THE KLAMATH NEWS Tupwlay, July fi 1928 Pa?8 nt One.Cent j a Word Each Insertion Telephone SIT One Cent a Word Each Insertion Telephone BTT , IGM WANT AD CLASSIFIED AD RATES 1 Pr word Moh tin ad la printed. hBI ad ras on vk It ft dl. eonnU ' lame ad ran on month 40 discount. It per word Mob 'time ed I printed. , TELEPHONE 877 THB BIO MARKET FLACB FOR SALE Reml EUt (1350 Pour roam home, close In. Small payment down. Iilko Tbrmi rnnm furnished house, tlood location, excellent buy. Soma terma. IJiGO Four room new modern homa in Hut Springs. Deeirablo location, amall payment will banilla. . , (3350 New Four room houae. atrlcily modarn In good locail'tn. Hardwood floor, fireplace, nuuk, bullt-lus. garagu un large lot. Small paymant down. 4000 Nina acres rlrh land. mllra from canter of clly. $2000 worth C polnluea eold oil thla land laat eeason. Suitable (or aub-dlvlalon. Investigate Ibla. Terms. A. A. BELLMAN CO. 120 No. Seventh. I'bono 158. BEAUTIFUL new seven room bung low on good corner on lh Ht. . Irlra I10.OO0. Call 901 Liu--. coin. Phone 443. Full BALK Four room modern bungalow on Michigan, two porch- ea, gnrage and woodshed. I'rlca ' $3H00 or $3oO caah. Call at vol Lincoln. I'hona. 449. FOIt BALK A bargain. Hlgbt room strictly modern two atory -. plaatered houae, five bedroouia . with closets, acrean porch arroaa bark of houae, newly papered and outaltle painted, double garage, cement sidewalks, woodahed, new clover lawn and roam, four peach treea. On large- corner l"t, two blocka (rum normal school and two high, schools.. Will aell or trade for Klamatb FalU property. Price $50ou. Cull at 901 Lin coln. I'hona 443. . LOT UAKUAINM Sire 50x120. Veil located m ' original town .. alta. Prlca $126 and $360 each. Terma. Alao fine lota In Fulr vlew addition. $0x120. IVIre $275 each. Choice In Hot Springs addition, only $500. 609 . So. (Hi Ht. l'huno. 969. SNAP Five room hones, partly flnlahrd. Just puttiug on the ahinglca. Two blocka off Main. $900. Home terma. Act quick. . It C. Hanaon, Humakcr Motor i Co. Three room modern houae in good location. Price $2350. $300 ' down, amall monthly payment a. I Call at $01 Lincoln. Phone 4 43. Two four room modern houaea In good locatioua. Ona priced at -' $1300; ona at $3000. 1500 down and monthly paymenta at $40 per month. Including Intereat. Call at 801 Lincoln. Phone 443. Nloa modern bungalow op pavement. A good buy at $3500 . Call at 901 Linooln or Phona 443. Five room modern bouaa and gar age on vth St. A nice boma. i Prlca $4500. Call at HOI Lin '. eold. Phone 443. I Corner lot with four two room houaea. eloae In. on pavement. A bargain. Price $3750. Call at $01 Lincoln, mono s. I Strictly modem atucco bouaa. three blocka from Main atreet. In cen- ter of city, beautiful view, bard wood !' ora, tlla bathroom and alnk, g$rage, furnace, everything convenient and atrlctly up-to-date. Call 01 Lincoln. Phono 141. New four room modern bungalow with nice range, ana unoieum ju kitchen and bath. Well budt. Prloa $17(0. $500 down and eaay monthly paymenta. van vi Lincoln. . Phone 443. IF YOU WANT to Boll your farm or obtain a low Intereat rate, long term loan on una. Bee WIBHAtUI HBALTl UU 114 Bo. 7th St. Insurance Real Eatate Farm Loana Oltf Two flva acre tracts on highway (onr mllea aaat of Klamath Falla. Prlca (1.150 each .or $360 pr acre. Under Irriga tion and cultivation. Can vol Lincoln.- Phone 441. A nice little homa cloaa in, In a four room modern houae and one- halt acre of land. Prlca (1000. Call S01 Lincoln. Phona 441. number of good lota In different parta of tna city, rrieea reason able. Call (01 Lincoln St. Pbom 443. Two good resident lota In Mllla ad dition - Pries $2(0 each. