THE KLAMATH NEWS Thurwlay, July 22,-1926' Page Sgvffl WANT AD PAG One Cent a Word Each Insertion . . - .jiang One Cent F yttP a Word I irl Each Insertion j I lC-Iffl iV5 Trlrpbono BTT f L Sd-8JT CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1 par wor) o';h Um 1 I prlntod. Gam nil run una work 10 dls - coiiut. Baino ail run olio month 40 discount. lo per word each lime ad l prlutcd. i TELEPHONE 877 TIIK IIIU MAKKKT FLACK FOR SALE Real E.UU 11000 3 room house, garage m Una lot. 120(1 dnwu. 12150 S lota 4n Industrial addi tion. Two room bouse on an of loin. Small payment down. $2(00 4 room huuae. nook, built Iss. tfmoll payment Uowu. $3150 Beautiful 3 room house In good location. Excellent view, nook. Mi of lullt-ln, electric love. A real buy. $37(0 4 room house-, dona til. r- o. on very large lot., 11000 down. , A. A. 1IELLMAN. k CO, ,'. 120. No. 7th BC Phone 151 NICK IIOMU on Johnson Art. Hlur.. ro garage, nice lawn and tree. Very convenient Price , $300. Term. Homo I km for cash. Call 0 1 Lincoln. Phone 441. roll SALE Splendid resident lot on writ Iclr. Price 1100. $250 cash. Call 901 Lincoln or Phono 441. FOR HA1.K. Mc homo In five riom modern bungalow. Full -mrnl. A- splendid homo on paid pavement. Price $1500. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. NEW FOUR ROOM modern bunt alow. Fire place. tireakfasl Book, paid pavement. Price 14000. Call SOI Lincoln. Phono 443. Modern 4 room new noma and era. Just oulalda city llraita. U cah price or tormo. P. O. Box 1(4. BKAUTIFUl. new mven room bun - low on uood corner on tub. Ht. Price $10,000, Call 901 Lin coln. Phone 443. FOR KAI.K Four room modern bnnitalow on Mlrhlgun, two porrh ea, annuo and woodahed. Price $3K00 or $3400 caah. Call at BUI l.lnralu. Phone 443. New four room bungalow with breakfast nook, garaxn. In H"od location. Price $3150. $.100 down and $50 per month. Call FOR 8ALK Two room bonso and garaae, aplenrild larae lot. Price $900, on eaay terma. Call 901, Lincoln. Phone 443. Four good roaldent lota near Cali fornia Ave. Prlre $350 for cor ner lot and $300 for each In olde lot. Call 01 Lincoln or Phone 443. Three room modern houne tn good location. Price $2350. $300 down, email monthly paymenta. Call at 001 Lincoln. Phono 443. Two four room modern nouoea In good locations. Ona prtcod at $2200; one at $3000. $500 down and monthly paymenta at $40 per month. Including Interest. Call at 01 Lincoln. Phono 441. Fir room modern house and gar ace on (tb Bt. A nice homo. Price $4(00. Call at 901 Un told. Pli one 443. Corner lot with four two room houses, close In, on povemeuL A . bargain. Price $37SO. Call at (01 Lincoln. Phone 443. A number of good lota in different carta of tb city. Price reoson oble. Call $01 Lincoln Bt, Phom 443. New four room modern bungalow - with nice range, and linoleum tn - kitchen and bath. Well - built Price $37(0. $500 down - and easy monthly payments. Call 901 . Lincoln. Phono 443. IF TOU WANT to aell your farm or obtain o low Interest rate, long term loan on some. See WISHARD REALTY CO 12 Bo. 7th -' Insurance Real Etat Farm Loan Oltf Two fir acre tract on highway ronr mile east of Klamath Fall. Price 11.2(0 each or 12(0 per acra. Under Irriga tion and cultivation. Call 901 Lincoln. Phono 443, A nice Utile homo close In, In a fou room modern boue and one half acre of land. ' Price $3000. Call 901 Lincoln. Phono 443. WH HAVE SOME RRAL bargain In both eliy and farm property, opportunities to trad or ex change. WISHARD REALTY CO. Insurance lt Bo. 7th Bt. Rul Eatat Farm Loam Oltf Two t room furnished house with ga rates, near Sixth (treat. Price 12(00 for ma two. & gooa in vestment. Both