The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 07, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tiu-ilav. Soptoml'or 7. 1ii.
Faber Cards 410th
Game of Career
Pitching Baseball
Cordon Ma.Aulcy of Mnrnhfiold. ; an .1 Mr. I A. AllM'tiaon. Min. K.
C H I C A 0 O, Rrpt. 6 fl'nftPd lrturnrd li ro w Hay Saturday at- Ktt 11, farrier. Mum Man MiMil-
Newa) Urban "Hod" Knher. voter- le-r ponding n hoi-t itnii hero Ian and Min. Hall. I
m of tha White Sox pltchlnK de- on lnisintv.t ami pleasuro. MncAu-, j
partmrnt, celebrated hi JSth birth-1 Ivy i ith the Minuter l-iundry' Mrs. I nn Zinir.n-i min. Mri. Nolle,
daf today by pitching hit 440th j Service In Marshfield and nl.o has Oaluun. Itoh and Hotly Zlmmcrmttii '
(am of Ilia big" lcnaur. career. J the aitoncy for llunntoM'.o autoiiM- and KennoHi Van 'ort. motored to .
Though Faber had to be relieved bile ""'' "'' lf Sunset , Slalln Puitdny. j
In the ninth, he was credited with roropanj ... vm i.uj.
th victory.
The aorrel topped .pit bailer wan'
born In raaeade. Iowa, and came to
ah. U'hllA ff.Am T.. Unlnu In .
' "" " .-- , .(. .lauchter-i of
Mr. and Mr. Myron Mordoff of
Ninth and High streets. .Visa Mne
Mordoff will be a senior in piiysl-
leave in
. Mi
eal education at the Tniversiiy of school and visitinn u: the Swan
Oregon. Miss Aileca Mordoff will Lclte ranch of tiie Mitiier family.
ilte:id OreRon Agricultural col'.ei;."
j and major in home economUs.
tha Wentern league In the fall of
ISIS, lie accompanied ,the Clams
and White Sox on their world tour
that fall and was loaned to the
Giants for the trip. He has been
with the Comlskey team since.
Faber Is one of the few splt-
naiiera leti in me majors. "'; nth gru are affiliated with IK-lta tie
others are Carl Mays, the Heds-1 i-niverstiy of Oregon chanter.
submarine hurler: I'rban Shocker.
former Brown, now with the Van- Mr Vrs TfJ K .l)np
keee; Burleigh Crime, o the Dcd-1 Form Ha ,,.,, , K;m.
Cera and Stanley 'ovele.kle. j fr)m M,.(lfl,,,
The big lowan still Is remembered j Ashland and Grants l'asa. luo
for the two shutout victories he; .,., ,ne week-end .Their w. a-
hung on the Giants In the worldj .line was an event of Saturday even
series of 1917. He was on the sick j in)r tno hnmr o( Mrs, phoop's
list and did not participate in the (, Mr. and Mrs. 11. X. flemens
1919 series.
I Mi.- Ma- rmnne. t.-aonor In
the students who will Freeniout school, hr. returned from
he near future for the an enjoyable .uiituier spent tit nor-
resume her win
ter's work in K'.nmatlt Kail:-.
Huth Alinler. who has spent
sunini'i attintlii.g suniiueri
rfllUMud to Khnr..ith Kalis t'.ii
wei k to re-upie her toaehlnp, dll-i
ill the puMIc s.-hools.
Mr. ami Mrv. A-.-thur t'.all.inher (
and Mr. and Mrs. Warren ltrii:.1
all of North iWnd. left this mornlnc
on an;l!io trii to southern'
Oregon. They n III vls-fl Kl.iiuillll
I';.!!, fritter Lake mid other points)
of interest. They expr.-t to return
M o n d a y cv. :;i::g. - - Sou: Invest rn
Orei-vu lai!y Now.
First game R. H. E
Hollywood 1 4
Los Angeles 2 a I
Batteries OVtlll and Peters
Hamilton and Hannah.
9econd came R
Hollywood T
Los Angeles S
ou Second street. They are at home ,
1 to their many friends in the While
apartments on Sixth and Highj
: streets.
I ...
