! THE KLAMATH NEWS "kl.Mllll, J am pnrt of tho aea and Mara Anil dm winds of tha south ami north, Of mountain and moon anil Mara, Am! thn aces (-nt uio torthl i llllllil Homer, I ho splendor of Greece, Bang Ibu aouita I annr, era ha foil; the wliuin men rail llvatrlie Haw mo In the depths of lii'll. I I was ImiKod at dawn for crime flesh illin, but lliu eoul knowa no di'ath; I piped to great Shakespeare' chime Tlio witches' sons; In Maihslh. t. All, all wlio hava anfferad and won! Who have airuxitled and fullnd and died, Am I. with work hi III undone. And a spear mark In my aide. 1 am part of the aoa and alara And Ilia wlnita of the aouth and north. Of niountalna and moon and Mara. And Ilia uxea sent mn forlh. Kilwurd II. 8. Terry. I do not Hi Ink that I esnnrerate the Importance or thn chirm of pcdestrtanlsin, or our need aa a peo ple to cultivate the art. I think :t would lend to soften the national manner, in tench us the nu'.-in'ns of leisure, to aiquiiim u with the t-harma of tho open air, to mi rviifti rt-1 n and foster the tin between the' racv and Ihe land. No mm ele ' looks out upon Ihi world ao kindly and charitably aa docs Ihe peiles Irlan; no onn Rives ami laku to i much from thn country he passes throurh. Noil to ilia laborer In I hr fields thn walker hold I ho closest , relation to thn soil; and he lxltf closer and mora vital relation to na-' ture because he In freer and hla tutnd mora at leisure. Man lake root at hla feel, and! at beat ha la no mora than a potted I plant In hla homo or rarrlaao till hfl haa established communication with i the aoll by loving and mnauetlcj touch of hla soles in II, Then the tie of association la born: then those! Invisible flbera and rootlets through which cliaracier come to smark of' thn anil, and which make a man I kindred to the spot of car ill ha In-1 hablla. Tim rnada and paths you i have walked along In aunimer and, whiter weather, thn mendowa' and ' bills which you hava looked upon ln lightness and gladness of heart, where fresh thouithta have come Into your ralitd.,or noma noble pros pact ban opond before you. and aa poclally t ha giikt ways, where you havo walked In aweot converaa with your friend pausing under the treei, drinking In the spring henceforth they are not the name; a new charm l added; those thought aprlng I here perennial, your friend wnlka there forever John llurrougha. reti'iin from visit to ranch Miss Kdna flackua of San frnn cIhco and Miss Helen Oaborne, have raiurned to Klamath falls after en joying aeveral dnyi on the Plnrkus ranch In tho Dairy district. e HONOR NOITIIKKN VISITORS AT IHNNKIt Mr. and Mm. Hiram 8. Murdoch, residents of the Keno dlittrtrt, hon ored Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Imuran of MrMlnnvlllo, Oregon, at a prettily appointed dinner In tho dining room of the White Pelican hotel last night. Mr. and Mra. Duncan aro In the rlty as the house guvata of their daughter, Mrs. McCoy of the Hot Springs addition. Mr. Duncan la county auperlnlundent of achools of Yamhill county, and well' known among educntnra In the slate. Covera for four were lu Id around a prettily arranged centerpiece of early aulumn flowers. VISITIN'O IX KLAMATH FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Howard n. Porrln of North Ninth street are' enjoying a visit from Mr. Perrln'a rousing. Miss Kldora Harms of Oakland, Calif. Miss llnrrus will spend a fortnight In tho rlty. a a a ni HINKSM WOMKM MV.V.T AT LIMillAVKX Llnkhavrn tea rooms were the acenea of an Interesting business and social meeting Mnndny evening, when th lluslnesa and Professional Women's club met for their August dinner. Mrs. Mnldn Crlppen ilnrwood was In rhnrge of the meeting nnd gave an Interesting honk review on Jean nette l.ec's Inst book, "If Volt Would Cook." The hook was thoroughly discuss ed by Mrs. Ilnrwood, and there are a number of thn Business and Pro. fcsalonnl Women who are anxious to obinln Iho volume for their own perusal. I'lnns for tho winter season were discussed) and several Informal af fairs outlined for Hie coming months. Mrs. Irmn Dixon, preBl tlnnl, prnalded. Covers at the dinner wero laid at Individual tables, where soft yellow candlns shed their glow over center piece ot marigolds. Tho following SOeiETYd were present: Irma Dison, ..Malda t'rlppen llarwiiod, Jean I'nrry, Lena