The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 22, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    PggeFour , ' j Thursday. July 22. 192C. (
The Klamath News' 8houM not b JailMCd to; Sympathy Colors Garden Party of Chemical Tricks . ,
A ill, iMttiiiaui 1 ..?. a communicable disease. " . "Y, . n n j it j itt I
,r,cu,r-por..-..y.fKu.! The statutes of Oregon pro- Attitude t ranee King George to Used m Making
,.h .n,. Kim..h roun.y ) vide that no prisoner can be. National Capital Be Largest Ever; Of nine, Keer
Jiolil in solitary confinement. ' o
vnn'iu nncv 11. I ,ii(,ir . . - ,
...w. hence the intermingling of; washinoton. July il. U'uit-i London, Ju;y
:i - - (Trilled
ed News) Kegrct and sympathy NVws) The world's l-irsest gardeu .
What are the authorities go-, color tho dominant altitude henv Party oil) ho staged Thursday
' rail Lmrt wire
(fonirest In the World.
Delivered by carrier, month .. 9
Outside KUmatb Oouny 5-00 might prove a
All Subscriptions Payable in Advance
WASHINGTON, July Jl. (ful
led Now) Mauufncluro of beer
and wins by thouilcul 1 1 U ka with
mult ! ml grupo Juice In beginning
to rival the extent of the bootleg
thousand people - -five """" "" """"
treatment? County charges out of the attacks 6n the American hundred of thwu- vUitiug Amerl-j llt' discloses,
suf ferine from ailments are ''debt funding policy, and the per-1 cau.-hnve be.. v'lt,d and none I Attempt, are being mndo to pro-
-.-..-.J - K l-.l ...Hlll In.llfnitl.m 111 fftrtil hv Am
UI'HWU lu w 4"'i " .... .... : 1 r.n in.. ' malt tonic sold by drii. stores, with
Publish .very morning ept w,. wilh ,her prisoners.
Monday by The Klamath New. Pub-(
llshiua Company at 10S-1SJ South ; What are the authorities ei
Fifth .trect. Klamath fv... Oregon.; . . . . . ... , T- .I... . ., ,, , .,, .i,, I beautiful ground.- of Mucking-
NATE OTTERBEIN ... 'resident " , , ham palace. King Ooorge'a home
BYRON H. HUHD Vice President ; no way whereby this man can ( This teellug almost entirely ow!hii wn,r of London.
. . . e sent some Place 10 receive ; shadow, any resentment growing Fifteen thousand people - five
. payers
..... -I.... I...... ............ ... ..-I.....
, ierlcan official, believe thl. govern-; rually Kins (leorgo hold two or "" " " "- ....- .. .........
Iax' ..... , K-i... .i iv'more aard. n unrti... Jt.rinc Hi,.; near Iwer. by nddlnx yeast to wort nritanlialloii from lvern ci.lleK...
and even though it ... . i..,.i .n,i uh. i .octal but thb.1""- '" '.: t browlnK.of which lioff u inember.
little COStlV U ... ..... ,. f year the aeneral. .Hike at Ma:'" ' u-'" "' urape.
StibMTlbr falttnc to receive
Kper, call Circulation tvpartment I
ib 1 inri m ani ronr "lUnU
wtti o .em la you.
Entered aa .econd clans matter at
th. postoffice at Klamath Falls. Ore
pon. November 1&. 1923, under act
of March 1. 1S7.
Tele.krae S7T
who ran attend will he
of the
ment a
mlarvpreaented l 1-ondon and with-! "
out excuse, lit the case of fran-e;
it is reallied here that her extreme;
ifinanlcal difflcullle. and tho uncer-I
j taintiea which so closely relate'
'to the lives of the people have!
i.immI a nervous Mato w hich ex-!
are entitled to every consid-cu,s ,.,, v( ,he biiemcss toward j
1 eratioll. All men are Slip-'tht. country. Kncland. however.!
' posed to be innocent until has no such crisis to worry her and(
j proven guilty, but even though n ,he VuU"x s!'"'!