Mr. autl Mrs. Ariuur ;1m.-ii ami
family, accompanioU by Miss rinr.v
Calkins, rrturuetl to Ktamalh Kails
l.ut night fro ml he .south. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson have been iu San
Francisco. Los Anselos and other . w'ck-t ml after fiu nHinjc the sn
Mrs. Minerva VaII.ti. Mrs. S
K. Anderson and thMr nu'st. Mrs.
Iavc IliipKms and con tavt. Jr., of
PilliPBs. Mon ;mn. ar pl.inniii); on
a wot-k-rnd ;it t Tho (Mccou
Ca vts n -a r 1 1 ra u t s 1 'a ss.
I.viui and Kvilyn Propo.-t. child
ren of Mr., and Mrs, Kd Pro.x.M.
an returning to K!n;natti FjM this
ls ' . . t
wi southern ctties aunnK me past rori- ,1Wp;M with ihir Brnr.nrf i
Sinnleton and Cook;ln.,ht 0 a vacation. Miss (alkl:is', .,..1, ..
Yarriaon. Day. Stroud and Sand- na8 beon south for the pasl four; PorUuIKi distri.t. Mr. aIltl .Mra.
n.oct their childn'n
bers. (Seven Innings by agreement. j mont9t viiiin with friends in rropost will
First game
Oakland 2
Seattle 4
j ullttmis. Arixona. and in ttouineri. jn M,ifnrd toniKht. j
'California and the Grand Canyon' j
at; well. Misa Calkins is nfiiliated, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Erickson nnd I
Batteries Oeschger. Gould. Crag-- r'c' yM hal sh on seventh !j. B. llaranie and sou' Ervin. mo-!
A a nrl Rab.p. Ila.fv am! Rlriwrin t
torid to Crater Lake Sunday where
! ... ; ihey spent the day. They returned!
to K!ama:h Falls by way of Rocky)
head and Baker; Hasty and Baldwin.
Second game R.
Oakland 4
Seattle 0
Members of the Eulalona chapter!
of Daughters of the American Revo-' put
Delaney and Head
Hasty, Martin and Jenkins.
Innings by agreement.)
First game - R. II. E.
San Francisco .... S 9 0
Mission C 7 1
Batteries Kuni. Williams, Moudy
and Telle; Barfoot and Walters.
Second game R. H. E.
San Francises t 8-0
Mission : S . 10 0
Batteries Mails and Agnew.
Telle; Pillette and Murphy. Walters.
v First game R. H. E.
Sacramento - S 14 3
Portland : 4 10 0
Batteries Hughes and Koehler;
Baumgartner and Wendel.
j lution held their first meeting of'
the year last night at the home of, Mis I.orctta Jennlncs. teacher of,
Mrs. Rat-hael Applegate Solomon. ; the second grade at Riverside
when Constitution Day was ob-1 School, returned to Klamath Falls!
served. Mrs. Wilbur Jones, regent ; last night after spending the past;
of the Klamath Falls chapter, had week in Portland visiting with heri
charge of the evening's program. ! parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Jen
... i nlnp.-i.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Perry, i ,
Miss Jean Perry and Kenneth S. See us for fine quality window
Perry left Sunday morning for Dia-, snaites at lowest prtces. Terms If
mond Lake to spend the week-end. ' s'ailasraatl Hame Supply Co.
iney reiurneu tats nig at ana re-
(Coi.tiiimM Trout Tiitf. Five)
en. nan built for the ciniveni iue of
vtnltlttit officii.) m of the Forot l.Htn-b-r
cou.(itiii, nd for inlll Rrtt8.
Comptelely fin iUhIkmI. lite l.odKe,
overlooking, hk It dot", the entire
town of Pino ItldKo iiud n hroad
fXIKinne of iMirromtuliitt etMiittry. in
an hoautiful u home an one could
find In t ity or woods. The f iitent ;
of furniiur hm been u-cd throunh
out tin Indue, each room comMitlng
the rt'sifultua of a itiotinltiin lodne
w ith the beauty nnd convenience- of j
a city dwrllinc. The four bd
rioUx, ca h opening lit;., i im of the
tYv showfr itnd lava;ory rinmn on1
the iiecond fKu. are finntshcd with
twin heU. at1r:tclive floor ami bed
laiuti.-., hardw.iod faiiihure and fine
upholt.'rtd ehtilr.-. '
I ly NuImiihv At'nird i
A scrot-ned porch nl one end of
the lod of Cent ut tm'on.pAraltte
view of the valley b low and of the
rciued mountain ittvncrv. The porch
in t'timppi'd With a lovely net of
l kT porch furniture, and is virtu-'
ally ii n ;uldii(unal room (o the Indue.
