1 Page Six Thunwlaf, July 22. THE KLAMATH NEWS IICSIII.I TIOV OF INTENTION Oreton. Ihrn he moat aoutherly lot 18, block IDS' v I v -r II STHRKT AND inf Rnclia Vista Addilion: theiu-oi STREET I'AVKMKNT. easterly between lain Hi and II ol ROSE in i' tit In constat of imvIik aald por-I nsplinltlc concrete. 3" tup. 1" blmlir, said hearing lo be published as by Hons or uld streets Willi in) Wur-lou 4" eruehod rock baae. of 8I.- charter provided, rou lip Rlinllthlc pavement, 1 "1 7S-It; mild estimatea to include stale tif Oregon. Ion. on i" hllumtnoiia concrete engineering. iitirvtntiia. ftdvcitla-1 f 01111IV of Kliimulli. ( base, or nsphalllr concrete, m'.lnn, clerical axalatauce Hud uu tor-1 (.'It v of Klamath Falla Weal Klamath Fulle Addition; nil i iii.,... 111. n. t. ?",'' .,u; 1 .... 1 in 1 Inc.. Illork IS; IrflU i to 4. Inc. Block I"; l il t lo 4. inc.. Hlnrk : H ' ni,M: n1 KKHOLCTIOV OF INTKXTION said block 103 to the southeast cor- Tn(l rtv F.nglneor. pursuant to lP on 1" hinder on JSn" asphalt..' seen rontlutrnrlca. suld lmrovi- j,,,,,, i:ughugn. Police Judge '"' J", ' ' ,ll)t,m,tt, Norlb CALIFORNIA AVENUE DELTA n'r of ","' eald Mock r,,0ulUm of ,h, common Council concrete baae. or Portland cejiicnt j ment In nnlil of trading theuf ni r Klamath Falla. Oi- v,' , Jirnnd nu. mim i NO I II K t O C thenr Bor,l",rlT "'tlho easterly hpr,.,oflrt. .dopted. h.vlng 011 lhe concret r. type 0" or Vibrollthic, 1 atreeta (nil width. ennatructlng com-i nOU, do iinroltv certify that t fiiro 111111114 III Klvrilt Ad- sriEKT border of hl.wk.-I0J and 102 to the,,,, ,, () j,,, I92j. ,, p.,,,,. , type "C": or (bl Warrvntle llltu- lilnntlon rurb and anllera. bull.lln. , , duly enrolled ropy of a " " ,d F,. t r.toYi - . -.c oi ura apccir cutloiM unit estimatea 01 ma '"-. j ......- ............ ...... " '""itMBraiuii uuopici uy me """" . .... . ... in,. II lin k 1, anil L-inl.a ,... Ksin. .iMtf . . .... - u.(itiH .-.mmtli. luu. .ti lAi.ih.. It It. m!.I nf I It .mI.I linitp.kVni.io.ll t ... ... .. .1 1.... ...... I .-nan hi r i lia I .O 31. I ., ''. n . . L-..I.M. n..pi.nnl tn " - COMI Ol 1111 lrOV IOK .M1HH "IITP1 . 1"..!.. " " ..... . ... , .llUll.'ll nU" I.... I lit II lllf llllll-H K. I.HHft- Kntslnror. punuant to ..-,.. orthcctTly alone Second .v.. io. r i-w,..,.... .1..... ... concr..t. S" too. I" hlndor on 4-1 Ihmnahoiit It vitiiro loimllt iim I ....... m. ..n fliur.ilny. July '".' .l."..ls '"! .' . . V....L '.J,?. H.'-td llavma onTh ' ,h "nler of '"""T.lh. routh.-rly liur of lloao asiwl. ' aplmlllr concr-to haa-. or typo "A" wh.iru alirudy In plac-. pat-klna Atli. ISSil, and of llio wliolo of rtl,V J.1:1! . ujiiih' itoaora atrrl and ax adopted. naiu on th , f noof.yrlt arm and Hranil'nri ,., Ih. unf IMrtlan.l nif ooiicrrtr. or tvpo! atrlpa lo bo lorried and tollrd 1 ....ohilion. rant In Houlh "" "rr' .""". f July. 11. fllrd plana. ,,,, -r,nri,. .,.,. n,",w V' . .'" ? I'. -J "A" VihroMthir- in w.rr.nii.i i l,i-,i. I..,., i .t i lni..-.Mtt..n. ri IU" "' i l-m i niRitiiiKK l-dln from II ulh boumUry f ' nd "l.'i""'?" Uocvrlt atm-t to ranter of the In-. ) ,br,,. , rert to h- known aa JlUullthle paremaiit. S' lop on 4' whei-o aald payement la to l rull jiy' 20-30 ' I'ollre Juditi'. Hlralila Aililltlon of ,,',",n Tln California arenue terwc.laa ot niw,evelt atreet with ' ..... ""tf. vVLk., ii ..V i . cruahml rock ha. or aanhnltlc run- width: aald payemenl lo ho twenty- ; V . Uie.oii. ..u liorly l a point wit 1.1 U caaterly Una of t onrer K, rln ,tre,,: ,h,nr. nonhweaterlv th H ,olllll.,i havlna taken 'aau.e rete. J- top on 4" cru.lied rocklou- (Stl f.-et wide on Kaal atreetl MITK'K OP ITIIIKATION wnll He " J ," (ha northerly line of Helta . ,h. .... .,. i v..,,r,t,'rr. 0.n.' . h...- n .,l.....a i.,iu.i.i ..h i..ni.,f.,. , -.. f.u,i i,i. nl. ,..:....V .... nine weaterly between Lola I anil It. .tree, from the ea.t-; ,--, , , ,hp ot '( - " .j 'c.".;. ' 'ement aWewa.k.; rurbina. .,. I ph.m and Johnaon alreeta. all In , , , l..ke...l- Ad- f California avenue to the' , , ti.h -..i.i i- i, .... 1'iana. apeiiHaiiona ana cauuia.ea .ii,... , .-.,. ..r.i.nM win. .h- .,ih m.n. . Illnn. eaieudcl weaterly. aud aald or xi.kirnn .ireei: and . . " 1 T'..-:" . " V . J. I iwwtory: I" .v,."ii...7. ..." . .. . .".". 1 V... "... ... VTi" ..' f I'M Ml. IMI'. a iir i H r. i-iifinam, ,,n,,.i,,u wn.torly from Hilton tween iota I anil on tne one nanu.' ,he M p,ul,, ap.flficaliona and " " luiuniinoiia concreio nase. juiy yin. i5;o;auu .. . . .,.,, , j,(.w. and lota to 10 on the other, of , lUllat (or the Improvement of "r aphnlilc concrete. It" top on n ri'HTIIKK IIKSOI.VKIi o,i" juiv 14 blcKk 1J. Klr Addition ot Klarn-.,,. portion of aald aireva.it binder, on s- asphaltlr ron- ny THK ,-oMMON COI'N'l'll. that ,' ,.'