Dentils. I .at In II. Iliilrhlus. Kbba llennetl, Kutherlne Wnllon, llenlrlce Waliiiu, Cordelia Oanlrall. ( l-eila Parker, (iertrudn Cofer, Helen Spl ker, V. Jiihnsiin and Miss Walvrlck. a KKTt ItVI.MJ TO IIOMK l PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ileaver and duugliler, Miss Holly Heaver, spun lb pust row days of thn week In Klnnialh Kails, vlslllng with Mr. and Mrs. Nuto Ollerbelii of N'orlh Nlulb alreet. They relurned to their hiiniii In Portliind Kuturduy ac roiupanlrd by Jack Huaver, who has boon vliltlng his grumlparenia for Ilia past two weeks, llouvors will motor north by way of tho Mc Kentle pass. a hwimmim; party IIF.I.U AT Vl.l.L.KHK Members of (ho younger ant of Ilia First Christian church, and the flrM Preabyterlnn church enjoyed n swimming party mid picnic sup per ut Wlul-kso beach Tuesday even ing. Morn thun 30 worn preseut. a a a MOTOR TO CRATF.Il I.AKK Mr. and Mrs. Howard II. Perrin and their house guest, Miss Kldora llarrua of Oakland, Calif., motored to Crater lake to spend lite day. a a l lltHT OF IHNNF.lt NF.ItlFM FNJOVKD , The first of a series of Wednes day evening dinners, sponsored by Hie Christian church, was held Wcdnesiluy of the past week In the dining room of the church. Covers were laid fur mora than 60 mem bers of the church, their friends and families. Mrs. Krnest llnmnkcr. vice presi dent of tho Hnrmony circle, direct ed ihn dinner which was one of the most successful ever held hy the church. a a a MIKH WALTON TO WF.II AI'lil'NT 22 Mr. and Mrs. Course J. Walton and Ihnlr daughter. Miss Beatrice Walton and Miss KatHerins Walton, are leaving Wednesday morning, August IS. for San Francisco. Miss Beatrice Jsinsl Walton will be married In Palo Alio, on Sunday nl high noon. August 22. to Itue sell Janins Hod ley. Following an extended motor trip In southern California and old Mexico, they will make their home In Htockton, where Mr. Dudley Is professor of music, and Miss Walton will camplotq. hur studies In music. , Miss Wnllon hits chosen white for her wedding gown, and a long title veil will be caught In coronet fash Ian. Tho hrldo will bo attended hy her sister, Mlsa Knlherlne Walton, who has chosen soft orchid crepe for her frock. . iiktch'n i hom portland mati hdav Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Monlellus have returned from Portland, whore they hnvu been for tho past week on a combined business and pleas ure trip. a a MISS COWH1.KV VISIT1NO IIK.ItF. Mr. and Mrs. (ienrge C. I'lrlch have as their house guest, Miss Mary P.lltahcih Cowsley of Alton, 111. Mlra Cowsley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. I'lrlch to Klamath Falls from Illinois and stopped In Dan Francisco with Mrs. I'lrlch to visit for a fortnight with friends. a a a VISITOIIH AT PK.KHV KF.SIDKNCK Mr. and Mra. Jamea A. Perry of North Ninth street have as their house guests, Mr. ,and Mra. C. W. Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Quint', prominent Itnseburg resi dents. They will spend tho week end In Klumnth Falls and motor north by way of the McKnmle pass. Mrs. William II. Hnnd of Bend, and her daughter. Miss Margaret Bond, arrived Saturday evening from the north to spend week at tho Perry residence. a a a MI'HIC DF.PAKTMF.NT TO MKK.T IN HKI'TKMIIKR Wlnlor activities are again draw ing the attention of women In Klnmath Falls who are anticipating an Interesting winter season follow ing a delightful summer at various hikes and resorts on tho const. Cnder thn leadership of Miss Miriam Martin, the mimic depart ment of the Klamath Fnlla Women's Library club tins ontllned an Inter esting program for the winter work. A few of the subjects deal with music of the dance, music of the court, childhood music and other phases that will mako up programs for winter afternoons. The first meeting of the depart ment Is called for Ihe third Monday In September, the twentieth. Miss Martin Is now visiting with friends In Montana, but her return Is ex pected tho Istlor pnrt ot August. miss McMillan TO IIKTI'RN IIKItF, Of great Interest to her scores of friends In Klamath Is the word re ceived from Mlsa Maria McMillan of Sun Francisco that she Is enroute lo Klamath Falls to make ber per manent home Mlsa McMillan raaldad In this rlty for a number of yours and has spent the past few years In Ilia south. Hha la