rented, 1(0 per month Income. New four room modern bangalow, furnished with most all new fur niture, la food location. Price 14000. Call 9(11 Lincoln Street Thone 44$ For Sal) Real EUt Cont'd Foil ItWNT lno 3 room furnlah d homo. One 1 room, one Mori' building. lloTKI. FOIIRNlHHF.n. rooniluic house, Icasa and furnishing, one bourditiK house. POU KALE Frontage on (tb. Clone In. o per ft, Aparlmont alio. $100. FOR TRADE Residence for Port laud home. Home for email ranch lu valley. KOK HALE 3 rwn modern home, furnished In liot springs. iood lot. $2(00. Term. KOU BALK Klamath street front . $250 per ft; oa Walnut, $200. John c. French vo. 13 South 7th HU I'hona 72 FOB SALE Three room house and gnrago. Idit 50x140. llupu. ti'UO down, balance like rent. Hen Mr. John Urttsett. 1020 Main HI. . KOK SALE Ijirro corner lot.Tn tltistrlnl addition, opposite Mllla ' addition school. Price fur quick xale. Phone 109 or wrlto P, O. Box tit. . PKVKHAL flOOB reeldent lota from $260 to $1(00 each. Call 1)01 Lincoln. Phone 443. FOIt ALK Two (ood tola on Eaot Main, cloae lu. $1100. $400 down. . FOR KALK Fle lota, Jndiuir.ul , addition. $2100. Termi. FOR SALKH.iTril good buiidlnx Ida, . 44x130, close t Oreiton Ave. and Dallw-Caiifortfa hfxli way. Price $1100 at ;-our own tertufl. KOK fiALK A dandy three room bouse and garage in Mllia addi tion. $2300. 1300 down, bal ance like rent. FOR QUICK UKfil'LTrt list your rentals with Wm. V. McNealv. as we make a apeciaity of collect ing rents. Open Sunday, 9 a. n. to 3 p. m. A llKAlTlKtIL home for te by owuer. i'hoim 93S-W or 6i!0. WM. W. McNKALY i 1V20 Main si. FOR piALK-' Nino room house. Des irable location. Ootid incumo property. Phone ,19.1. FOIt THAUK tlood used Dodge cur for first payment on homo. FOR PALE flood lot in Millo Addition, $350. FOR SALK Fine new cottage In Mills addition, $2000. $500 will handle. FOR SALE LoU In all parte of Klamath Fall at reasonable terms, FOR SALK Fine piece of acreage within 1 miles of city. Con be sold at a whole or divided. 20 acre In piece. W Insure everything from your life to your automobile. MOM YER A MOMYER Rest Estate and Insurance. Phone 301. . Honks Bldg. Nice modern bungalow on pavement. A good buy at 18500 . Call at 901 llnenln or Ptione 443. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER F.LSA C. SAIIERBERG Public Stenographer aud Bookkeeper Phone Businoa 72. ties. 24 J. 130 Bo. Seventh Btreet. PRINTING PLANT 1UHXN AT NORTH DKND NORTH BEND, Ore., July 9 (Fire of lucendlary origin de stroyed a portion of the small printing establishment of the Morn ing Be hore early today. Officer found evidences that the flro had been set. Machinery and stock wero damaged by flro and water. Cash Boxes $1.80 to $7.00 Underwood's Pharmacy BRINGING UP BILL -s. wew tmek- . , by JACK FABB li . i ..: J . ' -j', ) ,. i T a horning--. J wamv you to rvw , Wanma SCiei5- rk'hi ' MOM FINOS' ' s 8,1- COME "TO 8&INSJ M A L1' ' OHB. Cfr Wfjs HiM Our , 'VS.., FOR SALE Automobile KOII 8ALK Hudson iiiedtr. Kx-j cettout condition, equipment, i,ove-, Joy khoi-kn, extra I In- and rim. i iIum wtndsblHd wings, stained; glujia visor, spotlight, peedom-( tiler, motor mctr, ludlilld ' wlir, (Irlv lim mirror. iJh-t 1 chean. Apply 1411 Main HI. Ona and one-half ton (1. M C truck. Klmt ! condition. Uood .,1.1 life . . . ... I FOR BALK New Wlllye-Knlitht. Would consider eome trade on nmllrr car. Call after tt p. m. 4.14 Coniter Ave, UHEU CAH 11AROA1SS j We hare In No. 1 condit.on: 1 Kord Coupe j 1 Kotd Mandator , 1 Oakiafl Tourlit 1 -OIU Touring 1 bur Coupe i 1 Noah Tourloa 2 Ilodtte Tourlom Terma (o ault, or trade for real - - iwtfite; why walk? KLAMATH VALLKY 41OT0II CO. 7th and Klamath. Otdtmablla : : Franklin : : (lardaor -J-- - FOR SALE FOR KALE Cheap, 70 tone lost year' hay. Kvpu Road. Phone 371. Full blooded Irish Setter pupple. 