.,, .,1 n... tii ath Fall.. OroKon. extended to the MaK lhe ,tlcattona and , atl-1 rn-te ba. or l-ortlnnd .vmeut con-, ,ho properly hereinafter deacrlbed 1 .. N"l " , ' "h ' i rJ... J.fVi. L i enter of aai.l Fourth atreet: thence .. .h,d to Hie plana and ea-i ''" type or ihrollthlc. type h, .a hereby la declared lo bej1," ? ""I,, .111" riirlhealerl between lota 4 and K ' ....... i .- ... 1..1.. u.k i "C". of l!).i5J o?: t.ir I bl War- k.....i....i ..... i.. dreaa la Klamath r alia. Oregon, did. atreet lo Honth lleoritla avenue, and thai aald property anovt. iivacrineu be and hereby la declared lo bo benefited and aaaeaaed for lite nenao of aald Improvement: and UK IT Fl'HTIIKU IIKHOI.VKU that Motidny. the lath day of Af T t TVT J. I KJnmath Falla. Legal JNoucesi-:?ri;rr..,,.1 Tha City raaolutlOD kerttofora th day o apeclflcailoii coat of improvlnit from the avenue to arat: Delta rly line o etaaterly Una 8taktyoa atreet from the northerly line oC Delta atreet to the aoutherly curb Una of Oregon areuue. Inrlud Inn a proper temporary connection Utth the existing; roadway on Ore iron avenue, to be known aa Im provement I'nit Number 58. and the council adrlaemeat npeclticaUons factory; BE IT said pla matea for aald portlona the apectfii tarhed filed herel and the and BR IT tuat the Common typa "C" Portland cement concrete aectlon of Cook and Siaklyoa atreeta; . cr. j- iD. 1- binder on 4" crush-' aewer ayatem. witn parking atripa. o m uirecieu io ni or concrete. 3H" Warrenii top or crete. af.ht.lt.. MnM.A V" Iah 1" h nar IVff 1 lOta 1 IDH ft OD I Qp one ninfl n t . . ...... l..r r I . n ,1 1 1, on 4' aaphaltic 'concrete base: or and lot C on the other of block ST. e,e. or type "C" Vibrollthic. of be and hereby la declared to be ,oln onfulled copy of a CVIMIKSH ." ,..5J?, CR- fc Warrenite Rilolithic navement. I Buena tela Addition, to the south- i 1 494 I S for IS) Warrenlte Itltn. benefited lo-wlt: reaoiu.ion auniueu njr inn . ommon - I1UL1. Dllir.ai Avr..vc.l. . . - i t w . A. nnsiriv mm.. nt i..r it hink itt n.hi . . o- . . - .... 1. ..... .. . ! Council at 1(8 adlourned regular! rr.."" ..t- "-r7-. L".-.-:r.. : : - o..u...-t lMtt iS 1Q mc. and 1 to .; ..... h.i.i Th.i.. i..i.i tv.. v..... . m mic itw u.ut ,r.n aapnaitic concrete, z top. 1 om- iuo, .uvoce eaa.- tnoua concrete ease, or asphaltlc iac in block S- lota 1 to 10 inc iViV . . J C . . . . , der on 4- crushed rock base, nt an' crly to the center of the inten.ee- concrete too 1- binder on 4", . .V . ' . , ... ' ... w J -i.- ,,ln- lt:i- ni1 of lh" hol of aald , reaolullon of the Common Concll who. oil November 17. 12S. made eatlmated cost, including cement tion of Modoc and St. Francis aephaltic concrete base, or Portland l0f block 59:""and all of block to .i rMolul,ou' Euroa on guuera. cement amewaia ' ." cement concrete type a or MDro-. , ir, sond Hot Sprinra Addition and saving of some type all to the center line of Modoc atreet to the llthic. type A" of 17.ST7.5!i: or. to Klamath Falla. Oregon: and that- eaieni nereinaitrr aetineu. at an ea- i.i" . rawitna - lor to warrenite tittntitntr. s top ,,,lrt prlpprty above described lw. ii.i.int iui iii.iiuiic " - -1 uu a cruaaci iw. ow. or aapani-1 -mi hereby is declared to be bene Blthulithic pavement. 1 H" top on westerly along the center line of tic concrete. 2' top. 1 " binder on 4"..jt(.rf ,r,j lwu,,i for . on tl.:- one hsnd. and lot and ...i .h , h..,-i..- renlte llltulithic. navement. !" ton1 .... . . . . .. ........ ... ... . I " anr reuruary. in.. ring taken same under ,h. ,,hAr ... hinck I Firt Ad. I . ion 4" liltu'iilnnu .-.n.r.i base or " ' """ '.file n tb a office sworn isiaiement uel. I0!. at tne nour oi o cioca. and finding aald plana. ; Ziln. u'Vhe 'center M fhT'.HoV "fCKTIIFU UFSO..VKH "ph.l.S "X" 7" " V"bl" '''li, "t'n 'I lllibie IV " "'VST''",'1 V.V'TlK.?h?..l., na and estimates satis- b,IWn ,,, a ,nd mhu.h I h"b T "I" h .A.-1 der on 4- aat.ltaltlc concrete ba..!? ."' b ' '!! 1ld. ' " -haae the S,H'i, aud 8HHK,.iho City Hall of Klamath rtlla. i would be in ersecied by a line divld- . i .,.; 7 "..or type "A" Portland cement Co.-1 V " "" LV"VVr . ! Towi..hi. J.1M. It.nae , Oregon, be fl ted aa in. ? HERRRY RESOLVED that , M, s, 4 and S on the one hand , , rti of ,,id ,tr.vla n ac- ret. or type "A" Vlbrullthle. for " "" " """T." one t. 1 ,UK" "'""""" d t ne p. for Ilia hearing ... oojec, on. ns. apeclflcationa and eatl- ,nd lota 7 and S on the other of "..r... or for c. Warrenite! t'r .tai,.,,'rw ."L.V'.".