Grants Pass Boy
Drowned to Save
Life of Another
(1 RANTS PASS, July tl. (I'nlt
d Naw.l The Kokuo river clulm
ed two victims toduy when Howard
Huff, 30, college student of (Hon
dora. lalif., wn. drowned, and Hteve
Maxey of (Iruntn Pas... lout his
life while tryluK I" roarm. lloff.
K The truitfdy occurred durliiK a' beli.K Klvcii In honor of
hi ml towns il recent relisu. her.
shows exiiilly one iiiuIb for every
feniiile, unit lli.t iMnlnlnliiK 1207
III. lues.
America s
would be money well expend-
th,ir ed if the health of the corn-
is conserved.
Certainly men held in jail
schedule back so that he has had
to Invite an entire ncuson'. Tar
dea party ituesta to one function.
Belgrade Cyclone
Takes Toll Forty
Known Dead
Mciaber Andit Iturrau of Circulation
The general public is apt to'
they should be guilty is
no reason why the law should
not be humanly enforced.
Penal institutions were never
intended to deny just treat
ment to those confined. In
are therefore
which are beli.K shipped In cnr-1 IASSACHl"SITTs MK
load lots from California and fliul- HAMK IN MMIIKII
litis a ready and profitable market.
These are surface ludlcatlnus of
an Industry that is rontlniuilly kept
alive by tiuturnl American Ingenu
ity and probably is at its height
right now.
"It will never stop as loitaj as a
new way ran be found to get alco
hol and mix It Into a beverage
and there are of ways
POXIlOltn. .Mass.. July St.
(I'liltcd News) leplte the gen
eral assumption I hut there la an
ei-eiM ef females In moNt New Kng-
Msil I Ok' tor copy ol
ZZ new. Oil Mrnrv! recipe
rrlHH.k showing SI X I V
new recipes. Write
Wlllumien Can t Co.
! case or sickness the nrisoner
be disappointed nowadays if; is aiw-aVs civen the most care-i
less understandable i
j llELUKADK. Serbia. July II.
. ! (I'nited News) Forty persous are
j officially reported dead and iin.j11 """"'I ' J
i ficial estimates place the toll of thcre'a always some one to pay
lives at 101) ftVlow'inR i -o1one,l ,h' Pri'-'".
and cloud!-urst. at Kjsowo. Ser-! Thl" ,n "Pi"'"" of an expert
bla. . 'it V I!i who la in such close contact with
Many war killed III collapsing ' ,ne ''lutry through his official
house, while others were' caught 1 p0,"loa n" m""' l kept, anon
under wreikage and drowned. Mnous. lie has walclu-d It de-
.... ' v.'Uip from the start and knows all
de sirous that th6 penalty and nritteh Columbia are lraminc . nfn-ond ehmd burnt at -Kruscta-' chrmU'ol Irlrk of tho trado.
Realtors Gather
For Convention
Convening Today
LA GRANDE, July II. Realtors
a paper does not carry scare-! ful attention because the state: trom four states in the northwest:
Brownie Cameras '
$2.50 to $5.00
Underwood's Pharmacy
prescribed by law be judicious-, into Lagrande for the opening ot:,IXi nr Belgrade.
lv enacted ' ,he tenth, annual convention oi inei
' Vptrhn..M he t.knn nflr"t"C nnh1 a,M"! INTENSE WAVE OF
( elation here Thursday. i
of the county jail and if OC-. Tn! cararan that left Portland;
casioil demands be sent to a Wednesday morning arrived here;
hospital for treatment. Hebout 9 p. .. being piloted from, f"' r f
should be taken out for two! Pen1,,on 6y w""m pre"
. , . dent of the local convention com
reasons: mat, ne may
contaminate his fellow pns-jtorJ
, oners, and that he may be!
head excitement. Just as
some people are always ready
for-'a fire or a dog-fight, cer
tain elements are never satis
lied without a scrap of some
sori. For that reason a gen
uinely attractive sheet is not
always accepted as such. If
it isn't in the game of mud
slinging the editor must be all
. .. t 'given the same privileges that j HERRIOT CABINET
- '"'".are afforded all. American cit
ning a paper one is to cut-up ; .
antics, the other is to do legit- j J ,
imaie uuauiess. legitimate
business we think is to con
serve and develop local inter
ests, and to give all the news
that's fit to print. It would
be easy enough to encourage
a mad-dog scare and make! fer to the committee on traffic)
everything appear topsv-tur-i regulation a auggestkra that they!