133 Ho. Riverside. , (lortnan Police pup. Very reason able.'' Kennel, Pelican Hood. Phone 1044-W. One half interest In etaxe line; one half interest in store; one salfj interest in service atation, also ; garage, soft drink parlor, manyj useful buy listed. Writ L. 11. j Newton, Happy Camp. California, i Ulans show ease. Phone 7(2. Household furniture for sale. Mrs. Marlon Hanks. 733 Pine. Phone j $29. FOR SALE Used roll top desk oxtra large. Southwell station ery Company, j Collies, Cocker Spaniels. Springer) Spaniel. Llewellyn Setters, Rue-1 shin and Irish Wolfhounds, and Herman Police puppies. Price $5 to $75.00. Kennel, Pelican City Road. Phone 1044-W. Watkln Products Sold at 22 4th. Phone 112-R. So. MISCELLANEOUS Stag Like Leave Klamath Falls ....1:30 A. M, Daily Leave Ilend 9:00 A. M. Daily Arrive Rend 4:30 P. M. Dally Klamath Falls 5:00 P. M. Dally Just opened. Oak Chill Parlor. Ninth and Oak. Phone 881-J. Grand special offer for 10 days only. Complete Gregg shorthand course, $35. Day and night clsHses. The regular price for this course Is $50, and this offer will not appear again. New class begin today. Falls Business Col lege. 40U Main St. Two German Police dog at etud. Phone 1044-W, ANNOUNCEMENT Betty Jane Beauty Shoppo. Open evening uulil S o'clock.' Call 79$ for appointment. Let U build your camp mattresses. Kin mat b Rug and Msttress Works. Phone 11W-W. Rug and mattress work. Wo do all kind of repair work, also rug cleaning. One day service. Phono 1138-W. 1S55, Portland St. TOUNO TRANSFER CO. Moving-Storage Phone 1097 HENRY H. PERKINS American National Bank Bldg. Klamath Falls We Collect Honest Debts Anywhere In the United State and Canada. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 South Fifth St. Phono $31 Collection: : Credit Rating Bervlc Dr. E. O. Wlsecarvor Dentist. Phono (15. Underwood Bldg. - - (in HELP WANTED EsapSjsES2ilfc We furntah coniprtent ' help for the kitchen, dining room, raw mllle, lunltrucllcm clt, lnren. Ubor era and farmtire, tkjurtoey and Service our mtto. W, K. Carter, nnnaaar. 19 Main Ht. Howard 4l Crimea Mage tlnpot. i'hon 4. 14 WANTEO Deputy with ulesman ahlp ability to rcpreiienl larxe fraternal aoclety In Klamath Falla. Party with cor pn-fwred. See Mr. Welch, Art-ode Hotel. KLAMATH EaPLOYMEST AGENCY Bud pile nil kind of help. Phone 157 Jatnee Ryan. (01 Main. Kiamaih Flla. Ore. WANTED SITUATIONS Two experienced dairymen, mar ried, capable of managing, would likes work on dairy farm. KxcHlieni references. Address J. P. Hauck. Gen. Delivery, City. Women with jir&ctical nursing ex perience wants work. 450 Mich-; lean Ave, Young man, three year men' fur nishing and shoe experience, desires peoiiion, good reference. Box 1103,. KHtmath New. Work wanted by experienced man on ranch or dairy. Address New Box 1752. WANTED Two experienced and capable men would like to lease stocked nd equipped dairy on crytce basis. Can give A-l reference. Ad dress E. 8. Carroll. Ctneral Delivery, City. WANTED Plain sewing and dress making. Prices reasonable. (11 Spring St. Logging, lumber hauling or con tract job for two or more new five Ion Mack tracks. John Car roi. Phono 591 or Box 195, city. WANTED To lease aa apartment or rooming house by responsi ble party. Address W. A. 2 Main SI. Klamath, Falls. Window washing. House and of fice cleaning; caring for lawn. Dave Kong. 123 Sixth St. Phone (12. j Dogs boarded. Open-: air run pets Special care: " Kennel - Pelican City Road. Thone 