- a 1 ,lm"rr. thereon, tinder th..provla;, a, remon.trance. agaln.t aald pru- the Improvement of the hiock IS. First Addition: thrnrc , ,, .j .,,,., s.M Himmve. . llltulithic pavement. S" top on I"! rr.. i . ki. i iu I " l" W"""'"'. " . na of said streets, being ; northwesterly betwren lots 3 and 4.ime, , con,i,t of rwvlnr aald nor-: crushed rock base, or aaphalllc ron- A.ldlii..n i..' Klamath Falla OreaoVi ?!i . """""""i"- ; " I Tho I'nllce Judge ho and ho Itere- catlon. and estimates at-, block IS of First Addition, extended Znl c I aald irZ a'wi.h ta nv.ren-! '" ' P . " vrnahod rock ' tXl. ' ".."SroV,:":! IT. ""T! "A." . "l1 br t. direct to ..- not.c ot to tho plans and eatlmates t0 the center of Ml. Whitney street:,,.., nithuiithic 1U" too on S ti," bl-' base, of JlS.37S.4;t: eald eatimates . ;. ', L. VL,,. ., T ,i..ared ",u" 'V""" " " , "i"""- aald hearing In b published aa oy rein on July .h. . ta,u..ac. northeasterly along the con-; J'i, o?.saUic ! o Include engineering. ...perviaion ; tVb.1L I. ZT?L timber ' H""""", O'"" same are hereby approved; ter line of Mt. Whitney street to CoIu.reie. 1 H top, 1" binder on S H ' advertising, clerical asaistunc. and , , .a)d impwrmrnl- j f PP.i!r''J- ' "" ,.?ur,led al1 ".'"' f V?"; '.tl. the center ot the Intersection of Mt. , ,h,. otUaete base, or tvpo f" . unforaeen contingencies; aald lm- " ... ...,." ...vol ,.ei,i K'"?. .l" .?i..!?V.i "," " 'h. .. FURTHER RESOLVED Whitney street aud Fifth street: . Pi.rtlnnt cement concrete or type prnenient o consist of grading lull, , . VV" . "' Common Conn.ll hereby thence northwesterly to the end of ..,. vibrollthic: or tbl Warrenite : With, building con. rele curbs and! "'' ''' rV."'. A"!'lt ! J !' .. ' ".m.-.. ' ' "athatan. I'ollc Judg. eclarea its Intention to Improve said, n"n street: tnence nortneriy oe- jiuhitllthtc pavement. S" top on 4" tuners constructing a iive-iooi ; - " "' -r ....... hi i;h.,w . in1 int .. hi ,.... in.... .w.f ' Klamath Falls, ore- portlons of said stroeis in accord-' teen bl.ick 97 of Buena Vista Ad- bituminous concrete base, or .-sidewalk on each aide of the tr-4l P- m - ' ,?llt"u."'K J" do hereby certify that tb. fore- inco with aald plana, specifications dltioa and block 9 of First Addition' pha,e concrete. S" top. 1- binder ihroughout the length of l'"-: ,hJ,y J'? I. a duly enr.tlle.1 copy of a and estimates. Said Improvement to the center of the Intersection of-Jn 4- ,,phaltlc concrete baae. or.P". ""h Pavement forty " " b ' 'J! , bTectlon. heiire Ii.h c Thnma. l' h Wm reaolutlou adopted by lb. Common to consist of paving a!J portion, of Doty and Fulton street: thence porttar.d cement concrete, type ""A" 4 -4 I feet wide from Iwck to J"''J" ,b J- ; "" ' II. regular meeting held ..Id atreeta with in Warrenite northerly between block 9. Buena r vihroltihle. i. "A"- or .eilof curbs, except at interaectl..na.1"rt remonairaucea ag.lt at said pro- mlasloner. at Klamath falla. Ore- .,,,lljM. ,. j,h. .. ,uj Pitulilhic pavement. 1 lop on Vista Addition and block 3. Firat Warrenite Hlthulithlc. 2- top on 4-!hlch aro to bo full width, and con-!,0";n improvement, ana ton. , , r of the whole of .aid rroolnllon. 3H--bituminous concrete base, or : AddiMon. to the center of the Inter- crushed rock has.-, or aanhaltic con-, aiructlng au appropriate storm The Police Judge be and he here- Anv person ta at iMM'riy to pro- . . i:AijAOrSN'. type "C" Vibrollthic or aaphaltlr, inence nonnweaieriy aioug me cen-, ro.-k base, at an eatlmated ro:it.' I'.eieo " ro.ieu uirouanou. e- - .....m, , . ..r"" : ;.,,.,, 1 reta. top. 1' binder on ter line ot SMsgtyou atreet to tne including cement aidewalks. curb-il iniersecuons. an in accoru- .a.n.r P..u. ilV", :,n.t.7.' i thi. ..r, i ..in.! phaltic concrete base: or (b center of the intersection of Siskl-'t,. gutters and drainage for (a '' h the said plana, specific.- Slat, of Oregon. aled a f f Ul a vlt In t V'"'"- "''"'" renlte Bitullthie pavement. !' you street and Delta street: thence ; Warrenite Bituliihlr. IS" op on ,lnn " stlmates filed July 9th. County of Klamath C J . !? 1 entry. on 4- bituminous concrete base, northeasterly to the southeasterly j 4- bituminous concrete base, or is: d - Vy 01 r-iamiiin rana. a. type "A" Portland cement con-: corner or lot 5. oioct 7. uuena , aPhalttr concrete. 1 " top. 1- bin- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEl '""T , .11V .... .--..., or type "A"- Vibrollthic or P lata Addition: thence northerly be--der. on SV," asphaltlc concrete baae. BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that ul " "7 ." v"'"'"'" '' 'rw - hr.l.,.ri.. M..... 11.1 ' SWM. uu uri lUJ .VII. .7 .11. tuv iv'i - I 1 Jly SO-JO Inc. I'ollc Judge. XOTU K OF I'l'HMCATlOX (I'nlillaher) ' IIFPAHTMKNT OK Tilt: INTKntOfl I'. 8. Land Office at 1 key lew, Oregon. July 14. 19S. NOTICK la B.reuy ttyen mat .bituminous concrete base, or Oregon avenue to tne center 01 tne crushed rock base, of 115.905 S4. f improvement and typo ."C" Portland cement concrete Intersection of Oregon avenue and said estimates to include engineer-i .... ,- ,.,.