For fit t luu id to ht tind.'r the
nia:i.HKe:nnt of the Forest l,um
Imr company, amt will be directed
by Miss K've Fhclfer. who will have
complete charge of the dininie room
and hostelry, accordittt; to Fratik
Hoi an, plant tttiperimcndent at I'lue
The majority of the rooms In the
Inn will be occupied by mlllmcn. ull
of whom are eajserly autlrtputiuK
the opculni: of the new hotel. Only
the uti udy entployen will be Riven
accommodation, ft was Mated, and
the men have already bernii apply
ing for rooms. There is nmpl upacc
for the. employen nnd a preut nunt
bo of outside (tueMn. lntwever, nnd
it U the uim of the manaKeineut to
have accommodations of the bent
Kort always ready for tourists and
Klamath Fulls guest.
POKTI.AM. Sept. .hattrrltiK
all known records for highway wnlk
Inif. K. 1. Sadler, Portland elec
trician, Monday hiked from Salem
to Portland, a distance (if miles.
In nine hours. &9 1-4 minute.
( out i n uc1 I- roiu Pa o hie )
mid with the HumMcr'n ore lie Ma
provided the necoavury tuuntr that
fa 1tnimttve in the tNiicreni of any
The t)ureUH flout, (hat lavrled
Quihmi Huth 1. her two muld and
pines, wan uttiactivety arruitRcd iu
red. white nnd blue.
Another flcat. Hut caued roti
pidorable wua entered by
the Paiutora' I'nlon. Three buck
els, tilted nt the top of a tall acuf
fold. drlpMd red. white and blue
Oi iKlnality wan the keynoto in
(he float of the t; lover Jewelry
comiMiiy with n miniature King und
Jueeii on m prettily arranged
throne. A half doifn young boy,
d reaped Bi working turn Iu ovcr
ula. matched lit the rear of the
foal, with Pig PeiiH aeudlng of'
r.n alarm.
Judge iu the conii'Ht were Fran
rln It. OKU. Andrew t'olller and
John A. Vct'nll. K. F. !uf(y wai
i:o ii era t secret arv nf the t -o trim it tt''
Examination and estimate
on all work.
All branches of dental work
done by competent up-to dato dvu-
Painless, careful lasting den
tistry ut moderate prices.
Portland Painless
11th Miiin. t.rlule IUd.
I'hoiie. IM. (Mn Kviltlngs.
leliulinien and It was under his dlr
M'ct suiiervinlon that the tirade wit.
! premMitvd, A. I. Hire was general
j chulrmnn of tlm cotninltteo for the
Labor IHiy leleln-allou.
(Inod steel beds. HI 00; roll
I a ii r tn k". tin. DO; rolton felt mat
trens, 110 00. Terms If desired.
I Kluiiiiitli Home tJupply Co. 1 'LIS
j Mnln St if
' . . . . ss
from our
Central Plant.
Proportioned Right
Mixed Right
Delivered Right
Priced Right
A Time Saver and r.
Money Saver.
Concrete Pipe Co.
80S Market St.
Phone 5S2-VV.
A Imml nf KviinelitM,
WDrktTH nntl HiiiK"'"n from
I ho A po.stolii' Fnllh Min
inii, 1'onn'r Sixth iiml
Hmn.'ililu Htrt'i'lM, Port;
luml, Oro.. will oprii u
U-iit mi'i'tinjf TliuiMilay
t--ni n vr. SoptcmbiT Oth,
ut 1 1 th nntl Pino BtriTtH,
Klmiiath Fill l.i.
