The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 25, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
Siimlav. July 25. 192i
Chicago Gunmen
Had Real Harvest
During Election
CHICAGO. July 14. United
PrM) Tain of alien gunmen
patrolling th polls and 12.(10.000
alleged to have Isea spent In the
Mnate primary and reported a row
misuse ot atate offices In electron
will be threefold subject ot Inves
tigation here Monday when the Reed
senate beitlni Ita Inquiry into 111 t
nola politics.
Nineteen witnesses will tell their
atoriea. It developed tonight as
county agencies were put to work
upon a recount ot ballots cast In
Chicago's bad lands district.
"The witnesses Include principals
In the campaigns ot Frank U.
Smith and William B. McKinley
for tb republican senatorial nomi
nation. Influential Cook county pol
iticians: "angels" ot the senatorial
tickets: wet and dry advocates; pub
llo utility officials and welfare work
arm. Haste In recount of the senator
ial ballot was ordered this after
noon by County Judge Jareckl. who
stopped work in the county offices
recount which already has resulted
in indictment of 9 men and 10
women so that the senatorial race
could be retabulated as soon as
Chief Executive
Washington Seems
To Have Cold Feet
OLTMPIA. Wash.. July 14. j
(United Press) Governor Roland
H. Hartley today refused to meet
Matthew Hill, secretary of the Uni
versity ot Washington alumni asso
ciation for a public debate on the
governor's educational policies. In
a letter to the governor written a
tew days ago. Hill cited the gov
ernor's Yakima address in which
the executive offered to give $1000
to charity If any statement which
he had made could be disproved
by Hill.
Hill offered to accept the chal
lenge to debate at Yakima any time
within a month at the pleasure of
Governor Hartley.
In reply Hartly saldi
"I realize that in order for you
to secure a real audience of rep
resentative men and women it Is
necessary for you to have some
thing more than your usual abuse
of the governor.
Popular Musicians Qolaboraie
' - Oi Flower Tournament Music
V. .
Oregon Commission
Of Public Service
Is Seeking Action
! S.Vl.KM. July !4-tl'iillcd Press) IMItTI.ANI). July 1 1 . (Special I j
A petition was prepared today The uulle general activity of ull
. hy the Drcgou public service com-' Industrie in Hie Pacific northwest
mission asking thai various rull-1 lai brought employment to Ih.i
! road corporations le cited to an. i year's 'Huh point, according to in.-
Pacific Northwest '.n
Enjoys Prosperity Sooner or later you will use a
In Many Industries' i7v if
Pr ttcfort tho InKMMaip romiiu'rt-r i
(mmllrfn and hnw runt why
j thry hart uot complied with nn
. orJr ivRtirriinit' rUroi ronatruo f
tion In rentm.) Ort (ton. 1 :
The I nt unit tit e iommrco com-'
mission onlor, IshimmI May 3, or-
tlVred fxtornlon of tho northiTU !
lines from Hend to K hi math Kull.
rithrr via th Natron cut-off or an
iDttVpondmt nmd. It a( ulil by
j nubile 5rvtcp omniW.-ion members;
:-rt (hut off iclatai of the Southern1
P.utfic ttiul Northern lluf?i hud &t-.
I paroutly mad no effort to rat h (
tho undostniKthifC la rvnard to com-!
iuou prtv(U'KP8 on the Nutron I
'cut-off. lHtay, It was nU, hart r-
urdeU TOiistruftlon and rtaultid In j
I injury to ()riton. j
I The petition uk tho tuternttite
i'ommerre commlnnion to rlto the
1 railroads to appear to show ratine
why no action has been taken which '
H, aid make posiM and author- j
' Unl rouMtrurtton. 1
letter )iuliHn1ied
lurludliiK Iterry
Working together in preparation for Pasadena's next errat
Tournament of Koses are Carrie Jacobs Bond and Char!.- Wake
field Cadman, two of America's foremost composers of light
classics. The theme of the Tournament this year is to be "Son in
Flowers around which the musicians arc building a pageant and p
complete musical score.
Local Boy Scouts
Receive Visit of
Klamath Residents
Swinging Bridge
! Drops; Boys Are
Instantly Killed
t'HAKLK STOW X. W . V a . . July
I. 1 1 lilted Press ) Three boys
wcn killed nud acores of persons
were Injured when swinging: bridge
over Coal river fell ton lent while
the crowd conicresated on It was
watching a river carnival, i
ing to reports received at
police headquarter here.