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. A number of new modern . bunga lows. Prlcea reasonable, alao on reasonable terma. Cull 901 Lin eold. Phona 443. WB HAVE) BOMB REAL bargalna In both city and farm proporty opportunities to trada or az- onanga. WISHARD REALTY CO. Inaurance 111 So. 7th Ht For Sale Real Estate Cont'd 100 ier front fiMl, business pro pariy. One-half block from pine at real. ISO par month rent fur alnra build ing. One-hull block off Main. Restaurant and boarding houne. Cloud Income. Easy tarmi. Hotel leaae and furnishings, For rant, 1, I, and I room bouses. For trade, arrange, close In. 9 3 1 IS 0 for wall built 4 room mod ern bouse. $350 cash, Huve client for five room bouaa. J. C. FRENCH CO. 110 flnulh 7th HI. I'hona 71. We have for aula Improved and unimproved property In every ad dition In the city. 1.01a range In price from 1100 up. If wn have not - what you want In a realdenre, will finance and build for you according to your own pluna. on very reaaoituble ternia. Office open Hundaya from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. J. C. Itlcliter Co. Corner lltli and Oak. I'hona dug. FOR RUNT 1 rooma and hath, Ore gon avenue. Unfurnlabed, $30. FOR RALE flood lot In Utile Addition, $300. FOR HALF Fine new collage In Mills addition, $20110. $5ou will handle. FOR SALE Lota In all parte of Klamath Falla at reaeunable terma. FOR SALE Fine piece of acreage within 3 mil of city. Can he aold at a whole or divided. 10 ncrea In place. Wo Inaura everylhlng from your life to your automobile. MOMYKR MOM YER RpuI Estate .and Inaurance. Phone 344. Hupka Hid Modern 4 room near homa and acre, lust outalda city llmlte. Low caah price or terma. P, O. Box 154. New four room bungalow with breakfaat nook, garage. In good location. Price $31(0. (300 down and $50 per month. Call at 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. Four good realdcnt lota near Cali fornia Ave. I'rlre $350 for cor nor lot and $300 (or each In side lot. Call 901 Lincoln or Phona 443. Nlco modern (our room bungalow, garage and wood houae. shrub bery; and near acoool and one block from paving. Price $3250. $000 down, eaay monthly pay. menta. alao a number of good new houaea (or sale. Call 901 Lincoln. Phone 443. Three room houae with bath and ona two room houaa and garage Cloaa In on pavement. A good Income property. Prlca $4000 Call 901 Lincoln bt. .Phone 443. New atrlctly modern four room house with double garag and small noaa m pack. Prlca $3500, Terma. Two 1 room furnished bonsai wllh garages, near Sixth street Prlca (2(00 for the two.a A good in , vestment. Both rented, $(0 par month lnooma. New four room modern bungalow, furnlahed with moat all new fur niture, la (ood location. Prlca (4000. Call (41 Lincoln' Street Phona 443 XOTICK TO CRKDITOUS ' Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned was. on the 26th day of Juno. 1924, duly appointed ad ministratrix of the eatate of Moses rrasler, deceased, by lha County Court of the State of Oregon for Kiainatn County and all porsons having claims against the said en tato are notified to present same to said administratrix, nt the law office of David R. Vandenberg. Klamath Falla. Oregon, within alx months from riute of thla notice. Datod July 2nd. 1926. CLARA SILVIA, Administratrix of the Estate of Moses Frasior. Deceased. J3.10.17. 