! General Wood Has
heat is broken Resigned Governor
i General Islands
The Open Forum
day night. The thermometer
New York had reached 96
committee of real-! York's death total from the present'
ware la seven.
The inland citle. of New York
reported temperatures as high as
xt rDAHirr RT 0AQ I tp tnose on the coast. Sections of
IN FKAnit. DLAJ W J Uf Pmylnniu experienced th. hot-
test weatnor recorded in tula cen
i tury.
Nw News) Il Is
July II. (fnlted
learned from a usu
ally reliable source that Coventor
General leonard Wood bus sent
his resignation to President Coolldgn
with tho request that It be ac
cepted whenever tho President,
Editor News: ' -
Perhaps it is not too late to of-
(Continued From Tago One)
can guardsmen were forced to Five deaths attributed to heat j tho Philippines, waa appointed by
break up a mob of 1500 persons.werereportedlnthePittsburghdls- r.u.n.i. ... r,i... .
who seethed around the entrance toitrict during tho past ! hours. surrey of the islands, fnited New.'
the chamber and shouted -down; Toll of IT Uvea ! dispatches from j Manila Indlcnied
with Herriot." j Reports from Tarlnui rltlea of the belief there that (ioveruor ien-!
Money N Abwrbed j New England say the torrid tem-'eral Wood .was about to retire and!
De Monxie told tne deputies mai peraturea hare taken a toll of 17thnt Thompson might bo named for
the 60.000.000 franca, approximate-1 lives since the first of the week. I the post.
ly $1,100,000, which remained in; in Washington five prostrations I
enough hysteria in the world
already. For ourselves we will
stick to the program of print
ing a good paper, and let it
go at that
considered, tne eunujauon ot it aorbed be,ore lac cl05e ot
hand turna on Mam street. .- l-.
vey. cut 10 our mind inere 1S; uu the treasury, probably would be : were reported as the mercury soared ' 1 ma n
.. . .... Il,k aliml.lln. f l,.f. 1 .......... k . . r ' i Sttnnl flM IIaIIam "
XtlldLA Ull aHL'llUIi .
By London Press
Somewhat Tamer
' M.
"On July 15." he said
laux wrote asking the
France to remit the residue of the
Morgan loan to the treasury. The
bank replied July 19 that parlia
mentary authorization would be
necessary. I received that letter
only this morning.
"On Monday 131.000.000 francs
remained in the treasury. Tuesday
busi-i (o 104 at 3 o' In the afternoon.
Thia mark broke' nil-July records.
Call-' Many bureau chiefs released their I
day from the equatorial tempera
tures. .. -J
The heat ware slsrted on the
west coast Sunday and began to mil
there were 165.000,000, today therel slowly eastward, reaching the At
i Consideration of Main street
! traffic indicates that such turns
! not only slow- up traffic during
busy hours, but frequently endan
I ger the lires ot pedestrians crossing
j intersections. , '
Of motorist, who make left hand
Klamath county, and espec-' tttrn' "0,md ,r,fn' buo-" l
. t street intersections the proportion
lally Sheriff Hawkins, is in a -who do so at low speed i. email.
dpcirlprt nrpHicampnt land for a large car to make the
A Drisoner held in ihe eniin ,UTn ln'POMible. " r- were only 6S.000.000. I intend to lantic seaboard Tuesday.
... j en well out Into the Intersecting
ty jail with a communicable street
disease endangerin;
of the other inmates, is cer
tainly a serious problem.
R. Wetzel, held upon a
Charge of forgery, says he is ' driver can spare the time to make
in a serious condition. Phv-!t"ra off -Main atreet only to the
Kir-ian aHmit. ha in telling birKb'.
