Page Fouf Thursday Julv 15. 1026 TUB KLAMATH NEWS TriA KlntrmfTi "Nawc'101 8t',e of Quarters has very oYflclaf Paper for the City of Klam ath Falls and KUnuih County EDWIN ROSE Managing Editor Pubjtshed every morning except Monday ry The KUmilh Neva Pub lishing Company at 102-111 South Fifth atreet, Klamaih Falls. Oregon. NATK OTTERBE1N Prealdent BYRON H. HUHl) Vice-Preaidenl WALTER STRONACH Treasurer! j " . """"" . . i (rood faith and good judgment rn wir j by building a neat little house CN1TE0 NEW mm UltKII PMKaS - ,. .... ... , ru.n,..t m th. worw. ,f h's own. Other workers - should do the same. There SiasCRIPTION RATES : : v.(i,; ; unA Delivered by carries. yar .m j Outside Klamaih Cuuny 0.1M: All Subscriptions Payable In Advance aubacrlbare falling to rmc-tlvm thatr iGfWtinn thi. fttpArlilv infrpas pp.r. call Circulation Department I ISiaCUOn. ine Steadily increas wiiiT.".." 'ot m" co ing value of. local property Kntered a second class matter at the poatoffice at Klamath Kails. Ore. pou. November 15, 1S23, under act oC March 3. 1879. Telephone STT afembar Audit Bureau of CircnlaUoa .1 . HOW GOES IT? A letter from San Francisco tells of a recent fishing trip in the Sierras without a single . o- -i . v..... o.nce its timer is anItucf0 had laid, burned kc, ardent fisherman it is only tinder. natural he should ask about H. S. Stryker. the night watch the chalices here. We know man whose presence of mind In 1 of course the fish are biting! warnin probably savedj ., ,u. .... . , - many lives, gave the alarm, running' up thu way but how does hej,hrouth tne corrido nd kB0Ck., know? And in the last an-uBK on doors. I alysis, what does the average! By the time he reached the up-! individual ever get to knoWjP" floor, the structure was wrap-! cbout angling conditions? ncd ln "he,th ' tlme- 1 . , . . , Whether -te escaped could not; Men Who go out week-ends determined. He is luted among i and run into any sort of luck, the missing. I Hf. ao iiu. l yj cam ouflage their hiding place. About the only chance one has to get at actual facts is when the game warden ar rests a man, as he did Sun day, for catching more than the legal limit That tells i the story in a nutshell, but if more of our local sportsmen, will keep us informed on ac tual fishing in Klamath coun ty, we will broadcast it to outside points and help make this the lurefor asjine a class of ourists as ii is possible to get. ? - '' ' CAUTION If Klamath develops into a speculative market it will be bad for the town. The col lapse of Florida real estate is too recent to be easily forgot ten, and any attempt to in flate values here will not ben efit the community. In the nature of things there should! be a steady upward climb, Dur. mere is nothing in the sit uation now to warrant boom tactics. ' A single issue of a Port land paper featured Klamath development no less than six times, mat gives a Wide im - pression of Unusual activity and has the effect of attract-!"" ing adventurers, as well as legitimate business enterprises. Certain caution must be used to find a basis of reasonable!1 nummity. according to worn, discrimination. A good healthy I rc,eive'1 ,rum ,'"r"an,, growth will be eenerallv wei-L A "1'1"hinK,, fire ne" 'he .. - g . a''y Wel" Ewauna logging camp on the In- come. Anything in the na- dian reservation, burned for a shortj iuic ui v. nu-caung snouia De frowned upon from the start, FOR INSTANCE Outsiders who want to make their stake in Klamath Viorl i,o(t.. i i placed at this time upon the ne- better organize along lines ofjceK8ity of taklng evcry precautlonI constructive service. The two! against forest fires." declared Kim-! essentials of every-day living, food and shelter, are easily capable, of expansion without hurting existing businesses, Food specialization is usual-j critical I liuve witnessed In all ly profitable anywhere, butmv 3! years of service." more so here on account of j Sl,.n. n.