Tiigo Ktpnt Thursday, Julv 22, 1 i2 THE KLAMATH NEWS Canned Heat Party Lands in Prison After Joy Niht Kunr meinlera of 11 canned heal drinking pnrtr. lid. I within the lofty walla o( lh Mt Hprlnia court houir, ar realm t h la ninrnlni In the rllr lull. Imvlhi ticen appre hundwt yeaterday ftcrnnon b CMef n( I'lillca Lmirka and Officer Nllrlioll. A milk hollle ronmliilni lea I linn tilnl of tlin 1 11 h pollen whlrh nt-uuilit Imiiii Uh arid of lite mi'ii, In In tit) IhiihU f Hi ii- IW'0, till unit, relllHlhtllK evidence Hut eonMinied b tin iaiiihiI fuel funk. Tin three men fotiud In tHcrourl-i fwuee ar ,tiki Heft, rip 4&. lo-i tar: A. Ilanlun. 61. laborer; unit lllll Maynard. 13. laborer. K lllan-i ro, Meitcan laborer, and l ho fourth vlrllm, man found In I hi Hoi Hprlua addition in the vicinity of the courthoiue. The Utirr, the only uti of t he group who had Money on hla perwoo, wa Ul.cov red Hh a hitli over Hi In hi. putketa. The hcarlnt will be held tt o o'clock Ihle momliiK I For Manila m New riaa Ada ' MRS. LEOA PARKER IS BACK AT DESK Mr. I.cda Parker, atenographer for I In count v agricultural agent. 'relumed lo her oik eitcrda)' fot-i lowing vacation of aovoral daya, dnrallon apent vtaltlng relative, and' . frliu'da at Aahlnnd nnd Medfoid. Mra. Talker alaliM that the weather very much warmer In I hi llogue 1 lllvr valley nnd that It waa n do cldid relief la return to the laa I ant climate of Klnnmlh r'alla. Mr , I'arkrr waa accompanied on the trip liy her hn.hnnd. I.ee Parker, employed In lliii Iih-I Kurd aenc. THOMAS E. AGEE LATEST ATTORNEY The alate aupremo conri Tuea-! day granted permlla la Thomaa K Air.ee of Klamath Kalla to prnc tire law In Oregon, according to word received hero lail night. Agee wa admitted on cer tlflcat from the ante of Wash ington. The court almt admitted Thontaa H Che.ilh.nl of Portland, to the har. He reccltrd hta rummtaion on certificate from the atate of Ariion. SMITH-GALLAGHER NUPTIALS CONCLUDED Ivan A. Smith, Klamath Kalla architect .and Mm Aiiuea tiallagher. were L.urd a Itcen.e ta wod early Wednoadny tnornlnn. They left hortly after the ceremony whlrh waa read liy Her. T l. Varnea I the home of Mr. nnd Mra. I. K. Jav, tor Portland, wher they lll apend 10 daya. ; Mliitou l. Kalea, 37. edgerman. and Mlaa llrulah Johnac-n, over !t, both .realdenta of Klamath Kalla. were granted Ibenee to w-vd ye terday afternoon from the office of County Clerk C. It. IVliip. MIIS JlUtt INKllltMMl OK HKATII OK IIIIOTIIKIt Mra. J W. Jury. 31 Hue atreet. re-elved word yesterday morntnic that her bi-other, I'haa. Itlley, had died auddenly nt hla home In Fort Scott, Kauaaa. le--e.ted waa 4 2 yeara of ax and waa prominent in hualneea clrclivt at Ki) I Scutt. Ladies' Pure $2.00 to $15 I Wr rxcooti s Pkt rtiuicv re: ! yAYs PAYis YM VHy yOMy I Vaw VAm An unusual baker The oven is so des isnetl and place! as to eahle lairx volume of heat to circulate even ly entirely around the own. This feature ac counts for the splendid oakinf results for which the Mor.ta rar.,cvs are well Known. 3HAU0W rut pcx The vide and shallow Firebox saves fuel This s;vcil Mor.U feature a.'.ows fine from fuel to spread owr wort area. It places the heat directly under the stove tops which ir.ens more heat from the same- amount of fsel, and s t;'.:icv firr. MONTAG COLONIAL Res Come in and see your new range It's here on our floors. One of the Montaf ranees. NVe've arrar..cei to take your old stove as fii-st payment balance on easy terns. So you can have a new'Mor.tap buffet in white, fray, blue or "SantoJie" enamel to fit the color scheme of your kitchen. With French cooking top which heats quick er and holds heat long r. steaks, chops, hot cakes, can be cooked directly cn top. With the Pacific Coas firebox, wide and shallow for fuel e-eon-omy and better heat distribution. Ptiplex .crates for wood or coal. Sturvly consirjc tion high jrrade tr.a-teria's. Claud H. Davis FURNITURE "The H.v,se of Qualitv." ' LOCATED IN McCRTHY BLDG. M KLAMATH KLOTH1NG KOMPANY , Gigantic tllearance SALE Of All Summer SUITS W' ' 111 With this, our Annual Clearance Sale of all Summer Suits, vye have placed; every Summer Suit in the store on sale at 4 and 'z of the Regular Prices. Kuppenheimer and other good makes styles that arc in good taste right now and suits you will be pleased to wear this Fall and Winter are included in this vast selec tion. Single and Double-Breasted Models $30.00 Suits $35.00 Suits .$26.00 $39.50 Suits $29.50 Suits $33.50 $19.50 Suits $37.50 $54.50 Suits $40.50 $59.50 Suits $11.50 $60.00 Suits $45.50 $65.00 Suits .! One lot of 50 Suits at y2 off V off on All Straw and Panama Hats KIATK10THII1G J 3