The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 05, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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    The IKlamath MewsT?
The Klamath News
Official Paper City of
Klamath Falls
Three Sections
Twenty Pages
United Neva and United Prea Telegraph Services
Vol. .1, No. 220 Price Five Cent
(Every Morning Except Monday)
to Combat
Klamath, Harney and
Lake County Grower
to Talk Shop in Lake
view Two Days
In an effort to devise Homo
moans of curbing the cuttle
rustlers which iiro reported to
have been operating extensive
ly in Harney, Lake and Klam
ath cnuntie. stockmen of
southern Oregon have calloH
h mass meeting to be held in
l.akeviow today and Monday,
norording to Dr. V. H. Lytic,
Salem, ntate eterinarian, who
pi.iutcd through here yester
day en route for the big con
clave. "A few yearn iio, when I he
price o( beef made a material drup.
the rustlers berime Inacllvo on
Hie range and muy of them turn
ed tn tho higher profits uf moon
shining." iilil Ur. I.ytlo, who la In
close lotirh with the sturkmrn of
Ihs mitt. "Hut now l hoy art cum
lux bark mid great Iruuliln with
tho cattle) thieves la being reported
from many tactions, Including Bend
and central Oregon."
While reports uf stolen cattle
I ave been extant (ur sometime. In
people outside of tho stockmen
themselves, have paid much atten
tion to them. Lytic sulci, aa they
think cattle rustling huh relegated
to the 1 1 mho of the Old West, alone
with two-gun men and stuire roach
(Continued m Page Two)
Siskiyou County
Man Likes Display
At Tourist Bureau
"The Houthern Ore-Ron Tourist
Ilurcuii established hy the Kliimath
county chamber of commerce at
the Junction of tho Klnnmth Falls
Ashlmid highways, la doing thin
enmity a lot of, and la one of
tho heat things of ita kind I've,
aeon," declared Kohcrt Russell, pro
prietor uf the Siskiyou water ramp
near the aummlt of Ihn Slsklyous
In C alifornia. who was In thla city
"Wo drove pant Die booth on our
way to Klnmnth Kalla." he said.
'and I ran tell you thut the (Vis
Play of Klanmlh county vegetubles
and produce, together with the lit
erature passed out thoro. la divert
ing a lot of -traffic through Klam
nth Fulls which would otherwise
not come." Ashland feela the ef
ficiency of tho booth, Ruaaell stn
ted, and will prolmbly romn out
with an Individual advertising fea
ture of her own.
tluannll wan In town looking for
H Men m holler and engine to run
tho oleclrh generator which ho in
atnlled at hia camp (recently. "Our
business haa been exceptionally
good till" year," he said, "and tour
lata aro atltl going."
Tire of Ashland
Klamath Men Back
Here to Refrain
Al I'amer and Ijloyd Low have
sold tholr Htnr automobile agency
nt Ashland and will return to
Kliimath Palls to resume business
activities. It was stated by I-ow.
former county sheriff here, who
was In this city yesterday. The
men have not decldad as to what
business they will en burp In, but
Ihn activity nt this city Is lireslsl
nble. Low snld. and they ciimo buck
to get Into the swim.
I'anxer, Is expected to nrrlvo here
tomorrow with ills wife, to estab
lish hia future home. Moth men
are former residents of this city.
l,o(( IHI.A.M) UTV, I.. I..
Hcpt. .(( News) "My
turns were hurting,' MMN Itillfp
Tulil'a nlllil nlirn he vtna nrraluu
ril In court for speeding. "What
Una Unit lo l Willi I'" cmm-T"
nkrt Hip iiMKiofal'. "I anew
It would rain an tried to h-al
the llrlugf home, ilul It illiln't
rain until the not U."
"Vour mistake," raid tlc mau
Mralr." . VTwrntyflvr dullara."
Pelican Teachers
Home From 11,000
Mile Auto Journey
Four Popular Klamath Teach
er Carry Designs from
Numerous Cities of East.
West, North and South
TlM'y'vr lMrn north, cant, muOi
Hnl HrM, hut llir Ih-M pliirc
thry'vi fount! In Immp.