-.,,..'., ..,., ..,, or type C" Vibrollthic or asphaltlc i Tunnel street: thence southerly ing. supervision, advertising, clerical 1 1 r. . 1 -.1 .. . 1 mmi. 1U" n. I- km.. alona the center line of Tunnel 1 ..- that Monday, the lulft day of Aug- JH" ajphaltic concrete base of 193.- street to its Untcrsection with the ,.Cies: also, said improvement to con- u,t- t-b. at le hour of t o clock 8l8.0;:-for b Warrenite Bltho-: United States government main "A" ,it of grading the streets full ? ""z..1 .T a,. llthic pavement, f top on 4- bltu-j canal right of way; thence south-: width. constructing combination !I" j . j tninoas concrete base, or type "A" easterly along the northeasterly - curbs and goiters, laving a -foot Oregon, no fixed as tne time ann Portland cement concrete, or tvpe. boundary of the said canal right of cement sidewalk on each side of the pI"r' l,,r lhe bearing of objections "A" Vibrollthic or asphaltlc con- way to the most easterly point or streets, paving roadwavs. whose d remonstrance, against said pro crate. I- top. 1- binder on 4' as- corner of the said canal right of , width will be SS feet, back to back pof. improvement; and phallic concrete base, of 199. SOS. 02;: " In lot 7. block 0. Buena Vista; of curbs, except nt intersections. The r?"ce iuds b ,nd " h'r: or. for (c) Warrenite Bitullthie-Addition; thence southwesterly to where the pavement will be full ; bJr. alrected ' .n"Ure pavement. 2- top on 4- crashed rockithe most easterly point or corner of width, constructing sanitary sew-! !.'d hearing to be published aa by baae. or asphaltlc concrete. 2" top,; lot 9. block 83. Buena Vista Ad-era where needed, with proper' 'barter provided. V binder on 4- crushed rock baae. I tfiMonr thence eoutheasterly to thc"Ys" and branches, and providing ; ,.ut0. 01 r!?.on- C ' of J90.22S.77; said estimatea to In- center line of Addison street: thence! for ,torm drainage where necesaary., ,.?,ua'y, KUma,J";i . - dude in either event, engineering:, southwesterly along the center lino parkin strips to be rolled and level- 1 " f Klamath rails, as- supervision, advertising, clerical m- of Addison street to the lntersec-!ed throughout the length of said .':,,Z,r' .'n:S'i ,.'i. aiatance and nnforseen contlngen--Hon of said center line with the j Improvement, except at intersec- of '"J ty Klamath Falls. Ore clea: aald Imnrovement nf aiH nor.' alley rnnnlng southeasterlv and iinn. all in .rrnrri.n -ith ,h. ton. do hereby certify that the fure- tlons .of said otreets to be as fol- northwesterly between lots 1 to C said plans, specifications and esti- olnf ' 8 'T onrelled copy of a Iowa: California avenue is to have " the one hand and lots 7 and 8 mates filed July th. 1928: and resolution adopted by the Common two 18-foot roadways, separated by on tne otner 01 oioct 81, isnenaj j. pfTRTfiKR RESOLV - parsing strip except ai in- i fly the COMMON COUNCIL that lersecuons. wnicn are to oe naved .ai auuiuvo. r.iroacu 10 .lie . in-1 .... ,, . .. .,, ., .... full width but a. a part of thi. lm-, f"h,w","''r , ,f.nc9 1 nd hereby is declared to be bene .... 1.0 ruu-js n" :;:.c. i. " . i fed. to-wlt: araueo ana p.vea only lor ine "ws si., ri.mig .um .uu van 'Council at It. adjourned regular i ; nieetiut held on Thursday. Julyi i heretofore adopted, having on the I.E.M L. GAOIIAGEN. 17th day of June. lit, filed plana. Police Judge, apeclflcationa and eatimates of tho Jly 10-30 Inc. cost of I in pro-ring the following: 1 Beginning at the intersection of ItUStll.l TION OF INTENTION I the westerly line of South Itlveralrie 1 iter 15. Two. 4 1M 11 UK.. Will- ' avenue with the renter Hue of Mulnjamette Meridian, ha filed nolle of FOURTH STREET PAVEMENT street; Iheiir. westerly on Main I Intention to make Three-Year Proof. istreet 75 feet more or l.wva, thence in; to establish claim to the land abora The City Engineer, pursuant tola northwesterly direction acruiw Lot I deacrlbed. before C. H. Deljip, Clerk resolution of the Common Council, 3. Block 1. Weal Klamath Falls. 