TUB KLAMATH NEWS Erickson's Bond Fixed at $4000 By Justice Peace At a Into hour lust night Kit F.rlcksuu hud nut obtained hl 1 4000 ho ii (I for release from lh county Jail where ha waa lodged Sun Jay night, charged wlih drlv imk I he death car In which C Victor Andreati. Wlul-kse carpen ter, niH lili death. Krlckaon win formally charted with manslaughter yesterday af ternoon, the charge being filed by W. A. Wlrat, assistant district at torney, ailing In I ho absence of K. I., K.I I lot I who la u Incut from the city. According to Justice It. A. Km mitt Krl.k.on will ho nlvi-ii a chance to uhluln bondsmen through hla attorney today. He la given uutll July 2J. at 10 a. nt., to ro-i iH.Ia t. n . . . I II... 1 1 i i r ...... ni'imr .nuiluing HUB been retained by Krlckaon. It la anticipated thai friends of the Dorrla man win arrive hum today from tlm northern California ronuminlly to tio hla bond. Thursday, July 22, 192fl Page Five Stop Forest Fires Drive Proved Pronounced Success Orpheus Offering "Love and Glory" To Movie Fans HANK TKLLKIt HHOKT; ' MINT AT GAMBLING! OBITUARY AMIItKAN rlF.HVICKM Funeral services for tlm lata Carl Victor Amlrran will be held Krlday. July 2J. at 10 o'clock a. m. at tha Earl Whltlock funeral home. I'lne avenue at Sixth. Iiilexment 4 will be made In I.lnkvillo remoter?. . .1. Above picture shows Inauguru lloli of the drive by the Hlop Koreat Klri-a association, aponaort-d by the county chamber of commerce. Thla picture waa tuki-n Just previous to the drive In which the Hoy Hrouta and Camp Fire (ilrla participated. Sis. Ihouaand pl'daea were ee- rured from the residents of Klam ath Fall, wherein each algnrd pro-mlai-a to do everything In hla or her power to prevent the deatruc llon of our greatest reaource lumlierlnii mid lu order to carry out the provlalona of the pit-due, I In northern California, with Yreka each and every alienor will endeavor the headquartera, and ' effort la to atop the fire fiend from daman-, to be made to alien every' resident liiK local prcp'-rty. Thua, the pro-! In that act I Ion of thu (olden weat perty owuera of Klamath Falla andlatale. surrounding town are aaaured of In the accompanying picture better protection. I Chief Keith Ambroae of the Klam-1 careful acting, ordinary extra peo- Sloo Koreat Klrea had lt origin, alh Kalla fire department la ahown, P'e couio noi oe empioea. In Klumath Kalla three yeara ego aa la alao Mayor K. II. Goddard. and ao aucreaaful haa been tlio re-) Chief Ambroae aliened a card pre- CIIICACO. July 21. (United Newa) Arthur Glmmottl. bank tel. ' lor. told police he lost 111.000 President Polnrarc, George- Clem-j mbmK , , attempt to refund 1'elaln and LitXena. .r.nftA hlch hail been sli.len frnrti hla cage In the Market Tradera State bank. paving nv CHM K INSTEAD OF MONEY enceau, Joffre of other French celebrities, aa wjll aa ambasaadora from foreign coun trlea, all exact dnpllcatea of the originals, made up the hlghest prlced crowd of "atmoapbere" alnee "The Btranger'a Kanijuot," when. .. t ' I , ... Tl .. ...... 1..IUn .., v"" ""'-- NEWARK. N. J.. July 21 .... .......,.. w. Newa) Aa a safeguard agalnat of Honor croeaea to French heroea. , , ... . , ,, , , . , . payroll holdupa the public aervice Well known picture playera, cho-!' ... .... . ,,. , I corporation and Ita aubaidlarlca have un for fhelr Kenerul llkeneaaea to' , , ... . t. ' . . . ! announced me ceivuriliea 10 uv purirueu, aiiu SHOES REPAIRED While Yoa Walt JACK FROST WOItK GU)VE8 FOR LEM 110 Ho. 01 b St. Flrat Door From Mala St. Kodak Albums - . (Unit. ji Underwood's Pharmacy ' 1 agalnat ww'..w made up from photographa, did the work of ."extra." for mpat of the celabrltiea In the gathering wero but "atmoapbere." Still, becauae of the need for exact makeup and that henceforth they will pay their employea by check. Men' Bill Folds 50c to $7.00 Underwood's Pharmacy ault that other rommunlllea alml- ente,i by a Hoy Scout and Mayor! PHONE laoo WESTERN TRANSFER COMPANY 410 MAIN TRANHFEK AND DRAYINO For results use Newa Claaa Ada. larly plan. alluated have adopted same ! (ioddurd algned a card presented I Do Koche. Madge Bellamy, A drive l now under way by a Camp Fire Slrl. MIIH. MI.N.MK W.lltK Funeral aervlcea for Mra. .Minnie May Ware will be held thla after noon at 2:30 o'clock at the Karl Whltlock funeral home. Interment following In I.lnkvillo cemetery. Itev. Slmmona