24 In Our Office "B.CI-BO t)DOVJ "SEal -THE MTO 'TAILED OO-V M FTiONT OP TVE OFFICE For Sal Rani EaUt. (Con't) $1500 uaw nicely furnlahed I room houae, partly furnlahed, lota of electrical outleta, kitchen haa all btillt-ln features, range, hot and cold water, electric waaher, two lota, each 50x120 on cornet, room for two more houaea. $l$U0 caah, Imlunce $10.76 month and 4 Interest. Apply owner, 625 Ixiwell Ht. Ona and a half blocka euat of I'ellcan City highway, Lukevlenr addition. FOR 8AI.E A bargain In a corner lot. alia 40170 ft. In lluna Vlata. In good location. Prlca $2BG. 175 down and 1 6.7 6 per month. Call 001 l.lnrolu fit. Phone 443. FOR SALE Two room bouaa and garage, eptendld large lot. Price $'JUU, on eaay terma. Call Vol Lincoln. Phone 443. FOR SALE FOR HALE Now Columbia Urafo noln, $30. Thirty-one new reiords worth $23 and about IS old recorda. All for $45 caah. I'hciie 4UU-W-1. Collies, Cocker Hpatilcls. Hprlngur Hpunlela, Llewollyn H'ttnrs, Rua slun and Irlah W'nirhouuda, und tlerman Police puppies. Prices $5 to $75.00.. Kennela. Pelican City Road. Phone 1044-W. Watklna Producta Bold at 120 Bo. 4th. I'hona lli-lt. One Vernla Martin bed. eprlng, enm- plolo; uu icet rubier garden boae, nearly new; piano box. 933 High atreet, corner Tenth. 200 saclu potatoes, $2.00 per hua- , tired, c. A. 11 tl 1. itouta 1. One Mile Routheaat of Mt. Lakl. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 9t. Francia Apis. 62a Onk. Weeping room. 414 Walnut. Modern furnished Apt; sleeping room and 2 office rooma. Wln tera Hldsr 710 Main. Small two room furnlahed apart ment, r.ieciric range, c.atn. gar age. $18 per month. Electricity and water $7 per month. 901 Alameda. Phone 429-J. New two room furnlahed apart ment. New furniture. 25 per mouth. 901. Alameda atreet. Phone C29-J. FOR RENT Furnlahed apart ment. Ht. Francia Apia. 429 Oak. FOR RENT Furnished apartment at (12. Oak Ave. Inquire 804 Oak. i Three room apartment nicely fur nished and clean. Garage, fuel, water. 2301 Wantland Ave. Phone 239-J. First class apartment. Lights, wa ter and heat furnished. Evans Apia. Phone 200. FOR RENT First claaa furnlahed apartment, steam heated. Mo Carthy Apartments, 630 Pin. Phone (00. 014tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ELSA C. SAUERBERO Public Stenographer and Bookkeeper Phone Business 72. Res. 24-J. 130 So. Seventh Street. CONTRACTOR'S BIDS WANTED Plans and specifications are ready for construction bids on the Wright Llnfcaty warehouse. Contractors are Invited to shbmlt bids on the sanio. Cull nt Ivan Smith's of fices for plans and specifications. Jltf School District No. 1 of Klamath County. Oregon, will receive sealed bids on construction ot a three room and auditorium addition to the Mllla Addition School. Bidders will obtain plans and speftclations from C. N. Ooaeboom, Undorwood Bldg. All bids to bo plainly marked "Sealed Bid," to be addressed to Ida B. Momyer Clerk. School Dist rict No. 1, to be accompanied by certified check or hlddor's bond for 1 5 of amount bid, and to be In I the bands of tho Olerq not later than nnnn nf Titltf 1 IflOd The Board reservea the right to reject any or all blda. Checks submitted must be certi fied. Uncertified checks will not be considered ns somplylng with terma of advertisement J23 Jy6 Inc. For results us Now Class Ada. flvMWaT. -rM6 AHE t-ttt.EK'SMOtT inHOUT TS. FnCM .it a-GOCfe CNS, LOOK V. CWHt) VEKH,He WIcTthM- i I I L a n,-nefiiii wm cftocx tot-t. hood on he smD.iA been (Iemem rAA.x.e it -feecMJSe .thk I IA I ; WUHNINt .QOONt U. -. . "I RUNWXtj- VJITMOOT I) fcO .! tiHCELS teE f ' ''f')A HELP WANTED C5iy Eoployimcmtt We f urn lib competent belp for the kitchen, dining room, eaw mllle, construction campa, loggara, labor era and tanners. Courtesy and Berries onr motto. W. K. Carter, manager. (If Mala Bt. Howard 4k Urlmaa Btaga Depot, Phone 946. (14 Girl for genera) bouaework. Call 190. Olrl for general houaework. Phone i 190. 1 KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY i Hup piles all klnda of help. Phone 157 James Ryan. 101 Main. Klamaih Falla. Ore. WANTED SITUATIONS Young woman dealrea housekeep ing. Preferably tbe country. Call at Now office. WANTEDWashlng or cleaning by the fionr," 320 No. 10th Ht. WANTED t Window washing.. House and of fice cleaning: caring for lawn. Have Kong. 123 Hixth Ht. Pbund 513. . Dogs boarded. Open air run pets Special rare. Kennels Pelican City Koad. Phone 1044-W. To buy 1 or 7 room bouse. Phone 949. Plain sowing and laundry. We can ana aenver laundry. 