1 County Court, at Kiamatn raua, Reclamation Hiimeatead Entry. No. 0III)s. for Farm Unit "N" or 8H. SSNH. HHrNSNn l-ot to, 8. im.vi.. HlNLN Uit II. Nl lt 1J. NViNHN'H I-"' 1. heretofore adopted, having on the Oregon, to the center line ot North Mil day of July. 1926. riled plana. - Carroll atreet; thenro up North specifications and estimate, of the Carroit street to the Intersection of cost of Improving Fourth atreet . aald North Carroll atreet with the from the aoutherly line of Walnut 1 center Una of North Itntera street, avenue to the northerly line of Onk' formerly Park atreet; thence somh avenue. to be known as Improve-1 westerly along North lingers street, ment Unit Number 62, and the formerly Park atreet, lathe center Council having taken aame under' of Its Intersection wtth Cypreaa advlaetnent and finding aald plana.1 avenue: thence weaterly on ''voress perirtra4kna--aad--eiluiatoe- satis-1 avenue from the weaterly aide of ( Jul SO-Aug. 30 Inc. factory: - - North Koitera atreet to the weatorly BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, aide ot Llpplneott street: also, be laid plans, speclficntlona and eatl- glnnint at tho Interaertlnn -if the matea for the Improvement of the' renter of Cypreaa avenue and Nnrt'i said portion of said atreet, belngf Rogers atreet, thence southvastorlv the specifications and eatimates at-, along North Rogers and Main atreeta Oregon, on the '.'th day ef Aug ust. 1524. Claimant namoa aa wltnesaea: Michael Fayno, of Merrill. Oregon. Hlrhard Walsh, of Malln. Oregon. - William II. Hatfield, ot Merrill, Oreton. Oscar Hammer, of Merrill. Oregon. F P. LIGHT. H.IIM.r. NOTICK OF l'Ulll.H.VriON (Publisher) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTKIUOIl 1 n 11 ln.1.. ...... 1 . . . 1 a I ' . ..'OT.'.'OTI...' , and on the portion i along tee center line ot California1' Y, , , V r-' --. a .s.a r i.m..iim.i d street, only the west-i avenue to the center of said avenue: n5 loc ; lots 1, 2. 3, 8. ! is to be graded en- which would be intersected by the " 1 1 1 EAST STREET. UPHAM STREET ..k. ..J 1 i line rilviriine int. tinrf in hWk d ail of block 18. together With AST) JOHSS1IS' KTIIKKT PACK. portion from Conger avenue to fornia. avenue; thence southeasterly Third street, north of Third erly portion closed with cept at Intersections; cement slde-i US. Buena Vista Addition, extend walks, five feet wide are to be built - ed to the center of said street; on each side of California avenue thence southwesterly between lots from Conger avenue to Third street, I 10, 5, 4 and 1 on the one hand and bat no cement walk is to be bnilt lots 9. 6. 3 and 2 on the other north of Third street: Delta street,' hand of block lie. Buena Vista Ad- aztd Siskiyou street are to be traded ; ditlon. extended to the center line inn wtatn and improved with ce- 01 contra boma street All ot Shives Addition, being lota I tached to tho plans and estimate., to the Intersection of the .-enter of) . . ijfsj,. m lkevtew .... : v-vum.-.. . t. .ujuumni irHuii.r nieu nerein on juiv am. iifss. oeteouin lingers street wnn ine renirr ...t (. tmna rl'imeetinK held on Thi.ra.lav Jnl:..j k. .... k...k ...... ...a - t linn ... vi,. 1. . ...... IJtegnn. July If, lajtt. the! 15, h ia5g .nrf nf th. .n.i. t ..in 1 Z" ' " " ' NOTICE la hereby given that Ml- . . "" U ..-.IHIH, III.-I1I1 BI)1..I1..I7 Rll'liai .... ... I........ at. ..Ill , l...nR - resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, South Roger, street to tho south-1 'T"' ' fc V liii n,.j nZ' "I LEM t,r GAGHAC.EN. that the Common Council hereby erly Hue of Lot 21. 11 lock 7. I..ke-i n MV'liVJJ",1,?.!2 B i iv tn-in inn Dniin. i..t MENT. 01 IDAS, tor Farm Unit "p" or 8t NVsNV,. HVsN'LiHVs lot 13. H Sj declare. Ita intention to Improve, side Addition to Klamath Falls said portion of said streot in accord-! Oregon: eald Improvement to be ai.ee wiiu Mtiu piniin. Hurcinrsiiunii iiniu-auiisir im.rmrni inmuinimi' .,, ...... fctxVl'IX uyu lot and estimatea. Said Imnrov. monl ' oirrot that nortiiin extending from : . .'. H. . . ' '?. ' ' .. to ronaist of pavlnif said imrtlnn of the weaterly aide of North Itngera said atreet with (ai Warrenite si net to the westerly side of Lip llitnllthlc pavement. 1 lop on pincott avenue on Cypress avenue, 3H" bituminous concrete baae. or, and alao North Rogera street from type "C" Portland cement concrete j lt.i Intersection with the center line or Vibrollthic. or asphaltlc concrete. of Cypreaa avenue to Ita Interaeetlon top on 1" binder on JI4" as- with tho center lino of Main atreet. phnltlr concrete baae: or tbl War- thence along Main atreet to the cen- vacated Roosevelt street from Ninth street to Rose street, also lota 1. 2. 3 and 7 8 and 9. block 6. all In 1 The City EnKlneer. pursuant lo Urst Addition to Klamath Falls, resolution of the Common Council Oreton: and that said property I heretofore adopted, having on tho above described be and hereby Is ,9th dav of Jntv I9?a riiwi ni.n. declared to be benefited and aaaeas-. aneelficationa nnH Mtlm.iM nf tha.1 renlte Itilutlthlc navement. S" l.tn ter of Ita Inlitraeelttm with lhe re.. .handled for tbe expense Of Bald Improve- cost nf Imnmrinv Vast KlrMl (mm ! on 4" hltnmlnnua rnnrmls haan. nr!ter of South Itoaera atrnel. thnnrs OWl CUrO anO tUtter and . paVeO . a"Ul-.ieaa.eri7 SIUUS ine center line ,4, f I'D TU PD orcn. irenl m"h. iii.w u. vwuuy ..reel ID ; .7 vv n 1 minim .rui.