officiating. Iowa Farmers Get I Edward Croisan Is j Hostile French Recognition In Collector Customs; ! Hoot Americans Iowa Convention! Stanfield Choice! Visiting Paris J)ES MOINKH. la.. July 21 (I'nlted Newa) lowa'a atate rep ublican convention today waa like a firecracker which failed to ex plode and tho powder In It la be ing aaved for future demonatra tlona before congresa. Touched off by the keynote speech of Dan W. Turner of Corn ing. II alxtled and adjourned after adopting a ael of hnrmlrsa resolu tion i , k ... tlona. The moat vociferoua of WII.I.1AM KI.WKY jtheae reolced "In the prosperity ?.?.' ",rV,W- fr "" " Induatrlal Amerlc." and In.lat- W I lam Thorn.. Kinney will .be , d (h.t ..,, 0)porluny ,or prosperity be extended to agrl- held today at 4 o'clock p. m. at 'the Earl Whltlock funornl home. I'iue avenue at Sixth. Interment will be made In I.lnkvillo cemetery. (HKHTF.K UNKKMIACII Funeral aervlcea for the late Cheater I.lukenbarh were held yes terday afternoon at the Karl Whlt lock funeral home. Rvr. Rice of ficiated at the chapel and the grave. Mra. J. L. Johnson render ed two aoloa. Interment followed In I.lnkvillo cemetery.' Pall hearers were Ivan Maker. T. S. Hutchinson. Ed. Cofr. Net. 11.11. Van Fowler and Ray Rhode.. culture." Turner', address, full of thing, which might have been made pol itical dynamite, made a louder noise than did the action of the convention group Itself. Tho key noter pralaed lowdeu'a leader ship In the struggle for agricultural equality, criticised the Coolldge at titude on the aanto question, at the I same time lauding hla record of economy, welcomed ' Hrookhart. (scored tho agricultural policlea of ! Me Urn and Judiue, .threatened the tariff If it falls to protect agri culture and told the country that Iowa and the mlddlea west "have for the farm 1UIMIK AMAIIIStHI Jlosle. aeven montha daughter ofJ""1 hran 10 "k1" Mr. and Mr.. Amblsco. passed away I rcl,,,f- . . l : In tnia city last evening, following an lllnesa of several daya. The re mains are In rare of the Karl Whlt lock funernl home, I'lne avenue at Sixth. Announcement of funeral will bo madu Inter. Cleaners, Dyers Strike Brings Out Police Riot Squad Realty Transfers Fillnga from p. m.. July 20 to 3:30 p. m., July tt, 19:'. It. Dlaslng et ux to Mary Rus sell. Lakevlrw Addition, lota 7, 8, block 60. lintel A. King i-t vlr to Olaf R. Olson. Second Addition to Chlln qulu. lot 2, block 8. Tho K. I). Co. to A. I.. Moorhead. lluena Vista Addition, lots II, 13, block 109. The K. I). Co. to A. I.. Moor head, lluena Vlata Addition, lot 14. block 109. I.add Kslato Company to T. I. Henderson. Industrial Addition, lot 2, block 10. K. M. Chllcoto el ux and I). M. Smith rt tlx lo Fred I., Houston. Mills Addition, lot 612, block 102. Religious Fires Are Smoldering In Fort Worth FORT WORTH, Tex., July 21. (United Now.) Funning tho fires of religious hatred which have long 1)een .mouldering In thla commun ity, J. J. Mli'klo. public rotation director of the Flrat Ilaptlst church ihrre, Issued a atnlemcnt today charging that men of Catholic failh 1omlimto tha grnnd Jury Invest I- I.OS ANOK1.KS. July 21. Uni ted News) Demonstrations which Inched violence, but aent aqu.da of police to a doien acenea In response to riot calls, marked the first day of a strike called today by "clean ers' and dyers' union 186." Two thousand union members, representing both sexes, walked out. Their demands included a closed shop, a 4 4-hour week, time and a half for overtime work and a mini mum wage ecnlo running from I2!i I lo 160 weekly. I The Mrlko affects 72 ahops. 'pelican community i club entertains I The Pelican City Community club I held Its regular monthly meeting last night which was attended by o lnrgo number of members. Follow ing the busliese that was pending being transacted those present were entertained with ton fast rounds of boxing. . Cyclone Williams, ono of the cloverost lightweights ever seen In action In this section, and Mlko Daley, a lad of much promise, gave an exhibition bout that was well re ceived. Thoy were followed by Johnny Dates and Rudle Meyers who made an excellent showing and who pleased tho crowd Iminenenly. It la hoped to liavo these boxors entertain again In tho near future gating tho slaying of D. K. Chipps, I MOl'NT WASHINGTON IH wealthy business man. ! FOUND COOI, I'l.ACK Chipps was ahot and hilled Inst. Saturday by the