103t High. Phone 24S-R. LOST Dark mottled Persian kitten. Three months old. steward. Call 363 J. or return to Klamath News Tueadav. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Betty Jana Beauty Hhoppe. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Call 796 (or appointment. Watklna Producta aold at (29 High St. Dr. Homer A. La Libert ChlropracMc Physician Physiotherapist Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Sunday and Evenings by Appoint ment. Room 104. - Phono 149-W. .. Winters Bldg. 713-14 . Main St. Piano tuning and toning, work guar anteed. C. W. Badendeld. LeaTe orders, H. J. Winters, Wlrtt Music Store. Let us build your camp mattresses. Klamath Rug and Mattreaa Works. Phono 1191-W. Rug and mattreaa works. W do all kinds ot repair work, alao rug cleaning. One day service. Phone 1198-W. 1855 Portland St. Carpenter and builder. Expert re modeling. C. E. Woodley. 123 tsoutn Kiversio Ave. YOUNO TRANSFER CO. Moving-Storage Phone 1097 HENRY E. PERKINS Lawyer State and Federal Courts American National Bank Bide. Klamath Falla We Collect Honest Debts Anywhere In tho United States and Canada. KLAMATH COMMERCIAL SERVICE 119 Smith Fifth St. Phone 338 Collections: : Credit Rating Service Dr. E. O. Wisecarver Dentist. Phona 645. Underwood Bldg. 624 FALLS TWICE IX SIX WEEKS; REMAINS UNHURT GARY, Ind., July 5. (United News) Hugh Oambetl, airplane pilot. Is beginning to believe he bears a charmed life. Twice in six weeks he has crashed to earth in tbe wreckage of pianos and each time he haa escaped without a scratch. XOTICK OF HALE IN CHE COirNTY COURT OF THE static uvr riHKiuiv rnn ki.iu. ATI! COUNTY newapaper publiahed at Klamath ' Falla. In Klamatb Connty. Oregon, by order of tbe Honorable A. L. In the Matter of the Gnardlanablpl Lcavltt, Jndge of aalrt Court, dated o( the Peraona and Eatate otjUne 14, 1924, directing auch sum Roger Rprlnkle. Iiavld Hprlnkle. mona to be ao publiahed not leaa and Robert Hprlnkle, Minors. than once a week (or six conee- cutlve weeks. Date of flrat publtra Notice la hereby given that pur- tlon, June 15. 1924. suant to an order entered by the: ONE1LL' ft IRWIN, County Court of Klamath County, n inuM tpwiv Oregon, on May 3, 124, In tbe """" ' ; .,, matter nt the guardianship of Rog-! , Plaintiff a Ottorneys. r Sprinkle. David Sprinkle and I Offlca and Post Office Ad Rohert Hprlnkle. and Robert dress No 12S. North 4th. Hurlnkle. minora, the underalgned' Street, Klamatb I alia, Ore. will, on and after July 10, . 1S2., aell at private sale, to the highest bidder for cash In band, all the right, title and Interest of the said minora in and to the premises dea crilied aa follows, to-wlt: Situate In Klamath County, Oregon. NK'A of BEK of sec tlon 14. the NWS, of NWU of section 22. and the of NE14 of section 23. township 24 Houth, Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian. Kids will bo received Ly the un dersigned at the office of R. C. Oroesbeck, Lawyer. America! Na tional Bank Building, Klamatb Falls, Oregon.' Dated: June 1. 