Tbe deal we handled through Mr. Nate Olterbelp. Mr. and .Mra.' John tlnfewty and Mra. Hubert Unfesty aad party vara among the Kwniatb Kill real dents to apchd Tveoday at Crater Lake. , t4 .. , Wee filling, Chlneaa proprietor of HUlh atreet reetauranl, lata yes terday afternoon, reculted In an argument between the Oriental and a lady patron which terminated In hi toeing no little tiluod. Irene Pimidlno, a regular cu le mur, ut the oaf, la aald to have taken exception to the manner In wblcb Won Hhlng eltd ber plate acrM tbe tuble. and voiced ber Indignation vehemently. The Chin ee returned the volley it verbal fire, atartlng for tbe kitchen, but before he reached a point of oafety, the lady In the ca directed a well aimed water glaea toward him. The gla atruck a alack of dleh e near the Oriental tad abowered bla face with Jugged fragment of the broken receptacle.' Chine Careless Service Brings Injuries To Restauranteur DEATHS CReDeLapWill Visit Childhood Caretra eervlre on the tVAHLM VlCOHY runeral aerrlee tor the lata ; lrt of Charla Vlcory will ba beld Frtdar, Scenes in East C. ft. beLap, veteran conity nf tbe afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the. clerk and pioneer roMcnt Karl WbltlocK funeral Home. Her. ; Klamstb country, left yeaterday for Benham offlclatlag. Interment will j the mlddleweit, where he will vlalt be made tn tb family plot la Link-! for three week or more with li vllle cemetery. , . I ,.r Mr, Cornelia Munyon, of Agra, j HKN V. WIU4HX WIIX i nul' whom be 4ia pot aeen In Al'rDItKWlK'hL10MKrmNi!mora tbD " j , ., : j It 1 with keen anticipation that ' Ik.0"K. Wllaog,' who delivered biI),u'' on ", br'f brilliant ddrd during tb. I4tb i wlcn ' Uk hlm ,0 ,De a"tm annual convention, of tbe Oregon (of OUB "o. "here be Hlata VederatlotM Ubor b.ldl,a "' M 19 old here recently, will relurn tilay toi'ot9 com,n to lh mt apeak before a publle gathering oni8 MW fl"ure' "Pralleled. "The Organlawl abor MoVement Tbl. la tb flrat time DeLap baa and IfPollcl " J ' Ibad the opportunity to vtolt eaat WlUwn I famed tor bla Inelgbt i mountain, alnce lear- int i.ho. Mniiii... ... a , .him. i Ing Wl.coD.ln Wd middlewe.tern Ia miu with fahlmM AnfrAnllnc t .tatea ,4S HOWARD'S STAGE LINE TRAVEL BY MOTOR STAGE Two through trips to Portland daily: 7:15 a. m. and 1:15 p. m. Parlor cars with reclining chairs for the night trip. Low fare, wonderful scenery. Office 615 Main St , Phone 999 to cope wltb problem confronting tb labor movement, a well a for hi plraalng oratory. Ilia addreae tonight, commenting nt ft o'clock, Tern- year. ago. Waller. currled to point, el- wbere, on of them heading for will be given la the Labor the pollr etation. When two pol-ple at ScandlB Hall. Ice ofllcent arrived at the cafe, 1 We. filling', pby.logi.omy ., r KLLOWHJIIP DINNKK atreamlng blood white the lady j ' AT t'HflWH HlCt'KHe) combatant looked on quite calmly. I Both were taken lo police head-! The pariah hon.e of St. Paula qu.rt.ra where each prottated that Eptaeopal church waa lb .ne of a number of uncompllmenUry x-i feMow.blp dinner arranged n pltlve bad paoaI wltb the con- aer B "P' vl the Guild, one venation which grew out of tb i" """" - i..- -.