1044-W. LOST LOST Ladys grey beaded purse. In or near Arcade hotel. Finder welcome to contenta if pnrse Is returned to clerk. Arrado ho tel. Small two compartment black van ity case on Bend highway, one mile north Barclay Springs- Find er notify Miss Swope. Warren Hunt Hospital. Reward. LOST &erge orown and white dog. Answers to the name of Bounce. Reward. Call 959. Dark mottled Persian kitten. Three months old. Beward. Call 363 J. or return to Klamath News Tuesday. ' FOR RENT HouRQ for rent. 361-M. (21 Oak. Phone Or sole; Eastern ten ton Holt t it erplller with or withont high ' wheel's for logging or other work. Will take contract. John Car- toi. Phone 98, Box 195. city. Torre room furnished house in Mills addition. $30 per month. I'hone Bee Begin, (33. Three room unfurnished modern house with garage, in Industrial addition, $35 per month. Phone Bee Begin, (33. Two and three room apartments. Adults only. Rent reasonable. Phone 43S-J or call at 303 So. Sth St. Furnished room st 502 Oak. Sleeping room. 32S South (th. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Inquire 123 North 6th St. Phone! 371. First class apartment. Lights, wa ter and electricity furnished. Evan Apia, Phone 200. FOR RENT First class) furnished a pa run est. steam sooted. Mo Carthy Apartment, ISO Pin. Phone 100. . 014tf Ma Ferguson Has Test Politically Confronting Her DALLAS. Tex., Jhly 2 '.United ; with the County Court of the State Newe) All the political upheavals'of Oregon, for Klamath County, her and scandal since Texa placed it',,'l0i Account of the administration government in the hand of a wo-1? ; " it the aald . . , . , , , Jourt has fixed Saturday, August 7, man, have been revived In the state-,92, at , 0?clack pM J, tfc; primary campaigns. Itime. and the County Court, room Governor Miriam A. Fergusoo'in (he Court Honae at Klamath I standing ataunchly on her record. jl,",!.,?r0,!. ,.,b p,ar ,or,hr , ,j i,-- k.i,.nrf iB objection. If any, to aald ac hat farmer Jim, her husband,, meml;nt tBereot. i. doing the Kg work. nd both, Ki,mh Fai,,. Qra. ore cooiiaem mey win occupy me gubernatorial mansion for another! term. 'Ma" mast lift her petticoat over the bar of three hurdle before she can be certain of maintaining i for another two year the high) position that she now holds. Hhe j must be one ol the two leaders m the democratic primary election ; next Saturday. She must win the I run-off primary on August 21, j nd .be mu. defeat her repob.ican and opponent la the regular election in November. t0 present same, with the proper The first two hurdles are the I vouchers, to the undersigned at the hardest as the Ferguson are not law offire of Bert C. Thomas, $ ss popular In Texas democracy as-.V001"1 Building. Klamath Falls, tbey once were, but as for the third "K0fB- wKWn ut moBlh" ,rom dal barrier, democratic , nomination is n fhf ' , - ,aa tlH considered tantamount to elec'-j HENRY ANDEKSGS tlon and the governor will have an Administrator of . estate" 'of easy fight so matter who is named!- JUary J, Anderson, deceas- by tbe republicans to oppose her. j ed. Mrs. Ferguson has two major iJS.15,22,29 AS . . democratic opponent for the nomi- c,-,,,,,,.