SlTvift'M IIM follllWlt:
i Sniiil.'iy I0:.'IU n. tn. nnd
7 :H0 p. m., I'Vft-y cvcnliiK
i'Xfppt Moiulay at 7 :-t5
p. in. (inoil music aiul
tiiniiiR. Snuiiil tpiitrtct
ntinilicr.t ly tin" Murninir
Star (Jimt'ti't.
Wtuitli'iful tostimoniffi
will In- a part nf each
nervier. The full KHPt'l
will lie pn fichml on Junt
ifii'itt ion, SaiHtification,
The Uaptism of the Holy
(ihiiMt, Divine ltcalinif, I'uiiiHlinienl, aiul
rUier liihle truth:.
Nn tiillei'tioii, Come
iiml see.
(ln3l(bd advert lln In
KLAMATH M:WS pava Ills
dt'mlM. r.,i them for profit.
Let Us Estimate Your Wiring Job
Quick, Efficient, Moderate Priced
Industrial Electric Company
Shop 771-W.
Night 77I-K.
Tlltt No. tlllt M.
i:. I,. Illll
V. II. Ilremrr
Second game R. H. E.
Sacramento 0 4 1
Portland 6 9 0
Batteries Vinci, Canfield and
Koehler; Lingrel and Berry. (Seven
innings by agreement,)
ported a large crowd at the resort
from the Rogue Hirer valley as well
as Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan of
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior,
V. S. Land Office at LakeTlew, Ore.
September I, 1926
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land office, under pro.
visions of Sec. 2455. R. S., pur
suant to the application of Oliver
P. Hamilton of Beswlck, California.
Serial No. 012712, we will offer
t public aale, to the highest bid
der, hut at not less than J6.12H,
per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M . on i
the 12th day of October. 1926. j
next, at this office, the following'
tract of land: the E4SW4 of:
Sec. 10, T. 418., R. E.. W. M.
This tract is ordered into the!
market on a showing that the great- i
er portion thereof is mountainous j
or too rough for cultivation.
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present at the hour named
hare ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bid will be re
quired to Immediately pay to the
receiver the amount thereof.
Any persona claiming adversely
the above-described land are advis
ed to file their claims or objections.
on or before the time designated fori
F. P. LIGHT. 1
S5 05 Register. 1
Department of the Interior,
V. S. Land Office at Lakevlew. Ore..
August 23, 1926.
XAtlre fa hrphv plven tha- TlfitfM
San Jose, California, are In the city M stotts. of Dorrls. California.
visiting for a time with Bob Ryan j who, on September 21. 1923, made
of Klamath Falls. Kvans are : Homestead Entry Act June 9.
k-,k Tk. .l.i, . (a',j 1916. No. 0120S8, and who on Not.
brothers. The visitor is connected ,, ,9,5 mado'Alld Hd EntrT
with the Southern Pacific company; 012570. for EiiSWV. and SW V4
of the San Jose offices. ISEVt. Section 33. Township 40S.,
I Ranne 7E., Willamette Meridian.
Lot Beattie is planning to leave' h" "IT? n0,'-, of IntenUon to
... . . , , make Three ear Proof, to estnb-
thls weekend for Portland on a ,ish rlaim to , ,and above des.
business trip which will keep himCribed, before C. R. DeLap. Clerk
in the northern city for the follow-: of the County Court, at Klamath
In few r!av - i Falls. Oregon, on the 2nd day of
ing lew days October, 1926.
. Claimant names as witnesses:
Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Perrln re-1 j;ed Connolly, Jesse L. High. Ed-
turned from Lake o tne Woods win Richardson, Frank F. Mullan,
Sunday evening after spending Sat-jall of Dorris, California,
urday night and Sunday at the . A26S26 P Kegist'er.
Bert Hall cabin. Other guests at ;
the Hall summer borne included Mr. For results use News Class Ads.
Botitn of f-xjrAi.i.-iTrox of
Notice is hereby riven, that the
Board of Directors of The Horsefly 1
Irrigation District nf Klamath '
County. Oregon, will Bit as a board
of equalization, commencing on the1
6th day of October. 1926, at the j
hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. in the
office of said board, at ilonanza.
Oregon, to hear objection to, and j
make correction of the budget and I
assessment roll for the year 1926,1
to he levied on Sept. 7. 1926.