TliU vt tin MnllMHnl Klvrti
oul hy Ann .Mm Jolinlmi, Frr-tln
KJitfk, Urn HNar nl IImxi'I who rriurnnl tu KImiiihIIi
t'ltlU hir yilmlMy aftrritmin In
Itw-lr IVliraii, Fori I nlnn. nflrr
a trip or uvir ll,(Mio .11.11. In
wiiltii tin) vUlnil In It I niHU
mihI humlnilM uf rlllt-Ji, vIIImk'"
mmI luinilHH.
They didn't preM-nl tho unuul
ph turo of "tlrrfl lm Imppy.' Thry
cre far from tired. Kvpryont? of
the (uartct hsd Kiilnptl In Wflnht,
ohip patindH, iind ono pound
and a hair, of whh-h nhu wan Justly
proud. Their Uruv ro suuburnt,
from the nun of Old Mnxtco and
(t'onllnurd on f'affo Four)
General Manager
Copco Company to
Leave Corporation
Word haa Juat beun received from
tho office of The California Oregon
Tower company thai i'aul II. McKee,
who haa been connected with the
company aluce ISM and who haa
served aa vtee-proaldenl and gen
eral manager for tho punt acven
yearn, haa decided to leave the
!('upcit orgiinliat Inn to move to
San Kninelaeo for the purpoae of
j taking up varloua biiHlnetiH activi-
Ilea In which he la Interested. It
!la tinderxtnud from McKeo that It
haa been hia dealre fur aotuo time
to make thla move and Hint thin
aeema to be the logical time for
putting Into e(fect a plan which
he haa had In mind.
t'nder hln direction the Power
I Company hux been bliilll up from
a relatively nmull concern having
investment In physical properties
! of nhout 14. 500, 000. on to Its pres
! eut Investment of in excess of $21.
! In the same period the
revenue of the company haa In
creased from about 1400.000 per
year to In excess of 12.600.000 per
year. The property haa now passed
from the construction stnge into an
operating atntua and 'd more than
capable of Inking raro of the needs
of tho territory In which It oper
ates. Jt Is understood Hint no .steps
have yut been taken lo choose a suc
cessor for McKeo but It Is thought
prohnhlo that sonio person will be
named In I ho near future to assume
his obligations nnd responsibilities.
Roskamp Awarded
Contract to Erect
Daggett Home
II. K. Moskanip, well known
Klnmnth Kalla builder, wus given
the contract for the new $30.000 1
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Isg-I
gelt, which will be erected on Wash
ington and Klrst streets.
f.xcnvntlnn Mr the house ,wn
completed tills last week, according
to Howard It. Perrln. architect, nnd
nctunl conslrtictlon will start this
Tho Onttsctt home, which will
co in in 11 ml nn excellent view if
ttwiiumi 1,11 no unci me city in gen
eral Is of (ieorgiiin architecture and
when completed will be one of the
most ntlrnctlve In the ily.
Warden of
State Jail
State Troops Guarding
Inmate in Fear That
Attempt at Escape Is'
to Be Made !
Sept. 4. (United prens)
National guard troops, deputy
sheriff and prison guards be
gan another all night vigil to
night to keep the 9C2 prison
ers in the state penitentiary
from making a break for free
dom. Ily six o'clock this evening 700
of the men. who were marched Into
tho prison yard when an Incen
diary fire swept the main cell block
Friday night, were again under
lock and key. v
Guards armed with rifles and
tear gaa bombs wera prepared to
resltt any attempts to set new
biatea. Kinger printa were obtain
ed by prison authorities today In
the hope that they ran fix rea
ponslbtllty for the three fires which
broke out last night.
Announcement was made that a
guard law. five of the convicts aa
ono of them lighted a match to Ig
nite oil aoaked sawdust In the au
tomobile license plate mill, where
two fires were started.
Names of the suspected Inmates !
will not be announced until It Is'
proved they set the blate. Ulaf I. '
Olsen, state director of business j
control, who Is at the P'rison. anld. ;
National guard tenta were ex-j
pected to arrive from camp Murray
tonight for tho use of the prison-
(Continued on Pago Four)
Refund Tax Must
Be Claimed Soon,
States Official
Klamath county must prepare
claims for the refund of money from
fltn 11 anrf f Innrf Dnnli U'lthln!
two weeks, according to Rcnntor
William It. (lore of Medford, who
sipcnt several ' houra yesterday af
ternoon with tho county court ex
plaining the necessary procedure
that body must tako before tho ro
tund is granted to Klamath.