Rov. J. Frank Nor-1 MOUNT WASHINGTON. N. II.. rls, paslor of the Baptist church, I '"'J' 21. (United Now.) While who anid ho fired In self defense. most of New England Is awelterlng Tho spooling occurred In hla study In tho church. Ho wn ad mitted to 'Will and tho grand Jury Jin boon Investigating tho affnlr Inre Tuesday. For resulta use Newa Clas. A1,. In tha holiest weather of the year. 20 feet of snow Is reported on one section of Mount Washington. The snow haa nover before remained so late In tho season an weather of ficiate believe that It will last throughout tha summer. Gift Perfumes . Box Stationery 50c to $17 Underwood's Pharmacy WASHINGTON. July 21. (Unl- PARIS, July 21. (Unitod New.) ted News) Kdward M. Croisan ofj Aa thousand, of hostile French- fialem. former sheriff of Marlon men gwarmeiI ,round ,he houMt county, farmer and politician, will . . , ... ... , .. . ... , . ' , of parliament tc-nlght following the lie I liM iiitvf enllMCtnr nf niHlnmi for1 the district of Oregon. Ilia namej was' agreed on by Senatora Mc-1 Nary and Htanfleld at a conference thla morning and the recomiuenda-j Hon will go at once to the Presl-j dent so a recess appointment can1 be made. i Croisan waa a supporter of Sena tor Stanfield In the recent primary campaign, he also la an old friend and aupporter of Senator McNary. Ho thua answered the requirement that the appointee bo a friend of both candidates. Chicago Secures Dempsey-Tunney Heavyweight Bout j ofc llerriot cabinet a resignation - a nlghtseelng automobile carrying many American, crossed the Con corde bridge and waa sighted by some of the French demonstrators. Tho automobile waa soon sur rounded by a hissing, hooting crowd. Insults were hurled at the American, and one of the dem onstrators Jumped on the running board and attempted to strike trusted lour,"t wl,h nl He wa. ar- roated Immediately. Once the Americana and other sightseers .were, .out of sight the mob centered Us attention on com munist deputies who were attempt- I ing to leave the chamber of dep- nea were awung at. the head of Communist- Deputy; M.I . ClUCAGO. July 21. (United ' Coutourler d another communist Now.) Tex Richard announced def-1 Parliamentarian was chased to a Inltoly tonight, that, Jack Dejnp3cy 'i!,hJr whore ho,.found refugo.. In will defend hhi 'havv-lght Mtle(11 parts, of . I'arla the acrne. being against Gene Tunnoy here on theleni,ct1 ,n ,he hamlr.had - fl.rnrun of Kenti.ml.er 1 1 In . ten. action. V cniaDie rioia were pre round bout. A referee, delcston will the contest, which. Is lo be staged j ,0 "Pfd their last franca. In ono of tho hall parka or att . Soldiers' field, the New York pro-j long War KringS Geno Normile. Dempsey's man ager, denied that tho champion haa a contrort with Doc Krone and Hil ly Clements to fight Harry Wills hero In September under the aus pices of the Chicago Coliseum club. Clements said the contract was valid, however, and that Rirkard would be enjoined by the courts If he attempted to go through with hla plana. Neither group of promoter, has been given a permit by the - new stale boxing commission, hut both say they uro confident It will be forthcoming oh application. The remarkable scene was taken In ''Love and Glory," and featuring; an all-star cast Including Charles Ford Sterling, Wallace MacDonald, Gib son Rowland, Charles De Rarenne and Prlscllla Dean Moran. The pic-1 tore conies lo tho Orpheus thea tre today and tomorrow. In the arene In the Salon of Honor, at which heroea of various wara are preaenled with medals: of honor. Jules De Br lac enacted tho part of Polncare. Almost the' French president's duplicate physl-' rally, a carefully applied beard and facial line, made him the living im-j age of the man Imitated. Kate Les ter appeared a. the ducheas who, aided him In distributing the hon ors. The story itself, while laid in! France, and extending over a life-j lime, .how. the principal character, tint .a. youth., and later, in the modern sequence., as aged folk, j Charles De Roche. Madge Bellamy, and Wallace MacDonald, first ap-! peering as young people, are made: up aa people of fully seventy yeara! of age at the close of the story. 