-ti.p. M.IIP numerous strangers. Even Dtiiiu V HiitK- ii i i-oisovi tourists hv to ho fori .nrl - - ' ' ',MHN A ,.,i,i i " meaia are ; j ... anic uvruHemenis ior any town. : Comfortable lodgings are in growing demand and suggest opportunities in the line of furnished rooms and apart ments. The more liveable and attractive these can be made the better the chances, precaution to drink a bottle of car for profit. The old dormi-Miolic add. as a business proposition they fall short.-. 1 BUILD MORE HOMES rVith land ' and lumber a-plenty why the continued! scarcity of homes here? The 1 v... ,.- nothing to lose by home-mak- wll now in Klamath. I Aside from the personal sat- should be a big incentive, lhis is a good time to build. CATSKILL TAVERN IS DAMAGED; IS PERISH (Continued from Pajto One) Winch and Miss Ida Ladcr of New York, next to the hotel. The sleepers escaped. ! Was Frame Building I Fire started in the servants' quar- ,er ln lhe "orthweat comer of the I"0'"' The w.lir"1lf of wood over which a thin layer of Wife of Chef Heroine Mrs. Erdline. wife of the chef.! tit another believed tn have died i in an heroic attempt at rescue. She had been carried to safety, but; failing to see her husband out side, hurried back Into the flam ing building. She has not been ,een 8lnce' Tragic irony was added to the vain attempt hn it was learned that her husband was safe at ' the! time she- went into the hotel Late today a wedding ring was found in the ruins. It was in scribed: "To Mary from Cornelius, October !0. 1910." Jd. was. . believed to -hav.eielooied to Mrs. Cornelius Eckenbrecker of Orange, N. J., who has been listed as missing. Late reports gave the number missing as six. Two persons, Mrs. F. W. Backus, 70. of Forest Hills. X. Y., and Mrs. Laura Garrett, 55 of New Jersey: are tn a critical con dition, while 1? others were slight ly hurt. 1MFW pirpc WAr.iiur. " ' dUAllt.KC.LI IUJNi . (Pontuimvi from Pag. One) ,larUng at n o'clock in th e morn ing in the Silver Lake district near Sugar Pine Mountain, proved the ! 1 most serious of the trio and reports I received here late last night advised that the original force fighting the hla.n 1. .1 hnnn M.Ia.i.H. U. creased. i Klmnau was of tne opinion that, I the Sllgar plne Iire be un- .IT"' ,U"r "'.W I i - " - rocity of the flames. Today will j be an exceedingly dangerous day for forest fires because of prevail- time late yesteraay atternoon. iso damage resulted from this blaze, shot him down as he stepped out which covered a few acres and of his automobile with a demijohn! which, according to C. H. Daggett,0f whisky In his hand. I was extinguished in short order by j men at the camp. WILD WEST GUN ' loo mucn emphasis cannot be ball. "The woods are terribly dry imd the weather is very much; against us in tire Iignting. All this makes for highly abnormal condl-j HnnH HiIm ueuunti iiv fn tltn mnul ".. - h ax i ii n n nr onn u v u fsuiclde leap" took a new vie-1 tlm in a new way during the re-j cent holidays. The cliffs descend I 600 feet precipitously Into the sea "I this where so many people Jump?" avked a visitor of Major Harry Dclbos. He was told It was. As the visitor tried to fling him self over the cliff the officer caught and held him, but the man died iy feline gf flincrnnA "US 01 IxdngldlHl Blaze Again; Two Murders CHICAGO, July If. The guns of gangland are blazing again in Cicero. After a brief lull occa- stoned by police activity In the kill ing of Assistant State's Attorney I William MeSwiggin. the old feud; between rival beer runners has been resumed. ... . - Detective squads are - smashing, their way.jhrougn another aeries off raids on saloons, many of which j have been reopened in the little suburb since the "clean-up" which j followed McSwiggln'a