-iii. iumiri.jnu.iti.u; "'hh cii.ii. iinnrin .urni roadway 26 feet wide in the middle of Contra Lotr.a street to the cen-l . .. . FIRTHER RESOLVED: the south line ot Uphaei street: Up-! or Vibrollthic or asphaltlc concrete.to the southerly linn of Lot 21. of tbe street, but no cement side- ter of its intersection with Donald j ,nat Monday, the 16th day of Aug-, ham atreet from the west line of I 2" top. 1" binder on 4" aaphalllc Block 7. Lakeside Addition to Klam walka are to be built; portions of street: thence weaterly to the cen-!1,, ,9JS- hour of 8 o clock. East street to the west line of John-! concrete base; or (cl Warrenite, alh Falls, Oregon: and as to aald a sanitary sewer system are to better of tbe intersection of Donald - m" " the Council Chambers in son street; and Johnson street from- Bitullthie pavement. 2" top, 1" bin- portion of said Improvement, snme put in aa a part of this lm prove- street and Bown atreet: thence'J"e' City Hall of Klamath Falls. I the south line of Upham atreet toder on 4" crushed rock base; at an ahall be wuterbound maradam. ment, to the extent necessary to ; southeasterly along tbe center line Oregon, be fixed as the time and, the north line of Donald street, toiestlmated cost, including cement macadam, or olhor pavement other complete the part coming ia the1 of said Bown street to tho center j Dla.ce ,or ,he hearing of objections! be known as Improvement Unit' sidewalks, curbing, tuners and than hard-surface pavement, same areaa to be paved, to avoid future of the intersection of Bown street! .euioiiairancvTi m.iiim nam pro- Number 60. and tho Council having' drainage for (a). Warrenite Bltullth cutting of the pavement. Provisions! and Mt. Whitney street; thenco!po Improvement; and taken aame under advlaement and lc pavement. I Vi" top on 3 4" bltu- tor etortn sewer pipes and catch southwesterly along the center lino; The Police Judge be and ho hera- finding aald plans, specifications and j mlnous concrete baae. or type "V." oasins is made at tho necessary , of .lit wnitney street to ine renter 1 . , eaiimaies miisiactory: rortiano cement concrete or loro- iir. 11 iir.Hr.uv itr:suL.VKii that ninic, or aspnauic concrete. 1 1 points, to insure drainage of the of tbe intersection of Mt. Whitney. I . " neanng to be publisher as by atreeta. This Includes a discharge Gobi and Stanford atreeta; thenco ,ncr P""ov'ded. sewer leading from the intersection southerly along tho center line of . ,0 ,ot ,tf.n' of California avenue and Conger Stanford street to the place where y.?u'"y, ?' K'ama'11;, avenue to Link River, all In accord- the said street ends at lot 12. block 'V , Klamath falls. as. anco with the said Plans. aDeciflca- 151 of Buena Vista Addition, being1 'athagen. Police Judge lions and estimates filed July 9th, at the southeast corner of lot 11.'"' V ' k ! 1 inea nerein on July stn, 192,, be 432t; ana 1 01 ssia diock: tnence easterly to the . -. ann tne same are ncreoy approved; ' ........ 1.. . . in uk is a au v enrolled conv oi a m. i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED I that the Common Council hereby said plans, specifications and est I mates for tho improvement of tho said portions of said streets, being the specifications and estimatea at tached to the plans and estimates BE IT FURTHER TtFSOLVFn most easterly point or corner of "!' ' duly enrolled copy ol a BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that '"t 12 of "' l" 151: thence I auopieu y me common the protp-er? Yernatf?eVSdi,cr,bad , "-.her,, along the easterly border Velo.'rb.." be and hereby s. declared to beif ' 1. block "l. to Its ! Jm;,"' .2 ".t"" . Ju'? 'declare. Its Intention to Improve any point or corner; 7 :. benefited by said Improvement, to-' "V0" "'ber wit: thence south to the center line of 1 ,ald ronolutlon 1 said portions of snld streets In ac cordance with said plans, specifics- rt . ..... ... I ... IS I. ..A.lMA.lkT-V l.l... . ..... ... ....J I.,. . ,. ... .... vonaer avenue; tnence Koutneasteriy .. ..... . . , i.iu.a rniunaies. oiuu improve- of Work. loJ inn 07 IV l ,0 ,lle P'ac beginning; and that 1 J1? -30 lnc- p" Judge. ment to consist of paving ..Id por- B1 in q Vnn la u',.'in.' .vi.." aJ'i "lrt Property alxive deacrlbed be ,,,....,.-.... 1 Hons of aald streets with (a) War- ditlon la KltmSh VuU. nd hereby is declared to be bene-. RLSOLITHINOF INTENTION ,, HitL.illthlc pavement. 