'This Is Julian's first big pro-! ducllon since he made "Merry Go' Round," one of last season's tri umphs. To . make a program complete there will be ahown the Internation al News. "Beauty and the Bandit," and .' "A Lucky Accident," two of the best and most popular come dies that hare' been screened In a long time. Popular prices prevail. Icipltated at department store, dur- rfeeMe ,n "", ,' b? Purchaser. anxious Another Death In Coast City , GRASS KIRK . A grass fire at the corner of Eighth and Pine streets shortly af ter 2 o'clock today callod the Klam ath Fall, fire department out for 10 minutes. There was no dam age, according to Keith Ambrose, fire chief. Central Europe Friendly Towards United States ' VIKNNA, July 21. (United Newa I Central Kurope almost un touched by demada from the Uni ted Stales for debt payments, feols envy rathnr than lilttorncss for America and her people. While France and Kngland feel the pinch of straitened finances, partly as a result of American debt demands, Hungary, Bulgaria. Ciecho-Slovakia and Jugo-Slavia re member the sympathetic attitude of Woodrow-Wilson, the postwar relief from the United Statea and moat recently the $00,000 gift to Hun gary mode by Joremlah Smith of Boston. ' i Whore thero Is blame for the United Statos that blame Is chiefly directed at American bankers and Is confined for tho most part to central Kuropran socialists. CARD OF THAN Kit We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation for the many kind expressions of sympathy, also for the 'beautiful floral tributes tendered during our rocont ber eavement in the loss of a beloved husband, son and hrothor. Mrs. Chester Llnkenbach, William Llnkenbach. Kugene Linkenl-ach Lulu Llnkenbach. v Jack Llnkenbach. J!2 HKHKKI.KV, Cel.. July 21. (United News Continuation of the Pacific coast long war resulted In another killing here today. '" Gee Wong. 60. of the Hop Sing!?"' tong, was shot to death by assail ants who, according to the police, were members of a rival organisa tion, the Blng Kongs. Another Chinese was shot and may die. Ono arrest waa made. Tho feud now haa claimed the lives of aeven Hop Sings and one Ring Kong. It started with Internal dissension In tho Hop Sing. J Auto Sponges 50c to $2.00 Underwood's Pharmacy Kelicble Painters F. R. OLDS 902 Klamath. Phone 192-W sMaM'iaVkaaaai)' ItAKKIlM HTKAMNO MILLIONS KAYS OHIO HKPIlKHKNT.VriVK BUFFALO. N. Y July 21. (United Newa) Bakera of New York stale are dealing 820,000. 000 annually from conaumers, ac cording to representative Charles Brand, Ohio. He said the bakera are selling a 13 ounce loaf of bread for eight or nine cents, whereas in other statea a 16 ounce loaf must sell for the same price. NOTK'K BIDS WANTKI) Tho Public Library Board, of the City of Klamath Falls, Klnm ath Cflunty. Oregon, will receive sealed blda from contractors, for the erection and completion of a one atory and basement 'brick library building, until Monday. July 26, 1926. at 7:30 p. m. ' All blda must be . accompanied by either a certified check or a bidder's 1ond for five Tier cent (5) of full amount of hid. made payable to t. M. Bubh. Treasurer of the Public Library Board, Klam ath Palls, Oregon. The board reserves the right to accept any bid, or reject any or all bids. - , Plans and aperifloatlona -may be obtained from Chas. N. Coseboom, Underwood Bldg., Klamath Falls, Oregon. TUB PUIILIC LIBRARY BOARD Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Oregon. Mrs. J. . F. Gooller. Sec. J22-26 Inc. Alarm Clocks 98c to $4.50 Underwood's Pharmacy Houston-Jester Selling "Better Shoes for Less" j Semi-Annual CLEARANCE w-jgl Women's lP Shoes CGJ You can buy shoes at a . J great saving during this sale because they're real . ' ''ik '-"j jjjntto it t.-.-,v.R-.,. values.- ',''' ; Every pair is regular . H. '& J. stock smart ( Qgj N seasonable and of J"VO finest quality! See these values and you will realize why so 4as many of our customers 4 J Od ' are filling their shoe M needs for Fall during this event. , Pumps Patent black satin Fancy Strap Russia calf gray, white, parchment and Step-ins sautcrne kid. Oxfords Lunch Boxes (. $2.00 to $4.50 Underwood's Pharmacy Delicious Lunches Are Our Boast Savory, tempting merchants lunches are served by us at nominal prices. Our meats and sandwiches and salads, are especially prepared to suit the "hot weather appetite." OUR FOUNTAIN and ice cream parlor in connection with the lunch room will be appreciated by the whole family. THE BEST FOR LESS AT THE MARS $1.00 to $20 Underwood's Pharmacy $1.00 to $5.50 Underwood's Pharmacy fa'VaVVMVVVMaaBwav,rB(av,