41 mpUyiiunt
hero. Karniiug.
pU-kiUK. hnylliB. h;irvetiiiR ami
threnhinff. tnKether with rut I rout,
highway, fnetory, bulldlnit and kov
orunieut cotutructlou work, are now
Klvittx employmeitt tu more meti
than at any lime aiuce Jun. 1. Kite
f U;hlinR and fire preniion : k
are aUo retiuirinn larite numbers
of men ul the present time.
Tho uiUI-)oar let-up of fir lo
lilnn rurlea preutly In the different
districts, the 41. letter rept Tied
Mill-owned camps are more itrtlve
than Independent ltm:er. Sawmills,
both eaat and west of the Cascades,
oHratUiK on normal achadulen.
Forest fires In the luluud Km-
i plre territory are reported to be
1 the most serious in many
the i. letter said. More than l0i
, firo fin litem were sent out of Spo
I kaiie lust week.
j The wheat harvest In the Inland
i Kmplre Is earlier than uuul thli
jear and reports Indicate that It la
difficult to fill nil orders for hnr
' vest help promptly, due to demand
for men to fight fire.
I.alur supply and demand In the
ic northwest are at preornt
not far from balance.
II I If laaVJ irs1 a B I W I II
J VJS VV, JjLifiLJ VL Vf tl UL
V-' Brr'TOl Han
Butter was never
intended for hog feed
Hut il u being ilone today on rvety cow-owner I
place where an interior or half-worn-out cream
separator is being uiccl. or where the larmer it
skimming by llie wailelul "gravity" method.
And it's a wholly unnrcrxary waite. loo.
Hccause a De Iaval ("ream -Separator will soon
ate enough cream to pay for melt, and put a
lop to all the waite of cream oud lime and labor
for many years to come.
your separator
Isttsd Ul.lyT
C.H im sp anJ
19 wilt tirini oat s
nrw l) l.av.l .rtd
run yuur tkist-suts
Ihisaih il. Wa
know ini M stssy
uittsnrfs sV sw
D. L...I Mill ft
rrvsst 04Jl af lK
W. will It. vry
llid to mtkt wth
ul If, of chart.
W.VIJ-A WAULA. Wash.. July 24
t Tutted lrea Dr. John W
Summers, congresaman from the
ccord-. fourth congressional district, toda
state ! announcid that he was sending t
! the secretary of state his decluia-
Molinc Distributor
arm ImpK'nicnts, Cream Separators,
Milking Machines, Fencing, Hay, '
Grain, l eeel and Seeds.
1303 So. 6th St.
Phone 557-J
j tlUU
tary of the chamber at eommsree. J for i
That Klamath County Roy Scouts,
who are encamped for a two-week
period at Eaele Ridge Tavern on
Upper Klamath Lake, are not only
having a wonderful Tacation. but
are receiving training which will
Instill ideas of patriotism aud Ideals
of citizenship and prove of a benefit
, cial influence in future years, was
I the unanimous opinion ot members
of the executive boarif dnfT Rotary'
t club following inspection of the
Therefore. I would camp Friday evening.
suggest to you. la reply to your Tbe divided into four ;
communication that you Just toddle j groups, is condcted somewhat in '
right over to Yakima and drum up ; the nature of a military institu
jrour own audience and hold yourition ad is maintained by the boys'
ususl consolation meeting, compos-! in so orderly and tidy a fashion
ed largely of yonr little group of that many of their eiders might
disgruntled politicians and special profit by an Inspection. Eai h day
privilege seekers who. like your- has its regular routine, and al-
self. have been separated from
public cash box."
Realty Transfers
though the Scouts are given suffi
cient time for amusement, much at
tention is given to preparation for
scout tests and the regular camp
Preceding the dinner, which the
guests were tendered in the Tav-
rilings from July 22 at 3:30 p. ern dining room, awards ot merit
.. to July S3 at 4:13 p. m. of various kinds were made to fif-
Ewauna Box Co. to Lumbermen's tm of ,he memberSi w E Lamm
head of the Court of Honor divi
sion, presided at this ceremony and
brief talks were made by other
members of the Board.