14" loLl 1 to 4 !n, kwi 1 1 1. "rJ0"ii'''l a"d aced f.,r tho expense I top on 3V4" hllumlnou. concrete c ?nJl 1. .nrf 1 1 1 I ? t. ""2 1 of said improvement: and .SPRING STREET AND WALL base, or asphaltlc concrete. W VahXrLlulliZ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEI)' STREET PAVEMENT. top. I" binder, on 3 H" asphaltlc v.11. n.. ..iT .. that Mnndav. the mth dav of An-r ' I concrete base, or class "C" Portland ...... viHuii, ai. ui uiucnn an. n'j. ... ... , - - lo be known ns Improvement Unit Number 4. and the Council having taken same under advlaement and finding aald plans, specifications and estimates satisfactory; llhl IT HEREBY RESOLVED thai Lsald plans, apoclflcatlona and esti mates for tha Improvement of tho said portions of aald atreet. and I llomuntead Entry Ant Juno 1918. tin, 011983, tor K BW H . top on 1" binder on 3 4" aaphalllc concreio base, of 84,321.57; or (b) Warrenite llltulithic pavement. 2" top on 4" bituminous concrete base. or type "A" Portland cement ron-' avenues, being the specifications and creto. or Vibrollthic or asphaltlc eatimatea attached to tho plans and 14. Section 15. Township 41, Range 11K. Willamette Meridian, ha. filed no sice of Intention la make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the Innd above deacrlbed, before ('. H. Dei.ap. Clerk County Court, at Klnmath Falla. Oreton, on th. 26th day nt A u a net. 1926. Claimant names aa witnesses: Sever O. Vlken. of Morrill. Ore ton. William II. Hatfield, ot Herrlll, Oregon. Oscar Hammell, nf Merrill Oregon,, Richard Walah, ot Marin, Oregon. F. P. LIGHT, Register. Jul 20-Aut. 20 inc. NftTICK MUX ITBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Ijind OfOce nt ljkevlew, Ore, July 13. 1926. Notice it given I hot 'William M. Raymond, of Dorr is, California, who, on December 18, 1922, tntdn concrete, 2 top, 1" binder on 4 naphnltlc concreio baae. of 84. 587.46; or for (rl Wnrrenito Illtu litlilo pavement, 2" top on 4" crush ed rock base, or aaphalllc concrete, 2" top. 1" binder on 4" crushed rock bnan, of 84.144.31; aald esti mates to Include engineering, au estimates filed herein on Juno 17, 1920, bo and the aamo are hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tho Common Council hereby declared lis Intention to Improve said portions of .aid street and avenues in accordance with said pervislon, advertising, clerical aa-j plans, specifications and eatimatus atstance and untoraeen continten-j nam improvement to consist 01 pav cles; also, said estimates In olther! tut said portions of aald streeta and event, lo Include trading full width, building combination curb and gut ters, laying five-foot cement side walk on each side of said Improve- avenue, doaltnalnd for hard-surface pavement with (a I Type "A" Port land cement concrete, or Type "A" Vibrollthic or Warrenite Blthulithic. dnt'inn in V,J.,h L-.n VV ip n at the Council Chambers In resolution of the Common Council ' rolllhlc pavement: or (b) Warren- with parking alrlpa lo bo levoled(bi Warretillo Blthulithic 2" top Int. 7 in 1- in. hi i w ii i1 the City Hall of Klamath Falls Ore-' heretofore adopted, having on thejlte Bitullthie pavement, 2" top on and rolled, said pavement to bojon 4" crushed rock base, at an oa hlMk S' ill. T '1 .' a ton, be fixed aa the time and 'place' d"v o( Julv- 1926- 'Red plana. I 4" bituminous concrete baae; or as- thirty-six (.16) feet wide, all In ac- tlmalod cost. Including curbing, hock iin-.il f hink. iik 111 i for the hearing of obiectlona and 1 "Pecifiratlon and eatimates of thelphaltlc concrete, 2" top. 1" binder cordance with the said plans, sped- gutters, storm sewers, catch basins. Ill I'M t 11" in inri remonstrances against said proposed c,st Improving Sprint strectlon 4" asphaltlc concrete base, or flratlons and estimates filed July and embankments, for la) Type ana lni ' nf ..ii u' .J v, .' a J" improvement and from the north line of Main street I class "A" Portland cement concrete; I 9th. 1928; and "A" Portland cement concrete, or dRIon of Klamath r.M. Arnnn'i The Pol c. 1,1 h. and her.h.'to ,h onth "ne KPlnle. and ! or class "A" Vibrollthic pavement;: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Type "A" Vibrollthic or Warrenite ?ia n.,..f -lf.la.al.h,. ? ,?- ? 5 : I .. T..P i . ... h"'bJ,Wall street from the west line of or lc) Warrenite Bitullthie pave- BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that Illtnlllhlc. 2" top on 4" cruahed scribed .Zh . i. .3. ii ; Le. i .HUh.T.7v , "t"11 to 1ho et Hno ofjment. 2" top on 4" crushed rock tho property . hereinafter described rock base, of 121.865.60; and for In. , 1,K i i 111 ter r,?ovlded puM,t"! " by char- Broad atreet. to be known aa lm- base; or asphaltlc concrete. 2" top. be and hereby Is declared to bo lb) Warrenlio Bltulllblc. 2" top on f'.r.afr'&r I provemont UnU Number 63. and th.,1" binder on 4- cruahed rock baae; I benefited, lo-wlt: , 1"". '. J1A?'' CO- L.OIS 1, 6. a, a, v and lu in oiocx aaia .aiini.ie. in euner event. 