According to Judge It. II. Hun
noil of the couqly court, the assess
or's office under the direction of
tllll Lee. county assessor, will pre
pare the refund claim to be sent
to Washington.
It Is not yet known the exact
amount which Klamath county will
receive as the result 'of the re
rent act of tho t'nltcd States Con
gress. Indian Veteran
Of War to Show
Points of Interest
Captain O. C. Applegale. veteran
of the Modoc wars and ono of tho
early ploncors of southern Oregon,
is preparing to conduct a party of
Klamath Falls cltlicns. teachers and
school children over the lava beds
und around the historic Title lake
country, one week from today, he
stated yesterday.
"We will leave In ears from the
chamber of commerce at eight
o'clock sharp next Sunday morn
ing." the captnln declared, saying
that during the trip which Is to re
quire almost a full day's time, he
will point out historic points along
the route of the ennavnn. Upon
arriving at the Invn beds, the vet
eran Indian fighter will toll the
story of how Cnptnln Jack and his
band of rebel Indians withstood
for days tho onslaughts of Amnr
lcan soldiers attempting to subdue
"Little Want Ad"
Works While Many
Are in Real Doze
A nfiiril of 22 rrpllr from j
nt Mich Mailt iwlvi'ii Influent In j
(lir .Wwh in a pretty (okxI uliow
liilC. TtiMt In iiwhu what Imp-
Mnl etrt tu rful nt I
Uit Miinounrrnieat. Tlif limn him- 1
Mlf wmn HurprlMrd. (
In- another rtum a hwl- adver
CImcnI a rag- site wanted to dU
pHie of, and at only nohl It lm
ineiUately, bat; rould have wild It
a dowa f Intra. -
The ruMflrtl pae at the
rhurinsx hoae for Klamath. If
you waat to buy or aell a n thins
we ran rarry'your moMife qulrkly
Into .KMH) hoiwea.
Braymill Highway
Must Be Improved
To Hold Business
County Stands Ready to Put
Up Half bf Amount Pro
viding Chiloquin and This
City Matches Funds
If KUniatJi Jmllam raise
OtK) for the eonsl ruction of the
femr-mlle stretch of Hie ruail
from t'hiloquln to the Ilraymlll
on Hprairue Itlver, the Klamath
count j- court will match the
funds anil pcoce-d to carry out
Hie rovemnHnt surrey in the
Immediate future.
This, according to Judge R. H.
Dunnell of the county court, la the
status of the proposition put before
the delegation of li Chiloquin.
Braymill and Klamath Indian reser
vation's residents, who appeared be
fore 41-e county cim aeeklng- for
Improvement of the stretch.
"The residents of that district
believe that If that stretch of four
miles, one of the worst In the
(Continued oa rase Four)
Boys' Club Enter;
Potato Contest in
Wonderful Spirit
With Klamath potatoea very
much In the foreground now that
the time for state and county fairs
Is drawing near, Frank Sexton,
county club leader, is kept busy lin
ing up exhibits for the boys' potato
The Henley club will put In a
strong bid for prises this fall. Sex
ton says, although all the cluhe
have had such excellent success
with their spuds, that It will be
Impossible to pick a winner until
tho exhibits are all laid out. Sex
ton met with the Henley boys Fri
day evening and talked on the sel
ection of potatoes for fair exhibi
tion. Members of thla group present
at the meeting were:' Karl Deh
llnger. Harold Dixon, Charles Drew.
Jr., Martin Schmits. Virgil Stew
art and Jerry A. Short. A few
of those belonging to the group
were unable to attend.
