THE KLAMATH NEWS Thursday. July 22, 1926 PaR Three PERSOMALS - Mr. auil Mm. (ileun Josler have moved Into their lovely new home ttn Kurln street. This In a fait growlDK residential dial rid of Kluiuath Kulls, un rilflc Tr ram, U becoming una of the uioet fashionable - homo sections In the clly. Among other horns to re cently he roiniilelfd In (hat dis trict arc those of Mr. anil Mrs. Hoy Durhln. iMr, anil Mra. Ilurney Nuud and Mr. and Mra. I'orry U. DeLap. J. O. llaniakor. Justice of Ilia pose of the lloiiansit dlstrlrt. -wus In tho clly ycalerdny for a shorl tlmo visiting with friends In llir court house vlclnlly. It. K. DcWevae left yeaterday mornlnK for Heaslde, where h will bo Joined by hla family and ro turn to Klamath Falla the latter part of tbe week. Mra. DoWceao aud family have been visiting dur ing (ha paat two weeks at the re aort. ' a Mlaa I.ydla Krli k. nurae of the Klamath county health nnlt. la ex pected to return to Klamath) Falla Monday, aflef eujnylng a two weeka Vacation in Raymond, Washing ton and coaat clllea. . . Mlaa Huliy Koaenateln and Vina forah lloaenatnln, resident of Oak land, are la Klamath county for a (hart time to vUU nlib tholr uncle, Louie I'olln and Iholr l-1 ter. Hetty Zolt, both of C'bllo(Uln. t J. F. MurMn la Included In the The Itlrla visited with I'ollu In I many out of town business vlsl Klamatb Falls yeaterday. j lora to apeud Wednesday In Klam- lath Falla. Martin la a well known Mra. Curt Setter returned to r,1(,nt.0f the Fort Klamalh coun- hit n'fme 10 oacramrnui ma i.i- i ter part ir the week, taking with her, Mlaa Yvonne, and her niece. Mlaa June Seller, daughter of Mr. nd Mra. It, F. Seller. Mrs. Setter la I former Klamath Falls resident and waa the house guest of Mra. Claude Davis during Iter rlalt hero. Rbo waa the Inspiration for number of delightful social af fairs during her stay In Klamath Falls. Mrs. Clarence Morrill, wife of tho ttste criminologist of Califor nia, (a III KhimaUt to visit for a few weeks with Mrs. Matt Kgan at Algoma. Mrs. Morrill wat ac companied north by her son fleer wood. Mrs. Morrill and Mr. Kgan were friends In California during Mrs. Kgaiis' residence thero. y Mrs. I. M. Duvls of (iranls I'.-ias, mother of laudo Davis of the Davis Furniture store on rSevroiih street. Is expected to arrlvo In Klamath Falls Friday to visit at the home cf her son and daughter-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Jamea Patlson ot Corvallls, parents ot Mrs. Hoy I.. I'atrkk. (Phyllis I'hiIsou), or expected (o arrlvo In tho city Fri day from tho valley (o visit with Mc and Mrs. Patrick for several weeks. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Whitby, of fljiOrande, parents of Joe Whitby ot the Whitman Drug company, arriv ed In the city yesterday for a two weeks visit with their son. Whitby Is chief boiler Inspector of the O. It. & N. or tho Union Pacific lines. ' Mum lintel II. McClellund. sec ond nurse of the Klamath county health unit, will leave the Utter part ot the week for hreltcnhuah Springs, in thn Wfllamotto valley, where sho will enjoy a part of her vacation. Miss McClelland will also visit with her brother Thomas K. McClelland, well known resi dent of Forest (Jroro. Mr. Anna Kuniagc, mother of Mrs. Carol Cornell, recent resident of Klamath Falls, rotttrned to her homo In San Francisco yester day after visiting with Mr. and Mm. tCornoll for the past few weeks. Mrs, Kumugo wus the In spiration for a lovely dinner party given by Mrs. Claudo Davis, lier nloce.l " , , .' Floyd Cook, who has .recently been elected as secretary of the state senate committee returned to Klamath Falls last night from Salom. where he has been for the past