10 in- Addition. and eaaterly from a line County of Klamath drawn from the southwest corner nf City of Klamath Falls ng taken same under at an estimated coat, including advlaement and finding said plans. ' ment sidewalks, curbing, gutters lot 7 hlnrlr mi .....j, . , , . n . "P'-'cn icauons and eatimates sat s- .no or.inago tor (ai vvarronue lot 3. block 104 southwesterly to' I. Lem L. flaghagen. Police Judgo fectorv- Bitullthie pavomcnt H4" top on the most southerly do nt or corncrinf ih riiv nf k-,.n...h i-.n. n... ...... . . ' . ". .. t M nf hinck ui nt .,H n...n. vi.. 1 ........... nr. ,, nr.itr.iiT nr.nui.v r.ii mat 1 a ti in luminous concrete o.se, or AddiUon- then,, iln.h.n.rl. ! K?' 7" ) lh ,0.re- "l Plna. apeclflcationa and estl-! asuhnlllr concrete. 1V4" top. 1- bin- nf tL ' .dy..''n. "u? 2", J!.?."""" ' th Improvement of tho , der on a asphaltlc concrete baw; ,. ... . '""""" " " ,"" ic""iii't"u. aaig nnriions of an d streets, he n. or class "tv port and cement con avenue- ihee nih.rlv . " -la" Vibrollthic most southerlv nnint ' .,,' S'T"1 regular meeting held , ached to the plan, and estimate, pavem.nt. of 8U.213.60; for (b) MM block 14 "said Buena vJ l?,2r " ' J",y'! '"- "erein on July u.h. 1926. be '. Warrenite Bitulilhlc pavement. 2" Addition I ,K.4.m."InrtF.B.,!:.n"oreVg'on",192C' LEM U GAGIIAGEN. JnS h-h" TZZ TAZZ- I me property benefited 4s all of '....). .... the property embraced within the,' iv'ow """ following boundaries: Police Judge. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, dor on; 4". asphaltlc concrete haso; 88: and lots 3, 4, G, B. 7 and 8 In elude engineering, supervision, ad block 86, all In Klamath Addition vortlalnt. clnrlcal assistance and to Klamath Falla, Oregon; and that unforaeen contingencies; and 110,-1 Proof, o establish rlnlm to tho Hoction 6, Township 4 IS., Kongo 7E. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako Thro. Year Proof, lo establish claim to tho land above ' deacribod, before O. R. Del,ap. Clork ot tlio County Court, at - Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the S.trd day of Autust, 1926, Clnlmnnt namoa as wltnoaaoo: W. L,. Ilolloy. of .Bnnwlck, Calif. Jesse II Ith, of Dorrla, Calif. N. E. Hponcor. of llaswlrk. Calif. Ilims Olson, of Dorrls, fallf. V. P. LKIIIT, Iteglator. Jl Al 4nc. NOTICE Fort PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakovlow, Or.. July 3, 1926. Notice is hereby given that Clif ford Warner Sovlta. of Dorrla, Cali fornia, who. on November 13. 1024. I made Homeatoad Entry Act Juno I), 1918, No. 012336, for lot I. HW swii and N4j8W4,, Koctlon' tt. Township 40H., Range 7E., WII lamotto Meridian, haa filed, notice of Intontlon lo mako Throb Yenr aald property above described be! 865.00 for aald portion of snld lm nnd hereby I. declared to bo bono- provement lo bo paved with water filed and aaseaaed for the expense ! bound mnradnin, marndnm, or other ot snld Improvement: and j pnvement oilier than hard surface BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED! pavement, all In accordance with that Monday, the 16th day of Aug- tho said plans, specifications and list, 1926, at tho hour of 8 o'clock estimates, nnd with lhe plana and p. ni., at tho Council Chamber. In , estimates riled Juno 17, 1926 tho City Hall of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, he fixed as the time and place that the Common Council hereby or cla "A" Portland; cement con-1 for tho hearing of objections and Classified advertising In THE i declares its intention to Improve i crete; pr class "A" Vibrollthic pave-j remonstrances against snld proposed Beginning at the renter of the! .u.rt wanra v.. ai.i I said portions of said streets In ac- ment. of 111.844.66 or for (r) Improvement; and ne """ - " i cirdance wllh anld plans, apeclflct-1 Wiirrenlte llltulithic . pavement, 2"' The Police Judne lie nnd hn hern- Intersection (if California even and Conger avenue In tbo City of (lends. Us. tbem tor profit. Hons and estimates. Said Improve- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL that I lie property hereinafter deacrlbed bo and hereby is declared to bo benefited, to-wlt: Irfits 2 nnd 3, Block 1; nil nf land above described, before C. H. Dolntp. Clerk County Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 20th duy nt August, 1926. Clnlmant names as wltucami: Elwood Roberts, of Klamath Falls, Oregon. J. J. Hlalger, of Medford, Oregon. M. (I. High, of Dorrls, California,. I. H, Roblnaon, of Dorrla, (nil. fornia. F. P. LItlllT, Uc.lsler. J14 A14 Inc. top on 4" crushed rock base; or hy Is directed lu cause notice of Illork 2; and Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, For rosiiU use News CIjss ..da, (