death, but they are running inlo the same conspiracies of silence that have defeated them before. Nobody knows who killed Jules Portuguese, the flashiest gunman j of the "valley," and nobody knows h ki"e Joseph Clccone. the al- cohol peddler who was too ambi tious. Both men were murdered Wednesday. All that ponce can learn is that two more competitors in the "liquor racket" have been eliminated by the guns of their rivals. Their bul let torn bodies and their records I are evidence enough that the bloody war Is on again. Portuguese's career abounds in good excuses for murder but the Identity of the persons who took him ",or ' rlde" remain5 ob,curo- Ile uiieu cut in on ine proms oi ine Sicilian beer runners and at one time was under suspicion In the murder of Dion O'Banion ctccone's death was a .simpler; matter. He had Just started In the lucrative alcohol trade. No doubt! he was threatening to get some ot the business of the two men whoj drove up in front of his home and PLAY IS STAGED (Continued from rage One) whizzing over their heads. Traffic became confused. Policemen's wnisties sounded. Motor horns were sounded. Broadway experienced all Hi. unnuallnnu i.t o uM,l u,AU ing spree before the gunflro sub- sided. T1,e t,lrce ,ller bandits escaped. The ,hree wountled won,en' Mr- Mary Steffanson, Mrs. Ilernard Sus- ... . ... tr auu .urs. a. jaing. and tne w,,n,i,i hT,i... ... ,.t. to Bellevue. Physicians said the' man's condition was' critical and ' that he might die. ) PORTLAND, July If. (United! News) Another year will be al lowed Oregon and California iul trymen In which to prepare to meet the quarantine regulations of Washington on 'baclllary white diar. rhoea of fowls which were to have gone Into effect August 1, The Water Fine ! Butter Substitute Is Butter, States Leader of Women" DBS MOINES, la., July . ! (In I ted News) "The best subsli-j tuto for butter Is butter. That ap plies throughout the business world." I This counsel was profit red to a group of delegates attending the, national convention tf business andi professional women' here, tj'day by -Mm, Ora Snydor at Chldago. , fa-, mous for her capitalization of the home-made candy idea. f j "Personam y Is the greatest fac-' tor In success and a smile is the biggest 'factor in personality," she said in , explanation of her busi-' ness philosophy and pructico which! requires all of her saletrglrls to I greet customers with asmile. j ' i "Big Tim" Fired As Boss of Tire Dealers' Combine CHICAGO. July U. .(United News) "Big Tlm" Murphy, Chi cago's famous labor leader, has been ousted as president of ho local tire dealers' association, where he was trying to make .120. 00 with which to pay a government fine for his part in tho Dearborn station mail robbery. j The injunction restraining Tim and his associates from hulling of fice was Issued Wednesday y Judge Ira Ryner on application Xt mem bers, who said Tlm had ' "strong armed" himself into tho presidency. The' disgruntled members ' charged that .Murphy had resorted to his old practice of using dynamite bombs against tire dealers who declined his invitations to Join the associa tion and pay the Initiation fee. Tim says the association will be sorry It nut him out and that unless " turns up" here" he may go back into the banana and banana oil business in nouthern Texas. OBITUARY ItlFtS KLSWORTII IRWIX Kufus KlHworth Irwin passed away at the residence" of tils son Klmer W. Irwin, 6 15. S Jefferson street, shortly lifter midnight Tues day at the ago of 64 years. Ho! is survived by one son, Klmer, of, this city; one daughter, Mrs. Har riet Lncretla Crowley 0 San Fran cisco, California, and it.