' THE KLAMATH NEWS Tngo Seven One Cent a Word Each Insertion j Telephone H77 a Word Each Insertion Telephone til evVeie iwe eel ' ' PAGE ii AD CLASSIFIED AD RATES la par word ach dm id la printed. Sam ad ruu out weok 10 dle couol. Sam ad run ona month 40" dlacount. lo par word aacb lima ad la printed. TELEPHONE 877. THK Ilia MARKET l'LACB ' FOR SALE -Re! Estate 12500 Will buy 6 acres of splen illd lund, 2 miles from center of city lu a fat growing district. $1360 Twn film Iota In I'"' Mprlng addition. Hose I". IH&" takes both lots. $1100 Lous nnd furnishings nn 17 room rooming house, iluau lu. 13500 Apartment lioua. 1 7 apartments. A very large ro lurn on Invi-ai nu'iit : long lease. 17000 Will buy 7 room .Min.nliitolv r ur iil!n-cl ; In home II.. i Springs addition. $1500 Entire Mock In n dealrublc district on pavement, Iluom lur 30 homee. A A IlKI.I.NfA t'l. 110 No. 7th. I'hmie I5N FOR HAl.K Klvo rouin house under conxirutiw.il. Lum lot. Kod t ;ocatli.n. (ur only $750. Auk for It K. Hansen. Ilumuker Motor I'o. Phone into. Kur aalo by. owner, furnlahrd or unturulahed S room houae, break out nook. ball!. Karaite, lerina. M0 (allloriila Ave. or I'hono IH)J. Lot In bet residential aectlon In Hot Kprlnm. Kino view. Hewer connection. Ueaaonablo for cnen. Inquire till raclflc. Terrace KOIt HAI-K 0 acres good land, partlv Irrigated, balance could be Irrigated. flose to schools, on good market road. 840 per acre. Will lake good car as first pay ment, balance oey terma. Phono 614. . Corner Cedar and I'lne, NEW FOUIl IIOOM modern bung alow. Fire place, breakfast nook. rsld pavemont. Price $4000. Call 01 Lincoln. Phone 4J. poll HALE Twn room house and garage, splendid Urge lot. Price 1900. on easy terma. Call (01 Lincoln. I'hone 4 4J. ronr mod raaldent lots near Call' forma Avo. Price 9S0 for cor- ar lot aad f 800 -for eaeb In side lot. Call 001 Lincoln or Phone 448. wine modern bnnaalow on pavement. A good buy at 18600 . Call at (01 Lincoln or Ptione 4 43. Haw four room buntalow with breakfaat nook, garage. In good location. Price 83160. 8300 down and ISO per month. Call t (01 Lincoln. Phone Modern 4 room new boma and ere, Jiast outside city limits. Low aaah mice or terma. P. O. Box 114. rbree room modern house In' good location. Price $2360. 8300 down, amall monthly paymente. Call at (01 Lincoln. Phone 443, Flte room modern house and gar age on (th St. A nice borne. Price $4600. Call at (01 Un sold. Phone 443. rner lot with four two room bouses, close In, on pavement. A 'bargain. Price $3760. Call at (01 Lincoln. Phone 443. 4 number of good Iota In different parte of the city. Prices reason able. Call (01 Lincoln Bt Phom 448. New tour room modern bungalow with sirs range,' and linoleum In kitchen and bath. Well built. Price $2760. $600 down and easy monthly paymenta. Call (01 Lincoln. Phone 44 3. IF YOU .WANT lo aoli yoitr farm ar obtain a low Interest rate. long terra loan on same. Bee W1BI1ARD REALTY CO 126 So. 7th K Insurance Real Estate Farm Ixians oitr Two five acre tracla on hlgbway four miles east of Klxinatb Falls. Price - $1,260 each or 1260 per acre. Under Irriga tion and cultivation. Call (01 Lincoln. Phone 443. A nice little home close In. In a fonr room modern house and one half acre of land. Price $3000. Call 001 Lincoln, Phone 443. WE HAVE SOME REAL bargain In both city and farm property, opportunities to trad or ex change. WI8HARD REALTY CO. Insurance 11$ So. 7th St. Rati Batata Farm Loan . Oltf . FOR SALE Splendid large cornnr resident ' lot on Crescent Ave. Price 800, on easy terms. , i NICE complolnly furnished home In splendid location, paid paving, l'rlco $6600, on terms. SEVERAL HOUSES for rent. Naw fonr room modern bngalow, furnished with moat all naw fur niture, In tool location. Price For Sal Raal Etat Cont'd EXCEPTIONAL business opportun ities In hotels, rmliiK houses unci rraluiiriiiiiN. Vary attractive! Inrnnia, KOIt HAl.K 3 rouma anclb nth, coin, pletely furnished, garage. 