week. Mis Edna Flaektis of Concord, California, la expected to . visit In Klsmalh Falls v.llh friends uh! relatives for a fortnight. Mlsr Flackus Is the filoce of Theodore Flackns of Dairy nnri well known to fnhny of tin Klamath Fulls younger set. '' Fountain Pens Mra. Marlon Nino and child left (lie early part of Ilia week for To pansa llciirh, Paula Monica, Ciill lornla, where they will apt ml the summer visiting with frlenda. John M. Clover of tho Flrat No tlonul bunk force, la confined to hla homo with an attack of Ill ness. (2. T. Porter, who hu 1,een ser iously III for tho puat few monlha and who Buffered a relapse thla week, la .reported lo he unim proved by ninmbera of hla funilly. J o'n. Cox of the Mftrrlll mm hint dlatrlct. In the clly for a fer houra yeaterday afternoon to vlall with friends and look Into bual neaa nffilis In connection with hla ranch. Mm, l-nler Orfield lias resigned her poaltlon with iMoe'a store which ahe has held for tho paat year, and will he Identified In the near future with the Hurls Furni ture company as bookkeeper. Mrs. '. W. I-ewla waa a vlal tor In Klamath Falls yesterday af ternoon for a few hours from her home In tho Merrill district, where the Irwls ranch la located. J. A. Murray, barber of Merrill, with bis family apent yesterday In the city visiting with frlenda and shopping in the local Korea. ry Mrs. F. R. Ilnlcomh of Puns muir arrived In Klamath Falla thv early part ot the week to make her homo here. Mrs. Ilolromh formerly resided here and has scores of friends who welcome her return north. She is the daughter of Mra. U J.lndaey. llolcomb now has a run out of Klamath Falls on the Southern Pacific. Chnrle Duncan, former Klam ath Fall resident, is here for a few days from Fresno, where ho la now engaged In tho automobile business. Duncan drove tnge from Ashland to Klamath Fulls whilo residing In southern Oregon, R. 8. Glrason. who is putting up cnhlns and managing affairs of the Ijko of the Woods Itecreation company at Lake of the Woods, was -in the city for a few hours yesterday. According lo tileason. the cabins thut havo already been bnllt are filled and tourlsta are turning to take of tho Wooda from both Klamath Falls and .Mcdford and seeking more accomodations ) Miss Cecelia McMahan of Mliw Gertrude's Shop and her guests. Miss Mary MoMahnn of Portland and Carl Kckor and H. Stuyvellor, both of Sun Fmncbtco. left early yesterday 'morning to spend the day at Crutcr lake. This Is the first trip to the lake for Miss Mc Mahan and the Sun Francisco vis itors. Mrs. Karl Holland and Mrs. Calvin Hates, both prominent resi dent of the Spraguo Klver coun try, were visiting In Klamath Falls yesterday with friends. Among tho Klamath Falls par lies to enjoy past week-ends at Lake of the Woods were Mr. and Mrs. Ilyron Hsrdenbrook. Mr. and Mra. Paul Dalton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Houston. ' Tho latter wero hosts at the summer homo, "Idle wild" at tho lake. ' A porty ot the younger aot arc I leaving at t o'clock this evening; for Fort Croew. whore they will enjoy a welnlo roast and water melon supper. Mies Lorraine Connelly of Hose burg Is visiting In Klamalh Falls with friends. Mlaa Connolly visit ed In the clly the latter part of May. Mrs. . Frank Jl. Koblnspn and small son Alfred .Bruce, rosldontsj of Hollywood, aro visiting for aj few weeks in Klamalh Falls with J Mrs, Robinson's parents, Judge ana Mr. A. L. Lcavltt on Congor by. ontie. ' ' Miss Knlherlne Ulrlch, Miss Ruth Hun-hum of St. Helens, Roland and Armohd Ulrlch left - yesterday for the Ulrlch cabin at Hocky Point to apnd the "remainder of tho Week. ' Rubber Aprons' 75c to $2.75 Underwood's Phartnacy