-, ..,. u, ,r,..M nation. Attorney General Dan Moody who dug np the charges against her administration ol the aighway: department, and Lynch Davidson; of Houston, who Is against "Ferg-S nsonism. which be describes as- the political alliance between "Ma") and "Father Jim." Two other women and a minister are also In the race, but they are soo yoa gre bereby required to sp baaing their bids on educational I pear and answer Che complaint on reforms, which have never been file is the above entitled auii. oa very popular In Texas. . The women i or before the 23rd day of July, are Mrs. Edith Wllmsns of Dallas p?2- th1 bejDl the day prescrlb and Mrs. Kate Johnn of San ?LLSJE? J1 .S Antonio and the minister is Rev. O. F. Zimmerman. Tbe governor bas done mini mum of personal campaigning, leav ing most of that work to her hus band, who Is more experienced. The day before .the first primary; how ever.' he will1 deliver a campaign speech 1a Houston. ' . In the republican contest for the gubernatlonal nomination, E. P. Scott of Corpus Christ! is opposed by H. F. Haines of Houston. The republican split Is over congress ional patronage and is largely a matter of local Interest In the dis trict of Congressman Harry Weis bach. White Star Fleet Negotiations Are . Reported Failure LONDON, July Si. (United Press J Negotiations tor the sale of the White Star fioet, operating tlio Homeric, Majestic and .other well known trans-Atlantic liner to a syndicate headed by Fnrness Withy and company, have failed, it was learned at the White Star of fice today. Tho International Mercantile Ma rine company owns the White Bur line. It believes that certain Brit ish shipping interests opposed the deal and that the American were also disinclined to sell In view of the effects of the coal strike. The announcement said the negotiations had been terminate hv m.,... assent,' BABE RUTH CLOUTS ANOTHERFULL BASER '" JU'5' t tawed Ne,-.)-Eight clouts -behind his 1921 record. Babe Ruth hit Ma 28th. some run of the current son in the third inning of the Yan-I kecs-Browns same sere Tuesday af-1 ternooa, Ballou was pitching for( St. Louis. f For results use New Class Ads. Legs) Notices NOTlt K nr HXAL AITOVST d Notice U hereby given that the as Kxecutrix of estate ioub. also known IM. ,.h ,..,. MVRA V. 8LOUHH. EipfUtrix of last will and testament of William 8. Slouch, deceased. " -- NOTICE TO CKKD1TOR8 J I, ,r ftl n c. . r No! lee is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad- tnlslstrstor of Estate of Mary J. Anderson, also known a Mr. M. ' i-JTJT " ITji jdse!aeBt or h"er estate are required D(.Aiv,n ".'! CUt(JV.T4V.t ,IST THE CIRCUIT COLTIT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE : COUNTY OF KLAMATH Edna Davidson, plaintiff, vs. Fred - Ci. J' ,5eeDtD , . To Fred D, Davidson. Defendant: H if vo ,n , , h answer, for wast thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the ; relief prayed for la tier complaint, vix: for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exIslLns, bcaween ..yourself , asd Plain utr nerein ana sor custosy, ct the minor daughter ot yourself and : plaintiff herein, upon the grounds of desertion by you of the plaintiff: for more than one year last past; and immediately preceding the fil ing of said complaint herein. .... Tills summons Is served upon you, the said Fred D. Davidson, defend ant, by order of publication thereof Is The Klamath News, a newspaper printed, published and of general! circulation in the County of Klam- i ath. State of Oregon, once each week -tor six consecutive weeks, the first; publication thereof being on the) lOtb day of June. 1926, and the: last publication being on the 22nd day of July, 1921. Dose by order of tho Hon. A. L. Lesviu, Judge of the above en titled court under order dated the Sth day of June. 1924. WM. MARX. THOS. E. AGES, Attorney for Plaintiff. : Post Office Address: 214 Wilms Building. Klamath. Fails, Oregon. Jlfl.11,24 Jl, 8,15.22 NOT1CK INVITING BIDS FOB THE Fl'RCHAKK OF TWO 10O0 miKO AITO TRUCK! WITH BEUVEBV DX . Sealed proposals will be received by tbe nndersigsed Police Judge t sis office 4s the City Ball Is the City of Klamath Foils, Oregon, tip to and including Wednesday, July , 2th. 192S. at the boar of 1 o'clock P, M. of said day at i wmcn ,ttme osa piece ssra 1.10s WS OT - 1 " V" " uu accordance wtta the ordinance ol corroborated affidavit in this of lh,l,PS ,lor two 0 t;uck' e,n fice, alleging facts which would as. of 1000 lb. capacity and with del- tie entry. , . 