Scoutmasters Scoggins of Mer
rill and Balfour of Chiloquln arc
working splendidly with Executive
Buryl Blevens to make the encamp
ment a success In every way and
they are being ably assisted by
Merle Swansen. who has general
charge of the camp morale.
Editor N'ows:
Xot at all apropos of the traffic ' Tne P""5' '"" "t
problem but to my mind much more I The 18,lM " enWornia highway
important, is the question "What ! ,hrouth B,nd rpor"d V"
has become of the bus franchiser" , w,tn',r "cellent.
I realize that the city father, all j f.(1.ln j,,, Merrl
have cars and transportation wor- roncnln(t fountry WR, , tne cllv
rie, them not at all. But those of!for a hort Krl,,ay , ran,at.t
us who have no cars, who have j bu l(aN14 anJ ,. . ,rlrD1,.
to walk a mile and a half to Main I
street, taking along children tooj Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Arms and two
small to be left alone, and then daughters, prominent residents of
walk home, arms piled high with North Beud on Coos Bay where
bundles., .babies crying with wear-jArms lias an electrical shop and
Ineas and eyes full of dust raised , station, returned to their homo on
by passing cars we want a bus 'the roast yesterday after spending
line! the past week here visiting with
"Why not take a taxi?" Can't : Mrs. Arms, sinter. Mrs. A. C. ErUk
afford too! If we could, we wouldn't son of Shippinton.
have to go to Main s'reet In or-'
dur to save two cents on breakfast
cereal, or six cents on soap. If
it were put to a vote as tn whether
the city arant a fran-hlse for 2
ner cent total or 2 per rent net. I visiting with friends and shopping:
I'm sure the 2 per cent net would
go big. if thit would insure the
bus line. Please hurry It up!
of candidacy
fifth term.
for nomination i
Mrs. W. E. Lamm of Modoc,
Point, and her sister, Mrs. t;eorge'
Watt, and mother. Mrs. J. Mc-:
Court, both of Ran Francisco, were '
in the city Friday, from the Iinim
; home where Mrs. Watt and Mrs.
, McCourt are guests.
I Mr. and Mrs. James I 'o t i-on of;
! C'orvallls arrived in Klamath Falls ;
yesterday to visit with their dauxh-'
tur and son-in-law, ir. and Mrs.
Koy L. Patrick of north Ninth'
Trust Co. Trust Deed. $300.00
IRS. 1500.000.00. All real and!
personal property now standing In '
the name of the Ewauna Box com-J
pany. i
Ida S. Ilatton et vir to Weldon
B. Youree. Mills Second Addition,!
lot 11. block 210. )
Weldon B. Youree et ux to R. P. i
Oliver et ux. Mills Second Add!-1
tion. lot 11. block 210. j
Klamath Korporatlon to Pietro
Carnlnl and Teresa Carninl. Mills
Second Addition, lot 11, block 218.
Favell I t ley Realty Co. to A. L.
Seaman. 12. SO IKS. SEU of sec
tion 29, township 3S. range IS.
Filings from July 23 at 4: IS p
tn., to July 24 at 3:30 p. m. I
Lester Colahan et al to Steve J !
Colahan. NEUSW'i. V4SE'4 of;
section 15. township 37, range 11.1
i John F. Lyle and family, all roi- i street
I dents of Iron It Ivor. Michigan, tre
j recent urrlvals In Klamath Falls lo
i visit with Lyle 'a brother and fam
I llv lir anil Mm. A. J. Lvle of
i part or
Doctor Is Wanted
To Solve Mystery
Death of Woman
So 7 HiRh street. The family mo
tored west from Michigan.
Louis Epen of 1113 I'pham
street is convalescing at the family
residence following a serious ill
ness of the past two weeks. Kspen
will be able to be out in a week's
time, according to mediral attendants.
Mtss Oraldine Watt, formerly of
Klamath Kalis. Is expected to vlM
here for several weeks the early
August from her home in
San Francisco. Her mother, Mrs.
(Jeorge . Watt, K visiting at the
home of her sister. Mrs. W. E
Lamm of Modoc Point this summer.