12400. Terms. $26110 4 runni and garage, lot I2MiM on pavod atraal, com pli'luly flimliibiiit. Poll HW.B-Urn. 40 ncrii ami one 12Vs lure I met, subdivision acre uo $12,600 and $.G00, res pectively. An opportunity. RESTAURANT FOR BALE Doing $1250 per iMiititb nut, IMWiL 1 1 A I.I. Foil HAl.K- Kstlmulo $l5o per month nut. Oood lease. JOHN C. tVKKNCIl U). 1110 Mo. 7ib Ht. - Phono 72 Owner offers classy modern prlred home. Terms. Two blocks above Crescent, No. Mil rphant. Phone 1032 w. . ran k.m.k hy dwnkii avw s rotim iil'intercd houxe, lnrx level lot. Karaite,, wofntnhnd. IH'lO lino nh. If you are puyltiK rent you can buy thla. Hen own er nt 1210 Home Ave, Mllla Addition. KOIt r'.ALK lly owner. Now live room homo up-to-the-minute In oYoryUitiiK. Kurnare, t hardwood ftoortt. flreplai-e. etc. 'Itent view III illy. Inquire (4 2 1'arlflc Ter race. KOIt HAl.K Knur room modern furuMied hue. Hot HprltlK Ad dition. !!uo caah, eaay terma on balance. 1'hone 16H-J. KOH SALK House, three rooms and bath, full basement. Hniall payment down, balancu Ilka rent. I'hone uss-J. Folt HAl.K Acres or half acrea. close In. Easy payments. I'hune 6h-J. Equity In good buslneaa lot, Phone 161-J. $000. FOR HAl.K Nice borne In a five rloin modern bungalow. Full base ment. A splendid home on paid pavement. Price 15600. Call ul Lincoln. I'hone 443. BBVEIIAL OOOD realdrnl lots from 1260 to 11500 each. Call (01 Lincoln. P-hone 443. KOK TKADE Oood nsed car for first payment on Dodge borne. FOR RAI-E Oood lot In Mllla Addition, 1360. FOR SALE Fine new cot lata In Mllla addition, 2000. $600 will handle. FOR HAI.E Lota In all parte of Klamath Falls at reasonable terms. FOR HALE Fine piece of acreage within 3 mllne of city. Can be sold at a whole or divided. IS acrea In piece. We Insure everything from your life to your automobile. MOM Y BR A MOMYER . Real Eatata and Insurance. Phone S6(. Hooka llldg. NOTICE FOIl I'l IlLICATION Department of the Interior, U. B. Land Office at Lakevlaw, "Ore. July 14. 192S. Notice la hereby given that Silas R. Johnston whose post orflce ad' dress Is (15 Conger Avenue. Klanv ath Falls. Oregon, did, on the 1st dny of March. 1936. file In this office Kworn Htatement and Applica lion, Nn, 012C54, to purchase, the wNE)tt, HK Nr. H and HfiH SKVi, Section 29. Township 233., Itauge 10K., Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under tho provisions of the act of June 1. 1K78, and acta amendatory, known as tho "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to auch application, the land and limber thereon hnve been appraised at $1140.00, the timer estimated 630M. board feet at $2.00 per M. and the lund 10.00: that sntd ap-i iillcant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 24th day of Sept ember. 1926, before Bert C. Thomas, l'. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath Fulls, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro teat this inirchuso befora entry, or initiate a contest at nt any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this of fice, alleging facta which would de feat the entry. F. p. i.itiiir. J20-fS 20 Inc. ' Itoglstor. BRINGING UP BILL DAUK THIS" COLD rwywAV- r FOR SALE Automobile Pur aalo of I rule. Ford Sedan. What buv youl I'hone 8 3 P w . i Have you a lata model amall ear yuii want to Irodn In on a practi cally new Willvs-KlilahlT Or will anil reaaonnble. Thla car can b We furnlah competent help for' tha city of Klumarth Foils, Oregon.! city for tha making of auch Improve scon at 434 Conger Ava. after, the kitchen, dlnlug room, aaw mllla. notice la hereby given that hlda will ment within ten daya from the data 5 p. m. or fluudaya. FOIt BALK liudaoa HpeMter. Kx cellent condition equipment, Love Joy ehocke, eitra