visiting with a slstnr In Chlco and Is expected In the city the middle of this week. A numliar of Informal affaire are being planned fur Miss McMillan upon her arrival hare. a a a VIMITINU IN KLAMATH FALLS J. II. Zumwall of nakersfleld. Calif.. Is suomllng the remainder of Him .iimn.,, , 1 1 1 j, limn nf 1,1m Hon I and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Dim J. Kumwalt of Houth Itlversldn. a a a MISS CIlltlMlN'H HlltTllliAV OIINrWVF.D Hundiiy, August the eighth. Miss Hope Cordon, duugliler nf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Uordnii, was honored with nn inriirmul birthday party at thn (lordon summer cabin at Lake of the Woods. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. (lordon and Mlsa Hope (iordon, Mr. and Mrs. Piper, Miss Until Llndsey. Miss Connie Crystal, Miss Mue Cry stal and Miss Inet Jenkins. a a IIKI.PIIIAN CI. fit TO HUHCMK UOIIK There is nn orsanlr.ullon In Klam ath Falls that afferta ao materially Ihn body of women aa tha Delphian club. .When the Delphian rlub.' Delta Gamma chapter of Klamath Falls. dlsbsnded In tha spring there were a few membera who did not put thnir fascinating text booka on shelves and put Delphian out of their minds for other things. And It Is due to these few that Delphian will come forward In September, "bigger and better" In every aense of the words. A large new mem bership has been obtained, and al though the text books for the year have not yet arrived, plans are al ready being outlined for tho course of study. Delta Cammn chapter will study this winter, medieval history. The first text will open with the Chris Han era. and before the winter's study Is rinsed the modern age will be approached. The first group meeting of Del phian U scheduled for the second Tuesday, or September the seventh. The group loaders have not yet been appointed, according to Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Klumath Falls supervisor. The first general chapter meeting will lie bold Ihe fourth Monday In September or the twenty-elghlh. New officers will be seen In the chnlra this month and they are Mrs. J. Itoyal Shaw aa president; Mrs. W. O. Smith as first vice president: and Mrs. T. D. Case as second vice president; Mrs. II. It. Perrin as secrelury and treasurer. Mrs. Zum walt continues as local supervisor, v..-.., . MUM WtFKK W "' coMri.rMEXTF.i ' In honor of Mrs. F. II. Cofer, who Is leaving the latter part of August to spend the winter In Stockton, Calif., Mrs. Walter West and Mra. Harry K. Pelts entertained at the Peltx residunce on Walnut street, at an Informal bridge party Thurs day afternoon. High score of the afternoon went tn Mrs. J. I. Beard, and low to Mrs. Fred W. Bechtel. (lladloll, dahlias and a profusion of early fall flowors filled the rooms and baskets of flowera were placed on tables. The invited guests to honor Mrs. Cofer Included Mesdames F. R. Olds, C. J. Wllllannion of Stockton. Calif. Dale Sturges of Cottage Cirove. Ore., I.. K. Phelps, Kbba Bennett, C. M. Kamsby. J. E. Lore man. Fred W. Bechtel, tiny N. Sat terlee, J. J. Parker, O. M. Hector, 0. A. Massey, Ixuls Bradford, E. D. Trulove, J. I. Beard. J. 8. El liott. II. K. Calkins. E. H. DnlBlger. H. O. Wortley. 8yd Evans, H. W. Ilathlany and R. C. iroesbeck, and the hostesses. Mrs. West and Mrs. Pelts. a a VISITING MISTER IX KLAMATH FALLS Mrs. J. I. Beard has aa her house guest for several weeks, her sister, Mrs. C. J. Williamson of Stockton. Several Interesting motor 1 rips have been plnnned for Mrs. Williamson during her visit here. ' TO SPEND WINTER IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. F. 11. Cofer of S14 Tenth street, Is leaving August 24 for Stockton to spend the winter. She will he accompanied hy her daugh ter. Miss Helen Color, who will enter' high school In the California city. Later In September Mrs. Cofer will he Joined by her daughter. Miss nuth Cofer nnd Mlsa Mnrle Crystal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crystal. Doth girls will enter busi ness college In Stockton, . a a a MRS STt'lUiES RETI'llNS NORTH After visiting ' In Klamath Falls for the past two weeks as the house guest nf her sister, Mrs. Guy N. Sntterlee of 9.13. Washington street, Mrs. Dalo Sturges returned lo her home In Cottage Grove Snturday afternoon. a LEA VINO FOR HOME IX EAST Mra. J. A. Robinson