- .....
i .... 11. . i 1 . 1
uuLii.. ,ci ii:ere seems 10 Dei
Bank of suffering employe, before the of-
ficial closing time.
In Albany. N. Y., two dcathai ,,...r... , . .. , .
i were caused hv ,h. seorrhm, his,, MON. July II. - (l ,ed
.u AlA . l.Sows) As secretory of tho Treas
In Cleveland three died during the:
jury .Mellon s ooai irom mo uniieu
I States brings him nearer to dreat
j Hrilain, the lally Mall has altered
; its attack on the American debt
policy to suggest Inn. to thu Amer
ican finance chief himtielf.
lr. Mellon", opportunity," Is
short, traffic on streets parallel to
! Main Is usually light, and, except
for the city's fire apparatus. It is
reasonable to suppose that every
tell the truth to the country and .
the chamber, that I feel thi. sum; PACIFIC TERRACE
De Monzie then announced that
the government proposed to au-
(Contlnned From l'ao One)
the caption of the latest article of
tho Mall, series on the 1'nlled
.States. After referring to Mel-1
Ion's lamhng Friday the .Mull bids
him welcome "for his presence
on this side of the Atlantic during
at least between
I street and the Esplanade.
thorize the Bank of France to .ell 'by the California Oregon
fnri.7n enrrencv This, he nolnted 1 company, is com dI impi tarv to tho such critical hours may result
out. would raise the holdings of I foresight deemed neceanary to take 1 Immense service to the world."
francs by the bank and would per-jcare of the increasing demand fori Tho editorial strikes a calmer
mit further advances to the gov-! new residence sections wilh Initial! nolo than two preceding articles re-
no way of eliminating the dan
ger of contamination to which 1 CASCADE LINE NOT
the. prisoners, some of whom; -j-q QPEN AUG 19
are confined on minor charges,!
are subjected. j (Continued Frtmi I'aei One)
Wetzel has written
I garding the United State
service will not be known until the
.rnmiii i requirements for modern horn
The ministerial declaration, which; Muena ViMa addition, with the "Wo do not suppose Ihut Mellon
was read by Herriot previous to Io! laying of water mains 'now in prog-1 personally Is responsible for the
Monzie'a announcement regarding' ress and preparations for paving j statement regarding the British
the Bank of France Included the; California avenue and HIIMds ad-1 debt which Churchill had to con
following pointa: dltlon with the proposed Improve- tradlrt Monday," the Mail continue.
1 France will pay her war, ments. places the development of! "It probably was supplied for him
debts, but must remain Independ-' residence sections In Klamath Falls by homo Washington bureaucrat,
ent. . on Par w'tl' large city Improved I ".Mr. Jlellon has a reputation for
2 Refusal by the government of!uburban development program.. falrmlndcdness and Justness. We
' inflation and refusal to stabilize the , One of tho important and
! franc exclusively by foreign .up-: menscly beneficial factor, in
-Demand that foreign money
real estate demand, according to P. (debt question."
T. Henderson, manager of the1
, . . . . . . .
..News aSKing neip. lie IS not engineering department can deter
only thoughtful of' himself, ! mine how long it will take to for-
but seems to have the inter- ilr ,he uncertain places in the
ests of his fellow tirisr.nt.ra at trarkage and roadbed.
v tt , , , The delay in opening means also port,
heart. He says he has endeav-; DostDonement o ,. for the TrBil.j j.
ored to get into court to enter :to nail celebration at Eugene, one! kept abroad be "repatriated" and Klamath Development Company,- Is
a plea of guilty, hoping that of the features of which was to arrangement for opening accountable great preponderance of buying
h might be sent somewhere to llave 1,een a special train excursion; for foreign moneys in the Bonk of , for home building over speculative,
receive medical treatment. At lo I'"ke o"- ot ,h" man5'i Franre' I v!"th .l"Tu. "'e J"0." nd?CM of
scenic spots along this line. i institution ot taxation on an ; -nn srow-ui iu size anu :
element, entering into French crcd- Permanency.
it. I
Im-'hopo that hi. presence hero will
the bring about discussion of the whole
the same time he should be
removed from his present en
vironments where there is
danger of others becoming
similarly afflicted through as
sociation with him.