It was Karl Dehlinger of the
Honley club who last year was
awarded first prlxe at both state
and county fulrs, for the best net
ted gem potatoes, and two years
ago, his elder brother Harold won
first price at the state lair, on
Redmond Case to
Go to Federal
Court for Trial
Nick Redmond's nstns will appear
beforo the federal grand jury In
Portland and his rase will be In
vestigated hy the higher body fol
lowing a decision made yesterday
afternoon hy I'nlted States Com
missioner Dert C. Thomas, who
bound Redmond over for federal
Redmond was arrested yesterday
Afternoon at 4 o'clock hy federal
officers. The offense charged Is
possession nnd sale of Intoxicating
liquors and conducting a common
nuisance at 423 Hronrt street. No
action was taken, according to
Sheriff Burt L. Hawkins, until the
matter was placed tn the hands of
the federal authorities.
to League
International Capital Is
Thronged With Diplo
mats, Watching Ac
tions of the League
GENEVA, Sept. 4 (Unit-
ed Press) This international
capital was thronged with dip
lomats of all degree and many
languages tonight as prepara
tions were made for the sev
enth annual meeting of the
al society. .
League of Nations assembly
during which if all goes
well Germany, the ex-enemy,
will be admitted to member
ship in the league.
What is presumed to have been
the last obstacle to German entry
to the league was removed today
when the league council decided to
recommend to the assembly that a
permanent council seat be created
for the newcomer. Thns the coun
cil hopes to see consummation of
last autumn's Locarnor agreement
for peace and security In which
the principle European nations
pledged to Uo their .utmost 1q pre-j
veat war s breeding ground in Eur
ope from breeding further wsr.
The council also decided to rec
rmmend that the assembly create
three new non-permanent council
seats. These two decisions stone
would make the assembly - session
which begins Monday, potentially
the most important In league his
tory. It appears the German adhesion
to the league has been won only
at the cost of losing Braxil and
perhaps Spain from the internation
al aoclety.
Farmers of Owens
Valley Are Coming
To Klamath County
A considerable number of Cali
fornia farmers and stockmen are
heading towards Klamath county,
according to S. L. Head, local real
tor, who yesterday sold the 160-acre
Guy Merrill rancb at Merrill, to
John Gamon. sheepman from
Bishop. California. Gamcn Is going
Into the sheep business at once,
he stated, and through Head is
applying for 2000 acres of govern
ment range tor next sesson. Gamqn
was put out of commission in
Owens vslley through the activities
of Los Angeles.
"Gamon will raise alfalfa and
grain, and as he is an excellent
farmer. 1 expect him to show some
tine results." Head declared. "1
imagine that he- will go In for
purebred sheep. . and once he has
established himself, I look for him
lo attract others from his section
of California, to this promising
county of Klamath."
The purchaser of the well known
old Merrill ranch, has been actively
engaged tn the sheep game for
many years, and recently disposed
of several thousand head In the
southern state.
Napoleon Murray, employta of
Pelican Bay Lumber company and
resident of Shlppington. was bound
over to the Klamath county grand
iury which convenes September 10,
Friday morning at 10 o'clock,
charged with receiving stolen pro
perty. Murray waived preliminary
examination before the Justice of
the pence.
Murray is alleged lo hnve had in
his possession two auto tire rims.
The rltnn are said to have been
found in his yard. The romplaln-
1 Ing .witness Is William Sharp.
CHIC.ttM), Kept. -1. (tnllol
News) IhiU-ving- a mau should
he careful of the liquor he drinks
these days, KU-nard Manders turn
dm1opei a rnrmiral formula .
which will detect vrflud alcohol,
formaiilelijrde or any poisonous
substances In liquor. Just drop
In some of the chemical, Sanders
ays, and If the liquor turns pur
ple don't drink .
Death Toll Proves
Sixteen in Coal
Mine of Oklahoma
Gas Explosion Proves as Dis
astrous as Previously Re
ported; Last Body Taken
Out During Afternoon
TAHOXA, Okla., Sept. 4
(I'nlted Press) Bodies of the
10 miners who died Friday in
the (as explosions of the Sup
erior Kmokeiesa Coal company's
mine were removed tonight to
morgwea and the community pre
pared to bury its dead.
The Isst body was taken .from
the workings in mid-afternoon
while efforts were made to clear
the 7 west entry of the slope
where all met death.