The meeting will continue In
session from day to day. as long
as may he necesMiry for such
equalization of :iid a?ement.
WM, F. 11. CHASE,
Secretary of I lie Hoard of
Directors. Horsefly Irrlsa-I
tinu District.
87.14,21 '
Her Tragic
THOSE who knew hir wouIJ have said: "Such things don't
happen to girls like Marion." She was well-educated; she had
high ideals; her every thought and word were refinement itself.
Yet, she was to fintl herself subject to the same vicissitudes of Fate
that pursue all who blindly try to make ri;ht out of wronj;.
It all started when she met and fell in love with Terry Dixon,
who had twice been engaged to the mad-cap heiress, Helen Carlson,
but who swore to Marion that his Ipvc
for Helen was dead.
unexpected that
But often it is the
shapes human destiny.
For, havins; been forced by a terrible storm t6
seek refuge in a lonely cabin, she had scarcely
crossed the threshold with Terry when she found
she had taken the first step into a world of terror,
desperate conflict and hideous peril.
What she went through is told by Marion her
self in "Out of the Storm," in True Story
M lazinc for October. Don't miss this thrilling,
soul-itirriiiB, true-life narrative.
Read Also These Other Heart-Gripping
Narrative in October True Story
"The Curt of Sufpicion" Once a humble factory
worker, Miiry today hat every luxury that money can buy.
Ycr, (lie face that haunts her day dreamt It not that ot ruh huh.-ind. Don't fail to read tliit itraifht-from-thc
hsart story.
"A Wife's Awakening" Margy't marriage to Kendal
Windmr wa a 'loriimt adventure in bnppmett until, in
tin; dc-limiFii ot illneM, he rcvcalcJ a terrible tccrct in bit
lifj. A atranpc, oubstirring narrative.
Finds True Story A
Great Help
Dear Sir:
Being i minitter of the Gut pel, 1 fmj True
Stoty a help In warning YO-nticop..aa.nw
the trial and temptation ut life. It more
muthert wovilJ provide t hit m.igitiincfor their
fttris to read we minuter would hear lci t(
the aaJ ttoriei of fallen RirU. May ikd blej
you in your work of helping the young ly
warning them of the danger, in life. It thu
it worth anything to you in carrying on tl
work, 1 give you permiuum ro nc rhia in
any way you tee fit. Beat wtihc for your
continued aucccai.
Your very truly,
Olar, S. C
rUT lav-1 Littr
U,n ikir i
Inn . UJ. or 4 I h,
iiwrJ, (( ict
i tiilrulr'i, . aitl. iiTfei -'
ffjm "t f af ih Storm"
(i. It iW f rut bitty
A Magazine
of True Stories
Every Week
Contents of October Issuet
Dream World
H-a-f Cry Th. Sn. of Ro-
All I
mmclianc. TittalrJ Heart. .
line W.V lo l-Ov.
And 6 OltMT Stricl
True Romances
I 'ins ,t l.if. What Love Taught
ll'irjmd, Mr
ve !) Drr -mi Com.
i: Slruik True .'
A RecLleii Wit.
And H Other ttorte
True Experiences
Antthinu tur
I -i'n
Wln.l. of Fat.
I I Kne
v". I'rril Women
rlvliaiito The I'alhwav of
It! Lie,
Whirlpoola of l.if.
And 7 Other Storiel
Other Fascinating Stories
in October True Story
"M.v Uti.tilliful "The llctirf Chetil"
Hiisbttnd" "ftrckcti lltmrt"
"Haunting Memtiriei" "lutigertut innticrncc"
"Hitter Dnyt"
and 8 Otbcr Hitf Feature.
"It Actually Happened"
One re.uon why True Story Kto.tsine l.a
won mil. wiile popularity it that every ine
ft mi itorien In lifted out ot life. You
fthrc the eaUntsy iii.rjrd trcrtta of hu
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in no othrr uiiy. llnllllriR rtarrnrtvrs of
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Uuy the October isiuc today.
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The Qreatest 'Newsstand Sale in the World
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In addition to True Story. you tboulJ rend etch rnonth ib,,,c
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V llm Coupon If You Cnr-,?iqt Get
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