Popular Fiction
Underwood's Pharmacy
CIIAItl.lK vt;ii:HT WIN
IX)8 ANGELES. July II. (Unit
ed News) Charlie Weinert. Newark
heavvweiEht. won on a foul in the
An isolation hospital Would ' fourth round here tonight from
bo the only recourse, but Chuck Wiggins of Indianapolis.
Klamath County unfortunately j W iggins was in the lead at tho
has no "such animal," al-.lime ,ne Iow Wow as Mrutk-
This point was advanced
counterpart to sacrifices suffered
by holders of French securities.
B Itegulation of this tax to avoid
fraud and Introduction of a meas
ure regarding maximum taxation.
Tho official closing quotation of
the franc was 45.95 for tho dol
I lar.
though plans have practically!
been formulated for the es-
tablishment of such an insti
tution at an early date.
Thirty days hence we may
nae an isolation nospilal. But conforence In Finland by serving as; a railroad employe, asked to be al- niorly of Eugeno and once mem
What about Wetzel and thea bartender on a trans-Atlantic' lowed to spend the night In a cell j her "t "to Oregon legislature, but
Other prisoners? Should some: Hner. In a letter to the home; in the county jail. Once In the ; 'or vefal year, on officer of the
! DES MOINES. Ia.. July 21. j
((United News) ..naymond Hamilton j
worked his way to the Y. M. C. A. '
SPUING FIELD, Mo.. July 2!.
(United News) Fearing he was
losing his mind. M. O. Cook, 4 2.
BOSTON. July 21. 'United
News) Joe lllttick, apprehensive
lest school op?ns In Angnat Instead
of September, recruited nine other
boy. and led 11mm lo tho Qulncy
school where they .mashed. 72 win
dow, with brick.. In court each
of the boy. wa fined 915. '
I WASHINGTON, July 21.-MUnlt.
led New.) Vernon -Parson., for-
otner inmate contract the dis-j
case would Klamath county;
be subject to a dainege suit?!
Certainly prisoners are not
in jail of their own choice,'
and they have a right to be
treated as humans. They!
he say. he collected IIS In cell he hanged himself wilh his
U, 8.
years s
back from
to your health. Epsom
Salts is still the best
Physic take it in small
flavored tablets.
At yomr jrvgftit, 25c
Tin Knight Lbortone. Chicago
Children's Books j Crater Lake Pictures j j Perfume Atomizers Chamois Skins'
30c to $3.00 I 5c to $75 $1.25 to $20 10c to $2.50
Underwood's Pharmacy j Underwood's Pharmacy j Underwood's Pharmacy Underwood's Phdrmacy
Rubber Gloves
UnJcrwtukl's Phttrmacy
Dr. J. G. Coble Dr. L' J. Coble 700 Mai.
Dr. Goble
Eye. Examined, Olaaar. Fitted, Lenses ground In our own fao
tory to your Individual requirements. Quick service. Wa re
place any lense.
colder than ice?
If you could always have an icc-lmv
full of ice, it would lie almost cold enough.
Hut you can't. Today's cake of ice starts
niching at once the drip, drip of the
spout tcllsyou that the ice-box air is grow
ing warmer.
Run a wire to your refrigerator from
the lamp-socket. Install a compact, con
venient, practical ice-making unit. (Your
present ice-box can be made into an elec
tric refrigerator easily, if you like.)
See how dry, sweet and cold the air is
alisiayt. Day or night, the occasional
hum of the motor tells you that crisp,
frosty refrigeration is being delivered
electric refrigeration that keeps the tem
perature colder than ice possibly can.
Electric refrigeration is cjnict, simple
and dependable. It is a proven conveni
ence that will soon be in every modern
home. Let your dealer show you how
easily you can have it in yours on attrac
tive installment payments now!
Mrilford, Oregon
Roteluirg, Oregon
Grant. Pom, Oregon
Klamath Tails, Oregon
Yreka, California
Dunsmuir, California .
POWU company