The air vents are being rees
tablished, the supports reconstruct
ed and . debris cleared in prepar
ation for the mine's reopening and
as preliminary further Investiga
tion. Altamont Acres to
Be Furnished With
Quantity of Juice
A crew of California-Oregon Pow
er company men will start work
Tuesday morning on a 50-pole pow
er line extension to Altamont Acres.
Carl Wells, construction superin
tendent, announced yesterday. It
is expected that nearly two weeks
wilt be required to complete the
About 20 consumers are already
located in this section. Wells sta
ted, snd when water as well as
electricity is made available
throughout the addit on. "it is be
lieved thst the settling-up process
will commence in earnest. He was
under" rhe impression that many
now hold lots there and are wait
ing for light and water ' before
The extension will be made from
the present main Copco line run
ning out the Dalles-California high
way. Suma Nu Banquet
To Be Held Here
On September 11
"When all good fellows get to
gether!" The date for the sixth snnual
Sigma Nn banquet has been an
nounced by Tom Delzell, who. with
F.d Geary, is in charge of the af
fair which will be given In this
city Saturday night. September 11
at Eagle Ridge Tavern.
Fully 40 members are expected
to be present. There are 10 Sig
ma Nus, members of the men's na
tional social fraterulty from various
colleges In the United States, who
reside in Klamath Falls. Twelve
are expected from Medford, a num
ber frem Grants Pass and coast cit
ies snd at least ten from valley
cities. Portland is expected to send
a goodly delegation to Klamath j
Falls for the occasion on Saturday I
right. j
Because there were only five
members on the Jury available to
sit on the case of Roy Kennedy,
charged with sale of intoxicating
liquor on August 2fl. Kennedy's law
yers refused to try the ense In
Justice R. A. Emmitt's court yes
terday and asked thnt the trial he
postponed until the sixth Juror
would bo able to attend.
Kennedy's case was postponed to
September 13.
' . 'i ' . . ;
Quit Work
to Assist
Business at Standstill in
This City While Holi
day Is Observed by
Multitude of Workers
Eager to participate in the
opening events of the big
three-day Labor Day celebra
tion which is being sponsored
in this city by the Central La
bor Council and the Building
Trades, people from Klamath
Falls and the surrounding
countryside, hurried through
Saturday morning shopping.
When the strident notes of a
steam caliope sounded through
the business district at 11:00
o'clock, announcing the open
ing of the carnival and shows,
hundreds of people left city
thoroughfares and swarmed
through celebration grounds..
Quern Ruth I. All hail, Qucea
Ruth, who will relffn over Kuun
, ath 'Falls for two long, uninter
rupted days of Joyfulness!
.At 2 o'clock this afternoon,
)lh Itntta Itaris wilt be. crasrsraV
Queen Ruth I of the Great Klam
ath country. She was elected
over five other contestants la the
race 'for Labor Day queen' con
ducted by the Buildina; Trades
Council and the Central Labor
I'nlon after a drilling and hot
content which ended at 11 o'clock
last nighr.
Miss ltuth Davis, union girl In
the race for Labor Day queen, was
(Continued oa Pago Three.)
! Washington Editor
Discovers Speed
In This Section
Word of Klamath . Falls speed
has spread even up into Washing
ton, according to R. P. Richard
son, Dayton, Washington, who ar
rived In this city yesterday In search
of a business location.
Richardson, who has been editor
snd publisher of the Columbia
County Dispatch at Dayton, sold
his newspaper recently and left im
mediately for Klamath Falls to
ascertain for himself the extent of
the business opportunities here
about which he has been hearing so
"I rather expected to see a back
woods sort of town." he declared,
"as the word 'frontier' has been
used s great deal in connection
with reports of your wonderful
growth and activity here, but I
must confess that It Klamath Falls
was ever In the backwoods. It has
assuredly emerged. . Thts Is a real
Peter Pan
$1.69 to $3.39
For Misses and
Growing Girls
Fancy pattern ginghams in
. t : a . . t.. . l
j extra quuitty, muiy puiiu,
and broadcloths a complete
new stock in the popular fall
designs and styles. . Just the
thing for school girls; Sizes 6
years and up. ,
Center of Shopping District