Former Resident Finds his City ; Is Fully Grown "(lee, whit, but you've grown up " aufd Cliurlea Duncan of Fres no, mi his first trip liaek to Klum ath Falls In flvo or six years. In glunclng around the city. Duncan formerly resided here aud was Interested In the stage bualneas between Ashland and Klumuth Falls. It took a- little (onsor to come from the valley aud over the (ireen Springs then, according to Duncan. Duncan Is now In the automo bile business In Fresno, Others to register yesterday in the rhunrher of commerce Included: O. II. Hill. Aptoa; James T. Fal lon, Petalunia: Charles Ahart, Marysvllle: John L. Spikes, Ilo dondo llnach: Charles It. Spencer, jLongmont; Caroline l.ucy Judd. OUIlia .?uinics; J. n. .umiii, muRi Undlng: J. K. Falli-y. Vlctorvlllo; (ieorge If. Cowls, Watsonvllle; W. ('. Dalton, Straw; II. A. I lac her. Chlro; J. P. (icdon, San Jose: leon D. l.ooplouow, HorVeley: Curds Coons, Champaign, III.; J. H. (IJi-rman, lloise: Kd Lanterio Jr., Chlco; I.. S. Cllne. San Jose; Ver non M. Wlckesa. Dunsmulr; Robert B. I.. Meyers, Dorrla; W. 11. Nut tall, Oakland; F. M. Scott. San Framiaco; Mabel K. Morrill, San Francisco: Kdward E. Burke, Fres no; Charles Duncan. Fresno: Mrs. R. II. Cullanan. Kenneth: Sam M. lugraham, Manteca; I.. U. Good rich. Stockton: Mrs. T. S. W(ther spoon. New Orleans; O. W. Mc Farlond, iirldley; L. Davis, Whlto Salmon, Wash.: Vergil L. Backus. Atuaa; Paul M. Gregg, Pasadena; C. M. Thompson. San Diego; E. Jf. Ulla, Alhambra: Klefer Living ston, San 'Mateo; Ralph O. Wads Worth, San Francisco. SUNDAY SCHOOL IS TO ENJOY PICNIC Food and fun are scheduled to feature the banks ot Fort Creek, near Fort Klamath, when the entire Sunday School of the local Molhodlst church leaves this city at 9:30 thla morning for an all-day picnic. In charge of C. II. Barnsta blo, superintendent. About 150 peopk, young and old, aro expected to attend the big out door party and participate In the games and swlmmlngwhlcb' re to fill In the time between testis to fond. The trip will bo made In automobiles. PROMISE TO HE 4iOOI CASK IS DISMISSED Tho case ot Kdllli Muxcy and Seth Ellis, charged with impro per conduct, was dismissed -by Justice- U. A. Emmltt yesterday af ternoon following the preliminary hearings. Both Mrs. Maxcy and Ellis pro mised to "bo good" to W. A. Wlest. assistant district attorney, follow ing their dismissal. Albert Myers, well known Mer rill rancher, waa In tho city for tew hours yesterday on buslneea. Jack Murphy of Portland, a fre quent visitor in Klamath Falls, Is hero for a few days this week, representing tho Wendell Candy company. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitman were In Klamath Falls Tuesday from Anna Creek Lumber com pany, where they aro spending the summer months. Your suit steam pressed, 75c. Free rails and deliveries. Sixth St. Cleaners. 224 So. 6th St. Phone 49-J. JJOtf Legal Forms Underwood's Pharmacy Sea Our Fine Assortment of Picture Frames. Let Us Do Your Kodak Finishing. STINSON'S STUDIO In tbe Hopka Bids Memo Books 10c to 50c Underwood's Pharmacy Let Ui Paper Your Home F. R. OLDS Wall Paper and Paint v Phone 192-W assifajawastaSSaBtsBMSaBVtsswBai Bath Fdwder $1.00 to $2.50 Underwood's Phartnacy Work Clothes That Work With Working Men ' Knit Unions Munsingwear, two - button seat, ecru or bleached, short sleeves, long sleeves in some sizes, ankle, three-quarters and knee lengths, extra quality cotton, regulars, shorts, talis and d "l large sizes, suitv 1 O E & W Ivanhoe and Univer sity brand knit; unions, white and ecru, short sleeves, long . legs, suit, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 Gloves Canton flannel gloves, blue knit wrtat, flno for plasterers, fiA, pair 7c. 3 pairs aSUC Heavy canton flannel gloves, blue knit wrist, largo. If. alxe, pair ...j tut 'Mule gloves, toanlon flannel, with yellow or gray leather palm. leather tippea lingers, .sjiu wrist. medium ana largo sixes, pair 50c Leat her palmed can Inn medium weight, ladles ite, pair f r Leather palmed cantoa medium weight, . 