and daugh ter, Mlsa Kliiabeth Robinson, who have been spending a month at Wait Pelican lodge on tipper Klam- Sunday, Autmt 15, lggg 4 aili (like-, ara leaving today, Sunday, fur their home lu Kansas City, Mo. I a I PAST MATRONS CLIU TO MEET V SEPTEMBER In Una with oilier fall and lale summer activities la the scheduled meeting of the Aloha Past Matrons club on September 24, the last Fri day of the month. Mrs. Wilbur Juuui and Mrs. A. L. Leavlil will entertain the club at Linkhaveu tea rooms, and at that lime the annual election of officers will be held. e e D. A. H. TO ItENI'MK MKETINfiS . Thn winter program, outlining the work of the Klamath Falls chapter, Kululnna, Daughters of the American Kevolutluu, reads like an Interesting book let, and plans for the coming season are already being made, according to Mrs. Wilbur Junes, newly elected regent, of the organization. ' The first meeting or 1). A. It. will be held on the first Monday In Sep tember, the sixth, at the home of Mra. Charles .Martin on Washington street. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Ila rhael Applegate Solomon will be hostesses. The evening program is In charge or Mrs. Wilbur Jones, and she will speak on the constitution or the United States. According to Mra. Jones, the win ter programs will be ready for dis tribution at the time of the meet ing. The material haa been sent lo the printer. September Is constitution month and the first meeting will be given over In a fitting manner to discus sion of the aonstitutlon. A large gathering la anticipated, and there will lie plans for the coming winter of a social nature discussed. WEEK-END VINITORH' AT WHITK PELICAN LODGE Mr. and Mm. Nelson Heed and daughter, Mlsa Margot, and Mrs. Weston Kllbourne, left Saturday for White Pelican lodge on Upper Klam ath lake to spend the week-end. a a HOOK DEPARTMENT TO MEET OCTOBER 4 Membera of the book department of the Klamath Falls Women's Li brary club will meet for the first time this winter on Monday after noon, October the fourth, In the li brary club rooms. Mrs. Thomas White Delzell Is chairman for the year and Mra. Del Gammon la re tiring chairman. a MR. AND MRS. WIHTZ HHTVRN FROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. George WlrU have! returned to Klamath Falls from Su- I sanville. where they have spent the past three weeks visiting with their daughter, Mrs. C. A. Batchelder. a A. X. W. CLl'B TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY The twentieth anniversary of the Art Needlework club, or the A. N. W. club, as It Is known In Klamath Falls, will be observed with one ot the most elaborately appointed luncheons of the early tall season, when Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg will entertain the members at her home at one o'clock Monday, September the first. Of the seven charter members. probably all will be here with the exception of one Mra. Knox who passed away several years ago. The other members include Mrs. J. Fred Goellcr, Mrs. ' It. E. Wattenburg, Mrs. H. T. Chltwood, now of Port land, Mrs. Ceorge Chastain of Pine Hldge. Mrs. Kllen Gould of Ber keley, and Mrs. A. Tenbrook of ! Chiloquln. The present membership Includes Mrs. George Wlrti, president and Mra. J. F. Goeller, aocretary; and Mesdurara C. M. Ramsbyv Jennie Hum, R. II. Dunbar. L. L. Truax. tloso Otey Soule. M. S. West. J. A. Carnation. Allan Sloan, K. S. Phil lips, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mm. F. Hill Hunter, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall. Mrs. Wilbur Jonea, Mrs.' Z. J. Pow ell. "Mrs. Rufus Moore and Mrs. George Ulrlch and Mlsa Elliabeth McCurdy. TtKTI'ltV FROM VAI.I.KV VISIT Mrs. George R. Llndley' and daughter. Miss Gertrude, will re turn from Medford this week-end after visiting with trlends In the valley city. Fof results use News Class Ads. I TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE on EASY TERMS ;f ; : for rent New or ' Used Southwell Stationery Co. 626i Main St PERSONALS i W. r. Dunn ot Klog City, Call- j fornla. and Thomaa Pettett, alio a resident of King City, were among the interesting guests that attended i Ilotary luncheon In the chamber' of commerce dining room yesterday. They are both north on a vacation 1 and enjoying fishing In Klamath : lakes and streams. I ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston of Cauby street visited In Klamath Kalis yesterday from Ihe Pelican I Hay camp where Mrs. Johnston Is spending several weeks with her husband. Johnston Is woods super-; Intention! of the Pelican Bay Lum-' ber company. i ' Walter Cray, manager of the1 Hartford Kirs Insurance company lor this district or Oregon, la here for a row days on business. Gray! was a guest at Ilotary yesterday. H Is a member of the Portland chapter. . Ceorge E. Walker of Portland,' manager of the John A. Itoebling ft Sons, largest wire rope manufac turers in the United States, Is here for several daya on business. : Walker haa a number of friends In Klamath Falls and la known to many business men In the city, i George Millard of Merrill 1st j among the out-of-town business via-: tors In Klamath Falls tbia week. Included In the visitors and shop pers In Klamath Falls yesterday from out of town was Mrs. O. S. Campbell, well known matron of j the Ilonanta district, who spent a few hours with friends. i Merrill visitors in Klamath Falls; yesterday included George V. Car-1 leton, rancher ot that section of the county. a a Mrs. George C. Ulrica haa re turned from San Francisco where she stopped to visit with friends! en route to Klamath Falls from I New York and Philadelphia. Mrs. I'lrlch was accompanied home from Alton. Illinois, by Mlsa Mary Eliza-! beth Crowsley who will be a house, guest at the tlrfch home on Conger avenue for aeveral weeks. Miss Crowsley'a mother and brother have made previous visits to Klamath Falls and have many friends In the city. sr- W. C. Griffith, rancher of Mer rill, was a buatnesa visitor In the city yesterday afternoon. Merrill visitors In Klamath Falls I yesterday Included C. H. Merrill, j well known rancher of that sec-' tlon. Merrill reports the outlook of the ranchers In Merrill excellent. ANNOUNCEMENT Boston Beauty Shoppe open even ings until o'clock. Call 311 for appointment. LAST CALL FOR at 'k.M Shepherd Sale ends' Vhl. week. tf - Office eiS Main ttt. Klamath Kails, Ore, Pbone 000 office tMaaje Depoa. Medford, Ore. Phone 309 Travel lty Motor Stage Swiftly Safely Comfortably trt the HOWARD GRIMES 6TAGKS To Ashland Medford ' Portland Marshfleld Direct Connection at Junction With Pickwick Stages to All Polnta South TRCXK8 FOR CALIFORNIA See ns, we handle. Folders mailed on request. STOPOVKR at any point oa Pickwick System. Faroe Klamath Falls to: ' Ashland , S 9. JO Redding , 8.80 Sacramento 13.70 San Francisco 15.00 Log Angelea 2I.7S San Diego , 80.0S San Joae , 1S.8S El Centra I4..8S Leaving Time Medford, , 12., 4 p. m.: Klamath Falls, 7:15 a. m., 1:00 and 4:16 p. m. -We use heated Cadillac hnssea. Any Make Phone 602 i a . I alum 4ftyvvtj Ah Ah. atwvuut MCCARTHY BLDG. SEVENTH ST. -KLAMATH TALLS, OR.& rV, H IT VI The Ideal Family 6 .. . . - 1 I - - Laundry Service Your family laundry called for every single piece carefully washed,, thoroughly rinsed, and starched if starch is needed. .... .. .. ..i Everything beautifully ironed just as if you, yourself, were supervising the work. ... Everything neatly folded and returned sweet ly clean, crisp and fresh ready to .use. That's What "Finished" Service Neans All of the heat and steam and worry of wash- ' day taken out of your home; no laundress to bother with; no supplies to buy A splendidly, .thorough, sanitary Jaundry ser-., ., vice that's always dependable, and which, really..; costs you less than to have your work done at home. ... . . , ... Troy Laundry Phone 656 ' ' . ft The Fire Signal The signal sounds and the fire truck dashes up the street . . - Are they going to YOUR HOME? Tens of thousands of homes burn every year. It may be YOUR TURN next! , ....... k i What about your valuable paper deeds, notes,, insurance policies, etc.? Are they .going up in smoke? Not if they are in one of our safety deposit boxes. The cheapest insurance you can buy. Deposit boxes rent for $3 a year. . The American National Hank of Klamath Falls Resources Two Million and More it marcel waviad V - - ---..V-j Lottie Dorsett experienced in marcelling the new wind-blown .bob, formerly of Swanson' Beau ty Shop, and recently with The Del Coronado Hotel at Coronado Beach, Is now with . i The Pearce Beaiity Salon 'Thone for Appofnfment" Phone 830. In Hale's" New Staatf 3a 4- vt .4UwieWs!