-, brother, Thomas W. Irwin of Oswego, Ore gon. The remains are at tho Karl Whltlock Funeral Horn. Pine ave nue at Sixth street. Mrs. Crowley will arrive this evening from Call-i fornla, and the remains will be sent to Aurora, Oregon, Friday: morning. Funeral services and In-j terment will ho held at Bartow, Oregon, where Mrs, Irwin was laid to rest .seven years ago. i For result use News Class Au. Belgian King Is Given Power of Greater Scope IlltrsSKI.S. July II. United! News) The bill giving the Del-' glan government practically dictalo-j riut powers has already caused lm- provemcnt of lhe Belgian franc and .:v bpecial Communication! Klamath Lodge No. 77, , A. F. &. A. M. Work in M. M. Degree Friday, 7:.'!0 V. M. July 16th. COMING JULY 17th The Whippet OVERLAND-KNIGHT SALES CO. 4th and Klamath Ave. ' ' phone 899 Skirts Higher Is Fashion's Latest Offer to Women .!K8 MOINKS. la.. July II.- I li it Nitwit) Wutiiva tlri'm. ri' vlliiKly li attract, hut nlmil uml vin hor:or klrt nr not ihtiiuind ftl by wuuirti. Thny nru pruthulii of tr uitttiuructun'rH tlt'Nliiiiorii, fthu Httk tti iiiHku ttiut t 4lirmoii with tlio Irani utmniiil of liuth. In t)M'ff wiittlrt MitdMiiiit Mull. lllUlillo itRi'J IllOitlettit nf 1.11. V(ll wnrth, Km 11 hah, rxptultird to tlrli' Kiitt'H iiIttMitlhiK tho mitluiiitl ion ViMitiou nt tlm KriliM'ultoii itf IIiihI-ih-nm mitt niftH,nrmr WtniHMiii cliibit tho itMiHoiiH for lrt'nm wliUh urn worn IUkU uud uru uriuhiiilly KultifC hlKhor. (juiwtlniUMl na tu w hot her tttrU vt tlm uitililluwt'fit hIiuuIiI itilupt futli- li'tl'lt ItttWlt I'llUt, l1lVUtlllK klK'K toiiKth ilrt'Kiu now in vokuo, four Hull' hlKhrr, V.:'. !.- Hull Hitltl: "(VrUluly. (Jlrbt from tiio Kim na whout fit' I tin nntl Iowk corn country tlrviui s well an thflr iih( crn nr written. nltttim, nntt If tin1, manufacturer), rW thiiu ilrttri wtlliout HklrtM they will wcur thrui. "llooth Turkiiipton htm mntlo thn attitrmcnt that tho womun fifty year lieiic would wear no Uri'itu at all. 1 would aay thai at tlm l rea ct! t rato of ahhnvlatlon women will ro undothpit lu half that tlnio." Its passage by parlianivnt is re garded an a certainly. While tho bill nominal!)' vents the power In the king lis ineunliiit ia that the govt rniiienl may lake any nieaetirea neceiiary during the troubled financial situation without having to consult the parliament. The klni's fgnalure will hv re quested after the meusuro ha lieen definitely determined by the cabi net. For reaulta use News Class Add. Let Us Paper Your Home F. R.-OLDS Wall Paper and Paints Phone 192-W Fraternal Order of Eagles Meet Friday Evening, 8:00 p. m., Moose Hall Installation of officers. All officers and members are asked to be present. I'lUINK IJIHI WESTERN TRANSFER COMPANY 4111 M tIN TUANSFKK AMI llltAVINfl AMERICA'S FIRST EUROPEAN TYPE LIGHT CAR The Sensation of the Year WATCH FOR IT Reliable Painter F. R. OLDS 002 Klamath. Phone 192-W A REAL SNAP TVn acrea. clone In. aeven acria iimlnr dllcli. good soil, lame allude trees, fenced, Tlila l an Ideal pluca to ruln chlrkcna. pit". "IM'li-a i.r lierrlcn. Juki lhe rllit Ui fur diverllli'il fiirmliiK. I'll l l a lii'uuillul liomv site mid n tmiiicy maker. Miml be auhl nt unre. Teruia. Iluuu. HEAD & READ HUM Main. Biff Dance Friday Night at Jackson Brothers Gasoline Station On Merrill Road Good Time-Good Music Office SIS Mala He. Klamath Kails, Or. I'hone true. Office Stage Depot. Hertford, Ore. Phone BOO. TRAVKb. IV MOTOR HTAdH SWIFTLY SAFELY COMFORTABLY Dy th HOWAItl) lltlMK8 KTAtlF.U To Ashland Medford Portland Marshfleld Direct Cnnnertlnn at Junction ' With Pickwick Hisses to All point South Tltt'NKH rXJH (WI IKIItNIA Sen us, we handle. Voldi'rs malted nn request. . srolDXKIt at any point on Pick wick Uyaiem. Fare Klamath Falls to: Ashlnnd f 3 SO Bedding a. o Sacramento IS. 70 San Francisco 16.00 los Angelo ... t.7l San IHego . Jo OS Snn Joo 1HI Kl Centra 14.81 Leaving Time Medford, , 10. JS a. m.. 1:30 p. m.; Klamath Fall, '4t a. m . 1:00 and 1:45 p. M. He use lie.i., Cadillac buuea.