1924. Eglantine L. Roper. Guard inn of the Persons and Es tate of Roger Sprinkle. David Sprinkle and Robert! Rprlnkle. JS. 15.22, 29 JyG Minors. lTBLICATION OF 8CMMOXH Equity No. 2145 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. Louise Sllilwell. Plaintiff, vs. Tbomaa A. Stlllwell, Defendant. To Thomas A. Stlllwell, the above named dofeldant: In tbe Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 2Ttb day of July. 1926. that being the last day within which defendant la allowed to anawer herein, aa fixed by the Court for publicatfon of summons herein; and if you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court (or the rellet prayed (or In the complaint (lied herein. namely, (or a decree of the court that the bonds of matrimony ex isting between plaintiff and defend- BILLYS UNCLE FIVE NUklUTES s- SO vout UUCL.E rSAj-r viA4, Kty ; loeui-T...., V.;,-..: REPKtH4T Tut VVkJOU I aCTVA.NCa l ujM-t; oU Tb 5 ifJlHW HIM THIS CARC J I HE oc I ( Sac oust lcmmIe waia, I ELI V tHKT CcBJ eVGAlkl I spr-.ujrXkrr to lutrre. a. J&w. Fr UTTU6. MOTE. OM . ant ba dissolved on the grdunda of ( for n"' J,1" aummona I k publlabed in The Klamath News, JJ.zz.z Jy.i3.20,Z7 NOTICE OP HALE Notice h hereby given that pur suant to order of the County Court of the State of Orepon (or Klam ath County, made and entered June 5. 192C. In the matter of the es tate ot Samuel Henry Cooper alaoi known as B. II. Cooper, deceased, undersigned administrator on and after July 6, 1926. will sell at priv-t ate aalu, to the highest bidder, (or cash or upon terms, and subject to confirmation by thla court, all right, title, and Iniereat of said Samuel Henry Cooper, deceased, in and to Lots 16, and 17 ol Block 3H In Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Falls). Oregon, at date of hta rie.-ith All tilil In ha In writ. I Ing and delivered to said adro'.n-i iatrator at hia office in Hooka Iluflrtlnr Klamath Kulla. nin Dated: June S, 1926. J. J. MILLER. Administrator of aald Estate. J8, 15. 22,29 J4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COTJRT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. In tbe Matter of the- Estate Nicola Clvltarese. Deceased. of Notice ' is hereby given to the creditors of the said deceased and all persons Interested In his eatate. to present their clalma to the un dersigned, the duly appointed ad ministrator of aald estate, at the office of J. H. CarnaFian, Rooma 1 and 2, LobmLs Building. Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from and after the first publica tion of this notice, to-wlt June 29, 1926. H. L. JONES, Administrator. J29-Jy6,13.20,27 LfcTEfc. Han Kranciaco, July roTATora . Whltea, lettt. Washington gems. $1.75$2; swaeta. No. 1, Ta ft (He; No. 1. 6ct4c. CATTUB Cattle ateady; steers, food, $7.50 6 $8.00; cows, good and cholcs, $5.50$(.00. Calvea. ateady; 190 lbs. and un der. $. 00 O10.50; over 160 lb.. $9.60f$11.60. Hogs, ateady; light. $14.00 (14.(0; medium, (14.50O1I.00. Bbeep, stesdy: lamba, medium ta choice. (11.50613.50; wes (4.00 t((.50; wethers, 7.50 $8.50. Portland, July S WHEAT Big Bend bluestem, (1.37, baart, (1.37; soft white, (1.37; western white, (1.37; bard winter, (1.37; northern spring, $1.32; western red, $1.32. WOOL Nominal; valley, fine half blood, 33c; medium three-quarters blood, 33c; coarse or three-quarter blood, 11c; braid. 31c. At valley points prices are lo to to higher for" se lected stock. F.CfiS Buying price, current receipts, 27c; hennery whltea, 21c; hennery pullets, 23c t 24c. , BUTTER ,:. Belling prlca, box lots, creamery prices: Firsts, extras, 41e for plaid wmppera, subject to discount of lO ( per cent; dairy baying pries 10. trHKK-ilg Selllng price: Tillamook cannty triplets. 27ttc; loaf, Mfce; Oregosi triplets, not branded, 35c; Tfluv mook, f.o.b. triplets, 25c; loaf. See; Cooa county triplets, 15c: kwt, lee. LIVE POULTRY . Heavy bens, 26ctj27c; HtBt to medium, 21c; aprlnga 11922c roosters. 12c; Pekln ducks, 2(c0 30c; colored, Uc; dressed turkeys, 4Oc041c; live turkeys. 10c- ; ; For results use Now Class Ada. . yTOUCKS t 0L,l ' ' '' ' - U1MV SHOULt I HA POOa OL UMK K R.OCK ) top Cf4ltt LIIC6 THIS J ' ' V--H6X- SMOQ2ER.1 ) p SKiOOitK X SV UXTLfe Real Eetnte Farm Loans . out i