LOS A.NGELES. July 24. (Vnl-
Bessie M. Court et vir to Neil S. i ted News) Elforts to clear up the
Nelson. Second Hot Springs, lot , mystery surrounding the finding of
12. block S5. j charred bones of a woman hi!
Nell S. Nelson et ux to Harry J. gunny sack in a garage here cea-i
Court et ux. EEltSKU of section I tered on a search for Dr. Klna II.!
17; also that portion of NE i NE U ' Bare, a chiropractor. j
of section 20. township 39, range , Dr. Bare is not a suapect but I
9, lying on Nly side of the I'. S. R. as the discovery was made in a:
S. canal, al. the said bE'Se1, of, garage at one lime leased by the
section 17. ! chiropractor with a residence. It
Klamath Development Co. to Cen-jia believed he may be able to
tral Pacific Railway Co (Metes and throw some light on the case,
bounds), situate in 8Vi ot section! Following an Inspection of the
20, township 38. range 9. bones. Assistant County Autopsy
Nellie Thompson to Flora M. ' Surgeon Webb expressed the belief
Brown. An und. Vs Int. In Railroad ; that the woman came to her death
Ethel M. I'lasil of Merrill Is
the out-of-town visitors In
Falls this past week.
Lewis Kaudra. among the well
known ranchers of the neighborilng
Merrill dls'rict. Is Included in the
business visitors to spend Friday
I morning in Klamath Falls.
A. T. Lang wel I. rancher of the
i Bonanza district, was in for a f;w
; hours yesterday lo look Into bunl-
new affairs and visit with his many
i frk-nd in Klamath Fall.
Kor results uso News Clar. Ads.
4alQ(& fill M U4 M4 WU Mi,IKpV
I- '. -a.nt :tfe Utiat Rtt. V
W aB V4 Ibl ilWr. ttr T"f V
'I v
i A3) ni:aN pii.iA.twsa
TUT. rtn tt iMft.bafast.Al!! Rn! M
L. E. Decker of Merrill Is among
the business visitors to spend the
past few days in Klamath Falls
looking into business affairs.
Addition, lot 28. block .1.
W. C, Townsend et ux to Ed. X.
Kendall. Townsend Tracts No. 20.
Herbert E. Koeppcn to Kenton D.
Hamaker. Hot Spring Addition,
lots 18. 18, 20, block 33.
W. T. Klnsey et ux to Margie So
derland. Mills Second Addition, lot
11. block 209.
L. M. Hannan to L. E. Redfleldifor five weeks,
et ux. Mills Addition, lots 677, 678
679, block 107.
Jasper Smith to Antonlle Pospisil
1200.00. Malin. lot 7, block 44.
at least two years ago. He said I Con O'Kecfe und Patrick J.
that the muscles and flesh had ap-' O'Connor, both well known sheep-
parently been taken from the bones
by a doctor, but not until the body
as a whole hud been embalmed.
Dr. Bare Is reported to have rent
ed the house and garage In w-hlrh
the bones were discovered, on May
25 last and occupied the residence 1
Your suit steam pressed, 75c.
Free calls and deliveries. Sixth St.
Cleaners. 224 So. 6th St. Phon.
4S-J. J301I
For results, use ttewt CUu Ads. For results
use News Class Art.
men and stock raisers of the Lake
view district, are among the out-of-town
ranchers and business vis
itors in Klainnth Falls Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn P. Sabln. ac
rmpanled by Mrs. rtabln's alster.
Miss Lucille Itobfnson of Portland,
returned to Klamath Falls Fri
day to arrange ror the remainder
of their trip. They left for Palo
alto yesterday morning where Ha
bin will take a summer course at
Stanford Cnlverslty, Hp Is svere
Examination and estimate
on all work.
All branches of dental work
done by competent up-to-date dentists.
Painless, careful
tlstry at moderate
Portland Painless
11th Main. Oriixlfl lllilff.
Phono 4. Open Kmilng.
H The Orpheus Theatre I
j j Matinee r.ncl Livening 11
; j Return Cngngement of
in SONGS j
11 iViPfirL- '
I 'i S05lltlf-... I
International News
Comedy ' ,
j "Nicely Recorded"
, I Coming "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," Saturday,
loj July 31st, August 1st, and 2nd.
I No Advance in Prices.
Adults 25c Children 10c