lira and rim. alaaa wludahleld wlnxa. atultied Klua vlaor, ipollUUt, apaedom. eler. motor meter, wludahleld wiper, drlvlnx mirror. Dirt cheap. Apply 1411 Main St. FOR SALE KOIt KA1.K Tlirco and a half ton lumlior truck, equipped with bunk rollnra and chulna. Newly overhauled. Would coiialrier Kord truck n part pnyment. Call While i'ellcan Iron Worka. KOIt HAl.K l.loyd Loom baby car rlaae, altahtly uned. Inquire 173a Orceon Ave. Tuncrcd atruln white leghorn tela. I'hona 644-J. pul- KOIl HA'LK Cheap, one Iowa cream acpurutor. L'aed only two monlhii. lu perfect condition. M. tiewald. latiiKull Valley, Ore. KOIt HAl.K Fine player piano, al most new. Will eacrtflce and lake terms. Address Mr. Wood. 4IG Pine Ht.. Klamath Kalis. TllKKS Fruit, shade and orna meiitul; roaes, vines, shrubbery. Order now. Delivery will be made at the proper time for plnntlnx. I'hone uh8-J. FOIt HAl.K New high-grade piano for eale at real bar gain Terms If desired. (10 per month. It. J. Harrison. Phone 7H3-M. Eastman Koduk, nearly new, 2.7-8 by 4 7-8, aura Corona Typewriter, good condition. Phone 476-J. Apt. 1. Ht. Francle Apt a Collies, Cocker Spanlela, Bprlnger Hpanlels. Llewellyn Betters, Kus alan and Irish Wolfhounda. and Herman Police puppies. Prices $6 lo $76.00. Kennels. Pelican City load. Phone 1044-W. Watklna Producta Bold at 110 Bo. 4th. Phone 112-K. TO EXCHANGE Ford touring In good condition, Oood tires and paint, for carotin - plumbing or paint work, or, what have you? Write News llox 35. FOR RENT Three room apartment, partly fur nished. 232 Nn. 3rd atreet. Full KENT In country. 6 room house with bath. Poultry house, garage, lots of shude. Phone 15-K-13. Three room apartment partly fur nished. Call 223-J.' Furnished apartment. Water, fuel, garage. $35. Mills Hall Apts. Wanlland AVe. A garage at 411 Walnut. Small unfurnished house on South , Riverside. Phone 473-M.- . Furnished apartment, rla Apartments. 628 St. Fran Oak. New two room house, unfurnished, $16 per month. Inquire City Em ployment Office, 615 Main. - Sleeping room In private family. Outside entrance hot and cold water, hath. Gentleman prefer red. 620 Washington. Phone 178-J. First class apartment. Lights, wa ter and electricity furnished Evans Apts. Phone 200. FOR RENT First else furnished apartment, steam heated. Mc Carthy Apartment. (30 Pine. Pbone 800. 014tf NEW Jl 'MI-IXC RECORD IH KSTAlll.lSMKI) 11Y WOMAN CIllSWICK. England. August 2. (United Now1 Two worlS's jump ing records for women were es tablished at a Chlswlck sports meet ing Monday afternoon. MIhs D. A. Green cleared 18 feet In the running broad Jump, while Miss D. E. llrcenhtiKh Jumped B feet 1 18 Inches, bettering her own mark of five feet, sot at Stam ford Rrldxe In 1925. HELP WANTED Hnir? , (ouatructlun carnpa, loxicera. lubor-, era and termer. i-ourteaT and , Service our motto, w. E. Carter, nnoaaor. lib Main Bt. Howard uiMia oiugi ei". ""i 14 Vount man III to 26 years of ana to deliver In city.1 Olve refer ence In reply, Mo. 100. care . k. Eldorly woman for general bouae , work and cooking. Addreaa boi , 383. . I KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Supplies all klnda of help. Phone 157 James Ryan. (01 Main. Klamath Kalis. Ore. WANTED SITUATIONS Experienced camp cook wonts posi tion.. Can handle large crew. I'hone 4M-W. - - Woman wishes tioueework by day or hour. Phone 1196-W. Work wanted by experienced man on ranoh or dairy. Address News Box 1762: -- - - WANTED Lease or buy Fordson tractor.' An . swer llox 41, News Ford truck. Call 1145. WANTED Coutracta. Have three good teams. Suitable for log-1 King or other beavy work. Phone 11U3. Dons boarded. Open air run pets Hpeclnl care. Kennels Pelican City Road. - Phone 1044-W. LOST Lewellen Setter. License No. 336. Female.- Call 191, MISCELLANEOUS Bemdl-KlsiMaitlhi Stag Laid - Leave Klamath Fall ...