1 iimr vwuj, - j The Commas Council reserving; the right to object to any and all; bias. Dal6a ,t Klamath Falls, Oregoa, tnl. day Frldsv. July 9, 1S2 LEM L. GAGHAGEN. - ic. Police Judge. Hair Brushes 50c to $10 Underwood's Pharmacy KrKRcUco, Jaly St PVTATOES Whites, iV, t3, WaaUsgtsa' gems. IL750 $2; sweets, No. 1, te 7e; No, 2. 4Se. CATTLK Cattle teady; ateer. good, $8.00: cows, good . and choice, $5.00 1.50. Calves, steady: ItO lb, and a der, $$.(? $1.00; over M ' lb. 112.. Hogs, steady; light, $t(.8t $1S. 50; medium, $14.50 15.25. -, Sheep, steady: lamb, medinns is choice. $12.753 14.00; awe 94.40 .S0; wethers, 7.50 Q $8.5?. roetbuHl. inly 21 ' ' -WTTEAT iUg Bend blues tem, $1.43. baart, tl.42: toft white. 11.40; westers white. 1.40;' hard winter. $1.3J spring. ,1.3$; western red $1.3. '- -- woot Nominal; -valley, fins bJf btooct, Zti; medium three-euftrteri blood, 33c; coarse or three-qnarter blood, Sic; braid, tic. At vail Batata price an Ic to 5C tilg&sr for so lected stoclc " "- ; EGOS ' - - ( Buying price, current receipts, 2(27; hennery white. 28 30c; hennery pullets. 2i J4c BCTTEH , EeULcg price, box lots, creamery -rices : Ftrsu. extras. 41c far piss. , prices. ' 't' ,' ' tc '.r wrappers, subject to discount of 2 $ t per cent; dairy buying Brio tie- . CUEESK Belling price: Tillamook ectaaty triplets, 27 He; loaf, 2lt; Orego triplets, not branded,' 25c; Tlllav mock, f o b. triplet. 2c; loaf, 21c; Coo county triplets, 25c; .loaf, IOC LIVE POULTHT Heavy sens, 27c; light to mediumi tiff 17c; springs, 21c; roosters, 10c: Pekin ducks. 31c30c; col ored, 32c; dressed turkeys 4041s; livs tnrkeys. 20c - ' KOTICE OF ESTRAY -.There esme-Mo jny; place July ft 192. one-- oey - mare, JlOMaov weight, dx-year-old and diamond 1 branded on right - atitie. Owner may save same fey identifying ood . paving costs. . . O. K.' FEED BARNS. (J. S. Harris?.' , JIS.22,2 KtmtB J-'OB PUBLICATION , . DepoHincnt of the Interior, V. S. Lead Offire at Lakeviev, Ore. July 14. 192. - Notice is hereby given that Silas R. Johnston -whose post office ad dress Is (IS Conger Avenoe, Klam ath Falls. Oregon, did. os tho 1st day of March, 1921, file Is this., office Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 012654. to purchase tb WHSES, fiEK'NE'' and NEH SE?4, Section 29. Township 233., Range 10E.. Willamette Meridian, and the timber tSereon, trader tss provisions of tho act of jsne 4 1873, and acts amendatory, knows as the "Timber and Stone Law." t such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land ned timber thereon have Iwea appraised at $1149.00, the timer est treated S3SM. board feet at $2.00 per M, and the land $30.00; that sold ap plicant will offer final proof' la support of his application, and sworn statement on the 24th day of Sept ember, 12(, before Bert nomas, V. S. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls. Oregon. - -- Any person is at liberty to pro test this purchase tjefore entry, err initiate a contest at at say time ; before oatent Issues, br IHise a 1 - ' jjj g tnc 1 F. P. LIGHT. 41 Regis', ec i Wfct von bo. tonsar Sava ssst for " V, W ihin. Uto b ' . r L t- h'ewa Classified Ads bring w to"th"- Ingersoil Watches $1.75 to $450 7 TaMjij mirvv? Jilts irwr- s4V 1VW)4 s & iV ntWVJ .sVMi'so'sqasas