-I i. ti,. ! apon.oreU by tb told to ga borne, ad tha China man wa aenl to City Attorney i. II. Carnahaa to make a formal complaint. Confronted wltb legal procedure. Wee Hblng redacted bla Charge and datevowed hi Inten tion Qt prosecuting' the cane. KO INTKrtKKIUt.NCyl BY KKDRHAJL UOVF.fLVMRNT PAUL UMlTH'b; ft. Sept. 16. (United Nw) pre.ldent Cool big ae no ground tor federal In terference la tba Dempaey-Tonaey flabt to be bald at - PhlladeltAI. Sept. Jl, It waa aald bare today. Numeroua protpat had been re ceived at tha executrva office. by the . women. ! Mm V. fl' ljmh we rhllrmon of the commltto that planned andj erved tbe dlbBar. Cover were . laid for 10$ gqeata. Rev. J. Hear Tboma prealded at dinner. . ; , Maaonc Attention HpAcial t'omtnunlcatlon Maoonic Hall 1 :30 p. m. Thursday HKITKMIIKIl 1BTH For tha purpoee of conduct ing the funeral oerviee of Brother Huneell A. JVford. It. U ORIPP1TH. Wonhipful Muster. fine tbe paw fall coat, for wo men and children at Bee Begin' Htore. li tto. 7th. KLAMATH VALLET HOSPITAL. In contlBamet) bf our Invited gnaat. ' adv.-l Mr. and Mr. B.T. Given and children, .who have been attending, tbe round-up at Lakeriew aad via-) King wltb frtepda at Lakevltw.and: Illy, returned to tbalr' bom tn Ga-i telle yeaterday. ; Tbey have 1 been north (or lb Pi two week. Glv aa la foreman of the Beck ranch, large Intereata near' (Maelle. ' ' ' Glasses Fitted ground ant repaired at DR.. COBLE'S 70$ Main Street C Defective area etunt tba mind.' ' Can 'yon expect fair progreaa In aWl' or bualnea if the ataht-lmpalred? -- Office tS Mala M. KlanaUi FalU. Ore, Pboaa fOw utfira. Htaga Depoo. MedforO, Ore. PSoaa SO Trarel By Motor Stag" Swiftly Safely Comfortably By tb HOWARD (1IUMES BTAfJKH ao iablaad Jiladford Portland Direct CoBoectio at Juaatloa - WKb Pickwick Bug . to All Point Sooth TRCnU FOR CALIFORNIA Baa at, wa baodla. Folder nailed request. STOFOVKR at aay point OB Pkkwick R7Um. Fare Kltmatb Fall to: Aabland - I. io Baadltg nr Sacramento Baa Fraactaeo Lot Aagala aaa Wego. 8a Jpee B cen.tro lit II. TO 11.71 10.01 11.80 14.M Leaving Time Medford, 8. It.. 4 p. m : K'mth Fall. 7;1S a. tn., 1:00' and 4:16 p. m. Waay..iVated Caviller bueee. Select Sites For that "Home of Your Own" FINEST HOMESITES IN TOWN Own Home May We Suggest "HOMED ALE" ON EASY TERMS See Ui The WALTON, WRIGHT CO. White Pelican Hotel HI il'"'1 1MII. IWItl MMII reasons why , chilling Baking Powder is the pride of Western Kitchens i '!r' Madt from Cream of Tartar A pure food product derived from luscious; grapes. No one has yet, discovered . . , a safe . . substitute . . for it. Ask your 'Doctor. . He kftowsl A'... ..a.'- 3 Baking Insurance . If for any reaton you r duialiiied with anything you ever bae with ' Schillings'" merely tell your grocer. Initantly, he fill pay you for the thi'ngi you have used . (flour, butter, eggi, everything) .' and for the fu II package of Baling Powder. We will pay him. io red j tape-"no -etringi. Schilling it ure"that't a III Comes in full pound (16 oz.) tins . Ah Even, Fluffy : Texture . Schilling Baking Powder raises a cake with myriads of fine, fluffy bubbles. . Cream of Tartar always gives that fine, even texture that no substitute has ever been able to equal. tit Announcement of PREFERRED STOCK Price Increase Effective October 1, 1926, the price of tHe 6 per cent cumula tive preferred shares of The California Oregon Power Company will be advonced to . V n - $95 a Share Orders received up to and including Thursday, September 80,. will be filled at the present price of $94 a share. Any member of our organization will be glad to give you complete information about our investment offering to customers. Shares may be purchased for cash or on our convenient monthly investment plan. -I S raureewilwioS!? iKWIKCOeiMNYl The California Oregon Power Company OFFICESt KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON GRANTS PASS, OREGON MEDFORD, OREGON YREKA, CALIFORNIA ROSEBURG, OREGON DUNSMUIR, CALIFORNIA . b4P