-.8:30 A. M. Dally j Leave Bend :00 A. M. Daily ! Arrive Bend 4:aw m. m. uany maroatn ran d:vv r. van? Chimneys nnd lurnaces 'cleaned; lawn mowers sharpened. Phone 66. -'' : - '.' - ' .' Mrs. Turner moved to two blocks west of canal bridge on Old Fort Klamath Road. List your property with ua for ex. change. We have large list of California Income for clear stock ranch, also city Improved. Wil liams & Karns. 402 E. Main Medford. Ore. Just received a carload of No. 1 grain sacks. Place your order now. H. Schwarts. (03 Klam ath avenue. Opposite Post Of fice. Phone 1077. ANNOUNCEMENT Betty Jane Beauty Shoppa. ' Open evenings until ( o'clock. Call 794 (or appointment Rug and mattress work. We do all klnda of repair work, also rug cleaning. Ona day aervlce. Phone 1198-W. 1856 Portland St. YOUNS TRANSFER CO. Moving-Storage Pbone 10(7 HENRY E. PERKINS Lawyer SUte and Federal Court American National Bank Bldg. Klamath Falls We Collect Honest Debt Anywhere In the United Bute and Canada. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 South Fifth St. Phone 33$ Collections: : Credit Rating Service Dr. El O. Wlsecarver Dentist. Phone (46. Underwood Bldg. 624 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER KLSA C. SAUERBERO Public Stebographer and , . Bookkeeper Phone Business 72. Res. 24 J. 130 So. Seventh Street. 'Ml Legal Notices .. . ..... ....... MTTM-K IN '.T.'3 . I J.l..,OR HTHKhT IMHItOVr.MK.NT I'nlt No. 5-4 j . Pursuant to Ordinance No. 7C8 of , received by the Police Judge ofiof making auch award ald cltv. at hie office In the City i Hall, up to and Includlnie Monday, ! '(h 9th day of Auxuat. 192S, at the: noor o :uo ociock v. m ., tor man- liig the propoaed Improvement of Waahlnaton atreet from the woaterly termlnua or dead end, between Ninth and Tenth atreeta. to the westerly .. " t.. . liuv ui cieveuiii HirMi, wju;iusit oi i Iniarmn-ilun at Tenth atreet, which! ta already Improved. . j The propoaed Improvement to bei made Includes grading, rolling. drainage, and curbing; aald pave- ment to be 24 feet wide, with con crete aidewalka five feet wide on botb aldea thereof throughout lis ; ford Warner Sovlts, of Dorm, Call entire length, with parking strips i fornla, who, on November 13. 1924. leveled and rolled throughout on! made Homestead Entry Act June 9. both aldea. except at Intersections. i 1914. No. 012328. for lot 2. SW4 where said pavement la to be full width, all In accordance with the: said plana, specifications and estl- males of the Cltv Knalneer on file In the office of the Police Judge. Said Improvement ahull be made of Portland cement concrete Vlbro- 1111,1c or Warrenlte Bltulithic pave- ment with bituminous concrete base,! or asphaltic concrete with aapbaltlcl concrete base, or Warrenlte bltullth-l r with ernaliari rock hear or aanhal.! tic concrete with crushed rock base. J. J- Stelger. of Med ford. Oregon all of aaid propoaed improvement to I M. O. High, of Dorris. California be made together with tho materials I I. H. Robinson, of Dorris, Call to be used in accordance, svllh tho fornia. ..,. . said plans, specifications and estl- P. LIGHT, Register, mates of the City Engineer on file I J1 AJ BC- - in the office of the Police Judge of i said city, reference to which la bere- by made regarding further details for Diana, construction materials.! quantities, and the nue. Also blda will be received for the maintenance of aald improvement for the succeeding five years from the date of acceptance of the work on a basis per square yard per year. Said Improvement will lie let In - --- - one contract and bids will be re - celved for each kind of pavement specified above, and will be opened lor consideration oy tne common: Council on the ninth day of August,! 