1 pair flannel, 35c flannel, 23c Leather gloves, wrist and gaunt- ioM3!! $1.00 Scout style, leather and composition sole, chamois, grain and elk finish, pair J3.50 to .. ....-... Ventilated oxfords, golden and brown, full leather, 13.45 and.. '. -. Peters chocolate glove seamless blucher, Munson last, waterproof composition outer sole, leather and - . 4tC CIV rnboer heel, soft cape r w--.IOsUVf - ' Peters -noeolute roselte' cap blucher. waterproofed throughout, ri3 double stitched, double Ithlckness waterproof solo,' ff hard cap, known as tho "barnyard shoe" . .... pO.Wvl Wolverine crown or tan cordovan "1,000-mlIe" shoe. leather or panco sole, stitched 8H, 9, V4 and 11 ; Lion Brand tan nlucher, Munson last, eoft tanned upper, 3-hook top. sewed and nailed leather sole, low rubber cap heel, flJO Q C high sewed tongue, capped toe . 1 POe3J Lion Brand chocolate blucher. thick eoft upper, plain toe. oak tanned leather sole and heel, 3-hook top Lion Brand tan army shoe, improved Munson last, extra quality thick soft upper, semi-hard cap. heavy duty sewed oak' sole, rnb oer cap heel, 3-hook. top also 'n black with pac toe, ( (J A welted sole, calf lined, no hooks, full leather Insole Pw(tJU Good Work Shirts Noxall blue chambray, coat style, two button pockets, sizes to 17 Steadfast blue, some grey, medium weight, good qual ity cheviot, coat style, RQ two button-pockets OeC . .... , . Steadfast, hickory stripe, coat style, two-button pockets, medium heavy closely woven cloth, extra - d " f( sizes ?1.25, sizes to 17 ij) leUU Bed Ball blue extra quality cheviot, triplet stitchedt coat style, two button-flap pockets, long 'C tail, sizes to 17 A Good Shoes at Workingmen's Prices $1.75 $2.85 blucher. and nailed, stzea 7 M , $4.85 $4.85 69 c J iNiliiihiiliiiliiil.iihlihlilihliUUailililiiiliiililililililihlililihlil - - KLAMATH FALLS m ii i m Athletics White and colored athletics, elas tic web back, ey f aites to 44 ifC NB Fallback, white dimity, no buttons, step-in style.1 v-aha'pe eiosiie bock ana front - and elastic shoulder traps $1.25 E w Springhalt, white dimity, elastic bock with enubber, to pre-'' vent ripping, with extra tapes . irom earn snonlder to snabber ...... $1.00 Other athletic type Including Topkls, . 89c, 95c nnderwear, $1.00 O'eralls Stonewalls 95c Full cut blue denim overall; bib, high back, 8 ounce, sizes to t it. All you want.' t' Super-Crown $1.95 .Warranted not- to shrink or ; fade, a new pair free ,lf they snring, extra cut, nammer nan- ' ger, bib only, high and suspender' back. Extra sites 2-25.. Levi Straus $1.95-r$2.25 Famous for Its every day ser vice, well known lor its quality: bib 11.95, extra alien 2.25. Levi waist overalls, the 9 -ounce v kind, 11.15. . : , Stifles $1.25 Golden Rule special of . Vlue stlfel cloth, bibs, full cot, high back, medium Weight, dark color. (, Blue Stripe '$U5;. Blue and white stripe Golden; i Rule Special, heavy twill deplm, bib, high back, full cut. Hip O'eralls $1.35 $1.50. Wheel Boss and Golden Role v , Special, Wheel Bobs' la boys sites -are 11.35 Golden Rule Special'1 hard twist 8-ounce denim, 11.60, both copper riveted. Jumpers r Crown Jumpers t.&S, larsje ! sloes $2.25; Stonewalls tV?5: , I titles $1.25; blue-wlte stripe,, 11.76; Levi Straus 11.96; extra- sites, 12.25. . . . . . - , ; $1.00 to $10 Underwml's Pharmacy