192, at the 'hour of 8:00 o ciock, P. M. Bidders will be required to. submit bias on Dianas prepared oyion the 23rd day or August, 192t. the City Engineer, and bids will not be considered unless so submitted. Blanks tor bids may be obtained at tbe office of the Police Judge. The successful bidder will be re quired to give bond In a sum to be fixed by tbe Common Council for BILLY'S UNCLE 7 . ..x I I ( what r? nrO . K X UVY?r------s. C USTtNi TO VUV', "JUST eV I lasV SrW : TA-.Ki j g AjHV WAUL , J TUT -TUT - LrrvLE ?oy . HAVE-M'T YOU A HAMOItCCHte.P in youri- POCkET rt . G$mr , 1 tha faithful performance of the con tract to be entered Into for making. aald Improvement. Kach bid must Mcompanled by a check certified by ,om mpa1uliblm bouk lor fire per cent of tho amount bid. aa goarantee that the succohkIuI bidder will enter Into contract with the Th (:,i..nu.n t ouiMi urm ih rhjht to reject any and all blda, and to make anch Improvement on be- half of the city. Dnted at Klumath Falls. Oregon. this 27th day of July. 1920. LEM L. CAGHAGEN. Jly28-A7lne. Police Judge. NOTICE roil PCBLICATIOJI Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore. July 3, me. . . Notice la hereby given that Cllf- NW'i and Section 11. Township 409., Range 7E., ,vVil lamette Meridian, haa filed notice 'of intention to make Three Year - Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. uei-ap, iiera county muri, at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on the 20tb. day of August. 1926. Claimant names aa witnessei: Elwood Roberts, of Falls, Oregon. Klamath NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, D q j-nd office at Lakevlew. Ore. I July 13. 1(2. Notice la aiven that William M. Raymond, of Dorris, California, who, on December 18, 1922, made Homestead Entry Act June 9, , , w. vino., .ui aan ai, .sr,inn s. Townshln 413.. Range, 191, No. 011983. for EftSWH 7E., Willamette Meridian, haa filed , notice of intention to make Three ! Year Proof, to establish claim to' the land above described, before I c. R. DeLap. Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls. Oregon. Claimant names aa witnessee: W. L. Holley. of Berwick. Calif. Jesse High, of Dorris. Calif. N. E. Spencer, of Beswick. Calif. Hana Olson, of Dorris. Calif. F. P. LIGHT. Register. J16 A16 Inc. jiwnj- t-- if - jViarkeQ Han Frnhclaco, A ugust : POTATO E Whites. 2H03, Washington! gems. $1.75 '41; sweets, No. I, 5c; No. J, 3 ft 4c. CATTUB Cattle steady; steer, good, $7.7 $8.00; cows, good and choice, $5,000 (.60. Calves, steady; 1(0 Iba. and un der. $(.50011.00; over 2(0 lba, $10612.00. . . . Hogs, steady; light. $16.75 $10.25; medium, $14.60ei6.tS. . Sheep, steady: lamb, medium to choice, $12.75(914.00; ewes, $4.04) $0.00; wetbers, $7.60 8.60. Portland, August 3 WHEAT Big Bend Bluestem, $1.40; soft white. $1.39; western white. $1.38; bard winter, $1.33; northern spring, $1.34; western, red, $1.32. WOOL Nominal; valley, tine half blood. . . mannm three-onartara blood. medium tnree-tjnarter. Diooo, 33c; coarse or three-quarter bleod, 31c: braid. 31c At valley. polnU price are 2c to 6c higher tor se lected stock. . . . . Buying price, current receipts, 29630; hennery whites. 30c(j34; hennery pullets, 28c 0 29. BTJTTEH ; - Selling price, box lots, creamery prices:. Firsts, extras,. 45c for plain wrapper, subject to discount of (O ( per cent; dairy buying price 80s. CHEEK BI Soiling price: Tillamook county triplets, 27ftc: loaf, 28tfc: Oregon triplets, not branded, 15c; Ttlla- ' , . , .a- mook, f.o.b. triplets, Ztc; loaf, ifc; Coo county triplet.. 25c; loaf. (On. LIVE POULTRY . . Heavy hens. 27c 28c; light tc medium, 16; springs, 19c; roasters, 10c; Pekin ducks, 2S 30c; col ored. 22c: dressed turkey i0& ' 41c; live turkeys, SOc. KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAfc. Rates In confinement, $50 to ISO, The best of care adv. 27 by JACK FARB I'M St)RR.y NjOYHEa WONT uIy-!!! 9 $4000. Call 001 Lincoln. Phono 443.